JOURNEYMAN PICTURES is an English independent distributor of topical news features, documentaries and footage. The company publishes "The Journeyman Weekly" and has an archive of over 3,000 films. It has its head office in Thames Ditton, Surrey.
Until now JOURNEYMAN PICTURES published seven interesting reports on Bougainville.
To watch these films please click on the arrow and accept to be forwarded to Youtube, where you will land on correct page.
JOURNEYMAN PICTURES ist eine englische Filmproduktions und Vertriebsgesellschaft für themenorientierte Dokumentationen und Features. Die Firma vertreibt "The Journeyman Weekly" und besitzt ein Archiv mit über 3.000 Filmen. Hauptsitz der Firma ist Thames Ditton in der Grafschaft Surrey.
Bislang hat JOURNEYMAN PICTURES sieben Reportagen über Bougainville im Programm.
Um die Filme sehen zu können, klicken Sie auf den weißen Pfeil im Vorschaubild. Klicken Sie dann auf den "Watch Youtube" Link. Sie werden unmittelbar zu dem gewählten Film weiter geleitet.
Bougainville: Killer Deal (July 2008)
After Bougainville's President died suddenly in June, the future of the island's huge mineral reserves is in doubt. A secret deal gives an Australian business a 70% share of the resources but does the deal still stand?
Bougainville (May 2006)
One of the most volatile and reclusive figures in PNG's recent history, Francis Ona has re-emerged from his mountain hideaway.
Ona is the man who created the secessionist Bougainville Revolutionary Army, or BRA, in 1989 originally to fight against the operations of the Panguna mining company which Ona believed was destroying the land and environment, and paying little or no compensation to the owners of the land. The Panguna Mine - then the largest copper mine in the world - was closed, and remains closed today. The BRA fought a savage civil war for independence against the PNG government during the 1990s.
Bougainville’s King (May 2005)
Sixteen years ago, Francis Ona started a war that left 10,000 dead. Now Bougainville's self proclaimed King is threatening to derail the peace process.
Ona has long been a thorn in the side of the government of PNG. With the island on the verge of electing its first autonomous government, Ona is fighting for his political life. He's calling for the elections to be boycotted. As one former ally explains: " He's making a grab for power."
Coconut Oil (May 2007)
The people of Bougainville have come up with their own solution to the energy crisis -- coconut oil. It's cheap, plentiful and doesn't pollute. Little wonder other countries, are considering importing it.
From priests to the police force, locals are making the switch to coconut fuel. "There's no difference in performance and you don't have to do anything different to your car", states one consumer. Bougainville hopes to export coconut fuel to other countries. Unfortunately, in cooler climates, coco-fuels solidify and requires the addition of diesel.
Bougainville tastes peace (December 1997)
New Zealand peacekeepers have arrived on the beleaguered South Pacific island to observe the current truce. Mark Worth gets to heart of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) finding a rebel movement committed to ending the country's nine year civil war. If the current cease-fire holds until January then the UN will go in and the Papua New Guinea army will withdraw. BRA leader Francis Ona was the only important player not at recent peace talks. But almost his entire BRA command feel confident there is hope for the peace process. At Market Day in a local front-line village the BRA are spreading the message: "Be careful! Don't breech the cease-fire. If you breach it, you let your side down." Travelling up into Ona territory in the mountains, the mood is sharply different. Mark is ambushed by paranoid & hostile Ona supporters who call him a PNG spy. The support of local Chiefs has been vital to the BRA. But a village Chief rails against the long-running war: "Too many people have died. I'm really sick of it!" Despite the apparent split in the BRA thinking, the future for Bougainville looks brighter than ever. A report full of character and hope.
Inside Bougainville (March 1997)
An insightful report on the BRA rebels in Papua New Guinea.
Produced by International Award Winning Film Maker Wayne Coles-Janess, by ipso-facto Production for the ABCs Foreign Correspondent, as the first piece produce in Rebel controlled areas and includes dramatic front line action. On board a motor boat, BRA rebels skirt along the shore, bringing in medicine for the wounded. Travelling inland to avoid the PNG blockade, dredlocked rebels fire bullets up river. Rumours of civilian massacres at the hands of the PNG army have revived hostilities. A woman who lost one son and two grandchildren shows us the flesh wound, deep on the back of her leg. Her surviving son recalls, "they didn't warn anyone - they just shot them dead." People now look to the BRA for protection and many are leaving the government controlled care centres to live in bush shelters with the rebels. With increasing supplies of weaponry, they were able to capture 5 PNG soldiers during a government assault. Our film concludes by following the deadlocked negotiations between the rebels and the Papau New Guinea government to release the prisoners. Afterwards, BRA Commander, Sam Kaona, reveals that "the situation is quite tense" and that the "enemy" is planning "two angles of approach" to release the hostages. This hard access report includes an interview with Francis Ona, BRA leader and file footage of fighting between rebels and the government forces.
Broken Promisses (August 1994)
Produced by International Award Winning Film Maker Wayne Coles-Janess, by ipso-facto Production for the ABCs Foreign Correspondent. The first piece produced in Rebel controlled areas and includes dramatic front line action. On the Pacific Island of Bougainville a man lies dying from gunshot wounds. He is a victim of one of many violations in the cease-fire between Papua New Guinea's Government forces and the Bougainville Revolutionary Army. The BRA's struggle for independence claimed the lives of over 3,000 people, but they remain determined to fight on. Using a mix of weapons, some of which date back to the WWII Japanese occupation, the BRA continue to hold out against PNG's superior forces. Meanwhile, the Bougainville people, whose villages face indiscriminate destruction, are under a PNG blockade which has cut off food and medicine supplies. Exclusive interview with Bougainville's president and unique footage from behind BRA lines.