News 11.2014.2
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai / New Dawn Pics by Philip Kobua
The ABG President Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS was officially welcomed to the IORO Constituency by the people of IORO, BOLAVE and the EIVO TORAU.
This is President's first visit to the constituency to visit his people there.
The President went to officiate at the Opening of several projects in the IORO area including the Brick making project, a Piggery Project and the opening of a Swing bridge.
The ABG President passed through PANGUNA and stopped at the village of the late President Kabui AND met the niece of the late President and family members before officiating at the IORO Ceremony.

ABG President Chief DR JOHN MOMIS carried on a platform as a mark of respect by the people of IORO

Jaba girls performing an item at the Jaba Mini town.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A new report by the United Nations Development Programme has revealed that wealth from extractive industries has the potential to more significantly boost the wellbeing of Papua New Guinea’s citizens, yet the country’s development can be undermined if resources are not used in economically, socially and environmentally sustainable ways.
The report pointed out that almost 40 per cent of the country’s population continue to live on less than one dollar per day with inequalities on the rise, despite strong economic growth as a result of extractive industries such as oil, gas and mining.
The new National Human Development Report From Wealth to Wellbeing: Translating Resource Revenue into Sustainable Human Development launched today in Port Moresby by the Minister for Planning, Charles Abel and UNDP Resident Representative, Roy Trivedy, provides a fresh perspective on extractive industries brings in global experience and proposes ways to translate economic gains into practical sustainable outcomes.
Extractive activities in Papua New Guinea have grown exponentially over the last decades and lie at the heart of country’s high economic rates and forecasts show that in 2015 new projects will bring up to 20 per cent GDP growth to national economy.
The report states also that this is a critical time for Papua New Guinea to capitalize on these revenue flows to translate extractive wealth into sustainable and inclusive development outcomes for Papua New Guineans in all provinces of the country.
The Report also finds that Papua New Guinea has accumulated some experience in managing natural resources, introducing number of relevant and novel policies. However, there is still substantial progress to be made towards building strong institutional base for resource management, including development of clear strategy and scaling up the results nation-wide.
According to Roy Trivedy, this National Human Development Report seeks to focus on key choices and decisions that leaders need to make in the short and medium term to ensure that human development outcomes are maximized.
He said all Papua New Guineans, its leaders from the public and private sector as much as ‘ordinary citizens’, need to assume greater responsibilities to make the wealth of the country work more effectively by ensuring that revenues from resource extraction are used wisely to improve the quality of lives of all Papua New Guinea citizens now and for the future.
He then noted that the Report draws on the past experience of extractive industry operations in Papua New Guinea, and presents prospects for improved resource management in the future.
The reports key policies are focused on Good Governance and Accountability, People-Centred Exploration and Extraction, Prudent Revenue Collection and Management and Investment in Human, Physical, Financial and Social Capital.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
As Chairman of the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee President Chief Dr. John Momis announced in a statement that the process for selecting the top level management for the ABG had commenced after advertising closed just over two weeks ago.
The president said he is delighted to say that as a result of extensive advertising, ABG has received a large number of applications, over 160, from a wide range of candidates for the positions of Chief Secretary, 13 departmental heads and the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner with most positions having over 10 applicants.
He added that the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee has approved a process that will see the shortlisted candidates for Chief Secretary interviewed by an independent panel of three people who will make their recommendations to the Committee.
Preliminary interviews are taking place, referee checks will be made and the Committee is planning to make an appointment before Christmas.
Chief Momis said the selection process is rigorous as there will be no outside interference in the process.
Dr. Momis is hoping and praying that the people selected for these positions are filled with the spirit of service to the people of Bougainville because they have to work together to change the culture of the Public Service and they need to earn the support of the people and change Bougainville to its former position of being the best performing and premier government in Papua New Guinea.
Once the Chief Secretary is appointed, the Senior Appointments Committee will meet in January and February next year to make the remaining appointments of departmental heads and since this is a realistic timetable, given the number of applicants, the background checks have to be made in the next five weeks.
The Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee is made up of President Momis, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Andrew Miriki, Bishop Tim Arthur representing the churches, Hona Hollan appointed by the Bougainville Women’s Federation and appointed by the PNG Law Society Hubert Kikira.
Under Bougainville law the Committee will receive a report from the independent panel ranking the applicants so the Committee may then decide to reinterview the candidates then it selects the preferred candidate.
The position of Bougainville Electoral Commissioner will also be filled before Christmas because the Bougainville Constitution says that for constitutional offices the National Government must appoint two members to the Committee and the additional members are the Secretary of the Department of Personnel Management John Kali and the PNG Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen.
The president is looking forward to having these appointments made quickly and transparently saying it is vital that the Administration gets down to work under the new Public Service structure and new leadership.
He said our government has a very full programme of infrastructure, economic development and social projects that need to be implemented down at the districts because we have wasted too much time in the past and the Public Service must now be responsive to the direction of Cabinet and the House.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The member for Taonita-Tinputz David Braun has commended the regional member Joe Lera for delivering services to the people in the villages.
Speaking at the opening of the new road at Teanana village in Suir on Sunday, member Braun stressed that at last the people of Bougainville are enjoying the services being provided by one regional member out of all the other regional members.
He then pointed out that without a vision, we will be roaming around like wild goose, but having a leader with a vision, the people will enjoy prosperity.
He then thanked the regional member’s officers for making the member’s dreams become a reality for the people to enjoy saying Mr. Lera has a heart for the people and therefore wants the life of the people to be changed.
Mr. Braun went on further to say that for the first time, the people of Bougainville are starting to enjoy life because we are seeing the light and it is just the beginning as more is to come.
He then stressed to the people that they must not cry for change when they themselves are not making an attempt to change things saying physical change has occurred in Suir and it is time the people of Suir be changed in the spirit as well.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The people of Teanana in Suir now have access to a good road service after 35 years thanks to the Regional member Joe Lera.
The development of the road as explained by the regional member’s officer James Hasung was identified by the people themselves during the bottom up approach political forum.
Mr. Hasung who represented the member’s office at the opening of the new road on Sunday stressed that the living standards of the people at times is compromised as a result of bad or evil leadership.
He stated that because Mr. Lera has a vision to develop the people and build a nation he has reconciled himself with the people through his attitude and through his work.
He added that when a member does not work, it means that he or she does not have a vision.
Mr. Hasung then thanked Ramazon Dalmain for the quality work they did saying with such a miserable amount of money that the regional member has given them, it should not have resulted in such a quality work, but he is amazed to see the effort put in by Ramazon Damain.
A total of K299, 000 was released as funding from the regional members office for the road for the people of Teanana in the Suir area.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The family support centre in Buka, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will be having its first anniversary celebrations tomorrow.
The Family Support Centre was established mainly to look after, support and give advice to victims and survivors of family and sexual violence in Bougainville.
According to Sr. Essa Barnabas, the centre was built under sponsorship from the UN Women and UNICEF.
She revealed in an interview today that the centre started operations last year and tomorrow would mark its one year of operations.
The Family Support Centre’s first anniversary celebrations will be held at the Buka General Hospital premises and speeches to celebrate the day will be made by representatives of the centre’s networking partners.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

Women in Bougainville came together today to commemorate ‘White Ribbon Day’ and also to make their stance against ‘Violence against Women and Girls’.
The day’s programme started this morning at around 8:30am with a white ribbon breakfast at the Kuri Village Resort in Buka Town and a march from the resort through the streets of Buka Town to the Bel Isi Park where the official programme to commemorate the day was held.
The march against violence against women was led by the three women members of the ABG House of Representatives, the ABG health minister Rose Pihei, member representing the women of North Bougainville Elizabeth Burain and member representing the women of Central Bougainville Joan Jerome.
Present also for the day’s celebrations were Emily, Charley and Jeffery from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hona Holan from the Bougainville Women’s Federation, Agnes Titus form UN Women, 22 male inmates from Bekut Correctional Institute, Bougainville Police Service personnel’s, staff from the law and justice sector and the general public.
As the first speaker of the day, Agnes Titus explained that the gathering together of both men and women today is purposely to act and campaign against the big common issue of violence against women and children.
After recalling all the Bougainville women who have died as a result of violence, Mrs. Titus stressed that violence against girls and women is common in the region because women are not being respected by their male counterparts.
She added that currently in Bougainville, we have only three women members in the ABG House of Representatives but as women, we want more women in parliament because with more women in parliament, they can be able to look more at issues affecting women and also make laws to protect women as there is injustice going on everywhere.
When concluding her speech, Mrs. Titus stressed that Bougainville men should come forward and wear the white ribbon and make their commitment to be advocates against ‘Violence against Women and Girls’ in Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Handover of Books from World Vision to the Catholic Diocese this afternoon

Pictured from left to right Vicar General FR. POLYCAP with Catholic Education Early Childhood Coordinator Donovan Tami, World Vision's Christopher Kena, World vision's Early Childhood Cordinator, Helen Teviri, World Vision's area Manageress, Roselyn Kuniata. Newdawnpic by Aloysius Laukai
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
World Vision hands over Education project
by Aloysius Laukai.
World Vision on Bougainville handed over its Education project to the Early childhood learning program of the Catholic Church of Bougainville.
The project initiated in 2012 in central Bougainville basically tried to address illiteracy in the bougainville communities which includes children at the age of 6years and adults who have never gone to school due to the bougainville conflict.
The World Vision education project in Central Bougainville was headed by HELEN TEVIRI a former High school teacher recruited by World vision from Rabaul in the East New Britain to head this new education project on Bougainville.
New Dawn Fm managed to cover the start of several schools in the Kieta and Panguna districts in 2012 under World vision's Early Childhood learning project.
Schools that we saw were VITO,KOPANI 1 and MANETAI and since then building infrastructures have been improved.
The project started with Volunteer teachers who were trained by World Vision to run these schools.
Today's handover ceremony was for World vision to officially handover the schools to the Bougainville Catholic education office to manage these schools under its Early childhood Education Project.
This has been done to make sure these projects are sustained once the World Vision's early Childhood learning Project ends at the end of this year.
Source: Post-Courier
Peace in sight

Thomas Tari shaking hands with Colonel Walter Enuma after being presented the mimis or traditional shell money at Kangu.
THE Kangu wharf in Buin, South Bougainville is where the massacre of Papua New Guinea Defense Force soldiers took place during the height of the crisis and on Sunday saw two parties showing sign of peace.
This event took place when the PNGDF Navy vessel Her Majesty Papua New Guinea ship Rabaul HMPNGS sailed into Kangu wharf for the very first time after the withdrawal of the army during the ceasefire of the conflict some 20 years ago to bring home commander Martin Taririn who was a victim of a hit and run incident in Port Moresby.
The late commanding officer of the Tarangau Naval base in Manus Province from Tugiogu in Buin died in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being there for seven days.
As a high ranking officer of the army, and the state of PNG, and as a tradition of the Navy, he was transported home on the ship he once commandeered.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government granted the PNGDF permission to enter Bougainville waters pending the Bougainville Peace Agreement as stipulated in section 65(a) (1) of its constitution.
Source: Bougainville24
Public service positions to be filled before Christmas
The process for the selection of top level management for the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) commenced on Tuesday, 25 November with the advertisements for positions closed two weeks prior.
The announcement was made by ABG President, Dr John Momis, in his role as Chairman of the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee.
“I am delighted to say that as a result of extensive advertising the ABG has received a large number of applications,” Dr Momis said, “over 160, from a wide range of candidates for the positions of Chief Secretary, 13 departmental heads and the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner.”
“The Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee has approved a process that will see the shortlisted candidates for Chief Secretary interviewed by an independent panel of three people who will make their recommendations to the Committee.
Once the Chief Secretary is appointed the Senior Appointments Committee will meet in January and February next year to make the remaining appointments of departmental heads. This is a realistic timetable given the number of applicants and the background checks that have to be made in the next five weeks.
“Preliminary interviews are taking place and referee checks will be made,” Dr Momis continued.
“The Committee is planning to make an appointment before Christmas. The selection process is rigorous. There will be no outside interference in the process.”
“I am looking for to having these appointments made quickly and transparently, it is vital that the Administration gets down to work under the new Public Service structure and new leadership.”
“Our government has a very full programme of infrastructure, economic development and social projects that need to be implemented down at the districts.”
The Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee is made up of President Momis, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Andrew Miriki, Bishop Tim Arthur representing the churches, Mrs Hona Hollan appointed by the Bougainville Women’s Federation and appointed by the PNG Law Society Mr Hubert Kikira.
Under Bougainville law the Committee will receive a report from the independent panel ranking the applicants. The Committee may then decide to re-interview the candidates before selecting the preferred candidate.
The position of Bougainville Electoral Commissioner will also be filled before Christmas. The Bougainville Constitution says that for constitutional offices the National Government must appoint two members to the Committee. The additional members are the Secretary of the Department of Personnel Management Mr John Kali and the PNG Electoral Commissioner Mr Andrew Trawen.
“I am hoping and praying that the people we select for these positions imbued with the spirit of service to the people of Bougainville,” Dr Momis said.
“They have to work together to change the culture of the Public Service. They need to earn the support of the people and change Bougainville to its former position of being the best performing and premier government in Papua New Guinea.
“We have wasted too much time in the past and the Public Service must now be responsive to the direction of Cabinet and the House.”
Source: Post-Courier
Youths unite to preach
EVERY first week of the month of November is the time when the North Buka United Church combine youths get together to raise the word of God to others.
This year the program themed, ‘Empowering youths into Gods kingdom lifestyle’ was hosted by Petats Island West Interim Church to encourage and raise youths to know and take part in spiritual activities
Coordinator of the Haku UC youth, Mrs. Dorcas Gano the aim of the program is to encourage and raise youths to know spiritual activities to raise them to know God and encourage them to trust, serve and share Gods word.
“We are looking at ways to get youths out of the unwanted lifestyle in today’s world and many of them have gone out to share the word of God in public places as the Buka town and other villages,” she said
Mrs. Guano said this is now the third year they are running this youth program that began in 2012 in Haku constituency, then Tung village in 2013 and this year at Petats Island and in 2015 the program will be back in Haku.
Source: Post-Courier
School observes Children’s Day

STUDENT Victoria Nisira with her mother Winnie, showing the drawing that was ranked 3rd in the drawing competition.
THE International Children’s Day is celebrated on November 20 every year, but for Tohatsi Primary School children the day was observed on Tuesday this week.
The reason for the belated celebrations was because World Vision International was part of the program and on the exact day they attended Tsunpets Primary School in Tinputs district.
World Vision had selected three children inside Bougainville who have been featured in a documentary portraying the hardship the children face as a result of being abused and their rights United Nations Convention denied.
Two of those children were selected from Tsunpets Primary School and the other from Tohatsi Primary School.
The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland ratified the convention on December 16, 1991.
The school children celebrated the day with a march parade with each class reciting articles of rights and a drawing competition display of a good balanced meal.
The best drawing displays selected were presented gifts by World Vision with lower primary and upper primary getting prizes from 1st to 3rd placings.
Source: Post-Courier
Evangelists pass out
THE community of Tahetahe last Friday witnessed two young females graduating with diplomas in Evangelism at the Tahetahe School of Evangelism in Hagogohe constituency.
It was the second graduation.
The school was started in 2013 and accepts students interested in becoming evangelists, regardless of whatever denominations they belong to.
Tahetahe School of Evangelism runs 31 subjects which cover all aspects of evangelism.
The school also take students through additional subjects that cover administration, finance and management.
During the graduation Pastor Donald Posondi who is also the Principal encouraged the student to put all they’ve learned into practice.
Source: PNG Attitude
Where to for Bougainville? A polemic, a plea & a plan

Bougainville Manifesto cover
Bougainville Manifesto by Leonard Fong Roka, Pukpuk Publishing, 88pp, ISBN-10:1502917459. Available from Amazon: hard copy $US6.00; Kindle $US2.98
LEONARD Fong Roka comes from Panguna on Bougainville. Between 2013 and 2014 he wrote a series of articles about Bougainville that first appeared on the PNG Attitude website.
The essays outline the history of Bougainville, including the civil war in the 1980-90s, and suggest a way forward towards eventual independence from Papua New Guinea.
Bougainville Manifesto is many things: a history, a polemic, a plea and a plan of sorts. In it, Roka writes with considerable passion about his island home.
He asserts that, prior to the colonial era, Bougainville was part of a Solomon Islands nation state that had been in existence for at least 30,000 years. There is, in his judgement, compelling historic, socio-cultural and linguistic evidence to support this claim.
Roka rejects outright any idea that Bougainville is logically part of Papua New Guinea, which he regards as being an abstract creation of European colonialism, that was itself an expression of the larger "scramble for Empire" which characterised European politics during much of late 19th and early 20th century.
Roka's writing is especially passionate and eloquent when he outlines the destruction of Bougainvillean culture and traditional social structures that was a result of the European takeover of the island.
He believes that colonialism rendered Bougainvilleans virtually powerless in the face of a more technologically advanced culture: second class citizens in their own land. This opinion is consistent with what is now probably the generally accepted view about the impact of colonialism on the colonised.
Bougainville's demise as a long standing self governing entity laid the ground work for the future disaster that was to consume it.
It was arbitrarily included in a country created by imperial decision makers who had never seen it and knew nothing of its history or ethnic origins.
Its people saw the systematic destruction of their culture and traditions at the hands of the colonial power and were reduced, in Roka's mind, to near slavery, functionally if not actually dispossessed of their land.
Bougainville remained a colonial backwater until the discovery of vast copper resources near Panguna. This suddenly elevated it to the most resource rich and economically important province in the proposed new nation of Papua New Guinea.
The Australian colonial administration was determined that a vast copper mine should be developed so as to provide a source of income to PNG once it achieved independence.
The development went ahead without any real regard for the wishes of the legitimate traditional land owners at Panguna, who saw little benefit from the subsequent exploitation and destruction of their land.
For Roka, Bougainville was a parting gift from Australia to the newly created government of Papua New Guinea, a government dominated by "redskins" who had no regard at all for the needs or aspirations of Bougainville's people.
The subsequent collapse of the Panguna venture brought about by the armed uprising led by Francis Ona is now well known, at least to those with an interest in PNG and the South Pacific generally.
Less well known is the complex web of relationships, described by Roka, that under lay the uprising and which helped propel Bougainville into a period of bloody civil war which, by Roka's estimate, directly or indirectly caused the deaths of anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people.
Somehow this very brutal and destructive civil war seemed to pass largely unnoticed by the rest of the world. This is probably a commentary on the lack of importance much of the world attaches to the usually very small and poor countries of the South Pacific and Oceania.
In considering where Bougainville might go in the future, Roka rejects any idea that it should stay as a part of PNG. He is adamant that PNG is a colonial construct to which Bougainville has no historic, cultural or ethnic ties.
His strong desire is that it should become an independent entity, perhaps within a loose federation of the Solomon Islands.
It is his great fear that, in the forthcoming plebiscite about the future of the island, Bougainvilleans' sense of their own identity and uniqueness has been so compromised by the events of the last century that they may not have the will to grasp perhaps their last chance to seize back control of their destiny.
He is deeply worried about what he describes as the "redskinisation" of his island and the apparent lack of strong leadership from Bougainvilleans in elected office.
Roka's own vision for the future is of a sort of communalist, grass roots based system of governance that, to some degree at least, reflects the traditional structures of Bougainvillean society.
He advocates a strongly protectionist economic structure, an education system overtly oriented towards teaching about Bougainville's unique culture and traditions and is attracted to the social democratic governance models found in Scandinavia, with their strong emphasis on equity and fairness. Whether such a model can be successfully transplanted into Bougainville is a moot point.
This is a useful book for anyone wishing to understand how Bougainville came to be in the situation that now prevails. Roka expresses what might reasonably be characterised as the views of a Bougainvillean "nationalist", presenting a very different idea about what the future should be when compared to that of the PNG government.
If Roka's views are representative of a significant majority of Bougainvilleans, then the result of the forthcoming referendum on the island's future will see it moving towards independence. This will present huge challenges to both Bougainvilleans and PNG.
Even if his views represent those of a small but significant minority, then it is entirely conceivable that any referendum will achieve little other than to polarise opinion on Bougainville and, perhaps, incite a resurgence of the violence that bedevilled it in the recent past.
Whatever the future may hold for Bougainville, I fervently hope that it is a peaceful and prosperous one. Its people deserve nothing less.
Source: Radion New Zealand International
Survey on young women in Bougainville
A survey is being carried out of young women on Bougainville as part of a young women's leadership programme.
A survey is being carried out of young women on Bougainville as part of a young women's leadership programme.
The project is being undertaken by the Bougainville Women's Federation and is trying to gauge why young women aren't showing an interest in getting involved in women's organisations and leadership roles.
President of the Bougainville Women's Federation, Hona Holan, told Jamie Tahana the project is mainly to find out young women's interests, and the barriers that keep them from getting involved.
HONA HOLAN: We are coming together tomorrow to look at the results of the survey. By tomorrow we should put together the results. The survey was done by the young women of Bougainville with their siblings at the age of 18 to 35.
JAMIE TAHANA: Tell me a bit about this survey. You've surveyed how many young women of Bougainville and what did you ask them?
HONA HOLAN: The questions were on if they know about Bougainville Women's Federation. If they work with other NGOs or church groups and if they are not involved with groups, what are their problems, what are their issues.
JAMIE TAHANA: Okay. And so this is to address a lack of women in leadership roles in Bougainville is it?
HONA HOLAN: That's right. This Bougainville Women's Federation, it's looking at building the capacity of young women to be leaders of tomorrow. Like making space for them so that we mentor them and they can take our place when we move out of the leadership.
JAMIE TAHANA: Why do you think that is? That there aren't so many women in leadership roles. What are the barriers here?
HONA HOLAN: Maybe the barriers are, young women are not interested in activities that we put out. Some questions that also went out to them is what are their interests or how we can get put their interests over so they can join in.
JAMIE TAHANA: Why is there no interest?
HONA HOLAN: We asked some of the questions around that and the young women were telling us that we are not giving them space. The older women, the mature women, are not giving them space, so that is what we found out from our survey.
JAMIE TAHANA: Once you get these results, what are you going to do from there?
HONA HOLAN: We are going to share it with the ABG and partners, like development partners, and then we can develop activities to affect, like building capacity and so on, we need to develop activities. It's not easy because Bougainville Women's Federation, we don't have funding and it's not easy so we need to share the results with other NGOs and the government of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea so we can all see what the young women are interested in. Some of the results are they need education, they need to further their education.
Source: Post-Courier
Feeder roads need upgrade
By Ishmael Palipal
Bana district in South Bougainville is mostly flat land made up of pure soil and not much rocks or gravels can be found apart from those near the rivers or creek.
The ground is soft and gets muddy quickly. On most roads in the districts, when the soil turns into mud, it is very hard for the vehicles to drive through them.
During the rainy seasons, the trucks or four-wheel-drives cannot pass through most of the roads.
The district uses the main road that runs from Arawa, Panguna to Siwai; however most communities located some distance away from the main road rely mostly on the feeder roads built before the crisis or recently.
The problem about these roads is that they need proper maintenance and upgrade so that the people can have access to proper transport services.
Last weekend travelling through a feeder road from Sovele station towards Biroi village, a Zion truck got stuck in the mud along the way and the passengers had to get down, dig the ground holding the bottom of the truck and push it out of the mud.
The road condition is a big problem in the area and needs to be addressed immediately, the locals say.
“Sometimes it is very hard to carry goods all the way from the main road to our villages because some valleys are too steep to go down and climb up again,” a mother said while waiting for the truck to be dug out of the mud.
“That’s why it is very important that proper road service is needed in their community life and their roads could be very serviceable if they are being upgraded to a standard that trucks and cruisers can run freely.”
Source: Post-Courier
Police undergo family sexual violence training
Officers of the Bougainville Police Service have undergone training on family sexual violence (FSV) to prepare them to deal with the problem.
FSV is a learned phenomenon that can also be unlearned and unfortunately our cultural upbringing has termed gender which has molded us to what we are and the women have been the silent ones that have been violated by the male counterparts, says coordinator for FSV the Police Department Chief Inspector David Kila.
He said from 1995 police were involved with the Fiji women’s crisis centre to deal with this form of behaviour but those that gained the training skills were not put in the right place, meaning it was ineffective.
Mr Kila said this was not part of the police roles and responsibility as many FSV reported case were sent back to the family to sort out in their homes but today it will be treated as a crime. When a complaint is lodged at the police station it is taken as a crime and the victim will decide on what action to take on the perpetrator, he said.
Chief Insp Kila said in 2013 a training manual was put together for the constable level for those that do not deal with FSV in all sections of the police to be part of their job statement that they must attend FSV matters and criminal investigators, FSV officers and prosecutors to know the law of family violence and supervisors to take control of reported cases to be promptly dealt with.
“Most of our training is based on the family protection act and other laws of the criminal code and summary offence act and other matters that deal with welfare are referred to the welfare section or safe houses as the Nazarene Rehabilitation in Bougainville,” he said.
The training involved 22 male and female police officers from south, central and north Bougainville, which was funded under the law and justice sectors of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
Source: Post-Courier
Pastor thankful for new home
The opening last weekend of a pastor’s house in the Latoo area of Bana in South Bougainville attracted a large number of people from as far as the border with Central Bougainville.
The ceremony organised to open the brand new permanent family house attracted people from as far as Ta’ake in the border of Central and South Bougainville, the people from Kieta and Siwai districts.
The event was one of a kind that never has been experience in most parts of Bougainville. It was a bit different because the people who attended the ceremony filled the house with gifts and presents. According to the owner of the house, Pastor Steven Joash, this must be some kind of traditional custom for the people of Ta’ake. Before the house was dedicated and opened, the owner was thankful and acknowledged all the people who contributed to the completion of his house.
The house was then opened with the cutting of ribbons by Pastor Uzziah Movo followed by viewing of the house and presentation of gifts.
After that, a big feast followed to celebrate the event.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The people of Bougainville are now becoming much more concerned with regards to the nature of businesses that the Chinese are currently operating in Bougainville, especially in Buka Town.
A Bougainville citizen who is once again talking on behalf of the total population of Bougainville and the general public wants to know the nature of the agreement that was signed by the ABG president chief Dr. John Momis during his visit to China.
He said the concern of the people now is as to the nature of the agreement saying the people want to know if the president signed the agreement for Chinese to come and operate trade stores and sell rice and tinned fish or what type of business were they supposed to operate.
Francis Loio, told New Dawn Fm in an interview yesterday that most of these Chinese are operating trade stores and are selling the same goods that Bougainvilleans themselves are involved in.
He said Bougainvilleans are not happy with this saying the Chinese should come into Bougainville and operate businesses that Bougainvilleans cannot operate and are not operating like manufacturing and not selling rice and tinned fish.
Mr. Loio and the people of Bougainville therefore wants the president to come out clear and tell the people of Bougainville, at least explain to them the type of agreement that was signed in china and its terms concerning the nature of business operations in Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
In Papua New Guinea, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is always the first in its political development.
History has shown that Bougainville was the first to have a provincial government and become a province and is also the first province that created the crisis.
When giving a brief history of Bougainville, the Deputy Secretary for the National Department of Education Dr. Eliakim Apelis stressed that when we look at the history of the world, countries that have gone through bloodshed are the countries that have developed over the years and have become powerful nations.
He stressed that some examples of countries that went through bloodshed are the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Japan and at the end of the day, they have become powerful nations of today.
He told the gathering to mark his words saying Mark the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, will also become a powerful nation because it has gone through bloodshed.
When giving his speech at the opening dinner of the eight combined Highlands and New Guinea Islands regional teachers’ rating workshop at the Kuri Village Resort in Buka last week, Dr. Apelis revealed that 24 years ago, he came to Buka with Michael Meten, the late Aron Rigamu, Chris Sirosi and Martin Kenehe and they began campaigning to the people that education is the backbone of any nation.
He said in 1990, they started to restore services in Bougainville and education was the first service that they restored.
He added that it is now 25 years after the crisis and some of us sacrificed our lives for our children which is the most important asset of any country and that is the human resource.
He repeated again that while Bougainville have shared the bloodshed, he wants everyone to keep what he said in mind saying in a few years’ time, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will develop into something else.
The deputy secretary stressed that we cannot tell the future as God alone knows what the future holds and what it will bring.

PNGDF Soldiers welcomed at the Buka wharf by Kisi Bamboo Band
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Parties comprising of the Bougainville ex-combatants with agencies involved with ex-combatants and the PNG Defence Force today went through the memorandum of understanding which was to be signed between the Ex-combatants and the PNG Defence Force.
According to the director for the ABG division of peace Nick Peniai, the agreement is to ensure the improvement of technical services in the region to which the PNG Defence Force will be helping the ABG in terms of surveillance and also to make away forward for peaceful reconciliations between the PNG Defence Force and the ex-comabatants.
Colonel Walter Enuma, who represented his superiors was present for the discussion of the MOU and was accompanied by Colonel Joe Ben and his two other officers.
After going through the MOU which is just a draft, Colonel Enuma stressed that the MOU is straight forward but what is needed now is for both parties to work together.
Meanwhile, Steven Tobesi, an ex-combatant stressed during the MOU discussions that the MOU is a way forward to reach an understanding with the PNG Defence Force to move forward with the actual reconciliations.
He said this is very important and that is why both parties must work together.
He added that with these arrangements in progress it is also appropriated that an office be established for the representative of the PNGDF so they can work closely to oversee all the arrangements.
The MOU was not signed today but a copy of the MOU was sent to the defence secretary in Port Moresby at the PNGDF headquarters for approval before it can be signed.

Colonel Walter Enuma with Ishmael Toroama
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

Papua New Guinea Defence Force Soldiers under the command of Colonel Walter Enuma, were traditionally welcomed at the Buka Wharf today by the director of the ABG peace division Nick Peniai and the chief executive officer for Veterans affairs Aron Pita.
The traditional ceremony included the presentation of traditional shell monies to the PNG Defence force commanders by Chief Peter Darek, the washing of the feet known as ‘Susu’ in the Buka language and the presentation of a traditional carved Garamut to Colonel Enuma by the women from the Kisi Bamboo Band Group.
The low key but very significant peace and reconciliation ceremony which took place at the Buka wharf included the former operations commander during the Bougainville conflict Ishmael Toroama, other ex-combatants, representatives from the ABG peace and veteran’s affairs offices and the PNG Defence Force.
Mr. Peniai who was the Master of ceremony this morning explained to the general public that the PNG Defence Force are in Bougainville for the burial of their comrade Commander Martin Taririn and also to go through the memorandum of understanding between the PNG Defence Force and the Ex-combatants.
The former Revolutionary Army General Ishmael Toroama expressed his appreciation in the coming of the PNG Defence Force to Bougainville for the first time after the crisis and on behalf of his comrades said that sometimes we take things for granted without appreciating them.
When giving his speech at the welcome ceremony, the former general revealed that the coming of the PNG Defence Force to Bougainville is one way of enhancing relationship between the two parties.
He said their coming has also opened a big door for both parties to sit down and talk, especially when looking at the bodies of their late comrades, either one way or the other.
He added that whatever the outcome of the MOU, the ex-combatants will still appreciate all that is being done and are looking forward to working together with the PNG Defence Force on the outcome of the agreement.
Meanwhile, Colonel Walter Enuma has given his approval for the HMSPNGS Rabaul formerly known as the Tarangau to be used for awareness on the Atolls by the PNG Defence Force with the ABG.
The colonel who was moved by the welcome given to him by Thomas Tari in Buin yesterday and today in Buka said that he is very happy to be in Bougainville to witness such developments to which shows that Bougainville is ready for peace and reconciliation.
Source Post-Courier
Youths urged to cultivate respect
A local pastor from the Shalom Worship Center in Arawa is calling on youths to cultivate respect for themselves and others.
Pr Uzzaiah Mouo reminded the youths of the rise of underage marriages and high rate of unwanted pregnancy in Bougainville.
Pr Mouo spoke strongly during a church service to the young people.
“First of all, respect must be given to where it is deserved,” the pastor said.
“Respect your parents and obey their words. That is where you will start to cultivate respect.
“Honour your parents as stated in the Bible, that’s where true respect will come from, and from there, you will respect yourself and others. In this way, you will avoid social issues now crippling our youths throughout the country.”
Pr Mouo said nowadays, youths are not respecting themselves, parents and others, thus we hear and see a lot of underaged marriages and unwanted pregnancies.
“We are losing our youths through this phenomenon because once they are into this problem, it is very hard for the community or parents to drag them back to the main stream where they can have good education and be the builders of the nation.
“Bougainville needs you (youths), so give respect where it is due.”
Source Post-Courier
Bougainville progresses in personnel restructure
Massive progress has been achieved in reaching the final process of implementing phase one of the Bougainville’s Public Service reform.
Phase one of the reform involves the establishment of the executive management level structure. Part of this exercise is to appoint permanent secretaries to the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s 13 departments.
Work is now in progress to screen the applications received after three weeks of advertising in the nation’s two dailies the executive positions, including that of the Bougainville public service chief secretary and the Bougainville electoral commissioner.
In a preliminary report from the ABG, the positions advertised had received an overwhelming response of 114 applications from highly suitable candidates throughout Papua New Guinea and Bougainville.
The report highlights that of the 13 Bougainville Public Service Department secretary positions advertised, the ABG Department of Community Development received the highest number of 15 applications and the ABG Department of Health the lowest with three applications.
The applications will now be processed by an independent recruitment firm and recommendation of suitably qualified applicants would be presented to the Bougainville Executive Council for endorsement.
According to the ABG report, upon successful completion of phase one of the Bougainville public service reform, phase two will concentrate on the development of departmentalised structures and phase three will focus on improving the current structures of the district administrations and the council of elders.
The report states that work on phase three is expected in the second quarter of next year followed by an appraisal of the final organisation structure.
Source Post-Courier
Women remember missing persons
RAIN pelted down in Buka on Sunday November 16 as a memorial for those missing in the Bougainville Crisis was underway, symbolically helping to wash away the pain of the past.
The International Committee of the Red Cross has been running workshops in the Autonomous region about how families can look at ways to find the remains of missing relatives and memorial was carried out to help put to rest some of the painful memories still carried by those whose loved ones went missing in the 10-year war.
The Bougainville Government recently adopted a missing persons’ policy to help deal with this ongoing issue. It is hoped the policy will help clarify the fate of those missing.
ICRC representative Tobias Koehler said it was not about retribution and punishment, rather about finding closure so the families could achieve a measure of peace.
He appealed to those who knew where remains were buried to come forward anonymously and give this information to the relevant authorities.
The program at Bel Isi Park was attended by women’s groups who gathered to place wreaths in the Buka Passage to lay the souls of the missing to rest.
Women’s representative Scholly Miriori, dressed in red to symbolise the blood spilt during the Crisis, gave an emotional speech about the missing, including loved ones of her own.
Pastor Terry Mose spoke about the 20,000 who died in the conflict, saying only God can bring them back.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville was priviliged this morning to welcome the South Korean Ambassador to PAPUA NEW GUINEA, H.E. KIM SEONG- CHOON to Buka.
The Ambassador is on a three- days visit to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
On Arrival at the Airport he was welcomed by the Secretary for Commerce and Tourism, ALBERT KINANI and later had a press conference with the Bougainville media.
He then made coutersy calls on the ABG President, Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS and the Chief Secretary, CHRIS SIRIOSI.
According to his program on Bougainville, the Korean Ambassador will visit the Lonahan Primary School and the Hutjena Secondary schools on Buka island.
He will also meet other ABG Ministers including the Mining Minister, Michael Oni,Commerce and Tourism Minister, WILFRED KOMBA.
Ambassador KIM SEONG-CHOON will also have time to visit the Buka General Hospital before returning to Port Moresby this Wednesday.

ABG Chief Protocol Officer, Philip Kiha, H.E.Kim Seong Choon, and support staff John Chung.

Lonahan Primary School students assemble to see the Ambassador

Ambassador welcomed to Lonahan Primary School this afternoon.

The South Korean Ambassador KIM Seong Choon was welcomed this afternoon by students of Lonahan Primary School on Buka island who presented several solomon dances.

IC Protocol Belinda Samu welcomes the Ambassador to Buka
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Casket of the late Captain Martin Taririn is taken into the Ambulance
by Anthony Kaybing
The Autonomous Bougainville Government President Chief Dr John Momis has paid tribute to the Late Commander Martin Taririn of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (Navy).
President Momis thanked the family of the late Commander Taririn for the service he rendered to the people of Papua New Guinea and the armed forces.
“The Late Cmdr. Taririn’s rendered a great service to this country during his lifetime as an enlisted officer in the naval element of the PNGDF,” the President Momis.
“I would also like to extend the gratitude of the people of Bougainville and the ABG to the late Commander’s comarades in the Papua New Guinea Defence Force for bringing him home to his finally resting place,” the President said.
The President acknowledged the presence of Col. Walter Enuma and several high ranking military official who came to lay to rest Cmdr. Taririn at his Tugiogu village in Buin District South Bougainville.
Prior to the arrival of military personal arriving in Bougainville, the ABG had to grant permission to the Papua New Guinea Defence for the entry of the naval vessel, HMPNGS Rabaul.
Entry of personal or military crafts into Bougainville are prohibited under the Bougainville Peace Agreement but permission can be grant under special circumstances that are deemed necessary by the ABG.

The body of the late Cmdr. Martin Taririn was laid to rest with fully military

ABG President Chief Dr John Momis with Colonel Walter Enuma of the PNGDF during the funeral service of the late Commander Martin
The late Commander Taririn was the Commanding Officer of the Lombrum Naval Base in Manus and the Asylum Seekers processing center.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
DPSC Orientation Workshop Sets Districts into another step forward
By Eleanor Maineke
Panguna Peace Building Strategy (PPBS), hosted a four-days District Peace & Security Committee (DPSC) Orientation Workshop from the
18th to the 21st November at the Arawa Womens Training Centre.
Participants came from Districts that have already signed Memorandum of Understanding between the PPBS and ABG Peace Division and set up their DPSC plus Panguna and Kieta that has yet to set up theirs.
These districts are Buin, Siwai, Bana, Torokina and Wakunai. The set up was per the consultation visits into the districts by the PPBS team from Arawa. PPBS team will visit North Bougainville to help set up DPSC next year.
The official opening of the workshop was done by the PPBS Program Manager, Mr. Cyril Tavore and first day of the workshop was given to the ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross). ICRC gave a one day workshop on Missing persons from the Bougainville conflict.
The Chief Executive Officer -Autonomy Implementation & Monitoring Division & Acting Deputy Secretary Policy & Research, Mr. Paul Kebori gave a presentation on the brief overview of current governance and development situation in Bougainville.
Anthony Agyenta from the UNDP Office in Buka was also present and he gave a brief presentation on the international experience on District Peace and Security Committee.
The participants from each districts especially for those set up already, started their budgeting and planning for their activities in each district especially to reconcile high priority cases relating to the Bougainville Crisis and others.
It is now on the people of Bougainville to work together to bring back peace and harmony into our own communities.
UNDP Rep from the Arawa office, Mr. Peter Siunai officially closed the workshop on Friday 21st with a word that all of us has big task ahead.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

St. Peter Channel Tsunpetz Primary School in the Selau-Suir constituency in North Bougainville came alive today with activities to celebrate the World Children’s Day.
The celebration which is the initiative of World Vision is mainly to spread the message and promote international togetherness and awareness among children and also to promote children’s welfare through their rights as children.
According to a statement by World Vision, Children’s day is observed every year on November 20 and it was set up in 1954 to protect children from having to work long hours in unsafe conditions, allowing all children to have access to learning and to protect their rights.
Every year, millions of children around the world become victims to untold violence and children in every country, every culture and at every social level face various forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.
Growing up with violence and abuse can seriously affect a child’s development, dignity, physical and psychological integrity.
Therefore the initiative to celebrate World Children’s Day was undertaken by World Vision to ensure children in Bougainville are aware of their rights.
The celebration today included a welcome address on the importance of Children’s Day, Children’s right tips or rights of children by World Vision representative Simon Varea, lacing of all children by everyone and the presentation of gifts to children by their teachers.
Only two locations were selected by World Vision to commemorate Children’s Day and Tohatsi primary School will be celebrating
Children’s Day on Tuesday next week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Chinese and Asians coming into the region will spoil Bougainville’s economy if the Autonomous Bougainville Government, its leaders and the people of Bougainville are not careful.
This concern was raised with New Dawn Fm today by a concerned Bougainville citizen.
Isaac Thompson told New Dawn Fm that these Chinese and Asians are in Buka and are now developing and establishing their buildings and their businesses are increasing slowly.
He stressed that these Asians are not complying with the ABG’s economic policy and are not following procedures of the economic policy but are coming into Bougainville and setting up their businesses through the interests of individual Bougainvilleans.
He said he wants the general public and citizens of Bougainville to be reminded that we must be firm because if we are not careful in stopping and controlling these Asians they can destroy our economy.
He added that he is saying this because these Asians do not deposit their money in the banks but keep them in their houses.
Mr. Thompson said these money which is stored in their safes is later put in briefcases and carried out of Bougainville and the country.
He stressed that the effects of this practice can be clearly seen and experienced in Bougainville in terms of the lack of cash flow and the ATM’s always out of money.
There is a big problem emerging and Mr. Thompson is urging our leaders, even in the ABG to try and continue to pressure the president to instil some measures.
He said the current economy policy is ineffective so in the meantime, we must try to stop these Asians because South and Central Bougainville have stopped them and Buka should do the same.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Young Women’s Leadership Programme is a new project which is being undertaken currently by the Bougainville Women’s Federation in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
As explained today by the officer in charge of the project Isabel Koredong, the programme is a collaborative project between the Bougainville Women’s Federation and the International Women’s Agency.
She since young women right across the region do not show interest in getting involved in women’s organisations and also refrain from playing leadership roles, the programme is aimed at finding out the barriers that keep these young women from being active
She said the programme targets young women between the ages of 18 to 30 years in Bougainville.
She added that the programme will involve them asking these young women about the barriers that keep them from getting involved in leadership roles within their communities, to being part of any women’s organisations and also the type of projects that could capture
their interest as young women.
Ms. Koredong said the programme is mainly to find out from young women their interests and the barriers that keep them from getting involved in productive developments in their communities and the region as a whole.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
From PNG Exposed
A Malaysian company, Priceworth International, has signed a contract to log and clear forests in the Tonolei Block One Forest Area in the Buin district of Bougainville.
Priceworth says it has a contractual agreement with PME Niugini Ltd, a PNG incorporated company, which holds a Forest Clearance
Authority giving it the rights to clear the Buin forest.
PME Niugini may be registered in PNG – but it is 100% Korean owned and has no PNG Nationals among its Directors or Shareholders.
PME Niugini Ltd was registered in PNG on 28 April 2014. The applicant for registration was one Kil Soo Chung, who claims to be a United States citizen and gives his address as PO Box 8721, Boroko, National Capital District.
The company”s registered address is Unit 5, Section 406, Allotment 4,5 & 6, Famagusta Street, Hohola, NCD
The company has two listed Directors, Kil Soo Chung himself and Byuong Houn Lee, a citizen of the Republic of Korea.
Byung Honn Lee is also the company Secretary.
PME Niugini has 20,000,000 issued shares – but only one shareholder – PME International COY LTD, a Korean company with a registered address at 62-39 # 1203 Star Tower, Sa-gi-magolo, Sung Nem City, Kyungi-Do, in the Republic of Korea.
Meanwhile, landowners from Block Four within the Tonolei Timber Rights area have disassociated themselves from dealing with outsiders to log timber from their forest.
Spokesman and titleholder of one of the blocks, FRANCIS MONA told New Dawn FM that Bougainville some time back resolved not to allow logging throughout the island and questioned who was behind this move to get Asians into Tonolei.
He said under the ABG decision they have only approved the export of sawn timber and not logs.
MR. MONA also questioned why certain leaders are making these decisions against ABG 's own policies.
He said that landowners have Sawmills that can be contracted to provide Sawn timber to whoever is interested in Bougainville timber.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Helmtrude Lewewett
DWU Journalism student
Five suspects have escaped out from the Buka police station on Saturday last week.
According to North Bougainville Commander, Inspector Spencer Aili, Elliot Tohiana who is a murder convict is the only one that surrendered after the escape while Michael Baken from Gagan, jailed for murder, Peter Nawei from Manob who is a rape convict, Judas Sisi from Petats and Siwai who is a drug convict and Ben Giobun from Lonhan who still have a fresh matter of stealing are still on the run.
Inspector Aili is appealing to these four prisoners to surrender and submit themselves to the police and serve their full years in prison so that they can walk around freely in their communities.
He is also asking the general public to report to the police station if they see these suspects on the streets or anywhere insight in Bougainville.
Inspector Aili has also raised a concern regarding the overloading of vehicles on the main highways within the region.
He said this type of behavior is a traffic offence but it is becoming a norm in the region.
He is asking the drivers to consider their passengers safety and not to overload the vehicles because accidents happen anytime.
Apart from that he said the attitude of pulling and owning someone’s property like a car or dingy because of an unpaid debt is also becoming a major police concern.
He said such situations must be reported to court and people must not take the law into their own hands.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Helmtrude Lewewett
DWU Journalism student
The Bougainville Healthy Community (BHC) is currently running a three day workshop in their Sohano office.
The workshop is conducted by different facilitators mainly to give in depth knowledge to staffs and trainers about some health topics that needs to be addressed to the communities in Bougainville.
According to the workshop team leader Janice Matua she said the training serves to give more information to the trainers and staffs about the importance of eating nutritious food and maintaining cleanliness in the community.
She said after the workshop the participant will make known what they have learnt in the workshop to the village health volunteers so that they can make small awareness’s to the people in their communities.
The enrichment workshop also looks at lifestyle diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure and leadership and governance in relation to good village set up and how it can support healthiness in the village level.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A concerned citizen of Bougainville has raised his concern with New Dawn Fm today on the common roll updates that were done in Kereaka.
Daniel Tei who is a primary school teacher by profession, currently teaching at Kereaka Primary School revealed that the common roll updates that were done in Rateowi village in the Tewa constituency were not done properly.
He said the officer who was sent to do the common roll update left out so many eligible voters for the common roll.
He is therefore calling on the electoral commissioner and requesting his office to send another officer to Rateowi village in the Tewa constituency to ensure all eligible voters have their names on the common roll.
Mr. Tei said the 2015 election is coming up so all eligible voters must have their names on the common roll for a better outcome.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG regional member Joe Lera has urged and encouraged the standard officers to promote teachers for the good of quality saying rating is connected with quality education.
He pointed out to them that if they do not do a good job in this rating process, they will bring injustice to the students by promoting the wrong people and putting the wrong people in the wrong positions.
When addressing the led delegation by the Deputy Secretary for the National education department Dr. Eliakim Apelis for the combined regional rating conference at their welcome dinner on Saturday night, the regional member urged the participants of the conference to
demonstrate the highest level of professionalism in the way that they carry out the ratings.
He said he is aware that such conferences is the time when inspectors come together and try to monitor, asses, analyse, evaluate, charge and recommend teachers for demotion or promotion and therefore with this highest level of professionalism, it is a must to be
honest at all times, be fair, do not be oppressive and do not marginalise teachers.
He added that at all cost nepotism, wantokism and marginalising of teachers must be avoided.
After giving the standard officers some pointers that must be taken into consideration when rating teachers, Mr. Lera amidst all the applause announced his contribution of K10, 000 towards the conference to assist the education secretary in looking after the participants.
The ABG regional member was the only member present for the welcome dinner.
The notable absence of the other ABG members and ministers was a disappointment to all who attended the welcome dinner that night.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Operation Render Safe 2014 sets explosive ordnance disposal record
by AHC Public Diplomacy (release)
The dangers posed by 16 tonnes of unexploded World War II ordnance have been greatly reduced for the community of Torokina, Bougainville, following the conclusion of Operation Render Safe 2014. This makes Operation Render Safe 2014 the largest ever in terms of amount by weight of explosives destroyed.
The Australian Defence Force (ADF)-led mission saw Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada and Solomon Islands launching from HMAS Choules and searching for and safely destroying World War II era munitions.
Commander of the Multinational Joint Task Force, Captain Jay Bannister, said Operation Render Safe cleared 109 sites of 2293 items of ordnance that totalled more than 16,000 kilograms of explosives.
Working in close consultation with the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the multi-national Render Safe team destroyed the dangerous munitions that had threatened the Torokina community since the end of the war in 1945.
“It is the largest Render Safe undertaken by the ADF; not just in terms of explosives destroyed but the number of personnel involved — almost 500 in total,” Captain Bannister said.
“We have received exceptional support from the Bougainville Police Service and the people of the Torokina district in what has been an extremely complex, sustained amphibious operation.”
“Render Safe has made Torokina safer for generations to come. It will enable safe farming and gardening, and has contributed to weapons disposal in Bougainville.”
Five months before the operation commenced, a small community engagement team worked with the Autonomous Bougainville Government to educate the local Bougainville people about the Render Safe mission and the dangers posed by the unexploded ordnance. With the
conclusion of the operation all military personnel have now left Bougainville.
Detailed information about the unexploded ordnance located and removed, as well as information about war relic sites found during the operation, has been provided to the ABG. Hydrographic maps for the waters around the former jetty site have also been handed over.
These will facilitate future plans for the construction of a wharf in Torokina.
Render Safe is a continuing peacetime operational commitment to the people of the South West Pacific.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
In Bougainville, the Autonomous Bougainville Government regards education as one of its priority sectors.
And in terms of the development of the performance and standards of education as revealed by the ABG Deputy Secretary for Policy Paul Kebori, it is very important that we continue to monitor and evaluate the performance of our teachers so that our children can benefit by being able to learn at the highest level possible.
When giving his welcome speech during the opening of the combined regional rating conference at Hutjena Secondary School yesterday,
Mr. Kebori urged the standard officers to give credit to teachers where it is due saying our teachers are hardworking and they work in some of the most challenging environments in Papua New Guinea and especially in Bougainville.
He stressed that it is only good that when they go through the rating conference, the officers must look at this challenges and in doing so we can continue to improve the standards of education in Papua New Guinea.
Mr. Kebori believes that the rating conference will be a success and that it will amount to the development of education and the development of standards within the education sector.
Mary Remi who also addressed the conference participants that day asked that the results of the ratings be used appropriately.
The acting secretary for the ABG department of education explained that appropriately means that the results of the ratings will enable some new graduates to be registered as teachers and it will also enable some to move up the ranks to gain eligibility to the next level while there are some whose reports have been deemed unsuccessful.
Therefore when Ms. Remi said that the results of the ratings be used appropriately, it means giving promotions to teachers where it is due and whereby there are unsuccessful reports, that means it also requires assistance from everyone to further develop professional growth for our teachers.
She then stressed that the appraisal of teachers is one major element that contributes to quality academic performance as well and as a result, this rating conference is not only to assess but has other implications.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
In the light of the enactment of the new Bougainville Education Act on April 29 this year, the Bougainville education system is now governed by the new Act and hence the Papua New Guinea Education Act no longer applies to Bougainville.
This was revealed by the ABG education minister John Tabinaman when opening the combined regional rating conference at Hutjena Secondary School yesterday morning.
When highlighting some changes to governance in the new Act, the minister pointed out that compulsory education as stipulated in section 3 of the new Bougainville Education Act says that compulsory education for Bougainville will be from elementary prep up to grade 8 and this will come into effect in 2017.
As explained by the minister, this is to give ample time to his department to carry out awareness to all stakeholders and plan accordingly to address planning and financial implications of that concept.
He went on to say that the Act also stipulates under section 17 that members of the Bougainville Education Board can only be Bougainvilleans which is a step towards ensuring that home grown ideas and concepts are encouraged in setting strategic directions in the education policies and policy guidelines that are developed.
Further to that, the Bougainville Education Board will have two ex-officios and will no longer be chaired by the secretary who is the chairperson of the current board.
Minister Tabinaman then stressed that gender balance is called for in the New Bougainville Education Act.
He explained that this is to ensure that both women’s and men’s voices are heard in the decision making process.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Tourism Project Assistant with Volunteer Services Abroad, Carolyne Wilson has revealed that Bougainville has potential for a mix tourism industry.
Ms. Wilson who is challenged and delighted to be working with the Tourism Division in Buka told New Dawn Fm in an interview last week Friday that Bougainville has very special attributes.
She said there is a lot of potential for Bougainville and a lot of support is also needed to develop the tourism industry in Bougainville.
She added that things are fresh, new and young as far as tourism is concerned here and with more support from the National Government and also from international investors, the tourism industry in Bougainville will progress.
Ms. Wilson believes that Bougainville has a lot of potential to develop a small mix tourism industry that can be sustainable and successful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The sealing of the Buka Ring Road is slow because the company that surveyed the contract did not send in the plan that will show as to where the markings for back filling and drainage will go.
The paramount chief of Buka Hendry Onsa revealed to New dawn Fm in an interview on Friday that the contractor working on the road responded to their queries that Cobalt Engineering and Surveying has not sent in the plans as yet.
Therefore Chief Onsa is calling on the ABG and the division of works to speed up the work and ensure the plan is sent in quickly to the contractor so the pegs can be put up and the sealing of the Buka Ring Road can progress.
He said the sealing of the Buka roads is another issue to which the reason of the holdup is not known.
He added that work on drainage has been done but what is the hold up here.
Mr. Onsa wants the government and the division of works to ensure the work continues and the sealing can start.

Work has started on the Buka town drainage system

Work on the sealing of the Buka town streets is progressing with the laying of Drainage pipes at most intersections.'

Source: Bougainville 24
Summit highlights need for regional preparedness
By Veronica Hannette
The Bougainville summit held in Lae drew the attention of many Bougainvilleans living in Morobe to raise their views on the journey of the autonomous region to referendum.
The September summit was the third held outside of Bougainville, with the first two held in Port Moresby.
The summit focused on preparations for the referendum on the future political status of Bougainville.
The one-day summit held at the Lae International Hotel stressed the development of human resources, defining referendum, PNGs requirements on referendum, the legal administration of the process, leadership and the pathway for referendum
The summit gave Bougainvilleans an insight to what the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) is facing and expecting as it moves towards referendum between 2015 and 2020.
ABG Vice President, Hon. Patrick Nisira MP (pictured), challenged Bougainvilleans to meet conditions to prepare for referendum.
He said such summits held are very effective because it gives an opportunity for Bougainvilleans around the country to unite and discuss issues of referendum.
Vice President Nisira defined referendum into three parts, rationale of referendum, process for referendum and managing post referendum relations.
He stated that the referendum is important for political evolution and as a peace instrument in post-crisis Bougainville.
Justin Kehatsin, a senior lecturer at UniTech, said that it has become apparent that the ABG still has a long way to go in terms of human resources.
Kehatsin said most of Bougainville’s vibrant graduates from different professions are not going back to the region to work after graduating.
This has become a major concern for the government as it will rely on those human resources to boost government departments and development in the region.
Source: Post-Courier
Essay competition for Bougainvillean youths
A new essay competition for secondary and high school students in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will provide youth with an opportunity to have their say about the future of the region. The topic “Is having a vote enough? What are citizens’ responsibilities in promoting and upholding democracy?” aims to engage youth in discussion and what they see for their own future as Bougainvilleans.
Sponsored by the Australian High Commission in Papua New Guinea, the competition offers a laptop computer as a first prize. Entries are open now and will close on February, 27, 2015. “Bougainville’s young people are its greatest resource. The essay competition provides a platform for them to voice their ideas,” said High Commissioner Deborah Stokes.
“Reading, researching, learning and writing about civic responsibility and democracy is valuable for young people who are looking for opportunities to make a meaningful contribution to their communities and the region.”
The essay competition is open to all high school and secondary school students in Bougainville. Essays are to be 600 – 1000 words. Entries can be mailed or submitted in person to the Australian High Commission Buka Office, Tsirin Motors Building, Haku Street, Buka or emailed to The winners will be announced and prizes awarded in March 2015. Media Enquiries: or phone: 325 9333 ext 245.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka ring road work begins

The people of Buka Island are now seeing work on the Buka ring road finally getting off the ground. The work will involve the upgrading of the road from from Salasa to Malasang village.
The work is currently being carried out by a Bougainville owned company, Jomik Plant Hire, after being awarded the contract based on the decision by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) September 30, for the upgrade and sealing of the first 20km of the road valued at K36,339,842.52.
The contractor is currently doing clearance for the grading of the road. Next will be the re-grading of the main highway. The road will then be compacted for actually sealing that will be formed and compacted in readiness for the actual sealing to take place. The road work once completed will have positive impact on the lives of 500,000 people living along gthe road.
The Buka ring road project is funded by the National Government through the Special Intervention Fund (SIF) of K100 millions. The Buka ring road project is one of the 20 high impact projects implemented by the ABG this year.
Source: Bougainville24
Better late than never as Bana celebrates independence
By Ishmael Palipal

All of Bana District in South Bougainville, commonly known as Nagovis, held a big 39th Independence celebration at Keriau primary school in Singkodo Area.
The event organized by the Bana District was attended by over 3000 people from throughout Bana District on Saturday 27 September.
Though Independence Day is on 16 September, a delay in funding meant that Bana celebrations were belated.
The celebrations progressed as planned, beginning a float march by the Bana District Police and national and regional anthems lead by local singer Shem Kuiaka with Danny Kiumo providing the music.
Speeches followed after the paramount chief Mr Samson Sukina welcomed all the invited guests and the people of Bana.
Present at the opening ceremony were district officers and leaders, including Mr Sam Lologa (main speaker), Mr Peter Tabali (CEO), Ms Aida Mikuasi (Women’s Rep), Ms Benedine Sianu (Treasurer) and Mr Mos Ben Kalolema (Local leader).
The speakers updated the public on the current affairs of the Autonomous Bougainville Government and one of the main issues that the officials emphasized at this ceremony was the new time zone and format.
However, the youths are looking forward towards similar activities which the communities and leaders must organize to encage youths and minimize some of the social problems in the district.
This 39th PNG Independence celebration engaged youths in activities such as creative dances, string band, singsing kaur (pan pipes), soccer and volleyball and other ball games.
“My team is very excited after winning K1,500 at the finals in soccer,” said one young athlete from the champion soccer team on the day.
“This money will be used to organize our team well and we looked forward to winning again in any upcoming soccer tournaments.”
Other activities were also awarded with prizes and awards according to the organizers criteria.
“Our youths kindly urged our leaders to fund more of these sorts of activities,” said Mr Danny Kiumo, a young primary school teacher and one of the organizers of the event.
“Youths are very important part of the community, thus we must find ways to give them a positive mentality by engaging them in such activities.”
Next year’s independence celebration will be held at Tomau area. The people are looking forward for this celebration and hope this will be another exciting event again.
Source: Post-Courier
Author: Lust for easy money kills Bougainville
By Ishmael Palipal

Bougainvilleans are losing control of the land they fought and died for, not because of corruption but because of the lust for easy money, says the award winning writer and author Leonard Fong Roka.
“The Bougainvilleans would have been great leaders of this land, had they not lost the reasons they went to war against Bougainville Copper Limited and Papua New Guinea,” Mr Roka said. “The smell and colour of kina is sweeping us away from preserving the reasons we went to fight – our rights and dignity over this land.”
The author from the Panguna district said it is saddening to see Bougainvilleans selling themselves to the very powerful business syndicates from Asia without any background knowledge of who they really are.
“We are allowing Asians to take over Buka Town and other areas of our island not because we are interested to support Bougainville economically but because we are in love with thousands of kina they are offering for rent,” he said.
“Rents offered by Asians to local landlords are rates that a Bougainvillean business man cannot afford to a fellow Bougainvillean landlord.” The writer discovered that a handful of Asian shops in Buka Town are operating under one registered name but when it comes to banking their takings the registered bank account is not the place the takings end up in.
Beside all these Asian-run shops share the same tax agent with the other parts of PNG based in Port Moresby with his cunning manoeuvres of playing around with Internal Revenue Commission agents to avoid tax.
“We not at all helping Bougainville,” the author said. “We cannot build self-reliance out of foreign investment at this stage. “But we should develop that culture of business ourselves over a period to maturity before we allow foreign investment.”
According to Mr Roka’s recent book Bougainville Manifesto, the Bougainville problem is all about three issues facing the island – exploitation, indoctrination and genocide. “We are not yet in the mood of ridding ourselves from these killing agents,’ he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Arawa water, sewerage team receives safety gears
By Ishmael Palipal

ARAWA Urban water and sewerage team.
The team preparing the ground work in Arawa Town before Water PNG comes to make a proper water supply and sewerage service receives the first lot of safety wears yesterday.
Team leader Mark Sivutare said the safety of the workers is very important, thus they are issued the uniforms, not for fashion but for safety reason. According to Mr Sivutare, the ground preparations at the places for proper water and sewerage system have been underway with the commitment of the team.
“We want to prepare all the ground work like maintenance of water pipes, sewerage pipes and also cleaning of water and sewerage pump and treatment stations,” Mr Sivutare said.
“And this group is our maintenance components which is preparing the place so that when Water PNG comes, the work will run smoothly.” The team was happy to receive the safety uniform.
The team is now equipped with safety boost, Yaca long sleeves shirts and long trousers. Mr Sivutare said that this is just the first lot of safety gears; and they will get others like goggles, hand gloves, helmets and so on as soon as they secure funds in consultation with Water PNG.
Meanwhile, Arawa Urban Rehabilitation Program on water and sewerage in the town is underway. The water treatment plants and pump station near Rumba SDA mission, the main tank at the hill near Arawa Health Centre and sewerage pump stations and treatment plants are been clean and are undergoing preparation for the Water PNG to come and do the proper water supply and sewerage.
“We want the public to bear with us as we try to rehabilitate the water and sewerage system,” Mr Sivutare said. Mr Sivutare urged the people not to unnecessarily flash water from the water pump stations situated at the end of every street in town; but to consult the urban council if they have water problem.
Source: Post-Courier
School graduation attracts big crowd
HUTJENA Secondary School in the Bougainville region hosting its 15th grade 12 and 44th grade 10 graduation last Thursday was witnessed by parents, community, teachers and guests.
The school hall was packed with graduating students seating while the public stood standing at the back and outside of the hall were on their toes to catch a glimpse of the students walking up in their best attire to receive their certificates. A total of 158 Grade 10 students and 140 Grade 12 students graduated with certificates
Academic awards were also presented to best performing students. Mr Alvin Kimoi received the Ggade 10 Dux award while grade 12 dux awards went to twelve Ms Angeline Tuem in science and Mr Owen Toliken in humanities.
Other special awards were also presented to the selected students. Bougainville Regional Member Joe Lera urged the graduating students to show the people that they are educated citizens and not to act or live as animals.
“Education is not from elementary to year twelve, Mr Lera said. “There are further steps to go in education as you are aware of the existence and operation of higher institutions, but today you are gaining your first key to this path,” Mr Lera said.
Mr Wilfred Lessie, who is a teacher at the school said as Bougainville is in the referendum window, we must now strive to seek a system that will suit the needs for Bougainville to be culturally empowered yet qualified to participate in the global mechanism of development.
Source: Post-Courier
Beautifull village

JOSEPH Berasi is the paramount chief of Kave village situated at the foot of Mt Balbi in Wakunai district in Central Bougainville. He emphasises on healthy living and encourages his village folks to clean their village everyday, including planting of different species of colourful flowers to decorate their village. Chief Berasi is pictured at his village decorated with flowers in the mountains of Toisiko. Picture: JACOB IENU.
Source: Bougainville24
ABG announces 2015 development goals
By Veronica Hannette

Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has said that in 2015 it will focus on developing the districts.
This information was given during the Bougainville summit held in Lae in September.
The ABG will focus its approach on enhancing good governance, service delivery, increasing revenue and providing good facilities and infrastructure such as roads, schools and healthcare.
This will be carried out through a structured program of engagement of promoting both transparency and accountability in planning and budgeting by the Bougainville administration.
The establishment of regional Councils of Elders has been a positive step towards for community governments in terms of establishing clear roles, functions and resources within community levels.
The four objectives has to be achieved for the development priorities for 2015 by the Bougainville Council are to improve service delivery through a strong focus at the district level, promote economic growth and sustainability, significantly increase revenue volumes and the collection of revenues and strengthen key interventions and functions of the government.
2015 will also see the ABG for the first time operate its own laws for the management of finance and personnel.
The referendum on autonomy and independence, to be held sometime between 2015 and 2020, was also on the agenda.
Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) Acting Chief Secretary Chris Siriosi highlighted the actual date within the five year period is to be determined through consultations between the ABG and the National Government.
According to Mr Siriosi the consultations need to be held on a number of factors including the date, progress of weapons disposal, governance options, financial requirements and polling logistics.
Source: Bougainville24
Aropa airport nears completion
Bougainville Project Updates

The Phase 1 of the Kieta Aerodrome (Aropa Airport) redevelopment project is nearing its completion as final touches are being put on the terminal , the runway and also general clearing of the airport surroundings.
The Runway has been sealed all the way from the Southern end of the airport to the Northern end. The Contractor (Dekenai) was still doing some rolling this week near end of the runway. Sweeping of the loose aggregates will be completed by this week.
The Runway markings are yet to be done and this will be done after sealing of both taxiway and tarmac area. The runway edges have been cleaned up so well is giving clearly visibility from both sides of the airport.

The old tarmac has been swept and ready to be sealed. Until the sealing is done, markings will wait until completion of sealing and associated works. Drainage works have been completed with former small island within Tarmac being filled by Contractor and will be sealed along with the whole tarmac. It is anticipated that the sealing of both taxiway and tarmac to be completed by end of this week, weather permitting.
The terminal is 95% complete with minor tidying up to do especially VIP lounge within the Arrival Hall. The Departure Lounge is ready for use by Airlines using 3 check in counters. Two Standby Powers Generators are already installed and in place, ready for official opening.
The Terminal Carpark is bieng tidied up and will be completed by end of November. The Public Toilet for Male/Female has been complete and ready for use at end of Terminal Carpark. The Airport Safety Officers( ASO) residence plus the combination of Tractor Shed/workshop is ready for use. A Tractor (New Holland) with slasher attached is already in place.

Last week a team from NAC and a team from CASA PNG were in Aropa as part of the Certification Process. They were in Bougainville to check and ensure basic and minimum safety requirements are being considered during construction, to check and see how far the Project has progressed and or how long more before official date (Tentative Friday 12th December 2014) and also to check on Operational Requirements immediately after the Construction (Personnel, Security etc.)
The Organising Committee( NAC/ABG) for the opening ceremony , have already put plans in place and will further consult frequently to make the day a historic and memorable day for the whole of Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
President reschedules Bougainvillean group meeting
The annual general meeting (AGM) of the Port Moresby Bougainville Association Inc (PBA) has been rescheduled. The president of the association Paul Nerau said the dates previously published for the meeting should be ignored.
He said the AGM was not held then on November 15 and it will not be held on Saturday November 22, 2014. The new confirmed date for the AGM December 7.
“I wish to advise the Bougainville community in Port Moresby that after further consultation and as a result of a number of requests by individuals and groups in our community for more time, the association has now fixed the date for the AGM to take place on Sunday December 7, 2014,” Mr Nerau said.
“The association has operated largely as a not-for-profit organisation and over the years, its management and administration has depended on the efforts of individuals who have been willing to give their time and effort on a volunteer basis. The President said this is true of the current executive of the association.
“It has not been easy to call on the time of members of my executive and our advisors in Port Moresby, as the nature of our individual work commitments and engagements means that we are not in Port Moresby all at the same time.”
The vice president of the association Mr Bruce Mallar also said that despite time constraints and other issues, the association has been able to provide assistance and coordination in a number of cases, events and projects when this has been sought during the year.
Mr Mallar said the president’s report and treasurer’s financial statement at the AGM will attest to this. Looking ahead to the AGM, the president said he would like to see large Bougainville community representing communities from our three regions to make extra effort to attend the AGM.
“My current executive, our advisors as well as others would like to see more interest and participation by younger Bougainvilleans in the ranks of the association.
It will be heartening to see our younger generation, both women and men, making a commitment to serve and lead the Association. “Those of us that have a historical connection with the genesis of the association going back to our university days will always be around to help when needed.”
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainvillean claims lack of agricultural plans
By Ishmael Palipal

Martin Atobu
A former agriculture officer of then North Solomons Province Martin Atobu has condemned the lack of plans and visions for the development of the communities.
Speaking yesterday at the Post-Courier office in Arawa, Mr Otobu urged leaders, public servants and constituency members to draw up proper plans in consultation with the people or communities so that the people will be aware of what they are planning to do and find out if it is really needed.
Otherwise, currently people do not know what their leaders have in mind in terms of developments. Mr Atobu was a former North Solomons agriculture foundation general manager during the Panguna mine era.
He said during his time, Bougainville was also high in agriculture produce which he said can be easily revived rather than mining. “I don’t see why things are so way back today, even with the new technology,” Mr Atobu said.
“During my time, there were no such things as laptops or mobile phones. And it was very hard to communicate but now, with these technologies, we can advance better before but our leaders seem to lack planning and these technologies seem useless. Looking from the agricultural perspective, money is there.
“It needs some assistance and proper planning from the leaders and especially from those who head agriculture sector, like the minister for agriculture.
“I have seen that leaders are sleeping, closing their eyes on how they as leaders can provide services like small projects to the people which will create income.”
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville observes Children’s Day
International Children’s Day will be observed all over the world today, which also marks the beginning of the 16 days of activism campaign against all forms of violence. International Children’s Day, together with other international events, is to be observed every year.
The United Nations Charter requires all UN member states to contribute to these non violence campaigns and most schools in Bougainville will be part of the observation day.
International Children’s Day is a time identified to promote the rights of every child under the ages from zero to 18 years. The day was specifically recognised by the United Nations to address all forms of violence that affect the rights and wellbeing of every child.
Everyone is urged to be part of the 16 day of activism campaign under the theme ‘Stop violence against children’. The activism which begins this week will end on human rights day which falls on December 10.
Source: Post-Courier
Regional ratings meeting underway

PARTICIPANTS at the combined regional ratings conference in Arawa.
THE combined regional ratings conference (CRRC) for New Guinea Islands and Highlands region is currently underway at the Hutjena Secondary School in Buka.
Deputy secretary for teaching and education standards directorate at the Department of Education, Eliakim Apelis said the purpose of the conference is to inspect and rate reports of teachers to become full time teachers and for teachers who seek promotion levels of teaching in all schools.
The deputy secretary also stated that the conference will also see reports of teachers’ performance throughout the country.
Mr Apelis said since 2005, changes were made from national ratings conference (NRC) to CRRC to combine regions and has been there since independence with changes that have been made in the Department of Education with new structural changes to accommodate new issues.
He also outlined the changes in the curriculum from outcome-based education (OBE) to standard-based education (SBE) and outcome based curriculum (OBC) to standard-based curriculum.
Mr Apelis also said the department is setting standards in curriculum at various existing level in literacy, numeracy and life skills and compulsory education meaning results with no examinations but school level assessment.
Source: BCL Homepage
BCL blog receives over 40,000 views in first year
by Ben Jackson
Bougainville Copper Limited’s blog, Bougainville 24, has chalked up well over 44,000 views in its first year.
The blog was established to publish articles about Bougainville, news of company activities and creative writing by Bougainvilleans.
Over the course of the year, Bougainville 24 has become an important outlet for Bougainvillean writers, who are the driving force behind the blog.
Some 26 writers have contributed which now contains a collection of more than 300 articles covering the arts, education, environment, food, culture, music, health, infrastructure, resource development, tourism, sport and more.
The writers’ group includes leading Bougainvillean author, Leonard Fong Roka, who has emphasised the importance of the BCL blog in providing a platform for aspiring writers.
“2014 is the happiest moment of my writing since more Bougainvilleans have come out, especially with the BCL backed Bougainville 24,” Roka has said.
As well as contributing articles to Bougainville 24, in 2014 Roka completed his university studies and published two books, one of which became PNG Book of the Year in the Crocodile Prize, Papua New Guinea’s national literary awards.
Bougainville 24 continues to publish new content daily and can be viewed at
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Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville public service faces problems
THE implementation of the Bougainville public service with its new administrative structure faces enormous problems.
And there are two sides of the coin – the establishment and implementation – that should be done properly as currently the Bougainville administrative leadership is weak in its implementation of the arrangement for autonomy.
This was brought to light by former member of the administrative selection panel, Patrick Heromate. He said the public workforce cannot be driven due to poor staff commitment, inexperience and unskilled manpower.
“From day one the politicisation of the public service was rife and it is continuing as we are moving towards its operation,” Mr Heromate said. “Are people of Bougainville tuned ready for referendum?
“I want to inform the people of the region that ABG, with its administration, has done very little to implement the arrangement for autonomy as agreed to under the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA).” Mr Heromate said the set requirements are difficult to implement with weak administration and needs to be reviewed.
“The announcement of the senior public service appointment last month remains to be seen with some members of the ABG executive government oppose appointment in their respective departments,” he said.
Mr Heromate said the announcement by the ABG to conduct personnel recruitment last month was timely but said the department got to do the recruitment according to the set procedures.
“The senior appointment committee must be very independent and transparent to make appointments on merit since the committee will be screening the applications of the senior positions of the Bougainville administration and not make appointments on personal merit.”
Source: Post-Courier
Villagers host feast in honour of great chiefs
By Ishmael Palipal
Feasting in honour of important leaders is common in Bougainville’s tradition. It is a way of showing that a leader has done great things not only in his or her village but also in other communities.
Last month the Goi people in Selau area in North Bougainville, in honouring their two chiefs who passed a year ago, staged a ceremonial feast which was described as unique by the people.
The historical occasion attracted about 2000 people coming all the way from Wakunai, Tinputz, Teop, Buka and other neighbouring areas in North Bougainville. The participants observed that the event was historical because after so many years, there was no such gathering and feast so big as this event.
This tribute to honour the two chiefs was planned and organised by Goi village chief Lawrence Magara, Simon Suma and Pastor Tsora. Attending the event were Robert Sawa, Augustine Kino and paramount chief of Sorom Joseph Wanes, who were also part of the organising group.
The two chiefs to whom this tribute was organised are late Chief Antosius Gewia and chief Joseph Morton. Mr Gewia was a great peace maker, whom the people remembered as the brave and strong leader who fought for unity among his people and peace in community.
On the other hand, Mr Morton, a businessman in Kokopau, was a strong supporter of youths in soccer in Bougainville. He encouraged and support young people in improving soccer in Bougainville, therefore, the soccer family of Bougainville pays tribute to his contribution to developing youths in this sport.
The tribute to this two chiefs was held for two days with about 280 pigs slaughtered and a large amount of food gathered to to be shared by all those who attended.
Source: Post-Courier
Workshop on missing persons underway
By Ishmael Palipal
International Committee of Red Cross is hosting a four day workshop on missing persons starting yesterday at the Arawa Women’s Centre conference room which will help district representatives in South and Central Bougainville understand what missing persons program and district peace and security is all about.
This program is carried out by ICRC in partnership with community stakeholders and the government to help those people who are struggling to know where their relatives are – whether they were buried, burned or lost during the 10 years of bloody crisis.
The ICRC representative, Mr Tobias Koehler, introduced that it is all about finding closeness in the families so that peace can prevail in communities. The program will help people look for the remains of those missing people and put them to proper resting place.
It is believed the proper burial of missing persons will help the relatives to also lay to rest the painful memories of the 10 years Bougainville Crisis they still carry around.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has recently adopted a policy in regards to the missing persons and the ICRC aims to help the people deal with this issue to create proper reconciliation since that is seen as a hindrance to peace and unity process.
Source: Post-Courier
Stadium salute

Team Bougainville giving their famous ‘Bougainville Clap Chant’ to the general public and the dignitaries at the Sir Ignatius Stadium during the Opening Ceremony on Sunday. Picture: JACOB IENU
Source: Bougainville24
BCL gives boost to Team Bougainville at PNG Games

BCL has announced a donation of K40,000 to the Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation (ABSF) in support of Team Autonomous Bougainville for this year’s Sixth Papua New Guinea Games.
The money has been provided for uniforms, equipment and accommodation for Bougainvillean athletes and support staff who have travelled to Lae in the Morobe Province where the Games began this week.
The ABSF recognises that mass participation in sport is crucial to promoting unity and regional pride and it is using sport as a means of strengthening the peace-building process on Bougainville.
The PNG Games will run until 29 November and Bougainvillean athletes are competing across 18 sports including athletics, boxing, bodybuilding, darts, taekwondo, kickboxing, volleyball, basketball, netball, touch football, rugby, rugby union, soccer, power lifting, weight lifting, softball and karate.
The Games give the athletes a chance to demonstrate their abilities on a national stage as representatives from the 22 provinces of PNG come together.
The ABSF also believes the PNG Games provide participants with an important opportunity to interact with people of different cultures and backgrounds.
BCL wishes the best of luck to all Bougainvillean athletes competing in the Games.
Source: The National
Parties to hold further talks
FURTHER dialogue is expected between the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Me’ekamui Government of Unity following a recent meeting in Buka.
ABG president Dr John Momis and MGU president Philip Miriori led their delegations to the first ever attempt at resolving outstanding grievances, enhancing good governance and service delivery in Panguna district in the context of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and implementing constitutional laws.
The meeting discussed issues including the MGU working through the ABG in addressing the concerns of the people of Panguna over mining and the importance of reviewing the Panguna communique.
Momis said the ABG represented the best collective interest of the people of Bougainville and that it was protected by PNG constitutional laws which were recognised by the international community.
Miriori expressed the MGU’s desire to work with the ABG under the Panguna communique. He said a review of the document was important.
Panguna MP Michael Oni stressed the need for unity and alignment of the district leadership. He said unity would promote the delivery of basic services in the district.
ABG Minister for Community Development Melchior Dare said it was critical for the ABG and the MGU to engage in fair and frank dialogue to resolve the future of the Morgan Junction check-point.
Source: The National
ABG mobile radio ready to broadcast
THE recently launched mobile radio station owned by the Autonomous Bougainville Government will be testing its broadcast capabilities at Hahalis, North Bougainville, this week.
The Radio Ples Lain will be set up at the Halia Council of Elders office on Wednesday and Thursday from 5pm to 8pm and broadcasting to more than 500 constituents.
Broadcast content would include pre-recorded news relay of the ABG’s 2015 development priorities, live interview with the Council of Elders on their priorities and achievements this year, address by the Halia constituency member Patrick Nisira, plus law and order awareness by the Bougainville Police Service.
The radio station was launched on November 7.
ABG Bureau for Media and Communication acting director Robert Aneisia said they were excited about the interest the radio station was generating in the rural communities.
“Broadcasting in the Halia constituency will be a first time experience for many of our people. Because it is broadcast at the community level, it can record community discussion, including panel discussions, talk-back,” Aneisia said.
Source: The National
Bougainvilleans get chance at scholarship
Bougainvilleans aspiring to obtain tertiary qualifications from Australian institutions are excited at the chance to apply for the Australia Awards Scholarship for studies next year.
The scholarships are currently being awarded to Papua New Guineans.
Following a roadshow by the Australian Awards PNG Facility team in Buka last week, more than 15 participants, including public servants in the Bougainville Public Service, indicated a keen interest to apply.
Specific priority fields covered by the scholarships include health, transport, land development, rural development, research and technology, rducation, urban development, law and justice, governance and public sector management and research and technology.
Bougainvilleans interested to apply or seek further information can access information through the Australia Awards – PNG Facility website: Applications close on Feb 16.
Source: Post-Courier
Regional ratings meeting underway
THE combined Highlands and New Guinea Islands regional ratings conference that began on Monday will end this Friday. The delegation from the attending regions arrived in Buka on Saturday and were met by the Autonomous Bougainville Government Education Minister John Tabinaman and other ABG and Education officials upon their arrival.
The official program started with the opening ceremony at the Hutjena Secondary School hall and will continue till Friday. In welcoming the delegation, acting ABG Education Secretary Mary Remi thanked both the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the national Education Department for funding the combined ratings conference and also for choosing Bougainville to host the week long workshop.
The delegation will also visit selected schools on Friday to see the progress of education in schools before they depart back to their centers on Saturday.
Source: Post-Courier
Study awards on offer for Bougainvilleans
By Stephanie Elizah
Bougainvilleans wanting to obtain tertiary qualifications from Australian institutions are excited at the chance to apply for the Australia awards scholarship for studies in 2016, currently awarded to Papua New Guinea.
Following a roadshow by the Australian Awards PNG facility team in Buka recently, more than 15 participants, including public servants, indicated a keen interest to apply in the various fields of study offered.
Specific priority fields covered by the scholarship include health, transport, land development, rural development, research and technology, education, urban development, law and justice, governance and public sector management and research and technology.
The Bougainville public who attended the road show at the Bougainville administration conference room last week were informed that the Australia Awards aim to further develop the skills and expertise of Papua New Guineans and Bougainvilleans so they can contribute to the nation’s development.
Participants were told that this prestigious international awards are offered to Papua New Guinea’s existing and future leaders with the intention that through study and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change, influence Papua New Guinea’s development and build enduring people-to-people links with Australia.
Bougainvilleans interested to apply or seek further information can access information through the Australia Awards – PNG Facility website: Applications close on 16 February 2015.
Source: Post-Courier
Butterfly farmer looks for market
By Ishmael Palipal

MR Minghai in his butterfly farm.
A local in Pihanawa village in Siwai district specialising in small to medium scale butterfly farming is looking for a market. He came up with this initiative in early 2012 in order to ranch different kinds of butterfly species.
Joe Minghai started with the initial planting of about two hundred flowering plants in his one and half hectare farm. Six months later, he planted another two hundred evodia hortensis as host plants for the butterflies to breed.
Mr Minghai said he wants to find markets around PNG and abroad for processed butterflies. He said if tourist or locals are interested in seeing butterflies or spending some time out or taking photos in his beautiful butterfly farm in his village in Pihanawa, they are welcome but fees may apply.
Anyone willing to help Mr Minghai find a market for his buterflies can contact through the Community Development officer for Siwai district, Mr Donald Komoiki on mobile number 70564537 or email address: Meanwhile, Mr Minghai is expecting 2500 caterpillars in the next six months.
Source: Post-Courier
Phone retailer claims credits tampering
By Ishmael Palipal

A BOX of new Digicel mobile phones with broken seals
Resellers of Digicel mobile phones in Arawa are concerned that mobile phones they are purchasing from the Digicel office in Buka have no default credits or units in the sim card.
They claim that all the new phones are sold to them with broken seals. They claim the workers selling those phones to customers are stealing the phone credits in those sim cards.
“Usually when you purchase mobile phones there, the workers will say to activate the phones before you get them and then during the process of activating, they will transfer money to their mobile numbers and pack the phone back telling you that it is now activated,” said James Karutu, a local businessman from Kopei in Central Bougainville, who is also a frequent reseller of Digicel phones.
He said his customers are questioning him why there are no credits inside the sim card that comes in new mobile phones. He said in some cases K6 and K4 credits are transferred to their mobile numbers leaving about K1.70, which shows that 30t is being used as a transfer fee by the service providers.
He is calling on the Digicel team to look into this issue and maybe clarify it with the general public. The same sentiments are also shared by other Digicel mobile phone resellers around Central Bougainville when asked by this reporter.
Quelle: Deutsches Honorarkonsulat, Port Moresby
Schneller Sieg.
von Axel G. Sturm
Wie Australien des Sieges über das deutsche Kaiserreich im Pazifik begangen und auch der gefallenen deutschen Soldaten gedachten.

Eine überaus würdige Gedenkfeier anläßlich der 100sten Wiederkehr des Sieges der australischen Armee über die Truppen des deutschen Kaiserreichs im Pazifik wurde in Anwesenheit des deutschen Honorarkonsuls in Papua Neu Guinea, Herrn Eberhard Pfeiffer, vor Ort in East New Britain abgehalten (Pfeiffer: „Eine taktvolle Zeremonie ohne Säbelrasseln und Kanonendonner“).
Vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg zählten die nordöstlichen Provinzen Papua Neuguineas sowie auch die Insel Bougainville unter dem Namen "Deutsch Neuguinea" zum kaiserlichen Kolonialreich. Bis heute haben sich deshalb preußische Namen in der Region als geografische Bezeichnungen erhalten. Aber auch deutsche Vornamen sind in PNG bis in unsere Tage gängig selbst wenn sie heutzutage etwas antiquiert wirken mögen. Ganze Inseln wie das heutige New Ireland hießen seinerzeit Neumecklenburg, Neuhannover oder Neulauenburg und lagen in der Bismarcksee. Bis heute heißt Papua Neuguineas höchster Gipfel mit 4509 Metern Mount Wilhelm und liegt im Bismarckgebirge. Nachdem das Vereinigte Königreich seinem deutschen Verwandten Wilhelm II (ein Enkel der britschen Königin Victoria) 1914 den Krieg erklärt hatte, fühlten sich die Australier verpflichtet, alle kolonialen Niederlassungen des
deutschen Kaiserreichs innerhalb ihres Dunstkreises anzugreifen. Schließlich war man das ja qua brtischer Abstammung schuldig.
Am 11.09.1914 landete die AN&MEF ( Australian Naval & Military Expedition Force ) am Strand von Herbertshöhe (jetzt Kokopo) etwa 30km entfernt von Rabaul im jetzigen East New Britain (früher Neupommern).
Dieser Kampfverband bestand aus drei Kriegsschiffen mit etwa 1500 Mann Besatzung. Die deutsche Verteidigung bestand aus einer Handvoll Offiziere und Reserveoffizieren (Hauptmann Carl von Klewitz und Leutnant G.A. Meyer, und sieben Reserveoffizieren ) sowie etwa 200 einheimischen Hilfspolizisten.
Die Aufgabe der AN&MEF bestand darin, die Funkstation in Bitapaka (etwa 20km im Hinterland von Herbertshöhe zu zerstören. Bei Einnahme der Station stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass diese bereits von deutscher Seite zerstört worden war.
Die Kampfhandlungen dauerten angesichts der enormen Übermacht der Australier nicht lange. Die Kapitulation wurde am 21.09.1914 vom stellvertretenden Gouverneur, von Herrn E. Haber unterschrieben. Auf australischer Seite gab es 6 gefallene ( die ersten Toten für Australien im ersten Weltkrieg; auf deutscher Seite starb ein deutscher Offizier und 30 Hilfspolizisten gelten als im Krieg Gefallene (die Umstände , unter denen sie fielen sind etwas kontrovers) die deutschen Beamten und Einwohner wurden teilweise evakuiert, manche blieben aber auch in Rabaul, vormals Simpsonhafen, und auf den Plantagen, um den Betrieb aufrecht zu halten.
Nach Kriegsende wurden alle Plantagenbesitzer enteignet. So erhielt etwa der Unternehmer Rudolf Wahlen 10 englische Pfund für zwei Schiffe und riesige Plantagen, die er ein paar Jahre zuvor für über zwei Millionen Reichsmark von der legendären Queen Emma alias Emma Forsayth-Coe , einer bekannten samoanisch-amerikanischen Unternehmerin gekauft hatte .

Honorarkonsul Eberhard Pfeiffer bei der Niederlegung des Kranzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG hopeful more WWII weapons can be retrieved
Bougainville's administrator, Chris Siriosi, says the Papua New Guinea province is hopeful more Second World War weapons can be retrieved in about 12 months.
An Australian led team completed a three week long exercise earlier this month and recovered hundreds of bombs and other weapons from around Torokina.
Mr Siriosi says the people there are delighted they can now safely access their land.
He says more bombs are there but before another removal team comes in, the government will seek experts to document the location of the weapons.
"Because you don't want an operation to come in and do this work. Too expensive having people sitting down, idle, waiting for such work to be done. So it is best for us to do the work of identifying the bombs, their locations and then make a decision on whether or not to invite in experts to rid our community of these bombs."
Bougainville's administrator, Chris Siriosi, says the Papua New Guinea province is hopeful more Second World War weapons can be retrieved in about 12 months.
An Australian led team completed a three week long exercise earlier this month and recovered hundreds of bombs and other weapons from around Torokina.
Mr Siriosi told Don Wiseman the villagers are delighted.
CHRIS SIROSI: It's more or less cleared areas of land that the villages want to access for agriculture and gardening. Not all the ordinances have been removed. Some ordinances remain in very very inaccessible locations of Torokina. Some ordinances remain in other areas south of Torokina. These ordinances will have to be determined clearly and documented before we invite other organisations to come in and assist the ABG and the people of Bougainville in dealing with these World War Two remains.
DON WISEMAN: So you know where most of them are and it's a matter of just staying away from those areas, is that right?
CHRIS SIROSI: Yes, well basically the people knew where the bombs or these unexploded ordinances were before the operation so their knowledge was based on their constant use of the land there and the environment. In areas where there is no reported findings of unexploded ordinances it's maybe as a result of people not really wanting to access those areas for farming or for gardening or for other purposes.
DON WISEMAN: So when do you think you'll get around to getting another team in?
CHRIS SIROSI: Well as far as I'm concerned what needs to happen is for a team of experts to move into the area in the future and document what ordinances are lying around here in terms of these hazards material and then bring it to the attention of the government. In actual fact you'd be looking at a period of one year, one year before something is done again.
DON WISEMAN: Okay, so you've set a timetable.
CHRIS SIROSI: My office prepares one year to do this lead up work before a decision is made on an invitation being sent out for people to come and assist us.
DON WISEMAN: So in that intervening 12 months you will have people come in and they'll be finding out where all the bombs are.
CHRIS SIROSI: Yes, exactly we need a team of experts to come in and document where the bombs are, which locations, and act properly and document it and relate it to maps, maps consisting of settlements and all that kind of thing. Because you don't want an operation to come in and do this work, it's too expensive having people sitting down idle waiting for such work to be done. So it's best for us to do the work of identifying the bombs, their locations and then make a decision on whether or not to invite experts to come in.
Source: Post-Courier
Team AROB whitens up the Games

Team Autonomous Region Of Bougainville (AROB) took the sporting fraternity including dignitaries of the 6th PNG Games in Lae by surprise with their stunning white, black and red uniform outfit during the Opening Ceremony at the Sir John Guise Indoor Stadium.
The uniforms matching that of the ‘English national colour’ attire was stunningly the best amongst the provinces that participated and was commended for its best appearance.
Team AROB was also ‘labeled’ as the crowd pleaser and favorites during the march past at the indoor stadium. Before the opening ceremony, the strong 500 plus Team AROB athletes and officials took time out to witness the launching of the new attires by Autonomous Bougainville Sports Minister and Member for Eivo Torau Melchior Dare.
Accompanying Dare at the launching of the uniforms at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is chef de mission Anthony Tsora, General Team Manager Robert Semoso, Chief Executive Officer for Community Development Mana Kakarouts and long time Bougainville servants Patrick Koles and Joseph Kuli and Bougainville sports administrator Joseph Maineke.
Team AROB will take part in a total of 21 codes and aiming to improve on their last outing to Kokopo PNG Games in 2012 where they settled for the 5th placing.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

The Acting Secretary for the ABG Education Department, MARY REMI tonight officially welcomed Education delegates that are here for the week long Education Teacher's Rating workshop that will start on Monday.
Ms Remi made these remarks at the welcome dinner at the Kuri village resort tonight.
She said that Bougainville was privileged to welcome these delegates and hope they will enjoy Bougainville's hospitality.
On the Ratings, she thanked the ABG and the Education department for funding the combined Highlands and New Guinea Islands Regional Ratings Conference.
The Regional Member for Bougainville, Joe Lera was also present at the welcome dinner.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Jennifer Nkui
The eight regional Highlands and New Guinea Islands Teacher's ratings conference is now underway in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The conference is attended by Senior Education Officers from all provinces in the two regions was officially opened this morning by the ABG Education Minister, JOHN TABINAMAN.
When giving his keynote address at the Hutjena Secondary school hall this morning,the Minister stressed that all regional ratings conferences are important mechanisms that are used to either promote or demote teachers in their performances to ensure quality and standards are maintained.
He said at this time when quality and standard are always in the forefront of criticism, it is imperative that the right teachers are registered and promoted and those with sub- standard performances are not rewarded as it will be at the expense of quality and standards.
He added that in Bougainville, the ABG is committed to ensuring that quality and standards are a priority and hence quality will be one of the pillars in the new Bougainville Intergrated Education plan to which the Education Ministry has given funding to support for wider consultations and the development of the plan.
MR. TABINAMAN than assured the teachers, students,the education department and all stakeholders that his ministry will continue to give quality education as a priority consistent with the Autonomous Bougainville Government priorities.
Meanwhile, the head of the Regional Ratings delegation and Deputy secretary for the National department of Education,DR.ELIAKIM APELIS has urged the senior education officers as standards officers to display a high level of professionalism during the ratings conference.
He stressed that recommendations made on these reports will reflect their integrity, their professionalism and will reflect who they are.
DR. APELIS therefore encouraged the standard officers to use this process to develop teachers for quality education and for the benefit of improving standards in our country.
The combined regional ratings conference has evolved from the National ratings conference that is usually held every year since 2005 and its main intention is to look at various issues related to teacher's performance which culminates a 12 month performance in the schools.
The one-week combined Regional ratings conference which is hosted by the ABG through the ABG Education ministry will end this Friday November 21.

ABG Education Minister JOHN TABINAMAN opening the Ratings Conference this morning. Newdawnpic by Aloysius Laukai
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Latest update on the PNG Games which started this morning, Team Bougainville Men's Soccer Team went down to New Ireland in the opening matches at the LFA this morning.
The final score was one nil.
And the women's Touch Rugby team drew with EHP 7 all.
Source: Bougainville24
Film festival a success in Bougainville
Bougainville was of the four regions that hosted the 2014 Papua New Guinea Human Rights Film Festival, which has been hailed as a great success.
The fifth edition of the festival also had events in Port Moresby, Goroka and Madang, before wrapping up in the autonomous region.
In Bougainville the festival travelled to Buka, Haku, Halia, Wakunai, Arawa and Buin.
As well as film viewings the Human Rights Film Festival included a photo exhibition, question and answer sessions and several panel discussions.
Multi-award winning Mr. Pip, filmed in Bougainville and set during the early stages of the crisis, was one of the films presented.
Also shown was Voice of Change, a documentary on the humanitarian work of Sr. Lorraine Garasu and the work she has done since the crisis to rebuild peace, families and people’s lives.
The one day festival program was carried out at Haku Tanreki, Hahalis Primrary School, Wakunai Primary School, Arawa Haus Stori and Buin United Church.
As well as the Bougainvillean films the festival displayed productions from throughout Papua New Guinea, that tackled issues such as women’s rights and healthcare.
The 2011 feature length documentary, Splinters, about surfing in Vanimo was also shown at the festival.
Source: Post-Courier
Students pass out of Arawa Bible institution
By Ishmael Palipal
A Bible school run by Christian Mission Fellowship (CMF) last week graduated five students after two years of training. The school, situated near Arawa town in Central Bougainville along the Bairima Road, as a silent achiever in Christian education.
This is the third graduation since its establilshment and the school has contributed to the community to create change to the lives of the people who have undergone training and others. Most speakers spoke of how the school had changed them from who they were in the past to what they were now.
“My life of miserable and hopeless before I came to this school,” testified one of the graduands. “I was a drug addict but now I am a changed man and very have to receive such life.” The graduands challenged other young people to seek life in Christ for that is where you will find peace and harmony.
Guest speaker Pastor Mares Ruben quoted the Bible story (Matthew 28) where Jesus entrusted the special mission to the human race which is to go out to the world and make more disciples.
“You don’t just join such institution so that your life can be changed and blessed, but the greater mission is to help save and change your fellow friend to find his better destiny so that we can build godly communities through each testimony,” Ps Ruben said.
Markus Nori, representing the Good Samaritan Natural Disaster Volunteers (GSNDV), said: “This is one of the very important institutions in the community. “And the graduands who graduating today will be the important change makers out in our societies reminding us of the obligation that we have to the Lord.
“It doesn’t matter whether you are CMF, CLC, COC, AOG, Catholic or SDA; all must work together to raise such messengers to spread the goodness of God throughout our communities.”
School principal Gisela Kwilua spoke of the struggles the school had faced to keep going. She said it was a struggle to keep the school running since it is not a government funded institution.
“But we have come this far and I’m very thankful for all the stake holders, landowners and those who have supported the school whichever way,” she said. Arawa Kingdom Bible School will recruit again next year with a school fee of K250 and young people and any interested individuals are welcome, the school said.
The graduation ceremony started around 10am with songs of praise from the Loloho CLC music team as the general public and the congregation. A feast followed the graduation.
Source: Post-Courier
Prisoners break free
FIVE prisoners escaped from the Buka Police Station cells in the early hours of Friday after forcing apart the steel iron rods. The prisoners dashed for freedom after bending two iron rods apart, squeezing out of the curve created between 1am and 5am. The officer on duty only learnt of the escape when making a check on the detainees.
The five who escaped are Peter Nawei from Manob in Selau constituency, who is on bench warrant for rape, Elliot Tohiana from Tanhono, a National Court remandee for murder, Michael Baken from Gagan village, a National Court convict for murder, Judas Sisi of mixed Petats and Siwai, a convict for drug and Ben Giobun from Lonahan village, who is on wait court for stealing.
Regional police commander for North, Inspector Spencer Aili said this is the first time for a jail breakout this year. He said three of the prisoners are on National Court listing.
“One has a bench warrant for rape, another is a remandee for murder and another a convict for murder and may cause another serious offence while in the village or within the communities,” he said.
Inspector Aili is appealing to the people of Bougainville to report to the police if they spot any of the escapees anywhere in Bougainville, saying the escapees pose a threat to the communities in Bougainville.
“We are coming towards the festive season and anyone who sees them should let the community leaders know of their presence so that police can re-arrest them,” Inspector Aili stated.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka baskets up for grabs in Siwai
By Ishmael Palipal

ONE of the members of Rahumo cultural group displaying Buka baskets in Siwai district.
Siwai people are best known for their cane baskets. The basket is commonly known as ‘Buka basket’ throughout Papua New Guinea. The beautifully weaved cane basket can be used to carry things like market goods, office equipment, personal belongings and so on. Some have even been improved to have a lid at their openings.
Rahumo cultural group is one of the producers of that type of basket based in Siwai district. It was formed in the early 1980s, firstly as a youth group to perform spiritual and gospel music in church services using modern and traditional musical instruments.
In 1985, the group decided to participate in the annual Bougainville Arts Festival and concentrated in performing traditional songs and dances, rites, traditional games and life skills training. Pretty soon they reached the level of being a village theatre group.
In 1987, the division of information, culture and tourism of the then North Solomons Provincial and the Australian High Commission, through the North Solomons University Centre, made arrangements for a visiting indigenous Aboriginal tribe of Australia to stage their cultural performance in Bougainville.
Rahumo cultural group was chosen to have a two-day cultural exchange program with the Aboriginal tribe, Morika Family of the Araherm land. The group’s representative Donald Komoiki said any one interested in the Buka basket can visit their crafts and arts gallery in Siwai district.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville soccer told to aim high
By Ishmael Palipal
The Arawa soccer team manager Peter Kauma has challenged Team Bouganville to bring back gold medals. Mr Kauma said the Autonomous Bougainville Government has spent so much on the team to participate in the 6th PNG Games in Lae and expects the team to do its part in making Bougainville proud by winning gold medals.
“At least give back to the government by winning as many gold medals as you can,” Mr Kauma said. “The government has already played its part in making sure that Team AROB participates in the 6th PNG Games in Lae and now it is up to you to go for the best.
“This is the Melanesian way to make the people of Bougainville and sponsors like the Autonomous Bougainville Government and Sir Henry Chow’s company proud.” He said the people of Bougainville are in full support and believe that the team can do it.
He also challenged the team to show good sportsmanship during the games and to show the true colour of Bougainville by being honest and respectful to other participants and fellow sports men and women. He also challenged the officials of Team AROB to do their best for the good of the team and the region as a whole.
“The region is closely watching, and the people do not want any corrupt dealings inside the team because it will only bring bad luck to the team,” he said. “Honesty must rule no matter what. “We wish you all the best,” he said.
Source: PNG Attitude
What it will will take to bring Bougainville to nationhood
IN the shimmering streets of Buka town last month, a pair of New Guineans and some young Bougainvillean ‘born-agains’ were preaching from the Bible.
Suddenly a young south Bougainvillean went to attack them but was ushered away and put on a boat to cross the Buka Passage.
Seated beside me on the dinghy, he was in tears.
“Who do these redskins think they are?” he asked. “They dug up Panguna and gave us nothing and we went to war for our rights and now they’re coming back to tell us about Jesus.
“They haven’t even compensated us for stealing our wealth and declaring war on us.”
Panguna, as all Bougainvilleans know, is where the crisis that cost us so much originated.
This young man lost two uncles to the PNG Defence Force, he says because of the Panguna mine.
But still, to the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), Panguna is still the place to help develop Bougainville so it can achieve its political ambitions.
Millions of kina have been injected into seeking possible ways to settle the entangled conflicts over the Panguna mine and its proposed re-opening.
But all this money and effort has not produced any tangible outcomes for the ABG and Bougainville.
In October, Bougainville President Dr John Momis had dinner with Panguna’s Meekamui group led by self-created leader Philip Miriori at the presidential residence.
They exchanged views on a number of issues and Dr Momis went as far as suggesting to the Panguna elders that he could grant some form of higher political power to the district if it worked in mutual respect and understanding with the ABG.
Dr Momis was running a political solution to the Panguna problem but the young south Bougainvillean on the dinghy with me was suggesting material compensation for the wrongs PNG had done to Bougainville.
This is now where the friction is in the prolonged Panguna issue. The Panguna people want compensation and this issue is spilling across the rest of Bougainville.
The ABG longs to first see a political solution to enhance the referendum on independence.
There are two groups of people in the Panguna district. There are landowners of the mine affected areas and there are non-landowners.
So when talking about the millions of kina spent to try to address the Panguna problem and the proposed mine re-opening, we know which group of Panguna people are benefiting and we know which group of Panguna people are not benefiting.
After BCL entered Bougainville uninvited in the 1960s, there was not much tangible development like roads and footbridges in the Panguna District. This is what the ordinary people are now looking for; access to vital services through roads.
The Panguna District consists of four main areas: Pinenari, Kavarongnari (Panguna mine and Tumpusiong Valley), Toio’nari and Biampanari.
The only current infrastructure is the main Morgan to Jaba road (which runs on to the rest of south Bougainville) that traces its way through the Pinenari and the Kavarongnari.
Further feeder roads are the Bolabe to Okoni (Orami) road and the road from Sikoreva to Koviako (trafficable) on to Iarako (non-trafficable due to dereliction).
The Toio’nari area had no government or BCL infrastructure. The Biampanari had road access but only to Iarako village and this did not reach the most populous villages, Irang and Pangka further upstream.
Both Toio’nari and Biampanari are that parallel valleys; and Toio’nari hosts the majority of Panguna’s villages - Mumurai, Widoi, Poaru, Damara and Mosinau with Piavora, Kokore, and Guava on the ridge running between Toio’nari and Kavarongnari.
Most of these villages, in the 1960s and 1970s were denied education by Irang villager the late Damien Dameng’s 50t Gavman (government). Thus the majority of the people have remained illiterate since the pre-crisis era.
So there are some residual issues the ABG has to now look at.
The late Francis Ona of Guava village began his militant campaign against BCL in late 1988. His first recruits were from the villages of Piavora, Kokore and Poaru, neighbouring villages of his Guava home.
These three villages were known for their criminal activities in Panguna since they were close to the mine site. They entered the militancy early with sabotage of BCL and government infrastructure.
During the Bougainville crisis of 1988 to 1997, many young men from these villages lost their lives and their villages were burned down by PNG government soldiers.
The Peace Process entered the Panguna District through the Tumpusiong Valley (Upper Tailings). It was resisted but the involvement of former Bougainville Revolutionary Army ‘A’ Companyy commander Peter Onabui of Poaru Village, and married into the Pinenari, gave the peace a window of opportunity to work within.
Over time under the peace process, the Panguna District advanced politically, economically and socially.
Vital education services were established as were health services, however access is readily available only to villages along the main trunk roads. Thus to access and partake in change, the village belt stretching from Irang and Orami to Mosinau, Poaru, Widoi, Mumurai, Piavora and Kokore now have to squat at the Panguna mine site.
In Panguna, the majority landowning villages of Dapera, Pirurari, Moroni and Guava (few Poaru, Kokore and Piavora families are landowners in mine site) are suppressed by squatter settlers.
Thus Panguna is the scene of a political tug-of-war for power and dominance where settlers (some hiding under Meekamui) use their services during the crisis as a bargaining chip to take the upper hand.
The ABG’s main concern is the realisation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement into which millions of kina has been injected.
In its time, the Panguna mine bankrolled the PNG state and in the future time is a readily available resource needed for Bougainville economic recovery.
But Panguna District’s political conflicts—with their spill-over impact to the rest of Bougainville - are an impediment to progress.
For the ABG and other stakeholders, finding amicable solutions has been time-consuming and costly.
ABG’s effort must now be aimed at creating material solutions as the south Bougainvillean on the dinghy suggested to me as we were crossing the Buka Passage.
Physical infrastructure development, especially road projects to the inaccessible villages of Panguna District, must occur if Bougainville wants change to happen.
In the 2008 documentary film, Bougainville: Killer Deal, the late Bougainville leader, President Joseph Kabui, said he believed the Bougainville crisis would not have happened “had they done simple things like providing roads into villages, providing electricity into villages, providing educational facilities for landowners....
"Those sort of things had they done that could have led to avoiding the sort of problems that we went through. I think that was the biggest mistake.”
ABG needs to direct BCL, Rio Tinto and the PNG government to compensate the Panguna people for the exploitation of their land and lives if ABG wants to see change that will bring Bougainville to nationhood.
Source: EMTV
Sir Henry Chow first to welcome team AROB to Lae
By Sasha Pei-Silovo – EM TV Online

Founder of Lae Biscuit Company, Sir Henry Francis Chow, Kt. O.B.E, was on hand to personally meet team Autonomous Region of Bougainville as they disembarked from MV Chebu upon arriving in Lae for the 6th BSP PNG Games.
Sir Henry welcomed the team at the Lae wharf in his ‘Chebu Building’ in what was described as a heartfelt gesture that Bougainvilleans will cherish. For a man of his standing, it shows how much heart he has for the people of AROB.
The team was overjoyed to also see that Sir Henry had a fleet of Lae Biscuit buses and trucks waiting to transport them to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, the ‘official base’ of the team.
One of Sir Henry’s companies, Hakau Investment, will also provide catering services to team Autonomous Region of Bougainville for the next two weeks.
Part of the Bougainville contingent comprising 370 athletes travelled to Lae on MV Chebu arriving on Friday. The trip was MV Chebu’s maiden voyage, signifying the born of a new era in Bougainville’s sea transport sector.
MV Chebu, dubbed the flagship of Bougainville is partly owned by Sir Henry, who is the major sponsor for team AROB at the 6th BSP PNG Games in Lae.
Please click here and read all news published
between November 1st, and November 15th, 2014!