News 10.2014.1
Please note: This site will not be updated regularly between October 23rd, and November 6th, 2014 ! Bitte beachten Sie: Diese Seite wird zwischen dem 23. Oktober und dem 6. November 2014 nicht regelmäßig aktualisiert ! |
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
There are many parts to this peace and many factors that affect peace on Bougainville, says the ABG chief secretary Chris Siriosi.
When giving his keynote address during the annual Bougainville Peace and Security Implementation Framework Review workshop he pointed out to the participants that all of us are contributing to building a safe and peaceful society on Bougainville.
He said if one element is not performing in its endeavour, there will be gaps and as much as possible, we must fill these gaps to carry the peace process forward.
He added that the role that the United Nations must play and perform is to continue to mediate and facilitate a healthy relationship between the ABG and the National government.
He revealed that currently, the disputes between the ABG and the national government is on the Bougainville Restoration Grants and Fisheries.
Mr. Siriosi said these disputes can disrupt the peace process and therefore peace must be maintained at the top level as well.
He added that our responsibility is to perform at the grassroots level as well so a framework must be established to ensure our people participate in the peace building process.
He then encouraged the participants to focus on the issues that give effect to peace and harmony within Bougainville saying the answer to that lies only in collaborative thinking.
The chief secretary is looking forward to receiving the final document when it is delivered to his office.

Pic is the Chief Secretary CHRIS SIRIOSI giving his Keynote address at the Opening Ceremony. Pic by Jennifer Nkui

Director for the Peace Directorate NICK PENIAI making his Presentation

UNDP Boss Anthony Agyenta also making his presentation
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The annual Bougainville Peace and Security Implementation Review workshop kicked off today with representatives from the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the United Nations, Non-governmental organizations and other development partners.
When officially opening the workshop, the director for the division of Peace and reconciliation Nick Peniai introduced the participants to the workshop and the strategic document as well.
He explained that the Peace and Security Implementation Framework outlines ten key outcome areas as the official working document of the ABG for the relevant policies and approaches to address peace, security and governance challenges.
He said with this workshop, the participants will be able to ensure that the ten key outcomes are made as priority areas of the ABG so that the development partners can come in and ensure those outcomes are achieved.
He stressed that this can be done only through collaborative work saying everyone must collaborate, contribute ideas and see what would make better outcomes for the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Mr. Peniai also pointed out that the stage we are in now should be appreciated and also thanked the development partners for bringing the ABG and Bougainville to this stage in time.
The workshop is a two day workshop and will end tomorrow.

Pictured are the Workshop Participants Pic by Jennifer Nkui
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Governor of New Ireland, SIR JULIUS CHAN yesterday welcomed Prime Minister Peter O’Neil and Governors from all the Nineteen Provinces and including the National Capital and the Autonomous Government President.
In his welcome speech, SIR JULIUS CHAN said that PAPUA NEW GUINEA was a very unique country in which more than 800 Tribes can still live together as one despite our differences.
He said that other countries have continuous problems, Coups, Civil unrests and fighting although they have just two or three tribes.
SIR JULIUS said that PAPUA NEW GUINEA has continued to grow over the years despite people’s complaints as progress has been very slow.
The New Ireland Governor also thanked Grand chief SIR MICHAEL SOMARE and other former leaders who had the foresight and led Papua New Guinea into Independence.
The Conference was officially opened by the Prime Minister, PETER O’NEIL.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG members will be attending an induction workshop on the Bougainville Peace Agreement in November this year.
According to a memo from the Office of the Parliament Clerk, EDWIN KENEHATA, the Workshop will be conducted in Buka from November 3rd to the 7th, 2014.
The Office of the Bougainville Autonomy Implementation is arranging this awareness for the members and would include all their Executive Officers.
The venue of the workshop will be the Hutjena Secondary School Hall.
The aim of the workshop is to enable the members of the current house to have a corporate knowledge and understanding of the events that led to the establishment of the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
Meanwhile, Members of the South Bougainville Veterans Association are questioning why it has taken so long for the ABG to come up with the awareness program.
Chairman, THOMAS TARI told New Dawn FM that they were concerned at the pace in which the ABG was moving with its awareness program.
He said they were now more concerned at the conduction of the Bougainville Referendum.
The Veterans also want the ABG to quickly appoint a permanent ELECTORAL COMMISSIONER to start working on updating the Common roll in preparation for the 2015 ABG General Elections.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Paramount chief for Amatato COE Richard Birengko raised his concerns to the three members who jointly visited Evo/Torau constituency last week that other services are not reaching the people in his area.
He pointed out to the ABG regional member Joe Lera, ABG minister for community development Melchior Dare and woman representing the women of Central Bougainville Joan Jerome that the access to financial commodities in their area is limited.
He said his people are in the dark because they do not know as to how they could earn income for themselves.
Mr. Birengko stressed to the three members that the only way they are earning an income now is through gold but the gold has no good price because his people are being tricked by the buyers while the gold is leaving the shores of Bougainville.
He then appealed to both the national and ABG government to pay attention to this issue and stop such back door deals.
He said the people are already fed up with these back door deals and want both governments to do something about it.
He told the members that for the time being, the ABG must find a way to help the people in his COE and constituency so they can benefit from the little economic activities they are involved in.
Mr. Birengko also revealed that the cocoa and copra in their area is not meeting the demands of the people as well.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The regional member for Bougainville Joe Lera (pictured)) visited the two hundredth project site in Bougainville last week.
The member who made his third visit to the Evo/Torau constituency with the constituency member Melchior Dare revealed to the people that his visits were driven by the true meaning of politics which in Latin means people.
He told the people there that as the regional member he has visited 200 locations within two years and he has the travelled the whole region just to visit the people.
He added that according to St. Thomas Aquinas, if a good leader is elected, the people will rejoice because the leader will bring them to prosperity and progress.
The member said because he understands the word politics, he is visiting the people to show them that as their leader, he cares for them and wants to know their problems and worries.
Mr. Lera stressed that if a leader understands the meaning of politics, the leader will be very close to his or her people.
The member also urged the people of Evo/Torau constituency to come together and be united and help the ABG to take us to our destiny that we have fought for.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A joint visit was made to the Evo/Torau constituency last week by three ABG members, the ABG regional member Joe Lera, and community development minister Melchior Dare with woman representing women in Central Bougainville Joan Jerome.
The main aim of the joint visit was to carry out awareness on the two projects which are the limestone project in the Atamo and Amatato COE and the university project in the Kopani COE.
The three members informed the people of Evo/Torau constituency as to why the university should be situated there saying the place is central and has a lot of flat land.
The people accepted the awareness and agreed with the idea of the regional member and the ABG to set up the university there but have also requested that more awareness on the project be carried out.
The members also visited Atamo and Amatoto COE about the limestone project and the people of the two COE’s assured the ABG that they have already set up their Incorporated Landowner Group (ILG).
During their awareness programme, the members also found time to make a courtesy visit to Kopanni, Detotoro and Atamo Primary Schools.
Source: Bougainville24
Students visit BCL office in POM

Three Bougainvillean university students have visited the Bougainville Copper Limited office in Port Moresby.
Two of the students, Benjamin Heriberth Noibio and Fabian Epota, came from the Pacific Adventist University that has a campus on the outskirts of the national capital.
They were joined by Leonard Fong Roka, who was in Port Moresby to receive his Crocodile Prize Award for Papua New Guinea’s Book of Year, Brokenville.
After spending two hours getting acquainted with Port Moresby’s traffic, the students and Bougainville 24 editor Ben Jackson arrived at the BCL Office, where they were greeted by staff and shown around.
“Your visit to PAU was an outstanding and very special day for me as a writer from Bougainville,” said Mr Noibio.
“We reached our destination safely despite the traffic,” he added with a smile.
“I enjoyed the trip and the discussion we had in the BCL office.”
It was an opportunity for the Pacific Adventist University students to learn more about BCL and Bougainville 24.
For Benjamin Noibio and Fabian Epota it was also a chance to meet a role model in Leonard Roka, a seasoned writer with three books to his name.
The two were inspired by the visit, with Epota joining the Bougainville 24 team and Noibio now considering writing a book of his own.
“I am now writing my first book, triggered by your visit and our talk at the BCL office,” Mr Noibio said.
Source: Post-Courier
Ex-fighters want Bougainville operation called off
A GROUP of Bougainville ex-combatants are calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to halt the international project to rid the west coast of unexploded ordnance left over from World War II.
Operation Render Safe is to be carried out by Australian and other international defence personnel at Torokina.
The ex-combatants, led by former Bougainville Revolutionary Army leader Sam Kauona, told the Post-Courier that the timing of the operation – during the demilitarised period – was of great concern to the ex-combatants and other Bougainvilleans.
They say the decision to allow the operation is the result of failure by the Autonomous Bougainville Government to consult with the ex-combatants, who are the key stakeholders of the Bougainville peace process.
But ABG President John Momis told this newspaper that "we cannot stop Operation Render Safe because it is being taken up under international protocol. They are going to clean up the place, the unexpoded ordinances."
The president said for development to take place in the area, it needs to be safe.
"This is a specialist job, it needs the army which we can’t afford," said Mr Momis.
Mr Kauona said it was not the right time for Render Safe as "these kind of military operations should have been addressed in proper leaders forums between the implicated parties to the Bougainville Peace Agreement before decision was made to sensitive issues like Torokina".
Mr Momis pointed out that consultation had already taken place with interested parties on the ground.
Operation Render Safe is an ongoing commitment by the government of Australia which had helped in removing live bombs in countries throughout the south west Pacific. The Australian Defence Force has already conducted Render Safe in Rabaul in 2011 and the Solomon Islands in 2013.
According to ADF, the people of Torokina have requested ADF through the ABG through the local member for Torokina. The Australian government has heard the request of the ABG and deployed. Mr Kaouna sent a message to the Government outlining his grievances.
"ABG maneuvers and conducts in dealing with sensitive issues like the Torokina are of great concern to the ex-combatants who are keepers of the Bougainville Peace Agreement," Mr Kauona said.
ESBC's comment:
Who will bring Sam Kauona - a notorious trouble maker, conman and alleged killer during the Bougainville Crises - finally to jail ?
As long as he and his rotten gang are still enjoying freedom, Bougainville will never find peace!
Source: Post-Courier
Security firm works in partnership with council
A LOCAL security firm contracted by the Buka Urban Council is now working in partnership with the town authority and the Bougainville Police Service.
Moonbay Security Firm (MSF) was established in May by Mr Aloysius Hakaria and his wife Susanne with the vision for unity, peace and gender equality to help the government and the people to curb social issues in Buka town.
The company was then contracted by the Buka Urban Council to help maintain cleanliness as the town battled with betelnut stains and rubbish.
Mr Hakaria said at first they were only looking after the areas from the Buka Market and shop fronts with static guards and street guards.
Seeing its good work, the town authority has asked MSF to extend its services to all areas inside of town with Town Rangers who do regular patrols. Their involvement has resulted in people being caught in possession of marijuana and homebrew who had been referred to police. The firm has also assisted people who become stranded in town and could return to their villages by providing clothes and a roof for the night and food for the night.
Mrs Hakaria said, “We teach our guards Christian principles with morning fitness exercises and each night we do evaluations on the day’s work.
“The guards have yellow uniforms that we have bought for them and we are looking at purchasing boots for them to carry out their work professionally.”
She said the guards work according to the Council laws that they receive lectures on and how to approach people who break the town rules when they throw rubbish or spit betelnut carelessly.
“We charge a K20 spot fine but if we face resistance then they are referred to the police,” she said.
Shop owners are encouraged to place bins on their front doors for their customers to throw rubbish as street vending is prohibited and sale of shop items is not allowed on the streets.
Acting regional police commander, Inspector Spencer Aili supported the firm saying that this was what community policing should be doing. “The firm is helping us and those who break the rules and hesitate to pay spot fines must know that we will charge them or lock them up if they fail to pay.”
So far 10 people have been caught with marijuana in their possession and a number of homebrew sellers have been locked up.
Source: Post-Courier
Power outage upsets MP
Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro has called on PNG Power to restore electricity supply to the township of Arawa and the port of Kieta as soon as possible.
He said power has not been available for over a month now and the situation is costing businesses a lot of money in terms of fuel consumption through the use of their own generator sets.
Power at Arawa town came to a standstill when two PNG Power-owned diesel generators broke down last month.
It was reported that the machines sustained damages through use of contaminated fuel.
“The power situation at Arawa is an isolated incident from power problems affecting rest of the country because the diesel generators are brand new and only few months old,” Mr Miringtoro said.
The MP, who authorized a contribution of K250,000 from his DSIP funds towards the establishment of a town power supply, has expressed deep concern over the prolonged power outage.
He said infrastructure and services that rely on electricity to operate, such as the bank, shipping port and the new airport being constructed at Aropa, will be affected very badly if power is not restored soon.
“Electrical power is a catalyst to development which drives business and economic growth for the country and it is important that power supply to Arawa is restored as soon as possible by those responsible so that we can move forward”, he said.
Mr Miringtoro also made recommendations for PNG Power to maintain fuel quality by getting it from recognised dealers.
He said to do this PNG Power may have to obtain fuel directly from the vendor instead of using a contractor to supply fuel.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG urged to start funding education training
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government must adequately start funding the department of education on Bougainville and its partner agencies.
This is the sentiment from Bougainville Catholic Education secretary Ephraim Samuel.
Mr Samuel, who is based in Arawa, said the department of education and its partners are doing all they could to help teachers upgrade their teaching qualifications from certificate to diploma in primary and high schools and masters and doctorates in secondary schools.
Mr Samuel said over the years only a very small number of teachers have been sent to upgrade their qualifications due to funding constraints.
“Also, can the Autonomous Bougainville Government assist to have courses for teacher upgrading brought closer to the teachers in the region rather than going out to other provinces,” Mr Samuel said.
“For Bougainville to catch up with the rest of Papua New Guinea is through the education of our children so let’s invest in the right place for this to happen, that is in teacher training and upgrading.”
On a brighter note, Mr Samuel thanked the ABG for enacting the Bougainville Education Act which is in place and will be effected in 2015, where education will be compulsory to all school age children of Bougainville.
Bougainville is a semi-autonomous province that has drawn down most of its administrative and legal functions from the national Government.
Source: Post-Courier
West needs road link
THE road link for the people of west Bougainville mainland has been neglected by the past and current governments for far too long.
Former combatants Francis Boisivere, Jacob Boboso, Justine Perasiviri, John Memesi and Lucas Bierepi said this when they fronted up at the Post Courier office, saying they represented the people of Hahon, Kunua, Kereaka and Torokina villages.
They said for 24 years, since the restoration of basic government services, the road along the west coast from Korepovi towards Torokina has never been fully maintained.
“Instead of facilitating for adequate funding for the road linkage, politicians have spoon fed the people with banana boats and other peanut projects,” they said.
“A number of deaths from curable diseases and of pregnant mothers are simply due to unreliable transport services. Politicians and leaders should be held accountable for their gross negligence.”
Mr Boisivere, said the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has promised to construct three bridges along the west coast road but that is yet to happen after the causeway and bridges were damaged in 2012.
He said the government is always quick to repair minor road damages along the main highway on the eastern coast because other funding sources such as the Australian Government and the PNG government are there to assist.
“We call on the ABG government to take actions now as your inactions will continue to deprive our people of the needed change as we have given our support and respect to the government.”
Source: Post-Courier
IPA runs administration courses in Bana

PARTICIPANTS who attended the IPA course on public service administration at Kadorima. Picture: Jacob IENU
THE Institute of Public Administration (IPA) is running several courses on public service administration at Kadorima, in Lato constituency of Bana District in South Bougainville.
The program is made possible by South Bougainville MP and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Steven Pirika, who is funding it through the DSIP funds.
A total of K200,000 has already been given towards the program.
The program is being run by Murphy Dagan who is based in Port Moresby. It is made up of courses in compliance, client service, government and operations.
In attendance are participants from various districts in the region representing district level administration, district administration officers, council of elders, executive officers, village clerks, youth leaders for districts and women representatives.
Its purpose is to teach participants their roles are in the public service.
All participants when asked about how they felt towards the program replied that the courses were very educational and highly informative and a first of its kind in the region.
They all agree that they’ve learnt quite a lot of helpful and useful things.
According to the host and Bana District community development officer Peter Loviro, by November a total of 60 participants will have been trained.
Mr Loviro thanked the Bana District administration for promoting the program. He said knowledge gained is nothing if not put to use. Mr Loviro also took the time to thank all the participants for their presence.
Institution fast becoming leading training centre
Source: Post-Courier
ST Paul’s Tunuru Specialised Training Centre students posing in front of a project.

THE St Paul’s Tunuru Specialised Training Centre in the Kieta district of Central Bougainville is fast becoming one of the leading vocational schools in the province.
This comes with the change in management and the introduction of competency basic training (CBT) courses.
St Paul’s Tunuru STC principal Dominic Sipu said the training of students has gone up to another level with the introduction of the competency trainings in the school. Under the improvements, the students can build or construct buildings in their first year with the introduction of the CBT. With the CBT the students learn to become competent in either practical or theory.
The institution, which is located at the Pineinari council of elders, is offering courses on carpentry, plumbing electrical and agriculture.
The staff consists of two carpenters, one plumber, one electrician and one agriculturalist with students numbering 158 first years and 85 second year students.
Out of the students, 11 are girls taking various male dominated courses.
Mr Sipu said since the national Department of Education’s introduction of CBT in 2000, the institution have seen the results of students doing well in their training fields, even those in their first year of training.
“Students have already built a new dormitory for themselves that will cater for 100 students,” Mr Sipu said.
“In the practical part, we see CBT working. The projects undertaken so far include dormitory, teachers unit, mess and workshop.
“These were built by first years as second years were on job training.”
The students attending St Paul’s Tunuru STC come from all over the region and the current teaching staff and institution under the guidance of Mr Sipu is restoring its reputation as one of the top technical training institutions in the region.
“We are trying to improve the this school, it has been stagnant, in terms of development, for the last three years and now we are trying our best to move it to the next stage. It all depends on funding,” Mr Sipu said.
Source: Bougainville24
WWII relics are a tourism draw
By Pauline Karalus

Japanese envoyee visits Yamamoto crash site
Bougainville carries many wartime secrets in its jungle-covered hills, where the United States Marine Corps began their advances against the Japanese, following a horrible battle for Guadalcanal in the nearby Solomon Islands.
Torokina, on the West Coast of Bougainville, is the site of a historical invasion involving land and sea battles between allied and Japanese forces. Many unexploded ordinances and World War II relics can be found there.
Much of the road network and an airstrip built during WWII is still intact. In the pre-crisis days Torokina was also famous for the heavy surf that could be found there.
About 25km north of Buin along the south of Bougainville lays the wreck of the Japanese Betty bomber which was intercepted and shot down by Allied Forces on 18 April 1943. On board that plane was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, one of Japan’s most famous WWII commanders and mastermind of the Pearl Harbor Attack.

A ‘Betty’ in full flight.
The death was a major blow to Japanese military morale during World War II and the aircraft wreck now lives permanently in the rainforest gloom.
Admiral Yamamoto’s bomber is one of the most historically significant wrecks of WWII. It is located in the jungle near Moila Point, a few kilometres from the Panguna-Buin road, near Aku. A path has been cut through the jungle to the site and requires an hour walk from the main road. Today, the wreck is closely guarded from theft or removal of any ‘souvenirs’.
Since the 1960s Japanese delegations have visited the crash site, a memorial plaque has been erected on the Admiral’s seat and memorial sticks are often been left at the site.
The site is covered in thick jungle and landowner disputes are an ongoing issue, but if pre-arranged through one of the local tour companies it is accessible.
Albert Sipim, who was the local Bougainville Revolutionary Army commander during the Bougainville Crisis, is one such guide. Just an hour after a phone call and quick drive to his village, Albert leads his customers through the jungle.
The Yamamoto Crash Site Association has formalised visits to the site and the management has some guidelines. Visiting times are on Mondays and Fridays only and you are expected to book before visiting or at arrival with Albert Sipim at Konte, Buin. Arrival time is 8.00 am and departure time is 9.00 am for the crash site. Yamamoto crash site visitors are charged K10.00 fee each person paid on arrival or at the time of booking.
About 100 metres before the wreck there are bits of bent aircraft beside the jungle track, torn from the aircraft as it crashed down through the trees.
At the main impact site the rear half of the aircraft is still reasonably intact, both engines with bent propellers are still there. Though the wreckage has been fairly comprehensively souvenired over the years it can still clearly be recognised as a Betty.
Source: EMTV
The Late Blaise Nangoi To Rest In Peace
The journalism fraternity has lost yet another veteran, the late Blaise Nangoi.
Hail from Buka, Mr Nangoi was the former chief editor and general manager of the South Pacific Post Limited, the publisher of the Post Courier daily newspaper and a board director of Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited (MVIL), until his death.
He died in Buka while being rushed to the Buka General Hospital after falling ill in his home village.
At the time of his death, Mr Nangoi was a member of the Board Directors for Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited. In a news conference today, MVIL staff, led by Chief Executive Officer Joe Wemin, paid a minute’s silence in remembrance of their colleague.
The MVIL Board will send out a formal condolence message soon. But those present at the conference spoke highly of late Mr Nangoi’s contribution to MVIL, notably his efforts to establish a motor vehicle claims office in Buka.
Minute after minute, friends and colleagues posted on social media about the loss of the great news veteran.
Mr Nangoi worked with the Post Courier for 32 years before retiring in June this year, clocking in 7 years as a newspaper editor (2006-2012).
As the general manager of the company, Mr Nangoi played an important role in the running of the newspaper and setting journalism benchmarks for the reporters to excel.
On top of this, he was tasked to keep an eye on company operations. Post Courier described his death as a big blow to the media industry and a big loss to the people of Buka and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The late Blaise Nangoi is survived by his partner, five children and six grandchildren.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President Chief DR.JOHN MOMIS flew out of Buka this morning to attend the two-days PNG NATIONAL GOVERNORS meeting in Kavieng NEW IRELAND Province.
The two days meeting will start tomorrow and end on Wednesday before the Governor’s return to their respective provinces.
The meeting was announced recently by the Deputy Prime Minister, LEO DION that the meeting of the Governors will include the National Capital District and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville which were created outside the Provincial Government system.
From Bougainville, the ABG President, CHIEF DR. JOHN MOMIS was accompanied by the Regional member for Bougainville, JOE LERA who represents the President in other matters of National interest in the Papua New Guinea Parliament.
Meanwhile, the Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA will be acting President until he returns on Thursday this week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Division of Technical Services has been challenged to make sure Heavy Equipment Operators and owners to use floaters to move their equipments and not to run Bulldozers on the main roads.
This was a concerns raised by the public following the movement of Bulldozers in the Buka town street roads.
The public have questioned if the Technical Department or the Department of Works have some mechanism to discipline companies destroying public roads.
New Dawn FM understands that similar question was raised in the ABG Parliament by the member for BOLAVE, LAWRENCE WAKAI for the WORKS Division to charge companies running Bulldozers on the SIKOREVA Mountain and destroying the concrete pavements.
The Minister for Technical Services, LUKE KARASTON said that there are penalties that can be used to charged companies destroying public infrastructures such as roads.
Our attempts to talk to the CEO of Technical Services, Benard Tzilu concerning these concerns were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

The PNG High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands, Sir. Fred Yakasa made history when he visited Buin in South Bougainville through the back door on Saturday.
Sir Yakasa and his team comprising of police officers from the Solomon Islands were the first to come through the back door route to visit Buin via the Solomon Islands.
An elated Sir Yaksa thanked the general public in Buin Town, government officials, policemen and women who put up a parade to welcome him and his team to Buin Town.
The PNG High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands stayed for three hours and then returned to the Solomon Islands via Taro Island.
The visit of Sir Yakasa and his delegation was noted by the executive manager for Buin John Itanu as abnormal because all leaders and public figures always come through the Buka route to Buin.
Meanwhile the PNG customs officer John Kiu said that people travelling in and out of Bougainville through the Kangu route to the Solomon Islands have been travelling without passports for years.
He added that to monitor and keep records of such movements, Travel Passes will now be issued by the customs office in Buin.
Representing the veterans of South Bougainville, Thomas Tari has called upon the agencies responsible in monitoring the border to not put strong emphasis on border crossing because the border is a traditional border and that the relationship between the Solomon Islands and Bougainvilleans dates back to ancestral times.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Papua New Guinea Customs Director Wesley Bulumaris launched the PNG Customs awareness programme ‘Protecting our Borders and Securing our Future’ with New Dawn Fm today.
When launching the programme, the director who went on air explained that PNG customs has two main responsibilities which are to collect revenue from the government that is generated through taxes and to manage our borders and make sure that people and goods coming into the country have complied with our rules.
He said such information which will be generated through the programmes is power as it will enable the people of Bougainville to make informed and right decisions and also be made aware of things that are happening.
The awareness programme is being spearheaded by the New Guinea Islands Region and Bougainville is the third province to launch the programme after East and West New Britain.
According to their media officer Harold Kalava, the aim of the awareness programme is to disseminate information about the PNG customs and what it does, to inform and educate people to make the right decision and to campaign against illegal activities.
A series of programmes that are part of the awareness programme will be aired by New Dawn Fm every Monday nights starting this week but as for this week the first programme will be aired tomorrow night.
New Dawn Fm was informed that the director Wesley Bulumaris will be flying out of Bougainville this Wednesday for Kavieng for the launching of this programme there as well.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG minister for Health Rose Pihei stressed strongly last Friday that Bougainville’s future is in the hands of us individuals as Bougainvilleans.
When giving her keynote address at the launching of the fifth Human Rights Film Festival at Bel Isi Park, she pointed out to the people that Bougainville’s future is not with the ABG, not with our development partners, not with the churches, the police and other institutions but is in the hands of each citizen of Bougainville.
She said as individuals, it is time now for us to sit back and think as to how we can develop a good future for us as individuals, for our families and our communities.
Mrs. Pihei added that at most times, we abuse the word freedom and we think that the word freedom gives us the right to drink, to steal and do things that are outside of the rule of law.
This action as pointed out by the minister is not the freedom that comes under human rights and is not the freedom they are talking about.
She said our freedom must be a freedom within the rule of law.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville needs more teachers if we are to achieve the dream for Asitavi High School to become a secondary school in 2015 and for the compulsory education in 2017.
This was revealed by the Catholic Education Appointments Officer Bernadette Ropa during the 49th Grade ten graduation of Asitavi High School last week.
She also revealed to the girls that the Catholic Education office has a special consideration for grade ten students who have completed grade ten and are willing to become teachers.
She then appealed to the people of Wakunai district saying the office finds it hard to place teachers in remote schools and Wakunai is one district that have these remote schools which have no link by road.
The appointments officer said if any of the grade ten students and the community members want to take that opportunity to go and train and become a teacher and come back and serve for three to five years in the remote schools, the interested people must bring with them their CV’s to the Catholic Education office so the office will find a place for them in a Catholic Teachers College.
Mrs. Ropa also revealed that the registrar for St. Peter Channel Catholic Secondary Teachers College will be in Bougainville this week to run entry tests to students who have completed grade twelve, have upgraded through FODE, Uni Centre and DODL who are interested to become secondary school teachers.
She said the entry test will be given in Arawa this week for South and Central students and on October 27 for students in North Bougainville at the Youth Centre in Hahela.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG health minister Rose Pihei is happy because it is the first time that she has witnessed the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government working together to restore Bougainville to a more reformed state so we could enjoy our living standards on the island.
Speaking during the joint delegation visit to Arawa Hospital last week, she stressed that most Bougainvilleans have gone through the Bougainville conflict, we endured the pain, and we have been hurt and for many years we have been trying to make the National Government and the ABG to understand their responsibilities and that is to fulfill the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
And this year, was the first time for the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to come to Bougainville and in doing so has broken down the barriers between the ABG and the National Government.
The minister pointed out that more walls are coming down with the visit of the national minister for planning and monitoring Charles Abel.
She said she is now seeing a big hope for Bougainville as the ABG and the National Government are working together to restore services to Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville’s current biggest health problem that the health department is facing is mental issues of people that have been severely affected by the Bougainville conflict.
As revealed by the ABG health minister Rose Pihei, this mental issue needs special attention and as leaders, it is their responsibility to help these people so they can become normal people, to think normal about their future and the future of their children.
She explained that most of these men who are mentally affected are not living normal lives.
Speaking during the joint delegation visit to the Arawa Hospital facility last week, the minister pointed out to the other ministers that Bougainville is now at the hands of the leaders both in the national government and the ABG.
She added that Bougainville is different from other provinces and most issues happening on the island have not been experienced yet by other provinces in Papua New Guinea.
She said this mental problem is now at the hands of the national government and the ABG to address this critical issue to prepare our people especially when the window for referendum is open so when we are voting for referendum, the people will be really voting for the future that they want and the future that they think is good for them.
She stressed strongly that the future for Bougainville must be achieved with good thinking and not with mentally retarded thinking saying only a man with a clear mind will be able to make the best decision for his life and future.
The minister said this is a big issue and his department has a plan already in place to address this issue.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The goal of Callan Education Resource Centre is to help children with disabilities.
And as revealed by the centre manager Blaise Semoso, the centre is trying to help these children to access education.
But in order for them to access education, they must first go to get some sort of health assistance and that is why Mr. Semoso wants to work in partnership with main hospitals and build networks with them.
Speaking during the electric wheel chair presentation to the physiotherapy department in Buka Hospital last week, he explained that all the devices that the centre uses such as wheel chairs, crutches and glasses are usually given to them by the Callan National Unit in Wewak for the centre to use.
He added that they do not want to be greedy so they would like the Buka General Hospital to work together with Callan Services so the centre can give equipment to the sections in Buka Hospital that are in need of such equipment.
Mr. Semoso said he is very happy with the current networking and would like to encourage it to continue and whoever that comes to replace them must know that there is a big expectation for them to continue with this networking.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The fifth annual Human Rights Film Festival was officially launched in Buka this afternoon at the Bel Isi Park in Buka Town.
When launching the occasion, chair of the Human Rights Committee on Bougainville Helen Hakena revealed that this is the second time around for the human rights film festival to be held here in Bougainville.
She said this is the time for the people of Bougainville to know about human rights, their rights as individuals because as individuals, everyone has the freedom of right to whatever each person wants to do.
She added that as human beings we must know our rights and we must demand our rights.
Mrs. Hakena then stressed to the public that human rights covers everyone and that includes children, women and men as a whole.
She then urged everyone to be involved in the course of human rights and to stop violence against women, children and everyone.
The film of Mr. Pip will be shown tonight at the Bel Isi Park, while other human rights films will be screened across the region at Hahalis, Haku, Wakunai, and Arawa in Central Bougainville and Buin in South Bougainville.

Pictured is Leitana Nehan Womens Development Agency Boss Helen Hakena making her Speech. Pic by Jennifer Nkui
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The most debated and talked about issue which is the Operation Render Safe is confirmed to kick start its operations in Torokina on October 23 as scheduled.
A source who wishes to remain unanimous, informed New Dawn Fm that the plans for the events leading up to the operation are not yet confirmed but said the people of Bougainville especially in Buka and Torokina must be prepared to see a lot of army people around.
The source said the information is not concrete and the plans are sure to change but said that in two weeks time starting next week, there will be frequent army flights into Buka.
The source explained that the flights will be bringing in cargo or food supplies, equipments, medical supplies, forklifts and refrigerators for the render safe team to use in Torokina.
The source added that the information on the operation will be made concrete as date of the operation draws near but for now the source wants the people of Bougainville to be aware that such things will be happening so they must be prepared to accept what will be happening.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville health workers get mental health training
There are plans for health workers in rural areas of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea to receive basic mental health training.
Last week Bougainville's health minister, Rose Pihei, said more help is needed for those affected by mental health issues and trauma caused by the Bougainville crisis.
The director of medical services at Buka hospital, Dr. Barnabas Mapanu, says as in most post-conflict regions, mental health services are very much needed.
He says there are minimal resources to assist people, but he chairs a mental health steering committee which is looking to provide more training for health workers.
"We are able to train people who can recognise people affected by mental health initial complications, within the community. So that we can be dealing with this right in the community instead of focussing them right in the hospital setting."
Dr. Barnabas Mapanu says it is important to have trained rural health workers, as it is often too expensive for patients to travel to the hospital to seek help.
Source: Post-Courier
Hospital ablution ‘not fit for use’
THE Buka General Hospital’s ablution block has been described by patients as unhygienic and not fit for patients to use.
A patient, who doesn’t want to be named and who has spent two weeks at the hospital, told the Post-Courier in Arawa that he will never forget the experience he encountered at the hospital seeing the unhygienic status of the toilets and shower rooms.
The patient said it was unbelievable to see the bad and shocking state of the province’s biggest hospital’s ablution blocks that serves the people of Bougainville.
“The state of the hospital’s ablution blocks is very shocking and unbelievable as it is not up to standard for patients to use,” the patient said.
The Buka General Hospital, which acts as a referral hospital in the region, is undergoing maintenance work on its ablution blocks.
To date the toilet building for the women is still under repair and not yet completed and both the male and female patients are using the same toilet blocks.
“Traditionally it is shocking also to find out and witness both men and women are using the same toilet block and shower room block as the other one is still under repair and maintenance,” the patient said.
Another guardian, Cosmas Amako who just returned from the hospital with his wife, questioned the overall administration of the hospital on behalf of the other patients who are struggling without complaining.
“I am happy and pleased with the performances of the hardworking nurses, doctors and even the cleaners but what upsets me is the administration of the hospital which I believe should be responsible for all this maintenance and continue to remind the patients and guardians to look after or use the toilets and shower rooms properly,” Mr Amako said.
He said the province’s four parliamentarians must have some time to walk into the hospital blocks and see if they can contribute in some ways to the hospital’s infrastructure needs.
Nevertheless, on behalf of the patients and guardians during his time at the hospital, Mr Amako thanked the hardworking and committed doctors and nurses, security guards, cooks and cleaners for a job well done and urged the hospital administration to step up and deliver more to brighten up and put smiles to the faces of the patients by creating incentives and promote health and hygiene and general cleanliness.
The hospital’s administration could not be reached for comment about the issue.
Source: Post-Courier
Village chief confirms food shortage in area
A village leader in the Halia Constituency, Frank Gatana, has verified the food shortage faced by some people of Halia Constituency in Buka.
But Mr Gatana said the people who are complaining about not getting relief assistance from the Bougainville Disaster Office are those who do not have food gardens to cater for their needs.
He said most people in Buka and the mainland of Bougainville are facing food shortage since heavy rains have destroyed most of their gardens in May and June this year.
Mr Gatana said it has been four to five months and a variety of sweet potato takes only three months to be ready to be eaten and most people in Halia are starting to consume from their food gardens after waiting for relief aid from the disaster office.
“But yet some of those lazy people are still complaining of relief aid as they can’t work to sustain themselves,” he said.
“We cannot always rely on the services of the government but we must in turn help the government in some way or other to eradicate the food shortage situation. We want roads, health, education and other important services and yet we are crying for more from the government.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka launches human rights film festival
THE HUMAN Rights Film Festival was launched in Buka on Friday at the Bel Isi Park to showcase forms of abuse to the people so they understand what human rights is all about.
Human rights covers all forms of discrimination and abuses faced by everyone, beginning with when a child is in the womb of the mother to the end of one’s life.
The film festival is being showcased in partnership with the Office of the Human Rights Centre, the United Nations, Bougainville Women’s Federation, World Vision, Care International, Nazarene Rehabilitation Centre, the ABG and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Speaking during the launching of the event, Ombudsman Commission senior investigator on anti discrimination and human rights Patrick Niebo said it is a big issue in today’s society and now we have laws that govern or protect people from all forms of human rights abuse..
“Our role is to ensure we assist the needs of the people and to investigate anyone who abuses the right of others from the government leaders, Police and Correctional Services and down,” Mr Niebo said.
Chief technical adviser of United Nations office in Bougainville Anthony Agyenta said this film festival is not for people to come and only watch but to visualise and discuss human rights issues on how to alleviate the problem within ourselves.
He said young men and women must learn to reflect for peace is everything and peace without everything has no respect.
Source: PNG Attitude
Blaise Nangoi, former Post-Courier editor, dies at 51
THE eminent Papua New Guinean journalist, Blaise Nangoi, has died suddenly in Bougainville at the age of 51.

Mr Nangoi (pictured above), who retired only in June this year after 32 years with the PNG Post-Courier, spent his entire working life with the newspaper.
He was editor for seven years before being promoted to general manager, a position he retained until his retirement.
He joined the paper as a journalist from the University of Papua New Guinea and quickly showed his talent for the incisive and fearless reporting of politics and national issues that became his trademark.
His career followed in the footsteps of the renowned Luke Sela, the first Papua New Guinean editor of the newspaper.
Mr Nangoi was very supportive of the Crocodile Prize national literary contest during its formative years, enabling senior newspaper staff to work on its administration, publishing the best writing and providing free advertising space in the Post-Courier for promotion.
I found him to be tough, humorous and decisive and his untimely death deprives Bougainville and Papua New Guinea of a man with superb leadership qualities.
He died on Sunday while being rushed to Buka General Hospital after suddenly falling ill.
Mr Nangoi is survived by his partner, five children and four grandchildren.
Source: Bougainville24
The natural highway rest stop at the Pakia Gap
By Ishmael Palipal

Located along the highway from Arawa, Panguna, Nagovis and Siwai is a life sustaining stream that comews out of the mountains.
The stream is found at the Pakia Gap just above the Panguna mine pit and the water is said to never stop flowing even in dry seasons.
It is a rest stop and refuel station to hydrate the human body and cars going down the highway south to Panguna, Nagovis or Siwai stop to cool down at this small stream coming out from the ground at the side of the mountain.
The water is naturally cold, as it flows from the frosty mountains of Crown Prince Range.

As the water comes straight out from the ground at the side of the mountain, and since there is no one living on the top of the mountain or nearby, the water is naturally pure and sweet.
“Stop over at Pakia Gap for a taste of the water there,” travellers would yell to the driver.
Often cars, trucks or buses are parked in a long queue at this point waiting for their turn to drink the streams sweet water before continuing on their journey.
At times you will see residents from Arawa town going up to Panguna, especially this location, with empty containers to refill them with this water for drinking back in town.
This natural tank serves the travelling public along the Panguna Mining Access Road and is a resource that people must be responsible for.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville to put its clocks forward

Clocks in Papua New Guinea's Bougainville are to be put forward by one hour from December the 28th.
Bougainville is an autonomous region and has been granted an increasing number of powers by the national government in Port Moresby over the past year.
It will be the first occasion that PNG has been split into different time zones.
Our correspondent says the change means Bougainville will be in the same time zone as its near neighbour and trading partner, Solomon Islands.
Source: Post-Courier
Reconciliations gather momentum

MORE peace and reconciliation ceremonies are taking place in Bougainville as the autonomous region prepares for referendum to decide on referendum.
One such ceremony took place on Monday at Kovinau in Detosi Village Assembly of Ioro One in the Panguna district of Central Bougainville.
Two conflicting parties which reconciled were the Tekalu clan of Tekana VA in the Bana district of South Bougainville and ex-combatants of Orami in Ioro One constituency of Panguna district.
The ceremony called ‘osikoing’ and ‘karekara’ in Nasioi dialect of Kieta signifies cleansing and reconciliation ending all hostilities which culminated with a traditional feast.
The reconciliation ceremony was witnessed by the people of Bana and Panguna districts and their leaders.
Chief Severinus Simi of Boko clan and chief John Karenai of Tekalu clan shared and chewed betelnut before breaking bows and arrows to signify the occasion.
Bougainville member for Ioro Michael Oni, who is mining minister, thanked the people for taking the initiative to make peace it without asking for government support.
He added more reconciliations were outstanding throughout the region.
Member for Kongara Dominic Itta said with referendum around the corner, peace and reconciliation must continue, Peace was the only way forward, he added.
Other speakers also emphasized peace, love and respect. The day ended with a feast of taro and pork meat.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville tax revenue too small
ONE of Autonomous Bougainville Government’s key pillars – to become fiscally self reliant by 2018 – is facing a major setback due to low tax compliance in the semi autonomous province.
Current tax revenue only amounts to K10 million a year.
"We can double the current internal tax collection to K20 million," said Mr Peter Siana, the government’s chief tax collector.
He said this could happen only if people were willing to comply with the existing tax system.
Assistant senior taxation officer Gabriel Pantei however, said the ABG was capable of raising more than this.
"There is so much money around. The problem is lack of a system in place to effectively accommodate tax regulation in Bougainville," he said.
Mr Pantei said the Bougainville taxation office had only one dedicated staff member – the chief collector – while two officers were attached from the finance division.
"It needs to have its own structure to effectively and efficiently deliver to the expectation of our people and the political head and the administration should work together to come up with that structure, so that it is budgeted in the 2015 budget," said Mr Pantei.
"We can improve the tax collection with appropriate programs in the long term. Effective awareness and enforcement can reduce the risk of non-compliance in the business community," said Robert Perokai, the officer overseeing the Internal Revenue Commission office in Buka.
He attributes the low tax collection largely to the region’s narrow economic base.
But he said there are positive trends in agriculture, alluvial mining and fisheries that could see a progress in the future.
Source: The National
Bougainville final venue for film fest launch
THE fifth annual PNG Human Rights Film Festival continues on to its final venue in Bougainville and will be launched at 4pm today at the Bel Isi Park in Buka. The film Mr Pip will follow messages and addresses.
There will be film screenings in villages across all regions of Bougainville, Oct 13 in Haku (Tanreki), Oct 14 in Hahalis (Hahalis Primary School), Oct 15 in Wakunai (Wakunai Primary School), Oct 16 in Arawa (Haus Stori) and Oct 17 in Buin (United Church Building).
Festival director Alithia Barampataz said most films were about PNG and by PNG film makers.
The festival’s films and discussions will relate to health, youth rights, women’s rights as well as the Bougainville crisis and referendum.
“Everyone is welcome. This is a great opportunity for families to come to together to watch films, learn more about their rights and join discussions with others in their community” Hona Holan, president of Bougainville Women’s Federation, said.
Source: The National
Bougainville police back on the road
POLICE are back on the road to restore basic road safety rules and regulations in Buin, acting South Bougainville commander Snr Sgt John Popui said.
After the Bougainville crisis, road safety had deteriorated and become unregulated but police have been picking up pace in addressing the issue since last month under the Stap Gut Drive Wantaim Hamamas (stay safe drive happily) campaign in Buin with the help of 20 probationary constables.
The programme has included awareness in schools, among drivers and parents.
Some drivers were issued traffic infringement notices.
Popui said he noticed changes in the behaviour of drivers and passengers on the highway
As a result of the high visibility traffic awareness, unroadworthy vehicles have not frequented the main highways and passengers’ attitudes have improved.
Generally, the drivers are happy for the police to carry out awareness on road safety.
“When the law is tough and enforced, people will adhere to it. It was noticed after the crisis that was a lot of unroadworthy cars, unlicenced drivers and unregistered vehicles,” Popui said.
“Many traffic accidents occur because of the negligence of road safety rules and regulations.
“Police can not improve the current situation alone and need the support of stakeholders.”
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

The chairman of the Asitavi school board of Governors PETER TAREASI says ASITAVI High School is not ready to become a Secondary School in 2015.
He made this comment at the graduation of 161 Grade Ten students at the School today.
MR TAREASI said that although the Bougainville Education Board had approved the upgrading of the school last year, the school is not able to implement the decision due to the capacity of the school in terms of infrastructures that are buildings needed to accommodate this decision.
He said that the school will be looking at 2016 as the year for the School to become a Secondary School that will help increase the number of Grade 11 and 12s in the years to come.
According to the Principal of the School, Mrs ELAINE BARIS today marks the 20th Grade 10 graduation since the resumption of education services after the Bougainville conflict.
MRS BARIS thanked the parents and Citizens and the students for a good year 2014.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Education's Appointments Officer, Bernedath Ropa said that the school was established in 1956 and today marked the 49th Grade ten graduation.
She said that this year will mark the end of the High School era as the School will move into the Secondary School level next year.
Source: Bougainville24
Mothers of the land face struggles
By Maryanne Hanette
The districts in the Autonomous region of Bougainville have different views about their land ownership and family roles.
At the northern tip of the island women are the decision makers in a family, with the help of the eldest brother.
Most Language and cultural groups in Bougainville are matrilineal, meaning women are the head in decision making about using land rights and due to their kinship and inheritance.
Despite the matrilineal nature of society many women face many struggles and challenges to be independent individuals with the same rights, respects, dignity and freedoms as their male counterparts.
In traditional Bougainvillean society women have an important place in the family and a vital role in the life of the clan.
Women are mothers of the land and are traditionally entrusted with the major responsibilities of keeping the family wealth and recording family history.
A woman is also responsible for arranging marriage, organising the special feasts and cultural activities within the clan and participating in important negotiation concerning land rights and birthrights.
In politics today we need effective political leaders in shaping and developing the future Bougainville.
Therefore political education for women is very important. Girls and women must be given equal opportunities in formal education and to participate in political governance of the region.
Source: The National
Two men, woman to stand trial for alleged murder
TWO men and a woman were committed by the Buka District Court yesterday to stand trial for an alleged murder in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Magistrate Bruce Tasikul said there was sufficient evidence to try Philemon Rakei, 25, and of Hahon village in West Coast Bougainville, Jayleen Kauri, 27, and of Lasluk village in Torokina, West Coast Bougainville, and Gregory Geivin Paul, 32, and of Ponaveh village inTinputz.
They have been charged with the murder of Paul Namesi Pilutus.
It was alleged by that on March 26, the defendants were at Kokopau, in the northern tip of Bougainville drinking alcohol.
However, before to that Kauri was seen at the Kamarau beachfront where the deceased was looking for her after she stole some money from his account at an ATM.
The court heard that after she crossed back to Kokopau, she rang the deceased to cross over to her.
The deceased crossed over and met the three defendants drinking at a house at Bonus plantation beach.
The defendants allegedly assaulted the deceased and left him lying on the road.
Some people passing by saw the deceased and reported the matter.
In his ruling, Tasikul found that even though the defendants denied hitting the deceased, there was evidence that witnesses saw them with the deceased before his death.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Callan Special Education Resource Centre last Friday donated an electric wheel chair to Buka General Hospital.
The electric wheel chair is worth a total of forty-five thousand kina.
Present for the occasion were manager for Callan Special Education Resource Centre Blaise Semoso, chief executive officer for Buka Hospital Dr. Cyril Imako and Medical Services Director Dr. Barnabas Matanu.

When giving his speech during the presentation ceremony, Dr. Imako stressed that Callan Services has always been a big help to people living with disabilities in the region.
He pointed out that at most times, health workers do not devote their time to disable people and that they only pay attention to them when they are coming into the hospital setting.
He added that when these people with disabilities are outside of the hospital, the health workers do not look after their welfare and their needs.
Dr. Imako said Callan services do have a very big recognition for what it is doing to people living with disabilities.
He then pointed out that the most important thing is for the Buka Hospital and Callan Services to work in collaboration which has been happening as revealed by the director for Medical Services Dr. Matanu.
The Buka Hospital Physiotherapy was established with the help from Callan Services as all the equipment in the physiotherapy center were all donated by Callan Services.
Dr. Imako said this collaboration will continue and the electric wheel chair is another example of that collaboration.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The director for the Leitananehan Women’s Development Agency Helen Hakena (pictured) has condemned the ‘Pitanlan’ or ‘Sun Dance’ that is usually performed by women in North Bougainville.

She told New Dawn FM in an interview that this practice is not good because the practice allows women and young girls to get drunk and lose control of themselves.
She pointed out that when they are under the influence of liquor, there is no one to control them and young women end up with so many fatherless children.
And the women end up with so many children as well.
Mrs. Hakena said this practice is not good as so many men have been commenting on this practice which downgrades the integrity of women in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Former department of primary industries officer and a concerned Bougainville citizen has raised an issue with New Dawn Fm on the retrenchment of Bougainville public officers.
Francis Loio stressed that the Autonomous Bougainville Government is now retrenching most public officers from all divisions but are there replacements for all these public servants?
He said most of these public servants who are being put on the retrenchment list have the experience on the work that they do.
He added that the ABG president and the executive officer need to look into this saying if they want to retrench the public servants, they must make sure that new graduates get two to three years training from the experience public officer before he or she retires.
Mr. Loio said in this way, there will be replacements available when the public officers retire from their posts from the public service.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Those traumatised by Bougainville civil war need help, says Minister
The health minister of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, says mental health specialists are needed in the autonomous region to help meet the needs of those still traumatised by the civil war.
Rose Pihei says social disorder in Bougainville is mostly connected to the trauma people went through during the crisis more than a decade ago, but that trauma has never been dealt with and is becoming a generational issue.
The minister says there is very little being done to address the issue, and only one organisation in the whole Bougainville region has the skills to treat mental health issues.
"It's becoming a real burden on that organisation, and that's why we will be needing specialist doctors to come in and aid us help, very little attention has been given to the whole region concerning mental health."
Rose Pihei says she wants trauma and mental health issues to be key issues that both the national government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government work to combat.
ESBC comments: It would be an important step to help traumatised Bougainvilleans if all those bloodthirsty warlords who slaughtered hundreds of peace loving Bougainvilleans during the crises were finally brought to justice. Those former combattants of Me'ekaumui, BRA etc. still terrorise the people of Bougainville. They deliberately boycott the peace process as they refuse to render their weapons as claimed in the weapon disposal program.
Source: Bougainville24
Local skills and knowledge can be shared through training
By Ishmael Palipal

Rachel Soli demonstrates her baking skills.
Developing the life skills of Bougainvilleans can have a big impact on the lives of normal people in the autonomous region.
Skill training, which is being provided occasionally to some villages, seeks to help people improve themselves in ways the will effect their day-to-day lives, rather than through formal education.
Rachael Soli, of mixed Hanahan (Buka) and Buin heritage, stated that training is a good way of helping people provide for themselves.
“My parents on several occasions have travelled to the villages back home, training villagers on basics skills like baking, cooking, fishing, hunting and sawing,” Ms Soli said.
Rachael, in her third year at the Divine Word University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, said that the lost generation of Bougainville can benefit from small scale skills training, such as those her parents run during holiday sessions.
Her father, Mr. Leo Soli, is a retired vocational and technical school trainer, observed that even the villagers themselves have certain skills that, if organised and given the opportunity, they can pass on to their peers.
“The skills are there in the society, but we have to provide avenue for the learning and training to take place,” Ms Soli said.
“If we create these avenues, people can help themselves.”
Many people have a good knowledge of baking, sawing, screen printing, weaving, dye dying, cooking, playing guitar and local instruments. There is potential to form a skills training organisation and go into the villages and train the villagers to help them cultivate these skills.
The technical schools require a base level of literacy and education, something that takes years to acquire. Skills training at the village level can, in some cases, take only a few hours to teach. For instance men, women and children can get a basic grasp on the skills of baking in just a few hours.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG minister for lands, physical planning, environment and conservation revealed last week that our life, wellbeing and the future development of Bougainville depend on land and environment.
He pointed out that in our culture, a human person is inseparable from land and environment and yet the centre of the Bougainville conflict was land and environment, or squatter settlement and illegal land occupants.
Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony in Arawa village, the minister Newton Kauva stressed that this is challenging because land disputes throughout Bougainville is on the rise and is threatening development and security including foreign investment which thus including global climate change and its effect on land and environment.
Bougainville is very fortunate that 97 per cent of the land is still customary land while 3 per cent is alienated land controlled by state legislation.
However, all this is subject to economic and social pressures by which the minister pointed out saying land use is challenging as local economy develops and become more interactive with the global economy and community.
Given these important challenges, the minister has confidence that he has the expertise to perform to the best in the remaining months to deliver the best to serve the Bougainville government and the people of Bougainville.
Mr. Kauva also told the planning minister Charles Abel that it is good that he visited Bougainville and seen the hardships that Bougainville is enduring for the last couple of years so that when our case is presented on the floor of the national parliament, Mr. Abel will support the course for the people of Bougainville.
He then appealed to the national minister for lands Benny Allan to consider assisting his department to have its own land board when land policy is in place to speed up matters in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Governor for West New Britain Province Sasindran Muthuvel has strongly stressed to Bougainvilleans to let go of the past and not to dwell in the past.
Speaking at Panguna Primary School during the joint delegation visit there last week, he pointed out that Bougainville has a very big potential.
He added that it is true we went through the experience of the crisis but we cannot sit down and regret past experiences and what it caused.
He said we must start to build and since we are living in the present, we must start building up our future.
The governor also stressed that the experience of the crisis is a very important lesson for all of us saying it is very easy to destroy something but to make it is always extremely difficult which we are currently experiencing practically to rebuild Bougainville.
He pointed out that at least through this lesson when we start to build infrastructures, we must respect them and look after them.
Mr. Muthvel stated that if Bougainville wants to develop, there are three important priorities that must be taken into account and they are education, education and education.
He said if the ABG can have the three priorities as education, Bougainville is sure to have a bright and strong future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The doctor in charge of Arawa hospital Dr. Joe Vilosi has stressed strongly to the joint delegation that visited the Arawa Hospital facility last week that health services is number one priority in any government that wish to deliver any form of service to its people.
He told the minister for national planning Charles Abel that his coming to Bougainville is to really look at high impact projects but impact projects without a healthy community is meaningless.
The doctor pointed out to the delegation that health overrides other services, even education because before any government or any country can stand alone, it must first have a healthy workforce.
Therefore, the drive for Bougainville to stand alone will also be based on a healthy workforce.
After giving his speech, Dr. Vilosi presented Minister Abel, Minister Miringtoro and minister Karaston with documents containing six points that the medical staff of Arawa hospital want must be considered as the foundation of the New Arawa Hospital by both governments.
When giving his response to Dr. Vilosi, Minister Abel explained to the staff of Arawa hospital that one cannot get services such as health and education to Arawa, Buka and Buin if the fundamental services of roads, communication and electricity are non-existent.
He said when the fundamental infrastructure is there, it will help ease the provision of subsequent services of health and education.
He went on further to say that Arawa hospital can be the only referral hospital on Bougainville but it must be done step by step.
He explained that at the moment, the national government is concentrating on improving all regional hospitals and all the money is being used to maintain those hospitals.
Minister Abel stressed that once maintenance on regional hospitals is done, the national government will turn its attention to provincial hospitals.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG minister for lands Newton Kauva has revealed that his expectation from the office of the department of lands, physical planning, environment and conservation is teamwork.
He said he expects other ministries, departments, development partners, the government of Papua New Guinea and the people of Bougainville to work together as partners.
Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony in Arawa village last week, he pointed out that he would like us to be guided by our past experiences and the changing trends to plan and provide the best to address the current issues and to prevent further unrest and violence.
He added that it is only through team work and partnership that we will provide the best laws, policies, sustainable development and secure our future including our future generation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The first ever Bougainville Peace Agreement workshop was opened in Buka today by the ABG finance minister Albert Punghau.
The four day workshop which started today will end this week Friday.
When giving his keynote address, the minister stressed to the workshop participants that most leaders in the ABG parliament are new leaders and they too need awareness on the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
He pointed out that if they are not aware of the peace agreement, how can we expect them to go down to their people with the right information?
He added that most of the leaders in the National government are also new leaders and if they are not aware of the peace agreement how do we expect them to provide a good ratification on the result of referendum?
Mr. Punghau stated strongly that the Bougainville Peace Agreement is a very important agreement and a road map that both governments must honour and comply with.
He then told the participants that they have a very big mission and that is to go out and inform the people of Bougainville in the villages and communities about the Bougainville Peace Agreement and its contents.
He said by giving the people the correct and right information, the people will then be prepared and will be ready to make the right choice.
Similar workshops will be conducted also in Arawa in Central Bougainville and Buin in South Bougainville.

Pictured is MR. PUNGHAU making his Opening remarks.

workshop participants pictured here
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The successful visit to Bougainville by the National planning and monitoring minister Charles Abel and his delegation was concluded with a farewell dinner hosted by the ABG at the 3 Rocks Bar in Arawa town last week.
The ABG vice president Patrick Nisira who spoke on behalf of the ABG president Chief John Momis, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the people of Bougainville thanked Mr. Abel for everything he did to the people of Bougainville during his four day trip around the island.
He stressed that the four day trip was tiring for everyone who participated but it was all for a worthy course.
When giving his address during the farewell dinner, Mr. Nisira told the minister that when he came to Bougainville, he said all the right words, everything he said was heard by everyone and we are happy because the minister has brought smiles to the faces of everyone he met.
He added that what the minister did is very little in contribution but the vice president believes that it will go a long way.
He then stated that when the minister returns to Port Moresby, the budget session will be on and Bougainvilleans will not ask for anything but would like to thank the minister for being able to come to Bougainville personally and to be able to see and feel the situation on the ground.
The vice president said he believes Minister Abel as a leader was enlightened by the experiences of the four days he has been here on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Quite clearly, Bougainville people want autonomy and the National Government wants to support that process but it also wants us to remain as a family, as revealed by the National minister for planning and monitoring Charles Abel.
He said he is saying this because as a family, we are stronger united but we need to show the commitment if we are to be members of a family.
Speaking during the opening of the new four in one classroom in Arawa High School last week, he stressed that ultimately it is the choice of the Bougainville people as to their destiny and their future.
He added that because it is the choice of the people, the national government will not interfere in any way except to come and try to demonstrate some commitment that it cares about the people of Bougainville.
Minister Abel said that is all the national government is going to do saying they are not going to interfere in any other way but will do it jointly with the ABG.
He explained further that they will not do it in competition with the ABG but will work with the ABG because they are the representatives of the people of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
More than seventy possible seaweed farmers are attending a one-week workshop sponsored by the European Union and trainers are from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community based in Suva Fiji.
The training started yesterday and will end this Friday.
According to the officer in charge of this training, AVINASH SINGH the workshop has been funded by European Union and SPC are using their trainers under the program to Increase Agricultural Commodity Trade.
Other trainers are KEVING LABIS from the Philippines and another staff from the SPC ELENIO YAP.
MR.SINGH said that the project partner is the National Fisheries Association or NFA which has been working with the SPC in the past.
The participants are from KIETA, TINPUTZ,KUNUA,Buka,NISSAN,TASMAN and FEAD Islands.
Amongst the participants were also Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries officers who will later train other Bougainville seaweed farmers in future.
Seven other male participants came all the way from Milne Bay province to attend this workshop.
As part of their training the participants today set the place for Seaweed farming just off the SWANDI ISLAND near the famous White island in Buka.
New Dawn FM also noted that from all the participants, only three were women especially when Seaweed can be a woman’s business activity.

Source: Post-Courier
Nisira calls for quality work

The people of Buka Island want to see quality work for the money that has been paid out, urged Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) Vice President Patrick Nisira said at the signing of Buka Ring Road contract yesterday.
The contract, valued at K36,339,842.52, was awarded to Bougainville owned company Jomik Plant Hire Ltd and would involve the upgrade and sealing of the first 20km of the Buka Ring Road from Malasang end of the existing seal to Malis village.
Mr Nisira further urged that rather than repeat the same experiences of other road projects, he would like to see that for this project, the machineries are mobilised to the project site as soon as the mobilisation budget is released.
"The people want to see work happening. I am glad that this project is happening.
"The sealing of the Buka Ring Road will have an impact on 50,000 lives. I am glad that a local company has taken on this contract because you will build the capacity of the local sub contractors," Mr Nisira said.
He appealed to the Bougainville people to respect the decision made by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) on 30th September to award the contract to Jomik Plant Hire Ltd.
Mr Nisira said the awarding of the contract was based on the contractor meeting all of the technical requirements.
The Bougainville Vice President thanked the national Government for funding the project through the special intervention fund (SIF) of K100 million of which the Buka Ring Road project is amongst 20 other high impact projects implemented by the ABG this year.
Source: Post-Courier
Rio Tinto rejects rival's bid
ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN mining group Rio Tinto has said that it rejected a takeover bid by rival firm Glencore in August, because it was "not in the best interests" of its shareholders.
On Monday, speculation of a possible merger had caused shares in Rio Tinto to rise by more than 9% in New York.
The mining giant now has a market capitalisation of nearly £56.3bn (K231bn) compared with Glencore’s £44.5bn (K183bn).
A deal would have created the world’s largest publicly listed mining group.
In a statement, Rio Tinto emphasised that no discussions were taking place with Glencore, and that there had been no contact between the two firms since the bid was rejected in August. Glencore had originally contacted Rio about a possible deal in July.
But Bloomberg has reported that Glencore has been sounding out Rio Tinto’s largest shareholder, Chinalco (Aluminium Corporation of China), on its attitude to a potential merger.
Chinalco owns about 13% of Rio Tinto.
Rio’s chairman, Jan du Plessis, said the company had "made significant progress in refocusing and strengthening its business".
"The board believes that the continued successful execution of Rio Tinto’s strategy will allow Rio Tinto to increase free cash flow significantly in the near term and materially increase returns to shareholders," he added.
In August, Rio Tinto reported a 21% rise in half-year profits to $5.1bn (K13bn; £3.2bn) after cutting costs.
Last year, Glencore bought Swiss mining firm Xstrata, forming one of the world’s biggest metals and commodities firms.
But the deal only went through on condition that Glencore sold its stake in Xstrata’s copper mining project in Peru to a buyer approved by Chinese authorities.
China was concerned that the merger would have given Glencore too much power over the copper market.
In April, Glencore sold the Peruvian copper mine to a Chinese consortium for £3.6bn (K15bn) in cash.
Source: Post-Courier
Advocacy group defends report
ADVOCACY group Jubilee Australia has defended its controversial report “Voices of Bougainville” against the latest attacks.
The report on Panguna landowner views on re-opening the Panguna mine has been slammed by landowner groups, the Bougainville president and others. The report has been called “divisive”.
In a statement to this newspaper, Jubilee’s research Director Luke Fletcher said, “President Momis’ letter made approximately 20 allegations as to flaws in the report. In order to conduct due diligence, Jubilee is currently conducting its own investigation into each specific allegation before determining its response.
“If the Jubilee Australia Board decides that there is any need to nuance the conclusions to correct any misinterpretations about the research, which appear to have been rife, it will do so.
“It would be inappropriate to pre-empt the outcome of this investigation until our board has a chance to meet and discuss the matter. However, we expect to release a statement soon, hopefully by the end of this week.
“Having made this qualification, it is possible to make some general responses in the meantime. First, we endorse Dr Lasslett’s comments about the purpose and scope of the research.
“The report never claimed to represent all the people of Bougainville and in fact explicitly stated that it did not. The report stated a number of times it represented only the people in Panguna who were consulted in this study.
“Second, as to our collaborators in the report, BRG and the International State Crime Initiative (Dr Lasslett’s organisation), we have found them to be thoroughly professional.
“There were a lot of challenges in gaining access to these particular communities. They are not only in remote regions but there are security checkpoint around some of these places. In particular, without the partnership with BRG we would never have gained access to the communities where we did the research.
Third, it is a widely-held standard in academic research that no one is without bias — no person or organisation approaches a situation without ingrained beliefs and presuppositions. The important point about research is that precautions must be taken to ensure that personal biases do not influence the results that one finds. We took many precautions in designing the research method and training the researchers to ensure that bias was at a minimum.”
Mr Fletcher said the interview questions were not included in the report, “because the interviews used a ‘semi-structured’ format and thus we felt to do so might have been misleading. We will re-examine the question of whether to release the interview schedule in the coming days”.
“Finally, if one actually reads the report, one can see that, at least among the people we spoke to, heart breaking stories of trauma, decades of mistrust, a desire for a deeper and more meaningful reconciliation.”
Source: Post-Courier
NGO group assists flood stricken villagers

Mama Lucy of GSNDV presenting food items to the representative of the Laluai River floods Konie Bireung as staff of Diparus Enterprises looks on. Picture: JACOB IENU
PEOPLE living along the Laluai River on the boundary of South and Central Bougainville were hit by destructive flooding at the weekend.
According to Konie Bireung, a villager along the river who lost all his gardens and belongings, the heavy downpour resulted in the river bursting its banks as flood water destroyed everything in its path, including gardens and homes.
“Our children were just lucky to get away when they went for their normal bath in the morning,” Mr Bireung said.
More than 1000 villagers living on the banks of Laluai River were affected.
They sent their spokesperson Mr Bireung to look for help.
He said he was disappointment with non-commitment by the Office of Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika.
In Arawa however, Mr Bireung was successful in securing aid from non-governmental organisation Good Samaritan Natural Disaster Volunteers (GSNDV). It gave rice, salt and canned food to sustain the villagers until they could make new gardens.
Source: Post-Courier
Ex-combatant hails teachers
CENTRAL Bougainville ex-combatants representative Ishmael Toroama has paid tribute to all the teachers who have died during the Bougainville crisis and on the sunken MV Rabaul Queen in 2011.
Mr Toroama was the guest speaker at the International Teacher’s Day celebrations of the primary schools of Kieta district in Central Bougainville on Monday in Arawa.
He urged the teachers to observe their achievements in their line of duty and at the same time remember their colleagues who had died during the region’s conflict and those who drowned in the MV Rabaul Queen tragedy.
“This is your day to reflect and celebrate your achievements and at the same time reflect on the losses of other teachers throughout Bougainville,” Mr Toroama told hundreds of teachers who gathered and marked their day with celebrations.
He encouraged them to commit themselves to their jobs in and out of the classroom.
Mr Toroama called on the government, through the education division, to create more opportunities for students learning and adult literacy for those who had missed out on education during the decade-long conflict.
Source: The National
Allan encourages ABG to form own land board
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government needs to establish its own land and physical planning board to deal with land matters, Lands Minister Benny Allan says.
Allan highlighted that during discussions with ABG President Dr John Momis in Buka during a recent visit.
“Two important things that must be established – the land and physical planning boards so that ABG can deal with its own land matters,” Allan said.
He said the Government, through the lands department, would help in the implementation of the boards with ABG’s Lands Minister Newton Kauva.
“This is so that ABG can have its own land and physical planning board to plan how they can use their land without waiting for approvals from the National Land Board on the allocation and granting of land titles,” Allan said. He said this was in line with the Government’s policy on the decentralisation of powers.
Momis said land matters were real in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and such partnership was vital.
“The partnership to work together is growing and this is the way it should be,” he said.
“Enough of opposing national government initiatives. Joint partnership is important. Without the national government and ABG, nothing will eventuate.”
Momis agreed that ABG must have its own land and physical planning board to “complement its own land policy, which will be in place soon to speed up land matters in the region”.
Source: The National
Three Malaysians fined for drugs
THREE Malaysians have been found guilty and fined K1500 each for being in possession of dangerous drugs in Arawa, Central Bougainville, police commander Januarius Vosivai said yesterday.
He said they were apprehended and arrested by Central Bougainville police three weeks ago for being in possession of 60grams of marijuana.
Vosivai said the trio had behaved suspiciously, which prompted the locals to inform the local police.
“It is a serious offence and the maximum penalty is three years,” he said.
Source: The National
Bougainville crisis takes its toll on mental health
HEALTH Minister of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Rose Pihei is concerned about the mental health of people affected by the Bougainville crisis.
She said it was one of the issues which needed attention from both governments to help the people of Bougainville.
“You will notice that Bougainville is not like other provinces in PNG (because) a lot of issues are still affecting Bougainville which other parts of the country have not yet experienced,” Pihei said. “The biggest issue affecting us and I know the Department of Health is facing is mental issues.”
She said those mentally affected had not lived normal lives after the crisis and it was in the leaders’ hands to address this critical issue.
Pihei said the issue had to be addressed as Bougainville prepared for the referendum next year.
“The future that we want for Bougainville must be based on reasonable thinking,” she said.
Source. The National
Bougainville crisis takes its toll on mental health
HEALTH Minister of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Rose Pihei is concerned about the mental health of people affected by the Bougainville crisis.
She said it was one of the issues which needed attention from both governments to help the people of Bougainville.
“You will notice that Bougainville is not like other provinces in PNG (because) a lot of issues are still affecting Bougainville which other parts of the country have not yet experienced,” Pihei said. “The biggest issue affecting us and I know the Department of Health is facing is mental issues.”
She said those mentally affected had not lived normal lives after the crisis and it was in the leaders’ hands to address this critical issue.
Pihei said the issue had to be addressed as Bougainville prepared for the referendum next year.
“The future that we want for Bougainville must be based on reasonable thinking,” she said.
Source. The National
Schools get classrooms
FIVE schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have benefited from the Special Intervention Funding (SIF) programme by the National Government and Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The schools are Haku High School and Hamatana Primary School in North Bougainville, Asitavi High School and Arawa Secondary School in Central Bougainville, and Hurai Primary School in South Bougainville.
Each of the schools had new four-in-one classrooms, including libraries and new teachers’ houses.
National Planning and Monitoring Minister Charles Abel officiated at the opening of the facilities at the respective schools, symbolising the National Government’s focus on education as a priority sector.
Abel was on an official visit to Bougainville last week to check on the progress of high impact projects in the region.
Speaking at the opening of the classroom at Arawa Secondary last Thursday he stressed that both Governments must make sure that the people’s suffering led to a renewal.
He said it was a choice that the people of Bougainville could take.
He projected the same message in all the schools he visited, which was to see the progress of development in the region for the good of the people.
Funding for the classroom came from the K100 million under the SIF programme.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville study draws fire

NationaL Planning and Monitoring Minister Charles Abel, who led a government delegation to Bougainville last week to visit and open several projects on the island, could not resist the change to see the Panguna mine pit with his family, who accompanied him on the tour. The mine is the subject of the controversial report. The pit is in the background of this ROMULUS MASIU picture.
THE recent report on Bougainville by advocacy group Jubilee Australia continues to draw fire.
The report “Voices of Bougainville” has been widely criticised for being anything but “the voice of Bougainville”.
Jubilee’s report concludes, through a landowner survey, that in the Panguna area there is overwhelming opposition to the resumption of mining and universal dissatisfaction with the consultation process in regards to the potential re-opening of the mine.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President John Momis was the first to publicly attack the publication, which he said is flawed. He sent a strongly worded letter to Jubilee asking them to withdraw the study.
Jubilee’s report claims to represent the voice of landowners from the wider Panguna mine area. It asked the views of 65 people and a further focus group of 17.
Panguna landowner groups were outraged, calling the report “divisive”. They say they were not consulted, that Jubilee was wrong and “should be ashamed of itself”. They have demanded an apology.
Prominent Bougainvillean Simon Pentanu (pictured) – a former Chief Ombudsman and Parliament Clerk – in a scathing missive, has called the report “dubious and “bullshit”.
Of Jubilee he says: “They believe that a brief visit by anti-mining Bougainville researchers to Panguna, armed with questions to which they already ‘know’ the answers, provides better credentials than they had as remote-controlled observers of Bougainville from afar.”
“After ticking off their questionnaires, the organisation can make a jubilant exit, highly satisfied that their ‘research’ confirms what they always believed.
“With a prejudice and orientation against anything and everybody engaged in, or supportive of, what they see as the sordid business of mining, organisations like this will always be predisposed to searching and commenting to satisfy and confirm their very own views, which they can then confidently sell to Canberra.”
“Here is a real risk that foreign elements that have no responsibility or obligations on Bougainville and that are not accountable to anyone can derail fifteen years of peace process and reconciliation achieved without meddling from uninvited offbeat academics, latter day NGOs, busybodies and socialites that have nothing better to do in their own countries.
“If they have nothing to contribute to their own governments and people, it is hard to accept the claim that their reconnaissance on Bougainville will enhance our future.”
In an academic paper entitled “The dangers of development NGOs sacrificing accuracy for advocacy”’ Joanne Wallis of the school of international political and strategic studies at the Australian National University in Canberra says “despite the fact that research for the report only involved interviews with 65 Bougainvilleans and one focus group of 17 individuals residing near the mine site – a fraction of Bougainville’s 300,000 people – their responses are presented as broadly representative.
“Unusually, the specific interview questions are not provided, so there is no way to verify whether they were leading or whether the potential bias of the researchers was influential.
“Tellingly, all nine landowner associations from around the mine site have demanded an apology from Jubilee Australia for what they characterise as the unrepresentative and divisive nature of the report.
“The report highlights the dangers of development NGOs sacrificing accuracy for advocacy. It appears that Jubilee Australia has uncritically accepted that the anti-mining voices of a small number of interview respondents represent those of all Bougainvilleans, perhaps because its mandate is premised on the assumption that mining activities will have an adverse impact.
“Consequently, the report has given impetus to claims by a minority of Bougainvilleans (and their international supporters) that the mine should not reopen.
“In the process Jubilee Australia has overlooked that many of these opponents are pursuing their own (sometimes ambivalent) agendas and that the report may potentially fuel tensions in the sensitive period leading up to the referendum.”
Dr Kristian Laslett, a prominent international academic and advocate for human rights, was part of the research team that oversaw the study.
He stands by the report’s findings. He told this newspaper that “it was not actually a survey. Rather, it was an exploratory case study that was designed to collect qualitative data on legacy issues from the mining and conflict period, looking in particular at how they impact on burning questions facing the mine affected communities today.
“Therefore, it was about better understanding the interweave between past and present in a very specific population.”
He says the report is actually “helpful” to Bougainville’s ongoing peace process.
“It is a deeply personal study,” he argues.
“Participants talked of a history of marginalisation, and brutalisation, whose effects linger in powerful ways.
“Also, participants spoke courageously of their anxieties and hopes for the future. Providing one recognises the limits of the method and sample, rich personal narratives can provide incredibly important insights that civil society, and policy makers can draw on.”
In response to the criticisms that the survey is wildly unrepresentative, Dr Laslett says, “the report is never held out to be representative of a broader population. It represents the perceptions and experiences of 82 people.
“These 82 people came from eight villages in the mine affected area, which included a fairly even mix of men and women.
“Indeed, in the report’s conclusion it explicitly warns against making broad generalisations based off the data.”
Dr Laslett added that he is a supporter of the Bougainville Government.
“I support the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the mandate given to it by Bougainville’s Constitution,” he told this newspaper.
“It has achieved remarkable things in its short history.
“I should say my research has focused primarily on the conduct of Rio Tinto and the Australian government during the conflict period. And my central critiques are of these organisations, not the ABG.”
Dr Laslett aired concerns that he is seen by many as “an anti-mining activist”.
He defends his academic qualifications by saying that “people who use this label have clearly never read my published research.
“It specifically states that mining, as the physical act of extracting minerals from the earth, is not intrinsically bad or good. Humans have been doing it for thousands of year.
“What determines its beneficial or negative impacts are social dynamics, such as distributions of power, the economic arrangements, the types of legal regimes, the particular organisational actors, the biocultural characteristics of host communities, the ecological framework, international relations, etc.”
Source: PNG Attitude
A Bougainville voice: let not outsiders pit us against ourselves
AUSTRALIAN NGO Jubilee Australia published a report in September on views held by villagers near the mine on the re-opening of the Panguna mine in Bougainville.
Jubilee, which claims to be a “scientific research body”, prepared the report jointly with two highly partisan organisations, the International State Crime Initiative and the Bismarck Ramu Group.
Kristian Lasslett, an Ulster-based Australian academic who is a constant purveyor of attacks on the Bougainville leadership, generally with little or no evidence, was heavily involved in the preparation and writing of the report.
In response to criticism of the report in the social media, Lasslett has defended himself and Jubilee notably in posts on the PNG Mine Watch blog (run by the Bismarck Ramu Group) and on Facebook’s Bougainville Forum.
Australians, Vicki Johns and Dantares Midway Jones (aka Andrew Jones) and Australian-based Bougainvillean, Clive Porabou, have all joined Lasslett in defending the report on the Bougainville Forum.
Jubilee and these others domiciled abroad will have us believe that they know more about Bougainville than anyone living on Bougainville and that they are privy to the personal views of the majority of Bougainvilleans today, including mine site landowners.
The spread of these dubious “research findings” in Australia can be likened to a new malady that is about to hit Canberra, the cure for which only the bearers of the ill tidings possess and can administer.
Jubilee is at the forefront and is in this for exposure and publicity, not for the benefit of Bougainville.
Every time these desktop researchers return to their own countries after a very brief foray into their own mystical Bougainville, they carry a hastily packaged fantasy that reveals the ‘undeniable truth’ about what the majority of Bougainvilleans think about Panguna.
Jubilee is in Australia. They believe that a brief visit by anti-mining Bougainville researchers to Panguna, armed with questions to which they already ‘know’ the answers, provides better credentials than they had as remote-controlled observers of Bougainville from afar.
After ticking off their questionnaires, the organisation can make a jubilant exit, highly satisfied that their “research” confirms what they always believed.
With a prejudice and orientation against anything and everybody engaged in, or supportive of, what they see as the sordid business of mining, organisations like this will always be predisposed to searching and commenting to satisfy and confirm their very own views, which they can then confidently sell to Canberra.
Kristian Lasslett works and schemes from Ulster in Northern Ireland (UK). On matters concerning Bougainville he is the self-made expert – chopping, pasting and moulding Bougainville like plasticine to be forced into his desired shape and form.
Like the operatives at Jubilee, he drives a metal car, flies in metal planes and eats, I assume, mainly with metal cutlery. He and the Jubilee operatives do not suffer from metal fatigue, despite their disdain for industries that extract useful minerals.
Kristian will swear by his comments and views, defend them and feed them to anyone who likes to lap up tales of deceit and conspiracy against Bougainville by mining giants and governments.
At best he is a socialist, born to save the world’s downtrodden. At worst he is a Trotskyite, peddling and romanticising his thoughts around Melanesia.
He is a smooth operator, armed with mind-boggling academic qualifications, but why should PNG and Bougainville take notice of him?
He does not add value to our attempts to resolve our issues on Bougainville island, or in PNG for that matter. His activities simply feed his own ambitions.
He tells us that he knows Bougainville from the 1960s, though his appearance indicates he was barely an adolescent at the time of the Bougainville crisis.
He arrived after the crisis, well after the peace process took hold, only to collect the crumbs when the smorgasbord was over. This is obvious in his comments about wanting to return to Bougainville's past. Bougainvilleans be warned: this fellow cannot be trusted.
There’s little I can say about Vikki John. I believe she’s relatively harmless because I understand she rarely expresses her own views, assuming she has some. Apparently, her function is to cut, paste and disseminate any anti-mining material she comes across, in order to alert poor, ignorant Bougainvilleans to the dangers of doing further business with notoriously nasty mining companies.
I don't know who DAntares Midway Jones (aka Andrew Jones) is, but I gather he has been searching for his ancestry/roots, as his interchanging name suggests.
He has suddenly splashed himself onto the Bougainville scene with grandiose ideas for the salvation of the island and its population. He believes he has a profound proposal to rid Bougainville of its muddled past.
He proposes a Peoples Tribunal with draft terms of reference comprising Bougainvilleans who will preside as judge, jury, prosecutor and terminator. He even has a Tribunal Facebook page.
He claims he has aboriginal ancestry. He dons a Fidel Castro type cap, is clad in khaki clothes with an Australian Aboriginal flag badge sewn on the breast and he sports a Fidel Castro beard. He is calm, cool and does not flinch at his critics.
I don’t know where he popped up from. He says he made a single visit to Bougainville, a lone trip that has convinced him that he knows Bougainville well enough to insert a Tribunal there to disable the culprits responsible for the island’s demise.
He has some strange ideas about what might be best for Bougainville. He impresses me as someone who has probably been wandering around admiring rock drawings in arid caves and sacred aboriginal sites and suddenly thinks he is sufficiently indigenous to transplant himself into another traditional society like Bougainville.
Clive Porabou is the next best thing to cheese, biscuits and shiraz. Just as these tasty and intoxicating items make party conversation flow freely, Clive's presence and discussion with the likes of the people I have mentioned above make their adrenalin flow from both excitement and anger.
Clive lives abroad and, for those who have no personal experience on Bougainville, he is the Bougainville expatriate expert who satisfies the appetite of a certain mould of Australian academic, environmentalist, social psycho and welfare benefactor.
Always with an acoustic guitar in hand, he longs for the day when Bougainville might be governed by Me'ekamui, financed by Noah Musingku’s new Bougainville currency.
Hearing from Clive is enough to convince most non-Bougainvilleans that they have a duty to rescue Bougainville from bondage, and the government outfit to accomplish this is the version of Me'ekamui that Clive peddles abroad.
In truth, the Me'ekamui in central Bougainville have been consulting and beginning to work and cooperate with the Autonomous Bougainville Gobvernment (ABG), which was always bound to happen.
I can't be too critical of Clive, because in his heart of hearts he will always remain a true Bougainvillean, but suspicious of his expat friends. It suits him fine if they are gullible enough to believe him, because as long as this unfortunate business lasts, he can continue to enjoy peace and a relatively convivial lifestyle offshore.
Take heart, the reason why most Bougainvilleans won't whinge about, or flinch at, research that is carried out overnight from abroad is because it's not worth the paper it's written on.
If you were to enter the same Bougainville communities in the same locations and conduct your own research to extract a ‘yes to mining’ response, you would get it. It really depends on how the comments and questions are framed. The Jubilee research is simply a means to an end.
Jubilee, Kristian, Andrew Jones and all of these parties will always support such research and support each other. They are birds of a feather, flocking, scheming and screeching together. As some Bougainvilleans have commented in the Bougainville Facebook forum, this is all “bullshit”.
The ABG must make the Australian government aware that Jubilee is going to the Australian Parliament entirely of its own accord, without the knowledge, authority or respect of the ABG and most Bougainvilleans.
If we are not careful and if the ABG turns a blind eye, the confusion, disunity and anger these people can generate could pit Bougainvillean against Bougainvillean, community against community, clans and families against each other, and even the people against their leaders and government.
These are people coming into a society they really don't know much about or understand. They are attempting to ride roughshod over the programs and projects the ABG and landowners have been involved in towards resolving every issue in Panguna.
There has been steady progress towards addressing many outstanding Panguna grievances that affect everyone, not just the sampling of villages Jubilee has selectively interviewed.
There are senior ministers in the Abbott government, like foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop, who always have an ear and heart for Bougainville. There is no reason why the president and senior bureaucrats who have the carriage of different aspects and areas of discussion over Panguna, e.g. Steve Burain, Raymond Masono and advisers like Dr Naihuwo Ahai, cannot approach Canberra and confront the Jubilee research.
This is how absurd it is: Jubilee operatives come to Bougainville, do their fact finding visit up the road, fold up all the work and turn up in Canberra unbeknownst to ABG and most of Bougainville.
They do not even have the courtesy to call on the authorities on Bougainville to explain or share what they have done. If this is not conspiracy against ABG, for reasons only known to themselves, then I don't know what it is.
There is a real risk that foreign elements that have no responsibility or obligations on Bougainville and that are not accountable to anyone can derail fifteen years of peace process and reconciliation achieved without meddling from uninvited offbeat academics, latter day NGOs, busybodies and socialites that have nothing better to do in their own countries.
If they have nothing to contribute to their own governments and people, it is hard to accept the claim that their reconnaissance on Bougainville will enhance our future.
Source: Bougainville24
New Dawn embraces mobile technology to increase reach
New Dawn FM, Bougainville’s leading independent media outlet, has turned to modern mobile phone apps and social media to get news to and from some of the most remote parts of the region.
Station manager, Aloysius Laukai, now has 15 staff members working under him as the team seek to build awareness on the biggest issues affecting Bougainville.
Laukai and his reporters use WhatsApp and Viber, cross-platform mobile apps, to exchange information and file stories.
The apps allow reporters to send text, video, images and audio messages using their mobile data allowance.
“Before WhatsApp the audio was not quality,” Mr Laukai said.
“Normally we used telephone lines, which sometimes are very noisy.”
For radio interviews and sound grabs reporters use digital voice recorders and send the audio to the New Dawn FM studio in Buka, where they are edited and aired.
“Sending audio by email the files are too big,” Laukai continued.
“It would be impossible, but now we are using Viber to make calls using data.”
With Digicel coverage reaching an estimated 80-90% of the population New Dawn is able to rapidly disseminate news from throughout the region.
Laukai was also an earlier adopter of social media to increase the reach of New Dawn and awareness of news from Bougainville.
The New Dawn on Bougainville blog was launched in February 2009, not long after the station began broadcasting. The blog provides written versions of New Dawn’s top stories for the day and photographs.
In 2011 Aloysius joined Twitter and set up a Facebook page to reiterate this content across the spectrum of social media platforms.
Due to infrastructural constraints the station’s FM broadcast coverage is currently limited to Buka and the northern tip of the mainland of Bougainville and so social media allows people with access to the cellular network to get regional news.
An upgrade to radio infrastructure, jointly funded by the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Bougainville Copper Foundation, is expected to be completed soon and will deliver FM signal throughout the region.
Source: EMTV
ABG President John Momis said the temporary law is intended to block back-door deals until the final draft of the long-term Act is achieved.
In a statement released by President Momis yesterday, the ABG President said three major decisions were made to achieve Bougainville’s Mining Act.
President Momis said the first decision involved approving key provisions on the rights of landowners.
This will give Panguna-affected landowners the right to reject the re-establishing of the mine with authority.
The second major decision by the ABG Cabinet was that no exploration or mining tenements will be issued under the Transitional Act.
Mr Momis stated that the Moratorium imposed in 1971 will not be lifted until the ‘long- term’ Mining Act is in operation.
He believes mining exploration and development in Bougainville must be limited.
The third major decision was the approval of needed funding for extensive awareness and consultation program about the drafting of the long-term Act.
The President concluded that Bougainvillians must be aware of the developments of ABG’s journey to take control of their mining sector to meet the special needs of all of Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Aropa set to open

PRIME Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill will come on the first plane that will ‘touch-down’ for the first time at Aropa Airport on December 15, 2014.
On that trip, the Prime Minister will officially open the airport for the people of Bougainville to use.
This announcement was made by visiting National Planning and Monitoring Minister Charles Abel during his visit to the airport premises last week Thursday. Minister Abel was met by officials of the National Airport Corporation (NAC), contractor Redsea Housing Services, Dekenai and local company Kompaini.
NAC officials told Minister Abel that the terminal building will be completed this week while re-sealing and clearance of the airport runway will be completed at the end of this month.
An impressed Mr Abel said reviving of the defunct Aropa airport is one the impact project which the National Government has embarked on and costs K15million to construct the terminal and other necessary works to get the airport back and up running.
He encouraged the contractors under the guidance and leadership of NAC to fast track all the required work and also do quality work for the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to come and open the airport on that date given 15 December, 2015.
According to all contractors involved in the airport the work they are doing is on target and on schedule and will be completed anytime this month.
Source: The Guardian
Bougainville president backs broader powers to veto mining projects
by Helen Davidson
John Momis wants to give all landowners the right to stop mining development in the wake of plans to reopen the Panguna site
A proposed law would give Bougainville landowners the power of veto over mining licences and greater control over mining on their land, the island’s president has said, as discussions on reopening the Panguna copper and gold mine divide the community.
The president of the autonomous Bougainville government (ABG), John Momis, spoke on Sunday about the draft law, which he said would extend the right of rejection beyond Panguna-affected landowners across the rest of Bougainville.
“I have always promised that the Panguna landowners will have a right to reject re-establishing of the Panguna mine,” said Momis on Sunday.
“The big change now will be that all Bougainville landowners will have those same rights over their own land.”
The Rio Tinto-owned Panguna copper and gold mine was at the centre of the decade-long civil war, and recent discussion about the possibility of reopening it has sparked tension.
A report by Australian non-government organisation Jubilee Australia that found strong opposition to the mine reopening and distrust of those involved in the discussions was heavily disputed by Momis. He accused the group of deliberately choosing interviewees with the same opinion.
The bill, which is being developed, would extend landowner veto powers to cover mining development and exploration licences. The existing interim law, enacted in August, allows veto on exploration only, said Momis.
“Advice available then indicated that it would be difficult to get investment if a mining company could spend millions on exploration done with landowner approval and then lose that money because the same landowners exercised a veto over mining development,” said Momis.
The new bill caps the number of major mines at two.
An influx of non-landowners to mining lease areas around the contentious Panguna site has caused tension among residents, said Momis, prompting a clause in the new law which allows for small-scale “community mining areas” to be designated by local elder councils and village assemblies.
Momis said the temporary law was enacted to prevent “backdoor deals”. Until the permanent act is passed, a moratorium on exploration or mining tenements will remain in place.
“Only when the long-term mining act is operating will cabinet consider lifting the existing moratorium on mining exploration and development, but the ABG believes mining exploration and development in Bougainville must be limited,” said Momis.
“All decision will be made with close engagement of landowners. It is my strong view that the moratorium will be lifted, and exploration permitted, only in areas where landowners want exploration.”
New funding for community education and awareness about the draft bill is also earmarked.
The discussions on mining rights on Bougainville are a key issue ahead of an independence referendum between 2015 and 2020, as the ABG seeks to establish sources of revenue.
“Although the ABG will welcome re-opening of Panguna if [Bougainville Copper Limited] and landowners agree to that, we will also engage with landowners in other areas that want exploration and possible development,” he said.
“In that way, we will have other options if Panguna does not proceed. But we continue to oppose unlimited mining development.”
Momis said he expected the bill to be introduced around the new year.
Source: Post-Courier
New law to give veto power to LOs
BOUGAINVILLE’S new mining law will give landowners veto powers on both mining exploration and development.
The new legislation will supersede the Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Act which was passed last August and is only temporary, as the Autonomous Bougainville Government had to enact it to stop what president John Momis has described as "back-door deals".
The new law is currently being worked on with the draft reviewed last Tuesday by the provincial executive council. The review was part of a policy submission by the region’s minister for mineral and energy resources, Michael Oni to the cabinet.
Zooming in on the key features of the proposed legislation, Mr Momis said the landowners’ veto powers will not only cover exploration but mining development as well.
"The first involved approving key provisions on rights of landowners. They will now have a right of veto not only over mineral exploration but also over mining development. That’s because they’ll have a right to veto granting of a mining licence," he said in a statement.
"I have always promised that the Panguna landowners will have a right to reject re-establishing of the Panguna mine. The big change now will be that all Bougainville landowners will have those same rights over their own land."
Another highlight is the giving of powers to the council of elders and village assemblies to issue licences to landowners or villagers who have the permission of landowners to conduct alluvial mining.
Under the Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Act, small-scale mining is legal if done on the miner’s own land or with the approval of landowners but the influx of non-landowners can cause tension, Mr Momis said.
"So the long-term mining law will provide for our local governments – council of elders and village assemblies – to ask the ABG to declare gold-mining areas as community mining areas. Then elders and village associations will be able to grant licences to miners that own the land or have the permission of the owners," he said.
Mr Momis said the miners will pay a small fee which the elders and village assemblies will retain.
Source: Post-Courier
National ministers visit Buka

Buka folks witness Mr Abel officiating at the ground-breaking ceremony of the Buka town road pavement and sealing at the Bel Isi Park.
A DELEGATION from Port Moresby is in Bougainville to visit projects funded through the special intervention fund (SIF), restoration and development grant (RDG), PSIP and DSIP in the region.
The team, comprising National Planning and Monitoring Minister Charles Abel, Lands and Physical Planning Minister Benny Allen, West New Britain Governor Sasindran Muthuvel and National Planning and Monitoring acting secretary Julianne Kubak and other ministerial staff were met by ABG leaders on arrival at the Buka airport.
They paid a courtesy call on Bougainville President John Momis and then proceeded to open the new Bougainville Disaster and Emergency Centre.
They then met with the Rungunahan Incorporated Land Group (ILG) clan of Ieta village and Mr Allen presented them their outstanding K5 million for the Buka Airport land.
And to end the day, people in Buka town witnessed Mr Abel officiate at the ground-breaking ceremony of the Buka town road pavement and sealing at the Bel Isi Park. Bougainville Works Minister Luke Karaston was also there to formalise the start of work by Dekenai.
Mr Abel said the purpose of the visit was to see that projects are moving with the public service delivery working.
“Bougainville has lost too many generations caused by the conflict and yet too much is said on structure of the government, but not putting focus on development,” he said.
“The national Government is not here to give you directives but to look after and give you the authority to move and implement those projects and share decisions and workload.”
Source: Post-Courier
Customs start operation in South Bougainville
THE Papua New Guinea Customs Services has started operations in Kangu and Buin in South Bougainville.
Kangu, which serves as the main entry point for the Solomon Islanders and Bougainville traditional border-crossers, will now come under the scrutiny of the PNG Customs officials based in Buin.
The Customs office is located opposite the Monties Guest House and it will be manned by two officers Bernard Keka and customs officer Israel Pais.
It will be an important border agency, according to Bougainville PNG Customs manager John Kiu.
Mr Kiu said this is part of the efforts into bringing our service closer to the people and business community of Bougainville since PNG Customs Services resumed service in Buka and Arawa in 2005.
“We’re honoured that we are ensuring border travel and trade movements are facilitated and managed legitimately unlike in the recent past,” Mr Kiu said from Buin. He said one of their primary roles is to protect the borders and communities from intrusion of illicit goods and other harmful threats and risks to the development and collect revenue through duties and taxes on all imports and exports.
“We proudly join other agencies on the ground such as the Bougainville Police Service, Border Development Authority, Bougainville Government, the chiefs and elders, Bougainville district administration, Bougainville tax office, non-government organisations, civil societies, churches and other agencies,” Mr Kiu said.
He said the services expectations would depend on the level of interaction and engagement they have with the authorities and the people of Bougainville.
“The PNG Customes Services knows it is crucial in engaging with people on the ground,” he said.
“The Customs Service’s deliverance and level of service will thrive on the kind of cooperation and partnership it can foster and embrace with the people.”
Source: Post-Courier
Human resources vital
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has been criticised for not investing more in human resources.
Robert Noiba, a youth leader from Buin district in South Bougainville, said the autonomous province was facing a shortage of skilled labour.
“Bougainville could be independent just through knowledge but ABG is not taking the lead in sending our resource people to countries like Israel, Japan and Korea to gain knowledge in various field of work to come back to develop our island region,” he said.
“We must look for the right leaders in next year’s parliament.
“The much-talked about and anticipated independence for Bougainville will be smooth if we have and intelligent, educated population,” Noiba said.
He called on voters to be mindful who they vote for next year, not leaders who lack vision and aim and most of them are running around aimlessly in the streets of Buka.
He also said the leaders were not sitting down with their officers to discuss how best they could move the region forward through promoting human resources to the next level.
Source:PNG Attitude
Bougainville president expects new mining law by year’s end
PRESIDENT John Momis of Bougainville said today the transitional mining act currently in force is intended to block ‘back-door’ deals while his government is working on a long-term mining law due later this year.
He said landowners will have a right of veto over mineral exploration and mining development. They will also have a right to veto the grant of a mining licence.
“I have always promised that the Panguna-affected landowners will have a right to reject re-establishing the Panguna mine,” he said. “The big change now is that all Bougainville landowners have the same rights over their land.”
Dr Momis said another new provision made it legal for small-scale mining to be done on a miners own land or on other land with permission of landowners.
He said no exploration or mining tenements will be issued under the Transitional Act.
“Only when the long-term Mining Act is operating will Cabinet consider lifting the existing moratorium on mining exploration and development,” he said.
“The ABG believes mining exploration and development in Bougainville must be limited.
“It is my strong view that the moratorium will be lifted, and exploration permitted, only in areas where landowners want exploration.”
Dr Momis also announced the approval of funding for an extensive public awareness and consultation program about the draft long-term Act.
This will be conducted before the new law is placed before the legislature in December or in early 2015.
He said the Autonomous Bougainville Government “will welcome re-opening of Panguna if BCL and landowners agree” to the new law and that it will engage with landowners in other areas that want exploration and possible development.
“In that way, we will have other options if Panguna does not proceed.
“But we continue to oppose unlimited mining development. The long-term Act continues to limit the number of major mines for Bougainville to no more than two.”