News 07.2012
Source: Riverbendnelligen (The Bougainville Copper Project)
Unique video online:
Bougainville Copper Induction Video
Former Bougainville Copper employees published on Youtube an unique video that gives excellent inside views into daily life on Bougainville and in and around the Panguna mine. A document that you absolutely should not miss! Please use the link below as Youtube's public search doesn't allow access yet!
Click here please: //
Source: EM-TV
Joe Lera is ABG Governor
Finally after a long delay in the counting for the Bougainville regional seat Joe Lera has come out victorious.
While the NCD Regional seat is a long way from making a declaration, the Moresby Northeast electorate should declare its Member of Parliament by today.
However, elimination for the Moresby Northeast is continuing at a snail’s pace. As of this morning they were up to the 40th exclusion with eight more candidates in the race.
And, still in the lead is, sitting Member, Andrew Mald, but with very tight competition from PNG Party man, John Kaupa and closely behind at the third place is Labi Amaiu.
A winner is likely to be declared either today or Wednesday.
While the Returning Officer for the electorate, Douglas Hare has been sidelined for unknown reasons, its Acting RO, Joe Kandai was arrested last week also for unknown reasons. For now, the Acting RO in charge of counting in the electorate is a returning officer from the West New Britain province.
As for the NCD Regional, counting of primary votes still continue. As of yesterday, after count 215, Incumbent Governor and the leader Social Democratic Party, Powes Parkop is still in the lead with a difference of more than 10 thousand votes to the second candidate and PNC man, Wari Vele, and on the third spot is Michael Kandiu, an Independent.
One interesting factor revealed in the counting of the regional votes is that there is an increasing number of informal votes.
More than 4 400 informal votes have been recorded so far. And most of them were recorded from the settlement areas.
With the return of writs set for the first of August, which is tomorrow, it is not looking good for the NCD Regional. More than a hundred boxes are still outstanding to be counted mostly from the Moresby South electorate. And while it will take longer than a week to get a winner for the seat, the Electoral Commissioner is not worried at all.
In a media brief yesterday afternoon, Commissioner, Andrew Trawen said he is not worried that it will be a failed election if only one or two seat not being declared on time.
Mr Trawen said by today all the seats should be declared except for three regional, Enga Provincial seat, Western Highlands and the NCD Regional which he said can be explained to the Governor General when the Writs are issued.
New Uncertainty and Trouble ahead ?
Source: Post-Courier
Local companies oppose BCL return
Talks of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL)’s return to the civil war-torn Autonomous Region of Bougainville to reopen the Panguna mine has received stiff resistance from the Bougainville landowner companies from the mine area.
Joe Birunoim, mandated spokesperson for five major landowner companies from the Panguna mine area, a former politician and former rebel commander yesterday said the talk of BCL returning to Panguna is ‘a joke’.
Mr Biruniom who represents Avaipa Resources Ltd, Pakasianpa Resources Ltd, Baunapa Resources Ltd, Erupia Resources Ltd and Karato Resources Ltd said BCL is not welcomed in Bougainville.
“It has more than enough outstanding issues on its plate. If BCL is stalking about returning to the Panguna mine pit is fine but not accepted at the 7 sisters (the seven mining lease areas). We have had enough damaged accumulated from BCL. Knowing the fact that BCL is out of the region, we have already established ourselves as exploration and mining companies to explore and mine our own mineral resources. We have joint partnership with major internationally reputable mining and exploration companies who have agreed to our model of shareholdings and benefiting sharing arrangement which is a unique and different from any other developers could afford to offer,” Mr Birunoim said.

Vice Chairman and a director of umbrella company Isina Resources Holdings Ltd Sam Kauna (pictured with family) said if there is any negotiation for reopening of Panguna, it has to be a wide consultation and not for ABG President John Momis to decide whether BCL is to come or not as it’s a private political deal.
“The very people who fought for their land and resources have to be consulted. But in this case, the landowners have decided their own destiny and said no t o BClL.
I am working on as model to give back mineral and oil ownership back to the landowners and any talk to BCL coming back will defeat the purpose of setting up and landowner’s companies to locally explore and mine our own resources.
If we can do exploration and mine own our own with other companies through joint venture, there is no need for BCL as it does not have any place in the region, the former Bougainville Revolutionary Army General told the Post Courier yesterday.
A former senior politician from the region who requested unanimous when asked to comment after learning of BCL interest to return said, “the general feelings in Bougainville is that there is an ill feeling about the news of BCL return. General, Bougainvillians don’t want to see BCL coming back.,”
Also it must be made clear that under Section 23 of the Bougainville Constitution, all mineral and oil resources are owned and belong to the landowners or resource owners of Bougainville and not ABG, the National Government or any foreigner for that matter,” the former politician said.
Two weeks ago, BCL chairman Peter Taylor was in the region to talk to the Panguna landowners including ABG President John Momis. Mr Momis later told Radio Australia that the meeting with BCL was very significant. “It was the first time that all the landowners were represented in the group that talked with us. In the past we had other big meetings but not all landowner groups were represented. But this time it was good. I was not completely surprised.
I was very happy because we had been doing a lot of work, the administration has been doing a lot of work liaising and talking with the landowner groups and insisting that landowners must come to an agreement to work together,” Mr Momis reportedly said.
Source: Post-Courier
Alotau camp rises to 80
PRIME Minister-in-waiting Peter O’Neill will have little trouble in being elected as the next Prime Minister with a solid backing of about 80 MPs, most of whom are now in his camp in Alotau, Milne Bay province.
When the latest head count was taken at Alotau Airways International Hotel last night, there were 72 MPs present.
New MP for Goroka, Bire Kimisopa, will join the camp this morning with Peoples United party leader and Governor for Hela, Anderson Agiru; re-elected Kandep MP and leader of THE Party, Don Polye; and leader of National Alliance Parry, Patrick Pruaitch, with his new MP for Sinasina Yongomugl, Kerenge Kua. New MP for Bougainville, Joe Lera will also join the Alotau camp this morning from Buka.
Mr O’Neill chaired a caucus meeting yesterday and the meeting was still in progress by 9 o’clock last night. No details were announced at the conclusion of the meeting.
Leaders and members of all the coalition partners have been working over the last several days on the coalition’s policy framework and work plan for the next five years.
They will continue and finalise these important initiatives up until until the MPs decamp in Alotau and move to Port Moresby in time for the 9th Parliament sitting to elect the Speaker and Prime Minister.
As of last night, the party standings were: PNC 30 MPs; THE Party 14; NA 7, PPP 6; URP 5; PUA 4; PP and PUA on 3 each; and UP and PNGNP on one each.
Source: Post-Courier
Namah confident in his camp
LEADER of PNG Party and caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah is adamant that his Rapopo Camp in East New Britain will form the next Government as his numbers swell in the lead up to the inaugural sitting of the 2012-2017 Parliament.
“Whether I am Prime Minister or I make somebody with the numbers to be the Prime Minister, we are going to form the next Government on the floor of Parliament,” said a determined re-elected MP for Vanimo Green River on his arrival at Tokua Airport late yesterday.
Mr stressed at a press conference that more than 50 per cent of sitting MPs have lost their seats in the 2012 national elections.
“That is the people’s statement for change. Papua New Guineans want change,” he said.
“Elected leaders must provide strong, vibrant and determined leadership to uproot the deep and corrupt network of the old guard to effect the people’s desire for change.
“I believe that two-thirds of the Government of the last 10 months is intact and we will join hands to form the next Government. I am prepared to support a Government of change,” he said.
Mr Namah arrived in the wake of an early morning earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale that rocked homes in Kokopo for about one minute.
Instead of dampening their spirits, the number of the already buoyant Rapopo camp soared with the arrival of leader Mr Namah with additional MPs including returned Talasea MP and caretaker Deputy Speaker Francis Marus, Komo-Magarima MP Francis Potape, new Goilala MP Daniel Mona and Sandaun Governor Ankap Mai.
Mr Namah’s delegation was received at Tokua Airport by an East New Britain Provincial Government delegation led by Deputy Governor Boniface Setavo, ENB provincial police commander Chief Inspector Sylvester Kalaut, provincial events coordinator Gordon Gaius and MPs including Rabaul MP Dr Allan Marat, Bulolo MP Sam Basil and West New Britain Governor-elect Sasindran Muthuvel.
All were driven under tight police escort involving some 20 vehicles to Rapopo Plantation Resort, midway between Tokua Airport and Kokopo Town.
Last night, security was tightened at the resort where the MPs which also includes Gazelle MP Malakai Tabar, North Bougainville MP Louta Atoi, Kandrian-Gloucester MP Joseph Lelang, and Angoram MP Ludwig Schulz met to decide a way forward.
The Rapopo camp is likely to be joined by the newly declared Governor-elect of Madang Jim Kas. They are also monitoring results of counts in Jiwaka, Chimbu
and Eastern Highlands provinces.
Source: The National
North Bougainville MP joins Namah !
NORTH Bougainville MP-elect Louta Atoi is at the PNG party’s camp in Kokopo, East New Britain, because he believes in Belden Namah’s leadership.
“I believe in his style of leadership and I also believe that as leaders, we need to make tough choices this time around,” he said.
Namah is on the sidelines as People’s National Congress party leader and caretaker Prime Minister Peter O’Neill stitches up a coalition capable of forming the next government without his former deputy.
A PNC party candidate Atoi said yesterday he switched camps because he believed in his principles.
“I believe in good governance, transparency and accountability and I believe this team will see this way forward for this country,” he said.
He added it was important for leaders to make ethical choices in their lives as representatives of their people.
He said he was explaining his move because it was important the people of North Bougainville knew why he made the move.
“I believe that Namah is the right choice for the autonomous arrangements for Bougainville as I believe he can help us achieve more in our quest,” he said.
Bougainville’s autonomous arrangements has never been addressed in the past 10 years and he strongly believed that a Namah-led government would address the issue.
“There is nothing for the people of Bougainville to be afraid of and my switching camps is the right move,” he said.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Film producers hope to screen Mister Pip in Bougainville
A producer of the film Mister Pip says they will try to find a way to get it screened in Bougainville.
Mister Pip, based on the novel by Lloyd Jones, is set in 1991, during the decade-long civil war in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.
The film has been selected to premiere in the prized Special Presentation section of the Toronto International Film Festival.
The producer Robin Scholes says screening it in Bougainville is a trickier issue.
“There aren’t cinemas in Bougainville, there isn’t electricity in most places. So, we will have to find a way to show the film on a screen, and we’re hoping to do that before the end of this year.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Declaration on
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU will shortly declare the new member for Bougainville Regional, Joe Lera who has won the seat after a long and tiring battle to get the seat.
As of the primary counts JOE LERA was ahead by one or two thousands to challengers,ISHMAEL TOROAMA and sitting member FIDELIS SEMOSO until the eleventh exclusion of Fidelis Semoso which made him finally reach the absolute majority to win the seat.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counters are now counting elimination 11 to find out the winner for the Bougainville Regional seat at the Hutjena counting centre.
From exclusion 10, the figures are as follows,
JOE LERA 23,549
Absolute Majority 28,939
Fidelis Semoso has been removed now and his votes would be distributed to the two still in the race, Ishmael Toroama and Joe Lera.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
9th Elimination
By Aloysius Laukai
Joe Lera is still leading after the 9th elimination of candidate, Magdalen Toroansi.
Figures from rank down,
JOE LERA 20,547
TOTAL Ballot papers 63,399 and the absolute majority now stands at 31,700 sp Kapeatu Puaria will be eliminated next
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
After the 8th elimination, JOE LERA is still maintaining his lead with 18,275
On the 9th exclusion currently in progress, Magdalen Toroansi has been excluded and her 9000 votes will be distributed to the running candidates.
Counting is now progressing smoothly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat has resumed after so many disturbances which included adjusting of figures after a final quality check in Buka today.
Remaining candidates in the race also briefly met with the Electoral Manager and agreed for the counting process to continue and a winner declared quickly.
The count started with elimination 8 which is candidate, ALBERT MAGOI who has 6493 votes to be distributed to the still running candidates.
Five candidates who are Still in the race are,
JOE LERA 16760
Absolute majority at this stage is 34,012
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai at the Hutjena counting centre.
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat turned into a new issue last night with scrutineers wanting the count of informal figures.
When that was agreed and done the count was suspended again for 8am this morning.
And after 11 am the same group returned questioning the total Regional figure which they wanted to be re-checked again. They tried to reconciled their figures but have not yet compromised to allow the process to continue.
If this continues the Electoral commision must intervene to allow the process to be completed as it has already past the due date, lucky the extension for the return of writs is still on.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Counting start
by Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Regional seat counting will start with elimination 8.
As you can see preparation is complete and for the elimination.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elimination to start tonight
By Aloysius Laukai
NEW DAWN FM has been informed a while ago that elimination for the Nort Bougainville would start tonight at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
Bougainville election Manager said that they were organizing counters so that counting can begin from where they stopped on Wednesday night.
He however did not say if counting officials have been paid.
New Dawn Fm will update this site once new figures appear tonight.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Regional member may not contribute to the formation of the next PNG National Government as counting for the Regional seat suspension enters its 3rd day.
New Dawn FM talked to the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner,REITAMA TARAVARU who said that the matter was still un-resolved. He said if they resolve outstanding issues, counting will resume.
Source: Post-Courier
New movie star
THE Mr Pip film, set in Bougainville has been selected to premiere in the prized special presentation section of the Toronto International Film Festival.
Mister Pip tells the story of the last white man on war-torn Bougainville, who teaches local children by reading Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.
The story is set in 1991, during the decade-long civil war in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.
The film’s director, Andrew Adamson and producer, Robin Scholes, will attend the premiere.
Robin Scholes says the film is truly epic, and made all the more powerful because it is founded in the real life stories of the Bougainvillean people who helped shape and make both the book and the film

It was announced today that the film will premiere in the prized ‘Special Presentation’ section at the festival, which runs from September 6 to 16.
Mr Pip is an adaptation of the critically-acclaimed New Zealand novel of the same name by Lloyd Jones.
It is directed by Oscar-nominated New Zealand director Andrew Adamson and stars Golden Globe winner Hugh Laurie, known for his role in the American TV drama House.
Laurie plays Mr Watts, a school teacher on the island of Bougainville who befriends one of his pupils, Matilda, and helps her endure a violent civil war.
New Zealand Film Commission CEO Graeme Mason said the film’s selection put yet another spotlight on the nation’s wider film making talent.
“Mr Pip is an outstanding New Zealand film from an outstanding New Zealand film maker.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Pay and Recount
By Aloysius Laukai
CountIng for the Bougainville Regional seat starts after midday today.
Guess what we found at the counting centre when setting up the PA system this morning.
The handwritten note said pay and recount....

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Suspension till tomorrow.
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat elimination has been further suspended until tomorrow Friday midday,27th July,2012.
This was announced by the Returning officer for North Bougainville Marchelin Kiarei this afternoon.
He told scrutineers and remaining counters and the public that the Electoral Office could not pay the counters today resulting in the extension of the suspension from yesterday night.
This however would exceed the official return of writs which is the 27th July 2012.
The PNG electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen has extended today the return oof writs by one week.
After the announcement at the counting centre, Southern Regional Police Commander, Superitendant PAUL KAMUAI said that the continous delays was causing unnecessary burden to everyone including the officials and something must be done to complete the process once and for all.
He said South Bougainville Police were still providing security whilst other regions have scaled down their manpower.
Superintendant Kamuai said that this was also proving too much for his team.
Meanwhile, nearly all the service providers since polling and now counting are yet to be paid.

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG's political rivals form partnership
There is an old saying that in politics there are no permanent friends, just permanent interests.
And nowhere is that truer than in Papua New Guinea politics where the two men who had a bitter falling out as both claimed the prime ministership have now made up.
As the dust settles after this month's election, Peter O'Neill and Sir Michael Somare, opponents for months, now say they will join forces to form government.
Presenter: Sean Dorney
Speakers: Peter O'Neill, PNG Prime Minister; Sir Michael Somare, National Alliance Party leader; Dr Alphonse Gelu, Political Parties Integrity Commission
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Another suspension
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting of the Bougainville Regional seat was going smoothly untill shift change at 11pm tonight.
7th elimination figures are as follows,
JOE LERA is still leading with 16,760
There is a small issue as the counters change the next group refuses to continue and demand to see the Electoral Manager due to non payment of allowances.
Source: ESBC Research
Feel good by telling other people to feel bad!
Richard Solly (pictured) is a certain Mr. Nobody from London. He feels good when he's able to fight against international mining companies. His latest coup is - once again - meant to attack Rio Tinto for supplying alledged "conflict copper" for the production of Olypmic medals. "Copper Investing News" journalist Shihoko Goto reports on Solly's latest activities. In the past his organisation tried to attack Bougainville Copper Limited and the ESBC as well:
Please find out more about Solly's London based group!

Are Olympic Medals Made From Conflict Copper?
By Shihoko Goto - Exclusive to Copper Investing News

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but many shoppers these days are conscious about how their carats were mined and vote with their feet against so-called blood diamonds that were mined at conflict zones in Africa. Should Olympic athletes too be aware of where the metal for their medal comes from, and should they insist on getting awarded with copper as well as gold and silver that were mined sustainably at the London games?
That is certainly what the London Mining Network is calling for. The alliance of human rights and environmental groups has been one of the many non-profit organizations protesting against Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) being the official metals provider for all 4,700 medals produced by the Royal Mint for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. The last time Rio Tinto was the official metals supplier was in 2002. This year, the metals have been sourced from Rio Tinto’s Kennecott copper mine in Utah and Mongolia’s Oyu Tolgoi mine produced in an environmentally sustainable manner that promotes local growth, according to Rio Tinto’s CEO Tom Albanese:
“Being ethically responsible is a thread that runs through everything we do. We aim to bring long-lasting positive change to the communities where we work, respecting human rights, bringing economic benefits and looking after the environment,” Albanese stated in a news release.
Such claims, however, have been dismissed by many environmental as well as labor rights advocates.
“We certainly do not agree with the assessment” by Rio Tinto about the sustainability of its mining operations, said Richard Solly, a coordinator for the London Mining Network (LMN). The organization argues that Rio Tinto did not go through an audit and certification process before being accepted as the provider of the metals for this year’s London Olympics. In particular, LMN has pointed out allegations by Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment and Utah Moms for Clean Air that the Bingham Canyon project is having an adverse affect on the health of those in the surrounding communities. Oyu Tolgoi, meanwhile, has been accused by the advocacy group of causing not only heavy environmental damage, but also poor labor practices including sexual harassment of female workers in Mongolia.
While Rio Tinto has denied such allegations, there is no shortage of environmental groups as well as labor unions and human rights advocacy groups siding with LMN. The Geneva-based International Metalworkers’ Federation has leveraged its global network to rally union members to object to Rio Tinto’s role in the upcoming games. The United Steelworkers, meanwhile, launched the Off the Podium campaign earlier this year to pressure the International Olympic Committee to use Rio Tinto as well as to publicize what the group regards as human and labor rights violations in addition to environmental damage caused by the company until the games end in August.
Of course, Rio Tinto is not the only miner to face the wrath of activists, but the fact that the latest games is in a city where political activism thrives, together with the power of social media, appear to have made public opposition more visible. There had been some opposition to BHP Billiton (ASX:BHP) being the 2008 Olympic Games provider in Beijing by using metals from its Cannington mine in Queensland, Australia as well as its Escondida and Spence projects in Chile. Yet such protests were overshadowed by opposition against the Chinese government for its human rights violation as well as environmental destruction.
What has not changed is the tradition of using actual gold and silver as well as copper to produce the medals. According to the Olympic Charter, the gold and silver medals must each be made of at least 92.5 percent pure silver and the gold medal must be gilded with at least six grams of gold. The silver metal is 92.5 percent silver while the remaining 7.5 percent is copper, and the bronze medal consists of 97 percent copper, 2.5 percent zinc, and 0.5 percent tin. Over 8 tonnes of gold, silver, and copper has been extracted and refined for this year’s Olympic medals which are 3.25 inches in diameter and weigh over 14 ounces. The medals have been housed in the vaults of the Tower of London since earlier this month for safekeeping.
Any athlete would argue, though, that the true value of a medal is not how much gold, silver, or copper it contains. Moreover, it appears that the Rio Tinto boycott movement has not permeated much across the general public. In the Tokyo suburb of Oizumi Gakuen, for instance, the community has united around local Masaki Ito, a 2011 World Trampoline Championship silver medalist and Olympic medalist hopeful. Asked about whether or not the source of a medal should be of concern, one Ito fan and local coffee shop waiter Norihide Otani said that such discussion should be banned during the games.
“Gold is best, but any medal is just great. Who made that medal doesn’t matter. There will always be time to address labor disputes… and they never go away anyway. It’s bringing home a medal that’s important right now,” Otani said.
Securities Disclosure: I, Shihoko Goto, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville regional seat final elimination has started.
As of the final quality check the figures are as follows,
JOE LERA 13,400
TOTAL VOTES 69,896 and absolute majority is 34,949
Source: PNG Attitude
Are O’Neill and Somare trying to isolate Namah?
WITH THE NEWS THAT prime minister Peter O’Neill is in talks with his rival Sir Michael Somare over a possible coalition deal, is the new game in town ‘let’s isolate Belden?’ And will it work?
Not one of the 42 registered political parties in Papua New Guinea will go anywhere near commanding a majority in its own right.

O’Neill’s People’s National Congress is easily doing the best and can probably look forward to winning between one-quarter and one-third of the seats in the new parliament.
With volatile PNG Party leader Belden Namah announcing during the campaign that he’d take on O’Neill for the prime ministership, it seems unlikely he’d want his party to join any coalition put together by O’Neill.
Although stranger things have happened in PNG politics.
Instead, Namah will be working hard on persuading minor parties and independents to join cause with him. The rewards he’ll be offering will be munificent.
It seems O’Neill is also talking seriously to Don Polye, whose Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party is running second, former PM Sir Julius Chan (People’s Progress Party) as well as Somare (National Alliance) and other smaller parties.
The O’Neill-Somare alliance is especially intriguing as it’s only a few week ago that the Grand Chief said the Young Turk should face gaol for what the old man (and, it might be added, the Supreme Court) saw as O’Neill’s unconstitutional prime ministership.
On present indications, a coalition between O’Neill, Somare, Chan and Polye would go very close to gaining a parliamentary majority.
On seeing that this might be the likely outcome, a host of other minor parties and independents could be expected to join the O’Neill bandwagon.
This would leave Namah out in the cold as a rather frustrated and one would imagine embittered opposition leader.
But that’s just one permutation in a dynamic calculus that has many twists and turns left in it yet.
It’s become a cliché to refer to PNG as the “land of the unexpected”.
But time and again it manages to live up to this reputation.
Source: The National
PMs bloc - Somare, Wingti and Chan back O’Neill
THREE former prime ministers, Sir Michael Somare, Sir Julius Chan and Paias Wingti, yesterday pledged support for caretaker Prime Minister and PNC party leader Peter O’Neill to form the next government.
That was the announcement, but the moment belonged to Sir Michael and O’Neill who hugged and held hands – two men who claimed legitimacy to the office of the prime minister for six months and split political parties, the civil service, the judiciary and the military into two opposing spheres.
Hardly a word passed at the press conference about that period which history will remember kindly as the “political impasse” as the group talked of a new government of reconciliation, of hope and a return of integrity to government and parliament.
The move, which attracted a rush of numbers to the O’Neill camp by smaller parties and independents, was also described as a move to restore confidence to the people, of investors and the international community.Sir Julius Chan, who orchestrated the move, declared: “This is a memorable occasion in the history of this nation when such big power players like the Grand Chief (Sir Michael Somare) and Paias Wingti are here which will show the people of this nation that we, the experienced leaders, have the heart for the nation and its people.
“This is something you will never see anywhere in the world.
“I thank the Grand Chief for joining forces. He is above politics; he has got the interest of the people at heart.”Judging by those who turned up yesterday, the numbers in O’Neill’s camp swelled to 39 out of the 66 seats declared so far.
This included PNC’s 20 declared members, the People’s Progress Party’s six, Sir Michael’s National Alliance five and Wingti’s People’s Democratic Movement member for Middle Ramu Tommy Tomscoll.
Wingti, while leading in the Western Highlands, had not been declared.
Also leading but undeclared in the National Capital District regional seat is Powes Parkop, who was present and lent his two members to O’Neill.
Hela Governor and leader of the United People’s Assembly Anderson Agiru, who has one other member in Pomio MP Paul Tiensten, also attended the meeting.
Absent from the gathering and offering no commitment were Finance and Treasury Minister Don Polye and his Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party’s five members, Petroleum and Energy Minister William Duma and his three United Resources Party Members and Enga Governor Peter Ipatas’ People’s Party and his three MPs. The PNG Party has set up a separate camp in Kokopo, East New Britain, where it is wooing independents and smaller parties to put its leader Belden Namah as its choice for the top post.
Sir Michael received the highest accolade for joining O’Neill.
He said: “I thank O’Neill for inviting me to this press conference.
“We do not want disruptions. “I believe that by having me, Sir Julius and Wingti, you can be rest assured that we will be able to provide services and give confidence to our people. “We are seeing a new government in the making.”Wingti said the country needed to see integrity brought back to the institutions of state and for the rule of law.“We want to see parliament operate properly,” he said.
“We want to see things done properly and the laws followed.”

Former prime ministers Paias Wingti (left), Sir Michael Somare and Sir Julius Chan (right) yesterday committed their parties – People’s Democratic Movement, National Alliance and People’s Progress Party respectively – in support of a government to be formed by Peter O’Neill (second right). The four leaders all declared a common desire to form a new coalition government at the Airways Hotel, Port Moresby. – Picture courtesy of Prime Minister’s media unit
Source: The National
Tribunal asks Governor General to dismiss Semoso
A LEADERSHIP tribunal in Port Moresby yesterday recommended to Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio to dismiss Fidelis Semoso as member for Bougainville regional after he was found guilty of misconduct in office last week.
He was charged with misappropriating K2.7 million meant for the South Bougainville feeder road project and sexually assaulting and torturing a woman.
The tribunal found him not guilty on several allegations in categories three, five and six.
Category three related to personally benefiting from public funds meant for the feeder road project.
Category five related to winning a contract under false pretence and category six related to the failure to disclose interest.
However, pursuant to section 28(1A) of the Constitution, and section 27(5)(a)(b) of the Organic Law on the Duties and Responsibilities of Leadership, which says that if a tribunal found a leader guilty of misconduct in office, it must recommend to the appropriate authority that he or she be dismissed from office or recommend other appropriate penalties.The tribunal said Semoso was culpable for what he did.
“On the inquiry before us, the leader has been found guilty of misconduct in office for very serious breaches of the Constitution and the OLDRL. “The manner and process of getting the money to fund the projects nominated by the leader, and how the money was used, was not proper and
this amounts to serious culpability.”The tribunal recommended Semoso for dismissal from office to the public prosecutions, which then made a submission to the office of the governor-general for signing and eventual dismissal.The ruling was made in the absence of Semoso, who was still in Bougainville.
His lawyer appeared for him.
Source: The National
Bougainville count drags
COUNTING for the Bougainville regional seat began again from the first exclusion yesterday and is going at a slow pace as figures continue to differ.As of 3pm, it was decided the counting process at Hutjena Secondary School hall counting centre would start again from the first exclusion. Quality checks had been completed.
A re-check of counting official names was undertaken but the officials were reportedly demanding they be paid their allowances before they started counting.
North Bougainville returning officer Marcelline Kearei announced on Monday night that counting for the regional seat would be suspended until 9am yesterday.
It was later decided that counting would begin again from the first exclusion.
Source: missioBayern
Sonntag der Weltmission 2012
Blick nach Bougainville
Source: missio Bayern
Bischof Bernard Unabali
Gast zum Sonntag der Weltmission 2012
Sonntag der Weltmission 2012
Hamarah Bamboo Band Bougainville
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Regional seat may not be declared on time if the current inefficient counting mode is still employed this week.
Counting for the Bougainville seats started on Monday july 9th and After 3 weeks of counting,figures are still unofficial.
Noone is to be blamed for this slow process, that has made so many people question why this was so slow.
Disturbances were made by both the candidates and their scrutineers and including unbalanced counting figures.
As the day for the return of writs draws near which is July 27th it is a big concern as this might be the case because counters have been having sleeplesnights since July 9th.
And after several recounts over the last two weeks candidates this afternoon wanted another recount and this time starting with the first ballot box was ordered which has made it more difficult for the counters to beat the deadline.
By seven pm tonight the count has not started.
To make matters even worse these counters are talking about boycotting the count over mon payment of their allowances.
NEW DAWN FM was also informed that food supply to the counting officials was also stopped last night by catering groups also for non payment of their work.
New Dawn Fm will also as of midnight tonight stop all its live coverages of the counting as it was getting more expensive for us to follow.
We will however update our website daily.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville landowners want Panguna re-opened
Impacted landowners of Panguna mine have met in a bid to pave the way for the return of mining giant Rio-Tinto.
Rio’s Panguna copper mine was the spark that ignited a decade-long civil war which left thousands dead and the economy of the island on its knees.
Two decades on, there is a growing consensus among landowners about re-opening the mine.
The president of the ABG John Momis and landowners spokesperson Bernadine Kirra who is the Chairwoman of the 3000 strong landowner group speaking to Radio Australia’s Jemima Garret at the weekend said respective landowners of Panguna are talking to Rio Tinto for a possible return.
Kirra who was said to be from the lower part of the mine tailings that badly affected their environment said “the meeting with Bouginville Copper Ltd (BCL) was a step forward. it was a very good meeting because we agreed at once some decisions that BCL has to meet.”
Ms Garret asked what the feelings amongst the women were and the other landowners and whether they want to see the mine re-opened, eventually;
Ms Kirra responded, “uh, yeah! Most people in mine-affected areas and all of Bougainville, we would very much want BCL to come back before it decides to come to Bougainville and help us with our economical recovery on Bougainville,” she said.
Mr Momis added that the meeting with BCL was very significant. “It was the first time that all the landowners were represented in the group that talked with us. In the past we had other big meetings but not all landowner groups were represented. But this time it was good. The landowner groups represented all the groups that have been listed as the legitimate landowners, which include Mekamui, of course, yes.
“I was not completely surprised. I was very happy because we had been doing a lot of work, the administration has been doing a lot of work liaising and talking with the landower groups and insisting that landowners must come to an agreement to work together,” Mr Momis said.
Chris Damana, Interim Chairman of the key umbrella group, the Panguna Landowners Association, said the BCL representative aquitted himself well.
BCL will come and re-open the mine but need to tidy up a lot of things before they come and re-open the mine. We all agree that BCL will come back because they have learned their mistake. We have learned our mistake and, maybe, we can start on a new slate,”Mr Damana said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Back to business
By Aloysius Laukai
Whilst many loosing candidates are trying to recover from the stress of ol politics over the last months, A Bougainville candidate, DAMIAN KORA has accepted the results.
He told New Dawn Fm that he has to go back to his building and construction business.
MR KORA said he would not bother himself with the problems of going through the court of disputed returns.
He is pictured here buying steel for his building on Buka town.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Sixth Elimination
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat is very slow as figures continue to differ.
Counters are double checking elimination 6 before they can put it up on the board.
From the 13 candidates vying for the top seat six have been eliminated with seven candidates still in the race.
Those that have been eliminated and their second and

Pictured are counters double checking Elimination 6 at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall counting centre.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Count suspended
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Bougainville Regional seat has been suspended and will continue later today.
Counting had been slow when figures did not match from one of the eliminations last night.
This has been fixed and futher eliminations will follow when counting resumes later today.
So far no candidate is close to the absolute majority fifty percent plus one mark of 34,946.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Reflection from Aloysius Laukai in Port Moresby.
To all our listeners on Bougainville and you our readers from our blog.
By Aloysius Laukai Teamleader Bougainville's community Radio Network.
Covering the 2012 PNG General Elections.
The LPV election is good but the counting is so costly as it drags on and on from days to weeks.
New Dawn FM started covering the counting from day one and has continued for24/7 until the final winner for the Regional seat is declared.
Us as a community radio surviving from donation and sponsors have been really stretched over our limits.
Our broadcasts were using cellphones which made it more expensive as our paid phone lines to the counting centre were not connected by telikom, even lines for the electoral commission were not activated.
We would like to thank one sponsor that made it possible for us to move between the various counting centres by donating one drum fuel, SOUTH BOUGAINVILLE ENGINEERING, ALBERT KINANI.
Your contribution has made it possible for us to concentrate limited resources on other pressing matters like power, flex cards and off course food for our hardworking staff.
To you our viewers, your questions, comments and quiries has kept us going despite these difficulties and challenges we face everyday in trying to diseminate news and information to the entire world.
Sometimes we feel like throwing the towel and say enough..but we continue as without us getting information from Bougainville would be like normal from the PNG papers.
Thank the your staff of New Dawn FM for their tireless dedication to this service.
Thank you!
Since a couple of months, the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) regularly support Radio New Dawn's important information effort. We would be pleased if you would kindly contribute either via the ESBC account or directly to Aloysius Laukai. Please find here the bank account information that you need!
Please click here to find out more about Radio New Dawn on Bougainville!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Women constesting praised
By ALoysius Laukai
women who contested this year's national general elections were praised for their efforts and contributions in the elections and for challenging theor menfolk.
Returning officer for north Bougainville said this today when declaring the north open seat winner.
He praised the three women who took part in the Bougainville elections.
He says that they came out finishing well within the five in all regions revealing that there was support for women leaders in the region.
He encouraged them to work together this year in their respective areas to strengthen and move the region forward.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Still anybody's absolute majority
By Aloysius Laukai
After the 3rd elimination in the Bougainville Regional seat count, no one is near the absolute majority figure of 35,016.
JOE LERA is still extending his lead as the counting continues.
JOE LERA is on 14019
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Regional seat count
LERA AHEAD By Aloysius Laukai in the Bougainville regional counting,JOE LERA is leading with 13,543 votes. Ishmael Toroama is running second with 10,967 Sitting member Fidelis Semoso in running 3rd with 9,123 Kapeatu Puaria is next with 6939 Magdalen Toroansi is on 6439 Albert Magoi is on 5273, Simon Pentanu 4681 Joe Watawi on 4525 Machelin Getsi on 2897 Lynet Ona 2454 and Jimmy Mose is on 2073. These are figures after the first elimination
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville returns MPs
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville has returned three of the four sitting members in this year's National election with the Regional seat still on count.
From the latest count sitting member Fidelis Semoso is still at a good 3rd place.
This is despite widespread campaign that they have been silent in parliament in the last five years.
And because the vote has shown the complete opposite it seems the members have slowly and silently won the heart of voters to return them back to the Tambaran Haus.
Despite all the campaign talk New Dawn Fm has received congratulation messages to these three Bougainville leaders on its comments page.
They said that they are prepared to work with them to move Bougainville forward.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville considers court action against PNG government over unpaid funds
Whoever takes over as Prime Minister in Papua New Guinea after the post-election political horse-trading is finished will have a lot on his plate.
Bougainville considers court action against PNG government over unpaid funds (Credit: ABC)
Not the least is a financial settlement of money owed to the Autonmous Government of Bougainville under the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
The PNG government has promised Bougainville 100 million kina a year - equivalent to 42 million Australian dollars - in funding for essential programs.
But, despite repeated requests, it has not paid up.
Bougainville's President, John Momis, says if the new Prime Minister does not pay up he will have to consider court action.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville
Listen here !
MOMIS: we still haven't got the 100 million that the National government promised, for this year 100 million. That money hasn't come yet. We don't seem to know why the national government ..they don't seem to tell us. We have had delegations going to meet, senior bureaucrats going to Port Moresby to meet with the National Planning Office, with the Treasury and we still don't have any satisfactory answer. So we are at a loss as to what we need to do now. Maybe we need professional people to bring us together in a sort of a mediation process and if that doesn't work we may need to have some adjudication that needs to be done and, if that fails, I guess we just have to go to court. But we are waiting for the election results and the formation of the new government, for me to make that last visit to Port Moresby because we are frustrated. We don't understand. Nobody seems to tell us exactly why they are not releasing the money and, as far as we are concerned, it is a breach of a contract. Bougainville Peace Agreement is not just an agreement, it is a contract between two governments.
GARRETT: You have had people in Port Moresby, recently, talking about this issue. Were they able to get any satisfaction?
MOMIS: No! No! No satisfactory outcome.
GARRETT: so what immediate action do you want from the Papua New guinea government that will be formed once the electoral process is finished?
MOMIS: Well, I want to go and meet with the new Prime Minister and put it straight to him that we believe they have seriously breached a contract, especially in view of the fact that …you know for many, many years Bougainville made the lion's share, you know, paying a big contribution to the national purse and we don't understand why they are still subjecting us to this way of not giving us a direct answer. We have wasted seven months.
GARRETT: Just what impact is this lack of funding having on your government and the people of the region?
MOMIS: Massive detrimental impact. We are not a normal situation. We are just coming out of the Bougainville Crisis. We need money for weapons disposal, for reconciliation, for dealing with law and order problems. We are dealing with an administration that lacks capacity. We have to build capacity. Even the autonomous government House of Representatives, it doesn't have the capacity and so on and so forth. So it is making a massive detrimental impact on our effort to (?inaudible ) Bougainville for good governance, for rule of law, respect for law and order, especially in preparation for the refendum (On Independence from Papua New Guinea) from 2015 to 2020.
Source: The National
Submissions on Semoso’s penalty to be heard today
THE leadership tribunal dealing with Fidelis Semoso will sit today to hear submissions on his penalty, even if he is absent.
Bougainville regional MP Semoso was on Monday found guilty on most of the 14 allegations of misconduct levelled against him. The charges were related to the misappropriation of K2.7 million South Bougainville feeder road project funds.
The number of charges that Semoso was found guilty of was to have been revealed yesterday as well as the appropriate penalties.
The tribunal yesterday threw out a request by Semoso’s lawyer, Charles Mende, to adjourn by a week the hearing on penalties.
Semoso remains in Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, where he is trailing in the tally to retain his seat, and did not appear before the tribunal yesterday.
Senior magistrate and tribunal member Nerrie Eliakim told Mende his client was being disrespectful of the tribunal and objected to the adjournment.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso to appear in court today
Submissions on the penalties for Bougainville Regional MP Fidelis Semoso would be made today at the leadership tribunal hearing misconduct allegations against him at the Waigani National Court.
The case was adjourned yesterday to today to allow lawyers for the office of the public prosecutor and Mr Semoso lawyer to prepare their submissions. Mr Semoso was found guilty on most of the 14 charges that he was facing.
The allegations include: alleged misappropriation of K2.7 million from South Bougainville Feeder Road Project funds without proper tender process; benefit of public funds valued at K470,000 from the K2.7 million awarded to Millennium Waters Ltd and misapplication of KI million from South Bougainville Feeder Roads.
Semoso was also alleged to have assaulted and tortured a Ms Therese Marrie Hani Hapoot; winning a contract under false pretence; and failure to declare his interest.
Mr Semoso is currently trailing 5th in the Bougainville provincial seat. He is expected to appear in court in court to witness the submission on penalties that would be imposed on him.
Source ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville Landowners speak out
on latest moves with Rio Tinto mine
Landowners are meeting on Papua New Guinea's island of Bougainville to pave the way for the return of mining giant Rio-Tinto.
Bougainville Landowners speak out on latest moves with Rio Tinto mine (Credit: ABC)
Rio's Panguna copper mine was the spark that ignited a decade-long civil war which left thousands dead and the economy of the island on its knees.
Two decades on, there is a growing consensus among landowners about re-opening the mine.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speakers: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Government of Bougainville
Chris Damana, chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association
Bernadine Kiraa, Chairwoman of the Panguna Lower Tailings Landowers Association
Listen here !
GARRETT: Reconciliation is now the name of the game between landowners and Bougainville Copper - the Rio Tinto subsidiary that owns the Panguna copper mine.
It has been a long hard road.
Landowners have been holding talks among themselves and with the Autonmous Bougainville government for more than 2 years.
Earlier this month, there was something of a breakthrough - a three-way meeting between landowners, the Autonomous Bougainville government and Bougainville Copper.
Bernadine Kirra, is Chairwoman of the 3000 strong landowner group that suffered most during mining - the lower tailings landowners.
KIRAA: The meeting with BCL was a step forward. it was a very good meeting because we agreed at once some decisions that BCL has to meet before it decides to come to Bougainville.
GARRETT: And what is thew feeling amongst the women and the other landowners. do they want to see the mine re-opened, eventually?
KIRAA: Uh, yeah! Most people in mine-affected areas and all of Bougainville, we would very much want BCL to come back.
KIRAA: To help us with our economical recovery on Bougainville.
GARRETT: Bougainville's President John Momis says the meeting with BCL was very significant.
MOMIS: It was the first time that all the landowners were represented in the group that talked with us. In the past we had other big meetings but not all landowner groups were represented. But this time it was good.
GARRETT: And did the landowner groups include mekamui and some of the landowner groups that have been hostile to Bougainville copper?
MOMIS: The landowner groups represented all the groups that have been listed as the legitimate landowners, which includes Mekamui, of course, yes.
GARRETT: Were you surprised at the broad representation of landowners that turned up for the meeting?
MOMIS: I was not completely surprised. I was very happy because we had been doing a lot of work, the administration has been doing a lot of work liaising and talking with the landower groups and insisting that landowners must come to an agreement to work together.
GARRETT: Bougainville President John Momis.
Landowners took charge of the agenda at the meeting with Bougainville copper.
Chris Damana, Interim Chairman of the key umbrella group, the Panguna Landowners Association, says the BCL representative aquitted himself well.
DAMANA: Mr Paul Coleman, during our 13 agendas that we presented, gave us a positive ..all of them positively answered us. BCL will come and re-open the mine but need to tidy up a lot of things before they come and re-open the mine. We all agree that BCL will come back because they have learned their mistake. We have learned our mistake and, maybe, we can start on a new slate.
GARRETT: So the landowners want to see the mine re-opened?
DAMANA: Of course we need Panguna mine to re-open, definitely!
GARRETT: Landowners told Bougainville copper that before any more moves could be made towards formal negotiations for the re-opening of the mine the company must take part in a reconciliation ceremony and pay what is known as belcol money.
Respecting tradition is crucial to the success of future talks.
This week, landowners have been holding a series of meetings to draw up some instructions so that BCL gets it right.
DAMANA: We are discussing it now, this morning, in a meeting. we want to put it in black and white to BCL because as you know BCL will see it from the Western cultural perspective. we see it from the Melanesian cultural perspective so we need to explain properly to BCL what this belcol money is and what will meet our purpose, that BCL will do before we go into serious talkings with BCL.
GARRETT: Chris Damana, interim Chairman of the umbrella organisation, the Panguna landowners Association.
Landowners are still discussing exactly what the belcol should entail.
Bernadine Kiraa, from the lower tailings landowners association does not want to pre-empt the outcome, but she is clear on what her people want.
KIRAA: We really want something that will benefit the whole of Bougainville but, especially myself, I am really looking for BCL to build maybe some good schools for a better standard and maybe better hospitals for Bougainville for a start because we really have a problem with good standard of education and the health facilities here on Bougainville at the moment is very low.
GARRETT: If the mining does go ahead, would all of Bougainville benefit or would it only be the landowners from around the mine?
KIRAA: No, No, this time we are looking from a different perspective. All people of Bougainville should benefit because they have all suffered due to the landowners conflict so we are looking forward to a new complete agreement that will benefit all of Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Pirika returns
By Fabian Gatana
UNITED Resource Party (URP) candidate and sitting member for South Bougainville Steven Kama Pirika was declared yesterday for a second term in parliament.

Mr Pirika (pictured) won with a landslide 10, 262 votes after the 11th exclusion which saw the member surpass the absolute majority needed for a candidate to win.
Returning Officer for South Bougainville John Monei when declaring Mr Pirika said that the people of South Bougainville have spoken through their votes and gave Mr Pirika the mandate to lead them for a further five years.
Mr Pirika in accepting his declaration thanked South Bougainvilleans for having confidence in him for another term in parliament.
He said he had a vision to change South Bougainville, but needed all South Bougainvilleans to work in close partnership with him to develop the region.
He said his first term in parliament was short lived and he would show South Bougainvilleans his full capacity in his full five year term.
Mr Pirika also appealed to all losing candidates to assist him to work towards a common goal for South Bougainville.
Meanwhile counting for North and Central Bougainville and the Regional seat continues with the elimination rounds.
Source: Post-Courier
Arthur Somare accepts defeat
OUSTED Angoram MP Arthur Somare has accepted his election defeat graciously, blamed himself for not providing the leadership his people expected and thanked them for working with him for the last 15 years.

The National Alliance Party yesterday suffered one of the biggest defeats when its senior member, vocal spokesman and sitting member Mr Somare lost his seat to former MP Ludwig Patrick Schulze.
Mr Schulze did not expect to win and his unexpected victory is a major political coup and sweet revenge for Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare’s eldest son and heir apparent who had defeated Mr Schulze in the 1997 polls after serving only his first term.
Mr Schulze, a Pangu Party man, reclaimed the seat after 15 years with 11,800 votes to Mr Somare’s 10,624, a difference of 1176 votes.
Mr Schulze trailed throughout the counting until Lazarus Kenni, candidate for People’s Movement for Change Party, was eliminated. He then surged from behind to defeat Mr Somare.
Arthur Somare said he is relieved that he is now out of politics and he can concentrate on his private life, adding he accept the decision of the people and their desire to have a new leader.
“I offer my congratulations to Mr Ludwig as the new Member for Angoram. I accept the people’s decision in its entirety and wish him the best in the future and to bring prosperity to angoram,” Mr Somare said.
”You know, I have not fared well and my defeat is a direct consequence, perhaps it was the type of leadership that I provided. I am not necessarily disappointed. If anything, I am relieved that I can now move on with my private life,” he said.
“I have had the pleasure of working with the people of Angoram for 15 years. They did not let me down. If anything, I let them down. As a consequence they were not satisfied with my efforts and that’s why they chose a new leader,” Mr Somare said.
He said it was a pleasure working with the people of Angoram and his colleagues in Parliament and thanked them for it.
PANGU Pati’s national president Milo Timini felt a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder after hearing the declaration of Pangu candidate Ludwig Shulze as the duly elected member of Parliament for Angoram late yesterday.
Mr Timini told the Post-Courier last night that despite the party’s problems going into the elections, he was very thankful to the people of Angoram for voting Mr Shulze back to parliament.
“ I feel humbled upon hearing the result that the people of Sepik, and especially from Angoram who have weighed their trust in PNG’s oldest party by voting in Mr Shulze.”
“Iam proud to say that out of many candidates endorsed by the party, many tried their best despite limited financial constraints, but to have one member win one seat is a major win for Pangu Pati.”
Mr Timini also took the opportunity to thank all those who stood as Pangu Pati candidates and especially for trying so hard in the eye of many adversities.
He said Pangu would be looking to strengthen its position in this term of parliament for the future.
Mr Shulze who polled the winning number of 11,800 defeated sitting member and National Alliance strongman Arthur Somare 10,624 by a margin of 1176 votes.
Mr Timini also congratulated other elected MPs.
Source: The National
O’Neill welcomes new PNC MPs
CARETAKER Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has welcomed the election of People’s National Congress party members Mao Zeming (Tewai-Siassi) and Jimmy Miringtoro (Central Bougainville/pictured).

Zeming was declared the winner on Tuesday while Miringtoro got the nod yesterday morning.
Their declarations bring to six the number of seats the PNC party has won so far.
Other People’s National Congress members declared include Charlie Benjamin (Manus provincial), James Marape (Tari-Pori), Paul Isikiel (Markham) and O’Neill (Ialibu-Pangia).
“Zeming has served the people of Tewai-Siassi in this capacity before and returns for another term.
“His return to parliament under the PNC party fold shows the people of the electorate have confidence in his leadership and the policies of the party,” O’Neill said.
“I’m confident Zeming will serve the people well during his tenure.”
He also welcomed the re-election of Miringtoro to parliament for a second term.
“Miringtoro has proven himself at the national level, serving as a minister (communications) in my cabinet in his first term. I welcome his election for a second term.”
O’Neill is expecting PNC to pick up a second seat in Bougainville –that of North Bougainville where sitting MP Lauta Atoi is leading comfortably.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG count hiccup minor
REGULAR police members including their community auxiliary counterparts engaged in the counting period of the National Elections on Bougainville walked off their jobs for two hours at the 2 counting venues in Buka on Monday night.
The Bougainville Police personnel were disgruntled over unpaid allowances which they blamed on the management and administration of the Bougainville Police Service.
However the counting and elimination processes at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall and the United Church Chapel were not disrupted as the security duties were taken over by the Bougainville Police Service elite teams from the SOAT (Small Operations Action Team) and the Bougainville Rural Police Task Force from South, Central and North Bougainville. According to Commander Tsien this will be the fall back plan should the strike go on.
Northern Bougainville Regional Commander Inspector Cletus Tsien assured Bougainvilleans yesterday that security at the counting venues is not a problem as the specialist teams were assigned to take over should regular police and community auxiliary personnel carry on with their ultimatum of standing down from duties by 6 pm today if there is no favourable response to their grievances from concerned authorities.
“This is just a minor in-house issue and will be ironed out smoothly but I wish to stress here that the contributing factor to this problem lies squarely with concerned non commissioned officers (NCOs) on the ground, the very ones that are fabricating stories and demanding their allowances to be paid right now. As an NCO, what have you done to look after your officers on the ground? Have you followed the right procedures in looking after their welfare in terms of food supplies and so forth?”
Commander Tsien also stressed that he had received complaints from ordinary officers that some of their NCO’S had been misusing police vehicles by drinking while on duty and womanising thereby neglecting their men on the ground. He said such officers will be dealt with accordingly in due course.
He said that these undisciplined types of section heads are the real culprits who let the police personnel on the ground down.
Meanwhile Inspector Tsien confirmed that allowances for the police personnel should be ready by this week. He added that generally the counting process on Bougainville had been going smoothly and minor election related issues were being sorted out peacefully. He praised the people of Bougainville for having a peaceful election without any election-related violence.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Suva
Eliminations for the Central Bougainville Open seat was completed last night with winner to be declared this morning.
By seven pm last night all eliminations were completed with only two candidates remaining.
They were the sitting member for Central and Minister for Communications, JIMMY MIRINGTORO and the former ABG member for Kongara DOMINIC ITTA.
The last to be eliminated was Chris Damana.
Counting for the Central Bougainville open seat started earlier than the other seats however there has been several suspensions of counts on the way until last night when it was finally completed.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso guilty
Bougainville Regional MP, Fidelis Semoso has been found guilty on most of the 14 allegations of misconduct charges levelled against him in a leadership tribunal he was facing.
The number of charges that Mr Semoso was found guilty of would be made known on Thursday.
The tribunal will also decide on the penalties that would be imposed on Mr Semoso on the charges.
Yesterday, the tribunal members comprising Justice Salatial Lenalia as chairman with senior magistrates Ignatius Kurei and Nerrie Eliakim verbally handed down their respective rulings on Mr Semoso’s charges.
A final merged decision would be delivered on Thursday along with the penalties. The respective ruling of the tribunal members revealed that Mr Semoso was guilty on most of the charges.
The allegations include: alleged misappropriation of K2.7 million from South Bougainville Feeder Road Project funds without proper tender process; benefit of public funds valued at K470,000 from the K2.7 million awarded to Millennium Waters Ltd and misapplication of KI million from South Bougainville Feeder Roads.
Semoso was also alleged to have assaulted and tortured a Ms Therese Marrie Hani Hapoot; winning a contract under false pretence; and failure to declare his interest.
Mr Semoso is currently trailing 5th in the Bouganville Provincial seat.
But despite that, he is expected to appear in court on Thursday to receive the formal ruling of the tribunal and the penalties that would be imposed on him.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The member for South Bougainville, STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA has retained his South Bougainville seat.
After the tenth exlusion, STEVEN PIRIKA polled 10262 votes to reach the absolute majority required for wining the seat.
Timothy Masiu came second wit 5087 votes.
Mr Pirika was declared just after eleven this morning by the Returning Officer, JOHN MONEI
Peter Manuka came 3rd with 4042 votes.
Steven Pirika Kamma took on the lead as soon as counting in the Torokina area and never looked back until he was declared this morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Meeting opened
by Aloysius Laukai in Suva
The Regional Conference on Local Governments for Climate Change started at the Japan Pacific ICT Multi Purpose Theatre, University of South Pacific yesterday.
Participants from all over the South Pacific and observers from all over the globe witnessed yesterday's opening by the President of Fiji Ratu Epeli Nailatikau.
The Managre for New Dawn FM was invited to speak at this conference as the Chairman of the Board of Tulele Peisa and NGO group from Carterets islands.
This NGO group is re-settling the Cartrets islanders to Tinputz on mainland Bougainville.
This NGO group has been seeking support from international donors to support these people without local support.
The conference will end tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
UN assistance to ABG
By Aloysius Laukai
In the effort to promote a lasting peace and social stability, the UNDP introduced a community security perspective to its peace building and Governance program. Over the last year communities in south Bougainville took ownership of the process with a number of events such as the Konnou ceasefire, Siwai arms summit, etc.
The ABG is also soon to pass a Peace and security implementation strategy. There are also communities such as Ioro I in central region where ex-combatants have started own initiatives on community driven peace and security. The 9th of July was set aside so such self-driven communities to demonstrate the effort. So far, Siwai district and Ioro I COE in central region are being assisted by the Ausaid weapons specialist to register the weapons for containment and destruction.
Due to the elections fever, the main destruction exercise has been deferred to a later date in the month of august when the elimination of all registered and assembled arms in these communities will be done in special ceremonies. The introduction of a peace and security strategy is gradually giving a fresh impetus to a partnership and integrated approach to peace building and weapons disposal.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Progressive count for the Regional seat is as follows,
JOE LERA leading now with 33,130
Ishmael Toroama 26217,
Fidelis Semoso 21659
Kapeautu Puaria 16930
Magdalen Toroansi 14413
Simon Pentanu 12925
Albert Magoi 12638
Joe Watawi 11104
Marchelklin Getsi 6979
Lynet Ona 5866
Jimmy Mose 5610
Sam Karol 2598
Henry Onsa 1621
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
South to be declared
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the South Bougainville seat has been completed with declaration to be made at 10 am this morning.
Whilst primary count for North Bougainville ended last night.
The final figures were, sitting member Lauta Atoi was leading with 6819 votes, William Nakin 3483,Sisiesi 2697,Kora 2597, Konaka 2464, Sarei 2426,Hamau 1943,Sawa 1706, Toro 1407,Masa 1321,Tsora 1308,Belleh 1076,Ross 772, Semoso 642,Tsunno 552, Tumar 394, Bule 387,Pais Taehu 182, Niu 156, Thompson 50.
Quality check in progress.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting and eliminations for Central and South Bougainville have been suspended to 6pm on Sunday.
For Central Bougainville, they will resume with elimination 13 when they resume.
For South Bougainville they will do the Quality check before going to through the elimination process.
For North Bougainville counting is still on...
We will update.....
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Ishmael Toroama is leading on the Bougainville Regional seat race.
From added figures from the three regions
Ishmael Toroama is leading with 11,008 votes.
Albert Magoi is on 4956
Simon Pentanu 5750
Henry Onsa 404
Kapeatu Puaria 5999
Sam Karol 723
Lynet Ona 1787
Jimmy Mose 2329
Joe Lera 10,713
Magdalen Toroansi 6220
Marchellin Getsi 1535
Joe Watawi 3594
Fidelis Semoso 3660
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Steven Pirika 8175
Timothy Masiu 2995
Peter Manuka 2506
Raymond Kakaponi 2182
Michael Laimo 1488
Thadeus Kaile 1220
Patrick Heromate 1171
Peter Bana 1001
Michael Anugu 994
Joe Parum 645
Peter Tengka 531
Gabriel Pangtei 379
Joseph Moikui 253
David Kaua 102
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
JOE LERA has taken the lead from Ishmael Toroama.
These figures are added from figures taken from Regional counts in South Bougainville and Central Bougainville.
Progressive figures are as follows,
Albert Magoi 412
Simon Pentanu 5122
Henry Onsa 337
Kapeatu Puaria 5467
Sam Karol 609
Lynet Ona 1663
Jimmy Mose 1980
Joe Lera 9,776
Ishmael Toroama 9403
Magdalen Toroansi 6053
Marchelline Getsi 1,237
Joe Watawi 1,619
Fidelis Semoso 2803
Will include North Bougainville figures as soon as we get them
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
South results
By Aloysius Laukai
After count 73 in South Bougainville open, Sitting member, STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA is still ahead of his rivals.
He is on 7,204 votes, Masiu is on 2711, Manuka on 2391, Kakaponi 2090, Moikui 244, Laimo on 255,Bana on 953,Anugu 883, Hetomate 836, Kaile 738
Parum on 615,Tengka 506.
Counting is continuing
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Seven gone
By Aloysius Laukai
In the elimination process for Central Bougainville so far seven candidates have been eliminated.
They are WESLY THOMAS who polled 72 votes was the first to be eliminated then JOE SIBU, Dominic Diuka, Laurie Patrick, Theresa Jaintong, Simon Barananko, Leo Reivasi.
Still remaining are Mathew Kusa with 368 Clarence Dency on 407 And Joe Taruna on 410 Martin Miriori 471,Chris Bao 490, Thomas Tamusio on 577,Rodney Osioco 697,Chris Korokoro ,852 Justin Borgia 904,
Lohial Nuau 1284, William Reinhardt 1329,
Chris Damana1651,Dominic itta 1733,Sam Akoitai 1743 and the leading candidate and sitting member Jimmy Miringtoro on 2232
Elimination continues...
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Panguna landowner heavies have threatened to challenge results for the Central Bougainville Open seat in the Court of Disputed Returns.
President of the Meekamui Government of Unity, PHILIP MIRIORI and Deputy Chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association, MICHAEL PARIU in a press statement released to New Dawn FM named certain candidates as giving out large sums of cash to lure the people to vote for them.
They said that they had concrete evidence and would take this all to court.
New Dawn FM understands that the two leaders backed a Panguna landowner himself, MARTIN MIRIORI AT THIS 2012 General elections.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Elimination process for the Central Bougainville Open seat began after lunch today.
The process was suspended yesterday after two candidates disputed one Ballot box from the Panguna district citing that the box was removed from the polling officials and remained with them for more than 24 hours.
The Provincial Returning Officer had to suspend counting to seek legal advice from the Electoral headquarters in Port Moresby.
Head office made the official clearance and demanded the counting should proceed as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, a candidate who masters 7938 votes will be declared and counting stopped immediately.
This has been take from the total voters figure of 15,874 voters divide by 2 and plus one.
This means the fifty percent of 15,874 IS 7937 PLUS ONE would give you the winning figure of 7938.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
South near complete
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the South Bougainville Open seat was suspended this morning to resume at lunch time today.
And as of this morning all ballot boxes for BUIN District were completed with only BANA district to be covered before elimination begins tomorrow.
As of Count 62 this afternoon, sitting member STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA was still well ahead of his rivals with 6021 votes.
Coming second was TIMOTHY MASIU with 2374 votes. The others have scored the following votes, DAVID KAUA 43, MOIKUI 215,
Counting is continuing tonight.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The MV ANDREAS that took polling officials to the Atolls is expected to reach Buka this Sunday.
This was revealed to New Dawn FM by the Bougainville Electoral Manager REITAMA TARAVARU today.
MR. TARAVARU said that due to bad weather the ship was not able to complete the Atolls within six days.
He said that ship would be travelling to Motlock from Tasman to pick up the other polling officials and head back to Buka.
He said counting for the Atolls will just fit in to the other areas of North Bougainville already in the count.
New Dawn FM understands counting for the North Bougainville Open started from NISSAN ISLAND.
Source: EMTV
BSP returns to Arawa after 23 years
Bank South Pacific is the first financial institution to return to Arawa in Central Bougainville since the crisis 20 years ago.
Banking services ceased in Arawa in 1989 as a result of the looming crisis.
The business community and the people of Arawa celebrated the new branch on Tuesday new the bank open its doors.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for Regional seat in South Bougainville after count 40,
JOE LERA is leading with 4,386, Kapeatu Puaria is on1,948, Magdalen Toroansi 1,252, Ishmael Toroama 4, Albert Magoi 521, Lynet Ona 313, Simon Pentanu 269, Marchelin Laris 253, Karol 211, Fidelis Semoso192, Joe Watawi 167, Jimmy Mose106, Henry Onsa 74
Counting is now from polling in the Buin district with Bana district still to be counted.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS does not support the fly-in concept being used by mining companies in Papua New Guinea.
Chief JOHN MOMIS revealed this during a press conference in Buka this week.
The ABG President said that this system does not support the economy of the province in which the operation is taking place.
He said if any agreement is to be signed with a developer on Bougainville he would insist that there be no fly-in/fly out system on Bougainville.
The Chief said that although this system does have some negative impacts in terms of law and order and Squatters settlements he still want the workmen and women to support the local economy by living and buying food and other basic necessities on Bougainville.
He said that he would strongly push the staff and of companies to live on the island.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Winner for the Central Bougainville Open seat will need only 7938 votes to reach the absolute majority once counting for the Central Bougainville Open restarts.
This will be worked out from the total voters totaling 15,874.
And based on the 50 percent plus one required to win the race fifty percent of 15,874 would be 7,937 add the one would make the winning number of 7,938 votes.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Elimination for the Central Bougainville Open seat has been suspended to seek legal advice from the Electoral Commission in Port Moresby.
This was made after two candidates disputed boxes already counted last night.
Counting officials took the whole day today to recheck already allocated ballot papers to individual candidates before the elimination process can begin.
Once this is sorted out, elimination process will continue until the final winner is declared.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The sitting member for South Bougainville open seat and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA has extended his lead as counting enters the Buin District.
As of count 35 this afternoon, STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA was on 4,041
Whilst his nearest rival TIMOTHY MASIU was on 1,103 votes.
The Others collected numbers as follows, David Kauva 21 votes, Moikui 173,Raymons Kakaponi 486,Gabriel Pantei 255, Peter Tengka 329, Michael Anugu 274, Timothy Masiu running second on 1,103,Joe Parum 299, Thadeus Kaile 97, Patrick Heromate 211, Peter Manuka 381,Peter Bana 300 and the former member for South Bougainville Michael Laimo 472 votes.
Counting for the South Bougainville Open seat will continue tonight as agreed last night with the Election officials and candidates.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the North Bougainville Open seat starts tonight as the last polling was completed on Tasman island today.
The counting for the North Bougainville Open was delayed to allow voters in the Atolls to vote in this year’s election.
Counting will start tonight and allow the ballot boxes from the Atolls to reach Buka by Saturday this week.
Counting for the North Bougainville Open seat will be held at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Elimination for Central Bougainville open starts at ten am this morning.

Pictured are Electoral officers preparing the Elimination Board at the Hutjena Secondary School Counting centre.
Final count last night count 32 last box, sitting member Jimmy Miringtoro was leading with 2127 votes.
Sam Akoitai 1706
Dominic Itta 1659
Chris Damana 1468
William Reinhardt 1283
Lohial Nuau 1234
Justin Borgia 887
Chris Korokoro 790
Rodney Osioco 665
Thomas Tamusio 555
Based on the above Absolute majority 50%+1 will be worked out from 15,874 votes.
Divided by 2 would be 7937 votes plus is the winning number of 7938.
Goodluck to the winner who gets this number this morning
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Central Bougainville completed primary counts for the Open seat with the final count at 32 with the following figures,
Sitting member Jimmy Miringtoro polled 2127 votes,SAM AKOITAI polled 1706, Dominic Itta 1659, Chris Damana 1468, William Reinhardt 1283,L Nuau1243,Justin Borgia 887 Chris Korokoro 790,Rodney Osioco 665 and Thomas Tamusio 555.
Elimination starts at TEN AM this morning.
The final figures for the Regional seat was not available at the time of this post.
Meanwhile, counting for the South Bougainville Open was also suspended till this morning due to some complaints by candidates.
Their problems were sorted out last night and counting will begin again this morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Sorting dispute
Officials meet
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Electoral Manager REITAMA TARAVARU and PPC for North Bougainville,Inspector Cletus Tsien and PPC for South Bougainville Inspector Paul Kamuai talking with South Bougainville Candidates and their supporters at the Buka Police Station.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Panguna landowners have assured Bougainvilleans that this time they would make sure that all Bougainvilleans benefit from the PANGUNA MINE if re-opened.
This was revealed by the ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS in a news conference yesterday.
Chief MOMIS said that the Chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association CHRIS DAMANA made the assurance at the meeting last week between the landowners the ABG and a representative of BCL PAUL COLEMAN.
MR. MOMIS said that he was happy the landowners have made this assurance to the people.
He said despite this assurance the ABG represents all Bougainvilleans in any of its dealings.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Former BRA General and businessman ISHMAEL TOROAMA is leading as counting for the Central Open continues tonight.
As of Count 26 this afternoon, ISHMAEL TOROAMA was leading with 2,998 votes.
Coming second was the former Ombudsman Commissioner and National Parliament Clerk, SIMON PENTANU with 2220 votes.
On 3rd place was the former District Commissioner for South Bougainville, JOE LERA who polled 1308 votes.
The sitting member FIDELIS SEMOSO is running fourth with 1156 votes.
Counting for the North Bougainville Open will start this Thursday as they are still polling in the Atolls district.
The figures for the Regional seat has been reported separately and should be added with other districts to get the added figures for the real figures.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The sitting member for Central Bougainville and Communications Minister JIMMY MIRINGTORO has taken over the lead as Central Bougainville completes counting in most of its areas.
After count 26 for Votes in the Eivo Torau area, JIMMY MIRINGTORO has polled 1910 overtaking the former member for Central, SAM AKOITAI who was leading from count one.
SAM AKOITAI has so far collected 1693 votes.
The former ABG member for Kongara DOMINIC ITTA is running third with 1514 votes.
William Reinhardt who has been doing well since count one has dropped to fourth place with 1195 votes.
Counting for count 27, 28 and 29 have been completed and would be released shortl
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The sitting member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, STEVEN KAMMA PIRIKA is leading the South Bougainville Open seat.
Counting for the South Bougainville open seat had to be stopped after 9am this morning to allow counting officials to rest and counting would start after 6pm this evening.
As of the last count for South Bougainville Open, STEVEN PIRIKA was leading with 3633 votes whilst coming second was TIMOTHY MASIU who polled 869 votes.
The former member for South Bougainville , MICHAEL LAIMO was running 3rd with 315 votes.
Coming next was PETER TENGKA with 312 votes and the fifth placing was with JOSEPH PARUM who was on 274.
As counting starts this evening they will count Buin votes and end with the final votes from the Bana district before they go into eliminations later tonight.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The three stakeholders in the Panguna Mine issue last week agreed to work together towards consensus on re-opening the mine closed since 1989.
This was revealed by ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS in Buka today.
He said that last week’s meeting agreed that if the mine does re-open it must be primarily for the benefit of all Bougainvilleans.
Also it must be entirely under a new mining agreement that must ensure that the world’s best practices are followed by whoever is selected as the new operator.
President Chief JOHN MOMIS said that BCL and the Papua New Guinea Government have already agreed that any Panguna negotiations must involve the ABG and the landowners.
He said that last week’s meeting also agreed that negotiations must be based on principles of fairness, integrity and transparency.
Chief JOHN MOMIS also said that the landowners also agreed that because of the suffering during the Bougainville conflict all Bougainvilleans interest must be taken into account in all negotiations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Representatives of the Panguna Landowners last week invited BCL to open a liaison office in Arawa the former mining town on Bougainville.
This was also made know by ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS in Buka during a press conference this afternoon.
He said the land owners last week when inviting BCL into Arawa said that this liaison office will from this office facilitate important cultural practices that would prepare for possible reconciliation amongst various stakeholders of the Bougainville conflict.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has taken major step towards preparing for a process to decide the future of the PANGUNA COPPER MINE which until 1989 was operated by the Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS revealed this to reporters during a press conference.
President MOMIS said that he was happy with the outcome of last week’s meeting between Panguna landowners, the ABG and a representative of the Bougainville Copper Limited, MR. PAUL COLEMAN.
He said that this meeting for the first time let the landowners representatives directly raised key questions with MR. COLEMAN.
The response by MR. COLEMAN also emphasized that BCL accepted those landowners concerns and is committed to work with the ABG and the Landowners to resolve these issues said President Momis.
He also said that the landowners representatives were also impressed by Mr. Coleman’s openness to their problems and demands.
Chief Momis also said that this meeting brought together for the first time, the main Panguna mine stakeholders.
Source: The National
BSP returns to Arawa
BANK South Pacific yesterday became one of the first financial institutions and major businesses in Papua New Guinea to return to Arawa in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville since the Bougainville crisis 23 years ago.
Banking services in Arawa ceased around July 1989 when all major businesses and banks pulled out as a result of the looming crisis.
When BSP closed its doors then, it was a quiet exit, due to security concerns, and yesterday as it re-entered, there was a celebration and the bank was welcomed back with open arms.
BSP group chief executive officer Ian B Clyne, deputy chief executive Robin Fleming, head of security George Loverock, general manager retail banking Frans Kootte and manager branch operations John Brutnal travelled to Arawa to hand over the new BSP branch.
It is a containerised branch, a concept first delivered by BSP in 2010 when it opened a similar branch in Motukea outside Port Moresby.
Prior to the crisis, BSP Arawa had more than 30 staff and a good customer base.
Today, there are eight personnel and the bank is confident of growing its customer base again.
Clyne said BSP was back in Arawa after 23 years and the feedback received so far from customers and the people of Central Bougainville was one of appreciation and huge relief, as it eased the burden to travel out of Arawa to do their banking.
“BSP’s presence so far has made a huge difference by bringing this very essential service to the community,” he said.
“We have had very positive comments from the locals from as far as Buin and Siwai, who can now travel to Arawa to do their banking and return home on the same day as opposed to going to Buka where they would have to spend a night and return home the next day.
“The business community here in Arawa are also very happy about the branch because it is making banking easier for them in terms of cost, security and time spent and other costs involved in travelling to Buka.
“It is also interesting to note how technology has changed since 1989, where BSP Arawa now has two ATMs.
“BSP is the first to bring ATMs into Central Bougainville, that is because we mean business and it shows our commitment to bring banking services into the heart of the community.”
The bank is also aggressively rolling out its BSP Rural network throughout the country, and in Bougainville BSP is set to open two rural branches in the next few months in Wakunai and Buin.
Source: The National
Big step of faith in Bougainville, says Clyne
THE opening of Bank South Pacific’s Arawa branch is a big step of faith in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and especially the Central and South parts of the island.
“It is a sign of confidence in your future,” bank chief executive officer Ian Clyne told local leaders, school children, political, business leaders and villagers.
Clyne was at Arawa to open the bank’s branch – the bank’s 40th.
BSP also has rural agencies at Buin and Wakunai in this part of Bougainville.
Clyne said they were happy to reopen in Arawa after closing its operations at the height of the Bougainville crisis 23 years ago.
He said branch opening came after feasibility studies done in 2010.
Clyne said preparations for the opening also involved “frank and open” discussions between the bank management and Bougainville leaders.
Central Bougainville MP and Minister for Information and Communication Jimmy Miringtoro also played a large role in the opening of the bank branch.
Central Bougainville regional commissioner James Koibo and Arawa landowner leader Theresa Jaintong were among leaders who reassured Clyne and his senior management team that Bougainvilleans would ensure the bank property and staff would be respected and taken care of.
They told the people gathered that the bank would only be safekeeping their money.
Clyne also said BSP was happy to provide services to the people but would pull out again if it was forced to.
ABG agriculture minister Nicholas Darku said Bougainville’s agriculture-based economy would see an expansion in the next few years and BSP’s presence on the island would help in that growth.
Jaintong welcomed the opening of the bank branch and pointed the need for investors to consult landowners if they were considering setting up shop in Arawa.
BSP’s Arawa branch - four modified shipping containers - is situated within the Arawa police station.
“We will make land available if you decide to move out from the police station,” Jaintong told Clyne and his staff.
The branch is headed by Patrick Buibui and has eight staff, all local Bougainvilleans trained in the bank’s Buka branch.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Count Update
By Aloysius Laukai
Central Bougainville open seat after Count 15 for KOKODA Central Open former member for central,Sam Akoitai 1381
Sitting member Jimmy Mirintoro is coming second with 784,William Reinhardt is on 713 Dominick Itta on 409 and former ABG member LEO REIVASE on 340.
After count 17 for Kongara Central open seat
1st Sam Akoitai 1383
2nd Dominick Itta 951
3rd Jimmy Mirintoro 813
4th William Reinhardt 752
5th Justin Bogia 460
After count 17 for the regional seat
1st Ismael Toroama 1548
2nd Simon Pentanu 1087
3rd Joe Lera 656
4th Albert Mangoi 644
5th Jimmie Mose 609
In South Bougainville Open, after Count 19. Sitting member Steven Pirika is leading with 1181 with broadcaster Timothy Masiu coming second with 312 votes, Raymond Kakaponi is on 208, Patrick Heromate is on 177, Peter Bana is on 151, former South Bougainville member Michael Laimo is on 130, Buka businessman Gabriel Pantei is on 118, strong businessman Joseph Parum is on 116 Peter Manuka is on 70 Moikui is on 33, Michael Anugu is on 31, Thaddeus Kaile is on 20 and Peter Tengka has 18, Kaua on 11
Counting is continuing...
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Observers wait patiently as counting officials prepare to count the first ballot boxes for Central Bougainville.
Police will bring in the boxes. From left, Electoral manager, Reitama Taravaru, election observer Roselyn Kenneth, PPC central, HuitonaTohua and PPC NORTH Inspector Cletus Tsien
Counting centre pics

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Counting commences very slowly
Counting starts
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Central Bougainville seat has finally commenced.
We will shortly give you the first figures.
South Bougainville count will begin shortly at the Hutjena United church hall .
Source: ESBC Research
ASX Sydney:
BOC shares UP 23.6 percent !
Final price AUD 0.89 (+17 ct) !
Volume: 165.041 shares !
Source: The National
Semoso tribunal adjourns to July 16
A DEFENSE lawyer has asked a leadership tribunal, hearing alleged misconduct in office charges against Bougainville regional MP Fidelis Semoso, to defer its ruling to after the polling.
This is because polling in the Bougainville Atolls was yet to be completed and he is a candidate.
The tribunal was to have delivered its ruling last Friday.
But Semoso’s lawyer Charles Mende asked the tribunal to defer its decision to July 16 when polling in the region should be completed.
He said in his earlier submission that his client was concerned that he would not be given reasonable opportunity to obtain votes from people if the tribunal handed down its decision before the end of the polling on Bougainville.
The tribunal agreed and adjourned its ruling to July 16.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Youths call for more from members
By Tapo Tovilu
Youths from the Wisai area have called on the next elected members after this election to do more for youths in the Konnou Constituency.
These calls follow countless efforts made by community and youth leaders to the sitting members for assistance in funding for youth programs in the area.
Noah Tokuru a youth leader from the Wisai area told New Dawn FM that many youths today area involved in illegal activities in the area and this must stop.
He says that as part of the efforts in helping youths they have started small village programs involving youths.
He says countless efforts in seeking assistance form former members were unsuccessful as many did not reply.
He says that he is now calling on those members who will come into power to look at helping them as the youths are the next generation leaders.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the Central Bougainville Open seat will start at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall at six pm this afternoon.
Just before counting, all counting officials had a two hour briefing and shift one will start at six pm.
According to their program they will do three shifts until all votes are completed.
New Dawn will carry the counting live and update the site every now and then.
South Bougainville Open seat will also start counting this afternoon at the United Church hall at Hutjena.
North Bougainville will wait until all Atolls have voted.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Crossing the passage
Linking the islands
By Aloysius Laukai
Taking cars across the Buka passage has been the problem for so many years.
And since the last pontoon was destroyed during the conflict chartering ships or barges has been expensive.
Now floaters are being used and many people opting to other types like the wooden boat built locally just lainched on Friday.
Pictured is oon cocoa workhorse beng used to do the job.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Panguna mine related issues were the main agendas of a meeting to day between the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Panguna Landowners Association and Bougainville Copper Limited.
This is the first time, all three parties have engaged in discussions related to the Panguna Mine and the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
In his opening remarks this morning, Bougainville President Chief John Momis urged that all parties work in unity to achieve the best outcome of the meeting.
He added that the three parties must be transparent and honest in their collaborative effort to reach an understanding.
BCL representive Paul Coleman said in response that BCL was conscious of the issues that need to be discussed with the ABG and the landowners of Panguna.
He assured that every issue would be taken into account and he added that even if not all issues are resolved at least BCLwould be in a position to address these issues.
The meeting ended this afternoon with resolutions that would be released to the media on Monday
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Atolls will vote
By Aloysius Laukai
The long awaited chartered ship to transport polling officials to the Atolls of Bougainville finaly arrived in Buka at 0730 this morning.
PNG MARINETIMETRANSPORT AUTHORITY'S MV ANDREAS arrived and will pick up polling officials to the Atolls this morning.
Although polling will end today, an extension has been made only for the atolls.
Counting will commence on Monday
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A locally built Boat that can ferry trucks across the Buka Passage was launched this afternoon at the Buka wharf.
The boat was built by the TSIROGE BOAT BUILDING team that started on the project last year.
The project was started by MR. STROEBLE from Germany who was working as a volunteer for the Catholic Church on Bougainville.
His wife, STEPHANIE STROEBLE was the coordinator for the Bougainville Traditional herbal medicine project.
Their contract has expired and will be leaving Bougainville tomorrow.
The wooden catamaran type boat can ferry one truck at any one time across the Buka passage.
The official launching was made by the ABG member for Tsitalato, COSMAS SOHIA.
Speakers at the launching were amazed at the use of local wood to build the boat.
The boat is owned by local businessman RALF is powered by a 200 Horse Power Petrol Engine.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the North Bougainville seat has been delayed to allow the Atolls islanders to cast their vote this weekend.
This was revealed by the Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU today.
He said whilst counting for Central Bougainville and South Bougainville would start on Monday, counting for the North Bougainville Open seat would wait for polling in the Atolls to be completed.
MR. TARAVARU said that this was just a precaution as results from other areas of North Bougainville can influence votes in the Atolls.
He said once ballot boxes from the Atolls are brought in counting will immediately commence.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral Office is working around the clock to make sure all polling related bills are paid for in time.
The Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU revealed this on New Dawn FM in his daily election updates.
MR. TARAVARU said that he will check the Cash Fund certificate for all polling related payments to make sure there are enough funds to settle all bills.
He also said that polling in many parts of Bougainville have been completed and returning officers returning Ballot Boxes to the Buka Police Station for safe keeping until counting.
MR. TARAVARU said polling in the Suir area will continue until tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the four Bougainville seats will be done at Hutjena on Buka island.
In making the announcement last week, Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU said that they had to resort to having counting in Buka because the Electoral Commission was short on experienced manpower to cover the three regions.
He said putting them in one area would make it easy for the team for supervision purposes during the counting.
MR. TARAVARU said during the past it was difficult to communicate with counting centres in Arawa and Buin resulting in a lot of unnecessary pressures to staff.
Counting for South Bougainville Open will be at the Hutjena United Church Hall whilst the Central and North Bougainville Open seats will be counted at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
Counting will start on Monday 9th July, 2012.
Source: Post-Courier
Police: Criminals in Bougainville beware
By Fabian Gatana
BOUGAINVILLE Police have issued a stern warning to criminals in the Autonomous Region to immediately refrain from their illegal activities and intimidation tactics towards the public and surrender themselves to authorities.
Chief Inspector Cletus Tsien issued the warning amidst an escalation of crime in the peaceful township of Buka.
Mr Tsien said an organized criminal gang posing as ex-combatants are responsible for a series of break and enters and discharging of firearms in and around the township. He said their identities are known to Police and arrests will be made soon.
“I am giving them (criminals) time to surrender themselves or face being hunted down by the people of Bougainville with the assistance of Police. You have no place to go. The only safest place for you to go is the Police Station,” he said.
He said that the real ex-combatants have parted from their old ways and are now leading normal lives as good law-abiding citizens while these criminals are tarnishing their good name and image.
He also brushed aside rumours that Police had shot and killed one of the gang members in a shootout saying that from an autopsy conducted on the deceased Police have established that the victim had been shot by one of their own.
He sent his condolences to the victim’s family and thanked them for their support in assisting Police in their investigation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the four Bougainville seats will be done at Hutjena on Buka island.
In making the announcement last week, Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU said that they had to resort to having counting in Buka because the Electoral Commission was short on experienced manpower to cover the three regions.
He said putting them in one area would make it easy for the team for supervision purposes during the counting.
MR. TARAVARU said during the past it was difficult to communicate with counting centres in Arawa and Buin resulting in a lot of unnecessary pressures to staff.
Counting for South Bougainville Open will be at the Hutjena United Church Hall whilst the Central and North Bougainville Open seats will be counted at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
Counting will start on Monday 9th July, 2012.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The first settlers at the Cateret resettlement centre in Tinputz are happy they have been selected to pioneer the resettlement project in Tinputz.
And all those interviewed by New Dawn FM today said that now they are able to grow their own food and feed their family.
All the six families already on site said that they were very happy with what the TULELE PEISA is doing to relocate the islanders to mainland Bougainville.
They also thanked the Catholic church for honouring the commitment made forty years by Bishop Leo Lemay to move some Carteret islanders to Bougainville due to the increase in population.
And now with the rising sea level the people have no option but to find alternate places to be their next homes.
The settlers also called on those other islanders not willing to leave their island to think again and be allowed to be relocated.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Work on the Carterets Islands Resettlement program in Tinputz is progressing well.
The program which is under the NGO group TULELE PEISA INC and the Diocese of Bougainville intends to initially move ONE HUNDRED people to Tinputz with plans to move others to Mabiri, Tearouki and Tsimba in Central and North Bougainville.
Executive Officer for TULELE PEISA INC, MS USURLA RAKOVA told New Dawn FM this morning that of the one hundred they have already identified eighty people with another twenty once their accommodation are completed.
She said the families that were already on site had already established themselves and already fending for themselves.
MS. RAKOVA said that under the TP relocation program individual families have been allocated areas in which they can plant cocoa and also grow their food.
She thanked donors like the CPL group of Companies for donating Housing materials for the Houses, Border Development Authority for Housing Materials and a Saw mill in which it has been possible to cut timber for the houses.
MS. RAKOVA said that most of the funding are sourced from European countries including, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Cateret Resettlement On
By Aloysius Laukai in Tinputz
The ressettling of Cateret islanders to Tinputz on mainland Bougainville is progressing well.
CEO for the NGO groupTULELE EISA INC that us settling the first 100 people,URSULA RAKOVA says that they have addressed the first eighty people with work on the remaining 20 people to the ressettlement site in Tiputz.
The local cateret island NGO has been working on the resettlement of the first 100 islanders to Tinputz on mainland Bougainville.
They have been working with the Catholic church of Bougainville who have given 70 hectres of land to the program.
Most of the funds for the project has been through fundraisings and donations from overseas.
With the assistance of the Bishop,Benard Unabali Tulele peisa has secured lands to move more islanders to Tearouoki Tsimba and other places.
Source: The National
ABG wants govt to transfer functions
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government expects the new government to ensure that the concerned parties join the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB).
The JSB comprises ABG members led by President John Momis and their Papua New Guinea counterparts led by the newly-elected prime minister.
The ABG is concerned following the Papua New Guinea government’s failure to uphold contractual obligations in drawing powers and functions to the ABG.
Momis said despite perceptible progress in bringing powers and functions to Bougainville, “there are constraints such as the slow transfer”.
“Among the causes are issues relating to capacity, disinterest on the part of the national government and some legal and institutional restraints relating to absorptive capacity in Bougainville,” Momis said.
He said with this level of development, he thought it was important the ABG and the national government consider new approaches to the transfer issues.
Momis suggested both parties refocus their efforts on four key strategies – capacity and internal and external co-operation, economic issues leading to self-reliance, government institutions establishment and security issues.
He said with these goals his administration had been directed to focus on strengthening the division of autonomy through providing additional resources, including legal expertise.
“I intend to meet with the national government after the elections to consider establishing a small implementing unit at Waigani to execute the co-operative arrangements,” Momis said.
He said that would include a corresponding unit within the ABG division of autonomy or the chief administrator’s office to ensure matters relating to autonomy and the transfer of functions and powers were not entangled.
Momis said since the process of autonomy was new to both governments “each should be mindful and respect all Bougainville peace agreement commitments”.
“Autonomy is not just a phrase in daily use but to which its core objective is the transfer of real powers and functions from the Papua New Guinea government to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.”
Source: The National
Momis thanks Digicel for services given to Bougainville
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President John Momis has commended Digicel PNG Ltd for establishing communication services throughout Bougainville despite having had some of its equipment destroyed in certain areas.
Momis made the comment in a recent meeting with company chief executive officer John Mangos and chief technical officer Shiva Kumar in Port Moresby.
Momis said his government regarded highly the services provided by Digicel in Bougainville as it had greatly improved the contact of rural population, facilitating many aspects of economic and social development.
Momis had the opportunity to advise Mangos on the use of Digicel towers to extend radio broadcast coverage in Central and South Bougainville, sponsorship of Team Bougainville for the PNG Games in November and a possible new tower for San Toro Pass in Buin district, which could contribute to peace-building in Bougainville.
He said that could eventuate if Digicel worked in co-operation with the ABG and local leaders.
Momis said if that was possible it would be a big achievement as Bougainville had had particularly bad access to information and education for many years.
He assured the company of the ABG’s continued support on the basis that both entities shared similar interest in providing communication service to the people of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral office has finally secured the MV Bougainville Atolls to do polling run for the Atolls district of Bougainville.
A senior officer from the Bougainville Electoral office told New Dawn FM that the ship MV Bougainville Atolls will arrive in Buka this Thursday and immediately take is polling teams to the Atolls.
According to the Bougainville Electoral Manager REITAMA TARAVARU polling in the Atolls will take five days.
And according to the new program for polling in the Atolls, polling would end on Tuesday 10th July 2012.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Lack of timely charging and prosecution of cases for which remandees are held in the lock for unnecessary long periods is a major contributing factor to overcrowding at the Buka Police Cells.
The CEO for Law and Justice division, CHRIS SIRIOSI revealed this when announcing that the ABG has identified correctional Services as a priority and has taken steps to ensure the need for high risk prisoners who are in the prison to be properly guarded until their transfer to Bekut.
He said normally these high risk prisoners should be transferred to the nearest most suitable prison which in case of Bougainville is the Kerevat Jail in East New Britain.
MR. SIRIOSI said that these were matters within the jurisdiction of the appropriate courts of justice and are clearly beyond the authority of the ABG.
In any case the ABG with the help of AusAid will continue to give this issue the special attention and to build a fully functional prison system for Bougainville at Bekut on Buka island.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Work on the construction of Low, Medium and High Risk sections of the BEKUT Prison is progressing well and is not being held up by Ausaid consultants or funding according to the CEO for ABG’s Law and Justice Division, MR. CHRIS SIRIOSI.
He was responding to calls by the North Bougainville Regional Police Commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien who wanted to know why this work was taking so long to complete.
MR. SIRIOSI said that construction of such facility goes through a number of stages from design to tendering and construction.
He said according to the agreed plan, this year they will build the medium risk accommodation which is progressing well.
MR. SIRIOSI said that the High Risk accommodation for 80 to 100 detainees will be completed in 2013.
He said that AusAid has already funded the very successful low risk facility which now houses 50 low risk detainees.
MR. SIRIOSI said that this has assisted in reducing the number of detainees in the police cells.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
North Bougainville Open candidate, HENRY ONSA today called on the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, REITAMA TARAVARU to make sure that the common roll for the ABG election is fixed before 2015.
MR. ONSA was commenting on missing names in this year’s PNG General Elections.
He said that because Bougainville will vote for Referendum every Bougainvillean must have their names on the common roll to participate in this exercise.
MR. ONSA said starting this year the Bougainville Electoral Commission must make sure work is done to update the common roll for the ABG 2015 elections.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka cell is small: Police
By Fabian Gatana
OVERCROWDING in the Buka Police Station cell is an issue that needs immediate attention by concerned authorities.
Chief Inspector Cletus Tsien said this when referring to a mass breakout of 17 high-profile criminals on Sunday from the Police Station cells.
He said the overcrowding had led to three other major breakouts in recent years and it was a problem that should have been rectified years ago. It is also imposing a big burden on police officers who have the responsibility of taking care of the prisoners and at the same time carrying out their duties.
“Law and order issues are changing with criminal gangs becoming more organised and police need to step up but they cannot when they have a dual responsibility to look after these people in the police cells,” he said.
He said three years ago there were talks to upgrade facilities at Bekut, the newly established Bougainville prison but the Law and Justice Sector had been prolonging this from taking place.
He said a line needed to be drawn to differentiate between the responsibilities of the Correctional Services and the Police.
He added that the police cells were to be used only for keeping remandees, awaiting court and they should be moved to proper facilities.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville atolls need more time
By Fabian Gatana
POLLING for the Bougainville Atolls will need to be extended to allow for the islanders to take part in the elections.
Bougainville Electoral Manager Reitama Taravaru said the vessel engaged to transport polling teams and materials to the atolls, MV Andreas, left Madang yesterday and should arrive in Buka on Thursday, a day before the close of polling.
He said even though the vessel arrives in Bougainville towards the end of the polling period for the atolls, the people would need to be given the opportunity to vote for their leaders.
He said the Bougainville Electoral Office had sent a request to the Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen in Port Moresby to allow for an extension for polling in the atolls, adding that only the Electoral Commissioner had the power to allow for this.
He said he was grateful to the New Zealand High Commission for fulfilling its commitment and making payment on time for the use of the vessel MV Bougainville Atolls .
Mr Taravaru, however, is disappointed at the Border Development Authority (BDA), the owners of the vessel for not making sure that the vessel was seaworthy and available as this has caused a major disruption to polling in Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Man runs off with ballot papers in South Bougainville
A BALLOT box was hijacked at a polling booth in Ibirai near Buin in the South Bougainville area last week Thursday.
This was confirmed by the Returning Officer John Monei yesterday.
He said when the polling team assigned to the area finished for the day, a man approached the polling booth and made off with a ballot box which was reclaimed 45 minutes later by pursuing police providing security.
The man was arrested and locked up at the police cell but the ballot papers were tampered with.
Mr Monei said a re-poll was supposed to be conducted over the weekend but people in the area asked for the suspect to be released before a re-poll could be done.
He said according to police at Buin, the suspect could not be released.
He said negotiations were being held for the re-poll to be held at the Buin District office.
Meanwhile, at a polling booth in Morula in the Makis Constituency, the oversight by the presiding officer for a certain polling booth has caused 124 ballot papers to be informal.
Mr Monei said the presiding officer did not sign at the back of the 124 ballot papers as required before people could cast their votes.
He said this had caused an issue among voters and scrutineers and he was still waiting for advice from the Electoral Office in Port Moresby for further action about the informal papers.
But he said all polling should be completed by Thursday this week with counting to be held in Buka next week Monday.
He said generally polling was quiet throughout South Bougainville despite many people complaining about missing out on the Electoral Roll.
Source: The National
Tribunal to rule on Semoso’s case
A LEADERSHIP tribunal hearing misconduct charges against Bougainville MP Fidelis Semoso will announce its ruling on Friday.
It was to have handed down the decision yesterday but deferred to allow for the completion of polling on Bougainville this week. Semoso is defending the regional seat.
His lawyer Charles Mende had asked the tribunal to defer its ruling to Friday to allow for the completion of polling in the Bougainville electorate.
Mende told the tribunal Semoso felt the announcing of the decision might be prejudicial to his chances of retaining the seat.
Mende said his client had the right to be elected to public office and requested that the decision be delayed.
Public prosecutor Pondros Kaluwin said he had no objections
to the request.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Voters in the Atolls districts of Mortlock, Tasman, Feed and Catrets islands may not vote this election due to transport difficulties being faced by the Bougainville Electoral Commission to transport polling officials to these locations.
As of this morning the Ship owned by the PNG Marinetime Transport Authority did not arrive casting doubt if polling will ever take place this year.
Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU said that it was difficult to hire another boat from another company as payment has been made to the PNG Marinetime Transport Authority who should have released their boat last week
He said that he was told only today that the company has no ships available as their ships were under service.
New Dawn FM understands that the local Election officials were this afternoon talking to the owners, SWT for one of their ships currently operating in Bougainville waters.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Counting for the four Bougainville seats will start at the Hutjena Secondary School starting Monday next week.
This was revealed by the Bougainville Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU today.
MR. TARAVARU said that counting for the South Bougainville Open seat will be at the Hutjena United Church Hall whilst North Bougainville and Central Bougainville open seats would be done at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall.
The central tally room will also be at the Hutjena Secondary School hall.
MR. TARAVARU said that there will be a three-day training for counting officials on Friday, Saturday and Sunday before counting starts on Monday 9th July, 2012.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
North Bougainville Regional Police Commander Inspector Cletus Tsien today called on the donor partner Ausaid to quickly complete the BEKUT rehabilitation centre to take in prisoners that are currently locked up at the Buka Police cells.
Inspector Tsien revealed this at a News conference in Buka this afternoon.
He said that the Buka Police cells has been used over the past eight years and this must not be allowed to continue.
Inspector Tsien said that police has no capacity to look after prisoners and they must be put in their rightful place that is the Bekut jail.
MR.Tsien said that as criminal activities in the region was increasing Police need to step up its efforts to counter and needs these cells to put in remandees that the court should address and then sent to Bekut or other jails throughout Papua New Guinea.
He also revealed that seventeen hardcore criminals escaped from the Buka Police Station cells last Sunday afternoon and Buka Police Station chief is blaming Law and Justice consultants for the delay in the completion of the Bekut Prison cells outside Buka town.
In revealing this, North Bougainville Regional Police Commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien said that this was the fifth time prisoners escaped from these lock ups.
He said that in most breakouts, prisoners when they knew that the manpower was low would request their cells for opening to give food or for cleaning purposes.
When the officers open the gates they would then overpower the Police and escape.
Inspector Tsien says that these cells were built for normal police operation in which remandees must be put through the courts and leave the cells.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Police Service today praised the people of Bougainville for a peaceful polling throughout the region.
North Bougainville Regional Police Commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien told a press conference that police were happy that polling went in smoothly throughout the region.
He said that in North Bougainville polling went without any problem, and in Central there were some issues with the sitting member, however these were sorted out whilst the problem in South Bougainville were not election related.
Inspector Cletus Tsien said despite these the polling went smoothly.
He appealed for calm during counting.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Seventeen hardcore criminals escaped from the Buka Police Station cells last Sunday afternoon and Buka Police Station chief is blaming Law and Justice consultants for the delay in the completion of the Bekut Prison cells outside Buka town.
In revealing this, North Bougainville Regional Police Commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien said that this was the fifth time prisoners escaped from these lock ups.
He said that in most breakouts, prisoners when they knew that the manpower was low would request their cells for opening to give food or for cleaning purposes.
When the officers open the gates they would then overpower the Police and escape.
Inspector Tsien says that these cells were built for normal police operation in which remandees must be put through the courts and leave the cells.
He said that the current two cells should cater only 32 prisoners but currently has more than sixty remandees.
Inspector Tsien is calling on those responsible in completing the Bekut Prison to speed up the work and release the burden from the Police.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
North Bougainville Police Commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien is calling on the criminal elements operating on Bougainville to surrender to Police.
Inspector Tsien said Police will soon been hunting these criminals as they have their names and identities with them.
He said Police with the help of the communities have already discussed and know the people operating within the region.
The North Bougainville Police Commander appealed to these people to surrender before it too late.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Polling in the Atolls islands of Tasman Motlock Fead is still outstanding on Bougainville as polling in many parts ended at the weekend.
This is because the Ship chartered under New Zealand's support to the PNG Election is yet to arrive to Bougainville to carry polling officials to the Atolls.
And a passenger ship that arrived from Rabaul this morning made many people thinking that this was the ship arriving.
When checked by Aloysius Laukai of New Dawn FM the captain said that he was on scheduled trip to Buka Nissan and back to Rabaul.
This ship Mv Marunga2 owned by SWT carried passengers from Rabaul and has cargoes for Nissan High School.
The captain said that he can assist to ferry the Polling team if their head office is contacted by Election officials.
He said he can still of load in Nissan today and tomorrow make run to the Atolls.
New Dawn FM understands the Election officials chartered a boat from the Border Development Authority managed by the National Maritime Transport Authority