visitors since April 2008 | 

The largest Shareholders of Bougainville Copper Limited on November 23rd, 2011 Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) has 401.062.500 shares outstanding. More than 73 percent of these shares are owned by Rio Tinto or the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Almost 27 percent of the shares are traded on international stock markets, mostly in Sydney and Francfurt/Germany. Unfortunately this listing must stay incomplete. Neither the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) nor Compushare Australia (in charge with shareholder documentary) feel obliged to communicate the correct figures about shareholders of BCL to the board of Bougainville Copper Limited. Also the Australian Government and the German Embassy refuse to remedy these abuses in economic information. Bougainville Copper itself argues that they only can publish such figures in their Annual Reports that are provided by Compushare. Even BCL's solicitors feel not competent to resolve this lack of information as well. In so far these updated figures only represent the ESBC's own research on BCL shareholders. All Europeans who are invested in BCL are supposed to be hidden in the nominee bank accounts (marked in grey). Under these circumstances it is quite surprising that an investor from Sri Lanka is mentioned in the BCL major shareholder listing. No doubt: Sri Lanka is only half-way to Europe! Honi soit qui mal y pense! Shareholder holding 100,000 shares or more. Aktionäre mit 100.000 oder mehr Aktien. Actionnaires portant 100.000 actions ou plus. # | Name Name Nom | Residence Résidence Ort | Country Land Pays | Aktien Shares Actions | 1 | Rio Tinto Limited | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 211,774,646 | 2 | The Independent State of Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby | Papua New Guinea | 76,430,809 | 3 | JP Morgan Nominees Limited | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 50,101,611 | 4 | Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 16,328,498 | (5) | ESBC (all members) | | Europe | (15,485,120) | 6 | National Nominees Limited | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 7,812,983 | 7 | Rio Tinto Base Metals PTY | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 4,099,452 | 8 | HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited | Sydney, NSW | Australia | 3,846,037 | 9 | J P Morgan Nominees Australia Limited | Royal Exchange, NSW | Australia | 2,088,674 | 10 | Mr. Dennis Küttner - ESBC | Berlin | Germany | 1,938,000 | 11 | ESBC - Member | Berlin | Germany | 1,720,849 | 12 | Mr. Franz Heinrich Rast | Bulli, NSW | Australia | 1,700,000 | 13 | Mr. Axel G. Sturm - ESBC | Escaldes-Engordany | Principality of Andorra | 2,300,000 | 14 | ESBC - Member | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 1,100,000 | 15 | Mr. Swen Lorenz - ESBC | Isle of Sark | Channel Islands | 1,069,371 | 16 | Mr. Steve Seehawer - ESBC | Berlin | Germany | 1.050,000 | 17 | Westco Nominees Limited | Singapore | Singapore | 900,000 | 18 | Penson Australia Nominees Pty Limited | Sydney | Australia | 890,000 | 19 | ESBC - Member | Bavaria | Germany | 680,000 | 20 | Deep Investments Pty Limited | Pymble, NSW | Australia | 629,343 | 21 | The Noble Hope for Construction Pty Ltd Superannuation Fund | Condell Park, NSW | Australia | 610,000 | 22 | ABM Amro Clearing | Sydney, NSW | Australia | 543,082 | 23 | Mr. Daniel Ronald Watson | Glenside, SA | Australia | 450,000 | 24 | ESBC - Member | Vienna | Austria | 438,330 | 25 | Mr. Garry Churchill - ESBC | Cairns, QLD | Australia | 438,017 | 26 | Mr. Anthony Patrick Cahill | Ascot Vale ,VIC | Australia | 434,000 | 27 | Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Limited | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 425,084 | 28 | ESBC - Member | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 400,000 | 29 | Deep Valley Pty Limited | Virginia, QLD | Australia | 377,000 | 30 | Mr. Peter Seitz - ESBC | Stuttgart | Germany | 370,000 | 31 | Mrs Sumithra Rambukwella Ranaweera | Colombo | Sri Lanka | 312,500 | 32 | Dr. Richard Sallie | Nedlands, WA | Australia | 282,152 | 33 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 276,000 | 34 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 250,000 | 35 | Mr. Lewis Haswell Finey | St Ives, NSW | Australia | 240,446 | 36 | ESBC - Member | Bavaria | Germany | 240,000 | 37 | Mr. Douglas Leslie Gannon | Glebe, NSW | Australia | 230,792 | 38 | Mr. Pere Weis - ESBC | Sant Julia de Loria | Principality of Andorra | 224,000 | 39 | Mr. Kaye Claude Castree Laun | Fig Tree Pocket, QLD | Australia | 223,200 | 40 | Pan Australian Nominees Pty Ltd. | Sydney, NSW | Australia | 203,363 | 41 | Mrs. Patricia Anne Allen | Greystanes, NSW | Australia | 200,000 | 42 | Anil Bakaya + John Francis Watti - Bakaya Super Fund | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 198,200 | 43 | Mr. Robert Stanley Allen | Greystanes, NSW | Australia | 168,692 | 44 | UBS Nominees Pty Ltd. | Sydney, NSW | Australia | 164,293 | 45 | Mr. Geok Loo Goh | Singapore | Singapore | 150,000 | 46 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 150,000 | 47 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 150.000 | 48 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 150,000 | 49 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 146,000 | 50 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 145,000 | 51 | Mr. Jordi Janda - ESBC | Barcelona | Spain | 142,432 | 52 | Dr. Ronald Jack Cohen | London | United Kingdom | 138,412 | 53 | Kiloran Investment Pty Ltd. Jaydee Super Fund | New Lambstone, NSW | Australia | 130,000 | 54 | Walter Alteri Superannuation Pty Ltd. | Brighton, VIC | Australia | 130,000 | 55 | MF Custodians Ltd. | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 130,000 | 56 | ESBC - Member | Munich | Germany | 130,000 | 57 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 130,000 | 58 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 125,000 | 59 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 122,850 | 60 | Mr. Nickolaus Georg Schettler + Mrs. Heather Margaret Schettler | Moorebank, NSW | Australia | 120,000 | 61 | JUSDOF PTY LTD Super Fund | Eleebana, NSW | Australia | 118,827 | 62 | Citycastle Pty Ltd. | Toorak, VIC | Australia | 110,000 | 63 | Mr. William Kam Wah Wong | Burwood, NSW | Australia | 110,000 | 64 | ESBC - Member | Cologne | Germany | 110,000 | | HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Ltd. | Sydney | Australia | 108.136 | 65 | ESBC - Member | Bochum | Germany | 105,000 | 66 | Mr. Trevor Ronald Rugg | Coffs Harbour, NSW | Australia | 100,500 | 67 | Copperzone Pty Ltd. | Melbourne, VIC | Australia | 100,000 | 68 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 100,000 | 69 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 100,000 | 70 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 100,000 | 71 | ESBC - Member | Datteln | Germany | 100,000 | 72 | ESBC - Member | | Germany | 100,000 | 73 | ESBC - Member | | Thailand | 100,000 | 74 | Mr. Kenneth John Jones + Mrs. Gloria Jean Jones | Nerang, QLD | Australia | 100,000 | 75 | Mr. Louis Kyriaku | Doncaster East, VIC | Australia | 100,000 | 76 | Maclean Warner Pty Ltd. | Balwyn, VIC | Australia | 100,000 | 77 | Mrs. Maria Beatrix Sandbach | Canterbury, VIC | Australia | 100,000 | 78 | N J Falkingham PTY LTD Superannuation Fund | Turramurra, NSW | Australia | 100,000 |
Find here the original top 100 shareholder listing of Bougainville Copper Limited established by Compushare Australia on June 28th, 2011 ! Rio Tinto and its subsidiaries as majority shareholder (53.82%) are marked in MAGENTA The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (19.06%) is marked in PINK Nominee banks are marked in GREY Investment Funds are marked in LIGHT GREEN The European Shareholders as a group are marked in DARK YELLOW ESBC members ar marked in LIGHT YELLOW ESBC members who did not want to appear under their name are called "ESBC - Member". All other shareholders are not marked.