News 05.2012.1
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Second senior PNG judge to face sedition charge
Papua New Guinea police have confirmed that they arrested Supreme Court judge, Justice Nicholas Kirriwom (pictured), and charged him with sedition.
Justice Kirriwom was one of three judges who last week stood by an earlier ruling that Sir Michael Somare had been illegally removed from office by the rival Peter O’Neill faction last August.
Last Thursday, the Deputy Prime Minister in the O’Neill Government, Belden Namah, marched into the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia’s court room with a squad of police and soldiers and tried to arrest him on sedition charges.
A standoff ensued with Sir Salamo barricaded in his chambers within the court building.
But he was later arrested and has been charged with sedition.
His case has been adjourned until July.
Police say they asked Justice Kirriwom to make himself available for interview today.
They say he did so and was very co-operative with an interview lasting less than an hour.
He has been released on his own recognisance.
Source: The National
Dame Carol: Be wary of corruption
DAME Carol Kidu (pictured) has urged all Papua New Guineans to be wary of the impacts of corruption and to lead an honest life.
The opposition leader is also patron of the Sir Anthony Siaguru walk-against-corruption.
She told a crowd that PNG needed vibrant and good ethical leaders who were people-oriented so that they could
deliver important services.
She also said the annual event yesterday was strategic as this was the election campaign period and it was vital for the walk to be held.
“The significance is that we raise awareness on the issue of corruption and how we can minimise, and possibly eradicate it.
“Corruption denies the right to basic services like health and eduction and does not promote development,” she said.
Dame Carol stressed the importance of raising children in a nation of social justice and fairness.
She said children were the future of PNG and it was important that they understood the message of fighting corruption.
More than 50 corporate houses, schools and civil society organisations took part in the event.
The walk started at 6.30am from the Jack Pidik Park, then to East Boroko, up to 4-Mile and back to the park.
It was organised by Transparency International PNG.
The funds raised from the walk will support the work of TIPNG in curbing corruption in the country.
Prizes were awarded to schools and organisations for the best banner, best dress, best message and best corporate team.
Source: Jet Newspaper (Fiji)
ABG Delegation here to Study Fijian Structure
A delegation from the Autonomous Government of Bougainville is in the country to study the Fijian Government and the land lease structure of the Fijian administration.
Members of the delegation met with the Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama (pictured) this morning where they presented their sevusevu requesting permission to learn how the Fijian Government has been successful in running its affairs without outside influence.
Led by the AGB Minister for Information and LLG, the visit is to study the traditional governance structures and systems of the two countries with a view to develop an informal governance system that best meets the cultures of the people of Bougainville.
The delegation also hopes to learn how Fiji has been dealing with soldiers who are returning home from peace keeping missions abroad.
In welcoming the delegation the Prime Minister thanked the Government of Bougainville for sending a team over.
Fiji's women's groups also will be under study, especially with the role they play in the development of Fiji through women's group, Non - Governmental Organisations and government departments.
"We are here also to learn from Fiji's participation in commercial business involving natural resources like coconut products and others," team leader Joseph Nope said.
"We also are looking at visiting village based eco-tourism projects and learn how they contribute to help improve the livelihood of the people and contribute to the economy."
The team is looking at meeting up with government agencies to learn about its system of land ownership and how they keep records of traditional communal land and fishing rights.¬¬¬
"We want to explore the possibility of an exchange scheme where Bougainville can learn from Fiji to help develop its eco-tourism, cottage industries, sports and recreation and other important programs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Caritas PNG Awareness
by TTovilu
Caritas PNG in Bougainville last Friday carried out awareness on electing and choosing good leaders in this year's elections.
The awareness program which involved floats and spot awareness in the main areas of Buka town was welcomed by the public.
The main message was for voters to choose carefully as the future of Bougainville was in the hands of the voters.
A speaker told the people of Bougainville to put their future first and forget about bribes and other corrupt practise during this election period.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Honiara
Participants of the Five Day Community Workshop on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Melanesian Region pose this AL Picture.
The Five-Day Learning Intensive Workshop conducted by the Pacific Centre For Environment and Sustainable Development based at the University of South Pacific started this morning in Honiara.

Due to the Public Holiday in Solomon Islands the workshop started with field trip to a Naro village Marine Conservation Area in West Guadacanal.
The program is part of the AusAid funded Future Climate Leaders project and aims to interact and share information with melanesian communities on understanding, reducing (mitigation) and adapting to climate change.
Participants are from Vanuatu,Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
PNG is represented by Jason Alonk the In country Cordinator for the EU-GCCA project in PNG and Rebecca Asigau Forest Campaigner with Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights Inc, Friends of the Earth and Aloysius Laukai the Chairman of Tulele Peisa inc the NGO group resettling Carterets Islanders to mainland Bougainville.
Bougainville's first President Joseph Kabui, seen through the biased eyes of his nephew Leonard Fong Roka. A quite personal, but not really an objective recognition of Kabui's merits:

Leonard Fong Roka
| late Joseph Kabui |
Source: PNG Attitude
Joseph Kabui & his leadership of Bougainville
THE LATE JOSEPH CANNSIUS KABUI was the last premier of the North Solomons Province in 1990 when the Bougainville crisis erupted and the first President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government in 2005 as the result of the Bougainville Peace Process that slowly began in 2004.
Joseph Kabui was born around 1954 in Sipuru Village (new Paruparu in the Evo-Torau constituency). His mother, Agatha Sipura (my great grandmother), was a widower and hails from the Tumpusiong Valley of Panguna. She had my two grandmothers with her first husband and remarried into Evo (our neighbouring constituency) and had the next three that are from the elders, Martin Miriori, Joseph Kabui and a woman.
He was educated at Pirurari, Sipatako village schools, Tunuru, Saint Joseph’s Rigu mission schools and Ulapia (Channel College) in PNG. He took sometimes with the BCL civil works as a spotter handling the stop-go sign in the work places. From here, late Henry Moses (then head of BCL workers’ union) had him in the Panguna mining workers’ union and from here he spent a year or two at the University of PNG and back in BCL again. After sometime, the union had him in the United States in a program on labour laws.
After returning, he was into politics. He was with the community government for a while in the early 1980s and contested the provincial election in the mid-1980s and began the premier of North Solomons in 1987 to 1989 when the crisis came about to splash out the PNG people and government.
Has many, for example his NSP government secretary, late Peter Tsiamalili left the island he after being threatened by the BRA, he remained back and faced the consequences. Despite being harassed by the order less and unorganized BRA personnel of the 1990s, he remained steadfast a Bougainvillean leader.
In 1990, the late Francis Ona after shutting the mine and getting rid of non-Bougainvilleans had not much interest in the former NSP premier but, it was Ona’s military strategist, Sam Kauona, who actually invited Mr. Joseph Kabui in the BRA politics of that era. In one of the late months of 1990, Sam Kauona ordered his faction of the BRA to bring Mr Joseph Kabui and his elder brother, Mr Martin Miriori to his village in Tororei; there he officially asked them, especially Kabui to help the BRA in its political manoeuvring.
From here, the Bougainville Interim Government (BIG) was born. Some peace efforts like the Endeavour Accord, a trip to the UN Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples hearing in Geneva, and the declaration of independence in 1991 (UDI). Also, there was this establishment of the Radio Free Bougainville that broadcasted from Arawa that drove a lot of BIG propaganda to the population.
In the years of BRA’s internal chaos and the Australia-backed PNG blockade (to the PNG government this is falsely said to be a selective embargo of goods and services) on the Solomon Island of Bougainville, Mr Kabui led faithfully. So keen he was, in giving words of encouragement to people to carry on.
Amidst this anarchy, the BIG leadership acted and talked as if all was fine. But in fact, the BRA was operating in the island at its own terms creating division on the island and the BIG played its own game of covering up and pointing fingers on external forces. Kabui, as the vice president was the captain and the president, Francis Ona was never seen in public where a leader ought to be, but he was in the safety of his cocoon doing nothing.
From this we pick out the qualities, my relative Joseph Kabui had. Despite being harassed by the BRA, still he carried on ‘finding the way out’ for the people. Without the help of Francis Ona (who lacked any political will to lead), he struggled forward often under fire from Francis Ona and who only was giving orders ‘do this and do that’ in 1990 to 1992. Often, from his tours he always returned to our hamlet Kavarongnau, exhausted to the core.
This, for me, shows four broad characteristics of my brother; Joseph Kabui had the ‘heart of love’, he ‘lacked the ability to say no and affect his relationship with others’ and had the nature of ‘silently and bravely pursuing his visions’; of all, he was a visionary for our relegated island.
His ‘love’ created the catch-phrase ‘peace by peaceful means’ for the Bougainville Peace Process. That is, finding normalcy for Bougainville through reconciliation and not retributive justice. In heart he thought God was the way since he was religious. But, in reality, the power play was not in favour of a solution through ‘peace’ because authority was still not recognized; everybody, as long as he had gun, lost a property or relative in the crisis, was ‘authority’.
But, what that made my relative thinking that his strategies were working is the ‘pouring money for peace’ from donors that captivated combatants to make peace everywhere.
His desire ‘for maintenance of cordial relationship with others’ brought upon his leadership the ‘Invincible Resources’ nightmare of in his political career. Then, the Bougainville Peoples’ Congress was cash strap and galloping with doubt towards the 2005 Autonomous Bougainville Government first general election. One of his cronies was responsible to tabling to Joseph Kabui the plate of gold!
The controversial Bougainville Resources Development Cooperation (BRDC) was created and the initiator of the Invincible Resources-ABG arrangement which is bad because it was a state-to-an-individual affair; when it should have being a state-to-state affairs, had no dirty stain to this very day in the public domain.
Joseph Kabui shouldered the burden of his ‘not being so sceptical’ to his death in 2008.
In his ‘bravery to pursue’ nature, he attained the Bougainville Peace Process. In 1992, I began hearing the words ‘round table’ solution to the conflict in my kindred’s tongue. Against, Francis Ona’s hardline stand to fight on; he pursued his will for peace.
Around 1994, there was already a line of division between Francis Ona and Joseph Kabui. Ona in that period was going public in his verbal attack on Kabui’s gestures for peace. He even left the safety of his Guava village and began to tour other villages in Kieta in Central Bougainville spreading his anti-peace messages. But, Kabui silently moved on with the people gaining majority support with him.
Across the Bougainville Strait he took the risk to find and talk for a peaceful solution to the crisis. In late 1997, he set his foot in the streets of Arawa and dwelled in my family’s Section 17 abode to talk peace in the areas where the PNGDF was in control of.
And his will and Bougainvilleans’ desire for a peaceful settlement was gained but the addressing of our cry for freedom is yet to be reached.
Great was he has a visionary. In our hamlet of Kavarongnau in the Panguna District, I was keen as a kid in 1992 (the peak years of the crisis) listening to his discourses. He would look up into the Onove Mountains (to our west) and the Deumori Boulder and suggest: ‘when we gain independence, we will have a cable-car operating in between’. Of course, Wikipedia notes that Joseph Kabui wanted to see Bougainville as the ‘Kuwait of the Pacific’.
Lest I forget my brother
Note: In the Kieta kinship system, my grandmother’s brother is my brother and my grandmother is my sister
ESBC: During his administration from 2005 until 2008 Bougainville President Joseph Kabui did not even once visit South-Bougainville (Buin, Siwai etc.) !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Port Moresby
ABG delegation of eight people are traveling to Fiji and Tonga for a fact finding mission on customary governing systems of the two Pacific countries.
The Minister for Local Level Government and communications in the ABG,JOE NOPE said the team will study the chief system in Fiji and the Monarchy in Tonga.
He explained the this was part of reviewing the current COE system on Bougainville.
Minister Nope says that Bougainville will then carry similar awareness in all districts to gauge the view of all Bougainvilleans on what type of system Bougainville would like to adopt.
The team consists of Minister JOE NOPE ,Deputy administrator Raymond Masono,llg officer Herbert Kimai chief Reuben Tokome and others.
They will return to Buka in two weeks time
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
(pictured candidates bold)
A total of Sixty nine candidates have nominated to contest Bougainville seats in the 2012 PNG General Elections.
After close of nominations yesterday, 13 candidates nominated for the Bougainville Regional seat currently held by FIDELIS SEMOSO.
For the South Bougainville seat currently held by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Stephen Pirika Kamma 14 candidates have nominated.
For the North Bougainville open, 20 candidates nominated to contest the seat currently held by MR. LOUTA ATOI.
And Central Bougainville Open seat which is currently held by the Communication Minister Jimmy Miringtoro would be contested by 22 candidates.
In the Regional seat candidates are JOE LERA the former Commissioner for South Bougainville Region in the Bougainville administration, woman candidate and former ABG member for Central Bougainville representing Central Bougainville women, MAGDALENE TOROANSI, another unknown woman candidate, LYNNETTE ONA, Former ABG Lawyer KAPEATU PUARIA, former clerk of PNG National Parliament, SIMON PENTANU,SAM CAROL,JIMMIE MOSE, ALBERT MAGOI, former ABG Vice President in the Kabui led government, JOSEPH WATAWI, Former BRA Commander, ISHMAEL TOROAMA and Buka Air-condition man, HENRY ONSA, Bougainville Musician and former ABG Member representing Ex-combatants in North Bougainville, MARCHELIN GETSI and including the sitting member FIDELIS SEMOSO.
The Central Bougainville Open seat will be contested by mostly heavy weights in the Central Bougainville Region.
Eight of sixty nine candidates

Sam Akoitai | Chris Damana | Stephen Pirika Kama | Jimmy Miringtoro |

Martin Miriori | Henry Onsa | Fidelis Semoso | Francesca Semoso |
They include the sitting member and Communication Minister, JIMMY MIRINGTORO Lawyer THOMAS TAMUSIO, Strong women advocator and woman leader THERESA JAINGTONG, Former Central Bougainville Member SAM AKOITAI, MARTIN MIRIORI,WESLY THOMAS, Former UNDP Boss for Central Region JUSTIN BORGIA, former ABG member for KOKODA, RODNEY OSIOCO, former ABG member for Rao, LEO REIVASI, Chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association, CHRIS DAMANA, CHRISANTO KOROKORO, Arawa Businessman SIMON BARANANKO, the current ABG member for Kongara who resigned to contest the National seat, DOMINIC ITTA, LAURIE PATRICK and WILLIAM REINHART.CLARENCE DENCY,DOMINIC DIUKA,JOE TARUNA,LOHIAL BUAIA NUAU,Meekamui strongman CHRIS BAO,MATHEW KUSA and JOSEPH SIPU.
For South Bougainville the fight would be between two heavy weights the current Sitting member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, STEPHEN KAMA PIRIKA and former member for South Bougainville MICHAEL LAIMO the others are PETER MANUKA, TIMOTHY MASIU the media director for the East New Britain Governor, Businessman, PETER BANA,JOSEPH MOIKUI, DAVID KAUA,JOSEPH PARUM, THADEUS KAILE, former Local Level Government Officer PATRICK HEROMATE, RAYMOND KAKAPONI, GABRIEL PANGTEI, MICHAEL ANUGU,PETER CHANEL TENGKA.
For the North Bougainville seat, The current sitting member, LOUTA ATOI is being challenged by many new and aspiring leaders starting with ISAAC HEKEN THOMPSON,DONALD HAMAU TATO,RACHAEL OPETI KONAKA, Buka businessman WILLIAM NAKIN,NOEL SAREI,HILLARY TSUNNO, Bougainville’s Movie star, ALBERT TORO, the current ABG sitting member for Hagogohe who resigned to contest this seat, ROBERT HAMAL SAWA, DOMINIC TOAPALA TUMARR, JOHN SISIASI, former ABG member for Atolls, TAEHU KEALI PAIS,GERARD MASA,SYLVESTER NIU,JOHN BITI BULE,DAMIAN KORA, MICHAEL HAMOUN ROSS and the former ABG member for Peit and Bougainville Tourism promoter, LAWRENCE BELLEH, former Education Boss, TONY TSORA, former ABG Deputy Speaker, FRANCESCA RIANNA SEMOSO.
Campaigning throughout Bougainville has been quite with candidates and the supporters slowly gearing up for aggressive campaigns towards the end of Campaigns.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
States of emergency declared in Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea parliament has passed legislation to allow for states of emergency in the National Capital District, which encompasses Port Moresby and the two troubled Highlands provinces of Hela and Enga.
The measure will allow the caretaker government of Peter O’Neill to mobilise the army in those areas but details of what action will be taken are yet to made public.
It follows another week of political turbulence in PNG in which two factions claiming to be the rightful government have re-asserted their legitimacy.
In March the government announced a lesser call out order for the Highlands provinces where landowner disputes have disrupted key construction work in Hela’s Hides area for the major liquified natural gas project, while Enga’s Porgera gold mine has ongoing problems with illegal miners.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG parliament blockade lifted
Reports from Papua New Guinea’s capital say that a group of about 20 police who blocked the entry to parliament since early this morning has ended its blockade.
The group said it would not allow access for any MPs trying to attend today’s special sitting of parliament called by the Peter O’Neill group which claims to be the caretaker government.
However, a larger group of police understood to be taking orders from the O’Neill administration arrived and briefly set up a staging area around the corner from parliament.
The caretaker prime minister Peter O’Neill says the special sitting of parliament scheduled for today must proceed.
Mr O’Neill says parliament cannot be prevented from sitting by a group of rogue police or any individuals.
He says the main reason for calling the sitting is to address Monday’s Supreme Court ruling which upheld the court decision last December that hisgovernment is illegal.
“Authority of government, that needs to be re-established before we go to the polls. It’s only neccessary for government to take neccessary actions to maintain the integrity of our public service machinery and government structures.”
Meanwhile Peter O’Neill has described as ’unfortunate’ the standoff at the Supreme Court yesterday in which his deputy Belden Namah directed police to arrest the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia for sedition.
Mr O’Neill says Mr Namah happened to be present at the premises because he was ordered to appear at that time before the Chief Justice.
Sir Salamo later agreed to be taken in for questioning by police and has attended court this morning when his case was adjourned until July.
Source: Australia Network News
PNG's hope for new faces in parliament: blogger
Source: ESBC Research
68 to run for four parliament seats
Here is the list of candidates Contesting the four seats in Bougainville - 68 altogether.
REGIONAL: 12 candidates:
1. Joe Lera (United Resource),
2. Magdalene Toroansi (Independent),
3. Simon Pentanu (Melanesian Alliance),
4. Joe Watawi,
5. Sam Carol,
6. Lynette Ona (PNG National),
7. Marceline Getsi Laris (PNG),
8. Kapiatu Puarea (Independent),
9. Ismael Toarama,
10. Albert Magoi,
11. Fidelis Semoso
12. Henry Onsa Senior.
NORTH: 20 candidates:
1. Donald Hamau Tato (Independent),
2. Rachel Opeti Konaka (Independent),
3. William Nakin (National Alliance),
4. Louta Atoi (Peoples National Congress),
5. Robert Hamal Sawa (THE),
6. Noel Sarei (Independent),
7. Albert Toro,
8. Dominic Toapala Tumarr (Pangu),
9. Hilary Tsuno (Independent),
10. John Sisiesi (New Dawn Transformation),
11. Taihu Kiali Pias (Independent),
12. Lawrence Bele (Mama Papa Graun),
13. Gerard Masa (Peoples United Assembly),
14. Anthony Tsora (Melanesian Alliance),
15. Niue Sylvester (Indpendent),
16. Issac Heken Thompson (Independent),
17. Michael Hamon Ross,
18. John Biti Bule (PNG),
19. Francesca Rianna Semoso,
20. Damien Kora (PDM).
CENTRAL: 22 candidates:
1. Theresa Raina Niniku Jaintong (Independent),
2. Simon Baranangko (Independent),
3. Clarence Bensi (Independent),
4. Chris Korokoro (Our Development),
5. Chris Damana (United Resource),
6. Jimmy Miringtoro (Peoples National Congress),
7. Leo Reivasi (PNG National),
8. William Reinharot (Independent),
9. Dominic Itta (Peoples Movement),
10. Laurie Patrick (Independent),
11. Justin Borgia (Mama Papa Graun),
12. Rodney Osioco ( Independent),
13. Sam Akoitai (Melanesian Alliance),
14. Thomas Tamusio (Independent),
15. Martin Miriori (Independent),
16. Wesley Thomas (Independent),
17. Dominic Diuka,
18. Lohial Buaia Nuau,
19. Joe Taruna,
20. Chris Bao,
21. Matthew Kusa
22. Joseph Sipu.
SOUTH: 14 candidates:
1. Michael Laimo (National Alliance),
2. Peter Manuka (Independent),
3. Steven Pirika Kama (United Resource)
4. Timothy Masiu (National Alliance),
5. David Kawa,
6. Joseph Parum,
7. Thaddeus Kaile,
8. Patrick Heromate,
9. Michael Anugu,
10. Raymond Kakaponi,
11. Gabriel Pantei,
12. Peter Channel Tengka,
13. Joseph Moikui
14. Peter Bana.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
UNDP succeeds to open office in South Bougainville
Papua New Guinea’s country director for the United Nations Development Programme says reconciliation in the south of Bougainville’s main island has allowed it to open an office in Buin.
Much of the south of Bougainville has for years been under the control of former militants tied to the Me-ekamui group, making it difficult for the government, its agencies and other bodies to establish a presence.
The UNDP’s PNG country director, David McLachlan-Karr, says they have been maintaining a small sub-office in Siwai, but he says the environment’s improved due to reconciliation efforts, and this has allowed the move to Buin.
“In a big ceremony on Tuesday we had singing groups and we opened up a new office inside the district administration and the president [John Momis] himself, who was there, gave the UNDP a grant of land right opposite the district offices where we will eventually establish a purpose built UN office but at the moment for us it is a very satisfactory and a very positive sign that things are actually getting back on track in the south.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Police block access to PNG’s parliament
A group of about 20 police has blocked the entry to Papua New Guinea’s parliament since early this morning.

The group is not allowing access for any MPs trying to attend today’s special sitting of parliament announced by the Peter O’Neill group claiming to be caretaker government.
The senior police officer who was appointed Police Commissioner by the rival Somare caretaker government, Fred Yakasa (pictured below), denies that he has directed the police to block parliament.
However he confirms that men who work with him are conducting the blockade.
“They are actually securing the place and that intention to recall parliament should not be allowed so that is why they are over there.”

Somare's friend: Fred Yakasa
Meanwhile, AAP quotes one of the policemen at parliament as saying no sittings of parliament will be allowed until after the election which begins next month.
The officer says the group is unarmed.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Call to probe PNG police over media harrassment
The regional media watchdog body, the Pacific Freedom Forum, says Papua New Guinea police and soldiers who obstructed journalists on Thursday at the Supreme Court in Port Moresby must be investigated.
The caretaker deputy prime minister, Belden Namah, stormed into the court with a team of police and soldiers with the intention of arresting the Chief Justice.
He ordered journalists out of the court room and at least one photographer was told to delete images he had taken.
The Pacific co-ordinator for the International Federation of Journalists, and founding member of the Pacific Freedom Forum, Lisa Williams Lahari, says shutting out the media raises very key issues about governance.
She says the organisations will back any journalists who want to lay a police complaint.
“The problem is though that they are well aware that given the state of affairs at the moment it can be quite tricky as a journalist going to the very people that you are making the complaint against and asking them to pursue their own colleagues in terms of an investigation. So it is super sensitive and it’s already a strong concern for many journalists especially female ones who have been the brunt of harassments over the phone and by email.”
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG Chief Justice arrested on sedition charges

Just days after three Supreme Court judges ruled again that Sir Michael Somare is the legitimate Prime Minister of PNG, yesterday the country's Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah, led a group of police and soldiers to the Court, to arrest Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia (pictured).
PNG Chief Justice arrested on sedition charges (Credit: ABC) At first Sir Salamo locked himself in his chambers, before negotiating with police, and then being charged with sedition.
The events in PNG are ringing alarm bells in Australia, who wants the government to ensure this will not halt the current election process.
Presenters: Geraldine Coutts, Liam Fox, ABC Port Moresby. Jim Middleton, ABC Australian Network Newsline.
Segment Producer: Campbell Cooney.
Other Talent: Belden Namah. PNG Deputy Prime Minister. Sir Salamo Injia, PNG Chief Justice, Liam Fox, ABC PNG Correspondent. Bob Carr, Australian Foreign Minister
Listen here !
Source: Post-Courier
Namah takes CJ down
AN EXTRAORDINARY scene unfolded at the Waigani Supreme Court yesterday when Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah burst into a Supreme Court session presided over by Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and demanded he be arrested for treason and sedition.
Mr Namah was flanked by senior ministers in the O’Neill/Namah cabinet, along with members of the Police and Defence Forces.
The Chief Justice was presiding over two contempt matters, one involving lawyer Tiffany Twivey and Mr Namah’s matter, when the session was interrupted.
Earlier, a warrant of arrest was issued by Sir Salamo for Mr Namah to appear in court at 1.30pm to answer contempt charges.
At approximately 1.45 pm Mr Namah and his entourage walked into courtroom three and shouted at the Chief Justice: “Enough is enough” and “I warned you, you are the most corrupt person in this country”.
The Chief Justice lifted his hands up to calm the situation but upon seeing police advancing towards him quickly made his way out through the judge’s entrance into his chambers.
His associate Allan Dian tried to follow him and prevent police from entering but was manhandled.
Mr Namah and his group then left the courtroom. When asked if he had set a bad precedent he replied, “I gave him 24 hours. Time has run out. That is it.”
In a statement Mr Namah said, “The Chief Justice has ignored the proper exercise by the National Executive Council and the Governor-General of their Constitutional powers for his suspension, and avoided the suspension by issuing a permanent Order to stay his own suspension. He even presided over his own case.
“Now, after the Supreme Court has held that all decisions to date of Prime Minister O’Neill and his Cabinet are valid and cannot be subject to challenge. Instead of accepting his suspension and submitting to due process, he remained on the Supreme Court bench after his brother Judges exposed his lack of integrity and judicial bias, preferring to issue orders for contempt against me for exercising not only my right of freedom of speech, but also the proper exercise of my representative functions as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Defence, Minster for Forest and Climate Change and Member for Vanimo/Green.
Mr Namah continued: “The Chief Justice is a threat to National Security. He is not an elected leader. He has on many occasions given permanent stay orders to prevent police exercising their constitutional functions. His decisions encroach into Parliament’s powers – he has usurped the powers of the Legislature, Executive and the Governor-General. His judgments have been vindictive and he has not been behaving like a Chief Justice but rather a tyrant, drunk with power.
“He has brought into disrepute and seriously compromised the integrity of the judiciary. The Chief Justice has caused confusion amongst the population with the decision he made declaring Somare as Prime Minister when the country is concentrating on elections knowing very well that he as Chief Justice has no powers to elect or appoint a Prime Minister, which is the sole prerogative of the Parliament,” Mr Namah declared.
After several hours, Sir Salamo eventually agreed to be interviewed at the Court premises after fearing for his safety if he left the area.
Source: Post-Courier
Japan to fund sewerage project
By Gorethy Kenneth in Japan
JAPAN will fund a $US100 million sewerage system in Papua New Guinea’s nation’s capital-Port Moresby, the single biggest project for the country since its establishment.
Japan Government has just completed a $US90 million project in Bougainville through 15-high tech bridges.
And Japan through its JICA program has spent more than $US290million so far in Papua New Guinea – $US10 million a year since its establishment in 1983.
This is added onto other multi-million kina projects and funding assistance that Japan has been giving to the Government of PNG as “gift in kind”.
The Japanese Government through their JICA program is now going through a tender process for companies to bid for the project that will be a multi-million kina project to transform the sewerage system in the city over the next few years.
JICA senior adviser to director-general for the South East Asia and Pacific Mimura Satora told the Post-Courier in Japan that this is a “soft loan project” which the Government of Japan had willingly approved to help PNG as a big friend of Japan. He said this was bigger than the $US90 million funded-bridges for Bougainville, which also features as a very successful impact project from Japan to Papua New Guinea, under the JICA program. He said that the 15-high tech bridges built in mainland Bougainville was one of Japan’s major and successful projects which is now beginning to help transform the lives of Bougainvilleans and PNG as a whole. “For the sewerage project, the process has started and our office in Port Moresby with the Government of Papua New Guinea are now in agreement to finalise the necessary arrangements, Mr Satora said.
“Japan, as a development partner on an equal footing has been working together with PNG in their nation building. We cannot deny that Japan is still faced with enormous challenges including reconstruction from the disaster. But we hope we can work hand in hand together as friends.”
Source: Post-Courier
Citifon to celebrate first anniversary
CITIFON Telikom PNG product is celebrating its first anniversary this Sunday with amazing promotions on offer to only Citifon customers that do top ups on Citifon handsets, and fixed wireless phones.
Telikom PNG Acting Chief Commercial Officer Kone Kula said that to mark this significant birthday celebration, all Citifon customers will be receiving K1 free credit.
Mr Kula said that Citifon customers will also have their chance to win one year free credits when making calls from the 23-31, May 2012 with three lucky winners to receive K100 per month.
“Our Citifon brand since its entrance into the mobile telephone market has become a tag of pride for youngster particularly with its lively advertising jingles and our creative advertising and different execution has made Citifon our flagship brand. It’s encouraging to see our customer base grow with a good rate of new acquisitions each month for the past 12 months and we hope to keep it growing going forward,” Mr Kula said.
He said that Buin in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and Palmalmal in Pomio district, East New Britain, are two recent sites where the Citifon network coverage has been installed.
According to Mr Kula, Citifon recently launched the EasiPay top-up with Bank South Pacific (BSP) where Citifon customers banking with BSP can top up their EasiPay meter at the convenience of using their Citifon rather than purchasing the voucher from a supermarket.
Meanwhile, all top ups on Citifon, Fixed Wireless Phone and Data will go to the May draw for the Dream Car Promotion.
Mr Kula urged all Citifon customers to be alert on Sunday and answer with ‘yello’ to grab K1000 as part of Citifon first birthday celebrations on FM 100 radio station as there will be 10 winners for the day.
Citifon users are also able to top-up their credits by sending a blank text to 1256 then wait for the balance feedback and to recharge your Citifon voice account text V* (star) followed by voucher number and send to 1257.
Source: The National
Citifon pushes network growth
TELIKOM PNG’s mobile brand, Citifon, has seen an expansion in its network coverage and customer base growth in the last 12 months, according to acting chief commercial officer Kone Kula.
He said customer base was growing monthly and Citifon’s coverage was reaching most towns and cities.
He also said they would cover the Highlands region after installing network coverage in two sites at Buin in Bougainville and Palmalmal in East New Britain.
“Citifon has recently launched the EasiPay top-up with BSP, where customers doing transaction with the bank can top up their EasiPay meter in the convenience of their house,” Kula said,
“Citifon users are also able to top- up their credits by sending a blank text to 1256 then wait for the balance feedback.
“Since its entrance into the mobile telephony market, Citifon brand has become a tag of pride for youngsters.
“It’s encouraging to see our customer base grow with a good rate of new acquisitions each month and we hope to keep it going forward.”
To mark its anniversary on Sunday, Citifon customers will be given the opportunity to benefit from a bouquet of promotions including free credits, car and K1, 000 cash call.
Citifon marketing manager Moin Qadri said Citifon was focused on bringing more communication to Papua New Guineans.
“Citifon offers the lowest price for its handsets and products, however, it’s up to the customers,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Manager: Move illegal
THE MASS HIV testing roll out program launched in Bougainville is illegal and has been discouraged by the health department.
HIV Programs Manager Dr Nick Dala said mass testing is totally against the HIV prevention and management or HAMP Act that protects confidentiality.
The Bougainville AIDS Committee Secretariat has announced this week its plans for a mass roll out in the four districts of Buka Island targeting more people to get HIV testing and support. He said the mass testing is impossible as there are not enough testing and counseling sites as well. If people were to be tested, plans must be linked up with counseling and then treatment and Bougainville does not have that. Dr Dala encouraged awareness programs and is in contact with provincial AIDS secretariat.
Despite the discouragement the testing has gone ahead.
Source: Post-Courier
Mass HIV testing underway in Bougainville
By Joseph Morokana
HIV/AIDS workers in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have launched a Mass HIV Testing Rollout Program this week covering 4 Districts of Buka Island.
The HIV Testing Rollout Program which would cover Tsitalato, Hagogohe, Peit and Tonsu Constituencies has involved HIV Counsellors from various HIV Clinic facilities in the Region, Prevention teams and Media officers and is intended to target more people to get HIV testing and support.
Bougainville HIV Response Coordinator Mr Ray Himata said that HIV testing in the each of the Constituency would take 7 days starting with the Hagogohe Area this week and ending with the other Constituencies until the 15th of June.
“The HIV Testings in Hagogohe is from 23rd to 26th May, then Peit Area from 28th to 31st May, Tonsu 1st June to 7th of June and finally Tsitalato on 8th June to 15th of June.” he said. Testing venues in Hagogohe will be at Malis, Tsintsin, Hoko, Pepes, Suhin Elementary, Poposoko Chapel and Losei village.
In Peit Constituency testing venues will be at Koheno, Bekut Primary School, Gagan Primary School, Hapan Primary School, Yagit village, Pororan Island, Hitou and Burunotui Vocational School.
Testing sites in Tonsu will be at Petats Housewin, Pali Sal, Hetas Haus Lotu, Poka Hauswin, Tung Hauswin, Kahule Hauswin, Topen hauswin, Navunek hauswin, Noharando hauswin and Nokia Elementary.
In the Tsitalato Constituency, testing venues will be at Lonahan Piraku, Kababele Malasang, Malasang Aidpost, Bibinam, Bubuil Elementary, Hangan Elementary, Hutjena stage field, Kubu University open campus, Motmoto, Dampsite (Airport), New Camp, Bel Isi Park and Sohano Primary School.
Mr Himata said that the Mass Testing was very important for the people to participate in by making them available for tests as it would identify those that needed care and support.
“The total tests in 2011 were 4826 and out of that there were 588 reactives. Then from the total reactives there were 94 confirmed positive HIV cases.” he said.
Figures from the Bougainville AIDS Committee of the current known people living with the HIV &AIDS (PLWHA) since 2004 have shown most of the PLWHAs were in the 30s to 49 age group, then 25 to 29 years, next 20 to 24 years and less than 4 years old.
The Bougainville AIDS Committee Secretariat has given the following telephone numbers for people trying to find out more on the Mass HIV Testing Rollout Program. They should contact HIV Office on 9739191, or email – rayhimata& or contact Media Liaison Officer, Joseph Morokana on Digicel Mobile – 72405680
Source: The National
Chief: Call me prime minister
THE Somare camp has warned media organisations that failure to address Sir Michael Somare as prime minister could be in contempt of court.
Sir Michael’s lawyer, Posman Kua Aisi wrote to The National to advise that the Supreme Court had ruled by a majority on Monday that Sir Michael “has and continues to be the prime minister since and from Aug 2, 2011”.
“Conversely, it rules by a majority that Peter O’Neill’s appointment as the prime minister was unconstitutional and, therefore, invalid and of no effect,” the letter said.
“The impact and effect of this decision is that Sir Michael Somare will continue to act in his capacity as prime minister and perform such functions and duties that are accorded to him by virtue of this office until the return of the writs.
“No one else, including O’Neill, is to perform such functions and duties.
“Failure to comply with these orders could potentially bring upon you contempt proceedings which could result in your imprisonment.”
The ESBC says: Sir Michael makes a fool of himself! Poor thing!
His family and friends: Don't they feel pity for the senile old man?
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Arms summit starts
By Aloysius Laukai in Siwai
CEO for Siwai ,JOE ALBERT NORO says that the three days arms summit aims to get the people of goodwill to talk on ways of addresing the Arms issue affecting Bougainville today.
Mr.Noro made these comment when welcoming participants at the opening of the Siwai District Arms summit.
He said that issues highlighted and shouted by the general public at this meeting would be compiled to build the overal resolutions at the end of this summit.
At the end of the summit the team leading this summit will adopt set of resolutions on ways this issue can be addressed in future.
And maybe used as model by other areas in Bougainville.
Mr.Noro said that it was not the crowd that matters for many are called and few a chosen so these few presenters would make an impact on the issue of weapons on Bougainville.
Source: PNG Attitude
Peace ceremony - PNG's equitable code of justice
THE TRADITIONAL CODE OF CONFLICT SOLUTION known as the peace ceremony is PNG's most equitable and timeless alternative justice system.
In peace ceremonies, the aggrieved parties come together in a public gathering to a neutral location with money and goods like animals, food stuffs etc. The money and goods are exchanged between the aggrieved parties preluded by heart-moving words of remorse, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration and friendship from the chiefs and leaders of both sides witnessed by church and community leaders including officials of the law and justice.
The amount they give each other is dependent on the degree of damage or suffering one incurs or endures as a result of the conflict. Naturally the party that suffers the most or incurs the worse damage is given more and vice versa.
The peace agreement is profoundly binding and lasting because the amount of money and goods that are exchanged hands are have being negotiated and mutually agreed on by both parties in peace mediation. Negotiations continue if and when there is a disagreement until a final agreement is reached. Then the peace ceremony is equitably and amicably executed.
The money and the goods add substance and value to the whole peace making. Without either a peace agreement would deem vain and unbinding vulnerable to collapse sooner or later.
Tears and/or hugs are instant signs of total remorse, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, friendship, peace and harmony. They are the first indicators of a true and lasting peace.
Moreover, there is no loser in a peace ceremony. Both parties are winners.
In contrast, in a modern court of law, there is only one winner and it is either the complainant or the defendant depending on how one convinces the court with his or her evidence regardless of the veracity of the affidavits. The worst villain can bluff his or her way out making the innocent unjustifiably bear the brunt of the law.
On many occasions the victims of such legal blunders take the law into their own hands because they lose faith in the modern legal justice system. They seek justice themselves.
For this and other reasons, many Papua New Guineans prefer peace ceremony than a court of law to solve their conflicts even in this advancing modern society.
A classic example is the recent peace ceremony that was held between the Highlands Police Mobile Squads 05, 06 and 07 and their colleagues in the National Capital District on Friday 11 May, 2012 at the McGregor Police Barracks in Port Moresby.
The brief background information is that three groups of highlands based police mobile squads were flown into the National Capital District under the direction of the O'Neill-Namah regime at the height of the political impasse between Somare and O'Neill and the related divisions in the public service and the armed forces.
In April this year, in a spill-over incident, the highlands based mobile squads bashed up the members of the National Capital District highway patrol unit and their OIC Sgt Paul Simon alleging they were carrying out private escorts. The incident escalated the enmity among the already divided PNG Royal Constabulary particularly in the national capital.
Reconciliation and peace amongst the two factions were hardly anticipated at least in the foreseeable future.
Fear of the conflict being blown into anarchy was rife. Nonetheless the undreamt peace had reigned sooner than expected thanks to the peace ceremony system and the peace initiators.
The peace ceremony as reported on page 4 of the National Newspaper of May 14, 2012, the HMSs gave 8 pigs and K10,000 cash to their NCD colleagues. The NCD police in return gave four pigs, one beast and 80 cartons of soft drinks to the members of the HMSs.
Giving credence to the peace making were the emotional words of remorse, apology, forgiveness, reconciliation, peace and unity from both sides.
National Capital District metropolitan commander Peter Guiness described the nature of the conflict and how peace could possibly be achieved after all as; "In my experience I have never seen anything like this."
"It's a dead issue and we must unite and operate as one police. We are sorry for what had happened." Group Sgt Major Kelly Sombe of the HMSs remorsefully apologised. "If you come to the highlands, we promise to give you the best treatment." Sombe promised referring to the 300 NCD police that would be deployed in the highlands for the 2012 national elections security operations.
"We are all brothers. We will be brothers and friends forever," Sgt Paul Simon of NCD said in response. "From the bottom of our hearts we forgive you" he added.
And so the conflict was resolved and peace had prevailed there and then.
The PNG traditional code of conflict solution may have not been designed to handle serious and complex conflicts involving the police force, the army, the judges or the politicians and so forth.
However, time and again when the concept is tested it is always proven to be superior, equitable and timeless. The above case is another example and milestone. It proves that peace ceremony is the most equitable and timeless alternative mode of conflict solution in PNG.
Source: Australia Network News
PNG: Land of two prime ministers
ESBC comments:
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Papua New Guinea's former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has been turned away from Government House by police this afternoon.
Sir Michael's supporters were at Government House where they were hoping he would be sworn-in as Prime Minister, after the Supreme Court yesterday ruled him the country's rightful leader.
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has already indicated he will not respect the court decision which he has labelled as evidence of judicial corruption.
Our PNG Correspondent was at Government House in Port Moresby and he's confirmed that Sir Michael has not been sworn-in as some expected.
Presenter: Bruce Hill
Speaker: PNG Correspondent, Liam Fox
HILL: Liam has Sir Michael turned up and has he been reinstated?
FOX: He did turn up and no he hasn't been reinstated. Him and several of his supporters and members of what used to be his cabinet turned up here saying that they expected to be let in to Government House and they expected to be received by the Governor General and that they were going to be sworn in as PNG's caretaker government to take the country through the elections. That didn't happen, there are around 30 or so policemen out the front of Government House and they politely but firmly told them that they wouldn't be allowed in. We also had been told by someone inside Government House that they were thinking of holding a swearing-in ceremony, but now it might be held tomorrow because of tensions between the two camps. Sir Michael and his supporters say they're now going to, what they say follow protocol and advice in writing the Governor General their request for a reception and to be sworn in and attached to that will be the Supreme Court's decision of yesterday. So they think that they'll go away, send off this written request, and that things might happen very soon. Of course very few things happen quickly in PNG, and everyone except the police has now left Government House.
HILL: So they're actually expecting a swearing-in tomorrow?
FOX: They don't really know, they are expecting it to happen possibly this afternoon, but from the look of things around here and from that message I got from someone inside the Governor General's office, that looks unlikely.
HILL: Look sometimes these scenes outside Government House and parliament can lead to a bit of tension. Was it all reasonably good natured, did people follow protocol or was anyone getting a bit excited about it?
FOX: It was all reasonably good natured, the Governor of the Southern Highlands Anderson Agiru had a little bit of a go at the police saying that they should be following the Supreme Court's orders, and the order has been to reinstate Sir Michael Somare. But look there's none of the tension that was evidenced following the Supreme Court's first order back in December last year. There was a lot of tension. We might remember the scenes of Peter O'Neill barging through the police cordon to get to Government House last year. There's none of that this time around, there's none of that intensity. I think the stakes are a lot lower now, all they're fighting over is the caretaker government, it's not like the winning side can get their hands on the levers of government for a good period of time. We're talking about the next month or two until the results of the election come in. So as I said there's none of that intensity and there's not as much at stake as there was in December last year.
HILL: Well to deal with this situation which the Supreme Court has apparently reinstated Sir Michael Somare as prime minister, the actual Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has decided he's going to call parliament back again. This is despite the fact that parliament was formally dissolved when the writs for the elections was issued. Can he recall parliament if it's been dissolved?
FOX: Look there's some people saying that that can't happen, but then we were talking to Sir Arnold Amet out the front of Government House just a short time ago and he said there are special circumstances in which parliament can be recalled, both in natural disasters and at times of war and during what he said were extraordinary circumstances. That's unclear. But as I said to someone else, to date I think we've seen in the last year and previous years that what's legal and illegal and what's constitutional and unconstitutional doesn't really matter to many politicians. They simply do what they can until someone hauls them about it, be that the Supreme Court or be that public dissatisfaction, that's the way politics operates in PNG. They do what they can until they're hauled up for it.
HILL: Well what's led to this? I mean the writs have been issued, the election campaign was officially underway, why are we now apparently doing a re-run of events that happened a few months ago when there were two rival prime ministers?
FOX: Well that's the Supreme Court's doing, the Supreme Court's decision on the follow-up challenge to the O'Neill government's legitimacy has been pending for some months, and they've decided to hand down the decision on the Monday after the writs had been issued. The timing of this is all up to, the fact that this has all happened is all thanks to the Supreme Court. And there's been some backlash on social media sites saying that they should have just waited until after the election altogether to hand down their decision, what good could have come and now has come from them doing it on Monday?
HILL: Well what about the position of Sir Michael Somare himself? He now claims to have the backing of the Supreme Court, they say he's the legitimate prime minister. There was some toing and froing as to whether he would actually be standing in the election, which is underway now. Has he really clarified now that he will be running again now that the Supreme Court says he's the prime minister, or will he not contest his seat again? Has that been made clear?
FOX: Look all I can tell you is what we were told by his daughter and spokesperson Betha Somare when we were trying to get in contact with him earlier today. She said that he was heading back to nominate to run again in the election. That decision has been both spurned on by popular support back at home, and by the Supreme Court's orders to have him reinstated. Now whether that actually happens or not we have to wait and see. As we know Sir Michael has flip-flopped on this issue both recently and in years before, so I guess we have to actually wait for a formal announcement or to see his name on the ballot paper.
HILL: And Liam just before we go briefly, has this current mess I think we can use that word, going to affect the election campaign? Is it going to affect people's perceptions of Sir Michael Somare or Peter O'Neill in any way?
FOX: We can only go on what both parties have said, both Sir Michael in a statement and Peter O'Neill at a press conference last night have said that they do not want this to affect the elections, that the elections will go ahead as scheduled. So if we take them at their word that seems to be the case. As to affecting their perceptions, I'm not too sure about that, I think the general mood of people now is that they've had enough of this ongoing leadership drama, they just want to get to the elections and take the power of choosing the country's leader into their own hands and out of the Supreme Court.
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Momis inspects police in Buin

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
UN Opens New Peace-building Office on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Buin, 22 May 2012: In a public ceremony presided over by ABG President John Momis and the UN Resident Coordinator, David McLachlan-Karr, a new UNDP office for South Bougainville was officially inaugurated on 22 May.
The move of the UN Office from Siwai to the regional capital at Buin marks a new phase in the UN’s engagement with the district administration in the Southern Region. M’eekamui and other key factions were present at the ceremonies demonstrating their solidarity with peace-building work brokered by the ABG and the UN.
In welcoming the establishment of the new office, President Momis highlighted the importance of continued UN engagement and its role in confidence building and support to good governance in Bougainville.
The President also presented title to a block of land near the District Administrative office where the UN would eventually construct a new UN Haus.
In reply, the UN Resident Coordinator thanked the government for its generous grant of land to the UN and said that it was the UN’s intention to remain engaged on Bougainville for the long-term and diversify UN support into development initiatives that would promote economic stimulation, youth skills training programmes and employment initiatives to integrate ex-combatants and women into a new ABG economy.
A tour was made to the Buin Secondary School, Buin Specialized Training Centre, Buin District hospital and the local Police Headquarters.
As a gesture of support to the successful conclusion of the peace games promoted by the UN office at Buka and the ABG in November 2011, UNDP presented a quantity of sports equipment to the district authorities. Two trophies were also donated for the winning men’s and women’s soccer teams in what will become an annual UN-sponsored ABG Southern Region football competition.

UN delegation visited Kangu Wharf before leaving for Siwai
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG election on track despite new twist in political impasse
Peter O’Neill and his supporters insist they are Papua New Guinea’s caretaker government in the lead-up to next month’s general election despite his administration being declared illegal by the Supreme Court yesterday.
The ruling, reiterating the court’s December decision that Sir Michael Somare was the country’s legitimate Prime Minister, has thrown new uncertainty over the country’s lingering political impasse.
While the Somare group’s attempt to be sworn in as caretaker government at Government House has so far been unsuccessful, Peter O’Neill’s group is attempting to have a special sitting of parliament.
Sir Michael has been forming his administration to see the country through to the June election.
His son, the Angoram MP Arthur Somare says the ruling has restored the integrity of the constitution after Peter O’Neill’s coalition controversially removed Sir Michael in August last year, sparking a constitutional crisis.
Arthur Somare says he hopes there are no further attempts to delay next month’s polling as Mr O’Neill has been facing significant pressure from within his coalition to do so.
However with the writs for PNG’s election signed last week by the Governor-General, the election process is formally underway and Mr Somare says it’s important that politicians seek the people’s backing.
“This is all about the constitution, it is not necessarily about Sir Michael the person, but the integrity of the constitution has been restored now as a consequence of this court decision, and the correct place to assert that you have the mandate of the people is through a general election.”
A member of Sir Michael Somare’s government, Sir Arnold Amet, says its new caretaker administration is unlikely to change controversial legislation brought in by the Peter O’Neill government.
“It is really a caretaker regime, just to keep the country stable and manage the elections that have begun - the process having begun. So any major decisions really have to wait the new house being elected and the new government being formed.”
Two of the five judges abstained from making a ruling, with Justice Bernard Sakora saying that to participate would contradict his oath as a judge.
Peter O’Neill says the fact that two senior judges abstained on the ruling, means that a new bench should have been established for the hearing.
He describes the court ruling as mischievous, coming from a bench which he says is tainted by corrupt practices.
Sir Arnold Amet says Peter O’Neill’s response is not what is expected of leaders.
“To simply describe our judiciary as being corrupt because a judgement hasn’t gone his way is really most inappropriate for a person who holds himself up as a leader and a Prime Minister, our leader.”
However, the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia has been repeatedly called on by the O’Neill coalition to resign over allegations of misconduct and claims of bias in the hearings into the legality of Mr O’Neill’s election last August.
Peter O’Neill says Sir Salamo has stubbornly refused to stand down, bringing the Supreme Court into collision with parliament.
“And as a result we now have a ruling that is tainted, biased and not enforceable by law. Therefore we are ignoring that and all agencies of government are ignoring that particular order. And therefore the government is now in caretaker mode until the return of writs.”
Meanwhile, signs that police will not let the Somare group into Government House to be sworn in have followed reports that police factions supporting the rival political groups have had a standoff in the capital.
But both sides appear in agreement that the national election must go ahead as scheduled next month.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buin Hospital
By Aloysius Laukai
The UN delegation visiting Buin South Bougainville this morning visited the Buin Secondary School, the Buin District Hospital and the Buin vocational school before launching the BUIN UN desk at the Buin District office.
ABG President who is accompanying the delegation told the students of Buin Secondary school ABG's commitment to education in the past today and into the future

Picture of the ABG President with a staff of the hospital
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
UN TEAM visiting Buin secondary school

Source: The National
Ex-Arawa student drives fund-raiser
FORMER students of Arawa High School in Central Bougainville have been urged to pool their resources together and raise funds to help the school.Fund-raising organiser John Susuve, from Gulf province, is trying to form a
committee to drive the fundraising.Susuve said Arawa was one of the pioneer high schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and had produced many educated people now holding key positions in the country.He completed Grade 10 in 1980.He came up with the fund-raising idea after learning that Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro was raising funds to help the school. The communications minister had also donated some computers to the school.Susuve said he was happy to see leaders taking up such initiatives.“Now is time for the people who have benefitted from the school to give something back to it,” Susuve said.He said the school had produced leaders such as North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi.
Funds raised will be used to renovate classrooms, buy library books and science lab materials, computers and other necessary items for the school.Susuve is appealing to the business houses in Arawa and the country to support the school in cash or kind. Those willing to support the fundraising should get in touch with him on 7682 5643 or 325 7855.They can email him on
Source: Post-Courier
Two judges step aside
IN A RARE and unprecedented move, two of the five most senior judges of the Supreme and National Court presiding over the question of who is the legitimate Government have openly criticized their fellow brother judges on the bench, of perceived bias and dragging the Judiciary’s integrity in to the mud.
The two, Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika and Justice Bernard Sakora, made these observations after voluntarily abstaining from making a decision on whether the O’Neil/ Namah or the Somare /Agiru faction were the legitimate Government. The three who were majority of the bench, Chief Justice Sir Salamo and Justices Nicholas Kirriwom and Les Gavera Nanu ruled that the Oneil/Namah regime were unconstitutional (see separate story on page 2). Chief Somare says O’Neill is only an MP. Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika in his decision to abstain and in his ruling on two preliminary applications, one to defer the handing down of the decision and the other a disqualification application for a member of the bench , said “Issues of the integrity of Judges has never been raised like it is now before. If we were to save the judiciary from been further dragged in to the mud …then leave must be granted to the disqualification application..I am worried about the integrity of the judiciary”
Justice Sakora was more direct when deciding to abstain by stating that “ a Judge should not be a judge in his own court”
He further stated that the country and the Judiciary is bigger and more important than any individual and that he doesn’t want to be a part of this court after going through all these perceived bias to be a part will bring dishonesty to his private and personal integrity.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
O'Neill calls new ruling judicial corruption
There's a new crisis in Papua New Guinea with the Supreme Court again ruling that Sir Michael Somare should be reinstated as prime minister.
O'Neill calls new ruling judicial corruption (Credit: ABC) But the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says he will not respect the decision which he has labelled as evidence of judicial corruption.
Mr O'Neill has recalled parliament for a special sitting today despite it being dissolved last week ahead of next month's elections.
The full bench of the Supreme Court split three - two in the ruling which re-inforces last December's interim decision to reinstate Sir Michael.
That sparked a major battle between the court and parliament which many hoped would be all over with the calling of the election last week.
Mr O'Neill has again called on the police to investigate the chief justice, Sir Salamo Injia for possible corruption.
Speaker: Peter O'Neill, PNG prime minister
Listen here !
Source: ESBC comments
A major suspect got re-instated!

It's pretty sad and disappointing that - once again - the PNG Supreme Court ignores the will of the parliament's majority and re-instates Michael Somare (pictured) as Prime Minister. Do these judges believe that they are GOD? How can they dare to pretend taking care of democratic rules?
Luckily the national polling is on the way and Somare, his greedy family and friends, will not have the possibilty to continue their scandalous work practised over years. PNG has to unmask all fraudulent activities of this gang and their compliant judges in the past and to charge them with high-treason!
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
PNG court rules Somare should be reinstated
By PNG correspondent Liam Fox
The Supreme Court in Papua New Guinea has once again found Peter O'Neill's appointment as prime minister was illegal.

In a split three to two ruling the court upheld its decision of last December that Mr O'Neill's replacement of Sir Michael Somare as prime minister was illegal.
Chief justice Sir Salamo Injia said the order to reinstate Sir Michael still stands and is binding.
But two judges refused to take part in the ruling after an internal court email was leaked to the media.
In it, one of the presiding judges, justice Nicholas Kirriwom, refers to the O'Neill government as an "illegal regime".
Deputy chief justice Gibbs Salika said he would not deliver a decision because it could be compromised.
Justice Bernard Sakora disqualified himself and said he would be disregarding his judicial oath if he proceeded.
Mr O'Neill says he will not respect the court's decision.
He says the country's judiciary is biased and has ordered police to investigate Sir Salamo Injia.
Source: Radio New Dawn in Bougainville
Picture of the Bank South Pacific

Picture of the Bank South Pacific office in Arawa by Aloysius Laukai
Source: Radio New Dawn in Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buin
UNDP office in South Bougainville which is currently in Panakei mini town in Siwai, South west Bougainville will officialy kove to Buin town the headquater of South bougainville.
A ceremony to start the relocation exercise will be held in Buin town tomorrow morning
According to the official progam, the UN office will start with a UN desk at the at the BUIN DISRICT OFFICE until the move is finalized.
ABG President chief John momis who is already in Buin tonight for the launching will also officiate at the ground breaking ceremony.
PNG UN Country resident representative, DAVID Mac'halan Karr based in Port Moresby arrived this afternoon for tomorrow's ceremony.
NEW DAWN FM will carry live speeches through its network in Buka and also would post pictures and stories to its website from Buin, South Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn in Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buin.
Three candidates nominated in Buin, South Bougainville for the South Bougainville Open seat currently held by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs,Stephen Pirika.
The three candidates included the Minister himself who arrived early this morning accompanied by supporters in a convoy of more than fifty vehicles.
The others were the former member for South Bougainville,Michael Laimo and another National Alliance strongman,PETER MANUKA.
More than 20 candidates are expected to run for the South Bougainville open seat at the close of nomination this Thursday.
Stephen Pirika
Michael Laimo
Peter Manuka
Source: The National
Miringtoro thanks media for role as development partner
SOUTH Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro has thanked the media for its role as a development partner in the country.
Miringtoro, the communication minister, said this when paying EMTV K46,000 as outstanding payments for the Arawa district.
The payments were back-dated to 2005.
He said after the crisis, EMTV’s programmes had positively influenced the minds of youths and given them a better perspective through educational programmes and sports.
“EMTV and media in general have been helping in the peace-building process on the island. I am very grateful to support the media,” Miringtoro said.
He said the people had seen positive changes through watching TV programmes, especially sports.
It influenced them to take an active part in sports.
Miringtoro said as well as disseminating information, the media must provide proper information to get the correct message to the people.
He said misinformation led to anxiety.
EMTV general manager Tukaha Mua said EMTV was glad to support the development of the country.
He said television provided an information source in which people could hear and see for themselves.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Cocoa still good
By Aloysius Laukai
Whilst alot of cocoa farmers are worrying about Cocoa Pod Borer and its effect on the cocoa industry, Bougainville's biggest revenue earner one family in Buin has the answer.
COSMAS LONGKAI from Piano in the Makis COE says that the trick is not to leave any shades.
He told New Dawn Fm that cleaning your block would make it difficult for the insect to live in the area.
Pictured is one tree at his plantation

Source: ESBC Research
The Shanghai Connection
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Bougainville: Bagana mit Lavastrom
40 kilometers North/West of Panguna:
Vulcano Mount Bagana active again since 2009

Der Vulkan Bagana auf der zu PNG gehörenden Insel Bougainville ist ausgebrochen. Satelittenfotos der NASA zeigen eine Dampfwolke, die vom Krater aufsteigt und einen frischen Lavastrom (ober rechts) auf der Nordost-Flanke des Vulkans. Seit wann genau der Vulkanausbruch andauert ist unbekannt.

Mount Bagana
Der 1750 m hohe Bagana zählt zu den aktivsten Vulkanen Melanesiens und brach zuletzt 2009 aus. Er fördert andesitische Lava und kann pyroklastische Ströme generieren.

Mount Bagana:
rote Markierung
blaue Markierung
A new NASA satellite image reveals a fresh lava flow on Bagana volcano's eastern flank. It is unknown when the eruption started, but comparison with older images implies that it must have begun some time between March 2011 and February 2012.
Bagana is one of the most active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea, but extremely remote and there is no ground-based monitoring, which is why satellites provide the most reliable and timely means of monitoring.

Mount Bagana with plume and lava flow on the right
Source: ESBC Research

24 Bougainville maps updated!

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
First to nominate for the Bougainville Regional seat was the former Commissioner for South Bougainville,JOE LERA who nominated to the Provincial returning officer, and electoral commissioner for bougainville,REITAMA TARAVARU after 4pm this afternoon in Buka.
Immidiately following that the former member for women on central Bougainville on the ABG and women candidate, Magdalene Toroansi also nomonated for the Bougainvile regional seat.
The first to mominate for North bougainvile seat was the former resistance commander,DONALD HAMAU.
And the runner up in the last byelection and woman candidate,RACHAEL KONAKA OPETI
Nomination for the Central and South Bougainville seats were not available as of 5pm today.
of nominations on thursday next week
Source: Post-Courier
Bishop supports visa policy
PAPUA New Guinea business travellers to Australia, as well as other visitors, should find their visas easier to obtain if the Coalition parties win the next Australian election, as polls predict they will.
The commitment was made by Shadow Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to Australia PNG Business Council President Peter Taylor in Brisbane this week.
Ms Bishop said that if we form the next government in Australia our first commitment will be ensuring to free up the visa arrangements between Australian business people and PNG business people in particular to create a conducive environment in doing business.
She said that it is simply unacceptable for there to be so many bureaucratic hurdles in the way of trade and investment and doing business across the Coral Sea.
“It should be as easy to do business between Australia and Papua New Guinea as it is between Australia and New Zealand,” Ms Bishop said.
Austrlia and PNG Business Council (APNGBC) President Peter Taylor said that the most controversial issue in the bilateral business relationship concerned the movement of people for both business and personal reasons.
He said that although Papua New Guinea is the only independent state which is a former Australia colony, the visa processes for citizens of PNG to enter Australia were the same as for all other countries except New Zealand.
“These processes not only cause costs to business, but also cause angst within the community because of the intrusive nature of the Australian visa application process, including the requirement of extensive evidence of financial capacity or support, including for business people with a record over many years of regular visits to Australia, and for members of families of senior respected business people.”
Mr Taylor said the inability of business people as well as ordinary Papua New Guineans to apply for visas online, in the same way as applicants in many other countries can, adds to the concern about the difficult process which Papua New Guinea visa applicants must undergo.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis concerned at instability
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President John Momis has raised concerns over the political instability as it would also affect Bougainville’s road to referendum.
Momis in an interview said that the political instability in Papua New Guinea is a big concern and he expects strong voter interest in next month’s election.
In December, the Supreme Court ruled the parliamentary removal of Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister was illegal but the Peter O’Neill led government ignored the order that he be reinstated.
In 2001 after more than a decade of armed conflict, the Government of PNG and Bougainville leaders signed a peace agreement which provided for a referendum to be held between 2015 and 2020 on Bougainville’s independence from PNG.
The president John Momis says it doesn’t bode well for the province that leaders in PNG aren’t respecting decisions of the judiciary and says people are worried.
“It means that people will not respect agreements but by the same token now that the elections people are hoping that the new batch of leaders at the national level will be more committed to rule of law and the principle of the separation of powers, which has been a little bit confused in recent times.”
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville to get EMTV
Minister for Communication and Information and MP for Central Bougainville Jimi Miringtoro yesterday presented more than K76,000 to EMTV for the TV station to resume its telecast to his electorate.
Mr Miringtoro said the payment was to help offset an outstanding bill that dated back to 2002 which was supposed to be met by the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG).
He said that when he returned to Parliament he would consider other mass media to be established in the electorate to cover news as well as educate people of issues affecting the electorate.
He said that at the moment, his people were out of EMTV coverage due to non payment of bills and therefore he was paying for the bills so that his people could access EMTV services once again.
He said that he was not bringing new services but was restoring the services that had been already in place.
“This is not a new project but we are restoring the service that has been in place before. Without going to the complexities of the outstanding bill issues, my primary issue at this time is for EMTV to restore this vital communication service to my people in Central Bougainville,” he said.
The media, in particular the television, has been instrumental in informing and educating my people who have been out of touch with the outside world for the duration of the 10-year-civil war.
“Television is a powerful medium and EMTV facility at Arawa is an important peace-building mechanism for further reconstruction and development on the island,” he said.
He said restoring this service in Arawa was part of his overall effort for the communication sector in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville as well as the country.
“Since I took office last August, I have been appalled by neglect and poor state of communication facilities throughout the country, including our provincial radio station,” he said.
“In the short phase of time, I have tried my best to get the responsible authority under my ministry to revive and restore these asserts.
“It has been more critical as this is the election year and our people deserve to be better informed and educated on election and development issues.’’
The Minister said he was hopeful of returning to parliament after the National Elections to realise his vision of relocating the provincial headquarters from Buka to Arawa.
“The restoration of such a vital communication service is part of my medium term plan to return the provincial administration to its rightful pre-crisis location of Arawa where the majority of our people are still situated,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier - Reader's comment
South Bougainville MP has done well
I AM writing this letter in reply to an article in your Monday, May 7, 2012 edition titled “Bougainville has been overlooked”. The letter was written by one Joel Nava accusing the three Bougainville MPs that they had done little to help the people of Bougainville.
However, it was evident that out of the three MPs, Nava mainly directed his critisms at the member for South Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Steven Pirika Kamma. Mr Nava termed Mr Kamma as an incapable leader who “does not listen to professional experts in relation to the implementation of weapons disposal programs as well as Bougainville autonomy implementation”.
The comments are a direct insult to the people of South Bougainville and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Mr Kamma has already done and proven to the people of South Bougainville that he is a true leader by funding developmental projects and services to the people in his electorate. South Bougainvilleans are now enjoying the delivery of services brought about under his leadership.
And South Bougainvilleans never achieved this during the reign of other South Bougainville MPs.
Mr Kamma was declared as the duly elected MP about two and a half years ago, but still managed to fund many impact developmental projects that the people are now seeing, enjoying and above all benefiting from. Your view that he is not serious about the weapons disposal programs is untrue. The issue is sensitive and needs to be thoroughly addressed.
There are means available to address it first before real disposal program can take place. The truth is that; the onus is on those who are holding onto these weapons. Leaders have already tried their best to address this issue. A lot of money has already been used to fund this exercise but of no total success. If they care about the future of the island than they must take the first step and dispose weapons.
Thomas Koioro
Executive Officer for the South Bougainville MP, Siwai
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville president concerned about political instability in PNG
The president of the Autonomous Province of Bougainville says the political instability in Papua New Guinea is a big concern and he expects strong voter interest in next month’s election.
In December, the Supreme Court ruled the parliamentary removal of Sir Michael Somare as Prime Minister was illegal but the Peter O’Neill led government ignored the order that he be reinstated.
In 2001 after more than a decade of armed conflict, the Government of PNG and Bougainville leaders signed a peace agreement which provided for a referendum to be held between 2015 and 2020 on Bougainville’s independence from PNG.
The president John Momis says it doesn’t bode well for the province that leaders in PNG aren’t respecting decisions of the judiciary and says people are worried.
“It means that people will not respect agreements but by the same token now that the elections people are hoping that the new batch of leaders at the national level will be more committed to rule of law and the principle of the separation of powers, which has been a little bit confused in recent times.”
The president of the Autonomnous Province of Bougainville John Momis.
Source: Post-Courier
Tribunal hearing on Semoso on in Buka
THE Leadership Tribunal inquiring into allegations of misconduct in office by the regional member for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso (pictured) is now in Buka conducting the hearing.
The three members of the tribunal headed by the Chairman Justice Salatiel Lenalia, Magistrates Ignatius Kurei and Nerie Eliakim flew in to Buka yesterday and will be hearing testimonies from witnesses from both the State and the leader on the charges.

Last week the trial proper began with the State summoning former acting Prime Minister Dr Puka Temu as the first witness.
The State will be calling up about 13 witnesses to make their case against the leader.
Of the 14 allegations leveled against him, he through his counsel Charles Mende have indicated during the commencement of the tribunal that 13 will be vigorously challenged because the leader denies these allegations as put to him by the State.
Fourteen allegations have been raised against him and are put in to five categories, on misapplication of K2.7 million, beneficiary of K470,000, personally benefiting from public funds, winning contract on false pretence and alleged assault of a woman.
During the hearing in Buka the members of the Tribunal will also be visiting certain project sites that the member was alleged to have benefitted from when he applied for the funds.
Source: PNG Industry News
We were right to oust unpopular prime minister: O’Neill
by Ron Berryman
PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill took the opportunity to take the media to task in his keynote opening address at the 28th Australia-Papua New Guinea Business Council forum and expo in Brisbane.

PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill
With an election looming, O’Neill was a late non-starter. In his absence, former PNG prime minister Sir Mekere Morauta delivered O’Neill’s speech to a packed audience on Monday.
“Politics in Papua New Guinea has obviously been in the news of late and some of the media coverage has been wrong and in some cases downright ridiculous,” he told the forum.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Papua New Guinea has its own developing brand of democracy that is often misunderstood by even our strongest supporters.
Critics and doomsayers constantly write off Papua New Guinea as a nation headed for totalitarian rule, or worse still, no rule at all.
“Far from it.”
The prime minister said PNG had a “vigorous parliamentary democracy”.
With reference to the recent parliamentary upheaval which has involved a former prime minister, the governor, the police and the judiciary, O’Neill’s speech said: “When political management degenerates into a ruthless abuse of power for the sake of self-interest, then parliament has the right to act. Indeed members of parliament have a duty to act on behalf of the people they represent.
“Parliament has a long-standing and lawful right to change the prime minister and the government without going to an election; to remove that government and an unpopular prime minister, as we did last August.”
O’Neill said that while his government had only had a short time to “correct some of the wrongs of the past”, he was now prepared to go to the people to confirm their support for his government.
“I believe that we will be elected and that will bring exciting prospects for all of us,” he said.
“But I also have to say that for foreign investment to thrive, the benefits must flow two ways. Papua New Guinea must also reap the economic and social rewards as a result of your taking advantage of opportunities and the environment that we can provide.”
And to add a touch of Australian political spice the federal Opposition deputy and shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop was one of the first day’s keynote speakers. the federal government failed to field a starter, although with a fairly good representation of former PNG prime ministers in the conference room, former Australian PM and foreign minister Kevin Rudd might not have been out of place.
But despite the presence of an impressive speaker panel and some interesting political and economic topics, the “elephant” – the huge $US15.7 billion PNG-LNG project – was never far away. It got a mention in every speech.
Business Council president and managing director of Rio Tinto PNG Peter Taylor told a packed house on the opening day that the 28th forum and trade expo as the most successful the Council had conducted since its inception in 1980.
“The Australia Papua New Guinea Business Council was formed to provide a channel of communication for business to government on policy issues of concern to business,” he said.
“It is independent of government and until 2001 as confined to meetings of council membership until someone had a bright idea that the forum should be open to business people outside the membership, so from 2004 to 2008 the forum was held annually in Cairns.
“In 2009 it was held in Papua New Guinea for the first time in Madang and now alternates between Australia and Papua New Guinea. In 2010 we moved from Cairns to Townsville where it was a great success and then it returned to Madang in 2011.
“And now, for the first time the forum is being held in this great city of Brisbane, the capital of Australia’s Pacific state, which of course is the only Australian state to have a common border with Papua New Guinea.”
Taylor said the forum and exhibition had attracted record numbers with the exhibition area at maximum capacity and delegate numbers restricted by the size of the conference auditorium.
Source: Post-Courier
Police in Bougainville ready
By Fabian Gatana
Bougainville police are ready to carry out their pre-election awareness programs and policing operations.
Chief Inspector Cletus Tsien said that 12 police personnel from the three regions in Bougainville had been selected to carry out pre-election awareness programs together with representatives from the churches in areas identified as ‘hot spots’ in each region.
Chief Inspector Tsien said that according to their schedule, awareness operations would take two weeks beginning next week, followed by a further two weeks of pre-election operations.
He said during pre-election operations intelligence would also be gathered from these hot spots and analysed and ascertained whether these areas need more attention or whether the situation in these areas had been contained.
But the Chief Inspector reassured Bougainvilleans that there was no immediate threat of disruptions to the elections. He said they did not expect problems in the election as in the previous years.
Source: The National
ARB draws up security plan
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville has drawn up a security plan for the general election.
With threat warnings in Bougainville, election manager Reitama Taravaru said they had been working closely with police on a security plan which was already in place. It will be implemented when the election starts.
“From our intelligence so far in the 33 constituencies, everyone is geared up to participate in the election,’’ he said.
“So far we have not received any threat or disturbance so voters can exercise their constitutional rights in a trouble-free election.”
Taravaru said all the rolls for the 33 constituencies in Bougainville had been completed and sent to Port Moresby for the compilation of the final roll.
“We are hopeful the rolls will be returned to returning officers and electoral office in Buka for use during nomination and voting.
“During the exercise, we have managed to record 144,000 voters compared to the figure we had in 2007 national election roll.
“We made a reduction of 3,000 from the total of 147,000 during the exercise after identifying a lot of ghost names, names of those who have transferred and the deceased.”
He was confident that with the job they did in the rolls update programme, the region now had a more realistic figure on the number of voters.
Candidates who have registered their bio-data Form 29 included seven contesting the regional seat, 10 for North Bougainville, 15 for Central Bougainville and 10 for South Bougainville.
He said with also some more bio-data still in the electoral office, the figure could increase. They were looking at 37 candidates for the four seats.
Taravaru said they had budgeted for K2 million for the election in the region.
Source: Islands Business
Changing Constitution is dangerous: Bougainville President
Bougainville Autonomous Government President John Momis has warned of the danger Papua New Guinea faces if parliamentarians continue to amend the Constitution to satisfy their political agendas.
Bougainville Autonomous Government President John Momis has warned of the danger Papua New Guinea faces if parliamentarians continue to amend the Constitution to satisfy their political agendas. Momis, one of the main architects of the nation’s Constitution, said it was designed to give equal powers to the three arms of government – the executive, legislature and judiciary – to safeguard the well-being of its people. He said the judiciary was set up to remain as the final arbitrator if problems arose from the three arms. He said restricting the judiciary from doing its role was like cutting off one arm of the democratic system which had held together such a culturally-diverse country. Momis said looking at the way things were going, PNG was entering into a very dangerous situation which could dismantle the country into little groupings. He said the constitutional planning committee before independence travelled to all sub-district centres in the country to gauge the views of the people before finalising the “home-grown” Constitution. He said this was done over two and a half years. He warned that work should not be removed in one day without proper consultation with the citizens.
Source: Post-Courier
Candidate pushes for Rio Tinto
An intending candidate has urged the Government to welcome Rio Tinto back into the country.
Kandaso Napi, intending candidate for the Laigap –Porgera electrorate yesterday said Rio was a major player in the mineral exploration, production and processing sector and it was pleasing to see the country back in the country.
Mr Napi who worked for the Rio Tinto owned Bougainville Copper Mine, now defunct, said PNG had gained as a country, from what Rio had done on Bougainville.
“Apart from the monetary gains, look at the mining industry now. A lot of the workers on the mines around the country now were trained by BCL. That is the contribution that Rio has made to PNG,” Mr Napi said.
Mr Napi was responding to a story in the Sunday Choronicle yesterday in which Bougainville Copper Limited Chairman Peter Talyor revealed that Rio has been granted exploraion leases in PNG since the mine 1990s when it pulled out of Bougainville.
Already the PNG Chamber of Mines has stated that the return of Rio Tinto was a stamp of approval for PNG.
“I could not agree more. This is good for PNG and the mining industry. Lets welcome this giant back with open arms,” Mr Napi said.
Mr Napi was employed as a driver by BCL and he later started his own trucking firm, which became the first national company to be awarded a contract by BCL.
When the mine was shut down in the 1990’s due to the crisis, Mr Napi closed his business down and moved to Lae where he started again. His trucking firm is now contracted to the Porgera gold mine in Enga.
Source: Australia Network News
Sir Mekere Morauta: PNG elections will go ahead !
Source: Post-Courier
Australia and PNG meet for business treaty
By PATRICK TALU in Brisbane
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has strongly encouraged Papau New Guinea and Australia to have a strong business alliance.
The Prime Minister’s keynote address was delivered by Sir Mekere Morauta on his behalf at the 28th Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum and Trade Expo themed ‘Today’s Opportunity, Tomorrow’s Prosperity’ in Brisbane yesterday.
According to Mr O’Neill speech, the government welcomes foreign investment and would like to see “our partnership developed and diversified and some of you are no doubt aware, there is plenty of scope to do so across all sectors.”
Sir Mereke said PNG has long had a successful mineral and petroleum sector but the game formally changed with the announcement of the go-ahead for the multibillion PNG LNG Project two years ago.
He said the development of this giant project, presently estimated at US$17 billion (about K50 billion) has opened up a multitude of opportunities for Australia and PNG business as a stand-alone or joint-venture operations.
According to Sir Mereke the key driver of the economy in PNG is the LNG Project and the government of PNG wants to reassure the Australia’s Federal Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop that both government must work closely with ExxonMobil, Oil Search and their consortium partners to bring prosperity to this huge and complex project.
In the PM speech PNG LNG project will generate about K30 billions of direct revenue inflows into the country’s coffers over the 30 years period life and billions more in multiple business and investment effects.
He said InterOil Corp and its farm-in partners are aiming to give the go-ahead for development of a US$7 billion LNG project in the Gulf Province over the next five years.
“Our government has gone out of its way to assist InterOil to get on with the project in accordance with the provision of its development agreement with the State,” the PM said.
Mr O’Neill also said that a third LNG proposal is being pushed along by Taslisman Energy and the Government is encouraging progress as well.
Apart from oil and gas investment and potential investment, PNG also has new world class mineral deposits at Wafi-Gopu in Morobe province, Yandera, Ramu Nickel and Cobalt, Nautilus Mineral’s Solware 1 Project, the world’s first underwater exploration and mining and to name a few.
These are also multibillion kina project that have the potential to further transform the economic and social landscape of Papua New Guinea.
“My government encourages equitable investment in an exploration of our natural resources. Likewise we guarantee regime and business environment that are to our mutual benefit. Existing and new business will not be stifled by inappropriate legislation, unfair or government policies that are out of keeping with prevailing international standard and practices.
“The onus is on Papua New Guinea’s political leadership and economic decision makers to make sure of the income from these projects to entrance national development.
“Success in this endeavour will also depend on this existence of a strong and independent public service and a healthy and committed business sector,” Mr O’Neill said.
Source: Post-Courier
Australia and PNG meet for business treaty
By PATRICK TALU in Brisbane
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has strongly encouraged Papau New Guinea and Australia to have a strong business alliance.
The Prime Minister’s keynote address was delivered by Sir Mekere Morauta on his behalf at the 28th Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum and Trade Expo themed ‘Today’s Opportunity, Tomorrow’s Prosperity’ in Brisbane yesterday.
According to Mr O’Neill speech, the government welcomes foreign investment and would like to see “our partnership developed and diversified and some of you are no doubt aware, there is plenty of scope to do so across all sectors.”
Sir Mereke said PNG has long had a successful mineral and petroleum sector but the game formally changed with the announcement of the go-ahead for the multibillion PNG LNG Project two years ago.
He said the development of this giant project, presently estimated at US$17 billion (about K50 billion) has opened up a multitude of opportunities for Australia and PNG business as a stand-alone or joint-venture operations.
According to Sir Mereke the key driver of the economy in PNG is the LNG Project and the government of PNG wants to reassure the Australia’s Federal Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop that both government must work closely with ExxonMobil, Oil Search and their consortium partners to bring prosperity to this huge and complex project.
In the PM speech PNG LNG project will generate about K30 billions of direct revenue inflows into the country’s coffers over the 30 years period life and billions more in multiple business and investment effects.
He said InterOil Corp and its farm-in partners are aiming to give the go-ahead for development of a US$7 billion LNG project in the Gulf Province over the next five years.
“Our government has gone out of its way to assist InterOil to get on with the project in accordance with the provision of its development agreement with the State,” the PM said.
Mr O’Neill also said that a third LNG proposal is being pushed along by Taslisman Energy and the Government is encouraging progress as well.
Apart from oil and gas investment and potential investment, PNG also has new world class mineral deposits at Wafi-Gopu in Morobe province, Yandera, Ramu Nickel and Cobalt, Nautilus Mineral’s Solware 1 Project, the world’s first underwater exploration and mining and to name a few.
These are also multibillion kina project that have the potential to further transform the economic and social landscape of Papua New Guinea.
“My government encourages equitable investment in an exploration of our natural resources. Likewise we guarantee regime and business environment that are to our mutual benefit. Existing and new business will not be stifled by inappropriate legislation, unfair or government policies that are out of keeping with prevailing international standard and practices.
“The onus is on Papua New Guinea’s political leadership and economic decision makers to make sure of the income from these projects to entrance national development.
“Success in this endeavour will also depend on this existence of a strong and independent public service and a healthy and committed business sector,” Mr O’Neill said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Education project
By Aloysius Laukai in Manetai
World vision Bougainville program education project is commemorating international family day in all its project sites in Central Bougainville.

Pictured is one site at Manetai here the team is set to have some games this morning.
Source: Post-Courier
Respect laws: Momis
BOUGAINVILLE President John Momis has urged all leaders and institutions in the country to respect the constitution.
Dr Momis expressed concern at the ongoing political and constitutional crisis which has diverted the National Government from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to support Bougainville.
He warned that PNG would destroy itself if any institution or any powerful group of leaders stepped outside constitutional boundaries and refuse to accept the limits of the Constitution.
“Until now, the constitution has been accepted as the source of those rules and those rules divide the power between different institutions, the aim being that no one institution gets too powerful,” said Dr Momis.
Speaking as an elder statesman and former deputy chairman of the Constitutional Planning Committee (CPC), Dr Momis called on all parties and institutions to;
nRecognise that the current constitutional crisis may destroy the most basic rules and understandings upon which PNG depends for its existence,
nTo exercise restraint, respect the constitution, and for all institutions to respect the roles and authorities of other constitutional institutions,
nTo maintain the independence of the judiciary as the only institution with the authority to resolve constitutional disputes and,
nTo respect the decisions of the Supreme Court. However, he warned that the Judiciary Conduct Act with great care in preserving its role as and an independent authority to resist temptations to respond to political attacks.
“It would be most helpful to the Judiciary and the Constitution if any member of the Judiciary, who might be perceived as having an interest in an issue or to be biased, withdraw from the matter,’’ he said. “Only this way can the decisions of the Judiciary be accepted by all. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Constitution has held PNG in unity in the past 37 years. Without the Constitution, we fear for PNG’s future.’’
Source: Post-Courier
Central Bougainville members meet to listen to people’s concerns
AutonomouS Bougainville Government members from Central Bougainville area met in Arawa last week to listen to their people’s problems and to address outstanding issues.
Led by the Central Bougainville Parliamentary Committee Chairman and Member for Eivo/Torau Melchior Dare, a number of issues, such as the ongoing scrap metal issue, Panguna landowners, the current status of the BRDC biodiesel plant, Kieta resource holdings, and the presentation of landowner and mineral rights.
“This is what I appeal to all other members to do get down right to the people’s level and listen to their concerns and see how they live and work.” Mr Dare said.
“There has been a major bang with issues surrounding Central Bougainville alone and as the Chairman of the Central Parliamentary Committee I am concerned with the image of Central Bougainville. That is why we all came here for the meeting,” he said.
“We all have to find a way to solve outstanding issues which are still stagnant, and that is my very concern, solving stagnant issues.”
The members had the opportunity to ask questions of people involved in major projects, especially the Isina Resource Holdings Limited.
The Central Bougainville parliamentary select committee is the best organised in the ABG House of Representatives, and a lot of people have commended them for their great work in solving a lot of outstanding issues.
The ABG was also cleared of some outstanding issues and how to solve them, especially the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation (BRDC) more specifically the Kabui model.
The members were told to convey the message to ABG President John Momis as to when they will know of the results of the BRDC investigation.
Source: The National
Two ABG members to contest election
TWO sitting members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives will vacate their seats to contest the general election.
They are Hagogohe MP and former minister for peace and reconciliation, Robert Hamal Sawa, and the Kongara MP and former minister for primary industry Dominic Itta.
Sawa will be contesting the North Bougainville Open seat currently held by Lauta Atoi.
Itta will contest the Central Bougainville Open seat currently held by Communication Minister Jimmy Miringtoro.
Both have committed themselves to working with the ABG if voted into parliament.
It means that the ABG will prepare for by-elections to fill the three seats left vacant – the first follows the death of Lule MP Paul Mitu.
Paga women screamed as bulldozers destroyed homes
DAME CAROL KIDU has issued a statement on the enforced removal of 2,000 settlers from a development site on Paga Hill in Port Moresby after she was injured by police when she tried to intervene.
Dame Carol says she does not oppose the development of Paga Hill, and has previously told the settlers that one day they would have to leave, but “bulldozing a community does not solve any problems”.
“It only complicates things and creates a huge human rights issue.
“The Governor [Powes Parkop] and I are faced with hundreds of displaced families (refugees in their own country) who are now sheltering in tents with candles for lights because their power has been disconnected.”
Dame Carol said she had watched “women being dragged from their homes screaming while bulldozers were ordered to move in.
“There [were] babies, elderly, sick people as well as the fit and some very angry young men who were kicked viciously by police and for many families everything was destroyed.”
Eventually Dame Carol said she got the police to stop the demolition because lawyers were on their way with a stay order on humanitarian grounds.
She also said that most of the police “started to rethink what they were doing, especially when they realised that their own police legacy land was involved.
“Many said ‘Thanks Mum. I hope you would fight as hard for our families if they were in danger’.
Download Statement by Dame Carol Kidu on the Paga Hill scandal !
And here's some dramatic video of the incident involving Dame Carol, one real gutsy lady....
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Australia's visa process for PNG citizens strongly criticised
The President of the Australia PNG Business Council, Peter Taylor, has described Australia's visa process for Papua New Guineans as intrusive and the fees they are expected to pay as excessive and unjustifiable.
Australia's visa process for PNG citizens strongly criticised (Credit: ABC) Mr Taylor was speaking at the opening of the Australia PNG Business Forum in Brisbane this morning.
The Australian opposition coalition was also strongly critical of the visa process for PNG citizens.
Presenter: Pacific Economic and Business reporter Jemima Garrett
Speakers: Peter Taylor, President of the Australia PNG Business council; Julie Bishop Australia's Deputy Opposition leader and shadow minister for Foreign Affairs
Listen here !
GARRETT: Yes it was quite unusually really, usually business people are quite circumspect, but certainly many Papua New Guineans in the audience were nodding their heads in agreement because this has really been a very sore point for decades. Peter Taylor himself is a business heavy hitter, not only is he president to the Australia-PNG Business Council, but he's also executive chairman of Bougainville Copper and a director of Riotinto. This is some of what he had to say.
TAYLOR: These processes not only cause cost to business, but also cause great angst within the community because of the intrusive nature of the Australian Visa Application process, including requiring extensive evidence of financial capacity and support, including for business people with a record of many years of regular visits to Australia and for members of families of senior respected business people. There are some remarkable examples of senior business people being unable to travel on time for business in Australia because of these processes. There is probably no other country in which Australia visa policy processing receive so much critical scrutiny, comment, within the business community and a community at large because of the very close connections between the two countries across almost every facet of human engagement and of course our common border. Cost to business have recently been increased by introducing an additional fee to apply for a visa to Australia, a cost which in the view of business should be absorbed within the already what we consider excessive and unjustifiable visa fee of 300 Kina.
GARRETT: That was Peter Taylor, President of the Australian-PNG Business Council speaking here in Brisbane here this morning.
HILL: Well Jemima, was there any sort of a response to what Peter Taylor said from the other speakers from the conference?
GARRETT: Well, the main response actually came from Australia's deputy opposition leader and shadow foreign affairs spokesperson, Julie Bishop. She like the Business Council is calling for change.
BISHOP: It should be as easy to do business as between Australia and Papua New Guinea as it is between Australia and New Zealand and while I welcome an economic cooperation treaty, we should be aiming for a high quality full blown free trade agreement between Australia and Papua New Guinea.
If we are honoured to be the next government of this country, I most certainly commit to ensuring that we can free up the visa arrangements between Australian business people and PNG business people in particular so that we can have much easier means of doing business and investing in each other's countries. It is simply unacceptable for there to be so many bureaucratic hurdles in the way of trade and investment and in doing business across the Coral Sea.
GARRETT: That's Julie Bishop, Australia's shadow foreign affairs minister and I guess as you hear Ms Bishop gave a fairly passionate speech and it was very wide ranging. One of the other points she made was about the mining industry and on that she said she'd like to see Papua New Guineans skilled up and able to travel easily for work in the resources industry to her own state of Western Australia and also to Queensland, so I guess that gives even more impetus to this visa issue.
HILL: Jemima, this visa issues been around for quite awhile now. Why is nothing ever done regardless of whoever is in the Lodge in Canberra, nothing ever really seems to change?
GARRETT: No, it doesn't. You're quite right Bruce and I know it's been on the Business Council agenda ever since I've been going to these meetings and that goes back to the mists of time, so it is really time something was done. I think you can hear in the tone of Julie Bishop that she's really got the bit between her teeth and so possibly if there is a change of government, which the polls are suggesting will happen eventually we may well see some change.
HILL: They won't really asking for obviously just straight out visa on arrival or anything. They acknowledge obviously that when you have a developing country right next to a developed country, there obviously has to be some cheques and balances. But what they were really trying to say was for business people that go back and forth and are no risk that really shouldn't apply to them?
GARRETT: Oh no, they're talking about people in general, really they're complaining the whole process for everyone is slow, expensive and when they say intrusive, they mean people have to go through sort of humiliating lengthy details checks of things like their financial where with all. Sure it's good to be able to provide the evidence. You shouldn't have to go through very lengthy checks, so this is a big issue that applies to everyone, but business in particular, because when you have very senior business leaders being delayed for business meetings is a whole other order of problem that really does need to be dealt with.
HILL: Well obviously, Australia and PNG do a lot of business across the Torres Strait and it's only going to pick up. What other issues are they discussing at this conference?
GARRETT: Well clearly the economy was a big issue and on that one PNG's generally got a good story to tell. In fact Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was to have attended the conference. He pulled out at the last moment and he's public enterprise minister, Sir Mekere Moratau delivered his speech. And in that speech Mr. O'Neill highlighted that despite the general slowing in economic growth around the world, PNG still expected to grow at almost eight per cent this year which is really quite extraordinary. There's also been some debate in PNG about problems the government's facing possibly with the budget due to a combination of losses sustained by poor management within PNG's independent business corporation by the former minister, Arthur Somare and the fact that the government's committed to a very expensive but well received pledge of free education.
In his speech, Peter O'Neill said the losses were well he didn't mention the losses, but in fact he said there will be a budget of 10.6 billion kina and it will be balanced. He acknowledged that there are some problems in terms of rolling out the free education, but he said he expected that to be fixed soon.
HILL: I wonder if we can pick up on something that Julie Bishop mentioned, skills transfer training that kind of thing. PNG is a tremendously wealthy country but it's people aren't and they're not really able to participate in large aspects of this mining boom because they don't have the skills and we're getting a lot of people migrating to PNG with the necessary skills. Is there a sense that if Australia upskill people in PNG that would really unlock the fortunes of the country for the people to participate in?
GARRETT: Well, that's certainly true, but I think when you talk to business people, there's two sides of this. One is possibly the PNG government could have put more effort in earlier, but equally businesses could have put a bit more effort in earlier. I know the PNG-LNG project which is the big one there now has a big program, but that wasn't operating in time for all the jobs that were available to begin with to be filled by Papua New Guineans. So possibly it's something that the PNG government could look at if business won't do it. The government can always take action to sort of insist I guess.
HILL: It is creating a bit of social tension the large numbers of migrant workers are getting quite upset about it aren't they?
GARRETT: Yeah, that's true, but it's interesting to see also the number of people say in the low level villages, particularly around Port Moresby. There all getting preference on the PNG-LNG project. The other issue of course is there's a lot of landowner companies working for these projects now, but unless they get the support to really upskill themselves, when the project finishes, they're left with nothing. What they need to do is get to the stage where they can start taking other contracts and you particularly see this with people like say Misima where there's been no development for the people there since that mine closed. If they'd had the managed to get to the level where they were contracting in Port Moresby, they would have been able to do that and I know that's what other landowner companies are trying to do, but that's a big ask going from nothing to being able to deal with the world's biggest corporations.
Source: Post-Courier
Susuve puts hand up
A NON-Bougainvillean has voluntarily raised his hand to form a committee to raise funds for Arawa High School in Central Bougainville.
Joel Susuve, from Gulf, is an ex-student of Arawa High School.
He completed his grade 10 in 1980.
Mr Susuve in an interview last Thursday, said that the school was one of the oldest in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and has produced a lot of good leaders who are now holding key positions in the country.
He said that he had the idea from a recent media report, that the member for central Bougainville and Minister for Communication Jimi Miringtoro is on a fundraising drive to raise funds for the school.
And in doing so the minister has already kick-started the drive by presenting some computers to the school.
He said this is a good move shown by the leader.
Now it is time for the people who benefited from the school to give something back to the school.
He said that he is voluntarily raising his hands to form a committee and be coordinator of the committee to raise funds for the school.
He said that the school produced a lot of vibrant leaders like MP for North Bougainville Lauta Atoi and others holding key positions in the region and throughout Papua New Guinea. These former students are called upon to come together to help support the development of the school.
The funds that will be raised will be to rebuild the school, build classrooms, buy library books, computers and other necessary items. He is calling on business houses in Bougainville and throughout the country to come forward to help in cash or kind.
Those who are interested to form the committee and to support can call Mr Susuve on 325 7855 or 76825643 or email him on
Source: ESBC Research
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Autonomous Bougainville Government President Chief JOHN MOMIS is calling on the National Coordination office for Bougainville Affairs
(NCOBA) to pull up its socks and perform its role as the facilitator of programs, activities and issues concerning Bougainville.
PRESIDENT MOMIS yesterday told a Press conference in Buka
that he was not happy with the performance of the Office which was created to
support and mediate between the ABG and the National Government on issues
affecting the region and the Peace process on Bougainville.
He blamed the NCOBA for not facilitating the Joint Supervisory Body meeting which discusses amongst other things draw down of
powers to the ABG.
President Momis said that he wants the office to be proactive in its activities and fast track outstanding issues that needs to be
discussed by the Joint Supervisory Body meeting.
New Dawn FM understands that the last JSB meeting in Rabaul was cancelled after the technical team from the National Government failed to
meet the Bougainville team in Rabaul.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Two sitting members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives will
vacant their seats to run as candidates in the Coming Papua New Guinea National
They are the member for Hagogohe and former Minister for Peace and Reconciliation, ROBERT HAMAL SAWA and the member for Kongara and former Minister for Primary Industry
in the last House, DOMINIC ITTA.
Robert HamalSawa will be contesting the North Bougainville Open seat currently held by
LAUTA ATOI whilst DOMINIC ITTA would be contesting the Central Bougainville
Open seat currently held by the Communication minister, JIMMY MIRINGTORO.
Both leadershave committed themselves to working with the Autonomous Bougainville
Government if voted into parliament.
The ABG’s Bulletin member’s update has reported that the two are yet to inform the Speaker in
writing regarding their resignations.
Writs for the PNG General elections would be issued on Friday May 18th, 2012
at 4pm.
New Dawn FM understands this means that the ABG would prepare for another byelection to
fill in three seats left vacant, one following the death of the member for
LULE, PAUL MITU and two for the seats vacated by these two members.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
World Vision one of the development NGO’s on Bougainville will be commemorating International Family Day on Tuesday 15th May,2012 in Central Bougainville.
The family program is currently addressed under World Vision’s Education Project currently which covers the Eivo/ Torau areas of
Central Bougainville.
The Basic Education Improvement Program caters for school aged students who are not in the formal education system.
And under this program, World Vision has already established
Learning Centres in the Eivo and Torau areas who will participate on the International Family day activities.
Education Coordinator, MRS HELLEN TEVIRI told New Dawn FM today that one of the first advocacy program commemorating the day would be to
educate the Parents on their roles
towards educating their children.
Three Learning centres of VITO, MANETAI AND KANAVITU would be participating.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency is organizing a Voter Education Forum in Buka next week.
In making the announcement, Executive Director HELLEN HAKENA said that the program would be held on behalf of Transparency International.
The aim of the forum is to make aware voters on how they can assess the many candidates that would be standing for the 2012 National Elections.
Transparency International PNG advocates good and transparent elections.
The forum will be held at the Kuri Village Resort starting 9am on Thursday May 17th, 2012.
New Dawn FM understands that the PNG Ombudsman Commission completed its awareness’s on voter education throughout the region last month.
Source: PNG Attitude
Land ownership the Bougainville way
AS THE SAYING GOES, without food and water one cannot survive. If the saying also applies to land it is true to itself because it is only land that must provide food and water.
Therefore, whether through the matrilineal or patrilineal society one has to acquire and own land especially by inheritance. And this inheritance must continue for many years from generation to generation.
It is very important that the trend of ownership follow the same process. If the process is not followed it may lead to land disputes or bloodshed.
Land has a number of definitions, and the three that must be noted are the solid part of the earth surface, ground as used for farming, or a country or nation.
In Bougainville land is acquired through the matrilineal system except for Buin which is through the patrilineal system. Land is owned by a clan. Every clan must have a chief who oversees all matters relating to land. They have to make sure land is used wisely and that there is no land dispute, especially when the population is increasing.
Historically it is believed many people on Bougainville migrated from New Ireland some 28,000 years ago. Since then people have led normal lives with fishing and gardening.
Good leadership played its role in allowing people to respect land ownership by avoiding land disputes. It was a process emphasised throughout Bougainville to make sure the ownership was permanent with genuine understanding and respect from both sides.
Bougainville wants to overcome what has been experienced in PNG and other parts of the world especially Africa. It wants to control and manage land for its people.
With the establishment of its Autonomous Bougainville Government, multi-million foreign mining companies are not allowed to mine without its approval. The experience from the Panguna mine has taught Bougainville a lesson and it is very careful with its dealing with foreign companies.
For the villagers in Panguna can no longer go fishing or gardening because the land has been turned into a pit 700 feet deep under by a huge mining company.
Development in its definition means something that has been developed or development area where new industries are encouraged by government for employment and change. We have to make sure development benefits the very people who own the land. Bougainville needs development in order to progress.
Now that it has experienced the Panguna mine land dispute, negotiations have become key: negotiations to try to reach an agreement and to get over any difficulty.
Already there have been a number of negotiations in Bougainville where foreign companies are willing to establish palm oil, fishing and mining industries. Through the negotiation process, the Autonomous Bougainville Government is really making sure that the landowners are heavily involved.
In Buka no land has ever been sold to outsiders due to land shortage. Everyone continues to live on their land according to their clans. Nobody is allowed to plant cocoa or coconut or even making gardens on other people’s land.
Fishing only is common as nobody lives in the sea, but some fishing grounds may be prohibited.
In Buin experience, children follow the patrilineal process. They do not acquire land from the mother. If a Buin man marries a woman from elsewhere in Bougainville or from another province, his children still have every right to own land in Buin.
It is the father who has to make sure his children are provided land to settle now and in the future. The process still exists today and it is good to see it working well in the area.
Bougainville is still part of PNG and is the first province to achieve autonomous government status. It has three regions and 33 constituencies.
Haku Constituency, where I come from, is the most populated area due to girls getting married at an early age. As I mentioned earlier, control and management of land must be a priority and even the over populated Haku area is part of this process.
Having females in the family is most important. This is the foundation of the survival of land. Every family at least tries to have a girl in a family. It may not be useful to have males only as it would be a sign of failure to land ownership.
In fact males cannot marry in the same clan as females. But her children can return to the clan as they own the land but his children won’t.
Land is so important and valuable in Bougainville. Nobody here could survive without land and they know that. Before anything else a person must know he has land either through the matrilineal or patrilineal process.
Nobody here wants to follow what philosopher Karl Marx experienced in his home country, Germany, where the rich were getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Here, everyone wants to be equal.
* Simon Garana (59) was born at Lemankoa on Buka in Bougainville. He is a former Chief Executive Officer of the Division of Information, Culture and Tourism with the Bouganiville Administration. Before that he was a primary school teacher, high school teacher and a lecturer at the Divine Word University in Madang. He holds a Bachelor of Education degree and a Diploma in Education Planning, both from UPNG. He is now retired
Source: Pacific Media Centre
PNG: Bougainville President calls for media independence
by Natalie Lavi *
PORT MORESBY (Divine Word University / Pacific Media Watch): President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville John Momis said he was happy that the media in PNG has been challenged by politicians and by the events happening in the country.
President Momis was the keynote speaker at the Media Freedom Day celebrations at Divine Word University last week.
He said he believes PNG is in a favourable time despite the many problems and hardships the country faces, but in order to preach the good news, the media must know and be imbued with the good news.
Call for independence
He said sometimes the media was being manipulated structurally by powerful people and by money, and ironically those in power were placed there by the very people they exploit.
“So what hope is there for the resource owners, for the villagers, to have a say when the media is being manipulated by those in power?”
He called on the media to be independent in their roles.
“The media itself must be imbued with the right values. What are these values? The values have been enshrined in the PNG Constitution,” he said.
The theme for the celebration was “challenges to the media in a new environment”.
Accountability ‘for the people’
Well-known PNG blogger Martin Namorong said the free press had a role in ensuring accountability to Papua New Guinea’s national goals and directive principles as enshrined in the constitution.
“If we are to talk about media freedom, we are to talk about creating enabling mechanisms for the purposes of defending our people and promoting and preserving our Papua New Guinean ways.”
The university students celebrated the event with speeches, games and entertainment depicting the importance of the media.
Their event was sponsored by the National Literacy Awareness Secretariat (NLAS) and began on Thursday afternoon with a float around Madang town.
Placards with bold statements “Stopim birua long ol niusman-meri” and “Stop police brutality on journalists” were displayed by students on the float.
Journalism heroes remembered
PNG journalism heroes, the late Robyn Sela and Yehiura Hriehwazi, were also remembered.
Robyn Sela was an investigative journalist with the Post-Courier and graduate of the University of Papua New Guinea. In 2003 Sela was assaulted and threatened by a soldier for her reports on the then Defence Force Secretary who was under investigation for improper conduct.
Yehiura Hriehwazi was one of Papua New Guinea’s leading professional journalists who advocated for strong investigative journalism. Hriehwazi was also a founding member of the Pacific Freedom Forum.
Chairman of the Media Freedom Day Committee Fabian Hakalits asked all present at the event to stand up and observe a minute of silence in respect of the two reporters.
Speaking also at the event was Dilen Doiki from Yumi Piksa, a local visual community action project in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
The Yumi Piksa project of the Creative and Social Media Centre at the University of Goroka received the UNESCO Divine Word University Communication and Development Award.
There were also students from the Health Management, Tourism and Hospitality, Business Studies Departments as well as Tusbab Secondary School in attendance.
The programme ended in the evening with the presentation of awards to participating departments and the trophies to the winning sports teams.
* Natalie Lavi is a Divine Word University journalism student.
Source: The National
Warning for Semoso’s lawyer
A DEFENCE lawyer has been warned by the tribunal hearing the alleged misconduct in office of Bougainville MP Fidelis Semoso not to contradict himself.
Lawyer Charles Mende, in a notice served previously at the tribunal, said he did not object to Ombudsman Commission’s case officer Richard Pagen giving evidence at the tribunal.
But when Pagen appeared on Wednesday before the tribunal, Mende objected to some of the affidavits brought in by Pagen and asked the tribunal to adjourn to yesterday so that he could go through the affidavits.
Justice Salatiel Lenalia told Mende he was putting Pagen in an awkward position.
The tribunal was already in the process of marking the affidavits submitted by Pagen when Mende stood up to object to one of the affidavits.
Justice Lenalia told Mende he was contradicting his position.
Mende claimed some of those affidavits were not from Pagen.
He said Pagen was not the appropriate person to bring the affidavits authored by other people including the chief Ombudsman Chronox Manek.
He said persons who authored the affidavits had to appear in person and give their affidavits to the tribunal.
“This is in compliance with the rule of giving evidence,” he said.
But State Prosecutor Anthony Kupmain argued that Pagen was the right person to bring in affidavits including those authored by others because he was the case officer investigating this matter.
The tribunal plans to relocate to Buka to allow witnesses there to give evidence.
The hearing is expected to take two weeks in Buka and is expected to be completed by May 25, 2012.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
New report says PNG government dominated by corruption
A wide-ranging investigation in Papua New Guinea has found the machinery of government is dominated by a corrupt, self-serving "mobocracy".
New report says PNG government dominated by corruption (Credit: ABC) The result won't surprise many locals but the Prime Minister says the investigation's report is an important step in tackling the problem.
Presenter : Liam Fox
Speakers : Sam Koim, chairman,Task Force Sweep; Peter O'Neill, PNG Prime Minister
Listen here !
Source: The National
Buin school gets vehicle
TRANSPORTATION problems faced by Buin Secondary School, in South Bougainville, will be a thing of the past following the delivery of a new Toyota Landcruiser to the administration last week.
The vehicle was bought by South Bougainville MP and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Steven Pirika Kamma and was officially handed to the school last Friday.
Schools principal Tony Malamo said the presentation of the vehicle to the school was not a mistake.
“Minister, the initiative is your own dream where you are implementing your own vision guided by your own wisdom by equipping the different public institutions in South Bougainville open electorate,” he said.
“On behalf of the students, members of the teaching staff, our ancillary staff, the school board and the school administration I would like to acknowledge your leadership.
“Today we are here to witness the reality of your dreams by presenting this vehicle to the school in front of our students, parents, members of our staff, guests and the community.
“Thank you for your contribution to education. Your presentation of the vehicle to the school will indeed bring a change in the lives of our students, staff members and the school administration,” Malamo said.
Deputy principal Lillian Watakapure said they would look after the vehicle.
Kamma challenged students and staff to look after the vehicle.
He said he had bought the vehicle because he saw that it would help in the smooth operations of the school.
He said if they damaged the vehicle no others would be given to the school.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Members called onto be productive
By Tapo Tovilu
A prominent figure in Bougainville Jared Sinato has called on all current members to use this time leading up to the elections wisely.
He called on members to complete all outstanding projects in their individual areas with the little time they have.
He says that if the members leave without completing projects in their electorates their people are the ones who will suffer the most.
He says that Bougainville is developing and whatever projects that are being done must be completed for Bougainville to move.
He has called on all members to also look at the possibility that they might not be re-elected and must complete all outstanding projects.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Women encouraged to join BWIB
By Tapo Tovilu
Women all over Bougainville have been encouraged and challenged to join the Bougainville Women in Business.
Organization President Mana Sahoto says that the organization created to empower women economically is a way forward for women to contribute to the economy of Bougainville.
She says that any woman whether you are in business or not can join the organization to empower and strengthen women in the region.
She also added that the organization is targeting 1000 members and is working to secure more funding from donor agencies, politicians and other organizations.
She also thanked BWIB patron Elizabeth Burain on a K2000 donation to the organization for it to move forward.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Women in business a women’s organization formed in 2000 to empower women in the region economically has again been revived.
President of the organization, Mana Sahoto yesterday in an interview told New Dawn FM that the organization now has been properly organized and has been revived.
She says that the organization was formed following the 8 point millennium plan specifically the 8th point stating that women should be empowered economically.
She added that now with a proper structure in place they are aiming at bringing in more women with a current strength at 50 members.
The treasurer Judith Rabans added that the organization started with K10000 and will now be looking at other avenues to increase their funding.
She says that the registration fee is K300 and all women from Bougainville have been strongly encouraged to join Bougainville women in Business.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
One of the main architects of the Papua New Guinea Constitution and President of Bougainville, Chief JOHN MOMIS today warned of danger if parliamentarians continue to amend the constitution to satisfy their political agendas.
He said that the constitution was designed to give equal powers to the three arms of governments, Executive, Legislator and the Judiciary.
Chief Momis said that the Judiciary was to remain as the final arbitrator if problems arose from these three arms.
He explained that restricting the Judiciary from doing its role was like cutting one arm of the democratic system which has continued to held the people of Papua New Guinea during the past 37 years.
President Momis said that looking at the way things are going Papua New Guinea was entering a very dangerous trend.
On the question of the Judiciary siding, Chief Momis said that in a normal situation if a judge is not comfortable of hearing a case he should decide to step aside to remove any doubts from people who may think otherwise.
The ABG President called on the people of Bougainville to respect the Supreme Court as the final arbitrator as not adhering to these decisions would get us into more problems.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS today called on the people Bougainville to vote good leaders in the coming PNG general Elections.
He made these remarks during a press conference in Buka this morning.
Chief Momis said that the people should vote for leaders who would people first instead of themselves.
The ABG President said that the timing was very crucial and these leaders would be in the position to support the ABG prepare for Referendum between 2015 and 2020.
He said that the National Parliamentarians must support the ABG in the drawing down of powers, sourcing of funds and quick release of the One Hundred Million Development grants.
President Momis said that the level of collaboration between our current members have been poor resulting in Bougainville missing out or getting funds very late.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Autonomous Bougainville Government President, CHIEF JOHN MOMIS says that the ABG in collaboration with the Divine Word University in Madang would be setting up an University Campus on Bougainville for the people of Bougainville to study on Bougainville without leaving their homes.
He told a news conference in Buka today after returning from Madang this week.
ABG President was invited by the Divine Word University to talk on the Media Freedom Day last week.
He said that education was a priority of the Autonomous Bougainville Government therefore agreements have being signed by both parties to set the Learning centre as soon as possible.
Chief MOMIS said that they were looking at the possibility of using the latest technology using the internet to interact between the lecturers and the students.
The ABG President said that a Chinese Communication company ZTE has been engaged by the Government of China to help the ABG set up its communication system in the region.
New Dawn FM understands that these satellite systems can be utilized by institutions such as the universities to send in their learning materials to their students on Bougainville.
Source: PNG Attitude
Task Force Sweep says PNG is a corrupt 'mobocracy'
CORRUPTION IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA's government departments has become institutionalised, where illegality and secrecy is sanctioned to the extent that the nation is now a "mobocracy".
That's what the government of PNG has been told by its corruption watchdog, Task Force Sweep, which today handed its final report on its seven-month investigation into malpractice across government agencies.
"Generally our investigations have revealed a very frightening trend of corruption in this country," taskforce chairman Sam Koim said.
"The level of corruption has migrated from sporadic to systematic and now to institutionalisation, where government institutions are dominated by corrupt people who orchestrate corruption using lawful authorities.
"Institutions that are supposed to practice openness and provide check and balance are now becoming a secrecy haven, where they sanction illegality and secrecy."
Describing corrupt officials as a mob, Mr Koim said they had turned PNG from a constitutional democracy into a mobocracy.
The full report has yet to be made public, but Mr Koim said 20 politicians will be referred to the ombudsman commission for further investigation, while 24 public servants had been suspended for "facilitating or benefiting from corruption".
Mr Koim also said more than 10 lawyers will be referred to the PNG law society for investigation.
Source: Post-Courier
Ship arsonists to be arrested
By Fabian Gatana
THOSE involved in the burning of the three Rabaul Shipping vessels in Buka will be arrested and charged for arson.
Chief Inspector Cletus Tsien said that a dialogue has been established with the parties involved to give themselves up and face the law to which they have agreed. He added that those who also aided one way or another in providing petrol, food, etc will also be brought in and charged as accomplices to the crime.
“Everyone who is involved must feel the pinch of the law for their actions – they have shown a good responsible attitude by agreeing to turn themselves in,” he said.
He also said that the vessels still remain the legal property of Peter Sharp and Rabaul Shipping and any talks of the vessels to be sold as scrap metal is illegal.
He said that he is currently holding talks with the Autonomous Bougainville Administration to arrange with Mr Sharp to come to Bougainville and retrieve his vessels.
Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Tsien has appealed to Bougainvilleans to be and act responsibly when consuming alcohol. He said there is a rise in public consumption of alcohol and consumption of alcohol on motor vehicles.
He said last week two drunken males were run over by a drunk driver at Gohi Village in Selau when they were lying on the road and has cautioned Bougainvilleans to be cautious of their actions.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville police ready for poll awareness
By Fabian Gatana
Bougainville police are ready to carry out their pre-election awareness programs and policing operations.
Chief Inspector Cletus Tsien said that 12 police personnel from the three regions in Bougainville have been selected to carry out pre-election awareness programs together with representatives from the churches in areas identified as ‘hot spots’ in each region.
Chief Inspector Tsien said that according to their schedule, awareness operations would take two weeks beginning next week followed by a further two weeks of pre-election operations.
He said during pre-election operations intelligence would also be gathered from these hot spots and analysed and ascertained whether these areas need more attention or whether the situation in these areas had been contained.
But the Chief Inspector reassured Bougainvilleans that there is no immediate threat of disruptions to the elections.
“We have proven time and time again both with the ABG and previous national elections that Bougainvilleans like to take ownership of their elections so there is no immediate threat,” he said.
He said that the Bougainville Police Service will still be using the same police man-power used in the previous elections which includes 179 regular officers and 350 Community Auxiliary Police (CAPs) officers.
Moreover, Ieta villagers with the assistance of the Bougainville Police Service have established a neighbourhood watch program to help curb the growing law and order issues arising from their area and the Buka town area.
Ieta chiefs, women and youth representatives have taken the initiative to tackle lawlessness in their area and are negotiating for reconciliations to take place between disgruntled parties.
Meanwhile, police have confiscated weapons from those who have them in their possession.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso’s case continues
THE Leadership Tribunal inquiring into allegations of misconduct in office by the Regional member for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso (pictured) is now in its trial proper stages.
Yesterday the state began its case by summoning witnesses for cross examination and tendering of evidences against the leader.

The first witness to be summoned to the witness box was former acting Prime Minister Sir Dr Puka Temu and six others, basically to confirm correspondences that were written by them which will be used as evidence against the leader. The state will be calling up approximately 13 witnesses to make their case against the leader.
Of the 14 allegations leveled against him, he through his counsel Charles Mende has indicated during the commencement of the tribunal that 13 will be vigorously challenged because the leader denies these allegations as put to him by the State. The 14 allegations have been raised against him and are put in to five categories, on misapplication of K2.7 million, beneficiary of K470,000, personally benefiting from public funds, winning contract on false pretence and alleged assault of a woman.
The Tribunal continues this morning for the State to call more witnesses.
Source: The National
Semoso’s tribunal case may end next Friday
THE leadership tribunal hearing into the alleged misconduct in office by Bougainville regional MP Fidelis Semoso should be completed by next Friday, a lawyer him said.
In the tribunal hearing yesterday, seven witnesses appeared before the tribunal comprising Justice Salatiel Lenalia and assisted by senior magistrates Ignatius Kurei and Nerrie Eliakim.
On Nov 19, 2008, Semoso had written a letter to Sir Puka Temu, who was then acting prime minister, requesting for funds for a number of projects on Bougainville.
Abau MP Sir Puka, who appeared as the first witness yesterday, then wrote a letter on Nov 28, 2008, to Patrick Pruaitch, requesting him to release funds for a number of projects on Bougainville including the construction of the South Bougainville feeder roads, water supply and treatment and a hospital.
Sir Puka told the tribunal that as acting prime minister and chairman of the joint supervisory body responsible for building Bougainville at the time, he asked Pruaitch in a letter to direct funds following the request by Semoso.
The Department of Treasury and National Planning, after having gone through the letter and a proposal submitted by Semoso requesting the funds, approved K4.1 million cheque to implement projects on Bougainville as proposed.
However, Semoso was alleged to have misappropriated part of the money earmarked for the South Bougainville feeder road projects.
Source: Radio Nwe Zealand International
30 students from Bougainville will soon head to Philippines for study
Thirty students in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville leave next week to begin university study in Cebu in the Philippines from next month.
Organizer, Nick Peniai, says the project, initiated by the president of the autonomous Bougainville government, John Momis, aims to have as many students as possible in Philippines universities and technical schools to raise skills across different sectors.
The New Dawn website reports Mr Peniai saying that under the current training system Bougainvilleans take years to qualify and the province has not got time to play around.
He says Bougainville needs to train its manpower for fields that are immediately needed with plans to develop businesses in Bougainville.
Source: PNG Attitude
The Bougainville crisis
A poem written by SOPHIE GARANA
Sophie Garana (55) comes from Siwai in South Bougainville. She is a retired primary school teacher who taught in Bougainville and Madang for more than 34 years. She has a Certificate in Teaching and a Diploma in Primary Teaching from the PNG Institute of Education
Creeping quietly out of my thatched roof hut
I make sure not a single noise is made
To avoid being heard by the enemy faction
Ears as sharp as a donkey
I snatch an empty basket and a knife
As blunt as a rough stone
Quickly I make my way
To the garden for the day’s portion of food.
Every movement is made with caution
For the enemy faction is ready to kill
For reasons unknown
Quickly I harvest what crop is ready
And get ready to make my way back to my hut.
As I’m loading my basket
Behind my stooped back a figure moves
Swiftly as a black crow
Among the trees and shrubs nearby.
My heart starts to beat faster than normal
And I ponder about all these happenings
Thoughts of my children
Left behind in the hut trouble me
Questions come my way
Is this the last day of my life?
Am I one of the targets?
And why?
Bang! The sound of a gun is heard nearby
Quickly I throw the basket down
Making a noise as loud as a falling dry coconut
And stumble away to the nearby bushes
Breathing even faster than usual
I try not to be heard by anyone.
As I try to comfort myself and peep amongst
The bushes in the direction of the gun fire
I feel prickles on my legs
Looking down to see what it is
I’m startled to see hundreds of ants
As many as an army of soldiers
I cannot shout though the pain
On my legs is getting worse
I have disturbed these ants
And I deserve to be bitten.
I try to move a few steps
Away from these ants
At the same time rubbing them
Off my legs but to no avail
More seem to be coming and no ending
To these insects.
In the act of doing that
I feel a hand on my
Left shoulder from the back
I cry out with great fright and run
Out to the open garden
The hand still felt on my shoulder
I cry the loudest with all my might
The cry is heard by women in the neighbouring garden
Anxious to know what it is
All run to the commotion site.
I hate to turn back and see who it is
Quickly he shouts out my name
Panno …………!
At that instant I turn around
To see who it is
My young uncle with a gun.
The frightening cry turns into a
Cry of joy joined by the women
Who ran to my shouting.
The laughter continues till the tear bags
Can give no more tears.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The proposed cocoa farmer’s rehabilitation and assistance scheme funded by the World Bank is still not clear to many cocoa farmers in the region.
The project which was aimed at reviving the cocoa industry in the region by giving small farmer assistance grants is still not yet clear to many.
Concerned farmers and cocoa buyers have questioned the, project asking at what stage it’s at in terms of its implementation.
From the ground currently it is not clear who or which department is carrying out the assistance program in the region.
Farmers have called on the relevant authorities to deal with the issue and create more awareness on the criteria which farmers must meet.
New Dawn FM’s attempts for comments from the authorities were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Women called to unite
By Tapo Tovilu
The women of Bougainville have been urged to unite for the upcoming National General Elections if they want to have more women in the ABG.
A public women’s figure in Buka made these comments showing concern at the division in different women’s groups in the region.
She says that if the women of Bougainville are serious in making a difference in the region their differences created by the different groups should be left behind.
She says that women in the region have the power numerically to vote more women into the ABG.
She added that women know the suffering in the region and will be very critical in the issues of Bougainville.
She called on the women to become one in the community so that they can make a difference in the region for a better future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Schools becoming a concern
By Tapo Tovilu
The current trend of new schools being created in Buka has raised concern among parents and other members of the public.
A concerned parent has come out openly about the issue saying that these new schools being created have not yet commenced operation.
She says that the school year has already commenced and does not understand what or when these schools are going to begin.
She says that these schools make a lot of money due to the high school fees, where an individual’s fees exceed K1000.
She is calling on the relevant authorities to look into the issue and also to check whether these schools have the right papers to operate in the region.
She says that under the ABG laws no outside business must be stand-alone but must operate in a partnership if it wishes to operate in Bougainville.
She also pointed out that its trainer’s must also be checked whether they are certified and whether they are registered to operate.
She says that our children’s education is very important as they will be the future leaders of Bougainville in the years to come.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Election awareness important
By Tapo Tovilu
More awareness has been called for by a senior public figure in Buka town to help the people better understand the election procedures.
The Figure told New Dawn FM today that as many are ready to go to the poles they must be fully aware of what the elections procedures are.
For centres like Buka and Arawa he says is ok but the other remote areas in south and Central Bougainville where the people are still not aware must be reached.
He says the purpose of an awareness before the elections is so that people who are about to vote know what to do and how it is done during voting.
He has called on the electoral commission to go ahead with the planned awareness before the elections commence in June.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Two killed at Selau
By Tapo Tovilu
Two members of the Mekamui fraction yesterday were run over by a truck believed to be owned by Agmark Limited in Kokopau.
From Sources the two allegedly drunk were sitting beside the road as the accident occurred.
Witnesses says that the truck which was about to overtake another vehicle on the road hit the two instantly killing them
New Dawn FM understands that on reports have yet been released by police on the two victims.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BDA houses nearing completion
By Tapo Tovilu
Two houses costing nearly K100, 000 are nearing completion in preparation of the move by the Border Development Authority and Customs to Buin.
The move which is for the purpose of monitoring of the border of Bougainville and Solomon Islands will commence after the completion of the houses and office.
John Reia from the Border Development Authority says that work is still ongoing on the houses.
He says that the inspections were done a week ago and both houses certified by health and safety.
He says the border posts which are still under construction by and Indian company has not yet been completed.
John says that the move willhelp the work of the Border Development Authority to better provide to the people of Bougainville its services.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
As the countdown to the issue of Writs for the National Election draws near a lot of things are happening behind the scenes as intending candidates start to strategies for the coming elections.
New Dawn FM has noticed three lots of people emerging as the countdown to the Issue of writs draw near.
First group of people have become Santa Clauses with last minute deliveries of goods and services whilst the second groups are trying to make their presence felt in their communities whilst the third group are just trying their luck.
In Bougainville there is also another group that become candidates in all elections.
Yesterday in Arawa, New Dawn FM was able to witness a Training program organized by one of the hot favourites in the coming election for the Central Bougainville seat and former UNDP Coordinator, JUSTIN BORGIA run a workshop to educate his team on how they can approach the challenges ahead.
The team that received training came from Panguna, Wakunai, Koromira, North and South Nasioi and the Eivo areas.
The training mainly educated the team on how they can identify a quality leader based on Ombudsman Commission’s guideline of voting for a good leader.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New era for music in Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The bench mark set by famous musicians in Bougainville has been given as a challenge to young upcoming musicians.
The challenge was made by one of Bougainville’s current musicians who is involved heavily the support and bring up of new music talents.
While issuing the challenge he also has called for young musicians to stop the damaging trendof using digital effects in their recordings.
He encouraged upcoming musicians to familiarise themselves with manual playing and mustering instruments.
He added that when it came to a live performance they would not sound as good as they were to play instruments.
He says that he will be involved in an awareness program for better understanding true music in all forms.
He also supported a story run by New Dawn FM on the proposed project of setting up a proper recording studio for Musicians in Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
More funding for schools
By Tapo Tovilu
More funding has been called for especially for schools in the remote areas of Bougainville.
This came from a former educationalist in Bougainville after witnessing firsthand the lack of infrastructure and materials for students in the rural areas.
He says that as Bougainville is moving towards referendum more should be done to build up our human resource.
He says that basic education in all areas is important as it will be the benchmark for a better stronger human resource in the future.
He made the call to the education department to design a program where schools in remote areas received more to help build their infrastructure.
He says despite the current hardships faced by many departments in terms of funding the priority must be given to building up our human resource.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Residents of the former Bougainville Capital, Arawa Town have been without electricity since last Friday and will continue to stay that way until fuel is supplied by the PNG POWER’s contractor to supply fuel delivers for the two diesel generators.
And disappointed power users told New Dawn FM in Arawa yesterday that since PNG POWER was switched on in Arawa there has been constant blackouts and this has made business houses and even residents loose money on freezer goods.
They said that PNG POWER has brought false hope to the residents of Arawa town but it has since not delivered quality service.
New Dawn fm understands the recent burning of the Rabaul Shipping’s Kopra boats may be one of the contributing factor in the fuel shortage both at the BUIN TOWN and Arawa Town power plants.
One of the Kopra vessel’s was the main carrier of Fuel and Gas supplies to the Autonomous Region before the burning.
Source: Post-Courier
NGI all set for the polls
ALL is set for the New Guinea Islands to go into the polls with the issue of writs set for May 18.
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville confirmed that all Common Rolls for North and South Bougainville were already sent to Port Moresby over the weekend after completion of quality checks.
Election Manager Reitama Tarauaru said that checks for Central Bougainville was delayed after a killing incident in the Kongara where electoral officials were advised not to go as the situation was still tense.
He said that he has given an extra two days for quality checks to be done before the Common Rolls should be sent to Port Moresby by end of this week.
Mr Tarauaru said that awareness by civil society groups and police was still continuing while training for assistant returning officers already completed.
New Ireland has reported that it was still waiting to receive Preliminary Rolls from Port Moresby for Namatanai district to conduct quality checks, which should be expected by this week and send back. Provincial Election Manager Edward Konu said that Kavieng district was already completed waiting for the Principal Rolls to be issued from Port Moresby.
Mr Konu said that they were yet to conduct training for assistant returning officers for both Namatanai and Kavieng with maintenance work to be done on counting venues.
Pakop Taian Pasangat in Manus said that all Common Rolls were already completed and sent to Port Moresby.
He said that training for the 12 assistant returning officers from the 12 local level government council areas should start soon.
He said that he has 21 polling teams with two policemen each to a team with awareness from youth groups, community policing, and the civil society organisations, still ongoing.
East New Britain has completed all Common Rolls for the four districts which were already sent to Port Moresby.
Provincial Election Manager Terence Hetinu said that training for assistant returning officers should be done tomorrow for Kokopo, Rabaul and Gazelle districts, while Pomio would be conducted over the weekend.
Efforts to talk to the provincial election manager for West New Britain were unsuccessful.
Source: Post-Courier
Advice to candidates
INTENDING candidates must be well versed in the country’s political history.
This was emphasised by Dr Henry Okole during an election forum, funded by the East New Britain administration to educate intending candidates on the challenges awaiting them and what was expected of them should they win the elections.
Dr Okole and counterpart Dr Alphonse Gelu were invited to speak to intending candidates for the four open seats in the province and the provincial seat.
Dr Okole challenged intending candidates at the Vunapope Catholic Hall yesterday that they must know and would have to deal with the history of PNG should they get voted into parliament.
He said one important thing candidates should really understand was the Constitution.
He challenged all those that gathered to fully understand the political fallout over the last nine months so when they go into parliament, they should be able to deal with it.
“This election will make a difference. If we do not change, we are finished,” Dr Okole said.
He informed the candidates that some of the issues that they should be fully aware of and deal with included the Liquefied Natural Gas Project, saying this would not only affect the Highlands region, Gulf and Central provinces but the whole nation as the benefits would be shared nationwide.
Another important issue, he said, was the Referendum on Bougainville which is scheduled for 2015 and 2020. Bougainville is to gain full independence between this period. Provinces such as New Ireland and East New Britain are also pushing for autonomy.
Others include the issue on two separate provinces, Hela and Jiwaka and the talk on forming a new Sepik Central province, and the political situation in the country, starting from August 2011.
Source: ESBC Research
2 new Momis interviews!
Source: Radio New Zealand International
More grim testimony at PNG’s Rabaul Queen inquiry
Survivors have been detailing the grim conditions on the Rabaul Queen as the inquiry into the Papua New Guinea ferry disaster continues.
The death toll from the tragedy has estimated at more than 200.
The commission of inquiry has finished sitting in Buka in Bougainville and will next convene in Kimbe.
Don Wiseman reports.
“A key concern for investigators has been to try and establish whether the ship was overloaded. Survivors have told of how packed the vessel was, with many people forced to sit on the floor, unable to stretch out and not willing to leave their places for fear of losing them. This despite the heavy rain affecting the open upper decks. Mary Jane Paha talked of passengers taking turns to sleep because of the lack of room. Mekevi Havia told the commission that passengers and their luggage should be weighed before they board the ship. He also says crew need to better trained and more professional than those he encountered on the Rabaul Queen. Mitchell Denesius Tepon, whose brother his wife and their daughter lost their lives in the disaster, says he’d been sleeping when the disaster began with crew yelling for passengers to try and balance the ship. The vessel had been listing but this had worsened in surging seas when the Rabaul Queen left Kimbe for Lae.”
Source: PNG Industry News
Rio returns to PNG
by Blair Price

RIO Tinto has joined the growing ranks of major miners lured to Papua New Guinea. It did not make any grand announcements on the matter but has picked up at least three tenements.
Bougainville Copper, which is about 54% owned by Rio, touched on this development in its annual general meeting last week.
“Rio Tinto Exploration has applied for and has been granted exploration licences in PNG, the first such grants of licences since the mid 1990s,” Bougainville Copper chairman Peter Taylor (pictured) said.

“This is a good indicator that Rio Tinto is looking to be an active participant in PNG’s future mineral development.”
While a Rio spokesperson is yet to respond to enquiries made last week, has been able to obtain some limited information on three licences which have been awarded to Rio.
One of them is exploration licence application 1935, known as the Dumpu licence, in the Eastern Highlands of PNG.
The other two tenements have already been granted as exploration licences.
They include EL1933, known as the Markham licence, which is in Morobe province and EL 1934 (Angoram licence) in East Sepik province.
Those two licences were probably awarded some time last year with both listed in some PNG government documentation dated in January.
Given that Rio is a heavyweight in the bulk mining game, it is likely that all of three of the licences are prospective for copper-gold opportunities.
PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum executive director Greg Anderson told that Rio’s return was a stamp of approval for the country.
Key players in PNG’s mining industry already include Barrick Gold (Porgera mine) and Newcrest Mining (Lihir mine and its joint venture with Harmony Gold at the Hidden Valley mine and the exciting Wafi-Golpu project).
At the exploration stage, Xstrata Copper is advancing the Frieda River copper-gold project while Brazilian mining giant Vale struck a JV with explorer Goldminex over various Owen Stanley Ranges porphyry copper-gold tenements last year.
Outside of industry speculation that Anglo American has shown interest in PNG opportunities in recent years, Rio’s iron ore rival BHP Billiton did make a substantial effort to pick up a variety of tenements in PNG last year before pulling out of ELA negotiations this year.
“We did consider exploration for copper in the country but elected not to for a number of reasons including our ability to deliver on our commitment of world-class health, safety, environment and community performance,” a BHP spokesperson told last month.

There has been industry concern over some of the other possible “reasons” behind BHP’s change of heart in PNG but BHP would not reveal its confidential discussions with governments.
There is also an interesting contrast in the fortunes of the recent PNG endeavours made by Rio and BHP.
Rio’s past operation of the troubled Panguna mine on Bougainville Island appears to have caused no major issues in regards to winning new tenements in PNG.
BHP did not receive such treatment. Last year John Pundari, who was the mining minister before the demise of the Somare government in August, released a barrage of criticism against the environmental damage caused by BHP’s past operation of the Ok Tedi mine.
Source: The National
Opportunities for nationals to invest
INVESTMENT in shares of companies operating in PNG provides a real time opportunity for nationals to share in the mining and resources growth, which is now attracting international investment interest.
This was the thrust of a public shares and investment seminar conducted by licensed stockbroker, Kina Securities Ltd, at the Holiday Inn in Port Moresby last Friday.
It attracted more than 200 people.
KSL chief executive officer Syd Yates said PNG investment opportunities were attracting major investment from international companies to further develop the resources and agricultural industries of PNG.
“PNG is now a recognised global player with an important role in the global recovery programme following the disastrous financial crisis of 2008,” Yates said.
“The positive outcome from the global financial crisis (GFC) was the emergence of new developing nations such as China, India and Malaysia – who seized the opportunity to enter the international markets to obtain resources to fuel their own internal economic growth and development.
“As a result, the resources of PNG and other South Pacific targets were identified with the potential to supply a full range of resources for these emerging economies and as a result, major projects have been commenced.”
These major projects require funding and the opportunity to join with companies involved by investing in their shareholdings, which is a very practical option for PNG nationals to share in the growth of the nation’s prosperity opportunities.
“Many PNG nationals will gain employment from these projects which include the giant PNG LNG project and a number of spin-off energy development opportunities which are emerging following further exploration,” Yates said.
“To explore and develop these projects require the creation of new infrastructure – all opportunities for existing and new companies to be part of the development programme to create transport and engineering infrastructure to support these ventures.
“For the investor, there are opportunities to share in this unprecedented growth by buying shares in the various companies involved.
“If they are internationally listed companies, these shares can be acquired through investment funds such as our own Kina Assets Management Ltd (KAML), which invests widely in local, Australian and international share and investment funds.”
Source: Post-Courier
Kina strong against US, Aust dollar
PAPUA New Guinea Kina (PGK) has appreciated significantly against the United States Dollar (US$) and Australian Dollar (A$) respectively in recent months.
The exchange rate as of last Friday May 4, PGK against US$ stands at 0.4845 and A$ at 0.4666 respectively.
According to Bank of PNG Governor Loi Bakani’s last months’ monetary policy statement in which he reflected on the developments in the balance of payments, the daily average kina exchange rate appreciated against the US dollar by 19.9 percent to US$0.4458 between the March quarter of 2011 and 28th March 2012.
Mr Bakani said the appreciation reflected high agricultural and mineral export receipts, combined with inflows related to the construction phase of the PNG LNG project.
The kina appreciated against the Australian dollar by 8.3 per cent to A$0.4276 over the same period.
The appreciation was attributed to cross currency movements, as the Australian dollar weakened against the US dollar. As a result, the Trade Weighted Index (TWI) appreciated by 12.6 percent during the same period.
The Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) also appreciated by 7.6 percent during the December quarter of 201.
Mr. Bakani said PNG’s Economic growth is estimated at 7.8% in 2012 against last year’s 8.9%.
Inflation is forecasted to drop slightly to 7.60% in 2012 while Kina currency is relatively strong to Aussie, now at 0.46 compared to 0.44 last month, predicting growth in PNG’s economy.
Mr Bakani also said that the 2012 National Budget was framed against the uncertainty in the global economy and high domestic economic activity.
The Government projects a balanced budget of K10.5 billion, with emphasis on increased spending in the priority areas of education, transport, law and order, and health, consistent with the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy (MTFS) and Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP).
The Government also projects balanced budgets for 2013 and 2014 of similar magnitude.
Public debt is projected to be 23.2 percent of GDP in 2012, compared to
24.1 percent in the 2011 revised estimates. The lower ratio is mainly due to an increase in GDP.
On the same juncture and comparing to other global markets and economies, Port Moresby Stock Exchange (POMSoX) has not been much affected by the Global Economic Crisis recently because of the growth in economic activities within the country.
THE Kina Securities Limited (KSL) shares manager Rick Tan has revealed this in a recent seminar held at Holiday Inn, Port Moresby.
“Large scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) investments are still a major push for local mineral resource projects and the economy,” Mr Tan said.
The global meltdown has rid almost $2.1 trillion in asset value worldwide in the recent years.
Global growth is projected to drop from about four percent in 2011 to about 3.5 percent in 2012 because of weak activity.
Global prospects are gradually strengthening again, but downside risks still remain.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainvilleans take rights over resources
BOUGAINVILLE has once again created history by taking ownership of their natural resources.
Five resource owner companies; Isina Resources Holdings, Pakasiapan Resources Ltd, Avaipa Resources Ltd, Baunapa Resources Ltd and Eruupia Resources Ltd have all signed Partnership Agreements with Morumbi Resources of Canada with a 15 percent carried interest.
Vice Chairman of Isina Resources Holdings and former Bougainville Revolutionary Army General Sam Kauona took time to explain how it will work in Bougainville so foreign investors could understand.
"Morumbi Resources of Canada is my partner and they are registered on the Toronto stock Exchange,” he said.
Isina Resources Holdings and the other four Landowner Companies behind Morumbi have to make everything condusive for investors to have faith in Morumbi Resources on the public market on its PNG and Bougainville operations.
“The proceeds of the market will be used for exploration and other social impact projects on the island.”
Once we get our Exploration Licences, each Landowner company will be given additional shares"." Morumbi Resources is our Partner but we become shareholders in our partnership", Mr Kauna said.
He said the Bougainville Government will adopt and honour the current Moratorium on the Island for the best interest of Bougainville people.
“Section 23 of our Constitution gives us the ultimate rights of resources ownership and the resource owner company will be the only company that will apply for exploration licence". Mr Kauona said.
The former BRA General stated that, the landowner owner companies will decide who their foreign partner will be and the moratorium will only be lifted in respective areas where resource owner companies decide to do exploration in their areas.
Isina Resource Holdings limited have already registered its exploration activity with the Autonomous Bougainville Governnment (ABG) two months ago,and are waiting for their exploration license. There will be a paradaa, (lifting of local moratorium) at the end of this month in Isina area and exploration will start.
Three other resource owner companies are working on their exploration registration papers and will submit to the Bougainville Mining Department by the end of this month. They too will lift their moratorium on their time and call. The ABG has to have it's tax policies and legislation in place.
Source: ESBC Research
Noah Musingku and his criminal network !

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Visitors from the Philippines to Bougainville Copper's Panguna Mine Site !

Picture of the team from the Philippines arriving in Buin

The Philippine group posing for this Tapo Tovilu at Kangu Wharf in Buin. Background is Solomon Islands

Philippine group visit the Bougainville Copper's Panguna Mine site
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Meanwhile, selected students that have missed out from the first batch of students to study in the Philippines have another six months to prepare for the second semester that starts in November.

Coordinator for the Philippine Study and CEO for Peace and Reconciliation Division NICK PENIAI (pictured) made these comments in Buka today.
He said that those selected but did not make it this time can still go in November.
MR. PENIAI said that his division intends to send at least two hundred students every year and by the next five years about a thousand Bougainvilleans have been trained in the Philippines I various fields.
On the question why the Education division is not handling this program, MR. PENIAI said that this was a political program spearheaded by the ABG President under the Ministry of Peace and Reconciliation and will remain that way in the initial phase of the program.
He said the Education division has been informed and would play a major role in other programs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Thirty Bougainville students have met the requirements to attend Universities in Cebu Philippines at the start of first semester in June this year.
These are from the two hundred students approved by the selection committee to attend classes starting this year.
Organizer for the CEBU study program and Chief Executive Officer for the Division of Peace AND Reconciliation Division, MR. NICK PENIAI announced this on New Dawn FM today.
He said that the project initiated by ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS intends to send many students to learn in Philippine universities and also other technical schools to increase the capacity of Bougainvillean tradesmen in different fields.
MR. PENIAI said that under the normal system training Bougainvilleans would take years and Bougainville did not have the time to play around.
He said Bougainville needs to train its manpower to take in fields that are immediately needed with plans to open big businesses on Bougainville.
MR. PENIAI said that the first thirty participants would leave Bougainville on 18th May and travel on the same day to Manila then Cebu.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A village chief from Kiavu in the Tonsu constituency, Severinus Tatou today called on the ABG member for Tonsu, JOEL BANAM to fulfil commitment he made to his people during the last Tonsu Byelection.
Chief TATOU said that his people were still waiting for the member to visit them as he promised.
The chief told New Dawn FM that his people have been neglected by TONSU COE for many years and are very concerned.
He said Since Tonsu COE was formed they have been paying head taxes, licences for trade stores however his Kiavu village have not benefited at all.
Chief TATOU recalled receiving Roofing iron and two tanks when they were under the PEIT COE earlier on.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BCL posts K3.7m loss in 2011
By Tapo Tovilu
Bougainville Copper limited yesterday announced a loss of K3.7 million in 2011 compared to an anticipated K7.3million.
Chairman Peter Taylor yesterday also announced that due to the loss BCL will not pay dividends.
This was announced at the annual Bougainville Copper limited meeting in Port Moresby yesterday.
Mr Taylor says due to the loss recorded and the need to preserve cash for future development the company will not pay a dividend.
He also says that there are positive changes ongoing in Bougainville especially with the Panguna mine landowners.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neil had confirmed in parliament that BCL by right of the Bougainville Copper Agreement was permitted to operate at Panguna for a further 21years from 2011.
He also confirmed that support from local stakeholders has been substantial in the process of moving forward.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
CPB awareness called to continued
By Tapo Tovilu
Since the devastating effects of the cocoa pod bora, the output of cocoa in the region has declined dramatically.
This sharp drop in the amount of Bougainville’s cocoa exported each year has costed many farmers their cocoa crops.
A village leader from the Tonsu area has called for the continuous awareness programs of CPB pest control and block management.
He says since their initial awareness in the heavily parts of the region block management and control has been successful in preventing more damage.
He has called onDPI to continue with its awareness programs in the areas of north and parts of central were the pest has affected.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Israelis to visit Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
An Israeli delegation will be visiting Bougainville on Thursday for the discussion with the ABG for possible investment opportunities.
The visit from the delegation from Israel will be the first of its kind yet from a country in the east to visit Bougainville.
The purpose of the visit will be to discuss the possible opportunities they have to offer in in vesting in whatever field they are in.
New Dawn FM understands that the team will be in Bougainville for three days and will depart on Monday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville has potential
By Tapo Tovilu
With the increasing number of investors visiting Bougainville many have praised the current government for the achievement.
A senior public servant in the ABG has commended the current government for bringing in a huge number of investors into the region.
He says that at this time Bougainville will be expecting investors into the region for investment opportunities.
Meanwhile the ABG has also being warned to tread carefully with the numerous possibilities that investors will be offering.
He says from past experience Bougainville suffered a lot from bad decisions which now must be avoided.
He also made a call to all company groups operating in the region to also consider joint ventures with these investors in their respective fields of operation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
New Dawn FM will allow campaign using radio by candidates of the coming Papua New Guinea General Elections.
In making the announcement, Manager ALOYSIUS LAUKAI said that Campaigns on Radio will be pre-recorded and must be on Policies by parties and candidates.
Backstabbing of fellow candidates will not be allowed on Radio.
The Manager said that candidates who want to make video presentations to their constituents would also be supported.
Campaign on Radio will begin after the writs have been issued and would end 24 hours before polling begins.
Persons interested can come to the office and enquire or you can call mobile number 71915292 for further assistance.
New Dawn FM understands that writs for the elections would be issued on May 18th, this year.
Source: The National
List of passengers inaccurate, inquiry told
THE missing persons’ list for Bougainville passengers on the mv Rabaul Queen was inaccurate, the commission of inquiry was told in Buka on Tuesday.
Special projects officer from the Bougainville disaster office Thomas Sansan and regional disaster coordinator Franklyn Lacey admitted to the commission that the number of missing people from the mv Rabaul Queen disaster on Feb 2 had some discrepancies.
Sansan told the commission the total number of Bougainville survivors registered was 64 while there were 43 people registered as missing.
But Sansan said the missing persons list was not correct as he believed relatives of those missing came and gave ghosts names.
“We recorded names of people who were missing but were not passengers on board the mv Rabaul Queen,” Sansan said.
Lacey admitted that he was not there personally to prepare the list with Sansan in Lae.
“I did not see any victim registration form but only saw forms that Sansan brought back with him when he came back from Lae.”
He also admitted that he did not check the accuracy of the master list and relied on his officers for the numbers of Bougainville survivors admitted.
Lacey further admitted to the commission that he did not see the missing person’s registration forms but just accepted them as been accurate.
The commission found out that he did not do any exercise on the 45 people listed as missing as the number was inaccurate because only 36 forms were completed.
Lacey said the reason was because some relatives of those missing did not come to sign the forms.
Source: The National
Relatives of missing persons receive K51,000
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville paid out K51,000 to relatives of Bougainville passengers who went missing when the mv Rabaul Queen sank on Feb 2.
Bougainville disaster co-ordinator Frankilyn Lacey was recalled to give evidence to the commission yesterday. He produced a document listing 46 names as those missing and the amounts their relatives received.
The list showed that the relatives received between K1,000 and K2,000.
The names of the Bougainville passengers declared dead are: Aaron Laden, Aaron Ruby, Rayleen Kabun, Joel Hakits, Kenneth Tepon, Lynette Tepon, Nicola Tepon, Jenevieve Tepon, Christabel Haput, Adela Korana, Pius Sale, Dessy Betsheba, Jacob Kumaiso, Lydia Moiyo, Teresita Paha, Mumai Marian, Kavia Delvin, Kavia Samuel, Kavia Selvin, Joan Elijah, Maniat Adrian, Maniat Alfred, Aaron Paina, Dalsy Paina, Junior Paina, Rebecca Paina, Steven Elma, Franklyn Tonoim, Jonita Vuruna, Junior Vuruna, Angela Kalowa, Wingslyn Kalowa, Clarice Siru, Suibui Bernette, Francisco Lugabai, Cathy Konukung, Boniface Nanou, Simon Kikira, Chris Kamuai, Daisy Kondes, Joyce Mundenala, Sandy Ositoke, Sirarui Desmond, Semmy Murray Topau, Kimikon Eric and Gerald Mike.
Source: The National
PNG to host international mining forum
PAPUA New Guinea will host an international conference of mines inspectors in September.
The conference is aimed at building a safe environment for employees working in the hazardous mining industry, apart from working together to reinforce and harmonise regulatory and legislative practices across all jurisdictions.
It will attract chief inspectors of mines from all states of Australia, New Zealand and PNG and will be held from Sept 14-18.
PNG’s chief inspector of mines Mohan Singh said the conference would be held in Madang and its primary objective was to provide a common platform to the chief regulators to share, discuss and exchange their ideas and experiences in the area of safety and health.
“We will discuss these aspects as well as our innovative ideas and practices to benefit from each other’s experiences,” he said.
Participants will travel to Lihir Gold mine on Sept 14 and to Ramu nickel mine’s Basamuk refinery in Madang on Sept 15 for field visits.
They will go back to Madang to start a closed door conference on Sept 16-18.
Source: The National
BCL keen to reopen mine
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Ltd (BCL) remains committed to reopening of the controversial Bougainville copper mine, according to chairman Peter Taylor (pictured).

He reaffirmed at BCL’s annual general meeting in Port Moresby on Tuesday that the vision to return to active exploration and profitable mining remained, with active support of local stakeholders.
“We face the coming year with enthusiasm for the tasks ahead, and anticipate good progress toward the vision of reopening the mine,” Taylor said.
“We have many initiatives in place, we believe we are ready to go, we are engaged with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the landowners, and we recognise that to a large extent, the time table rests in their good hands.
Taylor said Prime Minister Peter O’Neill had confirmed in parliament that BCL had, by right of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA), permits to operate at Panguna for a further 21 years from 2011.
“There are also encouraging indications that funding for Bougainville and the drawing down of powers to the ABG including the power to license and regulate mining will be invigorated under his government,” he said.
Taylor said several new developments had occurred which should help facilitate the re-negotiation of the BCA.
“To make things clear, the BCA is an act of the PNG national parliament, and as such, can only be modified or repealed by the parliament,” he said.
“However, it is recognised by all stakeholders including BCL, that the agreement was drawn up in times and circumstances that differ from those prevailing today, and that significant changes need to be made to accommodate the views, rights and aspirations of all stakeholders including the landowners and the people of Bougainville.
“There is widespread agreement today that Bougainville’s economic future needs mining if it is to be able to fund services for the people from its own resources, as well as address future opportunities for economic and social development.
“A re-commencement of mining at Panguna cannot take place unless all parties: the landowners, the ABG, the national government of PNG, and BCL, are acting in close accord, now and into the future.
“Funding and sovereign risk assurance for the project will require a united effort.
“There will need to be a fair and stable regulatory regime that gives investors the confidence needed to commit to a project that will cost in excess of US$3 billion.”
Source: Post-Courier
PNG to host conference
PAPUA New Guinea will play host to the Conference of Chief Inspectors of Mines from all states of Australia, New Zealand and PNG in September.
PNG’s Chief Inspector of Mines (CIM), Mohan Singh made this announcement yesterday, adding that the conference would be held in Madang and the primary objective of the Conference is to provide a common platform to the chief regulators to share, discuss and exchange their ideas and experiences in the area of safety and health.
This two day conference is aimed at building a safe environment for employees working in the hazardous mining industry, apart from the aim of working together to reinforce and harmonize regulatory and legislative practices across all jurisdictions.
“We will discuss these aspects as well as our innovative ideas and practices to benefit from each other’s experiences”, said Singh.
He said the Chief Inspectors would attend a Presentation night on Sept 13 to conclude the “National Mining Emergency Response Challenge” which is another national level event happening on Sept 12-13, in which all mining companies in the country will participate.
The Chief Inspectors would then travel to Lihir Gold Mine on September 14 and then to Ramu Nickel Mines’Basamuk refinery in Madang on Sept 15 for field visits. Having visited Basamuk, they will go back to Madang to commence a closed door conference on 16-18.
Mr Singh explained that during the field visits, the Chief Inspectors would inspect mining operations and interact with senior management of mines.
Most mining companies are expected to make presentations relating to their operations including management of health and safety issues at their sites to the Chief Inspectors.
The visitors would return to Port Moresby on September 19 before departing to their respective destinations.
The CIM said the Board of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) has allocated K150,000 to host this Conference while the entire mining industry in PNG is excited to make their own contributions to render this ‘special event’ a memorable one.
Mr Singh said the forum of Chief Inspectors was formed about 50 years ago, during which time PNG had just been an ‘observer’ until last year.
He said inclusion of PNG as a full member resulted from his attendance in previous Conferences at Melbourne and Darwin where PNG’s status as full member was argued, appreciated and acknowledged.
Source: Islands Business
PNG Politicians invest millions in Cairns
Papua New Guinea politicians who have bought properties in far North Queensland (Cairns) over the last 12 months will soon be in the spotlight when a meeting gets underway in Cairns next Wednesday.
Thu, 3 May 2012
PORT MORESBY, PNG (POST COURIER) ---- Papua New Guinea politicians who have bought properties in far North Queensland (Cairns) over the last 12 months will soon be in the spotlight when a meeting gets underway in Cairns next Wednesday. The meeting will reveal details of PNG leaders who have contributed immensely to the development of Far North Queensland (Cairns) and the positive aspects of the properties bought by the PNG elites. Cairns will soon be another “PNG city” because politicians, businessman and PNG residents in Australia are rushing to invest huge amounts of money there, purchasing properties worth millions. The number of properties purchased in Cairns since 2011 has increased and some purchases had also been done early this year. It is understood the Cairns North Registrar of Titles had compiled a report of PNG politicians who have bought properties in Cairns and the list would be detailed later next week. It is also understood six known politicians have invested in million-dollar properties up north and central Cairns to a tune of $A11.5 million (K24.5 million) — $A3.8m, $A1.9m, $A2.3m, $A2.0m and $A1.45m respectively. Early last month it was reported in the Queensland papers that PNG residents were the largest foreign investors in the Far North, according to the latest figures from the Registrar of Titles. They bought commercial, residential and other property worth $4.5 million out of $16 million of foreign purchases in the last financial year. Next on the list was the UK ($3.5 million), NZ ($2 million) and Japan ($1.9 million). Other notable buyers were from the Czech Republic (A$680,000), Greece (A$530,000), Hong Kong (A$491,470), Argentina (A$490,000) and Malaysia (A$394,300). Hong Kong residents own the largest amount of land (1116ha) followed by Belgium (492ha), the UK (352ha), Japan (278ha) and China (91ha) while UK investors own the largest number of land parcels (257) followed by Japan (214), NZ (212) and PNG (101). CBRE Cairns Managing Director Danny Betros said there had not been many large sales to PNG investors in recent times until last year. He said the last large sale was the A$19 million three-storey office building at 120 Bunda St to a PNG consortium in July 2010. The building was bought by Mineral Resources Lihir Capital Ltd, a company that receives royalties from the A$1 billion gold project on Lihir Island, and invests in property and other concerns on behalf of the community. In May last year, a PNG family’s first foray into the Far North’s commercial property market was expected to be the start of further investments. The Honale family bought the home of Channel 7 local news in Mulgrave Rd, Parramatta Park, for $A3.2 million. Betros said there were about 12 groups representing PNG investors active in the Far North. He said the mining boom was sparking interest by Papua New Guinea investors in the Far North as well as because of its close proximity. It is understood a PNG consortium is also eyeing one of the Cairns CBD’s largest office blocks, the Corporate Tower. Greg Wood of Knight Frank Cairns said interest in property in Cairns had dropped off following the political stability in PNG. Wood said he expected the number of Australians and others working in the PNG resources sector to start buying mainly residential properties in Cairns for their families. The Far North’s lifestyle, attractive property prices and the resource boom is drawing investors from PNG as well as Western Australia and Darwin, who are snapping up prestige waterfront homes and land in the elite Bluewater estate. In February this year, investors from PNG (politicians) called FNQ Hot Property principal Nathan Shingles at 9am one day, inspected the Bluewater property and by 4pm had signed a contract.
Source: Post-Courier
Nape faces arrest over funds misuse
PALIAMENTARY Speaker Jeffrey Nape allegedly misappropriated about K5 million of the K30 million he requested from the National Government for an Agriculture project in his electorate.

Mr Nape (pictured) comes from Sinasina Yongomugl, Chimbu Province, and applied for K30 million from the Department of Finance and Treasury to rehabilitate a coffee and pyrethrum project in his Sinasina-Yongomugl electorate.
The funding proposals and the released cheques for this project did not correlate, hence, a police warrant of arrest has been taken after investigations carried out by the O’Neill-Namah appointed Sweep Team and police, which had not been effected since January 25, 2012 when it was officially stamped.
The instrument, out in January, 2012, has not been served on the Speaker because of difficulties faced by the team.
The warrant of arrest document filed at the Waigani District Court on January 25, 2012 by Sergeant Bernard Barrum of the National Fraud and Anti-Corruption Division (NFACD) including the affidavits have been circulated within the disciplinary forces.
Based on this letter alone, a reduced amount of K5 million was drawn on October 28, 2010, and paid to a company called Koge Yaba Poramara Estate Ltd. However, the name on the cheque did not correspond with the account name and the bank refused to accept it. Subsequently, another cheque was drawn December 3, 2010, of the same amount and paid to, this time, Koge Yoba Estate Ltd.
The arrest warrant details that on July 23, 2009, Mr Nape wrote a letter requesting funding from the Department of Finance and Treasury to rehabilitate coffee and Pyrethrum in his Sinasina- Yongomugl electorate.
The funding request of K30 million was in the form of a three-paged letter, without any costing or justification of this figure. It was not submitted through the normal process of project submissions, usually made to the Office of the Secretary for National Planning and Monitoring.
There was no proper project proposal/submission attached to the letter with proper costing to justify the amount requested. Furthermore, the content of the letter seemed to imply or suggest for some favour in return for his loyalty to support the then Somare-Temu Government and, coincidently, this particular letter was written at a time when there were rumours of a vote of no-confidence against the Government.
“It is very obvious that he had used his position and power as a Member of Parliament and Speaker of Parliament to obtain funding circumnavigating proper processes.
“Fortunately for the State and tax payers of PNG this money was not paid out.
“Therefore, I make this application before this Honourable Court for the issuance of a warrant of arrest under Section 49 and 8 of the Arrest Act in order to arrest Mr Jeffrey Nape, Member for Sinasina Yongomugl electorate for the charges of Abuse of Office, False Pretence and Attempted Misappropriation/Stealing,” the warrant for arrest document detailed.
But Speaker Nape is adamant he has not erred in this process and that the money was never released. Although he refused to comment yesterday the speaker, now being watched by every Parliamentarian said he was ready to face the Sweep Team.
Sweep Team executives have responded that the process was still in order and the investigations was still on-going and that the Speaker would still be held answerable to law.
Source: PNG Industry News
Bougainville mining outlook improves
PROGRESS on complex landowner matters and continual support from the Autonomous Bougainville government is providing more hope that Bougainville Copper may reopen the giant Panguna copper-gold mine in the years to come.
“I can confidently say that the year that has passed since we last met has given me more reason for optimism about the future of this company than any year out of the previous twenty,” Bougainville Copper chairman Peter Taylor said at the company’s annual general meeting.
“The most beneficial change has been the focus of Panguna landowners and other Bougainvilleans on the redevelopment agenda and the initiatives they have taken to contribute to momentum.”
A big hurdle to reopening the mine is to strike a new Bougainville Copper Agreement – which requires help from the PNG government as an act of Parliament.
Taylor said it was recognised by all stakeholders that significant changes needed to be made to the BCA – especially to accommodate the views, rights and aspirations of landowners and the people of Bougainville.
Getting in the position to negotiate with all of the landowners together is certainly a challenge.
The 1980 compensation agreement for the mine had around 600 landowners or landowner representatives.
Taylor revealed some of the important progress on this front, which would help bring Bougainville Copper closer to negotiating a new BCA.
“It is pleasing to note that landowners and others in nine areas most closely affected by the mine’s operations, including Panguna, the tailings areas, Arawa and the road and port leases, have all but completed the formation of legally based associations capable of providing genuine representation to the process of reviewing the Bougainville Copper Agreement,” he said.
If it all eventually goes to plan, Taylor foreshadowed that the closed mine could become a $US3 billion project.
“The next technical work – a prefeasibility study on reopening the mine – will be very expensive, so certainty is needed that a workable mining regime and conditions will be put in place before committing the funds,” he said.
“There will be some ongoing studies to provide information for the renegotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement and some of those studies will also be relevant to mine redevelopment.”
In the meantime, he revealed technical work was already underway to update the order of magnitude study completed in 2009.
On the growing momentum on the island to reopen Panguna, Taylor gave credit to ABG president John Momis and members of his cabinet for their efforts and support.
“We face the coming year with enthusiasm for the tasks ahead and anticipate good progress toward the vision of reopening the mine,” Taylor said.
“We have many initiatives in place, we believe we are ready to go, we are engaged with the ABG and the landowners and we recognise that to a large extent, the timetable rests in their good hands.”
Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989, with Bougainville Island subsequently embroiled in years of civil war.
The mine produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972.
The Panguna permits under the existing BCA allow for mining up to 2032.
The orebody at Panguna is only partially mined, with large available reserves.
In the mine’s last year of operation, estimated mill feed was at 691Mt at 0.4% copper and 0.47 grams per tonne gold.
Rio Tinto owns around 54% of Bougainville Copper.
Source: ESBC / BCL
AGM answers online !
Today , we received BCL's answers to our questions, prepared for the 2012 Annual General Meeting !

Source: The National
BCL posts K3.7 million loss in 2011
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Ltd (BCL) yesterday announced a loss of K3.7 million in 2011, compared to an anticipated loss of K7.3 million.
Because of this, no dividends will be paid, chairman Peter Taylor announced at BCL’s 45th annual general meeting in Port Moresby.
“Overall, income and costs were generally within budget, administration and exchange losses being over, offset by a similar amount under budget for BCA renegotiation,” he said.
“Interest of K2.2 million earned on court-held IBDs has been brought into account this year.
“Due to the loss recorded and the need to preserve cash for future development the company will not pay a dividend.
“The company has sufficient funds to cover its recurrent expenditure under the current plan and is debt free.”
Taylor said he was more optimistic about the future of this company than any year out of the previous 20 years.
“There are activities on foot in several areas that can positively assist Bougainville Copper Ltd make a return to profitable mining,” he said.
“Some of these are within the control of the company itself, others less so.
“The most-beneficial change has been the focus of Panguna landowners and other Bougainvilleans on the re-development agenda, and the initiatives they have taken to contribute to momentum.”
Taylor also talked about BCL’s:
l Investment strategy;
l Ongoing tax dispute with the Internal Revenue Commission of PNG;
l Litigation in the United States;
l Corporate governance;
l Safety;
l Risk management;
l Bougainville Copper Foundation;
l Significant events, beginning on Bougainville; and
l Bougainville Copper Agreement
Taylor said Prime Minister Peter O’Neill had confirmed in parliament that BCL had, by right of the BCA, was permitted to operate at Panguna for a further 21 years from 2011.
“It is possible that some further remediation work will be carried out on site with the co-operation of landowners, to make areas safe whether mining proceeds or not,” he said.
“President (John) Momis has been proactive in assisting the company carry out safety work.
“Again, the landowners will be informed and involved as appropriate.
“The vision to return to active exploration and profitable mining remains and, I am pleased to say, with the active support from local stakeholders to which I have earlier referred.”
Source: The National
Juffa, party in Bougainville
NATURAL Resource projects in PNG must be treated carefully to strike a balance between investors, the people and the government so that everyone benefits.
People’s Movement for Change Party leader Gary Juffa (pictured) said this while launching the party in Arawa, Bougainville.
Juffa said the Bougainville crisis provided many lessons and all should learn for them to better manage resources.
Source: The National
ABG administrator to give evidence today
CHIEF administrator of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government Lawrence Dissing will be among witnesses to give evidence at the commission of inquiry today.
Others include ABG special projects officer Thomas Sansa, Buka disaster officer Franklyn Lacey and survivor Maryjane Paha.
Tomorrow will be the last day of inquiry in Buka. It commences its next sitting in Kimbe on May 15.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Kamma blasts South Bougainville ABG members
CONSTITUENCY members from South Bougainville in the Bougainville House of Representatives have come under attack from the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma.
Minister Kamma had decided to voice out his unhappiness towards the ABG members in his electorate after seeing that many of them had always failed to be in their constituencies when he visits their area.
According to Mr Kamma, these ABG leaders should always be in their constituencies waiting for him so they can brief and inform him about struggles, hardships and troubles faced by people in their area.
He said they themselves know all these problems and should be waiting for him.
Instead, he said this was the opposite because every time he visits their constituencies their members never came to see me.
Mr Kamma said he was always told by the people that their ABG members spent most of their time in Buka.
The only constituency members from South Bougainville who are always present and waiting for Mr Kamma whenever he visits their area are those from the Siwai district.
The above statement was delivered by Mr Kamma on Tuesday when he officially presented a new vehicle, which he bought, to Bana high school.
ABG Minister for Finance Albert Punghau, who was also present during the handover of the vehicle, also supported the call by made by Mr Kamma.
Mr Punghau said the lack of attendance by any ABG member in any constituencies that Mr Kamma visits is a complete breach of protocol procedures.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Calls to check enrolments
By Tapo Tovilu
With the National General Elections approaching, the people of Bougainville have been asked to check whether they are on the electoral rolls.
The call comes after an experience from by elections in areas of North Bougainville where many people did not have their names on the rolls.
A concerned member of the public is calling on every one who is eligible to vote to enrol them to vote in the upcoming elections.
He has also called for the electoral commission to carry out its planned awareness so that people are informed of election procedures.
This year’s elections will also see the inclusion of four members representing North, Central and South to the National Parliament.
New Dawn FM also understands that the people of Konnou will also be for the first time voting in this year’s upcoming election.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Power still a problem
By Tapo Tovilu
Power fluctuations in Buka town are still a big concern for many business houses in town.
The continuous low rate of power which occurs nearly every day in Buka town has residents and business houses concerned.
A concerned business man in Buka told New Dawn FM that in the past month he has lost two chest freezers to these continuous fluctuations.
He has called on PNG power to increase their power supply to cater for the increasing power consumers in the Buka Town area.
New Dawn FM’s attempts to get comments from PNG power were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Teachers awaiting clearance
By Tapo Tovilu
Many retired and still serving teachers who received their risk allowances are still awaiting their cheques to be cleared.
Most of them who have been serving in the region during the crisis have been waiting for the clearance of these cheques. One teacher who came in all the way from Buin is still waiting for the clearance to be made.
He has called on relevant authorities to look into the matter and solve the issue so that the teachers can receive their payments.
New Dawn FM understands that the education department along with the health department have the largest number of public servants receiving risk allowances.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Music Industry Develop
By Threse Ericson
The music Industry in Bougainville has increase with many young talented musicians who create their own album in the Region.
There were many new digital studios that make it easy for the young musicians to produced their own album and make their own money.
At this moment, many new albums have been released because of the digital studios that make it easier for the young talented musicians of Bougainville who wants to show their tarlent to the others.
According to this new album released New Dawn Fm receives more than two to three new album releases within a week.
New Dawn Fm encourages young talented musicians in Bougainville to write their own songs and produce them in Bougainville style instead of imitating music from other provinces.
Listen to Bougainville music here !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
School Boards show frustration
By Tapo Tovilu
Many School Boards have shown frustration at the restrictions put on school board allocated project funds for schools in the region.
Dr Joe Vilosi a board member of Hahela Primary School has come out openly to express his concerns at the restrictions placed on these funds.
He says that many planned projects for schools around the region have come to a halt due to the restriction placed on funds by the education department.
He says that many of the board members have taken up the responsibility to become board members voluntarily giving up their time.
He says this should be realized and these funds for major projects for primary schools should be made available to the boards of schools.
New Dawn FM’s attempts to get comments from the Education Department were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
15million for Kunua High School
By Tapo Tovilu
Development is scheduled to hit the Kunua District after the historic reconciliation between two leaders from the area.
A total for K15million for development in the area and Kunua High School was among projects revealed at the reconciliation ceremony.
The event which was hailed as a landmark for the flow of services into the District has been welcomed by the people of Kunua district.
New Dawn FM understands that more impact projects are expected to be implemented in the years to come to develop the area.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Crashed truck salvaged
By Tapo Tovilu
The nasty accident which happened on the Kukul Hill climb was today salvaged by a joint team from the works department and PNG power.
The truck which lost control as it was descending crashed into a coconut tree and overturned at the sharp bend.
Workers from the works department today confirmed that a trainee mechanic training under their training program was the driver of the truck.
The Trainee who suffered minor injuries has since fled Buka for his home in Siwai South Bougainville.
New Dawn FM understands that investigations are underway into the cause of the accident.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police recapture 6
By Tapo Tovilu
Buka Police have so far recaptured 6 of the 14 escapees who escaped from the Buka Police station last week.
The escapees sang loudly while others cut through the cell bars and escaped in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Police have confirmed that 2 more were captured yesterday bring the new total to 6 escapees being recaptured.
Police have welded the bars back and have removed the guitar which as used to distract the lone duty officer.
Buka Police have also tightened up security at the Buka Police station and have also limited visitors to the Buka police cells.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Public warned of roads
By Tapo Tovilu
The roads in Buka are become dangerous each month as the number of vehicles increase in the main town area.
A concerned member of the public has called for the general public to be cautious when traveling on roads both in and out of Buka town.
His comments comes after a nasty accident over the weekend at the Kukul hill climb where a blue water tanker overturned as it was coming down.
The road’s he says are getting dangerous and has called for parents especially to look out for their children.
New Dawn FM understands that no one was killed in the accident with the driver receiving minor injuries.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Leaders pledge to work together
By Tapo Tovilu
Community leaders from the Kunua district have pledged to work together once more to rebuild Kunua District.
The two leaders who shook hands on Friday have now vowed to uphold peace and unity in the district to help the district grow.
John Sisiosi one of the leaders who reconciled says that the district now will implement major projects planned to help the people.
He says many of these have been pending due to the situation in the district but as this has been put behind, the district is looking forward to these developments.
He thanked the people who were vocal in bringing them to reconcile and vowed to keep peace and harmony in the district.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Reconciliation the way forward
By Tapo Tovilu
The reconciliations currently being held around the region have been called as the way for the region to develop peacefully.
Minister for Natural Recourses and member for Yoro Michael Oni says that peace and reconciliations have the potential to help boost development in the region.
He was speaking at the Kunua reconciliations on Friday where he asked for help from the people of Kunua in the possibility of a similar reconciliation process to be held in his area.
The minister praised the two leaders for the humility and humbleness both had in leaving their differences behind and shaking hands.
He also told the people of Kunua District that the crisis had originated from his area and was ready to help in the peace and rebuilding of the region.
The member also revealed that with this significant reconciliation in the Kunua District more will be done to develop the district.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Leaders in Kunua reconcile
By Tapo Tovilu
The people of Kunua District on Friday witnessed a major reconciliation between two of their leaders in the area.
The reconciliation which was hailed a bench mark for future reconciliations in the region was held at the Kunua station.
Members from the ABG and leaders from the area with people from all over the district were present to witness the historic occasion.
Minister for education and member for Mahari Constituency John Tabinaman praised the two leaders for the brave move.
He says this now will open the door way for development to start in the Kunua District and all its constituencies.
He says that Kunua District is one of the least developed areas in the region and this reconciliation was a key element in the rebuilding of infrastructure in the area.
He challenged the people to work together and to learn from the two leaders for the District to move forward.
Source: Bougainville Copper Limited
2012 Annual General Meeting
Chairman's address to the shareholders released!

Source: The National
Kamma decries ABG reps’ absence
MINISTER for Bougainville Affairs and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma (pictured) has attacked constituency members from South Bougainville in the Bougainville House of Representatives.

“I am not happy with the ABG members from South Bougainville,” he said on Tuesday when he officially presented a new vehicle to Bana High School.
“When I visit their constituencies, they should be the one advising and informing me on the struggles, hardships and troubles faced by people in their area.
“They themselves know all these problems and should be waiting for me so they can inform me.
“I should not be doing a house to house interview with people in their constituencies.
“Instead this is the opposite. Every time I visit their constituencies their members never came to see me.
“Every time, I am told by the people that their ABG members are in Buka. They are always acting as if they were voted in by the people of Buka,” Kamma said.
He said the only constituency members from South Bougainville who always waited for him when he visited were from Siwai district.
ABG Minister for Finance Albert Punghau, who was at the handover of the vehicle, supported Kamma’s call.
He said the lack of attendance by ABG members in any constituency that Kamma visited “is a complete breach of protocol”.
Source: The National
Minister gives vehicle to Bougainville school
SOUTH Bougainville MP and Bougainville Affairs Minister Steven Pirika Kamma has given a new vehicle to Bana High School.
Many of school staff and students were speechless when they saw Kamma bring the vehicle to the school last Tuesday.
Students’ representative Franzaberth Karau said they were fortunate to be given the vehicle.
“The school administration and the student body of Bana high school are proud recipients,” Karau said.
“We have nothing to offer in return but to say thank you that you were able to recognise the struggles and needs of this school and was able to donate this vehicle.”
Karau said the vehicle would benefit the school and the community.
Deputy headmaster Daniel Kameketa assured Kamma they would always “use this vehicle for the reasons you gave it to us”.
Before officially handing over the vehicle, Kamma challenged the students, teachers and landowners of Bana High School to look after the vehicle.
“I know that there was a great need so I bought this vehicle for you. But my challenge to you all is that nothing is free in this world. Everything costs money,” he said.
“I am appealing to you the students, teachers and even the landowners to look after this.
“If you damage it you will not be given any more projects. You students are the future leaders of Bougainville. Your destiny is in your hands.
“If you are lazy, you will be nobody.
“Look after your knowledge and it will change you.”
This is the third vehicle to be given to educational institutions in the electorate.
Tonu High School and the Buin Specialised Training Centre received theirs earlier.
Source: ESBC Research
Malicious U.S. sect to make first steps into the Solomons! Is Bougainville next?
As if there were not yet enough conmen and fraudulent foreigners on the ground in the pacific! Latest news says that the controversial so called “Church of Scientology” aims at poor, but resource-rich countries. The Florida (United States of America) based dubious sect is infamous for its malicious recruitment of new members, merciless brain-washing and insatiable greed for money. Now a team of "ministers of goodwill" made a first step into the Solomon Islands, next door to Bougainville. Are they also targeting to conquer Bougainville or has their vanguard already been there?
Source: Solomon Times
Scientology Provides Free Seminars
The official launch of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour Solomon Islands, signals the launch of a month of free seminars on the 19 subjects of the Scientology Handbook.
Mathew Andrews (pictured), leader of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour gave an overview of the 19 topics the group will cover in seminars to those attending the opening of the Tour in Honiara.

Our aims are to pass on the knowledge of Scientology so people can overcome problems that trouble them or those they care about Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 27, 2012
At the opening ceremony in April 21 of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour in Honiara, capital of Guadalcanal Province, Hon. Ileen Sulukonina, Guadalcanal's Minister for Women, Youth, Children and Sports, welcomed the Volunteer Ministers to the region on behalf of the Guadalcanal Provincial Government. Hon. Sulukonina, who herself attended all 19 seminars when the Goodwill Tour first arrived in the Solomon Islands in Fall 2011, encouraged those present to take advantage of the training.

"The seminars will teach and inform people about the tools in knowing to know yourself and relationships with others in order to survive," she said. "Come with an open heart to learn, as Man's survival will depend on his knowledge about himself, others and his environment."
The Waru Panpipe Band and the Kakona Traditional Group performed traditional songs and dances and guests toured the traditional hut built for the occasion at Town Ground, and Mathew Andrews, leader of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour, gave an overview of the program with specific examples to illustrate the 19 topics the group will cover in the seminars-including how to communicate and understand others better; how to improve one's standard of living; solutions to alcohol and drug abuse; how to improve the ability to study and learn; what makes a successful marriage; and how to be an effective leader.
"Our aims are to pass on the knowledge of Scientology so people can overcome problems that trouble them or those they care about," he said.