News 09.2012
Source: Post-Courier
African billionaire to visit PNG
SOUTH Africa’s mining magnate and first black billionaire, Patrice Motsepe, who has an annual net of US$2.7 billion, is coming to PNG next month.
He will be in Port Moresby to meet with key leaders; specifically, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, Finance Minister James Marape, National Planning Minister Charles Abel, Treasurer Don Polye, and Mining Minister Byron Chan, Petroleum Minister William Duma and mining and business entities.
Mr Motsepe, born in the sprawling black township of Soweto is a lawyer, who became the first black partner at Bowman Gilfillan law firm in Johannesburg and eventually ventured into mining in 1994 buying low-producing gold mine shafts and turning them profitable using a lean management style.
He is the chairman of Harmony Gold - a shareholder with interests in Wafi Golpu and other business interests in PNG.
Motsepe, who is also the chairman of African Rainbow Minerals (ARM), a leading South African diversified mining and minerals company, and has interests in gold, ferrous metals, base metals, and platinum.
He is one of Africa’s leading entrepreneurs and was voted 2002 South Africa’s Business Leader of the Year by the CEOs of the top 100 companies in South Africa. In the same year, he was the winner of the Ernst & Young Best Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka hosts youth fair
BOUGAINVILLE Mission of the Seventh Day Adventist Church is staging its biggest church program this week in Arawa, Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The Youth, Ambassador, Pathfinder and Adventurer (YAPA) Fair under the theme of ‘Transforming Grace’ is aimed at changing the lives of Bougainvilleans through God’s life-changing power of love.
The week long program is bringing together Bougainvilleans from all walks of life for the first time in the township of Arawa since its devastation during the Bougainville Crisis.
Locals from the districts of Buin, Nasio, Koromira/Kongara, Nasi, Wakunai, Inus, West Coast and Buka together with 38 church congregations numbering almost three thousand are attending the program. Also attending the fair is ABG Minister for Commerce and Trade Wilfred Komba, ABG CEO Finance Graham Kakarouts (who is also Pathfinder director for Buka District), the Youth Director for PNG Union Mission Pr Timothy Sandau, ABC NGI Region Director Anne Famane and other SDA guests. At the opening night on Monday, Mr Kakarouts announced the ABGs commitment of K10, 000 towards supporting the program.
ABG Trade Minister Mr Komba said that it (ABG) is also committing K1m to assist all youth programs in the region out of the K100m from the National Government. He said however due process must be followed in order to access the funds through the Division of Community Development.
The YAPA Fair involved marching, ballgames and other physical activities besides life-changing spiritual and inspirational messages of hope by guest speaker, Pr Sandau. On Tuesday the eight districts braved the midday heat when they marched from the SDA headquarters at Rumba to Independence Oval for the official parade. The procession of brightly-coloured uniforms representing each district passing by brought Arawa Market to a halt. The event is expected to draw more crowds and to have a positive impact in the lives of the people thus paving way for development.
Source: Post-Courier
Call for by-elections
A FREELANCE journalist in Bougainville is calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Electoral Commission in Bougainville to immediately conduct by-elections for the four constituencies in the province.
Former radio personality Tom Katoa (picture) decided to voice out his frustration over the delay in the by-election process saying people in the constituencies affected have been denied representation in the Bougainville House of Representatives.
He said the ABG has been tempering the constitutional rights of these people by not addressing the issue quickly.
“I want the ABG and EC to immediately conduct by-elections for these constituencies. They should start as soon as possible. If they fail to conduct these elections then they are deliberately denying the rights of the people in these constituencies,” Mr Katoa said.
“The ABG President Chief Dr John Momis has always been talking about the rights of Bougainvilleans. What about this by-election issue? If we do not conduct these by-elections then we are depriving these people their right for their representative to be present on the floor of Parliament,” Mr Katoa added.
Mr Katoa said the ABG and the EC should not make excuses that there was no funds available to conduct these by-elections.
Attempts to contact the Bougainville Election Manager for comments were unsuccessful.
The four constituencies are Lule, Rau, Hagogohe and Kongara.
Lule and Rau constituency seats became vacant following the death of their members (Paul Mitu and Joe Egilio) while the members of Hagogohe (Robert Sawa) and Kongara (Dominic Itta) had resigned this year to contest in the PNG National Election.
Source: The National
Mining exhibition in Cairns eyes top guns c
DOZENS of businesses are to showcase their goods and service capabilities to some of the biggest names in mining at the Australia and Papua New Guinea Mining Resources Exhibition in Cairns next month.
Among them are BHP Cannington, Rio Tinto, Century, Ernest Henry, Barrick Gold, Ok Tedi, Newcrest and Highland Pacific.
More than 60 exhibitors have confirmed space at the Cairns showground for the exhibition on Oct 12-13.
They included JM Switchboards, Northern Iron and
Brass Foundry, CNW Electrical, Charter Yachts Australia, IBS Engineering Supplies, Perrott Engineering, Tong Sing, Advance Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef International Marine College.
JM Switchboards director Mary-Ann McEachan said she believed mining pro-
vided a new avenue for their business.
She said the company had done little work in the sector and recognised it as an
area of expansion with the expo provi-
ding a venue to promote their business.
“We will look at manufacturing, supplying and the installation of switchboards if any mining company is interested,” McEachan said.
One of the event managers Keryn Hayes said Cairns had been chosen because of its proximity to PNG, its large fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) base.
She said they had “high expectations” and hoped to create the right atmosphere for the resource representatives to discover a large range of goods and services available to the sector in the Far North.
“This inaugural event is expected to boost the Cairns economy by bringing visitors and exhibitors from as far away as Perth and PNG,” Hayes said.
“The dates were especially chosen so that those attending could enjoy the weekend off in fabulous north Queensland.
“The expo provides the perfect platform for suppliers of the mining and resource industry to directly reach this niche market.
“This is a chance for workers of the mining industry from across Australia as well as PNG to shop around for essential goods and services and a fantastic opportunity for the exhibitors to meet these people and build sustainable working relations with them.
“We have invited mining delegates and representatives from 270 mine sites including PNG, Solomon Islands, Irian Jaya and Papua.
“We hope to establish a buying culture for the Australian and PNG based companies who supply goods and services to the mining sector.” – The Cairns Post
Hayes said entry was free but it was for trade representatives only, not the public.
Co-organiser Mark Eady said the number of stands would be restricted to 200 to ensure exhibitors received the maximum benefit.
“Cairns is a great place to hold this expo seeing as it’s already a major home base for FIFO employees to the resources industry which will mean the foot traffic coming through this event will be directly related to the industry,” he said.
Eady said there would be new, as well as tried and proven products and services on display.
The expo will include a meet and greet cocktail evening and an awards night for the best exhibits. - The Cairns Post
Source: The National
Bougainville women team up with agro-foundation
RURAL women in Bougainville have teamed up with the PNG Women in Agriculture Development Foundation (PNGWiADF) to network with other women and source new information and techniques to improve their agricultural farming practices.
During the launching of the Bougainville Women in Agriculture (BWiA) in Arawa recently, local women in agriculture and floriculture tied the knot with the national body.
The occasion coincided with a floriculture show which was attended by more than 200 women from nearby areas including Koromira, North Naioi, Awara, Kieta, Buka Island and Panguna.
PNGWiADF President Maria Linibi, who officiated at the occasion, said there was much enthusiasm and interest by women who had settled into a new life using the land and its resources following the Bougainville Crisis.
Linibi said women in Bougainville have also ventured into small business opportunities and have played a huge role in developing the island.
The one-day occasion was organised by BWiA under the leadership of president Delwine Ketsian.
The group was previously known as Kieta WiA but due to interest and attendance from throughout the island, the name was changed to BWiA.
The launching was done jointly by Linibi and commissioner of Central Bougainville, James Koibo.
Among others who attended were representatives from Central Bougainville MP’s office, women of Central Bougainville, other women leaders and farmers.
Linibi said Bougainville women had huge potential in agriculture development due to their ownership of land through the matrilineal family structure.
Local women said that the presence of PNGWiADF was a positive move for them to develop partnership, share resources, and learn from one another.
They said this was also the beginning of many good things to come through networking and having better access to information on agriculture and development through the PNGWiADF establishment and network.
Linibi said the women were determined and had the passion to participate in innovative development, as shown through the different exhibits and displays during the floriculture show.
Following the launching, Linibi was taken around the island on a guided tour.
Source: Post-Courier
BWF appoints executives
THE Bougainville Women’s Federation (BWF) now have an executive in place to manage the affairs of the organisation.
This follows the election of BWF’s office bearers following a two days annual general meeting held at the Buka Town United Church building in Buka on Tuesday.
The BWF executives that were elected include Hona Holan (President), Agnes Nara (V/President), Martha Barako (Secretary) and Anastasia Papi (Treasurer).
Mrs Holan and Mrs Papi come from North Bougainville while Mrs Barako and Mrs Nara represent women in Central and South Bougainville respectively.
Mrs Holan while giving her maiden speech as the first BWF president said her executives are ready to face whatever challenge that may come their way during their terms in office.
She said they will also try their best to assist women in Bougainville, especially in bringing up the women’s plight to the authorities responsible.
She also added that BWF was committed and ready to implement international covenants like CRC, CEDAW and UN Security Council Resolution 1325 that recognises the role of women in peace building, emphasising the need for their full participation in all efforts to promote peace and security.
Mrs Holan also acknowledged the support given by the stakeholders that had played a major part in the formation and establishment of BWF, and pledged that her executives will continue to work closely them.
Apart from the election of the executives, BWF also launched its constitution during a small ceremony which was held that same night at the Kuri Village Resort.
The constitution was unvealed by the ABG Minister for Women, Community Development, Youth and Churches Rose Pihei.
BWF’s constitution was drafted by legal officers from the law and justice sector in Bougainville.

BWF President Hona Holan presenting the BWF Constitution to Mrs Rose Pihei at the Kuri Village Resort
Source: The National
Bougainville policy
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville will reserve retail business for locals only, according to a new government policy.
ABG President John Momis recently announced that no foreigners would be allowed to operate retail shops on Bougainville, giving locals the opportunity to venture into business.
It will also encourage the business houses to fix prices on wholesale basis. Currently business obtain goods from Port Moresby and then mark up prices.
The ABG wants to avoid problems experienced in other parts of the country where foreigners dominate the business sector leaving locals little chance to compete.
Reports given by Commerce Minister Wilfred Komba in parliament indicated that the Bougainville import-export group would be liquidated because of differences between certain businessmen based in Port Moresby.
Momis said if foreigners continued dominating the retail business in Bougainville, they would be asked to leave.
The commerce division has listed businesses which should be reserved for Bougainvilleans only.
When the Panguna mine is re-opened, all supermarkets and retail outlets will be run by Bougainvilleans only,” he said.
Source: The National
ABG turns to it's own people
The township of Buka is no different to many other towns in Papua New Guinea except for one striking difference.
Whatever businesses that are operated within it are owned by Bougainvilleans.
Most of it, at least. Big operations such as shipping were, until the mishap of the Rabaul Queen and the burning of three ships off Buka, owned by Rabaul Shipping.
All the guest houses on the island are owned by local people and operated quite professionally by them.
That was why when a major business interest from outside the autonomous region got approval to build a major hotel near the Parliament House overlooking the bay, the news was greeted with anger.
They should be happy now the Autonomous Bougainville Government has introduced a policy to reserve retail businesses for locals only.
ABG President John Momis announced that no foreigners would be allowed to operate retail shops on Bougainville.
The purpose is to give locals the opportunity to step up and venture into businesses.
It will also encourage the businesses to fix prices on wholesale basis.
Currently businesses obtain goods from Port Moresby and then mark up their prices.
The president wants his autonomous region to avoid problems experienced in other parts of the country where foreigners dominate the business sector leaving locals little chance to compete.
Commerce Minister Wilfred Komba told the Bougainville Parliament that if foreigners continued dominating the retail business in Bougainville, they would be asked to leave.
He said retailing should be reserved for locals
The commerce division has listed businesses which should be reserved for Bougainvilleans only.
When the Panguna mine was re-opened, all supermarkets and retailing outlets would be run by Bougainvilleans only, he said.
Is the government being discriminatory?
We think not. We think the ABG policy ought to be adopted wholesale throughout Papua New Guinea.
There are far too many foreigners in businesses which should rightly be reserved for Papua New Guineans only.
Businesses such as tucker boxes, bakeries, small to medium size retail shops and supermarkets and other cottage industries ought to be reserved for citizens.
No Papua New Guinean, however rich, would be allowed to operate a retail shop in downtown Manila or Bangkok or Jakarta.
There is a reserved business list that has always been in existence.
Indeed, there exists a list of reserved jobs as well.
Both, unfortunately, have not been enforced.
Foreigners ought not to be blamed if they are involved in reserved businesses or holding down reserved jobs.
It is the authorities responsible for policing these reserved positions, such as the Works Permit division of Labour and Employment or the Immigration and Citizenship Services agency or the Investment Promotion Authority.
It is these government agencies which need to be fully staffed and resourced to police the reserved businesses and jobs.
The situation is far more serious than is thought.
An initial report into the anti-Asian riots of May 2009 revealed starkly that the underlying reason was because Papua New Guineans felt left out of the formal economy.
They felt their own government was allowing foreigners to come in and take their business opportunities and their jobs away.
When police tried to turn away informal sector workers who wanted to bring their grievances to the National Capital District governor, that is when they turned violent and turned on businesses owned by foreigners who they felt were cheating them of their opportunities.
That anger will always exist so long as the businesses and jobs that citizens can perform competently are not protected and made available to them. Bougainville is doing right by its people.
Source: Post-Courier
New focus in Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLE Regional MP Joe Lera has outlined his plan that he will be using the bottom up approach to revolutionise Bougainville’s Top-Up political system.
This is because he believes that it will lead to Bougainville achieving its referendum.
Mr Lera’s vision which he plans to achieve during his term as the Bougainville Regional MP is “to develop people to build a nation’’.
Mr Lera is currently visiting the 13 districts of Bougainville to introduce his five-year service strategy which was designed to achieve his political agenda.
The document highlights his actions within the domain of PNG development Vision 2050 and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s (AROB) Autonomy Project identified in the Vision 2050 and Bougainville 2002 Peace Agreement and the Autonomy Roadmap to 2015 Referendum.
“To drive this vision, the 300,000 people of Bougainville must be educated, basic Government infrastructure be improved and economic projects established to empower people to take part in the development of Bougainville,” Mr Lera said.
The plan outlines 25 projects that can help achieve Independence for Bougainville and to set the tone in his first 100 days.
Mr Lera has already secured funding for the following activities;
* Communicate his programs, nMeeting with three open members and ABG to outline areas of responsibility and mobilise resource to target critical infrastructure;
* Meeting with development partners;
* Identify and visit three high impact projects in the three regions;
* Negotiate extra budgetary funds for three towers in the economic heartlands of the three regions;
* Make statement and advertorial on the Korepovi – Laruma – Wakunai corridor road, Wisai – Kongara arterial road and Atolls expedient project;
* Trade skills scholarships;
* Establish strategic management mechanism in Port Moresby and ARoB and;
* Planning for 2012 bottom up planning meetings in January, Peace Agreement Audit for 2013 major meeting.
Mr Lera is now calling on all Bougainvilleans to work with him to implement his vision which will also provide a roadmap to achieving Bougainville’s political future.
Mr Lera has so far visited five constituencies in Buka Island and Selau in North Bougainville.
He has also visited Aita and Arawa in the Central Region to communicate his five-year plan and mobilise people to be partners in development.
He will be visiting South Bougainville next week.
Source: Post-Courier
Woman rapes boys
POLICE in Arawa in Central Bougainville have arrested a married woman after she was alleged to have raped three young boys last Friday.
According to the Arawa police station commander, senior sergeant Herman Birengka, the woman from Kopani village in the Kieta district had lured the boys with K20 before forcing them to have sexual intercourse with her.
Mr Birengka said they have brought the woman to the Meri Safe Haus in Arawa to stay there because there is no cell for women at the Arawa police station.
He said police are still waiting for the three boys to come forward and give their statements before police can proceed with their next course of action.
Mr Birengka said once all the investigations were completed, and depending on the evidence available, police would charge her for rape.
Meanwhile, Arawa police are still hunting for the driver of a vehicle which had overturned while speeding down the Premier Hill in Kieta resulting in the death of one of the passengers on Independence Day.
Mr Birengka said the vehicle, a Toyota Landcruiser, had gone off the road and overturned five times as it rolled down the mountain side.
The driver of the vehicle was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.
Five other passengers who were also on the vehicle were admitted to the Arawa Hospital but have already been discharged.
Mr Birengka said once police apprehended the driver they would charge him for dangerous driving, causing death.
Source: Post-Courier
Mine update, Momis
THE NATIONAL government annual K500 million reconciliation payment to Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) with the first K100 million given by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill paved forward negotiations on the re-opening of the Panguna mine which still in progress with many positive achievements and changes already taking place.
ABG President John Momis said during the recent ABG Parliamentary sitting this month, much work has already been done in preparing the ABG and landowners to negotiate the future of the Panguna mine.
President Momis said 98 percent work on the preparation of the initial six landowner associations has already been completed, with the Rorovana Association still awaiting its certificate of incorporation.
An interim landowner organisation known as the United Panguna Resource Owners Association (UPROA) has also been established with the appointment of interim executives comprised of executives of the initial six landowner associations, as well as the additional three landowner associations that were approved by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) early this year.
Mr Momis said that a joint delegation comprising of officers from both the ABG and the PNG National Government also completed their two weeks scoping mission in and around the Panguna mining areas.
The purpose of this two weeks survey was to determine what was actually in Panguna and
Apart from this studies on the conditions of the people affected and impacted by the Panguna mine operations and other kinds of detailed studies required were also conducted.
A joint coordination committee will receive the report of the scoping mission and then develop and approve terms of references for the detailed baseline studies that would be required to be undertaken on behalf of the parties to the negotiations.
He also revealed that three regional forums have already been planned for the latter part of this year in the three regions of North, Central and South Bougainville.
The aim of this forum is to inform the people of Bougainville on what the government is doing regarding negotiations on the possible reopening of the Panguna mine.
It is understood that there are plans to have the mine re-opened as soon as possible to support the ABG government’s economic development strategy and fiscal self-reliance.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville hosts new tech college
BOUGAINVILLEANS should be proud that they now have a new technical college where they can attend and attain quality technical knowledge and skills.
That was the message delivered by the Secretary for Education, Dr Musawe Sinebare, during the launching of the Bougainville Technical College (BTC) last Thursday.
Dr Sinebare said the launching of the new college in Bougainville came at a crucial time when the country was going through a recruitment drive for a skilled workforce.
He said there was no need for PNG to recruit technical personnel from overseas when they can be produced here in the country.
He said institutions like the Bougainville Technical College will produce trained graduates, therefore, there was no need to recruit from overseas.
Dr Sinebare also encouraged women in Bougainville to apply and enrol at BTC so that they can also attain technical expertise in fields once dominated by men.
The Bougainville Technical College, located in the Tinputz district of North Bougainville, was established to replace the former Arawa Technical College, which was burnt down during the height of the Bougainville crisis.
BTC is the second approved technical college to be launched in PNG. The first one saw the conversion of the then Moramora Vocational Centre, in West New Britain Province, to Moramora Technical College.
Source: The National
Bougainville opens first tertiary institution
BOUGAINVILLE’S first tertiary institution opened last Thursday.
Education Minister Paru Aihi opened the Bougainville Technical College in Tinputz, making it the first tertiary institution for the Autonomous region.
Aihi said the launch of the college came at a time when it was crucial for the country to build up a technically skilled workforce to meet liquefied natural gas project demand.
The Bougainville Technical College will take in its pioneer students in 2013, which will come from the region and provinces in the New Guinea Islands.
Aihi said, in compliance with Vision 2050, the national education board approved the establishment of technical colleges in Enga, Southern Highlands, West New Britain, New Ireland and Bougainville.
He said the Bougainville Technical College was the second college to be opened after the West New Britain Technical College.
“Why should we continue to import labour from other countries when we can produce our very own welders, engineers, machine fitters, electricians, fabricators and carpenters in institutes such as this?” Aihi asked.
He said the Education Department was now working towards establishing a multi-disciplinary technical college in each province, four regional poly-technical institutions with one vocational centre and community college for each district throughout the country.
Aihi said the establishment of these institutions would require appropriate infrastructure and the training of additional teachers to cater for increasing enrolments.
That was why the department of education had added a new technical, vocational and training wing to its structure.
“The structure paves the way towards providing an efficient and effective system that will address the shortage of skilled workers that the country needs,” he said.
Aihi said the demand for skilled labour had grown as a result of the recent boom in the mining and petroleum sector.
He said: “The vast majority of our children will not progress to the universities and other higher education institutions – only a very small number will.
“It is imperative that we provide an alternate pathway for children who do not make it into the formal system and give them an opportunity to gain some form of technical skills training to improve their standard of living,” he said.
He handed over a cheque for K300,000 as counterpart funding for infrastructure development of the
Source: Post-Courier
Use of POs rise in Buka
PREVENTIVE Orders (PO) issued by the Buka District Court have been on the rise this year, according to the Bougainville senior provincial magistrate Bruce Tasikul.
On top of that, many of those who have applied for these POs continue to be assaulted and abused but police still continue to turn a blind eye by not arresting the perpetrators.
“Since I took up my posting in March this year, there has been an increase in applications for POs by victims in court.
“I also noted that victims that applied for POs have on many occasion been assaulted, abused and police have not taken any action in charging the perpetrators especially the husbands,” Mr Tasikul said.
Mr Tasikul said these perpetrators should be held accountable for their actions therefore they should be charged by the police.
Mr Tasikul said apart from police carrying out their duties, in order to address this issue it needs a consolidated approach of all the stakeholders including the public and private sectors, civil society organisation, churches and the developing partners.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville opens new college
STARTING from next year and onwards, Bougainvilleans will no longer have to travel out of the region to seek technical education in institutions located in the other centres of PNG.
This is because they now have their own technical college which they can attend and attain qualifications similar to those offered in the other technical colleges.
This new college which will be called the Bougainville Technical College (BTC) is located at the former Tinputz Vocational centre in North Bougainville.
The Bougainville Technical College,
which now replaces the former Arawa Technical College that was burnt to ashes during the height of the Bougainville crisis, was officially launched last Thursday by the Minister for Education in the National Parliament Paru Aihi and his ABG counterpart and acting President John Tabinaman.
Mr Tabinaman, while delivering his speech thanked the people of Tinputz for their support and accepting the Bougainville Executive Council’s decision for the college to be established in their district.
Mr Tabinaman also gave a brief overview of the ABG’s plans to rationalise technical/vocational education in Bougainville.
This, he said, was to maximise the resources and improve the delivery of relevant and competency based enterprising vocational and technical skills education and training.
Mr Tabinaman said the establishment of BTC was in line with the ABG’s education plans, which was to offer the people of Bougainville with higher technical skills and knowledge.
He also appealed to the National Government to build this institution into a fully pledged college of higher technical education as a peace dividend to the people of Bougainville.
Minister Aihi said Bougainvilleans should be proud of this significant occasion because they would now be able to gain technical qualifications within the island instead of travelling out of the region.
He, however, issued a challenge that those who graduated from BTC should be marketable both within PNG and abroad.
Mr Aihi announced that the Ministry of Higher Education would continue to assist Bougainville in its future educational endeavours.
Minister Aihi also presented K300,000 to the college to kick-start some of its other preparatory programs before next year.
Other invited guests present included the ABG members from the Tinputz area, National Department Education Secretary Dr Musawe Sinebare, deputy secretary Damien Rapese and other senior officers from the Education Department’s TVET division.PNG COUNTRY REPORT ON FORESTRY
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Papua New Guinea Forest Authority has successfully implemented an International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) funded Project on community based Forest management projects involving the community in the Madang Province.
This was revealed by the Director for Policy and Planning at the PNG Forest Authority DR. RUTH TURIA at the Head of Agriculture and Forestry Services conference in Nadi this morning when reporting Country report of what Papua New Guinea has done since the last Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services meeting two years ago.
DR. TURIA said that Papua New Guinea was hoping to establish similar forest management Projects in other parts of the country after the trial in Madang province proved successful.
She also highlighted four main areas in which the PNG forest Authority realized some achievements in the last two years.
The second achievement was that the PNG Forest Authority developed a Climate Change framework for action following which they have identified five pilot projects for REDD PLUS initiatives and out of these five this year they are working on the first two of these five projects.
The 3rd Activity for PNG is that as part of the overall government of PNG vision 2050 and the Development strategic plan 2010/2030 and the medium term development plan 2011/2012 each government agency was required to come up with their own strategic plans, the PNGFA developed its own plan.
In terms of challenges and measures, to try and address some of those challenges PNGFA has extracted six Programmes from the PNG Vision 2050 that PNGFA supposed to ensure that 68percent of the total timber harvest is to be processed in the country by 2030.
The Doctor said that the PNG Government had come up with a policy direction that there will be no more log export for new areas to be allocated as of 2010.
As well as that PNGFA was also working on a downstream procession strategy to address that challenge.
The Director also highlighted that PNGFA was following the government direction to make sure that eighty percent of total PNG Timber exports are processed by 2030.
PNGFA was also working on increasing Forest Plantation areas to ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND HECTRES from the current SIXTY THOUSAND HECTRES .
She also mentioned that the PNGFA also wants to see seventy percent of all forest areas conserved for Carbon Trade through collaboration with the Office of Climate Change by developing a policy in which this can be implemented.
Next challenge for PNG as in most Pacific countries land is customary owned, PNGFA was looking at coming up with some permanent forest estate for the continuous supply of timber resources to the timber industry and to get landowners to fully participate in forest management activities.
And to sum it all up the DR. RUTH TURIA also said that PNGFA has already developed a National Forest Development Guideline that is now into implementation which aims to see the landowners involve more in forestry activities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Nadi
The 5th Regional Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services(HOAFS) meeting started this morning at the Nadi International Hotel, Fiji.
Chief Guest speaker retired Colonel SAMUELA SAUMATUA, Minister of Local Government Housing Development and Acting Minister for Primary Industry officially opened the meeting.
In his opening remarks, MINISTER SAMUELA SAUMATUA said that Agriculture and Forestry sectors of the Pacific are facing a number of strategic threats: from rising food insecurity associated with rising imported food prices and shrinking national food production, from climate change and the threat that rising temperatures and sea level pose to our forest resource and food production systems, and from urbanization, the challenges that poses to the management of our agriculture and forestry resources and the health of our populations.
He also said that he Pacific’s population is booming ith estimates indicating it now exceeds 10 Million and is expected to reach 15million by 2035.
This he said was equivalent to a growth rate of 188,000 people equivelant to the population of Samoa- are being added to the total each year, an increasingly, that rising population is found in towns and cities.
To meet the expected demand for food without significant increases in prices, the Pacific will need to increase the production of food by over 50%.
He said yet agriculture productivity in the Pacific is falling, and has been for the last decades as populations move off the land behind.
And he said that with added threat of climate change, the ability of our food production systems to meet this level of rising demands is under threat.
Papua New Guinea is chairing this meeting as this meeting was supposed to have been hosted by Papua New Guinea but due to the Papua National Elections this year this meeting was moved to Fiji.
The last meeting was held two years ago in Samoa.The next meeting will be held in 2014 in the Solomon Islands.
And to meet the requirement for Solomon Islands to host the next HOAFS and MOAFS meeting, Solomon Islands was elected as the deputy chairman for this week’s meeting.
Papua New Guinea is being represented by the Minister for Agriculture TOMMY TOMSCOLL.
And chairing this meeting on behalf of Papua New Guinea is MR.KANAWI POURU, Managing Director for the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Fiji
In this day and age of International travel and trade greater than ever before and as people and commodities move around the world, organisms that present risks to plants travel with them.
New pests incursions and pest outbreaks cost governments, farmers, consumers billions of dollars every year.
One pest species are established their eradication is often impossible, and controlling them takes up a significant percentage of the cost of producing the food.
It is to discuss and analyze risks to national plant resources that a consultation of plant protection and quarantine officers from 14 Pacific Island Countries and territories and met from 17th to the 21st of September,2012 at the NADI,TANOA INTERNATIONAL HOTEL.
The meeting titled REGIONAL WORKSHOP for the review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures was organized by the Secretariate of the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division in collaboration with the FAO International Plant Protection Convention(IPPC).
The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)provides a framework for plant protection that includes developing International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures(ISPMs) for safeguarding plant resources.
In his Opening Speech the acting Director of SPC Land Resources Division, MR. INOKE RATUKALOU re-iterated SPC’s vision of a secure and prosperous Pacific Community, whose people are healthy and manage their resources in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable way.
In addition he said Land Resources Division’s core business was to improve food and nutritional security of the Pacific Community through sustainable management and development of land, agriculture and forestry resources.
Analysing risks to national plant resources is a major component of sustainable management of agriculture resources objective.
The Regional consultation was conducted by DR.JOHN HEDLEY of New Zealand MAF Biosecurity as Principal Advisor, International Organizations, and DR.JAN BART ROSSEL, DAFF Australia’s Manager of International Plant Health Programme.
The consultation brings together IPPC contracting parties in the Southwest Pacific region to review the ISPMs, and to discuss and exchange views on the Draft standards.
In addition, to assist contracting parties in preparation of comments on draft ISPMs prior to submitting these comments to the IPPC standard committee.
The meeting will also give contracting parties the opportunity to call for topics for standard setting work programme, call for experts to take part in drafting ISPMs, and identifying topics for consideration at future workshops.
Contracting parties to the IPPC share the same goal: to protect the world’s cultivated and natural plant resources from spread and introduction of plant pests while minimizing interference with the international movement of goods and people.
ISPMs are the standards, guidelines and recommendations recognized as the basis for phytosanitary measures applied by members of the World Trade Organization under the agreement on the Application of Sanitary Phytosanitary Measures.
A regional standard which this meeting reviewed is the Generic Heat Treatment for fruit fly(tephritidae) host fruit in the Pacific.
Source: PNG Attitude
BRA was the root of bloody civil conflict in Bougainville
IN OCTOBER 1992 I WAS A KID roaming around parts of the Kieta and the Bana districts in South Bougainville with Bougainville Revolutionary Army ‘A’ Company bodyguard unit.
The unit was attached to my relative, the late Autonomous Bougainville Government president Joseph Kabui, who at the time was vice president of the Bougainville Interim Government (BIG).
I provided escort duties to my leader and partook in no armed operation except one assault on, as I see it today, an innocent Bougainvillean in Bana.
Despite the fact that my father was killed by the BRA in 1993, I consider myself a Bougainvillean nationalist.
This is because of the awareness I have for the ill treatment of my island of Solomon / Bougainville by colonisation and later by Papua New Guinea, especially as a result of the copper mine on my land of Panguna.
As Panguna people, we sparked off a conflict that saved Bougainville from the brutality of Bougainville Copper Limited, Papua New Guineans and the squatter settlements that grew on our land. (I carry a scar on my face caused by kids at the Arawa’s Morobe Camp in 1988).
But it was not our fight alone. It was a struggle for self-determination that went back to the so-called cargo cult movements like the Hahalis Welfare Society and other groups that sprung up in Bougainville, especially after the onset of the works to construct the mine.
These were groups condemned publicly but silently assisted by Catholic missionaries and a few expatriate cocoa and coconut planters. They demonstrated without violence against ‘rascals’ on our island.
Engaging the barrel of the gun, we did the old timers proud in 1988 by sending the ‘rascals’ packing in fear and pain from our beloved island. Thus did they realize the fact they were ‘rascals’ in Solomon exploiting and suppressing a people they were not related to.
In that fight we created the Bougainville Revolutionary Army. I know this name shocked the Pacific and even our Papua New Guinean rulers, or Ivitu, as we know them in Buin.
But the big question is, why did we turn on each other? This is the question that must be answered today so that we take Bougainville in the right direction.
In 1990, I was a Grade 4 student at Kaperia Community School in Arawa when the first ceasefire was signed by Sam Kauona (BRA) and Leo Nuia (PNG), known as the ‘Butcher of Bougainville’.
All the BRA men were stationed at Panguna. Law and order was observed for a month with the late Francis Ona as the supreme head.
But, as these BRA men got out of this cage, they started calling themselves redeemers of Bougainville and began to harm businesses in Arawa by looting.
Once after school, I encountered two BRA men wearing shoes they ahd not paid for, saying to the cashiers in a store known then as the Haus Bilas: “We have suffered in the bush fighting for you”.
To the late Francis Ona and his followers, closing down the Panguna mine was the bliss that blinded them. Keeping order and governing Bougainville was neglected. Thus the BRA recklessness grew and spread.
The BRA men, most of them illiterate, went astray grabbing private and ex-BCL property, looting shops and exploiting women often with the gun.
These unorganized BRA bands falsely accused innocent people of being PNG spies and tortured them. Others were accused of sorcery and killed.
The politically incompetent Francis Ona was nowhere to be seen or heard in this anarchy created under his name.
I was hearing that the BRA’s ill treatment of innocent Bougainvilleans was executed under the ‘standing orders’ of Ona. But this was a lie as I heard later that Ona was not aware of any ‘standing orders’ and he was not responsible for the suffering endured by Bougainvilleans.
The BRA posed as a body with a central command fighting for Bougainville freedom when in fact it hosted dozens of independent individuals or bands who operated at will across Bougainville.
To many of these BRA men, Buka was a strange place with beautiful women and unarmed men. So, with their new-found privileges, they invaded Buka in ex-BCL or robbed vehicles, exploiting women and terrorizing the peace.
This led Buka leaders like Sam Tulo to invite the PNG government into Buka in 1990 and resulted in the creation of the Buka Liberation Force (BLF) that fought on behalf of the PNGDF after an agreement signed in New Ireland.
The BRA response was: “The Bukas have sold off our island to foreigners” instead of admitting that it was the BRA that was dividing the people of Bougainville with their irresponsibility and recklessness. (Joseph Kabui was politically capable, but the ruler then was the barrel of the gun and Francis Ona.)
In South Bougainville’s Siwai district, responding to this BRA-BIG insanity through its creative leader the late Anthony Anugu and a few others, was created the South Bougainville Interim Authority (SBIA) to provide services to the people who now had no leader to guide them. This initiative shocked the sick BRA and BIG.
But in early 1992, these kind and valuable leaders were betrayed by Siwai BRA lunatics and they were killed in Panguna.
Thus, today it is the BRA that ought to re-evaluate its irresponsibility in the past and lead Bougainville in the right direction instead of sitting down and waiting for miracles and creating fear in the hearts and minds of my people on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Senior Journalists from 5 Pacific countries, FIJI,TONGA,SAMOA,SOLOMON ISLANDS and PAPUA NEW GUINEA this afternoon completed a one week training at the TANOA INTERNATIONAL HOTEL in NADI, FIJI.
The workshop was facilitated by the Secretariate of the Pacific Community and sponsored by the PACIFIC MEDIA ASSISTANCE SCHEME based also in Fiji.
The Journalists will continue to cover Pacific leaders Conference on Managing Strategic Risks to Agriculture and Forestry in the Pacific.
Papua New Guinea is being represented by EMTV and New Dawn FM
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville highlights International Peace Day

And in Bougainville Helen Hakena (picture), who is the President of the Laitana Nehan womens group said she was pleased with the United Nations to come up with this very important day.
She spoke to John Papik.
Presenter: John Papik
Speaker:Helen Hakena, the President of the Laitana Nehan womens group in Bougainville
Listen here !
Source: The National
Govt will support ABG, says O’Neill
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has assured the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ABG) that the government is ready to ensure it achieves its developmental programmes in the next five years.
“I presented a cheque for K100 million to the ABG on Wednesday and this is the first component of the K500 million that the government of Papua New Guinea will give to the people of Bougainville annually for the next five years as agreed during the joint supervisory body (JSB) meeting in Port Moresby in February last year,” O’Neill said.
“The K500 million commitment is the additional fund from the national government to support key development projects that will enable the Bougainville people to recover from the crisis.
“This will also grow their economy swiftly in order to successfully implement the autonomous arrangements entered into under the Peace Agreement.
“Within the next five years, the government will continue to support the ABG with such funding to ensure the people of Bougainville receive the developmental services that they deserve and also to make sure the arrangements are intensified,” O’Neill said.
The prime minister said a JSB meeting would be held in Kokopo, East New Britain, next month for both
governments to renew the partnership by discussing key agenda items that was being prepared.
which the Joint Technical Teams are preparing.
The JSB is comprised of ministers from the PNG Government and the ABG, of which the prime minister is chairman. The ABG president is the co-chairman and the body is responsible for identifying and implementing developmental programmes in Bougainville.
O’Neill said he would visit Bougainville on Oct 16, the day before the JSB meeting in Kokopo.
“The National Coordination Office of Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA) is working to ensure that the upcoming meetings in Arawa and Kokopo are not only successful but come up with constructive outcomes for Bougainville and PNG.
“As a Government, we also thank our donor partners like AusAID and New Zealand Aid for providing support in the JSB process.”
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna returns ex MPs remains to make peace
THE REMAINS OF ANTHONY ANUGU, former South Bougainville MP - were finally dug up and handed over to his children by the Panguna people - showing a positive step in the reconciliation process.
This reconciliation process shows of one of the 5 key areas the ABG is embarking on. The other key areas are Weapon disposal, good governance, referendum and Autonomy.
The late Anthony Anugu was taken hostage by members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in 1990, after a meeting with the National Government Authorities in Honiara. This meeting, among other issues that time, was intended to return the basic services to South Bougainville. His colleagues’ graves are still to be dug up.
Regional peace co-ordinator Jude Aris said uniting their people in Bougainville was crucial as it would create an environment of peace, stability and development.
“There are outstanding reconciliations that needed to be done in the next 5 years. About 1400 reconciliations are yet to be done throughout the region – as it would need a substantial amount of funding by Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Government (ABG),” Mr Aris said.
He said the high impact reconciliation ceremonies, particularly in the Panguna area, Buin and Siwai have also being prioritised. “Former ABG presidents –Joseph Kabui and James Tanis have done a significant progress and we need to continue with them,” he said.
One of the major reconciliation ceremonies being planned for this week is between the ABG president, John Momis and the Tinputz ex–combatants when they took Mr Momis hostage and taken up to Panguna in 1997. The ceremony will be held at Tinputz this week. Chiefs from Buin representing Mr Momis have arrived in Buka and are due to travel to Tinputz for the occasion.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG Government makes major commitment to Bougainville
The Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, is assuring the people of Bougainville that his administration is ready to help the autonomous provincial government achieves its development aims over the next five years.
He says he gave the ABG a cheque for 100 million kina, or nearly 48 million US dollars, this week.
Mr O’Neill says this is the first component of a quarter of a billion US dollars in support to be paid over the next 5 years.
He says it is additional support for key development projects that will enable Bougainville people to recover from the crisis.
Mr O’Neill says it will also help Bougainville grow its economy swiftly so it can successfully implement the autonomous arrangements entered into under the Peace Agreement.
Last week veterans of the civil war presented a petition to the ABG complaining at the lack of progress achieved under the Peace Agreement.
Source: The National
Bougainville K100 million richer

THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville yesterday received K100 million from the national government to help with its development.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, who presented a cheque for the amount to Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) President John Momis in Port Moresby, said the government was committed to ensuring that services continued to flow to the people.
He said the government was also committed to working with the people.
O’Neill thanked Momis and his people for their patience.
He said this was the “first of its kind and unique” for a province to receive such a sum.
O’Neill, who will visit Bougainville next week, said the funding was from the 2012 budget.
He said he hoped the ABG would use the funds to address developmental issues.
Momis said the national government’s move had demonstrated its commitment to honouring agreements.
He said the PNG government and ABG had a great chance to work together.
Source: The National
Top cop praises Bougainvilleans for peaceful Independence week
A SENIOR policeman in Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has applauded the people for a peaceful independence anniversary.
Acting provincial police commander Emmart Tsines said yesterday from Buka the independence anniversary was celebrated on Monday.
“The Autonomous Bougainville Government and the provincial administration decided for the province to have our independence occasion to be celebrated on Monday because it was a public holiday,” he said.
Tsines said the province had been quiet since the general election and praised the people for their maturity in keeping peace.
“The conduct of the general public has been very good here in the province and we have had no major problems.”
He said he congratulated police personnel for maintaining peace.
“You all, personnel from the law enforcing agency, have done very well in the province and I applaud you for a job well done so far.”
Source: Post-Courier
Observe court order
BREACHES of Court Orders are a very serious matter which should warrant heavy penalties for those who commit them.
That’s the warning from the Senior Provincial Magistrate at the Buka District Court House, Bruce Tasikul, before handing down his decision last Friday to a young man in Buka who had breached a Court Order issued by the Buka District Court.
Greg Bengi was found guilty by Mr Tasikul after breaching a Protection Order taken by his wife, and which was issued on the 12th of July this year.
According to the Protection Order, Mr Bengi was placed on a good behaviour bond with conditions. One of the conditions was for him not to consume any form of intoxicating liquor during this period.
Mr Bengi was summoned to appear at the court after he was caught consuming alcohol less than two months after the issuing of the Protection Order.
The dependent had stated that work pressure was the main cause for him consuming the alcohol to release the work pressure.
However, Mr Tasikul still stood by his decision that breaching of Court Orders was a very serious matter and therefore heavy penalties must be imposed.
He also emphasised that people must respect and abide by the orders of the court.
He said if people don’t respect court orders, there would be anarchy in society.
“If you think that you will not comply with Orders that are sought through Protection Order proceedings, than you are wrong. It is about time the Courts impose tough penalties to deter others. People must see to respect Court Orders and abide by them so that there is respect for the legal system.
“Victims of domestic violence, especially women must be protected by the law and not allow themselves to be subject to such abuse by perpetrators like their husbands.”
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville mourns Egilio
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government is mourning the death of one of its senior cabinet ministers who passed away on Tuesday night.
The late Joseph Egilio passed away at around half past eleven at the Buka General Hospital.
The late Egilio, who hails from the Wakunai district of Central Bougainville, was the Minister for Culture and Tourism and member for Rau constituency in the Bougainville House of Representatives during the time of his death.
According to one of his ministerial staff, Mr Egilio was admitted to the hospital after suffering from heart burn.
It is understood that he had been suffering from heart problems for quite some time.
Last year he was also referred to a hospital in Singapore for medical operations after experiencing heart problems.
The late Egilio was also a former member for Central Bougainville in the National Parliament from 1992-1997.
The Bougainville Administration is still finalising funeral arrangements and a program for the late Minister.
Mr Egilio’s death now brings to three the number of ABG members to have passed away while serving their terms in the Bougainville House of Representatives.
The other two were the former ABG President, late Joseph Kabui, and the Minister for Mineral Resources and member for Ioro constituency, Dr Benedict Pisi.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville setting up its own public service
The government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of
Bougainville intends setting up its own public service within months.
This comes as veterans of the civil war complain about the lack of progress achieved under the Peace Agreement.
President John Momis concedes their concerns are legitimate but he says his government has been making some effort.
He says this includes new legislation for a public service, an investment code, and town planning laws.
Mr Momis says a handicap has been the low wages paid Bougainvillean public servants but this should shortly be remedied.
“We are 3 levels below the rest of the country and we have had commitment from the national government to bring it on par with the rest of the country so that will be a big incentive to attract qualified technical people to come to Bougainville. As it is it is very difficult. Nobody wants to come and work in Bougainville if the pay poackage is quite poor.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville confident PNG Government will advance promised funding
The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says both his administration and the national government need to collaborate to properly implement the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
John Momis has been petitioned by veterans of the civil war and accepts parts of the agreement are not in place.
He says there is a need for a new approach but he says he is confident of a lot of support from Prime Minister Peter O’Neill with whom he has been meeting this week.
Mr Momis says a key factor has been Port Moresby’s failure to provide the constitutionally allowed funding.
“That is the Restoration Development Grant which we have not got for the last 3 years as well as the 100 million (kina) per annum that was guaranteed by the Government to be given to Bougainville, but we have had very good discussions in the recent past and I am positive that this will result in a mutually acceptable result.”
The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville Government committed to review of Peace Agreement
The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, says he accepts not enough progress has been made on the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
This follows a petition presented to him by the Bougainville Veterans Association, made up of ex-combatants from the former Bougainville Revolutionary Army, resistance fighters and the Mekamui group.
It wants an immediate review of the implementation of the Agreement.
Mr Momis says he will speak with the national government about what can be done to improve the implementation but he acknowledges several problems.
“Draw down of powers, provision of funding, taking positive steps to create law and order and investment and so on and so forth. It is not true that nothing has been done. A lot of things have been done but it is true that funding has been slow. I hope that this will be positively addressed very soon.”
Source: ABC Radio Australia Pacific Beat
More Carterets Islanders settle on Bougainville
The salt water invasion of the Carterets Islands in Papua New Guinea, has forced another seven families to leave the islands to settle on the mainland of Bougainville.
They are being resettled in land gifted by the Catholic Church near the town of Tinputz where another five Carterets families have settled since 20-09.
Ursula Rakova, the director of the NGO Tulele Peisa which is overseeing the relocation is telling Brian Abbott the Carterets islands will be uninhabitable within about 30 years.
Presenter:Brian Abbott
Speaker: Ursula Rakova, the director of Tulele Peisa, an NGO overseeing the relocation of families from the Carterets Islands in Papua New Guinea
Listen here !
Source: The National
Carterets families sign relocation deal
EIGHTY-three families living in the Carterets Islands, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, have signed up to be relocated to the mainland, local non-governmental organisation director Ursula Rakova says.
Rakova, who heads the Tulele Peisa, said the families had met the relocation guidelines in terms of vulnerability, willingness to relocate and participate with host community as well as the size of the family.
Programme manager Basil Peso said intermarriage was one of the criteria for relocation.
“There is emphasis on intermarriage because it binds and creates unity in inheriting and acquiring land,” Peso said.
Alaskans George Tom and Stanley Tom from the Newtok community and Alaska immigration justice project director Robin Brenon, with Michael Kiromat from Ahus Island, Isaiah Malachai from Luf of Western Islands and The Nature Conservancy’s climate change coordinator Dr Gabriel Kulwaum are in the region to observe and share experiences and ideas on the relocation of communities as a result of climate change.
Rakova said the Carterets had lost more than 20m of land to salt water invasion during king tides over the past 30 years.
She said since 2009, five families had been relocated to Tinputz Catholic mission.
She said although the church had gifted the land, the Tinputz community had been very welcoming towards their relocation process.
“They consider the relocated Carteret islanders at Woroav as a village and not a settlement,” Rakova said.
She thanked the church as well as the people of Tinputz for the 71ha of land, saying each family would receive a hectare each.
She said the remaining land would be used to farm cocoa so that the community could sustain itself economically.
Rakova said the settlers were working on a mini-integrated forestry project where they were planting trees as their contribution to mitigating climate change.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

Late Joe Egilio
The ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism, JOE EGILIO has died.
He died at the Buka General Hospital this morning.
The minister has been sick for some time and was seeking medical attention overseas for some time.
The late Egilio represented the people of Central Bougainville in the Papua New Guinea government.
He was also the minister for communications.
He won the ABG election in 2010.
The late Egilio is the 2nd ABG member to die whilst representing his people.
Source: Post-Courier
Konnou MP commended
MEMBER for Konnou constituency and Minister for Trade and Commerce in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Wilfred Komba, has been highly commended by his people for the good work he has done so far.
Spokesperson representing supporters and the people of Konnou, John Taipa Tauria, said people throughout South Bougainville as a whole, have now come to admire the kind of leadership Mr Komba is displaying.
“In terms of development and for bringing peace back into a once war torn Konnou, Mr Komba has contributed a lot,” Mr Taipa said. “He has been re elected into parliament because the people want him back for what he has done in his first term.”
Mr Taipa also said other members should see that as a good example and follow suit. Although the ABG has limited funds, members like Mr Komba have put their priorities right and invested money into key areas.
“We want action leaders: people who can talk and do things at the same time, whilst enhancing the relationship between the ABG and the National Government.” Mr Taipa said. “That is exactly what Mr Komba is doing.” He said.
Mr Komba has contributed and helped in a lot of areas: health, education, small projects such as cocoa dryers, poultry, school fee assistance. The member even visits and funds medical evacuations for emergency cases in his area.
Mr Komba has a dream for his constituency to be developed by 2015.
“We need leaders who can put people as their first priority.Mr. Komba is such a leader and people have to be grateful,” Mr. Taipa concluded.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Ex combatants in Bougainville demand
review of Peace Agreement
The government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville has been called on to review the Bougainville Peace Agreement by November.
The Bougainville Veterans Association, which represents ex-combatants from the former Bougainville Revolutionary Army, resistance fighters and the Mekamui group, presented a petition to the ABG President, John Momis, last week.
It calls for the immediate review of the Peace Agreement.
The Agreement was signed in 2001 and the association says it should be reviewed every five years but that has not happened.
New Dawn FM reports the association also calls on Mr Momis to request that the United Nations send back monitors because they claim the peace process has been purposely delayed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
BOUGAINVILLE will celebrate the PNG'S 37th Independence at the Hutjena oval tomorrow.
According to the program, the ceremony will start at 09am with nearby secondary and primary schools singing the national anthem.
Then speeches with dancing by cultural groups from Tsunpets, Malasang and Hangan villages. Other centres like Buin and Arawa will also commemorate this day.
Source: PNG Attitude
Re-opening Panguna must follow dictates of the people
THE PEOPLE OF PANGUNA – site of the now ghost copper and gold mine, no more than a huge hole in the ground - have seen environmental carnage and the influx of aliens.
Today they know that the extraction of the mineral ore on their land was for the good of Papua New Guinea and not Bougainville.
They know a Panguna kina was spent on the Highlands Highway construction; a Panguna kina was there in the founding of Air Niugini; a Panguna kina was built into Waigani parliament house….
To them, Papua New Guinea was made by the Panguna mine and the many Bougainville cocoa and copra plantations.
To the Panguna people, the making of Papua New Guinea, from the basic economics to politics, was all Bougainville design and financing.
This is the insight that the uneducated or illiterate majority of Panguna landowners are told day-in, day-out.
Since the days of the crisis and civil war to the dawn of the peace process, this is the information they are nurtured on.
One hears these stories in the family home, after church services and, worst of all, in the boozing where you hear all the Panguna curses.
For the majority of the static, illiterate Bougainvilleans, the Bougainville crisis opened their realization of the fact that they are Solomon Islanders.
At the peak of the Australia-backed PNG blockade of their island, they had a brother who gave them little ammunition and medicine. His islands were close to the coasts of Buin and Kieta and could be seen from the high mountains.
The political discourse of the conflict-days was anti-PNG. Churchmen preached gospels loaded with sentiments of anti-PNGism. Musicians of Bougainville sing the negativity created by the New Guineans and BCL (the illiterate so love their artists and their songs).
At every traditional feasting night there are anti-PNG or BCL folksongs and poetic lamentation songs at funerals for any post-conflict death.
For all, every bad thing happening is attributed to these past deeds.
For the majority of Bougainvilleans and the Panguna people, this is their culture.
Thus, when one looks at the re-opening of the Panguna mine, one has to look at the people of the area and their landowners’ body to get a clear picture of what our hope is for re-opening the mine.
The noted trend in approaching the subject today is that the non-landowners dictated the wishes of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the Autonomous Bougainville Government did not consider retributive justice for all the bad things that happened on Bougainville because of the mining.
There are many injustices in Bougainville that ought to be addressed before talking about mining.
Firstly, the majority of the Panguna population consists of the illiterate or half-literate men and women (high school failures, ex-BCL labourers and other ordinaries). But in this group is a new culture alongside the wealth of guns.
One finds the culture of entrepreneurship is growing. This unit of people hosts gold panners, gold buyers, scrap metal dealers, victims to scrap metal dealing conman, retail outlet operators and investors in cocoa planting who buy land in the coastal areas such as Wakunai and Tinputz.
Before the Bougainville conflict, these people were nobodies in their own land and in 1988-89 the late Francis Ona ran to them for support and got what he wanted readily.
He did not even establish a political manifesto to execute the secessionist struggle.
Thus the crisis was born against BCL, its few local friends and Papua New Guinea.
When the Bougainville peace process came into existence, it was those surviving BCL ‘local friends’ and the opportunists who went ahead with the Panguna mine re-opening talks.
Meanwhile the majority slowly adapted to change by engaging in business and investment with their own sweat without talking about the mine re-opening.
So, on the issue of Panguna re-opening, one has to deal with the crisis-created opportunists (some armed), the few old BCL ‘local friends’ (most in the current Panguna Landowner Association) and the change-adaptive majority (to whom the crisis-created opportunists run for support).
So far, the discourse on the issue of Panguna re-opening comes from the opportunists and the few old BCL ‘local friends’ who feign as genuine representatives of the people.
The dangerous majority has no voice yet. The re-opening gossip that every now and then excites the world is not representative of the Panguna majority.
It is obvious. Every foreigner who enters Panguna with mine re-opening hopes chats with the crisis-created elite or members of the Panguna Landowners Association (many of whom are BCL old ‘local friends’) and returns to spill their biased in-house chit-chat to the media as a breakthrough towards the re-opening of the mine.
The majority of the Panguna people (illiterate and literate) are standing at the foundation of Bougainville history. To them, BCL was for Papua New Guinea’s development and not Bougainville’s.
The re-opening of the mine bodes well for the locals in an independent Bougainville that is free from Papua New Guinea with the benefits for Bougainvilleans.
(The failure of the Bougainville weapons disposal program comes into play here because many people see that Papua New Guineans will return if Bougainville is free from weapons.)
The majority of the people of Panguna and Bougainville need to be assured that their crisis-created spirit of entrepreneurship will be sustained by the ABG. But so far, the signs are not good as the ABG is trying to suppress self-reliance by inviting Chinese foreign direct investment to get Bougainville, in a trickle of seconds, away from the stone-age and into the computer-age (a process that took industrial countries centuries).
This is likely to create loopholes for the Bougainville economy in the long run. When extraction of raw materials is depleted and the investors proudly depart, where will Bougainvilleans turn to where all farming land is gravel?
Many can criticise my discourse, but one has to note that the Bougainville crisis was a ‘natural university’ to many Bougainvilleans for it opened the islanders’ mind’s eye.
So, re-opening the Panguna mine must follow the dictates of the Bougainville people with a leadership that is trusted by the people and not the kind of leaders that are dirt to the people’s eyes and yet are currently playing the game for Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
One man is dead as fighting that started 3 months ago near Panguna erupted again this morning.
And New Dawn FM is monitoring the situation near Jaba pumb station on the Panguna mine tailings area close to the coast.
New Dawn FM received reports that this morning one man was cut with a grass knife and he bled to death.
This was in payback of one that was cut with knives and the person was hospitilized at the Buka hospital. He was later released.
This morning they met with the attacker and the fight started resulting in the death.
And report just received another person was shot with a gun but his condition is not clear at the moment.
At this stage we do not know if police have been deployed to the area.
Source: United Nations UNDP Press Release / Scoop Media
Peacebuilding stakeholders to meet in the Solomon Islands
14 September, 2012 (UNDP) – Senior government officials, members of the civil society and development partners from four Pacific Island countries will gather in the Solomon Islands next week for a skills training workshop, “Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue”.
The workshop is part of the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Strengthening Capacities for Peace and Development (CPAD) project, and will be attended by more than 40 participants from Fiji, Papua New Guinea (including Bougainville), Solomon Islands and Tonga.
The workshop will equip members of the Pacific Peace Community to design and facilitate dialogue and conflict analysis processes, including strategic planning, programme planning and training activities with greater skill and effectiveness.
The UN Resident Coordinator for the Fiji Multi-Country Office and UNDP Resident Representative, Knut Ostby and Team Leader of UNDP’s Crisis Prevention and Recovery team, Tracy Vienings will deliver remarks at the opening of the workshop. The UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea, David Mclachlan-Karr will also be attending the workshop.
This third regional workshop is facilitated and organized by CPAD in collaboration with the Solomon Islands Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace.
The Strengthening Capacities for Peace and Development (CPAD) is a project of UNDP. It aims to strengthen the conflict prevention architecture of the Pacific region by providing technical advice and capacity building support to governments and to civil society organizations that have a specific involvement or mandate to promote peace and implement conflict prevention initiatives.
Source: Post-Courier
Factions voice concern
A PEACEFUL protest march took place at the Bel Isi Park in Buka town on Wednesday.
The protest saw members from all the different factions that were involved during the Bougainville crisis airing their frustrations over many issues that Bougainville is currently facing.
The former combatants were led by their leaders which included Ismael Toroama, Sam Kauona, Chris Uma and Peter Barik.
The march was also significant because it saw Me’ekamui commander Chris Uma and his members attending to also voice their frustrations.
Though the Me’ekamui factions were never part of many discussions that were held both within and outside Bougainville regarding Bougainville’s political future, their attendance during the protest march was a sign that they too were carefully monitoring all the events taking place on the island.
Some of these issues raised include disunity between the ABG leaders and the Bougainville MPs in the National Parliament, the JSB meeting, law and order, weapons disposal, full autonomy and the review of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA).
They said the BPA was long overdue therefore a review should take place as soon as possible.
ABG President Chief Dr John Momis and some members of the Bougainville House of Representatives were present to receive the petition from the former combatants.
While responding to the former combatants demands, President John Momis said he agreed with some of the issues that they had raised.
He however said that some of these issues were supposed to be discussed between the ABG and the National Government.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS says no foreigner will be allowed to operate retail shops on Bougainville.
He made these remarks when commenting in parliament on reports tabled by the commerce minister,WILFRED KOMBA that the Bougainville Import Export Group would be liquidated due to differences between certain Port Moresby Chinese businessmen.
He said that these groups were allowed on Wholesale bases and to provide factory prices not getting cargoes from Port Moresby.
He said if they go retailing then they will be asked to leave.
Chief Momis said that retailing should be for locals only.
On the question of some Bougainvilleans who bought shares under BIEG he said all their funds should be refunded.
He said the Commerce division has already set out a Reserved list of businesses that are for Bougainvilleans only.
The chief said that when the Panguna mine reopens all the supermarkets and other retailing will be run by Bougainvilleans only.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS yesterday accepted the petition presented by former combatants in Buka.the petition was handed by SAM KAUONA on behalf of the excombatants.
The excombatants assembled at the UBS security bass before marching to the Belisi house for the presentation.
Chief Momis said that he supported the peaceful but powerful demonstration by the former combatants.
He promised to immidiately act on the issues raised in the petition.
The President said that the government needs to be reminded if it was not performing and that was why the ABG sitting was suspended to meet the protesters.
Source: EMTV
Bougainville Veterans want Peace Agreement to be reviewed
The Autonomous Bougainville Government President this morning received a petition from the Bougainville Veterans Association representing ex-combatants from both the former BRA, Resistance fighters and the Mekamui.
They want the National Government and the ABG to review the Bougainville Peace Agreement signed in Arawa in August 31st 2001 by the end of November this year.
They also want it to be reviewed every five years.
They said since the signing, it was never been reviewed.
Among other things the ex-combatants also called on the ABG President to immediately request the UNITED NATIONS POLITICAL AFFAIRS to return from NEW YORK and monitor the Peace process which they claim has been purposely delayed.
They also called on the ABG legal office to tell the people of Bougainville what was the status of the drawdown of powers to Bougainville.
The petition was delivered to the ABG President by former BRA Commander SAM KAUONA.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Veterans Association representing excombatants from both the former BRA, Resistance fighters and the Mekamui today presented a petition to the Autonomous Bougainville Government President this morning.
They among other things want the immediate review of the Bougainville Peace Agreement signed in Arawa in August 31st 2001 and should be reviewed every five years.
Since the signing it was never reviewed.
The excombatants want the National Government and the ABG review the agreement by November this year.
The excombatants also called on the ABG President to immediately request the UNITED NATIONS POLITICAL AFFAIRS to return from NEW YORK and monitor the Peace process which they claim has been purposely delayed.
They also called on the ABG legal office to tell the people of Bougainville what was the status of the drawdown of powers to Bougainville.
New Dawn FM was not able to get a copy of the petition which was delivered to the ABG President by former BRA Commander SAM KAUONA.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Ex-combatants call for review
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville veterans association today demonstrated to the ABG and the national government to review the Bougainville peace agreement.

Pictured are them marching in Buka
Source: Post-Courier
New library for ARB school
MORE than 200 students and staff of Taiof primary school in the Mahari constituency in North Bougainville can now look forward to enjoying their reading lessons and completing their research and assignments in a comfortable venue.
This follows the opening of the school’s new library building last week in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The opening of this new library building will no doubt improve the students’ academic performances because they will now have a conducive place to read and acquire more knowledge and skills than they were able to do so in the past.
The building, which cost around K50, 000 to construct, was funded through the Education Department’s School’s
Learning Improvement Program (SLIP).
The communities of Taiof Island complemented the SLIP funding by providing labour and other building materials which contributed to the successful completion of the project.
The opening of the building was also a milestone achievement for the school, as it sets Taiof Primary School as the first school out of the 25 primary schools in North Bougainville to utilise its SLIP funding to complete a building project.
Invited guests present during the opening celebration included the ABG member for Mahari constituency in the Bougainville House of Representatives, John Tabinaman and the chief executive officer for the Division of Education in Bougainville, Bruno Babato.
Both leaders, when delivering their speeches, challenged the students, staff and communities around Taiof to look after this new building.
They also urged the
school’s administration to stock the library building with new books.
Source: Post-Courier
Pay taxes, says Banam
A CONSTITUENCY member in the Bougainville House of Representatives has blamed the ABG for the increase in Solomon Islands-brewed alcoholic beverages illegally entering Bougainville.
Tonsu constituency member Joel Banam said the increase in alcohols illegally entering Bougainville is attributed to the tax increases in beer following the adoption of the Beer Tax Act by the ABG early this year.
According to this beer tax policy, the ABG will be collecting 70t on each bottle or can of beer consumed by Bougainvilleans.
The introduction of this policy has led to an increase in beer prices, resulting in Bougainvilleans crossing over to the neighbouring Solomon Islands to buy cheap beer there
and transporting it back into the island.
“It is obvious that the Executive Government of the ABG did not adequately consider wider financial implications before implementing their decision on the increased tax on alcohol beverages,” Mr Banam said.
He said while the increase in taxes from the sales of beer was a good internal revenue earner for ABG, the height of the tax rate was also counter-productive.
Meanwhile, Mr Banam also blasted the Bougainville Administration, saying they have not been adequately performing their duties in collecting taxes and also in assisting the ABG to make sure that illegal trading was adequately monitored and justice brought on offenders.
He gave as examples, the huge volumes of copra and scrap metal being shipped out of Kieta in Central Bougainville, and other goods from Solomon Islands illegally entering Bougainville.
“To the best of my knowledge, the ABG has not collected any taxes from these businesses, many of whom are operating illegally,” Mr Banam said.
He said currently those business houses that are paying taxes to the ABG, were those located in Buka and Kokopau in the northern tip of Bougainville.
Mr Banam is now calling on the ABG to ensure that existing businesses in the whole of Bougainville, including Central and South Bougainville, be paying appropriate taxes to the government before introducing new tax schemes.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The member for Tsitalato and chairman of ABG Public accounts committee, COSMAS SOHIA today called on the officers from the planning office to use telephones instead of travelling to Port Moresby to work on outstanding funds from the national government to the ABG.
MR.COSMAS SOHIA said more funds have been spent trying to get to Port Moresby every kow and then,using hotel,hire cars and blowing out bills unnecessarily.
He made these comments in parliament commending on ABG President's statement on the unity of the ABG and the four national members,creation of the Bougainville website and the draw down of public service powers.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG House of representatives September session started at ten am this morning without the National members as promised earlier.
Only the new Regional member, JOE LERA sat at their special seats on Parliament when parliament sat this morning.
Due to the power problem, New Dawn FM will not be able to air this session like all other sessions in the past.
New Dawn Fm will however cover for news.
Source: The National
Lera to work with Bougainville MPs
THE new regional member for Bougainville, Joe Lera, wants to work with the three national members of parliament and the Autonomous Bougainville Government to address the autonomy issue between the national government and Bougainville.
The four parliamentarians are expected to attend when the ABG House of Representative convenes today for its September session.
The four MPs are Lauta Atoi member for North Bougainville, Communications and Information Minister and member for Central Bougainville Jimmy Miringtoro, Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Autonomy and member for South Bougainville Steven Pirika and Lera.
It is understood this is the first time that national MPs and those from ABG will be seen to be working together since the region gained autonomy in 2005.
Lera assured the people of Bougainville the attendance of their respective members complemented the recent reconciliation in Port Moresby between the four MPs and the ABG leadership.
Lera hopes to work alongside his colleagues and the ABG to address the autonomy issue between the national government and the people of Bougainville.
Source ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG business groups express concern over cost of law and order
The cost to business of Papua New Guinea's law and order problems has been a hot topic at the PNG Investment Summit under way in Port Moresby, with businesses saying they have to spend many millions of dollars each year on security.
Esso Highlands, the operator of the 17-billion dollar PNG LNG project, is one of those companies concerned about threats to staff.
Presenter:Jemima Garrett
Speaker: Peter Graham, Managing Director of Esso Highlands
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Electoral outstanding
By Aloysius Laukai
Electoral officials lives and properties on Bougainville may be in danger after outstanding from the National General election remains unpaid due to no funds.
And officials from the districts remain in Buka since June in the hope of getting these funds and settling paymeents for cars used during elections,caterers and other service providers to election officials.
A assistant returning officer from one of the notorious area of Bougainville told New Dawn FM that he has remained in Buka since the counting because service providers are waiting for him at home and the Provoncial Electoral Office remains silent on these issue.
When contacted by New Dawn Fm the Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU said that all calculations have been made and sent to headquaters but they have been waiting since July.
NEW DAWN FM understands that if these outstanding remains it would be very difficult to run a byelection for 3 vacant seats in the ABG house of representatives.
The three seats are for Hagogohe constituency left vacant when former member, ROBERT HAMAL SAWA resigned to contest the National election, seat for RURE constituency was left vacant after the former member, PAUL MITU died And the seat for PEIT was left vacant as the member and former Bougainville Premier, Dr. Alexius Sarei is down due to old age.
Source: Post-Courier
Government plans JSB meeting
THE long-awaited Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting between the Government of PNG and the Autonomous Bougainville Government is set to take place next month.
This is according to the PNG Government chief secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc.
Mr Zurenuoc proposed that this meeting should take place between October 10-23.
He said he would now hold discussions with Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to set the exact date for the proposed timeframe for the JSB meeting to convene.
The proposed dates were set following a preliminary discussion on the Referendum and Autonomous arrangements review of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville held in Buka last Thursday.
This one-day discussion was held between the PNG Government officers led by Mr Zurenuoc and their counterparts from the ABG.
Mr Zurenuoc also clarified that the JSB meetings were not held towards the end of last year due to the political instability faced by PNG.
This was following the unceremonious dumping of Sir Michael Somare and the election of Peter O’Neill as the new Prime Minister.
The last JSB meeting was held in February last year.
The JSB is made up of leaders from both the PNG Government and the ABG. It is through this meeting that important issues like the drawdown of powers and functions from PNG to the ABG are discussed.
Meanwhile, the announcement by Mr Zurenuoc for the JSB meeting to convene is a welcome sign for many positive changes to take place in Bougainville.
Many Bougainvilleans have been criticising the ABG leaders, saying there was lack of progress towards full autonomy taking place. They said this was because there had been no JSB meeting held since early last year.
Source: PNG Attitude
Christianity a problem for us: it drives people off the plot
IN THIS DAY AND AGE, CHRISTIANITY is an impediment to any form of human development in Bougainville, apart from the spiritual.
From the simple exaggerated Bible-based teachings, Christianity creates a senseless fear in the minds of our population on our economically-struggling island.
I was born and brought up in a hardcore Catholic family. In my life was nothing secular, just religion and its ways.
Reflecting, it is obvious I’ve lost so many opportunities that would have made me someone to make a positive contribution to society much earlier. It could have been different if my parents had brought me up in a balanced life culture—secular and religious.
My life was a struggle for the unknown good things in Heaven. My father was an auto-mechanic with the gone Bougainville Copper Limited. He never bothered to teach me how to dismantle and reset the injector pump of a diesel Toyota Hilux. But I knew Christianity.
Translating this into nation building, Christianity is a serious problem because it is leading the Bougainville people in the wrong direction.
I say this because, if you read the Christianity’s book of principles, the Bible, it is a book of contradictions. It needs an educated Bougainvillean to read between the lines; not the poor illiterate of society.
Getting the population of Bougainville educated is our goal to realise our ambition for nationhood.
I accept the fact that development comes into society through a man’s understanding and learning of the basics of economics and politics. These are not spiritual aspects of life. They are the fundamental bases to drive Bougainville forward.
Christianity can come into play when all loopholes are sealed and the island’s governing machinery is steaming forward. An educated population is the only group which can navigate a beneficial way between secularism and Christianity.
Christianity’s ritual of conversion has created fanatics across Bougainville. These converts have, with the unprecedented power of spirituality, condemned education, money and everything secular not worthy for the good of Man and Earth.
This is a sting to positive progress, for it is freely setting people off-track from Bougainville’s national goals.
In late 1999, a bunch of my schoolmates at Arawa High School quit school because of the Christianity-promoted 2000 supposed end of the world!
Every afternoon after school I saw them preaching the Bible in the public places in town when Bougainville needed them in the classrooms.
Christianity can distract us from pursuing a path of personal, family, community and national development through education.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Ex students meet
By Aloysius Laukai
A total of 110 exstudents from the St. Marys Asitavi girls high school met at their old school to pledge support towards their old school.
Former principal of the school and wife of ABG President, Lady Elizabeth Momis told New Dawn Fm in Buka that the ex students association was looking at a number of fundraising activities to replace very old buildings still being used by the school.
And according to the weekend's program their association donated some money to the work of maintenance of the church building.
The gathering was used to unite ex students so that they can contribute some funds to the upgrading of the vey old buildings.
Last year New Dawn Fm Facilitated communicatioms between the school and a sponsor from Europe who brought a Vsat for ASitavi high school.
Source: Post-Courier
ARB review in Buka
PRELIMINARY discussions on the Referendum and Autonomous arrangements review of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville were held yesterday in Buka.
This one-day discussions was held between government officers from both the PNG National Government and the Bougainville Administration.
The PNG government delegation which was led by Chief Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc includes the Secretary for the Department of Justice and Attorney-General Dr Lawrence Kalinoe and Director of the National Coordinating Office for Bougainville Affairs (NCOBA) Ellison Towalom.
According to Mr Zurenuoc (picture), two main agendas which will be looked at during their discussions will be on the identification of how to review the autonomous arrangements and the preparations on how to conduct the referendum for the political future of Bougainville.
He said this round of discussions first started in May last year, but was stalled later during the political instability caused by the election of Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister in August last year.
With the formation of the new government already in place and all past political differences already buried, this now paves way for this review discussions to continue.
Mr Zurenuoc added that Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has also thrown his support on these discussions.
Meanwhile, Chief Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc said the long-awaited K100 million funding for restorative and rehabilitative projects in Bougainville should be drawn down to the ABG this week. All hiccups preventing transfer of this funding has been fixed.
Source: Post-Courier
Cocoa exports increase
THE total export value for cocoa year 2010 and 2011 reached K344,568 million, five percent or K16 million more than the previous cocoa year according to the latest Cocoa Market Report released by the Cocoa Board of PNG.

Cocoa Board of PNG acting Chief Executive Officer Barnabas Toreu said production for the cocoa year 2010 and 2011 reached 47,592 tonnes, an increase of approximately 21 percent or 8192 tonnes more than the previous cocoa year (2009/2010).
He said for the calendar year 2011, production totalled 47,954 tonnes, 16 percent higher (6562 tonnes) than production in 2010 adding that this was partly due to the big production output in East Sepik Province.
Total exports volume for 2010 and 2011 cocoa-year reached 47, 289 tonnes, approximately 21 percent higher than exports for the 2009 and 2010 cocoa year and total exports for the calendar year 2011 was 47,652 tonnes, 14 percent higher than exports in 2010.
Mr Toreu said total export value for the calendar year 2011 was K321 million which represented a decrease of eight percent compared to export earnings for the 2010 calendar year.
The lead producer provinces for the cocoa year 2010 and 2011 were the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and East Sepik Provinces at 36 percent each or 17,180 and 17,071 tonnes respectively followed by East New Britain Province with 16 percent (7527 tonnes) and Madang with 2053 tonnes.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of Bougainville will for the first time see their national parliament members attend the ABG HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE meeting next week when the house sit for the September session starting Tuesday.
According to the new Regional member for Bougainville,JOE LERA all four Bougainville national members,LAUTA ATOI the member for North Bougainville,Communications Minister and member for Central Bougainville, Jimmy Miringtoro,the Minister for Bougainville affairs and Autonomy and member for South Bougainvillle,STEVEN PIRIKA and MR LERA himself will be present.
Mr.Lera said that the four national members will be attending the meeting as a united group unlike in the past and since the inception of autonomy for the region in 2005.
Regional member, Lera has assured the people of Bougainville that their members attendance compliments the recent reconciliation between the four blnational members and the ABG leadership in Port Moresby.
Mr. Lera said that in his term in office he will endeavour to work with three open members and the ABG to address the autonomy issues between the national government and the people of Bougainville through the ABG.
NEW DAWN FM understands that the four national members have never attended ABG HOUSE meetings at any one time together.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Still out
By Aloysius Laukai
New Dawn FM would like to apologize to its viewers that due to power problems in Buka town they haven't been updating this site also they have stopped broadcasting completely until the problem is solved.
Also our back up power is yet to be connected to be able to act as a backup system.
We will try our best to keep this site updated regularly.
Source: Asia Times
Gun violence rises in Papua New Guinea
By Catherine Wilson
BRISBANE - In Papua New Guinea, the largest island nation in Melanesia in the southwest Pacific, where more than 60% of major crimes involve guns, a burgeoning illegal arms trade is associated with lack of employment growth and low human security, with vulnerable communities suffering the consequences.
This is the case in the autonomous region of Bougainville in the east of the country, where disarmament remains elusive more than 10 years after a civil war fought over resource exploitation.

"Guns are now being used in domestic violence and armed robberies, and to settle land issues," said Helen Hakena (picture), director of the Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency in Bougainville.
"Recently there have also been armed hold-ups and shoot-outs between gun owners and police. Many people in Bougainville now accept guns as a normal part of life."
Development and economic recovery in Bougainville have been slow over the past decade, and many issues from the civil war have not been resolved.
"We also see that guns are being traded between Bougainville and other parts of Papua New Guinea and across borders. People from the Highlands often come here to buy guns," Hakena said.
Gun violence is no stranger to the small Melanesian communities in this part of the world, which over the past quarter century have experienced the Bougainville independence struggle (1989 - 1998), civil war in the Solomon Islands (1999-2003), and four military coups in Fiji between 1987 and 2006.
In Bougainville, 20,000 people were killed and more than 60,000 displaced, while a "lost generation" of children were denied education and infrastructure was decimated. In the Solomon Islands, communities were ravaged by armed violence and arson, development came to a halt, and the local economy collapsed.
There has been no armed conflict in Melanesia - which comprises Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia - or the wider Pacific Islands for nearly a decade. But Gordon Nanau, a lecturer in politics and international affairs at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji, said that was no reason for complacency.

"Whether there are serious conflicts or not, arms circulation should always be a big concern," he emphasized. "Pacific Islanders are concerned about the issue of illegal arms smuggling. With weapons around, communities are less safe, and supplies of arms passing through the Pacific must be discouraged at all costs."
The Pacific Islands account for a fraction of the global legal trade in small arms and light weapons estimated to be worth more than 8.5 billion dollars in 2012. However, there are 3.1 million civilian-owned firearms in the Pacific region, or one per ten people, which is 50% above the world average. And they outnumber those held by military and police forces by a ratio of 14:1.
Papua New Guinean civilians possess the largest number of guns in Melanesia, with an estimated 72,000 or 1.2 guns per 100 people, while police and defense forces hold approximately 19,000 firearms. New Caledonia is second with up to 50,000 civilian-held guns. And in the Solomon Islands, since disarmament, during which 90% of firearms were surrendered, there are believed to be 1,775 privately owned guns, or 0.35 per 100 people.
Gun violence is a serious issue in Papua New Guinea. The capital, Port Moresby, with a population of 450,000, has a murder rate of approximately 54 per 100,000 people, compared to an average global rate of less than 7 per 100,000 people.
And in the Southern Highlands, where an estimated 90% of firearms are illegally owned, 23% of households have been victimized by guns.
The Small Arms Survey, an independent research project located at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, concludes that crime is driven by the breakdown of traditional values, limited employment opportunities, inequality and disputes over resource ownership. Incentives for acquiring guns include self-defense and a sense of duty to defend tribal or clan interests.
And according to Oxfam International, "the impact of small arms is especially damaging in the Pacific region because of a lack of state capacity, corruption and the illegal sale and diversion of ammunition to armed groups and individuals."
The majority of firearms used in conflicts and crime in Melanesia have been leaked or stolen from legal police and military sources. The Small Arms Survey estimates up to 30% of guns in public holdings in Papua New Guinea are siphoned or sold to civilians and armed groups, with the illegal trade and smuggling of guns financed by politicians and the educated elite. Poverty and low wages have exacerbated corruption.
In 2005, Papua New Guinea's Guns Control Committee produced a report which made numerous recommendations for gun reforms. But these have never been acted upon.
There is also a known link between the trade in guns and drugs. In the Pacific Islands, the illicit commercial cultivation of marijuana has been identified in Fiji, Palau, Samoa, Tonga and Papua New Guinea, where it is regularly traded for firearms.
However, many law enforcement agencies in the Pacific Islands are under-funded, with limited capacity to implement existing gun laws or monitor the extensive maritime traffic between isolated and sparsely populated islands.
Today there are no regional agreements regulating arms transfers or the activities of arms brokers, while gun legislation varies across Pacific Island states.
The Pacific Islands Forum, an inter-governmental organization of 16 independent and self-governing island states, which is concerned about the threat posed by illegal guns and light weapons to stability and socioeconomic well-being, has endorsed the United Nations Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons and initiated measures to address arms circulation.
The Model Weapons Control Bill was developed and accepted by member states in 2003, and was further updated in 2010 to include brokering provisions. The challenge is consistent application across states.
"The implementation of the Model Weapons Bill is a matter for members of the Pacific Islands Forum to consider based on their specific national priorities," a spokesperson for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat said.
"Some countries face immense firearm and law and order challenges and accordingly have undertaken activities to assess the issues they face and are working towards improving gun control and law and order."
Another regional initiative is the Pacific Transnational Crime Network, a collaboration of law enforcement, customs and immigration agencies across the Pacific, sponsored by the Australian Federal Police, which is working to build the capacity of island states to combat transnational crime.
But ultimately, reducing the quantities, circulation and misuse of guns in Melanesia also entails diminishing their demand through raising levels of development, socioeconomic equality and human security, and effectively tackling corruption.
Source: EMTV
Basil opposition reply
Source; EMTV
O’Neill says controls will be put in place to curb overspending
There is nothing to hide. There will be nothing hidden.
In his state of national address in the first proper parliament sitting yesterday, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill opened the session with the state of the country’s economy.
Despite the economy’s growth doing well, he said controls will be put in place to curb over spending especially by national and provincial departments.
Salome Vincent reports.
Source: Post-Courier
A bright future
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has outlined the Government’s programs and work plans to take the country forward into the next five years.
He did this in his maiden State of the Nation address to parliament yesterday.
“I know the way ahead is not going to be easy for us but together we have the best possible opportunity in addressing many of these challenges.”
The Prime Minister started off with the state of the economy which he says continues to be positive, recording unprecedented growth levels despite uncertainties and a lack of capacity to sustain that growth.
“Our economic policy and finance management team of ministers are best placed and will provide more details when each minister makes their ministerial statement in the days ahead.” Mr O’Neill said.
“There is nothing to hide. There will be nothing hidden. “We are also committed to working inclusively with all our people both directly and indirectly, with businesses and churches, international community, donor agencies, to forge development alliances and secure new windows of development opportunities.”
The Prime Minister than set out his Government’s work program for the next five years with the thrust of the program about growing the future.
“For too long we have let opportunities to empower and enrich our citizens slip through our fingers.
This will not happen under our watch. Growing the future means growing, re-investing and diversifying the economy to maximise opportunities for our citizens.
Mr O’Neill said the policy drivers to achieve the desired future growth include free education and healthcare. He also targeted infrastructure maintenance and development and strengthening Law and Order.
The Prime Minister also outlined the Government’s work plans for mining and petroleum, legislative reforms, anti-corruption measures, public sector reforms, public private partnership, foreign policy, policy approach, political stability and conduct of parliamentary business.
“These policy drivers are also directed at addressing our lowly rated social indicators of poor literacy levels, high maternal and infant mortality rates, inefficient law and order enforcement, ageing public sector workforce and declining state of our country’s infrastructure.”
He said the Government will strengthen the existing Public Private Partnership policy with new emphasis on growing domestic manufacturing, agri-business and the non-mineral sectors of our economy.
“Our Government is committed to working together with the private sector to forge strong development partnership in improving services such as telecommunications and energy by rebuilding institutions like Telikom and PNG Power, with the aim of turning them into efficient and reliable service providers,” he said.
He said these service providers are seen in many countries as key drivers of a nation’s economic and social development.
“Successful implementation of these policies, which are to be complimented by establishment of the Sovereign Wealth Fund, will provide our nation with long-term safeguards and buffers.”
The Prime Minister said anti-corruption measures will include establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
“Our government has moved decisively to take the anti-corruption program forward and beyond what Task Force Sweep has done so far,” he said. We are serious about stamping out corruption at all levels and all sectors of our nation.”
He said the other Government priorities involve public sector reform, aimed at restoring efficiency in implementation and delivery of public and development services from Waigani right down to the provincial, district and community levels throughout Papua New Guinea. The Department of Personnel Management will be abolished and the Public Services Commission will be restructured to oversee the efficient performance of the Public Service,” Mr O’Neill said.
“We hear our people’s cry for change for a better life that reflects our national wealth. Our Government is determined not to fail them. Why should our people continue to remain poor in a rich country?”
The Prime Minister said the nation is at the door of big unprecedented economic progress and a very bright future. The onus is upon our Government to open that door to transform the wealth and opportunities therein into gains for people and the nation,” he said.
Prime Minister O’Neill said the wait was over and this Government now has the chance to reset the development and wealth creation direction for the nation.
Source: Post-Courier
Elders want grants
THE Council of Elders in North Bougainville are calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to immediately make funds available and pay the COEs their outstanding grants.
The 14 COE chairmen say they have been banging on the ABG doors for the past eight months but without any success.
The plight of this highest of village governing bodies was revealed to the Post-Courier last week by the chairman of the Carterets COE, Bernard Tunim.
Mr Tunim, who represented his colleague chairmen, blasted the ABG saying they have been waiting anxiously for nearly a year now, without receiving any funds to operate their offices.
“They say that we are the second highest governing body on the ground after the ABG. Yet they are not paying us our grants to carry out our duties in the village level. How do they (ABG) expect us to perform our duties when they have not been funding us for the past eight months,” Mr Tunim said.
“We are on fire by the people because the village court magistrates and those that have been rendering their services to us are still waiting for their payments. My question is for how long are we going to wait?
“They say there is no money available, yet we see and hear of ABG officers flying back and forth between Port Moresby and Buka. If these officers were given funding to travel, why can’t they do the same by paying us our COE grants,” added Tunim.
He gave an example of his people, the Carterets Islanders who facing problems due to the effects of the climatic change.
Source: Post-Courier
Dysentery in Bougainville claims lives
THE recent outbreak of dysentery in one of the most remote and mountainous areas on North Bougainville has already claimed the lives of some villagers.
According to reports, the outbreak at Melelup village in the Suir constituency area has already claimed eight lives.
Many more could have succumbed to the disease, but were luckily saved following the rapid deployment of health officers who managed to contain the sickness.
Health officers, led by the Selau/Suir district health officer (DHO) Rodney Sapaun had walked across rugged terrain and steep hills for over 13 hours before reaching the affected village.
Mr Sapaun said those who had succumbed to the outbreak were children between the ages of four and seven years old.
He said the dysentery outbreak first occurred in June, adding that if the villagers had reported the incident earlier on they would have saved the lives of these children.
“According to reports, the outbreak started after one of the dysentery patients admitted at the Buka hospital had decided to run away back to the village. While he was traveling on a vehicle back to Tinputz his body waste had come in contact with one of the village chiefs from Melelup. When the chief returned to his village, he may have somewhat passed on the bacteria to his children and then to the other villagers,” Mr Sapaun said.
Mr Sapaun said after assessing the situation, he saw that the outbreak had occurred due to total negligence by the villagers regarding their health and hygiene conditions.
“One of the reasons which led to the deaths of these children is that the villagers especially the parents are not concerned about the way they live. When we came here we saw that there were no toilets, resulting in the dysentery outbreak in the area. And so apart from treating the villagers, we also staged awareness campaigns on how they should look after their houses and village in terms of creating a healthy and hygienic environment. We also helped them build their toilets,” added Mr Sapaun.
Mr Sapaun said they will be leaving the area once they are sure that the outbreak has been contained.
Apart from the outbreak, the villagers were also faced with food shortages following continuous heavy downpour over the past months.
However, the Bougainville Disaster office in Buka had come to their rescue by chartering a chopper to airlift food rations into the area.
Source: The National
MP wants Bougainville peace deal implemented
REGIONAL member for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) Joseph Lera wants to ensure the Bougainville Peace Agreement signed by the PNG government in 2001 is fully implemented.

Lera (picture) would like to see MPs from the region working with the leaders of the Bougainville government to implement the agreement in preparation for the referendum in 2015.
Lera said the referendum might be three years away from Bougainville determining its own future and it was important for political leaders from the region to advance the peace agreement.
He said the choice made during the referendum would determine whether Bougainville remained as part of Papua New Guinea or became a separate nation.
“In order for Bougainvilleans to make informed choices for their destiny, the leaders must stand united on a common platform for service delivery to the people of Bougainville,” Lera said.
“I want to see that the ABG meetings are well attended by national MPs.”
Lera said he would employ a bottom up strategic plan to launch his political programmes starting with a 100 day activity plan to present his maiden speech in the national parliament and the House of Representatives in Buka.
This would be followed by a series of meetings with its three open MPs and ABG members to outline their areas of responsibility.
Other activities would include meetings and negotiations with development partners to identify and establish high-impact projects in each of the three electorates in Bougainville.
Lera also plans to establish a trade skills scholarship scheme for Bougainvilleans seeking to enhance their technical skills.
Source: PNG EM-TV
Health issues to be included in Mining Agreements
Mining companies intending to operate in PNG in future are expected to submit as detailed health impact assessment reports before they are allowed to start work.
Acting Prime Minister Leo Dion made this known while opening the 48th Medical Symposium now underway in Port Moresby.
The health department is in talks with the mining department to amend some sections of the mining legislation to include their requirement.
Ruth Rungula with this report.
Source: Post-Courier
K100m set for ABG
By Gorethy Kenneth
THE National Government is now ready to release the first K100 million to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
This is the first batch of funds from the K500 million the National Government promised to Bougainville specifically for impact projects in the region.
Finance Minister James Marape assured the ABG that the Finance Department was ready to disburse the K100m.
The funds have been sitting with the Department of Finance awaiting resolution of key issues including:
* Whether or not to agree to the PIP process and guidelines for projects on Bougainville;
* Whether the list of 75 projects submitted by the ABG for funding under the K100m is agreeable; and
* Whether the Trust Instruments are sufficient to manage the disbursement of the K100m from the subsidiary Trust Account.
Leaders of the Autonomous Bougainville Government and their national Members of Parliament met for the first time since the formation of the new Government this week.
They discussed critical issues to progress the development of Bougainville.
ABG President John Momis, Vice President Patrick Nisira and Minister for Finance Albert Punghau met with the four Bougainville National MPs Joe Lera, Jimmy Miringtoro, Steven Pirika and Lauta Atoi.
Also present were national Minister for Finance James Marape, Secretary for Finance, Steven Gibson and officials from the Department of National Planning and the Office of Bougainville Affairs.
Chief Secretary to the Government Manasupe Zurenuoc, who mediated on behalf of the Prime Minister, said the meeting was for Bougainville leaders to consult each other and resolve key issues relating to the disbursement of the K100m that was allocated by the National Government to the ABG this year.
Mr Zurenuoc said he was extremely pleased with the outcome of the discussions between the leaders and commended them on behalf of the Prime Minister for their
willingness to talk frankly and resolve issues.
During the discussions, Mr Marape assured the ABG that the Finance Department is ready to disburse the K100m. President Momis reminded the meeting of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and said that the K100m was desperately needed to fulfil the aspirations of the people of Bougainville.
Mr Miringtoro said that high impact projects should be the focus of the K100m and urged the Department of National Planning to work
closely with the people of Bougainville.
Mr Pirika also called for more transparency and accountability of funds released to the Bougainville administration.
Speaking on behalf of the three National MPs, Governor Joe Lera called for quick disbursement of the K100m while North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi demanded a more inclusive approach in project discussions to avoid duplication and unnecessary spending.
Mr Zurenuoc said there was strong support for a more participatory and consultative approach to engaging both national and ABG leaders in the development and peace-building process on Bougainville.
With that understanding, the leaders accepted and agreed to:
* Use the PIP process and guidelines for projects on Bougainville. Director (NCOBA) will represent Bougainville’s four national MPs on the Projects Steering Committee and report to them regularly on the outcomes of each committee meeting;
* Abide by the project listing as contained in the 2012 Development Budget; and
* Utilise the Trust arrangements already established to manage the disbursement of the K100m.
“The Bougainville people can be assured that their leaders are
united and firm on ensuring that services are delivered,” Mr Zurenuoc said.
Source: Weekend Courier
Will there be referendum: Akoitai
By Gorethy Kenneth
PAPUA New Guinea and the Autonomous Bougainville Government leaders have to tell the people of Bougainville whether there will be referendum in 2015 or not.
This is because time is running out and the main benchmarks, set under the Bougainville Peace Agreement that have not been addressed – for example – the Fiscal Self Reliance, Weapons Disposal Issue and Capacity Building to name a few.

Sam Akoitai (picture), speaking as former Bougainville Affairs Minister, a former rebel hardliner and a concerned Bougainville leader, also on behalf of the people of Bougainville, said yesterday that time is running out and that it is better to talk about referendum now before it falls flat on people’s faces.
“It’s better to say it now rather than leave it until late 2015 and frustrate the people again,” Mr Akoitai said. I am calling on ABG and the PNG Governments to tell the people of Bougainville and PNG whether there will be referendum in 2015. The Bougainville Peace Agreement was a creation for both the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government., they both must work together to ensure the BPA is fully implemented before 2015. There are benchmarks in the BPA that needs to be addressed immediately,” he said. The BPA is a double entrenchment agreement and there will be difficulties making amendments if leaders start thinking of an extension of time to referendum.”
Mr Akoitai, who also went on Radio Australia before an interview with the Post-Courier said yesterday despite him not being a leader in the ABG and PNG Government’s specifically on Bougainville, he was very concerned that still and he says that there has not been any progress so far.
Yesterday ABG President Momis met with Acting PM Leo Dion over ABG issues also including the K100 million…
Bougainville has just two years to address pressing issues before it can talk on referendum for independence.
This week Acting Prime Minister Leo Dion met with ABG President John Momis to discuss the way forward for Bougainville. Details of the meeting had not been disclosed, but the Post-Courier was reliably told that it was on the K100 million funding from the National Government and outstanding Joint Supervisory Body meeting and the Referendum issue.
Source: Weekend Courier
Mining policies under review
Mining Minister Hon Byron Chan (picture) said his ministry under the leadership of the Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazards Management (DMPGM) and support from the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) was reviewing various mining policies and laws.

He said this on Thursday Aug 30 when his visited MRA and DMPGM which are government agencies under his ministry, responsible for the regulation of the mining industry (MRA) and creation of mining policies and laws (DMPGM).
The Minister said the review aimed to address predominant issues faced by the mining sector today and in the future.
These issues include mineral ownership and royalty.
Mr Chan said most of these policies and legislations were at their final drafting stages and that he hoped to table some of them in Cabinet and Parliament towards the later part of this year and early next year.
Policies and regulations that are being reviewed include the Mining Act 1992, Mining Safety Act and Mining Policy among others.
Hon Chan said it was the will of this government that resource landowners and communities around the country must be given more recognition and attention in as far as resource benefits are concerned.
“With this intention, the review of these mining policies and laws are aimed at achieving this same objective without causing much harm to the profits of the mining companies.”
The leader said he acknowledges the achievements and challenges faced by the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) and the Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazards Management (DMPGM).
“By visiting these organizations, I now understand the achievements, the shortfalls and the constraints and challenges that they are going through.
“It is now my duty to take leadership in driving the regulatory responsibilities of my ministry and to assist these entities address impediments that are denying us from delivering on our mandate,” said Hon Chan.
The Minister said that at DMPGM, the current building housing the department was a fire hazard and was condemned and not worthy for his professional staff to work in.
He said the building must be replaced with a new one and that his priority was to secure funding for a new building.
“I will also be looking at addressing the terms and conditions and housing for these professional employees.
“It is important that we retain these professional staff to drive policy and legislative initiatives of the mining sector.”
The Minister said the MRA was faced with a high turn-over of staff because the institution was losing its staff to more lucrative mining and petroleum companies in PNG and overseas.
He said his duty was to address this matter.
He said the MRA Act 2005 must be amended to address impediments that are constraining the organization from delivering its mandate effectively and efficiently.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS is happy that the new national leadership under Prime Minister PETER O'NEIL was able to respond positively to Bougainville's
Case after meeting with them last weekend.
President MOMIS made these remarks at the Buka aiport this afternoon after returning from PORT MORESBY with his delegation which included the Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA,Finance Minister, ALBERT PUNGHAU, Planner, LESLIE TSERAHA and the Chief Administrator,LAWRENCE DISIN.
ABG President said that meetings with the Acting Prime Minister, LEO DION,Public service minister,DR.PUKA TEMU,TREASURER,DON POLYE and the chief secretary
were very promising.He said that the long awaited ONE HUNDRED MILLION KINA and including the FIFTEEN MILLION KINA Reconstruction funds for last year and this year were also approved.
President MOMIS will make other announcements at a press conference on Monday. Pictured is President Momis welcomed at the Buka airport this afternoon.