News 03.2012
Source: Bougainville Copper Limited

Peter R. Taylor
Chairman’s statement and our year in review – 2011
I can confidently say that 2011 has given me more
reason for optimism about the future of this company
than any year out of the previous two decades.
There are activities underway in several areas that can
positively assist Bougainville Copper in making a return to
profitable mining. Some of these are within our control,
others less so.
The most beneficial change has been the focus of
Panguna landowners and other Bougainvilleans on redevelopment
agenda and the momentum that is
beginning to build from their initiatives.
I will address these positive developments shortly, after a
report on items of importance to the company and its
shareholders that are recurrent, year on year.
For the year ended 31 December 2011, a loss of K3.7
million has been recorded, compared to a planned loss of
K7.3 million. Overall, income and costs were generally
within budget, administration and exchange losses being
over budget, offset by a similar amount under budget for
the Bougainville Copper Agreement renegotiation.
Interest of K2.2 million earned on Supreme Court held
bank deposits has been brought to account this year.
Dividend policy
Due to the loss recorded and the need to preserve cash
for future development the company will not pay a
Investment strategy
Bougainville Copper’s liquid assets continue to be cash
and Australian equities. The Australian equity market has
performed disappointingly compared with the previous
reporting period resulting in lower returns on
investments. We intend to continue with the current
investment strategy, for as long as the Investment
committee deems this to be the best option, or until such
time as equities need to be sold to fund mine planning
and development. It is expected that income for 2012
should improve in terms of percentage returns but the
size of the investment portfolio continues to be reduced
as a result of the tax dispute discussed below and
ongoing project development activities.
The company has sufficient funds to cover its recurrent
expenditure under the 2012 plan, and also to carry
through to a pre-feasibility study in the medium term.
The market has been kept aware of the company’s
intention to raise development funds as and when the
need arises.
Tax dispute mediation
As reported in previous years, the company has lodged
formal objections to a reassessment by the Internal
Revenue Commission (IRC) of Bougainville Copper’s
claims for losses due to the suspension of mining
operations in 1989, and for depreciation of its remaining
mine assets. The case is ongoing in the National Court of
Papua New Guinea.
The company paid approximately K13 million to the IRC
during 2007, which is close to the claimed unpaid
primary tax. A further K48.8 million was paid to the IRC
during 2010 under the terms of a court-sanctioned
arrangement to place the IRC in possession of funds
sufficient to pay all outstanding assessments, penalties
and interest claimed by the IRC. This arrangement also
ensures that those funds are available for return to
Bougainville Copper in the event that the company’s
challenges to the assessments are ultimately upheld by
the courts. This money is invested and is bearing interest.
The principal and interest will be returned to the
company should it prevail in the substantive tax appeal.
In December 2011, Bougainville Copper and the IRC
participated in a court initiated mediation, which brought
the parties much closer to an agreed settlement of the
disputed amounts, but ultimately failed to bridge the gap.
The company’s appeal has completed discovery and we
are waiting on a trial date.
Litigation in the United States
For a decade now, I have been reporting on litigation
involving a small group of Bougainville plaintiffs in the US
Federal Court. The matter involves allegations over the
way the mine was operated and matters that occurred
on Bougainville after operations were suspended.
Bougainville Copper is not a party to the litigation but
the subject matter relates to its activities and the
litigation has the potential to impede redevelopment.
The process of allowing a foreign court to decide local
matters sends a negative message about Papua New
Guinea (PNG) and Bougainville and it is not helpful in
attracting investors. Most recently the Appeal Court, in a
split decision, held that a limited number of the claims
could proceed. Rio Tinto has asked the Supreme Court to
hear the case.
Corporate governance
Bougainville Copper has governance reporting
obligations to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
and internally to Rio Tinto Limited. A statement on
Bougainville Copper’s compliance with the ASX
Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
is contained in this report. In addition Bougainville
Copper responds to the Rio Tinto Limited Internal Control
Questionnaire which incorporates Rio Tinto’s
comprehensive range of policies including safety,
environment, financial management and many other risk
management matters.
Risk management
The full board of Bougainville Copper participates in
facilitated risk analysis. The aim of these exercises is to
identify risks and opportunities for the company and
allocate responsibility for each to a member of the
management team. The company has also undergone a
number of audits to ensure compliance with its own
policies and those of Rio Tinto.
Rio Tinto has safety as a core value and has in place a
comprehensive set of safety standards to ensure that it
provides a safe working environment and that its
employees and contractors comply with best practice
safety procedures. Bougainville Copper complies with the
requirements of the Rio Tinto Safety policy.
Bougainville Copper Agreement
Several new developments have occurred which should
help facilitate the re-negotiation of the Bougainville
Copper Agreement (BCA), which is necessary due to
changed circumstances.
The Bougainville Copper Agreement is an act of the PNG
National Parliament, and as such can only be modified or
repealed by the Parliament. However, it is recognised by
all stakeholders, including Bougainville Copper, that the
Agreement was ratified in very different times and
circumstances. In order to move forward, significant
changes will need to be made to accommodate the
views, rights and aspirations of all stakeholders including
the landowners and the people of Bougainville.
There is widespread agreement today that Bougainville’s
economic future needs mining in order to fund services
for the people from its own resources, as well as address
future questions of increased autonomy. The
commencement of mining at Panguna cannot take place
unless all parties – landowners, the Autonomous
Bougainville Government (ABG), the National
Government of PNG and Bougainville Copper – act in
close accord, now and into the future.
Funding and sovereign risk assurance for the project will
require a united effort. There will need to be a fair and
stable mining regime that gives investors the confidence
needed to commit to a project that could cost
approximately US$3 billion.
I am pleased to note that landowners in the six areas
most closely affected by the mine’s operations, including
Panguna, the tailings areas, Arawa, and the road and
port leases, have all but completed the formation of
legally-based associations capable of providing genuine
representation to the process of reviewing the
Bougainville Copper Agreement. The process of
incorporation, which involves both legal and customary
commitments, is most welcome, and should bring us
closer to the capacity required to review the BCA to the
benefit of all stakeholders. It is a process conducted by
the landowners with the support of the Autonomous
Bougainville Government and President Momis, and
without the participation of Bougainville Copper.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has confirmed in the
Parliament that Bougainville Copper has, by right of the
BCA, permits to operate at Panguna for a further
21 years from 2011. There are also encouraging
indications that funding for Bougainville and the drawing
down of powers to the ABG, including the power to
license and regulate mining, will be invigorated under the
O’Neill government.
There were many positive developments from the
Autonomous Bougainville Region during 2011.
The relationship between President John Momis, his
government, and the Bougainville Copper’s board and
management remains cordial and engaged, including the
invitation for company representatives to make further
visits to the island. President Momis has stated his
support for the re-opening of the mine. The momentum
has produced landowner elections and increased focus
on the re-start agenda is significantly due to the efforts
of President Momis and his cabinet.
The World Bank initiative aimed at helping Bougainville
develop its mining sector continues to be productive. It is
directed towards increasing community benefits from all
forms of mining, increasing the technical capacity to
regulate mining activity, and thereby help facilitate the
transfer of mining powers to Bougainville. This will be an
important step because regulatory certainty is needed
before a decision to mine can be made. Ideally the
Bougainville mining regime will not be radically different
to the current system; therefore a smooth transition from
the old regime to the new should be possible. It should
be noted the ABG Department of Mining is currently
recruiting new technical staff.
The combined landowner groupings at Panguna have
formed and activated the Panguna Management and
Consultative Committee. One of its first achievements
was endorsing an invitation to President Momis to visit
Panguna, followed by an invitation to Bougainville
Copper senior management to visit. Another positive
development is the Committee’s work on an agenda of
issues to bring to the table when negotiations for future
operations begin.
Increasing global demand for minerals continues to drive
the company’s largest shareholder, Rio Tinto Limited, into
a new growth phase. Rio Tinto Exploration has applied
for exploration licences in PNG, the first such applications
since the mid 1990s. This is a good indicator that Rio
Tinto plans to be an active participant in PNG’s future
mineral development. Rio Tinto continues to assist
Bougainville Copper with world class technical expertise
and management.
The Australian Government continues to be supportive of
Bougainville, and has provided senior advisors to
President Momis and the ABG. The Australia Papua New
Guinea Business Council is active in maintaining a good
relationship between Australia and the people of
Bougainville. I am currently the president of that Business
Increasingly, Bougainville has its place on the global map
of resource development opportunities.
The year ahead
In addition to the rolling plan that currently guides the
operation of your company, the board has conducted
two new planning exercises that give as much certainty
as possible to decision-making on the path to a
resumption of mining.
As we meet today, considerable work is already
underway in updating the Order of Magnitude Study
which I discussed in 2009. Such a study will evaluate the
potential of restarting operations and would form the
basis of a pre-feasibility study. These studies will be
extensive and undertaken in close partnership with
Rio Tinto.
Our assets will receive a rigorous and important reevaluation,
exposing our potential operation to the
matrix of current prices and costs.
We will keep landowners well informed of the company’s
intentions and planned activities. I want to stress that we
want our host community to be involved at every step of
the process, and this means providing them with all
relevant information.
It is possible that further remediation work and other
base line studies will be carried out on site with the cooperation
of landowners and the ABG, to make areas
safe whether mining proceeds or not. President Momis
has been proactive in assisting the company carry out
safety work. This work will be undertaken with the
cooperation of the landowners, who will be informed
and involved as appropriate.
The next phase of technical work, a pre-feasibility study
on reopening the mine, will be very expensive so
certainty is needed that a workable mining regime and
conditions will be put in place before funding is
committed. There will be some ongoing studies to
provide information for the renegotiation of the BCA,
and some of those studies will also be relevant to mine
redevelopment. The vision to return to active exploration
and profitable mining remains due to the active support
from previously mentioned local stakeholders.
Bougainville Copper continues to support the work of
the Bougainville Copper Foundation. This is an
independent, not for profit organisation that has been
funded by the company since its inception in 1971.
This year, as in previous years, the Foundation has funded
scholarships for more than 100 Bougainvillean students.
It also undertakes special projects on a needs basis with
the emphasis being on education, peace and good
governance. The Foundation is proud of its achievements
and those of its former scholars who are contributing to
the development of Bougainville. The company is also
sponsoring the Don Vernon post graduate scholarship to
Queensland University. The scholarship honours Don
Vernon, past chairman of Bougainville Copper and
founder of the Australia Papua New Guinea Business
Council. The scholarship should add to the considerable
weight of knowledge currently possessed within the
ranks of Papua New Guinea mining professionals, and
we are proud of the initiative.
We face the coming year with enthusiasm for the tasks
ahead, and anticipate good progress toward the vision of
reopening the mine. We have many initiatives in place,
believe we are ready to go, are engaged with the ABG
and landowners, and recognise to a large extent, the
timetable rests in their good hands.
Peter R Taylor
Chairman & Managing Director.
28 February 2012
Source: Bougainville Copper Limited, Port Moresby
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) are proud to present these documents below to you:
2011 Annual Report
Invitation and Proxy Form
for the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville's President Momis says total peace not possible
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, John Momis says there's no such thing as total peace in any societyMr Momis said this in response to comments by the leader of the Mekamui group, Philip Miriori, who said disarmament, referendum and complete independence on Bougainville cannot be achieved until there is lasting peace.
But President Momis says Bougainvile's issues and problems are complex.
Presenter: Sajithra Nithi
Speaker: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville
Listen here !
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville president unaware of shipping suspension
Armed men reportedly burned three Rabaul ships off the coast of Bougainville in March.
Bougainville President John Monis speaks to Sajithra Nithi
Listen here !
The president of Bougainville says he was unaware his government had suspended the operations of a controversial shipping company, Rabaul Shipping.
More than 200 people died when one of the company's ferries, the Rabaul Queen, sank earlier this year.
In a letter, the Transport Minister advised the company the suspension was effective as of March 21.
President John Momis, who has been attending meetings in Port Moresby, told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat he did not know about the suspension of the shipping service.
"I haven't heard it myself, I must confess, it must have been announced today," he said.
Mr Momis says he is not surprised by the action, as the company has ignored demands to pay compensation to the victims' families after the sinking of the Rabaul Queen.
"I'm not surprised, because the people are not happy with Rabaul Shipping."
The suspension follows the burning of three ships belonging to Rabual Shipping this month.
Armed men reportedly set the ships alight off the coast of Bougainville, demanding the company pay compensation to the victims' relatives.
Source: Post-Courier
Lack of beds at Buka hospital
THE Buka General Hospital has reported a continuous problem of overcrowding over the years.
And the situation is getting worse with the population increase.
This was revealed by the Director of Medical Services Dr Barnabas Matanu yesterday afternoon.
Dr Matanu said that the hospital was initially built as a small district hospital with 84 beds. However, he said with the increasing number of people seeking medical help at the hospital, this health facility had struggled for years accommodate the sick.
He said that toilet and mess facilities could not cater for the increased number of patients admitted and the hospital had also been struggling financially every year to support the increased number of patients.
Dr Matanu said that overcrowding had caused a lot of discomfort for the patients.
Unlike some urban centres, this is the only hospital in town. Patients also go there because it has doctors.
He said that there were about 14 beds only per ward and on many occasions the wards were taking 20 to 30 patients and the extra patients had to be accommodated somewhere, including floor.
He said that the maternity ward was the main one hit with this problem and always runs out of beds to accommodate the increasing number of pregnant mothers coming to deliver their babies at the hospital.
Dr Matanu said the story had not changed for years, the overcrowding had become a norm to the staff at the hospital but a discomfort to patients and guardians.
But he said that the hospital had also embarked on health awareness by visiting rural areas, including Arawa to conduct treatments and would visit South Bougainville hopefully next week.
Source: Post-Courier
Release of population figures set
PAPUA New Guinea’s preliminary population figure will be released next Tuesday. This is the 2011 National Population and Housing Census provisional figures which will be officially announced by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby.
National Statistician, Joseph Aka, said yesterday that all 22 provinces, including the two newly created provinces of Jiwaka and Hela will have their provisional figures released.
The provisional figures will include the country’s total, provincial, district and local level governments.
The general public is invited to witness the launching which will also feature traditional dances from all over PNG.
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville after 30 years had the full census coverage in the 2011 National Population and housing Census. The last full coverage was in 1980.
The National Statistical Office, the government’s central statistical agency, has stood firm against public criticism to finally release the Census figures.
The final and detailed census report on the population for the village census unit and other demographic and socio-economic indicators will be released next year.
NSO conformed to international statistical standards and methods in planning and execution of census data collection.
Also the census forms that have arrived from the provinces have gone through three phases of checks.
Aka said the first check was for the census unit reconciliation in the country and that was to identify all Census forms that have arrived from the provinces by workload enumeration areas against the 2010 Census unit register.
He said the second phase was for labelling, using bar codes of all the identified workloads of enumeration areas.
The final check, he said, was to enter the census pad cover information of all identified enumeration areas from phase one and two.
The output from these checks is population by broad age groups and sex.
Mr Aka further said the final check gives the total persons for each enumerated local level government, district, province and the country.
He said included also will be the number of households that have been enumerated for each local level government, district and province.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Storm brewing over Solomon Islands
The Meterological Service in Solomon Islands says there is a moderate chance of the current storm becoming a tropical cyclone by the weekend.
Director David Hiriasia says currently there is rain across the whole country and winds are picking up.
He says the depression over the Solomons is combining with another system over Fiji to create a trough.
He says both a flood advisory and a strong marine wind warning have been issued for most of the Solomons.
“We’re just basically monitoring the depression and from the information we’re getting now there is a moderate chance for the system to develop into a tropical cyclone probably by Saturday.”
David Hiriasia says the system is moving south and gale force winds may develop near Vanuatu.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville’s future at stake
BOUGAINVILLE’S referendum and independence is now at stake because of the political impasse! Important issues pertaining to Bougainville have not been addressed by the two Governments and this is already worrying Bougainville leaders.
The Government has not come up with any Ministerial Statement in the last five years on Bougainville and the implications of the failure on this is the continuous postponement of the Joint Supervisory Body Meeting which National Government and ABG meet to discuss issues and make decisions on Bougainville.
New Melanesian Alliance “stalwart” and former deputy prime minister of PNG Sam Akoitai who will be contesting his former seat – Central Bougainville – is now adamant the MA Party will also have Bougainville as one major priority. MA is endorsing former Bougainville Education Secretary Tony Tsora for North Bougainville, Timothy Masiu for South and former Speaker of the National Parliament Simon Pentanu for the Regional Seat.
“As a leader for Bougainville, I am concerned that the Constitution of PNG, a Constitution that accommodates Bougainville. If the Constitution is destroyed by our leaders that Constitution doesn’t exist anymore,” Mr Akoitai said.
The current sitting MPs do not deserve to be in Parliament because they have been part of the team that has threatened to put the Constitution and Bougainville at risk.
“The past and present Government – in the five years – there has been no ministerial statement on Bougainville – the last one I can remember was from Sir Peter Barter when he was Minister for Bougainville Affairs. And to do it in this Parliament sitting that’s coming up is too late. The implications on this are the Joint Supervisory Body Meeting, which is an avenue to address issues that are critical about Bougainville.”
Akoitai spoke about the recent JSB and the technical meeting that was cancelled in Kokopo because the National Government failed to turn up. He was also particular about the National Government not giving much attention to the issue of Bougainville.
“The National Government is not ready! Bougainville is ready. President Momis has been saying he has been ready all along,” Mr Akoitai said.
I call on the people of Bougainville to support the four of us because we stand to move Bougainville a mile further.”
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso denies 13 allegations
BOUGAINVILLE Regional MP Fidelis Semoso has denied 13 of the 14 allegations of misconduct charges put to him by the Public Prosecutors office.
Yesterday, his lawyer Charles Mende from Kelly Narru Law Firm submitted that his client denies allegations one to twelve and fourteen but agrees partially on charges thirteen.
The parties return next Tuesday for the substantive hearing to be conducted despite few hiccups on the availability of the leader’s lawyer who is also a lawyer in the two Supreme Court References that is to commence next Monday.
Meanwhile, the Leadership Tribunal hearing against member for Kikori, Mark Maipakai, is schedule to begin tomorrow.
According to the Public Prosecutor Pondros Kaluwin, Maipakai’s matter is a straight forward matter similar to Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare’s case and they will prosecute it in a short period of time.
Mr Maipaikai’s allegations are all to do with late annual returns and incomplete returns which does not require many witnesses to be called.
For Arthur Somare’s case, the matter will return this morning for mention and the Tribunal will hear submissions on whether they will adjourn to allow the leader to seek a review of a Supreme Court decision that has thrown out an appeal by him in relation to a Judicial review on a decision by the Tribunal to accept the charges signed by a State prosecutor instead of the Public Prosecutor.
Source: Post-Courier
Copra company not affected by burning of vessels
COPRA Products Limited (CPL), the biggest copra oil producer in the Niugini Islands region said it is not affected in any way with the burning of both Rabaul Shipping vessels Kopra 03 and 04.
This was revealed by CPL’s Administration Manager Prakash Nair at the Toboi site copra oil mill along Malaguna Road in Rabaul, East New Britain.
He said the demise of both vessels including the MV Solomon will not hurt business for CPL in the Niugini Islands region.
Mr Nair said that this was because they have their own vessels in the shipping division through their sister company WR Carpenters that travel to Bougainville to load copra products from Kokopau and Buka where 2,000 tonnes of copra per month is produced.
He said besides the WR Carpenters vessels they also transport copra from the region through NGIP Agmark vessels citing that the burning of the Sharp vessels on Madehas Island, off the coast of Buka town does not affect their operations, unless there is a social unrest on the island province.
“We are not really affected because we have our own shipping vessels and also some of the copra is transported by Agmark vessels,” Mr Nair said.
He said that Bougainville is one major supplier of copra and the unfortunate burning of both Kopra 03 and Kopra 04 recently still does not affect CPL’s operations.
But he also said that CPL is still served by other Rabaul Shipping vessels in bringing copra from other island areas including Kavieng and Namatanai.
Source: The National
Rabaul Shipping services to Bougainville suspended
RABAUL Shipping’s services to Buka and other ports in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been suspended indefinitely.
In a letter to Rabaul Shipping owner Peter Sharp, Transport Minister Francis Awesa advised him the suspension was effective as of March 21.
“Due to the regrettable seizure and subsequent burning of your ships in the port of Buka, the Department of Transport wishes to advise you that your shipping services have been suspended until further notice,” Awesa said.
“The turn of events on March 17’s burning of your three vessels by ex-combatants is outrageous and the department totally condemns this action.”
On Feb 2, the mv Rabaul Queen, one of Sharp’s vessels, sank off the coast of Finschhafen, Morobe province, with 229 people listed as missing.
Frustrated rebel elements burned the vessels mv Solomon Queen, Kopra 3 and Kopra 4 after Sharp failed to meet demands for compensation for the victims.
The three ships were impounded at Buka, since the sinking of the mv Rabaul Queen, and were towed to a nearby reef and set alight.
Since then Rabaul Shipping has closed its office in Buka.
Awesa said the Bougainville government, with the endorsement of the national government, had instituted an investigation into the matter.
“In order to prevent the occurrence of a similar incident and to protect lives and property it is vital that you refrain from operating to Bougainville.
“The situation is very tense.
“And your presence in the area may incite further escalation of unlawful activities that could affect maritime shipping,” Awesa said.
He said the department was aware of the conditions of Rabaul Shipping’s coastal trade licence to trade unrestricted in PNG waters.
“However, in the view of the recent events, all shipping in ABG by Rabaul Shipping is hereby suspended,” Awesa said.
PNG Ports will be responding to the suspension today after the company was asked, via email, if it received a copy of the suspension letter from the transport minister on Rabaul Shipping services to Buka Port been suspended.
Attempts to contact Rabaul Shipping office, Sharp or his lawyer Jaclyn Maribu to comment were unsuccessful.
Source: The National
Namaliu welcomes huge interest from election candidates
THE launching of numerous political parties demonstrates the huge interest in supporting the foundation of democracy and having a successful national election in June, Sir Rabbie Namaliu said.
He told the launching of the United Resource Party in Kokopo last Saturday that he noted with interest the launching of political parties in East New Britain.
Parties that have launched and endorsed their candidates were Powes Parkop’s Social Democratic Movement Party, Don Poyle’s Triumphant Heritage Empowerment party, Dr Allan Marat’s Melanesian Liberal Party, plus Paul Tiensten and Anderson’s Agiru’s People’s United Assembly
Sir Rabbie said elections were important as party leaders and candidates announced their respective party policies to form the government.
He said he had worked with party leader William Duma in 2003 to 2007 and the party believed in development of the country’s resources.
He acknowledged URP for choosing Ronnie Illam, the outgoing director for the Kokopo Open campus, to stand for the Kokopo electorate under URP.
Illam is Namaliu’s first cousin.
Source: The National
Bougainville school gets new classroom
ST Joseph Bairima Primary School is the proud recipient of a new double classroom.The school is the first in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to benefit from the Digicel PNG Foundation’s nationwide rollout of double classroom structures.
The all-steel kit structure primary double classroom, 40 desks, a water tank, kit showers and VIP kit toilets cost K90,000 and was officially launched last Friday. The school was established in the 1940s and was moved in 1996 and rebuilt by the community at the site it now occupies. The school serves the five main villages of Donsiro, Pomaua, Siroai, Arawa and Bairima of North Nasioi LLG, a population of about 3,000. Aside from the education department’s annual school subsidies and a donation of roofing iron from Caritas in 2004, St Joseph Bairima’s biggest contributor has been their own community.
Digicel Foundation chief executive officer Marina van der Vliessaid: “When communities come together to invest in the education of their children, such efforts must be applauded and supported.
“Our investment in the St Joseph Bairima Primary School is in recognition of this amazing community’s will and commitment to rebuild after the Bougainville crisis.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville leader sees promise in historical tourism after Japanese ambassador’s visit
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says it can exploit its unique history to attract tourists.
This follows a trip to south Bougainville last week by the Japanese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Hiroharu Iwasaki, to visit the remains of the wreckage of the plane in which Japan’s World War Two hero Admiral Yamamoto died.
President John Momis says Bougainville was one of the main theatres in World War Two.
He says historical tourism has real potential rather than the province relying solely on the re-opening of the Panguna mine.
“But that means the people changing their mindset to accept outsiders and being friendly to them. Before the crisis Bougainvilleans were very friendly. It is amazing what the crisis has done to us. We have to work hard to try to regain the old spirit and the old positive attitude of friendship and mutual commitment to help one another.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The upcoming elections must bare good fruit with visionary and committed leaders to the country and the region of Bougainville.
These were the words of Bob Kebaja who is part of a team of four who are touring provinces in the country giving awareness on good governance and better leadership for the country.
The team from the Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship from the University of Technology in Lae are here in Bougainville for the awareness on selecting good leaders in the upcoming elections.
Mr Kebaja told New Dawn FM that they were here on the invitation and sponsorship of Bougainville electoral commissioner Raytama Taravaru.
He says that the country currently is facing an leadership country and the people now have the upcoming elections to change the future.
He says that visionary and God fearing leaders must be elected for the leadership of the nation into prosperity.
The team left for Rabaul this afternoon and their full awareness program can be heard on New Dawn FM Bougainville Tedei Program tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The liquor licencing committee today issued a total of more than 32 licences to liquor shop and tavern owners in Bougainville.
Their meet porously was also for discussing the outcomes of the current unpaid liquor bills of the two major liquor distributors in the region.
Liquor commissioners from both South and Central were also present to issue the licenses.
A businessman who was present to collect his licence called on the government to look into the liquor taxations imposed in the region.
He says that Bougainville is taxed higher than other provinces in the country with the imposing tax for a can of beer being at 75t per can.
He also added that this has caused the current outstanding taxation bills to the ABG from the two major liquor distributors.
In support a representative of one of the companies under scrutiny says that due to the high tax imposed the company is slowly paying in parts.
He also criticized the liquor commission for not collecting tax from other distributors who bring in liquor from Rabaul illegally.
He says that taxation is for all and must not be taken only from them because in the end the people will suffer the most.
Source: Post-Courier
MA supports call for repeal of new Act
THE Melanesian Alliance is the first Political Party to rally behind the tertiary students calling for the repeal of the Judicial Conduct Bill 2012.
The party, which has Opposition Leader Dame Carol Kidu as its leader, is proud to come into this year’s elections as the alternate Government has come out for the first time speaking on the Constitution of Papua New Guinea.
Further, the party now in support of the students call for the repeal of the Judicial Conduct Bill, has given a warning that they would not accept any sitting MPs under their banner – they want to come in with new MPs.

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Central Bougainville MP Sam Akoitai (picture) with his team yesterday came out strongly that the party was very concerned about the Constitution of this country which was now being threatened.
Mr Akoitai, flanked by the party’s candidates from all over PNG, said in Port Moresby yesterday that the founding fathers of the party were architects of the Constitution and that they were very concerned that this Constitution was now at risk and needed to be restored and the country saved.
“The Constitution exists before the Parliament, there are no two minds about that,” Mr Akoitai said. “When there is a Constitution, the country exists.
The Constitution is Supreme and above all the three arms of Government. I totally disagree with the views that Parliament is supreme – this is wrong.
“So, based on that under Melanesian Alliance as a party, has now decided to endorse candidates in 2012 to protect the Constitution of this country,”
Mr Akoitai said. “It is sad to see that our Constitution is put at risk… we also believe that all new Acts and Amendments since August 02, 2011, are not legislations or amendments that serve the interest of PNG, these legislations we are going through were only done for two people - Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and on the expense of the people of PNG paying the bills in court and while sitting in Parliament.
“The time has come to put a stop to all these, Elections must go ahead and leaders voted to restore the Constitution and PNG,” he said.
Mr Akoitai, who is so adamant at forming the Government in June with coalition partners, told the Post-Courier yesterday that MA was coming into elections to restore the Government and specifically the Constitution that was now at risk.
He boasts having endorsed 50 candidates throughout the country and at a silent pace.
“But we want to tell the people of Papua New Guinea that this party does not have the money but we have the heart for this country.
We have the wisdom to lead this country. Money will come later. We just want to make it clear from the beginning,” he said. We will not accept current sitting MPs. Yes, we stand to uphold the Constitution and make sure the rule of law is upheld.”
Read about the party’s stand on Bougainville tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka raining
By Aloysius Laukai
BUKA town is now heavy downpour starting last night and due to drainage of the streets most buildings would be underwater by today if the rain does not stop. Just outside NEW DAWN FM office the road was washed away and water all the street water is currently collecting at our office premises.
The street upgrading made last time for 600thousand kina is gone now due to no drainage on Buka town.
Our ground floor would get all the water this morning if this rain does not stop.
Lucky power is still on and we are still on air...

Pic of New Dawn FMstaff SAM SAWA getting off a PMV outside the office.
Source: The National
Bougainville thanks Japan for 15 bridges
THE people of Panguna and the Mekamui government have expressed gratitude to the Japanese Government for building 15 bridges for Bougainville.
The Japanese last week officially handed over the 15 bridges built under the first phase of the Japanese bridge project.
Panguna Landowners Association interim chairman Michael Pariu and Mekamui Government of Unity president, Philip Miriori said they were grateful.
Pariu said the people of Panguna felt a special connection with the project because it was initiated and directly negotiated by one of their very own most prominent and highly respected leaders, the late Joseph Kabui.
“The people of Panguna are very proud because this is a historic achievement by one of our own leaders, we can closely associate with this very important project,” Pariu said.
“Such an achievement we feel should clearly demonstrate what the leadership of Panguna can really offer to change the course of history and open a new chapter for Bougainville in terms of its post conflict infrastructure development and economic recovery,” he said.
Miriori said they hoped the bridge project could be seen as start of more good things to come to the people of Bougainville from the government of Japanese Government.
“After completing all other bridges in south and west coast Bougainville under Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the project, the people of Panguna would like to call on the Japanese Government to seriously consider upgrading and sealing all our main trunk roads throughout the region because for far too long we have been tricked and given so much lip service by other more traditional donors in the region whose policy is to simply maintain the roads year after year so that we can keep going back to them and be heavily dependent on their foreign aid with their so-called advisors who eventually end up being the main beneficiaries of such aid.
“It is hoped that the recent meeting that our President Chief John Momis with the Japanese ambassador may pave the way for the rehabilitating of the Kokopau-Arawa-Buin highway, which should then be named Yamamoto Highway,” the Panguna leaders said.
Source: Post Courier
Momis not happy with Sharp
By Fabian Gatana
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville President John Momis has given his assurance that the incident involving the burning of three of Rabaul Shipping’s vessels in Buka would be fully investigated.
He said that a small task force involving community leaders from both within and outside of Bougainville and the Bougainville Police Service has been appointed to thoroughly investigate the matter and report back upon
which appropriate action will be taken. He said that intelligence reports received by him indicate that action against the three vessels were “specifically targeted and there is no threat or danger to any other shipping lines operating in Bougainville.”
He said that as a result of the burning incident commercial shipping into Bougainville
may be curtailed for a period of time. This, he said will create temporary hardships for Bougainvilleans travelling by sea and for the importation of goods and commodities.
“We have therefore immediately sent representatives to discuss the situation with PNG Ports and other shipping lines regarding the resumption of regular services as soon as practicable.
“I can confirm that the port in Buka has not been closed and is in fact open for regular shipping movement,” he said.
Meanwhile, President Momis also expressed his disappointment at the attitude of Mr Peter Sharp the owner of the Rabaul Shipping Line. “Throughout this tragedy he has remained mostly silent. His attitude, in no small way, has contributed to the unfortunate unfolding of events.
“He has not displayed the characteristics of a good corporate citizen of Bougainville or PNG,” he said.
He appealed to all Bougainvilleans to remain calm as there was no sense for alarm and assured
them that it was all business as usual.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Women from Wakunai district yesterday converged into their District centre to commemorate National women’s day.
The women representing their Wards and church groups presented items like choirs and dances as part of their celebrations.
They started the program with all participants marching in front of the small crowd that also attended the celebration.
The President of the Wakunai District Women’s Federation, ZIPORAH HILA told the gathering that the women of Wakunai were organized through their newly established organization.
She said that this was their first gathering since they established their association last year.
She said that they would be organizing similar gatherings in future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The women of Wakunai and the surrounding areas celebrated their International Women’s Day celebrations today in Wakunai.
Keynote speaker Member for North Bougainville representing women Joan Jerome challenged women to be productive in their respective levels no matter their situation.
The member was pleased with the six village councils for the event which she says was the first women’s day celebrations of its kind in the area.
She also called for the community to rid the Wakunai area of firearms so that life would be normal again.
She appealed that the guns were to fight for freedom and when giving them up not call for money from the ABG.
She also gave a minute silence in commemoration for the women who lost their lives during the crisis and also for the women who lost their lives in the MV Rabaul Queen disaster.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Wakunai women celebrate
By Aloysius Laukai
Wakunai women are today celebrating national women's day today.
The cebration has started with a march by different groups
Pictured are women leaders,Theresa Jaintong, member for Central Joane Jerom and with Ziporah Hilia the President of Wakunai women's federation.

Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville transport enhanced with 15 bridges built with Japanese help
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville estimates that the time it takes to travel between Buka and Arawa has been practically cut in half with 15 new bridges now in place.
Up till now the trip has involved the fording of the rivers.
The Japanese Government had funded the construction of the bridges and the ambassador, Hiroharu Iwasaki, was in the province to open them last week.
President John Momis says the completion of the bridges is a reflection of the landowners and government working together successfully.
“That is something the people really appreciated. It is a success story of collaboration with the landowners, because, as you know in Bougainville the land where the bridges is owned by the landowners, not by the government, so it is a difficult thing to negotiate. So in this instance the landowners agreed to have the land contributed for the public purpose.”
John Momis says all that is required now is for the road to be sealed and some causeways to be mended.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA last night thanked the people of Bougainville, especially landowners in which these bridges have been built for allowing their land for development that will benefit the people of Bougainville.
Speaking at the official welcome dinner for the Japanese ambassador, MR.NISIRA said that he would like to commend these particular citizens of Bougainville for setting a shining example for all Bougainvilleans to follow.
He said that they have shown that the people of Bougainville are ready and willing to ensure that development progresses unhindered for the benefit of the future of the region.
MR. VICE PRESIDENT said that the completion of the bridges has taken the peace process to a next level.
He said that the Bougainville Peace Agreement calls for Bougainvilleans to aspire great things like goal to build own economy towards fiscal self reliance in preparations for Referendum.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The work of the District services improvement program has been called on to be publicized for transparency.
A concerned member of the public has called for the outcomes of the last DSIP meeting held in Buin last week Friday to be made known to the public.
He says that these are public moneys which all people are entitled to know how it is being used.
From the meeting all submissions for projects in South Bougainville will be paid for by the Member for South Bougainville Steven Pirika.
He also call for the government to help the people especially those living in the villages as they were the majority and needed more basic services.
He called strongly for all decisions made to be made public for the people to know and benefit from.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The AutonomousRegion of Bougainville must have peace and unity and must be free of killings from the guns still in the communities.
Steven Marukore a leader from Central Bougainville has condemned the killing of a man at the Morgan junction last Wednesday.
He says with guns still out there in the communities more killings and incidents like this will happen.
He called on the parties involved to respect the rule of law and not to take the law into their own hands.
The killings he says paints a negative picture for the region and such incidents must be stopped.
He also thanked the police for their efforts in calming the situation after the incident and called for their continual support.
Source: Post-Courier
URP a truly PNG Party - Duma
The United Resources Party (URP) was only registered in 2001 but in the last 11 years, it been a major player in Government since 2002, Party Leader William Duma (picture) said.

Mr Duma said that after the 2007 National Election, URP became the second biggest coalition partner in the Somare Government but it broke ranks, when he as leader was sacked.
Today the Party has the backing of the current Government and playing a significant role in resource developments in the country, Mr Duma said.
“As the country draws closure to the elections, URP is making its move to capture the votes from the people and this time round, it wants to pick up a member of Parliament from all the provinces in the country.
The party launched its 2012 election strategy in East New Britain Province and at Kokopo electorate, an electorate that produced one of PNG’s outstanding prime ministers in Sir Rabbie Namaliu. “It’s an historic occasion for the party to come and launch here. Election is a big thing, political parties and candidates must tell the people how they want to run the Government so the people understand and, make judgements and cast their votes,” Sir Rabbie told a packed Ralum Club on Saturday evening.
Party leader William Duma said URP chose East New Britain and Kokopo because this was where a lot of good leaders were produced and it was where he was elected as the party leader after the 2007 elections.
“URP gave PNG the LNG project. I said no to selling wet gas to Australia and was in the forefront of the PNG LNG project. We have our track record on our contributions to the resource development in the country,” Mr Duma said.
He said by 2014, PNG’s economy would double and it was very important that good leaders were voted into Parliament in the coming elections.
“When we go to elections, we must vote in good, honest, dedicated and tough leaders,” Mr Duma said.
Mr Duma said URP was truly a PNG party, which has delivered in its short history and wants to play a leading role in the next government.
“You are suffering now because of poor leadership in the last 36 years. PNG need good leaders to move forward. PNG is in your hands, you vote in good leaders, you harvest the benefits,” another URP man and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Steven Kama said.
Another URP strongman and Eastern Highlands Governor, Malcolm Kela Smith pointed out that between K1 billion to K3 billion was stolen from Waigani every year and the country was doing nothing about it.
“A big part of this problem is the public service. There are a lot of weaknesses in the public service that allows the money to be stolen. We need to reform the public service and make it work,” Mr Kela Smith said.
On Friday, the party officials visited two villages where they were accepted into the electorate by the community.At Nauk village, the leaders said the launch of the party in the community was a first for Kokopo and this was the way to go for the majority of the people in PNG lived in the rural areas.
“You are right, I think this is the way for URP. We will take the party to the villages where 85 per cent of our people live,” another URP man and minister for Civil Aviation Puri Ruing told the villagers who had put on a rousing welcome for his and the URP delegates.
URP is endorsing a former academic from the University of PNG, Ronnie Ilam, a cousin of Sir Rabbie for the Kokopo Open seat.
Source: Autonomous Bougainville Goverment (ABG)
Source: The National
Miriori: Lasting peace must come first to Bougainville
DISARMAMENT, referendum and independence on Bougainville are not possible until lasting peace is established in the autonomous region, a leader said.
Lasting peace will not be established until all factions involved – women, youths, churches, chiefs, ex-combatants and the self-styled Mekamui government – reconciled, president of the Mekamui government of unity Philip Miriori said.
The groups met in Buka last week.
Disarmament, the second pillar of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, and the reopening of the Bougainville copper mine, which is vital to spurring economic recovery and growth in the autonomous region, are equally dependent on this process.
They will all have to wait, it would seem from the Panguna landowners’ and Mekamui government perspective, for a further five years.
That is the time-frame given for the completion of the reconciliation and peace building effort.
Panguna Landowners Association deputy chairman, Michael Pariu told The National: “We have many factions – landowners, ex-combatants, youths, churches, Mekamui defence forces, women and chiefs.
“Each has its own leader, its own concerns, its own hurt from the crisis.
“We want to unite these groups to create peace and unity.
“Only through this process will we pave the way to create lasting peace. This programme has a time frame of five years.
“Everything else will have to wait until this programme is completed.
“Ours is a model that will be extended to other districts of the region.
“The crisis started in Panguna. Now peace must have its beginning in Panguna. We are taking ownership of what happened in Panguna.
“We must put our people in the right frame of mind because economic recovery and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are dependent on the Panguna mine reopening.”
The group is conscious that peace on its own will not be lasting.
“Peace on its own will not work,” Miriori said.
“There are the issues of compensation. There is the issue of referendum and independence. There are the development issues of health, education and transport infrastructure.
“All of these will issues not work if the mine does not re-open. And the mine will not reopen unless we unite the factions.”
This process all requires resources, which is presently unavailable to the Panguna management consultative committee, the entity created by the various groups to advance the effort.
The group is calling on the ABG, donor agencies and PNG government to take a deep interest in this process.
Source: The National
PNG Ports threatens to close Buka port
PNG Ports has threatened to close the port of Buka to all shipping vessels following the burning of three ships belonging to Star Shipping.
Militant elements sympathetic to relatives of Bougainvilleans who perished in the sinking of mv Rabaul Queen off the Finschhafen coast, Morobe, on February 2, severed the moorings of the mv Solomon Queen, the Kopra 3 and Kopra 4 on the evening of March 16 and set all three on fire. The hulled out boats now rest in a mangrove a few kilometres off Buka Island under constant armed guard by the militant elements.
Acting chief executive officer of PNG Ports Corporation, Stanley Alphonse wrote to commissioner and chief executive officer, Dr Billy Manoka, on March 20 outlining the potential closure of the port of Buka should there be any escalation in tension associated with the burning of the ships.
“An important consideration for the continued operation of our ports are the safety and security of not only our own staff but all our stakeholders who do business within the port and particularly consideration in light of the recent turn of events with the burning of the Rabaul Shipping vessels have been received with serious concerns over the continued operation of our port of Buka.”
The militant elements and families of disaster victims met on March 20 and resolved to tow out the three boats and sell them off to the flourishing scrap metal business in the autonomous region and retain the proceeds as partial compensation for lives lost.
Whether this resolution is viewed as an “escalation in tension” by PNG Ports remains to be determined. But the same meeting of relatives has given assurances to all other shippers that their anger is directed at Star Shipping (Rabaul Shipping and owner Peter Sharp) and that other shipping lines can carry on business in ports of Bougainville.
If the PNG Port threat is carried out it will severely affect the people and economy of Buka and the rest of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville as shipping is its life line. Buka is the seat of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
President of ABG, John Momis has unequivocally condemned the burning of the ships and announced the setting up of a task force to bring the militant elements to justice.
“One wrong does not justify another,” Momis said, voicing his own displeasure at the circumstances leading to the ferry disaster.
“Commercial shipping may very well be curtailed for a period of time,” he said.
This will create some temporary hardships to the travel of Bougainvilleans.
Buka port is not closed and is open to regular shipping movement.
Source: The National
Momis slams Sharp’s comments
BOUGAINVILLE President John Momis has expressed dismay and outrage at the “contemptuous” response to victims of the mv Rabaul Queen disaster by Rabaul Shipping owner Peter Sharp.
“Throughout this tragedy, he (Sharp) has remained mostly silent and when issuing any comments it would appear as if these were contemptuous of the effect of the incident on the families and those involved in the tragedy.
“His attitude, in no small way, has contributed to the unfortunate unfolding of events.”
“He has not displayed the characteristics of a good corporate citizen of Bougainville or Papua New Guinea.”
While careful to separate the burning of Sharp’s three ships in Buka as the work of criminals and condemning it unequivocally, Momis said Sharp’s own attitude in the affair could unwittingly have spurred the unfortunate turn of events.
“The ABG respects the tradition of the rule of law and respects the rights of private ownership.
“The ABG respects the tradition of the rule of law and respect for the rights of others.
“We do not share in the belief that one wrong action justifies another, no matter how tragic the circumstances,” Momis said.
Militant elements responsible for the burning of the ships and relatives of those who perished with the Rabaul Queen on Feb 2 went further than the president in their meeting of March 20 at Kokopau.
Along with two ABG House of Representative members, the group resolved to ban all Rabaul Shipping activities in Bougainville.
mong others, the resolutions call for:
* Peter Sharp not to be allowed to operate in Papua New Guinea and Bougainville in future due to the situation experienced;
* veterans and families of those who lost their lives in MV Rabaul Queen to be allowed to pick up the remaining copra in the ships storage to be resold to recover cost of those providing security of the boats;
* the three hulled out boats to be towed out and sold as scrap metal and the proceeds be retained by families and veterans providing guard; and,
* No threats to be issued to any other shipping companies and that they are welcome and free to operate into Bougainville waters.
Source: The National
Japan hands over K95mil bridges to Bougainville people
JAPANESE Ambassador Hiroharu Iwasaki has handed over 15 bridges built at a cost of K95 million to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
After handing over the bridges in North Bougainville, Iwasaki travelled to Buin in South Bougainville to visit the site where Japanese World War II hero Admiral Isoku Yamamoto died after being shot down by American fighter planes.
Iwasaki arrived in Buka last Monday, handed over the bridges at Rawa River on Tuesday before travelling to Buin.
He said Japan was committed to supporting the ABG and that the handover ceremony did not in any way mean the country was cutting off its partnership with Bougainville.
Bougainville President John Momis thanked the government and people of Japan for the 15 bridges across rivers between Kokopau in North Bougainville and Arawa in Central Bougainville.
Momis commended the contractors for completing the job 21 months ahead of schedule.
The bridges project was planned for completion by Dec 31 next year.
Momis said the Japanese took a risk in building the bridges at a time when many people looked at Bougainville as a very unstable place.
He said these bridges were aligned with the ABG path towards economic prosperity.
Admiral Yamamoto was commander-in-chief of the combined Japanese naval fleet when he was killed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Vice comments
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG Vice President, Patrick Nisira last week said that the Japanese bridge project was the first and biggest impact project ever attempter on Bougainville in the 20 years.
He was speaking at the welcome dinner hosted by the ABG for the Japanese ambassador at the Kuri village resort on Buka island
The vice President said the bridge project had been achieved in record time and was reflective of the commitment and generosity of the government and the people of Japan.
He said that these bridges would stand as a monumental symbol that binds and will continue to strengthen relationship between the people of Bougainville and Japan.
MR.NISIRA said that the bridge project was completed at a cost of THREE BILLION ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR MILLION JAPANESE YEN which was about NINETY FIVE MILLION PNG KINA.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Unarmed police mean Bougainville government can’t impose law and order - President
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, says his government lacks the means to impose law and order.
Mr Momis has condemned the destruction last weekend of three ships that had been commandeered a month earlier in Buka harbour.
The vessels were taken over by armed ex-militants and the grieving relatives of Bougainvilleans who drowned in the Rabaul Queen ferry disaster on February the 2nd off the coast of Morobe.
Mr Momis says there was little the government could do to get the people to leave the vessels, because the police, who do not carry guns, are not adequately enabled to do their work.
“So it’s a difficult situation. The only thing we had was to persuade them by talking sense to them and that only works when you’re responding in the right fashion, you know, there has to be a mutuality of understanding and a certain level of critical awareness between the parties, but that didn’t happen because the ex-combatants didn’t want to listen.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville leader says ship owner ignorant in not meeting compensation demand
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says the owner of the three ships destroyed in Buka harbour last weekend behaved ignorantly by refusing to pay compensation.
Peter Sharp also owns the Rabaul Queen which sank off Morobe on February the 2nd with huge loss of life, including many from Bougainville.
Grieving relatives and ex-combatants had commandeered the ships and called on Mr Sharp to pay compensation.
Mr Sharp says those involved were criminals and he attributes the loss of the ships to government inaction but the president John Momis says Mr Sharp’s failure to pay compensation showed an ignorance of custom.
“When somebody dies like that the first thing you do is to pay some money up front to put the relatives at peace and to allow the processes to take place, which Peter Sharp failed to do.”
Source: Post-Courier
Government policies slow: Bougainville
RESOURCE owners in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are already tired of government policies that are taking long to be passed so they have decided to go on with exploration on their own land.
Isina Holdings Limited will be getting their exploration licenses in a weeks’ time because they had given the Autonomous Bougainville Government two weeks and one week has already passed and had one more week to go.
Nine other resources companies will register with the mining department and all chairmen of those companies are paramount chiefs of their respective areas.
All chairmen have also stated that Panguna is a non issue to them and that they will leave it alone because for a long time the BCA agreement had not been reviewed, and at the same time policies were taking too long to be passed.
Resource owners say they will not wait until the cows come home but will proceed with exploration and geologists will soon be arriving on Bougainville to carry out pre exploration.
The government process on mining is too slow, they said.
Source: Post-Courier
Cell moni popular
DIGICEL’s cell moni is now gaining popularity in Bougainville with an agent already on the ground, a latest innovation with technology in the region.
Konea Trading is now the agent on the ground, and services like Cell Moni, Mobile SMK, and Phone to phone top up (EVD) are now available as well as the electronic banking system.
Company management said in Buka that they were now set up in Arawa and would move to Buka and eventually down to Buin in South Bougainville.
Customers simply deposit and cash out, a system useful in places without banks like in Arawa and Buin which is helpful for working class people like teachers and health workers.
These people will be using their mobile phones to get cash and goods through the Cell Moni and SMK banking. The days of spending a hundred Kina to come to Buka will now be over because a much more needed and useful service is right at their doorsteps.
As long as they are registered with the mobile SMK they have no problem.
Source: The National
Semoso: Women can win without reserved seats
ONE of the first women to have contested and won an exclusive women’s seat in a representative assembly in the country says the reality is far from the negative debate emerging.

Francisca Semoso (picture), who has the unique experience of having contested both a reserved seat and an ordinary open seat, said the pressure, the hardships and the joys of the campaign trail were no different.
Semoso won the North Bougainville reserved seat in the first Autonomous Region of Bougainville election in 2005. After a term, she contested in an open seat and lost.
Bougainville has, grafted onto its 2004 Constitution, three seats reserved for women for North, Central and South regions. In 2005 the seats were won by Semoso (North), Magdalene Toroansi (Central) and Laura Amba (South).
“The argument that women will vote for women is not true,” Semoso said. “More men than women voted for me.
“The argument that colleagues will treat women who win reserved seats with less respect is wrong. When we went to the elections, we walked, talked, cried and sang like every other candidate. It cost us money. We went through the same hard times.
“We campaigned in the same way as all other candidates. When they see that they respect you, they know you are as good as them.”
Semoso went on to win the deputy speaker’s post in the assembly – again with the majority support from male representatives.
“Never in my five years did I get any disrespect because I was a reserved seat contestant. I was voted deputy speaker of the House of Representatives of 40.
“Reserved seats made a big difference.
“Women are honest when it comes to things that we know will destroy people’s lives.
“Honestly speaking the PNG parliament needs the presence of women MPs. Political parties should support women candidates.”
She told aspiring women candidates: “Reserved seats or no reserved seats, you can still win an election if you
know your strengths. You can never be a man. You have to go the people as a woman and a leader.”
That is what the people are looking for. Let them say all the good things about you, the bad things about you. Then they will know you can weather the storm as well as any man.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Women from Wakunai district in Central Bougainville will be celebrating their deferred International Women’s Day celebrations next Tuesday, March 27th 2012.
This was revealed today by the member for TERRA constituency and Deputy ABG Speaker, Robin Wilson.
MR. WILSON in his invitation note to New Dawn FM said that the celebration will take place at the Wakunai District centre.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of Aku in Buin, South Bougainville in which the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto’s plane crashed on their land during the second world war decided to change the name of their AKU Primary School two years ago to honour the Japanese hero of war.
This was revealed to the visiting Japanese ambassador, HIROHARU IWASAKI at the school grounds yesterday.
School’s Parents and Citizen’s committee chairman, Thomas Kalopo in his welcome speech told that visiting ambassador that the change of the name was to honour the memory of Japanese Hero, ISOROKU YAMAMOTO whose plane crashed six kilometres from the school during the second world war.
He said by this the School and its surrounding communities wished to sustain a harmonious relationship with the people of Japan.
The Ambassador and ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS were put on a platform and carried several meters from the school as a sign of respect for chiefs in the Buin custom.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President, Chief John Momis has thanked the government and people of Japan for the biggest gift to the people of Bougainville in the form of the FIFTEEN Bridges across Bougainville’s rivers between Kokopau in North Bougainville and Arawa in Central Bougainville.
He made these comments at RAWA river at the official handover of these bridges by the Japanese Ambassador to PNG HE HIROHARU IWASAKI on Tuesday this week.
President commended the contractors for completing the job one year nine months earlier than anticipated.
The Bridge Project was planned for completion by December 31st,2013.
MR. MOMIS said that the Japanese risked all odds to built these bridges when many see Bougainville as a very unstable place.
He added that their gift of the 15 bridges to the people of Bougainville was aligned with the ABG path towards economic prosperity.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG condemns burning of vessels
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President Chief John Momis has strongly condemned the burning of the three Rabaul Shipping vessels by former combatant groups in Buka last Saturday.
President Momis said that the action taken by this group will have serious long term repercussions on Bougainville’s peace and stability and the economic recovery effort and investment opportunities that his government has been promoting.
“Bougainville has lost 46 innocent lives in the MV Rabaul Queen disaster and I share the pains of those families who have lost their loved ones, but Bougainvilleans should not take advantage of this loss to take the law into their own hands.
“Bougainville Police, the Bougainville Administration and leaders of the ABG had been mediating and negotiating with former combatant groups and the owner of Rabaul Shipping, Mr Peter Sharp, of a possible payment of ‘belkol’ monies for the victims of the MV Rabaul Queen disaster and there was no need at all for those involved in setting fire to the ships,” said the President.
He urged all Bougainvilleans to be patient and wait for the outcome of the inquiry established by the National Government into the sinking of the vessel.
He also added that the use of weapons by former combatants to show their frustration was a clear breach of the Bougainville Peace Agreement of which they are parties to.
He also called on members of the Bougainville House of Representatives, chairmen of Bougainville Council of Elders and traditional chiefs to work closely with former combatants to uphold the rule of law at all times.
Source: Post-Courier
Burnt ships to be sold as scrap metal
THE three Rabaul Shipping vessels that were burnt last Saturday in Buka are to be salvaged and sold as scrap metal to overseas buyers.
In a meeting on Tuesday it was decided that what remains of the three vessels, MV Solomon Queen, MV Copra 3 and MV Copra 4, will be sold to cover loss of lives from the MV Rabaul Queen incident and other costs and security purposes.
The meeting, which was also attended by member for Torokina. Steven Suako, ex-combatants, members of the Veterans Affairs Division, local chiefs and relatives of those who lost loved ones in the shipping tragedy, also decided that Peter Sharp and his shipping company Rabaul Shipping were no longer welcomed to operate in Bougainville. They also called for Rabaul Shipping to be banned from operating in PNG waters.
It was also decided that veterans and aggrieved relatives will be allowed to gather and re-sell remaining copra from the ships storage to cover security costs for those who provided security for the three vessels during the time of the compensation demand.
They also resolved that shipping services operating in PNG and Bougainville should not be deterred by this incident as assurance has been given by veterans and aggrieved relatives that their commitment in providing quality shipping services to Bougainville is recognized and their security is guaranteed.
The meeting fully elaborated on the prolonged demand for compensation which had led to the safety of the vessels being compromised and burnt.
MV Bougainville Atolls has been assigned to tow the burnt vessels to a safe area where they will be dismantled ready to be sold. No other vessels, not even the owner, will be allowed to tow the vessels.
Furthermore, a stern warning has been issued for persons not to tamper with the ships as this may lead to an oil spill from the vessels causing environmental damage to the reef and marine life.
Source: Post-Courier
PNG ranks poorly
PAPUA New Guinea has been ranked the worst country for mining projects with political risk out of 25 counties, according to Denver-based mining business consultants, Behre Dolbear.
Behre Dolbear also ranked the United States as the worst nation in terms of mining permitting delays, while South Africa mining projects may encounter more corruption and social risk factors.
Ironically, according a copy of the survey which the Post Courier sighted yesterday, Behre Dolbear found that the U.S. tied with PNG for the country with the most numerous permitting delays.
The countries having the fewest permitting delays are Australia, Mexico, and Tanzania.
In its annual ranking of countries in terms of political risks for mining investment, Behre Dolbear, has ranked Australia, Canada, Chile, Brazil and Mexico as the top five nations in which to locate mining projects.
The five lowest-scoring nations were Russia, Bolivia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Kazakhstan with PNG bringing up the rear as the worst in terms of political risk for mining projects.
The 25 nations considered in this year’s survey were ranked on seven criteria: economic system, political system, degree of social issues affecting mining, delays in receiving permits, degree of corruption, stability of the country’s currency, and the competitiveness of the nation’s tax policy.
Each criterion was rated on a qualitative scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) with a maximum attainable score of 70 points.
For PNG, it was ranked 22 out of 70 for the total points from 2010 through to 2012.
In this report, Behre Dolbear advised clients to exercise notable caution when considering investments in these countries.
In terms of corruption, Australia and Canada continue to rate at 10, the highest rating in Behre Dolbear survey in this criterion.
The countries with least corruption are Australia, Canada and the United States.
Those with the greatest incidence of corruption are Kazakhstan, Russia, DRC, South Africa and PNG.
Australia and Canada continue to rate at 10, the highest rating in Behre Dolbear survey in this criterion.
The countries with least corruption are Australia, Canada and the United States.
Those with the greatest incidence of corruption are Kazakhstan, Russia, DRC, South Africa and PNG.
Also, the countries ranked most effective at managing social issues are Australia, Chile and Columbia, while Bolivia, PNG, India and South Africa were ranked the least effective in the survey.
A phone call and an email sent to PNG Chambers of Mines and Petroleum for comments particularly on the mining investment risk did not get any feedback.
Source: Post-Courier
Judiciary Bill puts judges on notice
PARLIAMENT yesterday passed a controversial law that will now give it the ability to suspend senior Supreme and National Court judges who are perceived to be biased.
The Judicial Conduct Bill 2012, introduced by Attorney-General Dr Allan Marat, is designed to deal with ethical behaviour of judges by giving Parliament power to deal directly with the judicial arm. The bill was passed 63 - 7 with minimal debate.
But the Somare regime yesterday afternoon announced they will file appropriate proceedings to challenge the constitutionality of the Act today.
Dr Marat introduced the Bill in Parliament amidst strong opposition from the Government back bench and specifically from the Somare-Agiru regime who unanimously tried to have the Bill stalled.
This law would now give the parliament the power to refer a judge to the Governor-General, who in turn must appoint a tribunal to investigate the judge, who would be suspended from duty - while that happens the judge cannot hear cases.
Dr Marat when presenting the Bill told Parliament that this law would help judges uphold the integrity of the judicial system. He said that the law would “promote the integrity of our legal system based on the principle that an independent, fair and competent judiciary shall interpret and apply the laws that govern us.
It lays out a set of nine ‘impartiality’ rules judges must obey, the breaching of which will allow Parliament to make a referral to the Governor General.
But Madang Regional MP Sir Arnold Amet yesterday in a press conference said that they will make sure to challenge the validity of this Bill adding that there was absolutely no need for such a law because the legal system processes of objections and applications for disqualifications of judges and review and appeal procedures have adequately dealt with these kinds of issues over centuries in democracies that had adopted these precedents and system.
“The most important substantive provision which must raise alarm bells in all law abiding citizens, the legal and judicial fraternity all over the commonwealth of nations, the democratic nations of the world who share the same system of governments that respect the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law and separation of powers of the three principal arms of government is Section 5 (2) which reads: if it appears to Parliament that a judge has failed to disqualify himself…or has influenced a proceeding by Parliament by way of a motion may refer the Judge concerned to the Head of State to appoint a tribunal to investigate the breach and provide a report to Parliament,” Sir Arnold said.
“I can assure the nation and our development partners of the international community that this most dangerous challenge to our fragile democracy will not be allowed to go without the most vigorous legal challenge.”
In Parliament, Opposition Leader Dame Carol Kidu was the first to object to the Bill as she described it as a blatant attack on the judiciary, an institution which a lot of Papua New Guineans regard as the last fortress of hope in a country crippled by corruption and lawlessness.
“The Bill directly undermines the basis of the separation of powers as enshrined in our constitution and puts a higher scrutiny threshold for judges than for parliamentarians,” she said.
Nuku Open MP Andrew Kumbakor yesterday expressed outrage over the passage of the bill on the conduct of the judiciary today in parliament.
Mr Kumbakor said, “Without knowing the full implication of this bill I feel compelled to recommend that parliament should also apply this type of law across the board to all members of parliament whose conduct and behavior come into question.
“It is ridiculous that an independent arm of government should be singled out in this instance while public servants and members of parliament do not have an act of parliament as such to scrutinize their behavior and conduct in public office that forces them to stand down from their duties.
“Until the full implications of this bill are understood and proper public debate takes place I will be seeking further legal advice and will ensure a stay order on the implementation of the Bill is in place until we assess the constitutionality of the bill’s passage,” said Mr Kumbakor.
While defending the enactment of Act, Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah said yesterday that the move was to restore integrity and confidence into the judiciary amidst mounting concern over the amount of court orders being issued by judges.
The bill will take effect retrospective to November 1, 2011, which coincidentally was the time the O’Neill Namah Government tried unsuccessfully to remove the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia.
All PNG judges are already subject to the PNG Leadership Code – like other constitutional office holders – but this bill, now enacted, would enable the legislature and the executive to act above the Organic Law on the Duties and Responsibilities of Leadership and refer judges when and how it sees fit. The bill’s introduction comes three weeks after armed policemen, believed to be acting on the orders of the O’Neill government, entered the court precinct and arrested and charged Sir Salamo for allegedly perverting the course of justice.
A number of judges suspended their cases in response to the arrest and charging of their superior, with the National Court later ruling that the charges were an abuse of process and issuing a permanent stay on the proceedings. The seven MPs that voted against the Bill included Opposition Leader Dame Carol Kidu, Aitape Lumi MP Patrick Pruaitch, Middle Ramu MP Ben Semri, Enga Governor Peter Ipatas, West Sepik Governor Simon Solo, Southern Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru and Tambul -Nebilyer MP Benjamin Poponawa.
Source: The National
House passes judicial bill
THE government yesterday muscled the Judicial Conduct Bill through parliament,
drawing an outcry of criticism from opposition politicians, church leaders and a non-governmental organisation (see page 3 for details).
The law, introduced on Tuesday and passed three times by a vote of 63-7 yesterday, gave parliament the power to refer a judge to the governor-general who, in turn, must appoint a tribunal to investigate the judge who would be suspended from duty.
The government said the law would “promote the integrity of our legal system based on the principle that an independent, fair and competent judiciary shall interpret and apply the laws that govern us”.
It gave a set of nine “impartiality” rules judges must obey, the breaching of which will allow parliament to make a referral to the governor-general.
The speed at which the bill was passed drew a mixed reaction from MPs mindful of the several political and judicial tests over the past eight months.
The only parliamentarians who voted against the bill were Enga Governor Peter Ipatas, Middle Ramu MP Ben Sembri, Aitape-Lumi MP Patrick Pruiatch, West Sepik Governor Simon Solo, opposition leader Dame Carol Kidu, Southern Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru and Tambul-Nebliyer MP Benjamin Poponawa.
Tari-Pori MP James Marape did not to take part in the voting.
The clerk then had to come back and ask him whether he would vote for or against the bill and he said that since majority had voted for the bill he would also vote for it.
The law is retrospective to last Nov 1.
During debate, Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah said the Constitution had not been tested and it was about time it was tested to suit present day requirements.
He said under section 284, parliament had wider powers and could make laws to control and safeguard the judiciary.
He said judges were issuing permanent restraining orders like hot cakes and alleged that many of them were collaborating with politicians to obtain restraining orders.
He claimed there was systematic judicial corruption and by passing the law, the country will have a transparent judiciary.
Hagen MP William Duma said one or two judges were dragging the judiciary down and the law was needed to safeguard and promote the integrity of the legal system.
Dame Carol said: “We are taking a wrong way. We are breaking the fabric of the Constitution and I am really worried for the future of PNG.”
The government’s move is being interpreted as a broadside against the nation’s chief justice, Sir Salamo Injia, following the leaking of court documents and the quashing of an investigation into his financial dealings.
Dame Carol told journalists she was in little doubt the government would move quickly to oust Sir Salamo.
“I think that will happen very quickly.”
She said it removed vital checks and balances and placed total power in one arm of government.
“If checks and balances are not working, we are in an executive dictatorship,” she said.
“It is not in the interests of PNG remaining a truly democratic country.
“We will have judges afraid to toe the line.”
Source: The National
No plans on rising sea level, says minister
THE government does not have mitigation plans to address the needs or relocate islanders in PNG currently affected by the rising sea level.
Environment and Conservation Minister Thompson Harokaqveh said although there were no plans, the issue would be part of the national protective system which aims to preserve the environment.
Harokaqveh was responding to concerns raised in parliament by Hela Transitional Authority
chairman James Marape yesterday.
Marape said small islands and atolls such as the Cartarets and Mortlock groups were sinking and this was affecting the lives of traditional inhabitants.
He said a recent documentary had indicated that the islands were sinking and action was needed to prepare and plan for the worst.
Marape said he was moved when he saw how the lives of the island people were being threatened by the rising sea level due to climate change.
There are several voluntary arrangements in place for the people to relocate to Bougainville but the government had yet to develop a relocation and resettlement plan for the people.
Source: Island Business
Reopening of Bougainville mine will pay off shareholders
Papua New Guinea must change into a “land of the expected” European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) president Axel Sturm said yesterday.
BUKA, PNG Papua New Guinea must change into a “land of the expected” European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) president Axel Sturm said yesterday. And he unsurprisingly believes significant government investment into reopening the Panguna mine will pay off. While there has been uncertainty over whether the Panguna mine will ever reopen since it closed down in 1989 before the subsequent civil war, ESBC is concerned that BCL shares are becoming prey to short sellers due to the recent political instability in PNG. “It has a new Prime Minister (Peter O’Neill) elected by an overwhelming majority in Parliament while an old stubborn prime minister [Sir Michael Somare] cannot accept having been ousted,” Sturm said. “Unfortunately, the new prime minister’s Deputy (Belden Namah) contributes to this situation by making irritating statements from time to time. “This fires foreign investors’ confusion.” PNG’s parliament has passed the long-heralded sovereign wealth fund designed to safely manage windfall government revenues from the PNG LNG project, especially through offshore investments to avoid causing even more local inflation. But Sturm said that Sovereign Wealth Fund investment into PNG industries would be a great signal to investors worldwide. In what would also lift his own share portfolio, Mr Sturm would like to see the PNG government increase its stake in BCL (about 19%) and even buy more shares to give the Autonomous Bougainville government its first stake. “I imagine if PNG/ABG hold up to 25 % or even more in BCL, both would be keen to increase their stake’s value by fast-tracking the reopening [of] the Panguna mine,” Mr Sturm said. “A strong investment in BCL shares by PNG would be understood by investors as PNG’s commitment to a better economic future. “Investors are watching out for security of their investment – uncertainty is poison. “Certainty is strongly needed now,” he added. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has become the leading stock market for trading BCL shares which are also Australian Securities Exchange-listed. A key and longstanding hurdle to reopening the Panguna mine is gathering the support of community landowners. There were around 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement for the mine, providing plenty of scope for differences of opinion. Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989 and had produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972. Rio Tinto owns around 54% of BCL.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Judges being challenged
There are concerns in Papua New Guinea a new law giving parliament new powers to suspend senior judges will erode democracy in the country.
The government says the law will strengthen the judiciary, but critics say it's just another attack on the country's top judge.
Presenter: PNG correspondent Liam Fox
Speakers: Dr Allan Marat, PNG's Attorney General; John Nongorr, PNG constitutional lawyer, Sir Arnold Amet, a former PNG Chief Justice and Attorney General; Julie Bishop, Australia's opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman
Listen here !
Source: Island Business
Ex-combatants blame ABG for lack of leadership
The Autonomous Bougainville Government should also be blamed for the burning down of the three “Peter Sharp” vessels in Buka over the weekend.
BUKA, PNG The Autonomous Bougainville Government should also be blamed for the burning down of the three “Peter Sharp” vessels in Buka over the weekend. But one of the ex-combatants involved (named) said yesterday that they specifically burnt the vessels because of two things – that none of the ABG leaders were listening and attending to their demands and that they were also upset with a response from vessel owner Peter Sharp claiming that “the sinking of Rabaul Queen was not his doing but God’s doing!” Concerned ex-combatants who did not take part in the burning incident, however, told the Post Courier that they understood there were two options put before the ABG to avoid what transpired over the weekend. “One option was for the ABG to settle the K350, 000 (US$163,000) demands for the ex-combatants and immediately take the vessels under police custody … and later negotiate with Peter Sharp on the reimbursement of their monies,” the ex-combatants said. “The other option was for the ABG to help negotiate with Sharp for the release of two vessels while they could take ownership of one to service Bougainville under their leadership, specifically for the people of the region.” They said Autonomous Bougainville Government could have saved the ships if they took advice on these two options given them but also pointed out the ignorance in the part of Peter Sharp refusing to talk to the ABG. “I think ABG should have taken the leadership and feel with the people instead of ignoring them,” they said. “They should represent the people and seek justice whether Sharp is responsible or whoever was. I think people felt neglected. Then I think our colleagues (the ex-combatants) as usual took it on themselves and filled the vacuum of leadership. The ABG should also acknowledge their availability to support the relatives. “Just respect for human life and property will be gone again. It will be just a time of chaos. If the churches, the civil society, women’s groups, media and Bougainville elites all act now we can avoid it. What we need is an aggressive police force to crack down on law and order.” Meanwhile, ABG last night advised they were doing everything they could to address the situation and the issue together with police. They said a team of investigators are working around the clock to compile a report with its recommendations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Crash site
By Aloysius Laukai
Japanese ambassador to PNG HE HIROHARU IWASAKI pose for this AL picture with Deputy Director of National Planning at the YAMAMOTO crash site today.

Source: Post-Courier
Reopening of mine will pay off shareholders
PAPUA New Guinea must change into a “land of the expected” European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) president Axel Sturm said yesterday.
And he unsurprisingly believes significant government investment into reopening the Panguna mine will pay off.
While there has been uncertainty over whether the Panguna mine will ever reopen since it closed down in 1989 before the subsequent civil war, ESBC is concerned that BCL shares are becoming prey to short sellers due to the recent political instability in PNG.
“It has a new Prime Minister (Peter O’Neill) elected by an overwhelming majority in Parliament while an old stubborn prime minister [Sir Michael Somare] cannot accept having been ousted,” Sturm said.
“Unfortunately, the new prime minister’s Deputy (Belden Namah) contributes to this situation by making irritating statements from time to time.
“This fires foreign investors’ confusion.”
PNG’s parliament has passed the long-heralded sovereign wealth fund designed to safely manage windfall government revenues from the PNG LNG project, especially through offshore investments to avoid causing even more local inflation.
But Sturm said that Sovereign Wealth Fund investment into PNG industries would be a great signal to investors worldwide.
In what would also lift his own share portfolio, Mr Sturm would like to see the PNG government increase its stake in BCL (about 19%) and even buy more shares to give the Autonomous Bougainville government its first stake.
“I imagine if PNG/ABG hold up to 25 % or even more in BCL, both would be keen to increase their stake’s value by fast-tracking the reopening [of] the Panguna mine,” Mr Sturm said.
“A strong investment in BCL shares by PNG would be understood by investors as PNG’s commitment to a better economic future.
“Investors are watching out for security of their investment – uncertainty is poison.
“Certainty is strongly needed now,” he added.
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has become the leading stock market for trading BCL shares which are also Australian Securities Exchange-listed.
A key and longstanding hurdle to reopening the Panguna mine is gathering the support of community landowners.
There were around 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement for the mine, providing plenty of scope for differences of opinion.
Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989 and had produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972.
Rio Tinto owns around 54% of BCL.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville must strengthen tourism
By Tapo Tovilu
Tourism in Bougainville has potential and will grow.
These were the words of president of the ABG John Momis today as he visited the Yamamoto crash site for the first time.
President Momis says that due to Bougainville's involvment in the second world war the region is full of war relicts.
He says that tourism has a potential to be a economic steppingstone for the region.
He made a call to all Bougainvilleans to look after World War II war sites and relicts as they would benefit from them for tourism.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Japan government visits Makis
By Tapo Tovilu
A high power delegation including Japanese ambassador to PNG visited the Yamamoto plane crash site in the Makis constituency of Buin.
The visit was the fist ever Japanese government representatives visit to the crash site.
The ambassador says that Bougainville plays a major part in the history of Japan because of the crash site.
He added that other Japanese historic sites in Bougainville will be visited and improved and will encourage more Japanese tourists.
The ambasasador stressed that Japan will continue to support Bougainville and strengthen ties between the ABG and Japan further more.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Owner of destroyed PNG ships blames Bougainville government
The owner of one of the three ships destroyed in Buka on Sunday has blamed the government of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville.
Peter Sharp, whose company also owned the Rabaul Queen, which sank six weeks ago off Morobe, says the provincial government is terrified of the armed militants alleged to be behind the incident.
Don Wiseman has more:
“Soon after the Rabaul Queen disaster, which included several dozen Bougainvilleans among its victims, Mr Sharp’s Solomon Queen and two vessels belonging to Star Shipping, Kopra 03 and Kopra 04, were seized. Police said members of grieving families, aided by ex-combatants, had taken over the vessels in Buka port. But Mr Sharp says it was only ever ex-combatants involved. He says police couldn’t do anything because they have been emasculated by the government, which appears to side with the ex-combatants. Mr Sharp says they’re just criminals who’d demanded compensation, had committed not to destroy the ships and had promised they’d be released last Saturday. The Bougainville government has condemned the destruction of the vessels and set up a team to address the issue, but it says the situation is very sensitive and tense and will make no other comment.”
Source: ESBC
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Vocational training - a tool for peace on Bougainville
Vocational training may have a bigger role to play in building the peace on Bougainville than originally thought.
A study of young men of the crisis generation, those too young to have been combatants, show many find it hard to find a role for themselves.
These are the young men who missed out on formal education, who as young children witnessed violence, and who now even as thney reach the age of 30 are not yet old enough to take their place in traditional leadership roles.
With no money and no way of gaining the respect of their community many have turned to marijuana and become the perpetrators of domestic violence and other assaults within in their communities.
Stuart Kent, from the University of Melbourne, interviewed community leaders and 60 young men from the crisis generation.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: Stuart Kent, PhD student, Department of Land and Environment, Melbourne University
Source: ESBC Research
Bougainville JSB and NEC postponed!
The Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) and the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting, both scheduled to be held in Buka and Arawa from March 23rd to March 25th, have been postponed. A new date has not been communicated yet.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Japan hands over bridges
By Aloysius Laukai
Japanese Ambassador has commited to continue to support Bougainville with other developmental projects on the region.
He made these comments when officialy handing 15 bridges to the ABG at Rawa today.
He also said that he would consider other requests made by communities during the ceremony at Rawa today

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Rawa Bridge handover
By Aloysius Laukai
The ceremony to handover 15 japanese built bridges has started...

The new Rawa bridge

Rawa Tsigul Group
Source: Post-Courier
Japanese envoy visits Bougainville
THE JAPANESE Ambassador to Papua New Guinea is currently in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Mr Hiriharu Hashi Iwasaki was accompanied by members of JICA or Japanese International Cooperation Agency and PNG National Government Representatives.
During his first three-day official visit, the ambassador will be the guest of honour at the official grand opening of the 15 bridges funded by the Japanese government through JICA.
The ambassador, on his arrival yesterday, was met at the Buka airport by Autonomous Bougainville Government Vice President Patrick Nisira, Chief Administrator Lawrence Dising and members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government. Mr Nisira, on behalf of the ABG, officially welcomed the ambassador and his delegation and wished him an enjoyable stay. The ambassador in response, said Bougainville is in the hearts of all Japanese because it is historically special.
He said Japanese students study their history in all schools and know Bougainville, adding he waited a long time to come to Bougainville and finally did today. His official tour will take him to pay a courtesy call on the President of Autonomous Region of Bougainville John Momis. He will later visit the Japanese war memorial site on Sohano Island.
Source: Post-Courier
Sharp silent!
ABG sorry, appoints team to probe burning of vessels.
The owner of the ill-fated MV Rabaul Queen continues to maintain his silence, even after one of his vessels was torched along with Star Shipping vessels Kopra 03 and Kopra 04.
Mr Peter Sharp known for his “silence” again refused to comment when contacted yesterday regarding the buring of the vessels Kopra 03, Kopra 04 and MV Solomon Queen last night.
He said he would not give any comments.
He said he would remain silent over the matter. In an interesting turn of events, police last night advised that an investigation into the burning of the three Star Shipping vessels, Kopra 03, Kopra 04 and MV Solomon Queen has been set up.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has appointed a team of leaders, police and council of chiefs and ex-combatants to seriously address the ‘Peter Sharp Vessel’ issue. Police, however, said the situation is very sensitive and tense, therefore no further details could be released on the matter.
But ABG officials last night said that the situation was very unfortunate and that they were doing everything to address the demise of the three vessels.
A team of investigators and negotiators is been put together to look into the unfotunate incident which are now skeletal structures near Madehas Island, off the coast of Buka town. The three vessels were impounded at the Buka wharf by aggrieved ex combatants after the sinking of the MV Rabaul Queen on February 02, 2012, between the seas of West New Britain and Morobe.
The shipping incident has claimed more than 300 lives mostly traveling students.Some of those lost in this disaster were passengers from Bougainville which angered the ex combatants.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville’s image as one of the peaceful places on earth has been tarnished by the burning of Starships ships at the weekend according to Buka businessman, Henry Onsa.

MR. HENRY ONSA (picture) told New Dawn FM today that he was not happy with the people who burnt the ships at the weekend.
He said that the burning of the ships would now have negative impact on the supply of goods to the region as the two ships were the main carriers of Fuel and Gas to the region as well as other store goods.
MR. ONSA said that he was not happy in the way the negotiations for the release of these ships were made resulting in the burning of these ships.
He also blamed the ABG and the administration for not assisting in the negotiations that could have avoided what has happened.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The government of Japan will tomorrow handover the 15 bridges between Kokopau and Arawa built under Japanese bridges progam worth more than NINETY MILLION KINA.
Japanese Ambassador to Png HE Hiroharu Iwasaki arrived this morning to represent his government and hand-in the bridges.
He will then continue to Buin to see the Admiral Yamamoto crash site, with president John Momis.
Ambassador and his delegation return to Port Moresby this Thursday.
Pictured are Sorom cultural group who welcomed the delegation in Buka this morning.

Source: Post-Courier
ABG set for 2012 elections
Defence Force not need for polls
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) will not need any extra outside manpower or security assistance for the upcoming 2012 General Elections.
This was revealed by ABG’s very own top cop, Assistant Commissioner of Police Thomas Eluh, over the weekend.

Commander Eluh (picture) said that already police in the province have prepared and are ready for the major operations and will not need extra manpower from anywhere outside the province.
However, he said that the police will only need a funding support of K350 000 from the government to carry out security duties during the elections.
Commander Eluh said that already a proposal has been sent to the ABG regarding the funding for the operations and is waiting for a feedback.
He said that already 340 auxiliary and 179 regular policemen have been drilled with plans already in place to be dispatched to all strategic locations throughout the province during the election period.He expressed confidence in his men saying that there was no need for any outside help for manpower or security purposes saying that his men have already prepared to carry out their tasks as required of them during the 2012 Elections.
Commander Eluh said that the New Zealand Government will also assist with logistics support only during such time.
He also emphasised that the PNG Defence Force will not enter the province during the election period to provide manpower or security support.
Source: Post-Courier
Three ships go up in flames off Buka island
RABAUL shipping has lost more than K20 million worth of three vessels set alight by Bougainville ex-combatants early hours of Saturday in Buka.
The vessels, MV Kopra I, Kopra II and Solomon Queen, were impounded by angry ex-combatants a month ago after the ill-fated sister ship Rabaul Queen sank off Finscahaffen waters in Morobe Province.
Assistant Commissioner of Police in Bougainville Thomas Eluh who returns to Bougainville today said yesterday that he was briefed on the matter and confirmed the three vessels were set alight between 1:30 am and 5 am Saturday.
They are now anchored at Madehas Island off Sohano, Buka Island.
Eye witnesses in Buka who were at the wharf on at 2 am told the Post-Courier that the Solomon Queen was set on fire then the two other vessels and by nine in the morning on Saturday the Kopra I and Kopra II were still in flames.
Those involved refused to comment on the issue as they claimed they were still upset with the manner in which the issue was handled – the fact that the owner and its office in Buka had no proper response to demands from those involved. All they sent to the Post-Courier when asked for response was “the ships are now burning by peaceful means”.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government leaders remained tight-lipped on the matter. When asked in Rabaul and in Buka over the weekend they leaders said that the matter was unfortunate but needed to be handled sensitively.
But as of last night the ABG advised that a week ago, Regional MP for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso, in one of the meetings specifically recommended the ABG and or the three Open MPs settle the demand by the ex-combatants, take the vessels into custody and negotiate with the owners for reimbursement.
They also said the problem was also that of the owner-Peter Sharp for not responding in a timely manner and quickly to the demands.
More than 200 Bougainvilleans are still reported missing in the ill-fated Rabaul Queen journey to Lae six weeks ago.
Source: The National
Rebels set ships on fire
REBEL elements on Buka Island torched three Rabaul Shipping vessels – mv Solomon Queen, Kopra 3 and Kopra 4 – on Saturday.
The vessels were towed from the wharf towards Sohano Island through the Buka passage, grounded on a reef and set alight.
No lives were lost, police said, but some bags of copra aboard the vessels went up in flames.
Armed men in banana boats formed a cordon to make sure no-one tried to board the ships to put the fires out.
The vessels had been stranded at the wharf since Feb 2 after they were seized by people seeking compensation for the victims of the mv Rabaul Queen, also owned by Rabaul Shipping.
The ship sank in heavy seas off Finschhafen on Feb 2 claiming the lives of more than 200 passengers while237 were rescued.
According to eyewitnesses, who asked not to be identified for security reasons, a number of armed men were seen arriving from Central and South Bougainville late last Friday night.
They boarded the ships and early the next morning, the three vessels were seen being towed to the outskirts of Buka passage where they were set alight.
At 10am on Saturday, people on Buka could see the ships burning outside the harbour.
Bougainville police on Buka said their officers were not equipped to confront the armed men. But they were monitoring the situation and trying to resolve the matter peacefully.
The Bougainville peace agreement bans law enforcers from using weapons.
Bougainville President John Momis condemned the actions of the men, saying the rule of law must be respected.
Rabaul Shipping, or its owner Peter Sharp, had not issued any statement.
Thick smoke was still coming from the ships yesterday.
About 10 banana boats with armed men on board could be seen from the shore guarding the burning ships.
Government officials and police were still trying to figure out what provoked the men to burn the ships.
An ex-combatant who asked not to be identified denied that the Mekamui defence force was involved in the burning which he believed could threaten the peace and stability of Bougainville.
He said the situation in Buka and Kokopau towns was tense as more than 100 armed men were moving freely across the Buka passage, selling loot, particularly fuel, from the three ships.
He said the men involved were mainly renegades operating individually and did not represent ex-combatants of Bougainville.
“The hijacking of the three ships started out as a means to get Sharp to pay compensation for the Bougainville lives lost in the Rabaul Queen tragedy,’’ he said.
“But it turned out differently when opportunists joined the cause, pretending to support our genuine interest when really they were serving their own.”
After seizing the ships, they had asked for K50,000 to “provide security”. Later, their demand increased to K350,000.
Rabaul Shipping had come back with an offer of K100,000 provided the ships were released first.
The company closed its office in Buka earlier this month and managed to evacuate the 15 crew members on board.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Japanese Ambassador to PNG, HIROHARU IWASAKI arrived in Buka this morning for the opening of the 90million bridges tomorrow at Rawa bridge.
He was welcomed by the ABG leaders headed by the ABG vice president. PATRICK NISIRA.
Pictured is the ambassador at Buka airport this morning.

Source: PNG exposed
MV Solomon Queen on fire at Buka wharf

Reports from Buka say that the Mv Solomon Queen has been set on fire and two other two Rabaul Shipping copra vessels have been cut loose and are now drifting out into the open sea.
The three vessels had been held under guard by local groups since the sinking of the Rabaul Queen on February 2nd. The groups said the ships would not be released until Rabaul Shipping owner Peter Sharp settled for the lives of the many Bougainvillians lost in the disaster and the recommendations of an official inquiry were published.
The PNG government is still stalling over the funding for the promised Commission of Inquiry.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

3 Starship's ships owned by Peter Sharp, Solomon Queen, Kopra 1 and Kopra 4 have been set on fire on the early hours of this morning.
Fire was lit on the Solomon Queen which was tied to the two other ships and then were released from mooring at the Buka wharf.
Three ships then drifted with the tide towards Sohano island.
This occured at about 1am and up to 9am this morning fire had gone to the two ships.
And due to the current change the three burning boats could return towards Buka town posing a risky situation in town.
It is believed those people who have been holding on to the ships burnt the over frustrations because Peter Sharp did not meet their demands to compensate relatives of those who perished in the Mv Rabaul Queen Disaster in the Morobe waters on 2nd February.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has since dissassociated itself from involving in this problem. Its lawyer Chris Siriosi had earlier said that this was the work of relatives of those who died on the Mv Rabaul Queen.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A world war 2 veteran who fought along American soldiers at Torokina was one of the tourists who visited Bougainville today.
CHARLES H. MEACHAM aged 86 served at Torokina at the age of 18.
He told a welcome gathering in Buka this morning that he was happy to see the place he was able to defend during the war and that he was happy Bougainvilleans were living in peace because of their struggles during the war.
MR. MEACHAM was accompanied by his wife who is also 86 years of age.
He said that he was also happy to see that development was slowly moving back into Bougainville after the civil uprising that has further crippled the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
45 tourists aboard Australia’s vessel Oceanic Explorer briefly visited Buka town and surrounding tourist sites before continuing with the journey to Rabaul in East New Britain Province.
The 45 people included two veterans who have served on Bougainville one during the war in Torokina and one as a Captain of a ship that used to bring cargoes to Bougainville in the late 1950’s.
The tourists were greeted by traditional groups from Sorom and Pororan island.
They had the chance to visit the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives and talked to the Speaker and members of the ABG before seen other sites at Hahela and Hutjena.
They also had the chance to buy some souvenirs from the market before boarding their ship just after 1pm this afternoon.
Source: The National
Team to review PNG, Bougainville powers
TECHNICAL teams from the national government and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville government will meet to review the powers and functions between the governments.
The Bougainville government will focus on the progress of a memorandum of understanding on the transfer of fisheries, police, works and community development functions and powers.
The meeting will look at updating the implementation of MoUs on education, health, agriculture, lands, technical services and symbolic powers and functions.
Team leader and deputy administrator policy for Bougainville Raymond Masono said the meeting would elaborate on the implementation of stages 2 and 3 of the strategic framework on the transfer of mining functions and powers.
He said two new submissions – the notice of intention to transfer the public service function and powers from the national government to the ABG and issues related to the framework for negotiation of reopening the Panguna mine – would be submitted.
Masono said the meeting would be tabling recommendations on steps forward on the review of the autonomy arrangement and preparations for referendum on the future political status of Bougainville.
The meeting will discuss the joint ABG/national government reconciliation and weapons disposal programme.
The ABG team had arrived in Kokopo while members of the PNG team were expected to arrive today.
Source: The National
Panguna keen to align with Parkop
PANGUNA leaders in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville want to form an alliance with Powes Parkop and his Social Democratic Party to contest the general election.
The leaders have invited the SDP to set up an office in Bougainville. They are represented by Panguna Landowners Association deputy chairman Michael Pariu, MGU president Philip Miriori and women leader Patricia Tapakau representing the women in the mine areas.
They want to pick a strong candidate from Panguna to contest the 2012 election on a Social Democratic Party ticket.
“He is one of the very few national leaders with a good reputation and clean record and who supported us during the Bougainville Crisis, especially in the international community while campaigning with us on the serious violation of human rights issues against the general population of Bougainville.
“We share common values and principles on a wide range of issues in this regard, including the stamping out of corruption, which has now become a very hot issue today.
“We know (National Capital District) Governor Parkop played an important role with other leaders like Jerry Singirok and Belden Namah in forcing Sandline mercenaries to leave the shores of PNG.
“That is why we can trust him to support our cause in parliament by working closely with our candidate for the Central Bougainville seat,” their statement said.
“One other reason why the people of Panguna want to link up and establish a close working relationship with Parkop’s political party is that we can learn a lot from his achievements in transforming Port Moresby city into a safer, organised and cleaner city.
“We can certainly learn from his examples to bring about some drastic changes, first and foremost to the Panguna district, then to the rest of Central Bougainville and finally Bougainville at large.
“He has done wonders for NCD, and our people in Panguna would want to benefit from his connections and vast experience.”
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
Australia and PNG agree to 'move on'
There is concern in Papua New Guinea over a call by Australia's Foreign Minister to consider sanctions if the country's elections are postponed.

Less than a week into the job as Foreign Minister, Bob Carr (picture) has raised the possibility of imposing sanctions on PNG if the mid-year elections are delayed.
He says Australia would be placed in a position where it had no alternative but to organise the world to condemn and isolate Papua New Guinea if the electoral cycle is broken.
PNG Foreign Minister Ano Pala spoke to Senator Carr after calling in Australia's Acting High Commissioner for an explanation of the comments.
Before their conversation, Mr Pala said he requested that if the statement was true, that it be withdrawn and a public apology be made.
But after speaking to his Australian counterpart, Mr Pala said he accepted Senator Carr was speaking hypothetically and they had both agreed to move on.
Speaking later on Thursday, Senator Carr said he was quietly confident PNG would hold elections on time.
"It was clear from my statement that I was identifying a hypothetical situation," he said.
"I am confident that you won't see PNG do otherwise than adhere to the constitution which requires an election every five years."
Overly dramatic
Henry Okole from the National Research Institute says Senator Carr's earlier comments are overly dramatic.
"The majority of the people here are against a postponement, so I think there is really no need for him to say that," he said.
Dr Okole says it would have been better for Senator Carr to visit PNG before commenting on the elections.
'Gross overreaction'
The Australian Opposition says Senator Carr's threat is a "gross overreaction" and could jeopardise relations between the two countries.
Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop says the comments will create tension and Senator Carr should have met with PNG leaders before grandstanding in the media.
"It's the sort of megaphone diplomacy that I'd hoped he wouldn't engage in," she told Pacific Beat.
PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has said the elections will not be delayed but others in his government have called for them to be postponed.
Source: mekamui
Arawa accommodation:
The owner and managing director of Sunrise Guesthouse in Arawa told me that he offers the best rate for his Guesthouse which is affordable for anyone who comes to visit Arawa or passes by to go to Buin, Siwai or even from Solomon and vice versa.

One thing that stuck me most is, the kitchen provides and cooks local food like taro, yam, potato, banana and vegetables. Many locals who come late in the night from working outside of Arawa, when they don’t want to start up a fire and don’t want to eat rice, they go to Sunrise Guesthouse kitchen for dinner. It is also very cheap.

Mr Nathan Miringtoro told me that before the war he never thought about running the Guesthouse but when the peace came about he then changed what he run as a store to a guesthouse because he saw the need for accommodation in Arawa when rebuilding Bougainville.

He personally doesn’t want mining, he mentioned that the government should make the agriculture sector a first priority and put more money towards it, as all works of life will be employed, not like in the mining industry. He stated that after the war there were more widows and they can’t work at the mine, they work at the subsistence farming.

He further commented that tourism is the best as we will save our land and preserve our culture. It is the best gold and copper so the government should put more into tourism as well. With tourism there will be no bloodshed as in gold and copper.
He welcomes any visitors to Arawa to come and try out his guesthouse and the local food. On the security side, he says, this is not Port Moresby, this is Arawa people are friendly and it is safe for anyone.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS says that the Autonomous Bougainville Government as a responsible government must follow proper procedures to draw down mining powers so that policies can be made by the ABG Parliament to address issues affecting landowners.
He was responding to requests by the ISINA resource owners for the ABG to fast track the process and give them their exploration license.
MR. MOMIS said although he was disappointed at the slow progress of the process it was better to properly address issues instead of rushing the process and realizing later that this was not the best option.
He promised to set up a committee between the resource owners and officers of the mining division to work out a process that can be practicable for all parties.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
New Dawn FM has received a donation from the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper for its work in the region.
New Dawn FM has been recognized worldwide as a private community based radio station which continues to serve the people of Bougainville since its inception in 2007.
The donation of 400 Euro which is equivalent to K1000 will be used in the running of New Dawn FM.
The donation was made possible through its website where all news and current happenings are updated and seen throughout the world.
New Dawn FM Manager Aloysius Laukai was pleased with the donation and says it is the first for New Dawn FM and thanked the European Share Holders of BCL for their contribution.
New Dawn FM continues to operate because of assistance it gets from the small business houses in Buka, donations from the ABG and friends from abroad who believe in the dissemination of information from the region.
Mr. Laukai says this is the first donation since New Dawn FM created its donation page on the site last year.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Only 950 workers will be paid first under the process of paying Risk Allowance for government workers who worked during the Bougainville Crisis.
The Minister for Finance and Planning, ALBERT PUNGHAU revealed this during question time in parliament this afternoon.
MR. PUNGHAU was responding to calls by the member for TOROKINA STEVEN SUAKO who wanted to know when the public servants would be paid.
The finance Minister said that payment of the 950 personal was not made in December due to none payment of tickets and accommodation for the staff from Port Moresby who would implement the payment.
He said that these tickets have been paid for and the first 950 people would be paid as soon as the team from Port Moresby arrive in Buka.
Minister Punghau also said that the public servants also included persons employed un the Interim Authorities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville POLICE READY
By Tapo Tovilu
Bougainville Police are fully prepared for the 2012 National Elections in Bougainville in June.
This was revealed by Buka police today as they start election preparation exercises within the region.
Operations including security during polling and transportation of ballot boxes in and out of polling areas were among their operations.
The Police operations Chief and PBC Inspector Cletus Tsian says that the operations have commenced and all police personal are gearing up for June.
He added that Bougainville police have also confirmed that they have sufficient man power to cover the region during the election period.
Bougainville police have called on the people of Bougainville to be respectful and show the Bougainville ways during the elections.
Bougainville police have assured the people of Bougainville that this year’s elections will be trouble free and will run smoothly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
Chief of Makis Constituency Steven Taraisi is calling on the ABG and Japanese government to help in the survival of the historic Yamomoto crash site in Buin.
The Japanese Supreme Commanders plane was shot down over Buin and crashed in the now Makis constituency in 1945 during the Second World War.
Mr Taraisi says that local landowners have been engaged in the safe keeping and cleaning of both the site and the plane but now want the government to assist them.
He explained that as it is an historic sight not for Bougainville but for Japan funds should be made available for a proper road to be built and the proper care of the plane.
He has called for both the Japanese and ABG to assist in any way possible for the site and its significance in history to remain.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Uncertainty is poison: Sturm
by Blair Price
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
EUROPEAN Shareholders of Bougainville Copper president Axel Sturm says Papua New Guinea must change into a “land of the expected” and unsurprisingly, he believes significant government investment into reopening the Panguna mine will pay off.
While there has been uncertainty over whether the Panguna mine will ever reopen since it closed down in 1989 before the subsequent civil war, ESBC is concerned that Bougainville Copper shares are becoming prey to short sellers due to the recent political instability in PNG.
“It has a new Prime Minister [Peter O’Neill] elected by an overwhelming majority in Parliament while an old stubborn prime minister [Sir Michael Somare] cannot accept having been ousted,” Sturm said.
“Unfortunately, the new prime minister’s Deputy [Belden Namah] contributes to this situation by making irritating statements from time to time.
“This fires foreign investors’ confusion.”
PNG’s parliament has passed the long-heralded sovereign wealth fund designed to safely manage windfall government revenues from the PNG LNG project – especially through offshore investments to avoid causing even more local inflation.
But Sturm told that SWF investment into PNG industries would be a great signal to investors worldwide.
In what would also lift his own share portfolio, Sturm would like to see the PNG government increase its stake in Bougainville Copper (about 19%) and even buy more shares to give the Autonomous Bougainville government its first stake.
“I imagine if PNG/ABG hold up to 25 per cent or even more in Bougainville Copper, both would be keen to increase their stake’s value by fast-tracking the reopening [of] the Panguna mine,” Sturm said.
“A strong investment in Bougainville Copper shares by PNG would be understood by investors as PNG’s commitment to a better economic future.
“Investors are watching out for security of their investment – uncertainty is poison.
“Certainty is strongly needed now.”
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has become the leading stock market for trading Bougainville Copper shares which are also Australian Securities Exchange-listed.
A key and longstanding hurdle to reopening the Panguna mine is gathering the support of community landowners.
There were around 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement for the mine – providing plenty of scope for differences of opinion.
Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989 and had produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972.
Rio Tinto owns around 54% of Bougainville Copper.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Buka town is ready again to welcome a Tourist boat that would arrive in Buka tomorrow morning.

The vessel Oceanic Explorer would be visiting Buka for the fourth time tomorrow.
The Oceanic Explorer arrived on Bougainville this morning and was cleared by Customs Officials at Torokina this morning.
The 45 passengers mostly war veterans and their children visited World war 2 relics and other historical sites in Torokina today.
They will be in Buka for six hours before departing for Rabaul.
New Dawn FM understands Craftsmen and women would be selling their artifacts to the tourists tomorrow.
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
Calls for PNG deputy leader to step down
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Tired of waiting for Education authorities to make the first move, the people of Tinputz have gone their way by contributing their cash and labour towards establishing the Tinputz High School at Tearuouki mission grounds.
In making this known, the chairman of the board of the new school, and Bougainville actor and playwriter,ALBERT TORO(TUKANA) told New Dawn Fm that even primary schools in the area were contributing One thousand five hundred kina each towards the project
He said that the people of Tinputz were also cutting timber for the classroom and teachers houses.
Mr.Toro said that they expect to take in the first 120 students on 2013.
He said that it has taken more than fifteen years for Tinputz to have one high school for the district.
Pictured is Headmaster for the Tinputz Primary School handing his school's contribution of K1600.

Source: The National
Chan says mining meet an eye-opener
MINING Minister Byron Chan (picture) said the mining resource convention in Toronto last week was an “eye-opener” for him.

Chan said he now had a clearer picture of how the business of mining started from the initial stages, where companies and governments made initial contacts that resulted in the creation of mining projects.
He said he realised how countries around the world were competing to attract mining companies into their countries.
Meanwhile, members of the PNG mining industry had again reiterated their stand on the issue of mineral ownership in Papua New Guinea.
President and chief executive officer of Vangold Dal Brynelsen said the Boka Kondra bill that sought to transfer ownership from state to landowners was “a business risk”, as there would not be any guarantee that the tenure of exploration and mining licences would not be secure.
Executive director of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Greg Anderson shared similar views, adding that he met with Chan and expressed the industry’s concern about the proposed bill.
Similar concerns were also raised by other mining companies.
More than 50,000 people participated in the convention including mining companies, industry suppliers and financial houses.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG deputy PM allegations "embarrassing"
Allegations that Papua New Guinea's deputy prime minister sexually harassed a male casino employee in Australia are less important than claims he was gambling with 800 thousand Australian dollars.
PNG deputy PM allegations "embarrassing" That's according to Transparency PNG Chairman Lawrence Stephens.
Mr Namah's lawyers have denied the allegations, which first appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper.
Lawrence Stephens says the allegations will deeply embarrass PNG.
Presenter:Bruce Hill
Speaker:Lawrence Stephens, chairman, Transparency PNG
Listen here !
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
O'Neill says Namah ''unorthodox"
The Papua New Guinea government has had nothing to say about the Namah scandal today despite repeated attempts by our Port Moresby correspondents.
O'Neill says Namah ''unorthodox" But Prime Minister Peter O'Neill told Australia Television's Pacific correspondent, Sean Dorney last month that it would take time for the people of PNG to warm to Mr Namah, a former Australian trained military officer who has unorthodox methods.
Speaker: Peter O'Neill, PNG Prime Minister
Listen here !
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
Australia issues election warning to PNG
Australia's new Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, has threatened sanctions against Papua New Guinea if elections are delayed.
Senator Carr told Sky News it was "absolutely vital" PNG stick to the five-year election cycle.
"Prime Minister [Peter] O'Neill must commit unequivocally to this election," he said, in reference to the planned June elections.
"Without it, you've got a shocking model of misgovernance that is there planted in the Pacific."
Senator Carr said Australia would have "no alternative" but to urge the world to introduce sanctions if the election timetable was not adhered to.
"We'd be in a position of having to consider sanctions."
Yesterday, Senator Carr said he discussed the elections with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
"She was cautiously pleased with ... the suggestion out of [Papua] New Guinea that they will adhere to that five-year election cycle," he said.
"In other words, there will be elections as expected by the middle of the year."
Senator Carr said Mrs Clinton recognised Australia's leading role in the South Pacific and pointed to America's investment in the region.
PNG Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen has indicated the elections will go ahead as planned.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Isina resource owners near the now abandoned Aropa airport, led by former BRA General, SAM KAUONA fronted up at the ABG House of representatives in Buka and presented their petition to the ABG.
They also presented gifts to the ABG PRESIDENT and the minister for natural resources,Michael Oni.
ISINA resources owners among other things wanted the ABG to fastrack the drawdown of mining powers so that the ABG can make policies to support resource owners who want to go into exploration of minerals in their areas.
They said that whilst the Panguna landowners continue to drag on the reopening of Panguna mine,at least those areas not in the BCL LEASE can start making money for the land owners as well as their government.
The Isina resource owners gave 2weeks to the ABG to provide necessary documents so that they can get their exloration licence.
Pictured is Josephine Kauona presenting their exploration licence application documents to Minister Michael Oni.

Source: PNGindustrynews
Uncertainty is poison: Sturm |
by Blair Price Wednesday, 14 March 2012
EUROPEAN Shareholders of Bougainville Copper president Axel Sturm says Papua New Guinea must change into a “land of the expected” and unsurprisingly, he believes significant government investment into reopening the Panguna mine will pay off.  | | European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper president Axel G. Sturm | While there has been uncertainty over whether the Panguna mine will ever reopen since it closed down in 1989 before the subsequent civil war, ESBC is concerned that Bougainville Copper shares are becoming prey to short sellers due to the recent political instability in PNG.
“It has a new Prime Minister [Peter O’Neill] elected by an overwhelming majority in Parliament while an old stubborn prime minister [Sir Michael Somare] cannot accept having been ousted,” Sturm said.
“Unfortunately, the new prime minister’s Deputy [Belden Namah] contributes to this situation by making irritating statements from time to time.
“This fires foreign investors’ confusion.”
PNG’s parliament has passed the long-heralded sovereign wealth fund designed to safely manage windfall government revenues from the PNG LNG project – especially through offshore investments to avoid causing even more local inflation.
But Sturm told that SWF investment into PNG industries would be a great signal to investors worldwide.
In what would also lift his own share portfolio, Sturm would like to see the PNG government increase its stake in Bougainville Copper (about 19%) and even buy more shares to give the Autonomous Bougainville government its first stake.
“I imagine if PNG/ABG hold up to 25 per cent or even more in Bougainville Copper, both would be keen to increase their stake’s value by fast-tracking the reopening [of] the Panguna mine,” Sturm said.
“A strong investment in Bougainville Copper shares by PNG would be understood by investors as PNG’s commitment to a better economic future.
“Investors are watching out for security of their investment – uncertainty is poison.
“Certainty is strongly needed now.”
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has become the leading stock market for trading Bougainville Copper shares which are also Australian Securities Exchange-listed.
A key and longstanding hurdle to reopening the Panguna mine is gathering the support of community landowners.
There were around 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement for the mine – providing plenty of scope for differences of opinion.
Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989 and had produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972.
Rio Tinto owns around 54% of Bougainville Copper. |
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Grieving relatives continue to hold up ships in PNG’s Bougainville
Three ships are still being occupied in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville by grieving relatives of those who died in the sinking of the Rabaul Queen nearly six weeks ago.
Inspector Cletus Tsien says most people have gone home, but there are still about 20 people stopping the vessels leaving, which belong to the owners of the Rabaul Queen.
The Buka police commander says the families wanted 300,000 kina from the owners as compensation but the company came up with an offer of 100,000.
Mr Tsien says the occupation is starting to affect some businesses.
“The harbour’s board people threatened to close down the wharf. Also the services that are rendered to the business people in Buka like one of the ships is specialised in ferrying fuel from Rabaul to Bougainville so the committee is negotiating with these people to maybe let this ship go.”
Cletus Tsien says Bougainville MP Cosmas Sohia is leading negotiations with the ship occupiers.
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
Charge against PNG chief justice suspended
PNG's National Court has permanently stayed a charge against the chief justice, describing the police action as an "abuse of process".
The court urged the police force not to become an instrument of persecution, revenge and unnecessary prosecution.
On Monday Papua New Guinea's Police Commissioner defended the force after criticism from the judiciary.
Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga said officers were just doing their duty when they arrested the Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia last week.
Sir Salamo was marched from his chambers by armed policemen and later charged with perverting the course of justice.
Police alleged he circumvented a National Court order relating to the execution of a late judge's will.
Other judges described the arrest as threatening and disrespectful and said Sir Salamo should have been able to present himself to police.
But Commissioner Tom Kulunga said that would not have worked because Sir Salamo had issued a restraining order against their investigation in the past.
Liam Fox reports:
Model Zero - live in Buka
Source: Post-Courier
Manetai limestone project set to roll
THE Manetai limestone project is now set to roll, and will be the first ever project wholly owned by the Autonomous Bougainville Government after its inauguration in 2005.
It will be the first successful project and will be physically seen by naked eyes since other projects are still lagging behind.
The main clan which owns the land where the limestone deposit is located, the Awora clan in the Eivo-Torau constituency have reaffirmed and re-committed themselves both individually and collectively as clan members of the Emai Commitment signed on November 3, 2011 at Birempa camp five, Panguna District. On February 29 at Bove village in Manetai the Awora clan also signed a declaration to develop a unified clan system.
And as principal landowners of the designated Manetai limestone they have further acknowledged other respective clans that share the border with them namely: Maran, Bakera Kuiro and Baris clans.
They have further committed themselves as member s of the Awora clan that the project will surely get of the ground as soon as all necessary requirements are met to fulfil all the satisfactions of all stakeholders involved.
The limestone project committee has already been put in place.
The signing of the declaration was attended and witnessed by Eivo-Torau ABG member Melchior Dare, Mekamui Unity Government president Philip Miriori, Panguna executive manager Otto Noruka and chief Albert Tosia.
Mr Dare said the projects is the first of its kind after the crisis, and he thanked all those in his constituency for co-operating.
“This is going to be a very successful project and we will prove to the governments of the ABG and the National Government that we Eivo — Torau can be leaders in development,” Mr Dare said. “Others were leaders in peace and weapons we will be for development.” He said.
The landowners have also stated that all dealings will be done and shall be vested within the circles of the Awora Resource Owners Association, headed by Simon Akapitus.
When the project gets off the ground lime will be exported locally for a start to places like Lihir Goldmine for example.
Lihir spends millions importing lime from overseas.
Meanwhile Panguna District executive manager Otto Noruka said the limestone project is really moving ahead and Panguna will need some help from the limestone people.
“I really admire the way Awora clan is going about and if Panguna could be like this it will be tremendous.” Mr Noruka said.
Source: Post-Courier
National Party attracts locals
ONE of PNG’s highly reputable political party’s, The National Party has now stamped its foot on Bougainville attracting enormous support from locals.
The National Party was officially launched at the Wakunai station in Central Bougainville last week Friday attracting an enormous crowd.
Flying in all the way from Mt Hagen the party head office were David Yak, Party president and Reverend Stephen Yara chairman of Peace and Goodwill in the Western Highlands Province, who officiated during the launching.
Speaking to the Post-Courier in Buka Mr Yak said they have already secured four candidates for the four seats on Bougainville, North Bougainville open, Central, South and the regional seat.
“The National Party itself has contributed a lot to PNG’s development with reputable no nonsense leaders in the likes of the late Sir Iambakey Okuk, Paul Pora and in the current government we lost our one and only member the late Joe Mek Teine,” Mr Yak said.
He added that they were requested by the people of Bougainville to come to the launching and that woman and children have requested that if they get into government they have to look after women children and citizens of Bougainville.
“If it is a request from the women and children of Bougainville and they must not be denied their rights, as citizens of our lovely nation Papua New Guinea,” Mr Yak said.
The National Party with its Motto “We serve, You prosper” has already attracted a huge following and a lot of Bougainvilleans say the party is here to stay. Mr Yak who is vying for the Regional seat in Western Highlands Province has encouraged people, especially Bougainvilleans to support the party since strengthening peace is one of the partys’ priorities.
That is the whole reason why he is the chairman of peace and good order committee in the Western Highlands.

National Party leader David Yak (second left) with supporters on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG Parliament petition
By Aloysius Laukai
The first sitting of the Autonomous Bougainville House of Representatives is starting this morning but since last night resource owners from Central Bougainville came and set 27 tents outside the parliament to present a paper on how they see the ABG should work with the resource owners to engage in exploration work for minerals in their areas.their presentation would be made during lunch today.
Pictured are the campers tents at the Kubu parliament house.

Source: The National
Semoso case put off to next week
THE case before the leadership tribunal alleging misconduct against Bougainville regional MP, Fidelis Semoso was further adjourned to early next week
The tribunal bench, headed by National Court judge, Justice Salatial Lenalia, senior magistrates Ignatious Kurie and Nerrie Eliakim, could not preside over the case yesterday and adjourned the matter.
Semoso was slapped with 14 allegations in relation to misappropriation of K2.7 million for the South Bougainville feeder road project funds.
It was alleged that Semoso used the funds without proper tender process. He was also alleged to have misappropriated a K470,000 and another K1 million from the feeder road project.
He was further alleged of misconduct in office and failure to carryout his obligations under the Constitution and the organic law.
Semoso is defended by lawyer Charles Mende of Kelly Naru Lawyers.
Source: The National
Chinese govt gives ABG 160 transistor radios ,laptop
THE Chinese government has donated much needed equipment to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The presentation of 160 transistor radios, nine laptop and six desktop computers took place last Friday at the Chinese Embassy in Waigani, Port Moresby, by Ambassador Qiu Bohua.
ABG minister for Finance Planning and Monitoring Albert Punghau received the items on behalf of President John Momis and the ABG.
Presenting the items, Qiu reiterated the need for Bougainvilleans to work hard to make the region conducive for foreign investors.
He said the people of Bougainville were hard working and he believed they would gradually see the benefit of their hard work.
On behalf of Momis, the ABG and people of Bougainville, Punghau thanked Qiu and the Chinese government for the donation.
He said Bougainville wholeheartedly welcomed the donation.
Punghau emphasised the appreciation and recognition given to the ABG by the Chinese government.
He said the ABG was working hard to build its capacity and the donation would achieve its objectives.
ABG chief executive officer for commerce, trade and industry Albert Kinani witnessed the donation.
Source: The National
PNG will be major player in world, says ambassador Qiu
PAPUA New Guinea will become a major player in the world economy within 20 years if there is good stable leadership in the country, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China said.
Ambassador Qiu Bohua said with all the rich natural resources and the booming minerals and petroleum projects, PNG would become a major economic player in the world.
But a lot would depend on good stable leadership, he added.
Qiu said during the Mendi-Kandep highway launching in Mendi last week that PNG needed to be prudent in the management of its resources and revenues.
He pointed out that for any country to develop, infrastructure should be a priority.
The government must invest a lot in proper infrastructure, particularly good roads, before any development could take place, he said.
“China invested a lot in good roads before development and that is how it has developed significantly.”
Qiu thanked the government for choosing a Chinese company to build the K485 million road project.
He said the PNG government had made a good choice by choosing Covec PNG Ltd, a Chinese company, to build the road.
“This is a sign of token of appreciation and relationship .
“And that will further strengthen the relationship between the two countries,” he said.
Source: The National
BSP to give mess facilities to Hutjena Secondary
HUTJENA Secondary School in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, will receive new dining tables and a new boiler for the student’s mess from Bank South Pacific.
The school is one of the oldest on the island and the BSP Buka branch has identified it as part of its community project this year.
BSP Buka branch manager Julie Warren said the project would see the replacement of old and depleted dining tables and a new boiler for cooking food.
“By doing so, we help create a clean and conducive environment for students to eat so they can concentrate on their studies,” she said.
She said her team would work in partnership with students and staff to deliver the project.
“This project is truly a community partnership and we are proud to be lending a helping hand to make a difference,” Warren said.
School head Matin Takali thanked BSP, saying the project was not just for the school but for the local communities because after students got an education, they would return to their communities to make a change.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
It has been a month since the sinking of the MV RABAUL QUEEN in Morobe waters.
And because the three STAR SHIP'S Vessels are still grounded in Buka, the Autonomous region is now feeling the effects.
GOODS in stores are slowly running out,fuel is also running low and a life threatening problem is that the only referall hospital is low on drugs, no life supporting oxygens at the wards.
Aloysius Laukai visited the outpatients department at 3 am just to find out that the place is almost empty.
And persons needing help should use local village clinics or seek herbal doctors for help.

Pictured is the outpatients section which is normaly busy with no patient.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The CEO for Peace and Reconciliation, NICK PENIAI says that the program to send 200 Bougainvilleans to University in the Philippines is the best for Bougainville.
He made these remarks this morning whilst explaining the criteria in which students would be selected.
MR. PENIAI said that since the ABG President JOHN MOMIS assigned his division to work on this project it has taken him four weeks to carry out awareness in Bougainville.
MR. PENIAI was addressing over a thousand parents and possible students at the BEL ISI PARK in Buka town this morning.
He said that out of the TWO THOUSAND APPLICATIONS distributed over TWO HUNDRED have been filled and returned.
MR. PENIAI said that the first batch of Bougainville students would leave for the Philippines in May this year as classes would start in June.
He said that the cost of individual students to study in Philippines would be TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED KINA and this should cover Tuition and Lodging fees, Passport fees and weekly allowances for the students.
MR. PENIAI said that the second batch of another 200 students would go to Philippines in November.
A member of the CEBU STUDY from the Philippines, MR.JENSEN GO CHOW was also there to answer to queries by parents at today’s gathering.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The women of Siwai want the issue of Arms to be addressed as soon as possible.
Their call is included in a petition that they presented to the Acting Executive Manager for Siwai last week.
In their petition the women wanted the ABG to immediately address the issue of arms as it was creating fear amongst many of their communities in South Bougainville.
In response the former member for KOPI, Michael Komoiki who is the chairman of the Siwai Veretarns Association, called on the women to present their case in April when the Siwai district will have its own ARMS SUMMIT to address these issues.
The petition would be presented to the President of the ABG, Chief John Momis in Buka this week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The women of Siwai have called on their local leaders to work with them in making Siwai a safe place to live in.
The President of the Siwai Women’s Federation, RUTH HAGOPO issued this challenge in Siwai last week.
She was speaking at the International Women’s Day celebration in Siwai.
MRS. HAGOPO made these comments after the ABG members invited did not attend their celebration.
She said that women are the first to feel the consequences for men’s actions and that it was important for the leaders to address their issues.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Work is already underway to present a Policy submission to the ABG to support the new move to educate Bougainvilleans in the Philippines.
This was revealed today by the CEO for Peace and Reconciliation, MR. NICK PENIAI.
He was responding to calls made by a former member for the ABG, THOMAS KERIRI who wanted to know if the ABG would be subsidizing the cost of the fees for Bougainvilleans that would study in Philippines Universities.
MR. KERIRI said if the ABG does not assist then this would create only the wealthy sending their kids whilst the rest of Bougainvillean parents who would not afford this TEN THOUSAND KINA staying back.
In response, MR. PENIAI said that this was ABG President, JOHN MOMIS’S project and it was now up to the administration to quickly response and organize funds to assist.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Siwai women celebrate
The women of Siwai district last week united to celebrate the International Women’s Day at AMIO District office in Siwai.
The women last year set up their District Women Federation to promote their activities and this International Women’s Day was their first gathering since they set up their organization.
Over FIVE THOUSAND WOMEN came in groups from the COE areas and commemorated the day with spiritual and cultural activities.
The President of the Siwai women’s federation, RUTH AGOPO in her speech call on the ABG and National government leadership to work with the women to move Bougainville forward.
She said that the women of Bougainville have a big potential in which the leaders can utilize and work as equal partners with their men counterparts.

Siwai women marching at Ameu last week
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
Relatives and ex combatants looking after the three star shipping ships today reconciled in a ceremony held at the Buka wharf.
The two fractions including combatants from both North and South and Central Bougainville reconciled after an incident last Friday between them which resulted in the exchange of gun fire.
Chiefs and leaders from both sides commended members from both sides for agreeing to reconcile and encouraged them to keep peace amongst themselves.
Kosmas Sahoto Member for Tsitalato in his speech thanked all parties involved and commended them for the commitment.
He made it clear that the reconciliation was for last Friday’s incident and for the movement of the ship into the passage and was not for the release of the ships.
He also called for all ex combatants to recognise the peace agreement and to rid guns from both Buka town and Kokopau.
He says that North is where the economy of the region is at and there must be peace and unity for development to commence.
The reconciliation ceremony also saw the exchanged of pigs, the braking of spears and the exchange of the chewing of betel nut.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
Relatives of the victims of the Rabaul Queen disaster currently holding the three star Shipping vessels will be moving the ships into the passage.
A spokesperson told New Dawn FM today that they will be moving the ships into the passage to make way for ships wishing to dock into Buka wharf.
He says this will also serve as a warning to Peter Sharp that the relatives demand to be met or the ships will be sunk.
The spokesman says that they will not release the ships until all demands are met by Star Shipping.
Source: Mekamui News
by mekamui

On the 28th of February I made an arrangement to go to Dantani to film the Damako Genesis School or actually I was there last year but the students were out on Holidays so for the film to look better the students must be in the class. Therefore, Clytus the head of the school arranged the transport to pick me up in Arawa. When we arrived at the school there were a lot more people than I expected, the men were sitting in a small building and the women were busy preparing food.

I thought Mmh this is something special but to do what I was there for I took out my camera and told Clytus that I wanted to film the students and started filming. After I had taken enough footage I saw Josephine Kauona the wife of former BRA Commander and asked her what was happening? She told me that she and her husband where making reconciliation or some kind of ceremony to the BRAs and the people of that area to say thank you for looking after them during the war.

It was an emotional one because after the peace was signed Sam and Josi had been far away from the BRAs and the people they had been so close to and who were like family members to them during the war. Most of the BRAs or bodyguards for Sam were young in those days but now they are in their 40s and 50s.

The ceremony started with speeches from Sam Kaouna, the chiefs, BRAs and the women than it ended up with Kare kara or eating betel nuts and finally sharing of food and pigs. Another life has begun, the BRAs and the people were happy that Sam and his wife came up with the idea of making this small ceremony and the BRAs and the people will have stories to tell their kids when they are getting old.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna landowners warn ABG
PANGUNA landowners have warned the Autonomous Bougainville Government and international and donor agencies not to use the Panguna Mine issue to make money.
The interim deputy chairman of Panguna Landowners Association Michael Pariu expressed his deepest concern over the way in which ABG and some of the international and donor agencies and their consultants are using the Panguna issue to drive the hidden agenda of their respective governments on Bougainville, especially in respect to mining and making money out of it.
Mr Pariu has decided to issue this statement following a one day meeting of the Panguna Management Consultative Committee (PMCC) which is the body responsible for overseeing the current Panguna Unification Process at Tunuru Catholic Mission recently.
Mr Pariu said that the Committee held extensive discussions at the way in which some of the donor agencies and their consultants are treating the Panguna issue to make their money on the sufferings and the blood of the people.
“During our meeting at Tunuru the members of the committee expressed very strong views and sentiments over the kind of attitude which certain foreign interest groups have been going about conducting their business.
They have been doing this with almost complete disregard for the people who have survived by attending to issues through their customary practices,” he said.
“Our people are completely disgusted by this type of colonial attitude from foreigners who simply want to make their money on the blood of our people, ‘’ Mr Pariu said.
“We are sick and tired of this type of so called experts and advisors who not only are being used as agents and spies by their governments, but they also personally benefited immensely over the years from the Bougainville situation.”
“We simply don’t want to see so called experts who also act as double agents acting for their governments while under the pretext of rendering their services as neutral advisors to the people.
“These agencies cannot continue to wave their dollars in front of our people so that we can easily submit to their hidden motives because of the colour of their monies”.
Our people have gone through so much suffering and pain already, and foreigners should not therefore come back again to continue exploiting us” Mr Pariu said.
Source: The National
Locals slam Mirringtoro’s media remarks
PANGUNA Landowners Association deputy chairman Michael Pariu and Mekamui government of unity president Philip Miriori have hit back at statements by Communications minister Jimmy Mirringtoro.
In a joint statement from Panguna, the two leaders described the comments by Mirringtoro, the Member for Central Bougainville in the media on March 6, as “hollow and lacking substance”.
They said his comments “certainly sounded very positive but unfortunately it was too little too late”.
“Where was the minister in the past five years when he should have come out with this kind of comments and fight for the rights of the people, instead of keeping silent in Parliament all this time over Panguna related issues?” they said
“Why did he not fight for these things for the people and now all of a sudden just before the election he wants to pretend and speak for the people?”
They accused Mirringtoro of being too naive and not being genuine enough with the people of Central Bougainville since he was elected into Parliament.
They said Mirringtoro had lost touch with and hardly did anything to help the people.
They accused Mirringtoro of wasting his time in Parliament.
They said Mirringtoro had made promises he could not even keep and people are still waiting.
“So how can we trust the man next time when he failed the people by not putting his money where his mouth was in the past five years?” they asked.
“During the past five years, the people of Central Bougainville have proven that the minister is not the kind of political leader they can really trust to walk the talk.” they said.
“His comments can be seen as too little too late.”
Source: Post-Courier
Kamma helps Mongai Primary
STUDENTS of Mongai primary school in the Buin District of South Bougainville can now look forward to the completion of their 6 in 1 double classroom. Thanks to the South Bougainville MP

Steven Pirika Kamma for injecting funds to complete the building. The building which was constructed in 2009 is an initiative of the parents and citizens of Mongai but lack of funding has resulted in the building not being completed. However, once completed, the students will then start with their academic calendar for this year. At the moment the students are still at the village following a decision by the Bougainville Education Division to suspend the school for an indefinite period due to lack of good buildings for both students and teachers to use. The main reason behind the continuous deterioration of the school’s buildings over the last three years is because it is located in one of the areas which have seen a lot of fighting and killings between the Me’ekamui Defence Force and other factions in the area. As a result parents and citizens of the school did not want to risk their lives working in the school. Mr Kamma, who is also the Minister for Bougainville Affairs has engaged local building contractor, Kakai Builders to complete the building. picture shows construction work on the school building which Mr Kamma has given money to complete. Words and Picture: WINTERFORD TOREAS
Source: VSA - Voluteer Service Abroad (New Zealand)
Melanesia: Rebuilding Bougainville
(Published on 16th February 2012
Former journalist from Timaru, Murray Benbow spent two years working as a VSA Country Programme Manager in Bougainville between 2001-2002 directly following the end of a bitter civil war that divided communities and destroyed all but the most basic of infrastructure. He returned to take up the role again in 2010. Now, as he nears the end of his current two year tenure he looks back over a period of great change for the people of Bougainville.

Murray during his first time a Country Programme Manager in 2001-2002
When people in New Zealand ask me what Bougainvilleans are like I tend to say ’fiercely independent’. That is not to say they are not gracious and generous, which they are. Nationhood is a relatively new concept here, but Bougainvilleans seem to have a natural affinity with the idea.
When I first came to Bougainville in 2001 it was a place where trust and respect was almost non- existent. The civil war had destroyed the basics on which safe human interaction depends. Criminal types were still terrorising Arawa, where VSA’s programme was taking root in the form of the Arawa carpentry project, a metalwork training scheme and the Arawa Women’s Training Centre for young women to learn the hospitality business.
My wife Terry and I experienced some frightening times during 2001-02 and coming back 10 years later it took 2-3 months before I was able to act ‘normally’, having slowly desensitised myself to all those previous cues that put me on alert.
But during the past two years there have been no threats. In 2001-2002 it was scary driving the Buka-Arawa coastal highway with every vehicle a potential threat. Now they wave and toot as we pass. ‘Normal life’ is back on track, although there is much work ahead as Bougainvilleans reconcile the terrible events of the conflict and learn to get their village-based lifestyles back.
The rebuilding process might seem slow at times, but from where I’m looking, there has been huge progress, especially emotionally and psychologically. It is not always easy to forgive and the crisis generation will never forget. I have huge admiration for the dedication that these people have shown in their determination to return to the way of peace.
Looking forward
Bougainville now has its own Autonomous Bougainville Government and its people will vote for or against full independence from PNG sometime before 2020. Whichever way the vote goes, Bougainville will retain its status of autonomy. Anything less would not be acceptable, I`m sure.
The current government is led by John Momis, a careful visionary who is incorruptible in the face of pressures from both PNG and internationally. He seems determined to develop Bougainville according to the will of its people, rather than bow those who are casting greedy eyes on the bountiful resources here: copper, gold, silver, gas and maybe even oil..
Seeds of the rebuild
Local business is thriving, especially in Buka which became the ad hoc centre of government after Arawa was all but destroyed during the crisis. The increase in shipping at Buka and Kieta ports is obvious. Copra and cocoa prices have firmed with exports and imports growing quickly. It truly is amazing to see the pre-crisis trucks loaded high with sacks of copra, grinding their way along the road to the buyers sheds.
The Japanese government has financed the building of 15 bridges along the Buka-Arawa coastal highway. They should all be completed by mid 2012. Travel along this road has been a risky business for years, with flooding causing delays and vehicles damaged or lost down raging rivers on a regular basis. Myself and other VSA field reps have tangled with these rivers since 1998, sometimes coming close to disaster.

VSA vehicle attempting to cross one of the many Bougainville rivers
Town power (24hr) turned on in Arawa in December 2011. This is likely to be the beginning of great changes over the next decade. The BSP Bank is looking at opening an Arawa branch this year. Cellphone coverage is on the increase with data to computers via the same networks.
The Division of education together with the Flexible and Open Distance Education institution is making it possible for those who missed out on an education during the crisis to catch up. There is still only one major health facility, Buka Hospital. But moves are afoot to improve the network of health centres island-wide. I have no doubt that Bougainville will slowly but surely catch up with the rest of Papua New Guinea and it won`t surprise me if it pulls ahead in the not too distant future.
Bougainville is rebuilding its way into the 21st Century.
VSA is playing a significant role in the strengthening of governance, an essential ingredient in the mix that will shape the future for Bougainville. It is also active in health, education and economic development. VSA assignments place highly skilled volunteers in assignments which aim to strengthen local skills and processes. As a non donor organisation with a people-oriented approach to development, Bougainvilleans hugely appreciate the way Kiwis form and build relationships and put people first, ahead of success in the workplace.
When a Bougainvillean finds out you are a New Zealander they’ll tell you how much they appreciated the help from New Zealand during the peace process. “Kiwis respect our culture. You understand our desire for self government.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Calls for more students
By Tapo Tovilu
The Ceo for Peace and reconciliation,Nick Peniaisays that a total of 150 applications have been received from more than 2000 forms distributed to interested students from Bougainville wishing to study on philippines universities.
He said only 200 students would be selected to go to philippines from the 2000 applications.
He said that due date for the applications has been moved from 8th March to 14th March.
Mr Peniai said that the President of Cebu studies and repesentative of three universities, Jensen Gochow will meet parents in Buka on Monday to explain on details of the progamme.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Strong winds warning
By by Tapo Tovilu
PNG POWER LIMITED has issued a warning to all residents living near power lines and transformer stations to be aware of the strong winds tha Buka has been experiencing in the last few days.
In the issue residents have been asked to keep clear of power lines and to report any fallen power lines or any debris that might be caught on lines.
Reports of ast month's wet weather conditions have escalated with stong winds with the people of Buka warned to take exta precautions when outside.
PNG POWER will be attending to any emergncy calls and is on standby to assist anyoe who has power problems.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka town continues to change
By Aloysius Laukai
BUKA town continues to change its appearance with new developments, however nobody cares about the street roads and its drainage.
Pictured are heavy equipments running on the deteorirating street road in front of New Dawn Fm office in Buka back filling one of the last vacant blocks in Buka town.
The development is good however the town council and ABG should not turn a blind eye on the drainage of Buka town streets as it is a concern as during heavy rains water from the roads continue to flood houses on both sides of these streets.
Attempts by us to get some comments from authorities were unsuccesful.

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Big drop in PNG stock market this week
Papua New Guinea's stock market has taken a plunge of 5 per cent this week but that's expected to recover again today.
New Britain Palm Oil has been one of the main winners so far this week and Bank South Pacific has also recovered well.
Presenter: Geraldine Coutts
Speaker: Syd Yates, chief executive of PNG Kina Securities
YATES: Yes the main index, the KSI, Kina Securities Index was down five per cent for the week or 335 points to five-thousand-900. It's been doing very well this year but it's probably the first time it's dropped below six-thousand in about three to four weeks. The market was pretty much because of what was happening, a bit of profit taking because the markets have been having a good run for the last three weeks, and also back on there was a little bit of uncertainty about Greece earlier in the week, and I think that's been resolved overnight. So I was just reading the report this morning, so we probably expect the market will be up again today.
COUTTS: And the New Britain Palm Oil led the gainers?
YATES: Yeah New Britain Palm Oil, they were up a kina, and they've been travelling fairly well at the moment with their new oil refinery that they've built over there. They've been very volatile up till now and we're not really sure why, but they're back up another kina to 25 kina 50.
COUTTS: Ok and the banks, South Pacific has recovered to close higher at the close?
YATES: Yes that's our local banking stock, Bank South Pacific, they're up four toea. Look their results are due to be announced this week and it's either today or tomorrow it'll be announced for their annual results last year, and they're probably expected to be up. So it's probably a bit of speculation about what's coming in the announcement.
COUTTS: And Kina Asset Management also up?
YATES: Yes that's our local listed investment company in Papua New Guinea and they were up two toea from 96 toea. All the companies, it's reporting season here at the moment Geraldine so over the next couple of weeks you'll find that most of the companies will be making the announcements on their results of 2011.
COUTTS: A surprising result for Oil Search this week?
YATES: Yeah Oil Search was down 40 toea, and it's a little bit unexplainable, they had a very good profit announcement recently, they had about 202 million US dollars, and they've also had to pay out oil prices and even last night they closed up higher, I think on the Australian market they were up over 7 dollars again. So they're looking to have a good year.
COUTTS: And Newcrest Mining not doing so well either?
YATES: Yeah Newcrest fell off and I think there was a report of a near halt operation in one of their main mines on the island of Lihir. So any event like that happens it sort of sends a little bit of a scare to the investors and they probably jumped in and just took the price off a little bit.
COUTTS: And so that's a look at the Stock Ex, no other changes?
YATES: No that's about it Geraldine.
COUTTS: Now you are the Chef de Mission, and I'm always tempted to say what's your favourite dish because I think it's a strange title, but you are for the PNG team for London. What's happening there, how are they progressing?
YATES: Look there's a lot of exciting things happening about our preparations for London. Look the most exciting news recently was our women's football team, they've just won the Oceania football qualifiers, and now they have the right to play against New Zealand later on in the month, and to qualify to go to London Olympics. And that'll be a hard task, but if we can get through that then it'll be the first time we've had a football team away at the Olympics. But here's hoping it works out. We've got a couple of our athletes, Mowen Boino has been running the 400 metres hurdles in the circuit in Australia and he's been doing very well, he's a veteran, I think this is his fourth Olympics if he makes it, and this has been his second best time just recently. And Toea Wisil, our sprinter, has been running behind Sally Pearson and finishing in second or third, so she's been doing extremely well too. All our other athletes have been offshore and getting ready for events to help them qualify in preparation as well.
COUTTS: Well how many do you think will actually qualify? We've been excited in the past with the number that might qualify and they've fallen short. Are there any guarantees that you'll have a significant team to take to London?
YATES: Look we're expecting to have at least six with qualifications so far. We've had taekwondo and it looks like we've got judo qualified now as well as two swimmers and two athletes. We're hoping that we've got a couple of boxers and our two weightlifters. So we could have either six or 40. So it's somewhere in between and we probably won't know till about May.
COUTTS: Alright moving on to the PNG 2015 Games now, how's that progressing?
YATES: Look we were stalled for a little while with legislation and those sorts of things, so it seems to all be on track that the legislation got passed through a couple of weeks ago, and it's all moving very quickly now. So the O'Neill government's got things moving, they've appointed a minister for the games now, that's Bart Philemon, and he's a former chairman of the previous games that were held here in Port Moresby in 1991. So everything's sort of gearing up and I think there's been more achieved in the last six weeks or so than there had in the last 18 months.
Source: Post-Courier
Siwai women dissapointed
MORE than 2000 women in the Siwai, South Bougainville have expressed disappointment at their constituency members.
This includes the South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika for not attending to their petition.
The women came up with a petition for Mr Pirika and the Siwai district administration to build tertiary institutions.
This includes other colleges in their area for their children to attend.
They come up with such a demand after the fateful journey of the MV Rabaul Queen which sank off the shores of Finschhafen in Morobe province after it succumbing to rough seas while on its way to Lae from Kimbe.
Among those that perished were mostly students from and 10 of those missing were from the Siwai area.
The women from the three constituencies Ramu, Kopii and Motunahuiono, all dressed in their best, armed with banners and placards marched to the Ameu district office with a petition only to be met by a ghost district administration, almost half deserted.
A very frustrated Francesca Peter from Mobinai village told the Post-Courier yesterday evening that they waited from 8 am to 2 pm yesterday for any of the district officers or at least one of the members from the three constituencies to come forward and accept their petition... but no one turned up.
She said the women, all disappointed by the non attendance of their local MP and even the local leaders gave their petition to one of the officers present at the district office.
Mr Peter said that the women will still follow up on their petition saying they have suffered long enough.
A return trip to Buka was K200.
They also demanded that the administration provide them better health services.
Source: Post-Courier
BSP helps Hutjena
Hutjena Secondary School in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will get new dining tables and boiler from the Bank South Pacific.
The school is one of the oldest on the island and the BSP Buka branch has identified the school as part of its community projects for 2012.

BSP Buka branch manager Julie Warren said the project would see the replacement of old and depleted dining tables and a new boiler installed for cooking food.
“By doing so, we help create a clean and conducive environment for students to eat so they can concentrate on their studies,” she said.
She added that the significance of this project was that her team would work in partnership with the students and staff to deliver the projects.
“This project is truly a community partnership and we are proud to be lending a helping hand to make a difference,” Ms Warren added.
School head Martin Takali thanked BSP for the kind act, and added that the project was not just for the school but for the community at large, because after the students get an education, they would return to communities to make a difference.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Women's Day
By Aloysius Laukai
About a thousand women met at Buka's premier resort,Kuri village for a two-hour luncheon to commemorate this year's International Women's Day this morning.
The women's day luncheon was organized by Leitana Women's Development Agency.
The two-hour luncheon started at TEN AM and ended at about 1pm.

Pictured are two women leaders,ELIZABETH BURAIN and HELEN HAKENA.
Source: Post-Courier
Napi backs Miringtoro’s call for serious mine talk
A former employee and fleet truck contractor to BCL has come out strongly in support of the Minister for Communications and Member for Central Bougainville, Jimmy Miringtoro on his call for Panguna landowners to seriously negotiate with appropriate bodies to reopen the closed down copper and gold mine.
Mr Kandaso Napi, who spent nearly 20 years on the island of Bougainville working for BCL and later contracted to provide trucking services to the mine, blames the government at that time for not taking heed of the calls by landowners to review the mine agreement to discuss and accommodate their grievances.
He said instead of sending in a high level negotiating team, the government sent in police and the army to intimidate and terrorise the landowners.
He also reckons the mining company, BCL or Rio Tinto for that matter, merely worked under the guidelines of the Mining Laws at that time and it was really up to the National Government to provide direction and leadership.
He said PNG benefited immensely from that single mine at that time and many Papua New Guineans owe it to BCL for providing quality training for their future benefits.
Many former employees of BCL and others who have worked for or were associated with BCL in one way or another, would agree that the level of service and training offered by BCL may still be remembered as the best in the mining industry in the country.
Mr Napi, who was bestowed an MBE medal by the Queen last year for his continued services to business and community, is now calling on the good people of Bougainville, particularly the Panguna landowners to seek reconciliation and negotiate vigorously with the National Government and BCL with the view to reopening the mine for their benefit.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Almost 100 new British companies interested in investing in the Pacific
A two-week investment roadshow in Britain, showcasing opportunities in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Fiji has sparked significant interest.
Almost 100 new British companies interested in investing in the Pacific (Credit: ABC) The British High Commissioner to PNG, Jackie Barson (picture), led the roadshow and held talks with almost 100 British companies.
Ms Barson says business and diplomatic links between the UK and the region are strong.

Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: Jackie Barson, British High Commissioner to PNG
Listen here !
BARSON: The Pacific is strategically important to the UK because of its great commonwealth links and of course the number of UN votes that it can garner.
GARRETT: But in terms of business. What sort of bus interests does Britain have in the region?
BARSON: Well, business, interests! I think people will find it quite surprising that there is already quite a visible UK footprint here in Papua New Guinea. I mean, we have Swires, who are here in the form of Steamship Company, British American Tobacco, Rio Tinto, G4S and the Corps which are two security companies and, of course, the Intercontinental Hotel group. That is the major business players but I am hoping that will now increase since my roadshow. And also, as listeners may have picked up, Shell also opened an office in the Petromin building a couple of weeks ago, as part of their strategic alliance with Petromin so that is also very, very positive news.
GARRETT: As you mentioned, you have just finished a roadshow in Britain. What interest did you get and in what sectors of the economy in Papua New Guinea , Solomon Islands and Fiji?
BARSON: I covered the economies of all 3 countries and then I've concentrated on 5 key sectors, which are oil, gas and mining, green technology and renewables, agriculture, fisheries and tourism and so it was on those 5 sectors that I concentrated. But, I think, the main thrust of my presentations was solely on Papua New Guinea as I see PNG as the major driver of growth in the Pacific Island countries, and there was greater interest in oil, gas mining and renewables. But, I think also, those that I talked to were surprised at the diversity of the economy here. You know, when I started to talk about other commodities and agriculture and world class tea and coffee and palm oil and vanilla, for example. So I think people were surprised at the breadth and the resourcefulness of the economy here.
GARRETT: So what concrete interest did you get from companies there in Britain.
BARSON: concrete interest's hard to gauge. People were very open to hearing from me and, as I said, a lot of the companies hadn't really thought about Papua New Guinea and were interested to hear about the strengths of the economy and what the country has to offer. Obviously, the major contracts for oil and gas have already gone to the big players, like ExxonMobil, but all these industries need support. And, I suppose I was saying infrastructure, for example, and support for these big industries..there are so many contracts that fall out of the major contracts that I had the since that the UK, or UK plc (publicly isted companies) were missing out on the strength of the market here and what PNG has to offer. So it was a very diverse audience that I was speaking to across those 5 sectors.
GARRETT: So what sort of size of companies, were the main ones that were interested?
BARSON: Again, it was from all forms of big players and there were popel looking at investment, small and medium-sized enterprises. People who wanted to build roads, people who wanted to get into education, and then at the other end of the angle, offers of tendering to help build ports or help airstrips or whatever. So, it was across the whole spectrum of services that support the main oil and gas and mining sectors.
GARRETT: The British economy is going through some very tough times at the moment. Is that making it harder to interest companies in coming all the way to the Pacific or, is the fact that places like Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands have very strong economic growth, making the Pacific more attractive?
BARSON: No, I think it works both ways. As you quite rightly say, while the UK and the rest of Europe is going through difficult economic times at the moment, I think it is a good reason to look further afield, and especially as a lot of international companies have subsidiaries in Asia and in Australia, it is not that far anymore. And, I think with the opening up of air links in this part of the world, Papua New Guinea is not really that far away and, I think, it is time for the UK and others to look further afield and diversify and maybe not look at traditional partners, if you like.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Buka general Hospital Bougainville's only referal centre this week closed down only to attend Emergencies due to severe shortage of drugs.
In an interview with New Dawn Fm, Medical services director of the hospital, DR.BARNABAS MATANU said that this would for temporary until drugs arrive from the area medical store in Rabaul.
He called on patients to utilize health facilities in their districts as they still have drugs.
New Dawn fm understands Bougainville will still have shortage in other goods as three cargoe ships are still stuck in Buka following the recent sea disaster involving a Starship boat, the MV RABAUL QUEEN.
Source:Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The BAKANOBI bridge which is the first bridge coming from Arawa to Buka has been officially opened on March 2nd.
This river has been one of the most dangerous wet crossings during floods and using the bridge starting Friday is a great relief for highway motorists.
The BAKANOBI bridge is one of the fifteen Bridges that are being built by KITANO CONSTRUCTION under the JAPANESE Bridge projects on Bougainville.
According to the program, the opening ceremony was made at the site whilst other activities were held in Arawa on Friday night.
New Dawn FM UNDERSTANDS all the FIFTEEN bridges would be completed before the official handover ceremony by the government of Japan on March 20th this year.
The handover ceremony would be held at the RAWA river near Buka.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna landowners caution foreign donors
PANGUNA landowners have given a warning to the Autonomous Bougainville Government and international and donor agencies not to use the Panguna Mine issue to make money.

The interim deputy chairman of Panguna Landowners Association Michael Pariu (picture) has expressed his concern over the way in which ABG and some of the international and donor agencies and their consultants are using the Panguna issue to drive the hidden agenda of their respective governments on Bougainville, especially in respect to mining and making money out of it.
Mr Pariu has decided to issue this statement following a one day meeting of the Panguna Management Consultative Committee (PMCC) which is the body responsible for overseeing the current Panguna Unification Process at Tunuru Catholic Mission recently.
Mr Pariu said that the Committee held extensive discussions at the way in which some of the donor agencies and their consultants are treating the Panguna issue to make their money on the sufferings and the blood of the people.
“During our meeting at Tunuru the members of the Committee expressed very strong views and sentiments over the kind of attitude which certain foreign interest groups have been going about conducting their business with almost complete disregard for the people who have survived by attending to issues through their customary practices from time immemorial” he said.
“Our people are completely disgusted by this type of colonial attitude from foreigners who simply want to make their money on the blood of our people, ‘’ Mr Pariu said.
“We are sick and tired of this type of so called experts and advisors who not only are being used as agents and spies by their governments, but they also personally benefited immensely over the years from the Bougainville situation.”
“We simply don’t want to see so called experts who also act as double agents acting for their governments while under the pretext of rendering their services as neutral advisors to the people.
“These agencies cannot continue to wave their dollars in front of our people so that we can easily submit to their hidden motives because of the colour of their monies”.
Our people have gone through so much suffering and pain already, and foreigners should not therefore come back again to continue exploiting us” Mr Pariu said.
Mr Pariu said that if they want to come, they must come with a clean and genuine heart to help Bougainvilleans. “Help us with your money and let us use our customary systems and processes to solve our problems,” Mr Pariu said.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville culture shown on film in France
A film made in Bougainville in the 1930’s has found its way from France all the way to its origin, Papua New Guinea.
The film ‘Bougainville’ was made between 1934 and 1935 by a priest named Patrick O’Reilly who precisely documents the Bougainville people and their culture, and is the oldest film ever made on the island.
O’Reilly was able to capture two pottery methods and four important rituals; bonito (a type of fish) capture in Kieta Bay, cremation in the Telei area and wedding and cremation in two other areas.
It has little or no influence by the western world and is quite simply, PNG culture on film.
The invaluable film was brought to PNG by Nicolas Garnier, the Director of Melanesian and Pacific Studies and senior lecturer in Anthropology at the University of Papua New Guinea; after a trip to his home country France.
Mr Garnier has since shown the film in 15 different locations in Bougainville including the Tinputz and Wakunai areas and Arawa and Kieta, leaving the people very much impressed. He also has plans to translate the film, which is currently in French to English and Pidgin so he may distribute it for educational purposes only, around to schools and communities. He will first have to obtain copyright permission from the owners of the film, a small institution in France, Musée du Quay Branly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
Upgrading of the main road Buka to Arawa has started.
And this would end with the sealing of the first 20 km from Kokopau to Siara.
Second phase is from Siara to Tsunptez until the whole 210km is completed.

Pictured is a woman controling the flow of traffic as workmen continue with the upgrading.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Site on
By Aloysius Laukai

Our site came live again thanks to the European Shareholders of BCL who assisted us with the payment of our accounts.
The management and staff of New Dawn Fm on Bougainville do appreciate your contribution when we can not do it from Bougainville due to technical difficulties.
We will update this site again.
Our viewers have been asking why the has not been updated for some time now.
Thanks to Axel Sturm
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG chief justice charged with perverting course of justice
Papua New Guinea’s Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia is expected to appear in court tomorrow after being charged with trying to obstruct a police investigation into his management of the courts.
Sir Salamo was arrested in Port Moresby today and later released on his own recognisance.
Don Wiseman has more details:
“The police spokesperson, Superintendent Dominic Kakas, says Sir Salamo has been charged with obstructing a police investigation into his intervention in the handling of a dead judge’s estate. Police allege the chief justice personally intervened in the handling of the late Justice Timothy Hinchliffe’s estate and illegally redirected a cheque of about 100 thousand US dollars, meant for the former judge’s son, into court coffers. Mr Kakas says police allege Sir Salamo intervened and ordered the cheque be recalled and had a new cheque made to the court’s staff services. In December, Sir Salamo presided over the Supreme Court decision which found Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his supporters did not follow due constitutional process when they dumped former prime minister Sir Michael Somare from the top job. The Government had suspended him ahead of that decision but after an outcry withdrew it. A second suspension in February was allowed to stand.”
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
Papua New Guinea's top judge arrested
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG Chief Justice arrested
Police in Papua New Guinea arrested the country's top judge, Chief Justice Sir Salamo Indjia.
PNG Chief Justice arrested The ABC's PNG Correspondent Liam Fox gave an update to Pacific Beat.
Presenter: Brian Abbott
PNG Correspondent Liam Fox
Listen here !
FOX: Today, another extraordinary day in PNG began with the arrest of Sir Salamo inside the Supreme Court complex in Port Moresby. He was arrested by a group of heavily armed policemen and some photos on social media show there were a lot of police there and they've blocked off the entrance to the court complex. From there, he was taken to police headquarters, where he was questioned for several hours. Then he was taken to the Boroko Police Station and formally charged with perverting the course of justice. A short time after that, he was released on bail and declined to make any comment as he was driven away from the police station.
ABBOTT: Do we know any details of what this perverting the course of justice applies to?
FOX: No we don't. Police so far haven't released any of the details surrounding this charge, where it's come from, why it's been laid. We've been told several times that a police statement will be coming out shortly, that hasn't yet happened. I think what we can say is that it's likely, likely but not confirmed that this is related to ongoing attempts by the government of Peter O'Neill to remove Sir Salamo from office. It has tried several times since November, last year, to suspend him from office over what it says are allegations of official misconduct. But the Supreme Court has so far stayed those suspension attempts and now we have what has happened today.
ABBOTT: Do we know how this fractures relationship between Peter O'Neill's government and Sir Salamo developed?
FOX: How it developed, sorry?
ABBOTT: Yes, how it developed in the first place?
FOX: No look, all I can say to you is outline the course of events. These suspension attempts began in November last year in the run up to the decision in December by the Supreme Court as to who was the legitimate prime minister, whether it was Peter O'Neill or Sir Michael Somare. The first attempt was made just before that, as was the second attempt, and as we know that Supreme Court decision was handed down and that found Sir Michael Somare to be the legal prime minister of Papua New Guinea and as we know, Peter O'Neill has continued to be the effective prime minister with the support of the majority of members of parliament, the police force, the army, and the bureaucracy.
ABBOTT: Has anyone from the PNG government said anything today or are they keeping their heads low?
FOX: Eh, they're keeping their heads low. Peter O'Neill is due to hold a press conference around this time, but we've been told he'll be speaking on landowner issues related to the massive liquefied natural gas project here, not the Chief Justice issue. The Internal Security Minister, John Boito, who's responsible for police was seen walking into police headquarters while Sir Salamo was being questioned, but he hasn't released any comments, and as I said before, police themselves are yet to release any comments, any details of how this charge came about.
ABBOTT: Sir Salamo has been released on bail. When is he likely to be back in court?
FOX: He's due to appear in court tomorrow morning.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna Mine issue vital
CENTRAL Bougainville MP and Minister for Communications in the National Government, Jimmy Miringtoro (picture) says Panguna Mine issues are still important and landowners must be prepared to take negotiations to the next level.

Panguna Mine issues has always become a topic of interest for the international community, the media, and the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Bougainville have been encouraged and assured by the MP, that negotiations have to change tactics now so that, Bougainvilleans would benefit from the mines spin-offs .
“The Panguna Mine alone contributed a lot in the development of PNG as a whole, and the revenue from the mine built bridges schools airports and roads.” Mr Miringtoro said.
“It even contributed in building the parliament house in Waigani.” he said.
He said leaders in that time were quite ignorant of the mining impacts to the environment, and if they were cautious enough the Bougainville crisis could not have eventuated.
“PNG is on a brink of coming to a standstill, because we have a lot of mines now but we are not feeling an impact, and no major development is taking place, to prove that these mines are making profit and revenue they are not even improving the standard of living for us Papua New Guineans. Mr Miringtoro said.
“Panguna was forced to close because leaders that time and the company (BCL) were not able to listen to peoples grievances and that are a lesson to us all both leaders and people that we need to listen to each other.” Mr Miringtoro said.
Mr Miringtoro said Panguna land owners and National Government must critically talk and consider everyone’s opinion if they are thinking of reopening the mine.
“People in Panguna were not given good water supply housing and health facilities but their land was taken out forcefully from them.” Mr Miringtoro said.
“When the NEC comes to Arawa next month for the meeting that will be an opportunity for landowners to talk face to face with the National government.” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
PNG attracts attention at mining conference
The annual global mining investment conference “Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada”, being held in Toronto Canada, kicked off on a high note on Sunday.
The Papua New Guinea government delegation to the conference is led by the Minister for Mining Byron Chan (picture).

Mr Chan is expected to meet with the PNG Mining industry representatives to discuss issues affecting the industry.
The delegation includes the Secretary of the Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazards Management (DMPGM) Nellie James and senior officers of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) The PNG Mining industry is represented by the PNG Chamber of Mines & Petroleum
Members of the industry in attendance include Papuan Precious Metals Corporation (PPM), Marengo, Katana Iron and Frontier Resources.
About 50,000 delegates are in attendance at the event according to organisers and the interest at the PNG booth is gaining momentum. Visitors are enquiring about geological information about the country, process of applying for exploration licences and what mining policies and regulation are.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG Chief Justice taken in for questioning

Papua New Guinea’s Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia has been taken in by police for questioning.
The police spokesman Superintendent Dominic Kakas says Sir Salamo is being interviewed by police investigators at police headquarters in Port Moresby.
He says he is waiting for details and will issue a statement shortly.
The government of Peter O’Neill in early February suspended the chief justice pending an investigation into alleged mishandling of court funds.
Sir Salamo also presided over last year’s leadership Supreme Court case and found Mr O’Neill was unconstitutionally elevated to the prime minister’s office over long time incumbent Sir Michael Somare.
Source: The National
Government plans to stop cash payments
THE government plans to stop cash payments for landowner benefits accruing from resource developments.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill also said if any payments were to be made, they must be done in each licenced area – and not in Port Moresby.
These will be among stringent guidelines contained in a major policy on the issue to be announced this week following final consultations between O’Neill and landowners tomorrow.
O’Neill said the policy would streamline, simplify and specify payment procedures for all benefits accruing under resource development agreements and in particular the LNG project’s umbrella benefits sharing agreement (UBSA) and the licence-based benefits sharing agreements (LBBSA).
“We are going to simplify it and do it in accordance with the law,” he said.
“There will be absolutely no cash handouts.
“We will agree to a way forward and that should resolve many of the landowner issues.
“After cabinet has made a decision on Wednesday on the proposed structure and a way of dealing with the issue, any disruption of government assets or government services (by landowners) will become a law and order issue.
“Both the landowners and the government must respect any agreement that they signed.
“Any issue of landowner benefits must be in accordance with the law and the agreement.”
The policy will also cover the role and functions of the expenditure implementation committee which oversees much of the payment process.
Source: Blacktown Sun
History project
The Australian National University is seeking the peacekeepers who served in East Timor, Solomon Islands and Bougainville as part of a history research project.
Details: +61 410 136 330 or
Source. ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says he wants the national election to go ahead as scheduled in June.
There had been talk of delaying the election because of problems updating the electoral roll and a call by deputy prime minister Beldan Namah to delay the vote to allow more time for the introduction of all the government's policies.
With both the election commissioner Andrew Trawen and now the prime minister saying the election should go ahead in June is that should be the end of the matter.
Presenter: Brian Abbott
Speaker: Firmin Nanol, PNG reporter
Listen here !
Source: Bloomberg
Copper Has Longest Bull Streak Since October
By Nicholas Larkin
Source: ESBC
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Source: Radio New Zealand International
Compensation offer in bid to end Bougainville ship detention over ferry disaster
Bougainvilleans who have stopped three ships from leaving the autonomous Papua New Guinea province since the sinking of the Rabaul Queen four weeks ago are expected to leave the ships today.
Dozens of Bougainvilleans lost their lives in the disaster and grieving relatives wanting compensation have occupied the vessels, which belong to the owners of the Rabaul Queen.
The Buka police commander, Cletus Tsien, says the victims will leave the vessels but will be replaced by the port’s security, who will continue to stop the vessels leaving.
He says armed former militants, who have also been on the ships, are also demanding compensation for ensuring the vessels were not destroyed.
Commander Tsien says there are reasons police have not taken action.
“These people are armed and the whole of Bougainville is behind what they are doing. The ships have not been damaged. They are just looking after the ships. And Peter Sharp [principal of the Rabaul Shipping Company] has come up with an offer. They were claiming 350 thousand [kina] and he has come up with 100 thousand.”
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville set for elections
BOUGAINVILLE will have its own special election logistic arrangement with a vessel sponsored by the New Zealand Government.
This is because as per the ceasfire agreement, the PNG Defence Force logistics cannot travel past Bougainville waters or in the region - PNGDF a no go zone in the region- a Waka Goi statement on election said in Parliament last Friday, read out by Leader of Government Business Moses Maladina.
“…we have also received some assistance from our development partners. The New Zealand Government will supply a long ship in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. This is necessary in light of the standing no go zone agreement for PNG disciplinary forces,” Mr Maladina said.
The Australian Government has agreed to provide two helicopters and two personnel to provide logistics and security support. These two people are were already on the ground, he said.
Meanwhile, PNGDF is now expecting NEC to advise the Head of State to make an official callout to cover the election period, including counting. During this time defence force personnel will have full arrest powers. Also, the PNGDF and Police are working closely to ensure that all eligible voters, both men and women, can cast their votes freely in a safe environment. The PNGDF will be providing additional capacity to support police. About 546 personnel will be deployed to the Highlands regions between May 31-June 2012.
Source: ESBC Research
Shortsellers: Are you already getting nervous?
as at 12:42:42 PM Friday, March 2, 2012
0.980 | 0 | | | | | | | | | 0.980 | 0.020  | 2.08 | 13,100 | 8 | 0.980 | 0.980 | 0.970 | Last Traded 543 @ 0.98 - 12:01:22 | |
| Level | | Quantity | | 1 | 1 | 2,500 | 0.900 | 2 | 1 | 3,000 | 0.860 | 3 | 2 | 11,000 | 0.850 | 4 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.845 | 5 | 1 | 3,000 | 0.835 | 6 | 1 | 5,000 | 0.805 | 7 | 1 | 5,000 | 0.800 | 8 | 2 | 13,572 | 0.720 | 9 | 1 | 12,000 | 0.690 | 10 | 1 | 6,000 | 0.675 | 11 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.525 | |
| | | Quantity | | Level | 0.980 | 14,457 | 2 | 1 | 0.990 | 4,350 | 2 | 2 | 0.995 | 10,000 | 1 | 3 | 1.070 | 2,291 | 1 | 4 | 1.080 | 30,000 | 1 | 5 | 1.085 | 10,000 | 1 | 6 | 1.140 | 5,550 | 1 | 7 | 1.160 | 10,000 | 1 | 8 | 1.170 | 8,500 | 1 | 9 | 1.200 | 15,000 | 2 | 10 | 1.250 | 10,000 | 1 | 11 | 1.310 | 10,000 | 1 | 12 | 12.000 | 105,000 | 2 | 13 | 12.990 | 230,000 | 1 | 14 | 14.990 | 150,000 | 1 | 15 | 16.390 | 15,000 | 1 | 16 | 16.960 | 30,000 | 1 | 17 | 18.000 | 5,000 | 1 | 18 | 18.650 | 35,000 | 1 | 19 | 20.000 | 68,026 | 1 | 20 | 24.000 | 5,000 | 1 | 21 | 29.900 | 405,300 | 2 | 22 | 30.000 | 271,500 | 4 | 23 | |
Source: Post-Courier
European BCL shareholders to stop short-selling of shares
THE European shareholders of the Bougainville Copper (ESBC) have sent out a warning to declare war on short selling of shares in the Bougainville Copper Limited.
President of the ESBC, Axel Sturm, sent out the warning from Andorra yesterday.
“We want to stop fraudulent manipulation in BOC/BOU1 shares,” Sturm said.
Bougainville Copper shares are supposed to have a fair value of A$30 to A$50 (K66.83 to K111.38). The exact price, of course depends on the actual market prices of copper, gold, silver and molybdenum.
“On the other hand BCL is highly vulnerable to market manipulation: less than 30 per cent of BCL are in free float (the international mining giant Rio Tinto owns 54 per cent and the state of Papua New Guinea 19 per cent).
For several months now the share price of BCL (BOC/BOU1) has been pushed down heavily by short sellers,” Mr Sturm said.
“Since the beginning of 2011 it has been more than 60 per cent after all”
He said this is despite the fact that today’s news flow from Bougainville is more promising than ever.
The Australian Securities Exchange ASX has reacted to this by improving short selling rules. Since August 23rd, 2011 no more short selling in BOC shares was reported.
“Therefore we ask all shareholders BCL to put their shares at a high price (A$25 to A$30) for sale,” he said.
“This will prevent custody banks from using these shares for un-authorized lending to short sellers.
“Short selling generated huge losses in Bougainville Copper shares within the last year.
“As a result of short selling the share price plunged under A$ 1 since January 2011.
“This happened although all news flow from Bougainville had been very positive during that period.
“The green light for re-opening our Panguna mine is a question of a couple of months only.”
He said that this “ban”, however, is undermined by U.S. and other traders and successfully circumvented.
Giving its background, Mr. Sturm said a majority of the stocks held by private investors is deposited with custodian banks.
They register those shares in the share register (under so-called custodian banks) who then lend on our shares for short sales against a fee without the owner’s knowledge.
“In this context even the Australian Stock Exchange is powerless because this business is conducted in a semi-legal but grey area and therefore very difficult to prove,” he said.
“There are only two ways to prevent that our shares will be used for unauthorized short selling.
“The first is a nominated entry in the Bougainville Copper register.
“The second is a sell order that will block the shares for on- lending.
“However, since the entry into the register of shareholders is boycotted by the overwhelming number of custodians in order to maintain this revenue stream, the last resort that remains is to place a sell order with an extraordinary high limit.
“This limit should be as high as possible so that the probability of an actual sale is highly unlikely.”
Souce: ESBC
New Home for BCL's Annual General Meeting!

Until now the Annual General Meeting took place in the Crowne Plaza Hotel (picture) in Port Moresby. It was considered as the best place to stay in the PNG capital.
Since end of 2011 a brandnew and elegant Hotel opened its doors: The Grand Papua Hotel. It's only a few steps away from Bougainville Copper's Head Quarter The ESBC welcome our management's decision to hold the 2012 AGM on May 1st, for the first time not in the Crowne Plaza. This Hotel - with the years - it had become a bit shabby. The new one, the Grand Papua Hotel, looks rather nice. Expect round about AUD 400 (EUR 350) for the cheapest room per night. But don't expect the same service level such as in Singapore's Raffles Hotel or in the Ritz in Paris! Hopefully the new Hotel will mark a new, prosperous epoch for Bougainville Copper for its shareholders! In this case we could afford such crazy pricing!
Here are some pictures of the Grand Papua Hotel:
Source: The National
BCL queried on share price lift
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Ltd was queried by the Australian Stock Exchange on Tuesday after its share price surged from A$0.735 to A$0.94 between Feb 21 and Feb 27, easing back to A$0.91 on Tuesday.
Bougainville’s company secretary Paul Coleman told the ASX the company was not aware of any information that could have given rise to the big surge in the company’s share price and that it was in compliance with the ASX listing rules.
The company had been subject of bouts of speculation involving overseas shareholders who were optimistic about an early opening of the copper-gold mine, which was shut down in May 1989 following civil unrest in Bougainville.
Its share price hit A$1.20 in September last year but has since slid to a low of around A$0.65 at the end of January before the recent price increase.
Source: The National
BCL landowners slam ‘state ownership’ stance
PANGUNA Landowners’ Association – comprising traditional landowners of the Bougainville copper mine – have hit back at the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum for supporting state ownership of resources in the country.
Association secretary Lawrence Daveona said in Tuesday’s article in The National detailed “very shallow reasons to justify its support for state ownership as opposed to landowners having full or controlling ownership of resources in their respective regions of PNG”.
“This is a very narrow view that the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has been sounding out to illiterate Papua New Guineans, government bureaucrats and more so us the landowners,” he said.
“PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has to state all these as it is funded or supported in many ways by most of the foreign investors operating in this country.
“We the people of Panguna mine have suffered under the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) and we have, over the past 23-odd years, researched the whole arrangement that has cost us many lives.
“In our view, many of the agreements from Panguna mine to date are flawed,” Daveona said.
He said the association, in its review of Bougainville copper agreements and others in PNG, had noted that:
> Mining operators had consistently underreported measured and indicated resources at the time of negotiating agreements with the national government, provincial governments, landowners and local level governments, resulting in reductions or waivers of economic interest and royalties;
> Mining operators had, in each instance, separated benefits derived from asset sales, economic benefits from financial instruments, and the trading value of public equities on international stock exchanges from the legal corporate shell company set up to enter into agreements (including royalty and equity agreements) with provincial and landowner interests;
> Provincial governments and landowners had been universally excluded from any benefit on the speculative appreciation of equity value derived from public market announcements of measured and indicated reserves on their lands by having no exposure to benefit from public market stock trading; and
> Economic benefit agreements had been focused on percentage of employment and percentage of contracting in number (a percentage of employees rather than a percentage of gross compensation), rather than in gross economic value (total percentage of all corporate payroll; procurement.;
> No use of trade credit offsets had been leveraged for the companies supplying mining supplies or heavy equipment meaning that over 30% of international par equivalents were being lost for the economic benefit of the provinces or the national economy;
> Visibility on the corporate activities surrounding the mines and land use promoted to international investors had, in no instance, matched the statements made to PNG interests and no mechanism for such discrepancy resolution has been put in place; and,
> No adequate controls had been in place to insure that royalties, taxes, environmental law compliance, human rights, and international standards on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (particularly in the undersea mining technologies) were held to a standard commensurate with the rest of the world.
Daveona said revisions to the Mining Act of 1992 must take into account each of the deficiencies listed below and should not be forwarded for consideration until they are all explicitly addressed.
Source: PNG Attitude
European shareholders war on BCL short selling
THE EUROPEAN SHAREHOLDERS of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) have asked all shareholders in Bougainville Copper (BCL) to pitch their shares at a high price ($25-30) to prevent custody banks from using them for unauthorised lending to short sellers.
“We want to stop fraudulent manipulation in [Bougainville Copper] shares,” says ESBC President Axel G. Sturm.
“Short selling generated huge losses in Bougainville Copper shares within the last year”, he said.
“As a result the share price plunged under $1 since January 2011. This happened although all news flowing from Bougainville had been very positive during that period.
“The green light for re-opening our Panguna mine is a question of a couple of months only,” he stated optimistically.
According to Mr Sturm, who is based in Andorra, Bougainville Copper shares are supposed to have a fair value of $30-50.
“The exact price – of course – depends on the actual market prices of copper, gold, silver and molybdenum,” he said.
“On the other hand BCL is highly vulnerable to market manipulation: less than 30 percent is in free float (the international mining giant Rio Tinto owns 54% and the state of Papua New Guinea 19%.”