News 01.2012
Source: Post-Courier
O’Neill calls on Somare regime to surrender to police
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has called on all members of the Somare regime to surrender themselves to Police headquarters and undergo questioning as to their individual roles in last weeks failed mutiny.
“Every one of them, Somare, Amet, Kumbakor, Agiru, should all attend and explain their roles in this grubby story. There can be no doubt that they actively incited that mutiny attempt, and now that it has failed, they are asking the Court to pick up where Sasa left off,” Mr O’Neill said.
He said the Somare group need to be recognised as criminals, for they have actively encouraged others to breach the criminal law.
“They have proudly boasted that they have attempted to stage a military coup to gain power. In many countries in the world, Somare and his gang would be facing execution for what they have done.
They are now planning another round of Court applications as a smoke screen to draw attention away from their criminal conduct and to destabilise democracy in PNG. Remember that there are only 12 weeks until election writs are issued, starting a process which will resolve all of these issues once and for all. There is no need for the Court to cast a vote, as the people will do it for them, Mr O’Neill said.
“Now they want to go to Court and ask the Court to ignore recent resolutions and laws of the Parliament which have overtaken the decision of the Supreme Court. Their attempt to use the military to stage a coup to gain power failed, so now they are asking the Court to do the same thing.
The affidavits they file in the Court will make no mention of their criminal conduct, inciting mutiny and risking bloodshed. The Court should not soil its hands with the matter, and let things be sorted out in the proper forum – the Parliament and the ballot box.What is being asked of the Court is an absurdity,” he said.
“I did not appoint myself as Prime Minister, and neither did the members of NEC, the Parliament did. Is the Court going to have every member of the Parliament charged with contempt, simply because the Parliament voted in a way that the Somare gang do not like. I have already been elected twice by the Parliament, as Prime Minister. The will of Parliament is clear,” a desperate Mr O’Neill said.
Source: Post Courier
Use peace money wisely, says Chief
FUNDS earmarked for peace purposes have to be used wisely and the whole community have to benefit from it, because peace money is big money.
Joseph Patuai a Chief from the Konnou Constituency and the chairman of the Wisai Peace Committee in Buin, South Bougainville, raised this concern after learning that a lot of peace funds have not been acquitted, and only certain individuals benefit from it.
“People have to know and understand that such funds, is public money, and it is for everyone.” Mr Patuai said.
“According to everyone’s understanding only fighters from certain factions involved get the money, but how about the women and children the real people who suffer from violence?” he questioned. Mr Patuai said people should utilise village banks such as microfinance for safe keeping.
He also further stated that the peace office should come up with a rule that money for planned reconciliations must be received by not only one person but something like five people, to prove that it is a community initiative and not for a certain individual only.
“The government is spending millions of kina on reconciliations, money that can be used for infrastructure development like roads, hospitals, and schools.” Mr Patuai said.
“The reconciliation process has to be really screened properly because there are lot of bad people involved nowadays who call other peoples name and get their money.” he said. Mr Patuai has appealed to people especially from the Konnou area to use peace funds wisely. As the chairman for the Wisai Peace Committee, he has stepped down due to threats, and that has now put to hold a major district to district reconciliation between Koianu in central Bougainville and Wisai in the south. Funds have already being earmarked for the major reconciliation but the money will and must be well looked after. Aaccording to the Koianu side, things are set but Mr Patuai said he will sort his side out first.
Source: Post Courier
Sea transport vital in Isles
TRAVELLING by sea is the only means of transport available for the people living in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville including Carteret’s, Tasman, Mortlock and Nissan. When there is by any chance of shipping vessels travelling to the atoll islands, people living in Buka make sure they send goods for their loved once back at home. As seen in this picture, Tasman islanders residing in Buka loading cargoes on MV Bougainville Atolls, anchored at the Buka wharf.
Source: Post Courier
DWU campus set for Bougainville
By Lucas Kawage
THE Bougainville Education Board (BEB) is planning to establish a Divine Word University (DWU) campus in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Chief executive officer of the Bougainville Education Division, Bruno Babato made this announcement, saying that the construction of the new school comes under the microscope, of the policy submission to be handed over to the Autonomous Bougainville Government this year.
The submission worth K10 million will task the ABG, to make a commitment, in next year’s (2013) budget.
Mr Babato said that if the plans work out, BEB and the ABG will negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with DWU.
He said that the new campus will be located in Mabiri, and arrangements will be made through the Catholic Education office of the Diocese of Bougainville.
Mr Babato welcomed one of the country’s top higher learning institution – DWU, to set up a campus for the children of Bougainville. “DWU you are most welcome to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.” he said.
Also included in the policy submission are the construction of a nursing college and a teachers college.
The nursing college will be located Tanamalo at Haku Constituency in Buka, while the teachers college at Buin, South Bougainville, and Mr Babato says the education division are working around the clock to meet and negotiate with the landowners. Meanwhile Mr Babato said that the plans of the education division to build tertiary institutions in the autonomous region, is because many parents spend so much money, sending their children to further education in other provinces.
“Parents spend so much money who send their children to other provinces like Rabaul, Kimbe, Lae, Port Moresby and Madang, (just to name a few), just to look for proper education.” he said.
He said that Bougainville needs more tertiary institutions to cater for the many students who miss out on selection or are unable to secure a space.
To date, there are no tertiary institutions in the autonomous region, and only these education institutions operate in the Bougainville: 383 elementary schools, 216 primary schools, 10 high-technical schools, three vocational and four secondary schools. Mr Babato said that the number of high, technical and secondary schools, indicates that Bougainville is in ‘dire’ need for tertiary institutions.
Source: Jason South (picture)
Isolated: Sir Michael Somare

Source: PNG Attitude
I was just carrying out orders, says hapless Col Sasa

THE ODDS AGAINST A COMEBACK are prohibitive but Sir Michael Somare, through the strident voice of his daughter and spokeswoman, Betha [pictured], is continuing the fight to be reinstated as Papua New Guinea’s prime minister.
The 75-year-old Grand Chief is relentlessly repeating his cry that the Supreme Court order of last year reinstating him to office be respected. He is also calling upon the police and the military to join him.
"If this is to be my last and biggest battle I will fight for the constitution, the underlying law that holds the very fabric of our democracy and democratic institutions together," he says.
"I appeal to the leaders of our disciplinary forces to look beyond the current circumstances and come to terms with why you (are) a member of a law-enforcing agency. You are here first and foremost to uphold and enforce the law of the land and the orders of the Supreme Court."
His son and former minister, Arthur Somare, has also challenged prime minister Peter O'Neill to an early election.
"Let's go to an early election and see how many people you pick up, Peter" he goaded. "Let's go right now."
And Somare supporters claim that last week’s failed military mutiny has not stopped their push to have the former leader reinstated.
"We are in charge of Taurama barracks. Taurama barracks is more than 200 soldiers who are there, and we have firepower," claims Andrew Kumbakor, who says he is the legitimate defence minister in Sir Michael's legitimate government.
"Sasa [leader of the mutineers], you have done no wrong. For a public defence force, we have done no wrong," Kumbakor said. "I stand with you and I will defend you all the way and in a very short while, I will have you out and you will be the defence force commander of Papua New Guinea."

Sasa [pictured], the retired colonel who led the hapless attempt to restore Somare, for his part says he has no regrets. "I was carrying out the government's orders. Yes sir," he said.
And now Arthur Somare says it was not the Somare group’s intention to use military force to return his father to office. He claims Sasa's appointment as commander was just normal government business.
Meanwhile, Peter O'Neill has said he is contemplating bringing forward the national elections due in the middle of the year so Papua New Guineans can resolve the leadership conflict at the ballot box.
On that point at least, both sides would seem to agree.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG cabinet to make historic visit to Bougainville next month
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, has promised to hold a meeting of his National Executive Council on the mainland of Bougainville, next month.
It will be the first time since since the secessionist war in the late 1980's and 1990's that PNG's cabinet will have met on the island.
Despite an earlier cancellation, expectations are high.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: President John Momis of Bougainville
Listen here !
GARRETT: It is ten years since the PNG government signed the Bougainville Peace Agreement - that agreement brought an end a bloody secessionist war that had been sparked by landowner ill-feeling about the giant Rio-Tinto-owned Panguna copper mine.
The Peace Agreement the led to the formation of the Bougainville government and included financial guarantees from Port Moresby in the lead-up to a referendum on independence sometime between 2015 and 2020.
John Momis, President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, says the visit of the National Executive Council to Bougainville's burnt-out mainland capital, Arawa is very significant.
MOMIS: The whole ABG leadership and the people will be welcoming them with open arms, especially a visit to Arawa and mine because we have totally inadequate funding to deal with huge huge, huge responsibilities of rebuilding Arawa. And it would be good for the government to experience for themselves the sorts of difficulties that the ABG has been subjected to by the people.
GARRETT: Will Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, or any of his Executive Council be visiting the Panguna mine site?
MOMIS: I think so - it would be very good for them to see.
GARRETT: And you are not expecting any trouble with them getting access to the mine site?
MOMIS: No, absolutely not! No! No problem!
GARRETT: So is that a sign of just how far the peace process has now gone?
MOMIS: Yes, definitely. The Peace Process has gone a long way but to make it stick we have to start spending some money where it matters. And that is empowering people at the grassroots, finding employment or finding social or economic activities that people can be involved in. Bougainvilleans in general, are very hard working people to give you an idea of how they are not lazy, before the crisis Bougainville was the biggest producer of cocoa and we are still the biggest producer of cocoa, with all the expatriate plantations closed down.
GARRETT: President Momis sees developing Bougainville's economic self-reliance as a crucial factor in offering his people a real choice when they vote in the referendum on independence.
But obtaining funds to do that has been difficult.
The Bougainville Peace Agreement provides for 15 million Kina a year from the PNG for the Bougainville government to spend how it sees fit.
But that has been slow to arrive.
Recently, Bougainville agreed to accept 100 million kina a year instead of the peace process money.
President Momis says he hopes the PNG money comes without strings attached.
MOMIS: We hope that now the government is not giving the K15 million they are going to allow us discretion to extend the K100 million, even if we have to consult with them.
GARRETT: Bougainville has had trouble getting its funding out of the PNG government and, in fact, Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, has said he doesn't think the Autonomous Bougainville Government has the ability to spend the 100 million kina a year, wisely. Does that mean that he is thinking of going back on the funds?
MOMIS: I hope not! If he does he'll have a lot of problems!
GARRETT: When the National Executive Council has visited other provinces it has come with its cheque book at the ready.
Bougainville's President is hoping the visit to Arawa will produce a new spirit of co-operation.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - News
PNG mutineers granted amnesty
PNG correspondent Liam Fox, wires
Papua New Guinea's Defence Minister has announced amnesty for soldiers involved in last week's attempted mutiny.
The troops involved in last week's attempted mutiny in Papua New Guinea have handed in their weapons in exchange for amnesty.
Defence Minister Belden Namah addressed soldiers from the First Batallion of the Pacific Islands regiment at Taurama Baracks on Port Moresby outskirts.
Among them were the troops involved in last week's failed attempt to install a defence force commander loyal to Sir Michael Somare, who says he is PNG's legitimate prime minister.
Mr Namah says the soldiers involved will be granted amnesties but if there is a repeat of the incident, they will be charged with mutiny.
He told them there is only one government in PNG, which is led by Peter O'Neill.
After his address, dozens of guns were loaded into the back of a truck and driven away.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
O'Neill considers early election as PNG leadership battle continues
Papua New Guinea's leadership conflict between Peter O'Neill and Sir Michael Somare shows no signs of abating after last week's failed military takeover.
Over the weekend the leader of the unsuccessful overthrow was arrested and charged with inciting mutiny.
But the men who ordered him to do it - Sir Michael Somare and his supporters - are not backing down in their effort to regain the reins of power.
Presenter:Liam Fox
Speaker:Colonel Yaura Sasa, PNG Mutiny leader, Andrew Kumbakor Somare's appointed defence minister, Arthur Somare, MP & son of Sir Michael
Listen here !
Source: PNG Attitude
Mutinous troops surrender weapons to Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah
ABC CORRESPONDENT LIAM FOX reports on Twitter that the remaining soldiers holed up at Taurama Barracks have surrendered their weapons after discussions with deputy prime minister and defence minister Belden Namah.
Mr Namah says that he will seek Cabinet's approval to grant an amnesty to the mutinous troops, but only this once.
He has told them that there is only one government in Papua New Guinea and that is the government of Peter O'Neill.
Source: The National - Editorial
Mutiny an act of desperation by chief
WHAT transpired last week was a clear act of desperation to wrestle political power by the Somare group.
Somare must be insane to go to the length he had last week. Where is the good governance and moral ethics that he has been preaching during his 40 years in politics?
Thrown out the window in last Thursday’s actions?
The “old man” has resorted to this low act of using the Defence Force in his hunger for power.
The airing on the local TV news of Andrew Kumbakor confirms that Somare is behind the mutiny by the retired army colonel Yaura Sasa.
How low can Somare go to get what he wants? This is certainly another attempt by a desperate old man who has no more options left but resort to appointing an undisciplined retiree who does not even know the dire consequences of his actions.
The army colonel cannot use “protection of the Constitution” as cover for his actions because clearly, he is not protecting the Constitution by his actions, rather his actions are illegal and mutinous in nature.
Without realising it, he has actually committed an act of treason which is punishable by the laws he is purportedly trying to protect – that is the stupidity of this whole saga.
The body language of the retired colonel, when interviewed on the local TV, portrayed to the PNG viewers that he was very shaky and almost lost for words to back his stance and his actions.
This tells anyone watching and listening to the news that the colonel was not prepared to face the challenges of his purported rushed appointment. He was constantly looking at some written script on his table to try and answer questions from media personnel.
Going by the latest acts of desperation by Somare to try and regain the people’s confidence and trust in his leadership, I don’t think the old man deserves to be addressed by the titles Sir and Grand Chief because his actions are really demeaning and degrading these honourable titles.
On the other side, the O’Neill government has acted swiftly by taking the necessary actions to restore normalcy and to further deal with the perpetrators of the attempted coup.
There should not be any mercy shown to those people involved in the saga. They must be dealt with appropriately under the relevant laws.
This is considered a very serious offence and should not be taken lightly by every Papua New Guinean law-abiding citizen.
The call by O’Neill to bring the national election forward is probably a knee-jerk reaction by a shocked prime minister.
I would suggest to the current government not to rush the national election due to the logistic issues currently faced by the Electoral Commission but to conduct it on the scheduled time (July 2012).
This will ensure the election is run properly and also avoid some of the impediments of past elections.
Source: The National
Power firm denies cutting off Buka electricity
CHIEF executive officer for PNG Power Ltd (PPL) Tony Koiri has refuted a newspaper report that electricity was cut off at the Buka Hospital last week.
He confirmed that there was load shedding but key establishments like the hospital were not affected because of the critical nature of their services.
The article by the Post Courier last Wednesday attributed statements to customers and hospital workers that the hospital was without electricity for an extended period of time.
“Reports of the Buka hospital being without electricity are wrong and at no time did we disconnect the hospital. It is standard practice that supply to key establishments is always supplied power because of the type of service they provide, like the hospital.
“PPL is aware that their standby generator which PPL helps to maintain was operational.
“So any suggestion that the hospital was without power for an extended period of time is totally false,” Koiri said last week.
The power station in Buka town was carrying out load shedding two weeks ago due to the unservicability of three of its six generators.
Koiri said PPL had the courtesy of notifying consumers over radio and written notices were posted around the town.
“PPL hopes the fact is presented correctly to right the misleading statements made in the press last week,” he said.
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
Somare supporters 'still have firepower'
Liam Fox, PNG correspondent
Supporters of Papua New Guinea's ousted prime minister Sir Michael Somare say a failed military mutiny has not stopped their push to have him reinstated as PM.
The leader of last week's failed military takeover, former colonel Yaura Sasa, was arrested over the weekend and charged with inciting mutiny.
Sir Michael and his supporters ordered him to take the action.
Sir Michael's defence spokesman Andrew Kumbakor says Somare loyalists still have 200 armed soldiers at Taurama barracks on Port Moresby's outskirts, and they "have firepower".
He hinted they may still play a role in the ongoing dispute with newly-appointed prime minister Peter O'Neill.
Sir Michael's supporters say they will launch contempt proceedings against Mr O'Neill for ignoring a Supreme Court order to have the 75-year-old reinstated as PM.
Mutiny leader arrested
Following his arrest, Yaura Sasa said he did not regret his actions, but hoped the situation would now calm down.
"I was carrying out the government's orders. That's all. The state ordered me to do it," he said.
He also complained about his treatment at the hands of authorities.
"Last night when I was down at the police headquarters I had no access to a lawyer up until now, so the procedures that I went through, it doesn't seem right," he said.
After the court appearance he was taken back to the Boroko police station under heavy guard.
Failed mutiny
Last Thursday, Yaura Sasa and around 20 rebel soldiers stole into Murray Barracks and took the commander of the defence force hostage.
He said he had been appointed as the new commander by Sir Michael Somare, and demanded Sir Michael be reinstated as prime minister.
But before the day was over, the commander had been freed and the rebels had withdrawn from defence headquarters.
Source: PNGexposed
Police charge the man behind the mutiny
by Liam Fox
Police in Papua New Guinea have arrested and charged the man who led last week’s failed military mutiny.

Colonel Yaura Sasa (picture) was arrested at a lodge in the Port Moresby suburb of Boroko last night.
Today he made a brief appearance in the Waigani committal court.
Outside court Colonel Sasa said he had been charged with mutiny, but that he is not guilty.
He said he does not regret his actions but that he hopes the situation will now calm down.
He also complained about his treatment at the hands of authorities
“Last night when I was down at the police headquarters I had no access to a lawyer up until now, so the procedures that I went through, it doesn’t seem right,” he said.
After the court appearance he was taken back to the Boroko police station under heavy guard.
Last Thursday, Colonel Sasa and around 20 rebel soldiers stole into Murray Barracks and took the commander of the defence force hostage.
He said he had been appointed as the new commander by Sir Michael Somare, and demanded Sir Michael be reinstated as prime minister.
But before the day was over, the commander had been freed and the rebels had withdrawn from defence headquarters.
Sir Michael is yet to comment publicly about the attempted mutiny.
Source: AFP
Somare admits responsibility for military mutiny
From AFP
Ousted Papua New Guinea prime minister Sir Michael Somare (picture) has defended ordering a failed military mutiny, again insisting Friday he was the country’s legitimate leader.

Political tensions flared in the resource-rich but impoverished Pacific nation on Thursday when an ex-soldier loyal to Somare staged a dramatic grab to re-take power from current premier Peter O’Neill.
Former colonel Yaura Sasa led a pre-dawn mutiny, taking captive the head of the armed forces, Francis Agwi, and declaring himself the new military leader, reinforcing the country’s reputation as politically dysfunctional.
Sasa set a seven-day deadline for Somare to be restored as leader, warning that he “may be forced to take necessary actions to protect and uphold the integrity of the constitution” if his demand was not met.
But the rebellion was soon put down with O’Neill declaring the crisis over in the evening after arresting 15 of the 30 men loyal to Sasa and securing the withdrawal of the others and the release of Agwi.
O’Neill said Sasa was being “dealt with” by the appropriate authorities with reports on Friday suggesting he was demanding a full pardon for himself and his supporters.
“He is seeking a pardon, that is what is being said, but I can’t confirm that yet,” police Superintendent Dominic Kakas told AFP.
Somare, 75, said the mutiny was a legitimate response to the O’Neill camp not recognising a Supreme Court ruling in December that he was the rightful prime minister.
“We cannot allow this situation to continue where a rogue government commandeers the disciplinary forces,” Somare said in a statement sent by his daughter Betha to AFP.
“It is incumbent on the police and army to comply with the orders of the Supreme Court and support the legitimate government, which is the minority Somare/Agiru government.
“It is for this reason that my government appointed Colonel Yaura Sasa to take control of the PNGDF (Papua New Guinea Defence Force) while we await other outcomes of the court,” he added.
“We are the legitimate government constitutionally formed in 2007 and restored by the five-men Bench of the Supreme Court.”
Known as the “Grand Chief”, Somare led PNG for almost half of its 36 years since independence but was removed from office while out of the country recovering from illness last year.
The Supreme Court subsequently declared him the rightful leader, plunging the country into turmoil before O’Neill eventually resumed the role after Governor General Michael Ogio rowed back on Somare’s appointment.
Somare has consistently refused to recognise O’Neill’s leadership, storming into parliament as recently as last week with the Supreme Court order to demand his reinstatement.
O’Neill said he may move to dissolve parliament next month and go to early polls to end the current political impasse, while lashing out at Somare’s “desperate” tactics.
“Papua New Guinea deserves better from Somare,” he said
“Somare has to realise that this country has looked after him for 45 years; now it is his turn to respect the country that respects him.”
Source: Investing News
Copper Rises as Fed Seen Keeping Low Rates Until 2014
By Shihoko Goto - Exclusive to Copper Investing News [1]
Hopes that US economic recovery will be on firmer footing amid expectations of continued low interest rates is pushing up copper prices. Bets are on that industrial output will rise and in turn drive up demand for the red metal is pushing up shares of copper producers as well.
The red metal reached a four-month high after the Federal Reserve [3]said Wednesday that it will likely keep rates below 1 percent until 2014 in an effort to keep the US economic engine humming along. At the press briefing following the release of the latest Federal Open Market Committee's [4]statement, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said that while there have been signs of improvement including a stronger jobs market, “there are mixed signals,” including disappointing retail sales growth as well as continued worries about the financial state of the Eurozone.
In mid-morning trade Thursday, the COMEX copper contract for March delivery traded up 1.7 percent at $3.89 a pound.
On the corporate front, Rio Tinto [5](LSE:RIO [6]) took majority control of Ivanhoe Mines [7](NYSE:IVN [8]) this week which will allow it to gain full control of Mongolia's Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold [9] mine.
"Rio Tinto's move to a majority stake in Ivanhoe further demonstrates our commitment to the safe and successful development of the Oyu Tolgoi mine for the benefit of all stakeholders. We are approaching a very important phase in the development of the Oyu Tolgoi mine, with 70 percent of the construction now complete. The lead-up to first ore in the second half of 2012 will mark an important milestone in the path towards commercial production of copper concentrate, slated for the first half of 2013,” stated its copper chief executive Andrew Harding. By purchasing an additional 15.1 million common shares, Rio Tinto now has a 51 percent stake in Ivanhoe.
Meanwhile, London-based Anglo American [10](LSE:AAL [11]) reported fourth quarter copper output rising 10 percent from a year ago to 170,000 tons, which is 22 percent higher than the third quarter. The increase was a result of increased production capacity as it opened its Los Bronces mine in Chile in November. The company does, however, continue to be in dispute with Chilean state-owned copper giant Codelco [12] over its Chilean operations including the Los Bronces mine. The two companies are in a legal struggle regarding a long-standing contract which gives Codelco an option to buy a 49 percent stake in the Anglo American Sur unit.
As for Canada's Lundin Mining [13] (TSX:LUN [14]), CEO Paul Conibear told Bloomberg [15] that it is looking to make an acquisition this valued at as much as $500 million.
“We're looking at a few things that are non-public…I'd like to do something significant this year,” Conibear said.
Also in Canada, Canyon Copper [16](TSXV:CNC [17],OTCBB:CNYC [18]) acquired Metamin Enterprises' Moonlight copper porphyry property in Plumas County, California by paying $15,000 and issuing 75,000 shares of Canyon Copper to Metamin as well as 75,000 shares to Lester Storey, the optionor of the deal. Canyon Copper will also reimburse Metamin up to $100,000 in expenses incurred on the Moonlight copper property.
As for Copper One [19] (TSXV:CUO [20]) , it signed acquired the Queylus copper gold property near the town of Chibougamau, Quebec from Lounor Exploration [21](TSXV:LO [22]) by paying $23,750 in cash. It also issued to Lounor 475,000 common shares of Copper One and granted Lounor royalties ranging from 1 percent to 2 percent of the net smelter return in connection with ore extracted from certain claims comprising the property.
Turning to Kazakhstan, the country's largest copper producer Kazakhmys [23] (LSE:KAZ [24]) said it met its full year copper cathode equivalent production target of 300,000 metric tons and expects to produce a similar amount in 2012 due to strong demand for the red metal.
"For the fourth consecutive year we have met all our major production targets," stated CEO Oleg Novachuk, adding that "we anticipate maintaining similar levels of copper output in 2012 and our sales contracts for the coming year have all been completed, reflecting continued strong demand for copper."
Securities Disclosure: I, Shihoko Goto, have no interests in the companies mentioned in this article.
Article printed from Copper Investing News:
URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[1] Copper Investing News:
[2] Image:
[3] Federal Reserve :
[4] Federal Open Market Committee’s :
[5] Rio Tinto :
[6] RIO:
[7] Ivanhoe Mines :
[8] IVN:
[9] gold:
[10] Anglo American :
[11] AAL:
[12] Codelco:
[13] Lundin Mining:
[14] LUN:
[15] Bloomberg:
[16] Canyon Copper :
[17] CNC:
[18] CNYC:
[19] Copper One:
[20] CUO:
[21] Lounor Exploration :
[22] LO:
[23] Kazakhmys:
[24] KAZ:
Source: PNGexposed
Did Arthur Somare plan Thursday’s mutiny by Yauru Sasa?

It has been revealed that Michael Somare’s son, Arthur, planned Thursday’s mutiny executed by retired colonel Yaura Sasa.
It is understood, that Arthur and a few other loyal Somare supporters, who have been residing at the Ela Beach hotel, spent some time planning the mutiny and left written notes on a white board which contained the words: MILITARY ACTION, as an action point.
The board, which was later placed in a corridor, attracted a great deal of attention by passersby.
From a small article in The Drum, the Post Courier said:
“maybe a currently suspended MP whose hotel room has been the hub for huge comings and goings for more than a week now can explain the board he left in his room when he checked out. It was there in the corridor for all to see. A strategy on how to return his father to power and No 4 on the list? Military Action! Maybe just a coincidence after the clownish performance by the retired colonel?”
Several other officers involved in the mutiny have admitted that the Somares gave the orders to place PNGDF Commander Timothy Agwi and others under house arrest.
Source: PNG Attitude / REUTERS
Thanks to Sir Michael Somare:
Failed mutiny worsens PNG investment risk
PAPUA NEW GUINEA'S INVESTMENT RISK has worsened after a failed mutiny, with Standard & Poor's revising its outlook to negative today and warning that the political crisis, with two competing prime ministers, was impeding the resource-driven economy.
"Political settings in PNG have weakened following the detention and later release of the defence force chief," said S&P in revising down the outlook for PNG, whose 'B+/B' sovereign credit rating was affirmed.
"We would lower the ratings if the political friction remains unresolved, leading to a loss of donor support and investment required to diversify the economy and buttress PNG's government finances and external position.
"The unresolved claims to the prime minister position underlie the vulnerabilities associated with the country's fragmented political structure," said S&P.
Reporting by Michael Perry; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Richard Borsuk
Source: The National
PM for early election
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill, shaken by yesterday’s mutiny by rebel troops, will move to dissolve parliament next month and go to early polls to end the current political impasse.
He said he would seek his government’s blessing to bring forward the scheduled June general election.
O’Neill said this after announcing that the day-long mutiny by the 30 rebels, led by retrenched colonel Yaura Sasa, at Murray Barracks headquarters, was over.
Fifteen of the soldiers have been arrested and Sasa was being “dealt with” but O’Neill declined to clarify what this meant (details, see Page 2).
O’Neill said he would ask his government during the February session of parliament whether they should pursue the option of an early election.
“We are looking at going for early election as quickly as possible to end this political impasse and we hope the Electoral Commission is ready for early elections,” he said.
O’Neill said this yesterday when he accused the Somare camp of inciting mutiny at the Murray Barracks and trying to illegally take over the Papua New Guinea defence force
“The dramatic situation at the Murray barracks yesterday morning demonstrates the desperate length Somare can go to wrestle government,’’ O’Neill said.
“Somare tried to cleverly manipulate an internal issue in the force to his advantage, to use the military to take government by force.”
O’Neill late yesterday commended senior military officers for restoring control at Murray Barracks and thanked the public for showing restraint despite the drama.
O’Neill said issues relating to the soldiers’ grievances would be addressed - including ending the political uncertainty by dissolving parliament.
In a dramatic turn of events at Murray barracks yesterday, a group of soldiers led by retrenched PNGDF Col Yaura Sasa detained Commander Francis Agwi at his residence.
“Yesterday morning, a group of soldiers illegally and unlawfully placed PNGDF Commander Brig-Gen Francis Agwi under house arrest and tried to take control of the country’s defence force,” O’Neill said.
“Without any lawful authority, retrenched Sasa declared himself the commander, held a press conference and made political statements he had no authority to make.”
O’Neill said retrenched Sasa was not appointed by the government to replace Agwi.
“He has no legal and valid instrument to back his claim that he is the commander. He is a civilian who was misled by the Somare camp to carry out an illegal and unlawful act.
“The action by Sasa has no support of the rank and file of the PNG Defence Force. His attempt to take over the force has now been neutralised, and normalcy has been restored at Murray barracks.
“By his public statement, it is clear Sasa was used to stage this illegal act to call for the implementation of the Supreme Court decision. He has no authority to make this statement, He is a civilian who is not supposed to be at the barracks at all.
“As we are all aware, the Supreme Court handed down its decision on Dec 12.”
He said parliament took note of the decision and disposed of it by making a number of legislative changes and decisions, one of which was to reaffirm him as prime minister.
O’Neill said the Supreme Court decision, and the decision of parliament, were now the subject of various court proceedings before the National and Supreme Court.
He said the proceedings were initiated by both sides and awaiting the outcome of these proceedings.
“But what we have witnessed is a desperate attempt by Somare to trample on proper and legal processes to get into government,” he said.
O’Neill said Sir Michael had been looked after by the country for 45 years and he owed it to the seven million people of PNG.
“Sir Michael as the founding father of this nation should not be creating uncertainty,” he said.
O’Neill said those responsible for the drama at Murray barracks would be dealt with - including Sir Michael and those supporting him.
Source: ESBC comment
Poor Thing !

The statement (below) that Sir Michael Somare made yesterday is the best evidence ever for his increasing lack of realism and a probable major mental disorder. His daughter Betha and his son Arthur should show mercy and urge him leave the stage of politics forever now! If they don't the former Prime Minister will commit complete political suicide - soon. Already today he appears as a ridiculous stubborn old man. Until now there is no need that the "Grand Chief" and his children face legal prosecution one day. But, if they should continue like this, this might happen. Sir Michael, Arthur and Betha are playing a highly risky game with the fire and they might loose their freedom. Earlier elections will be helpful to avoid an even worse scenario!
Please find out more here about a human tragedy called Michael Somare :
The National
Grand chief appeals for calm
GRAND Chief Sir Michael Somare has called for calm in the capital city in light of the changes which have taken place at the Defence Force headquarters at Murray Barracks.
In a statement yesterday, Sir Michael said since the Supreme Court ruling on Dec 12 last year, his government had done its best to exercise authority as the legitimate government of PNG.
“Our last action was petitioning parliament last week to comply with the court decision. We cannot allow this situation to continue where a rogue government commandeers the disciplinary forces,” he said.
“It is incumbent on the police and army to comply with the orders of the Supreme Court and support the legitimate government which is the minority Somare-Agiru government.
“It is for this reason that my government had appointed Col Yaura Sasa to take control of the PNGDF while we await other outcomes of the court.
“I call on the disciplined forces to ensure public safety by exercising utmost restraint at all times. We are the legitimate government constitutionally formed in 2007 and restored by the five-man bench of the Supreme Court.”
His view was supported by independent commentators such as associate professor of the University of PNG, John Luluaki, who argued that the constitutional law must be upheld.
“Sasa has been appointed by the legitimate government as the new commander of defence and it is the duty of the disciplined forces to protect the Constitution.
“Should anyone be aggrieved, they should go to the same court that has restored the Somare government,” Sir Michael said.
Source: The National
Agwi back in command

PNG Defence Force commander Brig-Gen Francis Agwi (picture), who was placed under house arrest for more than 12 hours yesterday by a group of rogue officers, is back at the helm.
It followed the lack of support by senior officers for an attempted takeover of the military force by retired army colonel Yaura Sasa.
Sasa had tried to summon a military briefing of the top brass but senior officers refused to attend as they were suspicious of his sudden rise to power.
Sources said at about 2pm yesterday, the commander of the military police was allegedly shot at. Members of the military police retaliated and arrested 15 members of the group loyal to Sasa.
After negotiations, chief of staff Col Tom Ur took control of the barracks and disbanded Sasa’s group, restoring normalcy in the Defence Force command at about 5pm.
Sasa, almost 60, is from Morobe. He was defence attaché to Indonesia in 1999-2003 before being retrenched in 2006. He was believed to be living in Lae awaiting his final benefits from the department.
His men, armed and numbering about 30, arrived in hired vehicles and stormed the military headquarters at Murray barracks.
They took control of the headquarters and placed Agwi and other senior military officers under house arrest.
Sasa took over Agwi’s seat.
Sources said the soldiers comprised members of the 1RPIR at Taurama barracks, a few members from the sea element, air transport squadron and recruits from the Goldie River training depot.
All gates to the Murray barracks headquarters were blocked to traffic. The media was allowed to attend Sasa’s conference where he declared himself as the legitimate commander of the Defence Force.
However, a faction that opposed the alleged mutiny was grouped at the Murray barracks living quarters.
The Taurama barracks was also cordoned off to traffic and the public.
Military sources at Taurama maintained their neutrality.
Sasa said he had been duly appointed by the government of Sir Michael Somare.
“My immediate and most important task is to restore the integrity and respect for the constitution and the judiciary in PNG,” he said.
“When I enlisted into the PNGDF, I have taken oath and promised to respect, uphold, and protect the Constitution of PNG at all time.
“With my appointment as the commander, I intend to do just that, by taking all necessary actions to ensure the Constitution remains supreme, protected and not subjected to abuse, as it is being done at the moment.”
He called on the head of state to immediately implement the Supreme Court decisions relating to Sir Michael’s position as prime minister.
“I also call on both Sir Michael and Peter O’Neill to recall parliament to sort out the current political situation.
“There is no doubt in my mind and in the minds of most people that so much damage has already been inflicted on the Constitution, and I cannot allow this situation to continue to prevail.
“I’m now calling on both parties, and the head of state to respect the Constitution and comply with orders issued by the Supreme Courts immediately within seven days.
“If this call is not heeded, I may be forced to take necessary actions to protect and uphold the integrity of the Constitution”.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
O'Neill says Somare was behind short lived mutiny
The attempt by soldiers loyal to Sir Michael Somare to overthrow the Defence Force hierarchy lasted less than a day.
To many people in Papua New Guinea, yesterday's mutiny was sparked because there has been no satisfactory settlement of the competing claims to leadership by Peter O'Neill and Sir Michael Somare.
Presenter:Geraldine Coutts
Speaker:Liam Fox, ABC Papua New Guinea correspondent
FOX: Ah well it appears to have been resolved. The Melanesian way through a negotiation, there were no shots fired yesterday afternoon as far as we know. Our producer Firmin Nanol was outside Murray Barracks for much of the afternoon and said there was no major developments or action or movement there, but when we went to the press conference with Peter O'Neill, late yesterday afternoon, he announced as we just heard that the crisis was over, that Brigadier General Francis Agwi had been released from house arrest, that the soldiers involved had withdrawn to Taurama Barracks and that Colonel Sasa, the ring leader of these rebel soldiers was being "dealt with". He was asked what he meant by dealt with. He declined to say, saying it's not his position to arrest people, that's the police's job. He was asked is Colonel Sasa in custody and he would only say that he's being dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
COUTTS: Do we know yet if Colonel Yaura Sasa acted on his own or he was acting on instructions from someone else?
FOX: Look, I think it was pretty clear he was acting on instructions from the Somare camp. During the press conference, he gave yesterday morning, he said I've been appointed by Sir Michael Somare and I want the governor-general to abide by the Supreme Court's orders of December to appoint him as prime minister.
Sir Michael Somare's spokesperson, Bertha Somare, said late in the morning that Sir Michael and his cabinet had appointed Colonel Sasa as the new commander of the PNG Defence Force.
COUTTS: And what now are Sir Michael Somare and Peter O'Neill saying about this situation as to how they'll proceed from here?
FOX: Well, there's been no word so far from Sir Michael Somare, but Peter O'Neill has said that those who'd broken the law will be dealt with. He seemed to take a soft stance with the soldiers involved, saying that they have longstanding grips and complaints over pay and conditions and those issues will now be addressed and that he believed that the Somare camp had preyed upon those longstanding griaus to get people involved in this attempted mutiny.
Earlier in the day, yesterday, Belden Namah had said what Colonel Sasa had done amounts to treason and that carries a death penalty.
Now in PNG there is a death penalty, but there's no way to actually carry it out, so the death penalty effectively means life in prison. We wait and see whether those sorts of charges are laid or whether it's a lesser charge like sedition.
COUTTS: Has Brigadier-General Francis Agwi said anything in public yet as to his treatment and the conditions under which he was held in the barracks?
FOX: No, he hasn't and I'm not sure that he will. He's not fond of making public statements, certainly in person anyway. He likes to stay in the background, but Peter O'Neill did say that he had spoken to Brigadier-General Francis Agwi yesterday afternoon and that he was in good health and in fine spirits.
COUTTS: Now, while this was going on, a few phone calls to me suggested from people living in Papua New Guinea that it was extremely tense, domestic flights were cancelled. What was the situation on the ground while all this was underway?
FOX: It was tense, but calm, certainly a lot of businesses around Port Moresby had closed during the day as word of this mutiny spread. As you mentioned, domestic flights had been cancelled. But people were still largely going about their business. There was still traffic on the roads, there was still people walking on the streets. Indeed there were still people walking around Murray Barracks itself. So the situation is tense, but calm, and Peter O'Neill has urged people to resume their normal lives today.
COUTTS: And is it likely anytime soon, just likely before we let you go Liam whether the O'Neill and Somare intend getting together to thrash this out?
FOX: Look, I think that's highly unlikely. The O'Neill camp maintain that Somare is not even a member of parliament, so how can they meet with him. They've maintained all along that while the Supreme Court made its orders to reinstate Sir Michael. They've dealt with that order in parliament by passing retrospective legislation to deal with that order, to effectively remove Sir Michael as both the prime minister and the member of parliament. As far as they're concerned, there's nothing to negotiate. There is no getting together to sort anything out. It is sorted out.
Source: Post-Courier
O’Neill: No more mutiny
NORMALCY has been restored following a failed mutiny at the PNG Defence Force headquarters at Murray Barracks yesterday, according to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.
Mr O’Neill put the blame squarely on Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare for inciting an illegal take over of the force’s Commander, Francis Agwi, with retrenched colonel, Yaura Sasa.
Mr Agwi was put under house arrest and Mr Sasa assumed control at the Commander’s office causing a day long stand off between two factions of the Defence Force.
By late yesterday, around 5pm, Mr O’Neill told a packed press conference that the attempted take over had been neutralised and normalcy restored.
Mr O’Neill warned in the strongest possible terms that the perpertrators of the mutiny will face the full force of the law, including Mr Sasa, who will be dealt with by the “appropriate authorities” tasked to handle the matter.
“I expected the rule of law to apply,” Mr O’Neill said.
Since 5pm yesterday, no action had been taken against Mr Sasa, but Mr O’Neill’s deputy, Belden Namah, whom Mr O’Neill announced yesterday as Acting Defence Minister is immediately dealing with the situation.
Mr Namah relieves Minister Guma Wau who is on personal leave.
Mr O’Neill’s conference started an hour later than scheduled due to his attendance of critical matters relating to the mutiny including contingency plans to implement should the situation had deteriorated.
A critical Mr O’Neill quizzed how a civilian could be “plucked out of the street” and put in charge of the Defence by a person — refering to Sir Michael — who is also “not a Member of Parliament”.
Mr O’Neill queried how the retired Colonel Sasa was appointed by the Somare regime without the legal instruments and authority to do so.
“Retrenced Colonel Sasa was not appointed by the government to replace Commander Agwi.”
“He has no legal and valid instrument to back his claim that he is the commander.
“He is a civilian who was misled by the Somare camp to carry out an illegal unlawful act.
“His attempt to take over the force has now been neutralised and normalcy has been restored at the Murray Barracks,” Mr O’Neill said.
He described the events at Murray Barracks yesterday as demonstrating the desperate length Sir Michael is prepared to go to in order to wrestle power from him (O’Neill), by cleverly trying to manipulate an internal issue in the defence force to his advantage.
Mr O’Neill said the Somare regime’s appointment of Colonel Sasa was intentionally to create instability over a matter that should rightly be decided by the Courts.
He said if Sir Michael was still aggrieved he should resort to the judiciary as Parliament had already annulled previous challenges by him by changing the legislation now making him Prime Minister.
Source: Post-Courier
Hunt is on for mutiny leader
POLICE were hunting for self-proclaimed Commander of retrenched Papua New Guinea Defence Force Colonel Yaura Sasa last night after he forcefully led a group of renegade soldiers placing Commander Brigadier General Francis Agwi and senior officers under house-arrest.
The renegade soldiers are from the First Pacific Island Regiment Bravo Company.
Lieutenant Colonel Walter Enuma who was also placed under house-arrest together with the PNGDF Commander said last night that the self-proclaimed Brigadier General Sasa is a civilian and no longer a military man and police will arrest him and deal with him in a civilian way.
Lt Col Enuma said retrenched colonel Sasa as a former senior military man, should have known better especially the process in which a commander of the defence force is appointed and the way he conducted himself was in fact a saddest day for the country.
Earlier during the day Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah ordered that retrenched Col Sasa and his men surrender before 4:06pm.
Mr Namah said the O’Neill – Namah Government was the legitimate government of the day and the legitimate Prime Minister was the Member for Ialibi-Pangia Peter O’Neill.
“What happened in the early hours of yesterday morning was totally a mutinous in nature. I am saying this because I went through the same charges as a solider, however in my case it was different – while for them…it’s completely wrong,” Mr Namah said.
“I say this because the actions of these soldiers to put the Commander and other senior officers under house arrest, is completely wrong under the military laws – what these rogue soldiers have done will come with serious implications upon them,” he said.
Mr Namah visited Murray Barracks accompanied by six ministers, National Planning Minister Sam Basil, David Arore (Education, Science and Technology, Jamie Maxtone Graham (Health and HIV/AIDS), Francis Awesa (Works and Transport), Powes Pakop (Governor NCD), John Boito (Police), Puri Ruing (Dei Open) and Maprik Open MP Gabriel Kapris.
However, they only met with senior officers inside the main gate for about 20 minutes briefing with Mr Namah promising to return today to meet with the Brigadier General Agwi and his senior commanders in the barracks.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill also announced yesterday that his deputy Mr Namah will now act as Acting Defence Minister.
Source: Post-Courier
Somare’s mutiny
All the plans for the failed take-over of the position of the Commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, was planned through out the weekend at a hotel in Port Moresby.
This was revealed to the Post-Courier by certain members of the renegade soldiers, many of them lower ranking when admitting they were on duty at that time and were only carrying out orders from their superiors on the events that unfolded yesterday.
This was also confirmed by a Colonel we interviewed earlier yesterday. These soldiers who kept General Agwi, Lieutenant Colonel Walter Enuma (Policy, Planning and Force Development) and Commanding officer of Taurama Barracks Lieutenant Colonel Francis Kari confirmed the Somare regime were behind the events that transpired. These soldiers admitted that Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his regime hired 10 vehicles from a car dealer and four of these vehicles were given to police while six were given to them to effect retrenched Colonel Yaura Sasa’s appointment as the Somare regime’s appointed PNGDF Commander.
Source: Post-Courier
By staff reporters
The struggle for power between Parliament elect Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and the Supreme Court reinstated Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare is far from over.
This follows a failed mutiny — the first ever in this country’s Defence Force — led by a retired army officer supported by about 40 gun-totting soldiers who stormed the military headquarters of the PNG Defence Force at Murray Barracks in Port Moresby in the early hours of Thursday January 26, catching everyone by surprise.
The mutineers placed the commander, Brigadier General Francis Agwi under house arrest and installed retired colonel, 65-year- old Yaura Sasa as commander.
The drama unfolded first at the Taurama Barracks, home of the 1st Royal Pacific Islands Regiment where the mutineers, placed their own Commander Officer Lt. Colonel Francis Kari under house arrest and then proceeded to Murray Barracks.
As the drama unfolded at the PNGDF headquarters, Police, who were aware of the mutiny threat went into action and secured all strategic locations and government institutions including state house, Government printer and Mourata House, the seat of Government.
“We were all caught by surprise. Fully armed soldiers moved into the barracks and cut power off, proceeded to the residence of the officer who looked after the armoury and ordered him out. They led him at gun point to open the armoury and armed themselves,” an eye witness told Post-Courier.
The mutineers, in a press conference with the local media demanded that the Parliament be recalled in seven days and Sir Michael be restored as the Prime Minister. They also demanded that all entitlements for retrenched and former soldiers of the PNGDF be paid promptly by the State.
While the mutineers lay siege to the defence headquarters, soldiers loyal to their commander watched helplessly from a distance at the main barracks. Eye witnesses told Post-Courier the mutineers that fired on the soldiers to disperse them, sending the public running for cover and had had to move in to close all roads leading into the barracks.
“This is mutiny and the actions of the soldiers borders of treason too,” Government Chief secretary, Manasupe Zurenuoc told Post Courier.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, in a press conference later said normalcy was restored following at the PNG Defence Force headquarters.
And he put the blame squarely on Sir Michael for inciting an illegal take over of the force’s Commander, Francis Agwi, with retrenched colonel, Yaura Sasa.
And he warned in no uncertain terms that perpetrators of the mutiny would face the full brunt of the law adding Mr Sasa himself will be dealt with by the “appropriate authorities” tasked to handle the matter.
“I expected the rule of law to apply,” he said.
Mr O’Neill announced that his deputy, Belden Namah, had been appointed as Acting Defence Minister to deal with the situation, releiiving Minister Guma Wau of duties.
As of 5pm the situation at the army headquarters was neutralised. The mutineers had returned to their barracks and the commander was freed.
Post Courier understands that retired Colonel Sasa will be arrested soon.
The UN and all diplomatic missions in the country also watched the development in the Port Moresby. The Australia Foreign Affairs Department has issued an alert to its citizens in the city to be careful when moving around.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - News
Source: ABC Radio Australia - News
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
PNG mutiny over, says O'Neill
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says a mutiny by about 30 rebel soldiers is over.
Soldiers led by former Colonel Yaura Sasa placed their commander under house arrest on Thursday morning, in a move backed by former prime minister Michael Somare.
Mr O'Neill says Brigadier General Francis Agwi has now been freed.
"The government has now taken control of the barracks and the soldiers have now withdrawn to Taurama Barracks, those who were at Murray Barracks," he said.
"The commander is now released, he's not under house arrest. And as a result the government has taken full control the defence headquarters.
"We will now start an investigation into the issues that the soldiers have and we'll resolve them as we move forward."
The prime minister says Colonel Sasa is being "dealt with" but declined to clarify what this meant.
Mutinous soldiers
Earlier, Colonel Sasa told reporters in Port Moresby that soldiers under his control fired several shots as they stormed barracks and took Brigadier General Agwi hostage under house arrest.
He said the action did not amount to a military mutiny or takeover, but said he had been appointed commander by former prime minister Sir Michael Somare.
He called on Sir Michael and Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to return to Parliament to resolve what he called the country's constitutional impasse within seven days.
"I once again am now calling on...both parties and the head of state to respect the constitution and comply with the orders issued by the supreme court immediately," he said.
"If this call is not heeded, I may be forced to take necessary actions."
Though he was appointed by Sir Michael, Colonel Sasa said he was a "neutral" party and insisted his actions were "not a military takeover".
"I assure the international community, our investors, this is not a military coup. I am intervening to uphold the constitution and I have made my intentions known and that the two parties comply with this promptly," he said.
"My task is restoring the integrity and respect of the constitution and the judiciary.
"I am now calling on the head of state (governor-general Sir Michael Ogio) to immediately implement Sir Michael's post as prime minister."
The deputy prime minister Belden Namah told reporters that 15 of the 30 or so men supporting Colonel Sasa had been arrested.
Mr Namah, a former soldier, said the Colonel does not have the support of the wider military and that he should give himself up.
He said Colonel Sasa's actions amounted to mutiny, which carries the death penalty.
Mr Namah also accused PNG's former Prime Minister, Sir Michael Somare, of orchestrating the mutiny.
"If he can muster the numbers, he can go back to the floor of Parliament. But not like a small rascal on the street," he said.
"These actions amount to be that of a criminal. This is mutinous, this is sedition, treason."
Barracks raided
A senior source in the PNG defence force said a group of between 12 and 20 soldiers overpowered guards at the Taurama barracks at around 3am on Thursday morning.
They took the commanding officer captive then moved to Murray barracks and placed Brigadier General Francis Agwi under house arrest.
When the conflict erupted last month, Commander Agwi recognised Mr O'Neill as the country's legitimate prime minister.
Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs is warning Australians in Port Moresby to avoid travelling in the city because of "disturbances" at the barracks.
Businesses across the city were closing on Thursday morning and workers were being sent home amid a tense atmosphere.
DFAT said it was concerned by the developments and said Australia's High Commissioner in Port Moresby has spoken to Mr O'Neill about the situation.
Australian reaction
The Australian acting foreign affairs minister, Martin Ferguson, says the government recognises Peter O'Neil as the rightful leader of PNG.
"His position has been established through the constitutional political processes that operate in Papua New Guinea," Mr Ferguson said.
Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Australian officials were closely monitoring the situation.
Political deadlock
Sir Michael was ousted as prime minister and replaced by Mr O'Neill in August last year after his seat was declared vacant while he received medical treatment in Singapore.
In December, the Supreme Court ordered his reinstatement as prime minister and as an MP.
But despite that order, Mr O'Neill remained the effective prime minister with the support of the public service, police, defence force and most MPs.
Last week there were rowdy scenes in the parliament when Sir Michael walked in brandishing the court order and demanding his reinstatement.
He was warned by Mr O'Neill that he could be arrested if he showed up again.
A former commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, General Jerry Singirok, says the politicians must sort themselves out in order to end the army mutiny.
"I am just calling on the speaker for parliament, Jeffrey Nape, to convene parliament and O'Neill and Belden Namah's group come and resolve this issue on the floor of parliament with Sir Michael Somare and his group," he said.
"I think that's the only way that we can resolve this."
Source: Euronews
Source: PNG exposed

Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung
Unruhen in Papua-Neuguinea
Rebellierende Soldaten stürzen Militärchef
Im Inselstaat Papua-Neuguinea soll es eine Meuterei gegeben haben.
Eine Gruppe von Soldaten hat laut Radio- und TV-Berichten den
Militärchef des Landes unter Hausarrest gestellt und fordert die
Wiedereinsetzung des im vergangenen Jahr abgesetzten Premiers.
Im Inselstaat Papua-Neuguinea hat es australischen Medienberichten zufolge
eine Meuterei gegeben. Eine Gruppe von zwölf bis 20 Soldaten habe den
Militärchef General Francis Agwi am Donnerstag unter Hausarrest gestellt und
ihn durch Oberst Yaura Sasa ersetzt, berichtete die Rundfunkanstalt ABC.
Die Soldaten fordern den Rücktritt von Ministerpräsident Peter O'Neill binnen
einer Woche und die Wiedereinsetzung von dessen Vorgänger Michael
Somare. Die Regierung forderte die Soldaten zur Kapitulation auf und erklärte,
die Mehrheit der Streitkräfte stehe nicht hinter dem Aufstand.
Sasa, ein Oberst im Ruhestand, erklärte, dass es sich nicht um einen Putsch
handele. Die Streitkräfte würden jedoch nicht näher bezeichnete Maßnahmen
ergreifen, falls O'Neill nicht innerhalb von sieben Tagen zurücktrete, sagte Sasa
vor Journalisten. Der stellvertretende Regierungschef, Belden Namah, erklärte,
15 der an der Meuterei beteiligten Soldaten seien festgenommen worden.
27.01.12 Unruhen in Papua-Neuguinea - Rebellierende Soldaten stürzen Militärchef«
Das australische Au‰enministerium bestätigte in einer Erklärung den Sturz
Agwis und äu‰erte sich besorgt über die Ereignisse. Das Ministerium rief zu
einer raschen Klärung der Lage auf. O'Neill habe der früheren Schutzmacht
Australien versichert, dass man sich um eine Lösung bemühe.
Später am Tag teilte O'Neill mit, dass die Regierung die Lage wieder im Griff
habe. Agwi sei aus dem Hausarrest der Putschisten befreit worden und habe
sein Kommando wieder übernommen.
In dem pazifischen Inselstaat tobt seit Monaten ein Machtkampf zwischen
Somare und O'Neill. Somare war im August vergangenen Jahres für abgesetzt
erklärt worden, als er sich zu einer medizinischen Behandlung im Ausland
aufhielt. Er war der erste Regierungschef Papua-Neuguineas nach der
Unabhängigkeit 1975. Im Dezember 2011 erklärte der Oberste Gerichtshof des
Landes die Absetzung Somares und Wahl O'Neills zum neuen Premier für
unrechtmä‰ig und forderte die Wiedereinsetzung von Somare.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - 24H dans le Pacifique
Mutinerie au sein de l’armée de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée
Un terme refusé Yaura Sasa, un colonel à la retraite qui s’est emparé hier du commandement des Forces de défense. À trois heures du matin, de 12 à 20 soldats ont maîtrisé les gardes de la caserne Taurama pour y arrêter le commandant. Ils se sont ensuite rendus à la caserne Murray pour interpeller cette fois le chef des Forces de défense, le général Francis Awgi maintenant assigné à résidence.
Yaura Sasa refuse le terme de mutinerie ou de coup d’État militaire, Il affirme faire son devoir après avoir été nommé à la tête de l’armée par le gouvernement de Sir Michael Somare et n’aurait pour but que de résoudre la lutte de pouvoir entre Sir Michael Somare et Peter O’Neill, le Premier ministre élu par les députés en août dernier pendant que Sir Michael, Premier ministre d’alors, se faisait opérer du cœur à Singapour.
Le mois dernier, la Cour suprême a réinstallé Sir Michael Somare dans ses fonctions de Premier ministre qui a donc formé son gouvernement. Toutefois, Peter O’Neill est resté à son poste avec le soutien de la police, de la fonction publique, de la plupart des députés et de l’armée puisque le mois dernier le général Awgi a reconnu la légitimité de Peter O’Neill.
Le colonel Sasa exige la restitution du pouvoir à Sir Michael Somare.
SASA : « Je demande aussi au chef de l’État [le Gouverneur-général] d’appliquer la décision de la Cour suprême relative aux fonctions de Sir Michael Somare au poste de Premier ministre de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée. Et je demande à Michael Somare et à M. Peter O’Neill de convoquer le Parlement pour résoudre cette situation politique. Il n’y a aucun doute dans mon esprit et dans l’esprit des Papous que beaucoup de dégâts ont déjà été faits à la Constitution et je ne peux pas laisser cette situation persister. »
Et le colonel Sasa de conclure :
SASA : « Si cet appel n’est pas entendu, je serai contraint de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour protéger et maintenir l’intégrité de la Constitution. »
Peu après ces déclarations, le Vice-premier ministre, Belden Namah, un ancien soldat, a déclaré que de 15 à 30 partisans du colonel à la retraite Sasa ont été arrêtés. Et d’ajouter.
NAMAH : « D’aller occuper le bureau du commandant et d’assigner à résidence le chef des forces armées relève de la trahison. Et la trahison requiert la peine de mort. »
Dans la soirée d’hier, le Premier ministre Peter O’Neill a indiqué que la crise était maintenant terminée et que le chef des forces armées, Franics Awgi avait été libéré. Il ne s’est pas exprimé sur le sort réservéau colonel Sasa. Une enquête est en cours, a-t-il indiqueé.
Source: Reuters
METALS: Copper rises after Fed signals stimulus
By Silvia Antonioli
LONDON, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Copper rose more than 2 percent to a
four-month high on Thursday as investors cheered news that the U.S. Federal
Reserve was ready to offer additional stimulus, a move that could lift economic
growth and demand for industrial metals.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said late on Wednesday the U.S.
central bank was ready to offer the economy additional stimulus after it
announced it would likely keep interest rates near zero until at least late
Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange rose more than 2
percent to a session high of $8,610 a tonne, its highest since Sept. 19. It
closed at $8,590 from a last bid of $8,384 on Wednesday.
"The Fed's announcement certainly seems to have helped," said Natixis
analyst Nic Brown.
"If you think the Fed's action will lead to stronger economic growth, then
yes, it should boost base metals demand, but if you think that the Fed's action
signals more prolonged weakness, then the connection is not that obvious."
New orders for U.S. manufactured goods rose in December, and a gauge of
future business investment rebounded, while new claims for jobless benefits rose
only moderately last week, suggesting the labour market in the world's biggest
economy was still healing.
Hopes that Greece will wrap up tortuous negotiations on a debt swap this
week to avoid a chaotic default also supported market sentiment.
The euro hit a five-week high against a broadly weak dollar on Thursday on
speculation of progress in Greek debt negotiations and after the U.S. Federal
Reserve indicated interest rates would stay at ultra low levels for at least
another two years.
A weaker U.S. unit makes dollar-denominated commodities more affordable for
holders of other currencies.
Copper stockpiles in LME-monitored warehouses have fallen by almost a third
in the past four months, an indication that demand for the metal has improved
Inventories of the red metal fell by 1,875 tonnes to 337,875 tonnes in
LME-bonded sheds, their lowest level since Sep. 2009, the latest data showed.
Copper stocks in warehouses monitored by the Shanghai Futures Exchange , however, increased in the past few weeks, which may indicate some
demand weakness in China, the world's largest consumer of the metal.
This weakness is temporary, though, according to some analysts.
The Shanghai Futures Exchange is closed this week for the Lunar New Year
"Stocks in Shanghai have gone up recently as imports went up ahead of the
Chinese New Year holiday, but demand from end-users in January has been muted,
so you get a certain accumulation," Brown said.
"That was in anticipation of stronger demand later this year, so I don't
think it is hugely worrying. The absolute level of stockpiles around the world
is low."
Natixis expects China's apparent demand for copper to grow by 9 to 10
percent this year as a destocking phase comes to an end and apparent demand once
again starts to reflect the needs of real end-users.
"China has stepped up its metal imports ahead of the Chinese New Year, and
the question is whether the latest uptick in imports was just due to stockpiling
or whether end-user demand has indeed continued to strengthen," Credit Suisse
said in a note.
Chinese imports of refined copper rose 18.3 percent in December on the month
to a record high due to improved arbitrage and increased use of copper for
financing purposes, but inflows fell 3 percent in 2011 from 2010 on low imports
in the first half.
In other metals, tin closed at $24,005 from $22,450, zinc
closed at $2,205 from $2,175 at Wednesday's close. Lead closed at $2,325
from $2,281 and nickel at $21,600 from $20,940.
Aluminium, untraded at the close, was last bid at $2,276 from
Source: ESBC
Game over?
It seems that Sir Michael Somare's insidious attempt to get back in office by military force failed.
Backed by a few older followers of former Prime Minister Somare and by Somare's son Arthur, a small group of mislead soldiers illegally intended to take over power in PNG this morning, This was confirmed by Somare's daughter Betha.
The ESBC take the view that time has come to bring the Somare family finally to justice now!
Behind the Coup:
Sir Michael Somare and his children Arthur and Betha

Suffering from Lack of Power and Public Funds:
Somare and Supporters

Source: PNG Attitude
Live blog: Agwi freed; Sasa being 'dealt with', says O'Neill
18:15 The ABC’s Liam Fox [Liam (Old Irish, noun)= he who is first with the news] reports Peter O'Neill saying that Brig Gen Agwi has been freed, soldiers involved have withdrawn to Taurama Barracks and Col Sasa is being "dealt with". The prime minister “wouldn't clarify”, says Fox. The ABC is also reporting that all domestic airports in PNG are closed (thanks Peter Kranz).
18:10 Y'know it's eerily quiet. If this was a western, I'd be expecting the hail of arrows. It's all tenter and no hook. And we've got 2,000 readers needing a fix.
You can now read a transcript of retired Papua New Guinea General Jerry Singirok’s interview with Radio Australia here
And watch Damien Kingsbury, professor of international relations at Deakin University, speaking to Al Jazeera on the PNG political situation
18:05 “Is a military coup in PNG just around the corner?” contributor Paul Oates asked last year. “Given the 'solidarity' being expressed by PM Somare for [the] Fiji coup leader, it wouldn't take much for some PNG soldiers see a parallel 'window of opportunity'.” I’d take a lottery ticket on the back of that prescience, Paul
17:40 The man claiming to be the new commander of Papua New Guinea’s Defence Force, retired Col Yauara Sasa [pictured] denies he conducted a mutiny this morning. “It looks as though it’s a military coup but it is not a military coup. I’m restoring, I’m intervening to restore the constitution and that means all - that is also the public servants, heads of the departments, statutory bodies and institutions - comply with what (the court has decided). The court has made its decision but nobody seems to be adhering to the court decisions. So what does that mean: the court has no powers now?”
16:40 Still no news, but plenty of entertainment. “All indications are that Namah and O’Neill will still be in power and the Somare regime may face High Treason charges for trying to overthrow the state. But hey this is the fucking land of the unexpected and I'm just a drunk blogger writing this nonsense for you with loud music in the background. OMG, just ran out of alcohol. Maybe PNG also has ran out of sanity” – Martyn Namorong at his intemperate best. Read more here
16:20 The deadline for the surrender of the army mutineers has come and gone. So far no reports of action. Peter O’Neill is believed to have been in the Southern Highlands at the scene of the tragic Tari landslide. Sir Michael Somare is maintaining a sullen silence.
16:10 Liam Fox (ABC) tweets that he has heard that Jacksons (international) airport has been closed. Could this be to stop incoming support for the mutineers or to prevent pro-Somare people from getting out of town?
15:15 More from Peter Kranz about the Belden Namah media conference. Quotes from Namah - "Somare has now lost the total respect of the country he fought for independence (for). He was the chief minister, the first prime minister. He is the grand chief. I want to say this to Somare: You have lost your mind. You have lost total control of yourself. You have lost your mind. You have lost sanity."
Mr Namah said 15 of the 30 men loyal to Sasa and Somare had been arrested but those numbers cannot be verified. He said the army officers had until 4.06pm to surrender or face the full force of the law.
15:00 So let’s try to recap the critical elements in the latest crisis to envelope Papua New Guinea; a crisis triggered by a mutineer colonel who paradoxically says he is trying to alleviate a crisis.
Just before 3 pm there’s a little over an hour left before deputy prime minister Belden Namah’s deadline expires for the rebel soldiers to surrender – 4.06 pm, the official public service knock-off time.
There seems to be less than 100 of them under the command of retired colonel Yaura Sasa, apparently commissioned by the ‘Somare cabinet’ to take control of the Army from its rightful commander, Brig Gen Francis Agwi [pictured], who is variously said to be under house arrest or, according to Sasa, not under house arrest.
Commander Sasa appears to have taken control of the Murray and Taurama barracks in an attempt to restore the Somare government and claims the authority of the Supreme Court and the PNG Constitution to justify his extreme actions.
So far prime minister Peter O’Neill has not made any public statement but was said to be wanting to visit the barracks with loyal troops, although this could not be confirmed.
Air Niugini flights to Lae, Wewak, Vanimo and Kiunga - all close to Army bases– have been suspended to deter soldiers likely to be sympathetic to the Somare faction from travelling to Port Moresby.
Meanwhile Port Moresby is reported to be quiet
Live blog: Mutiny leader gives MPs 7 days to resolve 'crisis'
14:25 Sir Michael's Somare’s daughter and spokeswoman, Betha, has told journalists that Sir Michael ordered Colonel Yaura Sasa to take control of Papua New Guinea's Army.
Ms Somare said a decision was taken by Sir Michael's cabinet to install the retired soldier as head of the defence force, replacing Francis Agwi. "A decision was taken by Somare's cabinet for Col Yaurra Sasa to take charge of the PNGDF," Betha Somare said.
AAP reports that Commander Sasa appears to have taken control of the Murray and Taurama barracks. He has also held two press conferences in the office of arrested Army Commander Agwi.
An army officer at Murray Barracks, who asked not to be named, told AAP the gates had been locked in anticipation of the arrival of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and troops loyal to him.
Police say they are monitoring the situation. Spokesman Dominic Kakas told AAP Commander Sasa may be in control of 20 to 100 troops.
Col Sasa denied reports in the PNG media that Commander Agwi was under "lock and key", telling journalists the veteran soldier who denied Sir Michael's request for a military intervention in December was not under house arrest
14:00 We, where were we? Peter Kranz reports:
Colonel Sasa gave a news conference at around 1:00. He claims he is just trying to enforce the Constitution and decision of the Supreme Court and was appointed by Somare yesterday to take control of the PNGDF. Some astute journos asked what he would do if Parliament met and merely confirmed O'Neill as PM (as it already has done). He refused to be drawn, other than saying if it wasn't sorted out he would take 'necessary actions.'
Later deputy prime minister Belden Namah gave a press conference and stated that some of the soldiers involved in the action have been arrested (by the police presumably). He has given Sasa till 4:00 to step down. Meanwhile he has ordered the suspension of Air Niugini flights to Lae, Wewak, Vanimo and Kiunga - all close to Army bases likely to be sympathetic to the Somare faction. This was against the background of reports that some Army units were mobilising and travelling to Port Moresby.
A tambu [close friend] in Moresby in an email to me states "the O’Neill side condemns the action saying that it’s an act out of desperation by the Somare faction. Nothing has eventuated around the Waigani government offices towards the parliament as yet.
“There is now a heavy policy presence around the various MPs houses and offices. The streets are quiet and businesses are normal as usual around Waigani. I think the commotion is around Konedobu and around the Murray Barracks towards 3 Mile and 2 Mile…
“The general election for PNG is just months away and I don’t know when this political impasse will ever stop and the MPs prepare for the election. What a Land of the Unexpected…"
12:00 Trouble with one man bands is that the band needs to take a break sometimes. We'll resume here in about two hours. Meanwhile keep the feedback flowing.
11:55 Blogger Martyn Namorong reports that Col Yaura Sasa is from Morobe Patrol Post in the Huon Gulf area and is an elder brother of Hon Zibe Sasa, PNG’s Health Minister
11:50 The man who has staged a raid on a military barracks in Papua New Guinea has given MPs a seven day deadline to resolve the country's political crisis, or he will resort to force, but claims he is not staging a mutiny or a military takeover. Retired Colonel Yaura Sasa declared himself commander after his soldiers placed Brig Gen Francis Agwi under house arrest.
11:30 The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade called on the O'Neill government to quickly resolve the crisis. ''We are concerned about these developments overnight in Port Moresby,'' it said. ''We urge that the situation be resolved as soon as possible, and that the PNGDF chain of command is restored.''
Australia's High Commissioner in Port Moresby, Ian Kemish, spoke earlier today with Mr O'Neill, DFAT said. ''Mr O'Neill told the High Commissioner authorities were taking steps to manage the situation,'' a statement said. ''The Head of the Australian Defence Staff at the High Commission has also talked with Brigadier Agwi. 'We understand that discussions underway within the PNGDF to resolve the matter.”
11:25 The leader of the overnight army mutiny has demanded the return of Sir Michael Somare to the prime ministership, reports The Australian newspaper. Colonel Yaura Sasa, a former defence attaché to Indonesia, who arrested the country's military commander Brigadier Francis Agwi and placed him under house arrest, has given the nation's politicians seven days to decide who is in charge of the country.
He says he has taken control of PNG's military following discussions with Brigadier Agwi. ''My task is restoring the integrity and respect of the constitution and the judiciary,'' Colonel Sasa told reporters from the commander's office in Murray Barracks.
''I am now calling on the head of state (Governor General Sir Michael Ogio) to immediately implement Sir Michael's post as prime minister.''
He said Mr O'Neill must recall parliament and gave PNG's 109 MPs a seven-day deadline to ''sort out'' the constitutional mess.
The gates of Murray Barracks have been locked and Mr O'Neill is expected to go to the barracks with troops loyal to him.
There have been no reports of any injuries or gunfire so far, nor any sign of police involvement.
11:15 The leader of the mutiny has been identified by commentator Nou Vada as Colonel Yaura Sasa, commanding officer Charlie Company , 1 PIR

Colonel Yaura Sasa
11:05 Email from Bruce Hill at Radio Australia with a note on an interview worth catching up with: “I spoke to General Singirok about the mutiny about an hour ago. We played the full seven minute interview with him of Phil Kafkaloudes morning program just before 11am, and a 20 second clip from it is currently being played in our news bulletins.
“Gen Singirok says essentially that this is a problem caused by the Somare-O’Neill political standoff, and he’s called on the Speaker to reconvene parliament so the impasse can be dealt with once and for all. He admitted that ethnic loyalties are still clearly a factor within the PNGDF, suggested that more resources are needed to ensure the professionalism and neutrality of the military, and offered his own services as a mediator if required.
“We will be playing the interview again in Pacific Beat at 4pm Melbourne time today.”
10:20 Reporter Ruth Rungula from EMTV says US Embassy representatives are at Murray Barracks PNGDF HQ
10:15 "The streets of Port Moresby are calm. National TV is broadcasting the Adelaide [India v Australia] test," reports Martyn Namorong. "Eyewitnesses report that Taurama Barracks is swarming with fully armed soldiers."
10:10 "At this stage it is not clear if the incident is related to the conflict between Peter O'Neill and Sir Michael Somare over the country's prime ministership, or if it is the work of disgruntled soldiers," the ABC says on its website.
09:55 "We in PNG don't want Somare and the Chinese back in power," tweets award-winning blogger Martyn Namorong
09:45 The Melbourne Herald Sun reports: “Armed soldiers - some with camouflage paint on their faces - were preventing reporters from entering the Murray Military Barracks this morning, but they are expected to be taken to a commander soon. AAP's reporter at the scene says the soldiers say the barracks are under their ‘operational command’ and there are rumours of a change in command.”
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has advised Australians to limit travel around Port Moresby today "due to disturbances at Murray and Taurama Barracks".
09:15 - Peter Kranz reports from Twitter sources (unverified) that soldiers are being organised to enforce the orders of the Supreme Court to reinstate Sir Michael.
Martyn Namorong says that the former defence attaché to Indonesia, a Colonel Safa, has now declared himself PNGDF commander.
08:45 A possible attempted military coup is underway in Papua New Guinea with top military officers reported to be under house arrest. The mutinous troops are operating under the name Operasin Strongim Konstituson [Operation Support the Constitution].
Among other officers, Francis Agwi the Defence Force commander, and Kyrie Eleison, the Commanding Officer of Taurama Barracks, are said to have been placed under house arrest by around 40 soldiers this morning.
Trade union leader Michael Malabag has commented: “Just what is going on now is the evil hand of politicians infiltrating the Defence Force of PNG. I am very concerned about this latest development.”
Radio Australia says supporters of former prime minister Sir Michael Somare are believed to have staged the raid on Murray Barracks early in the day.
A report just in from the ABC's PNG correspondent Liam Fox says: “At about 3:00am today a group of between 12 and 20 soldiers are believed to have raided the defence force headquarters at Murray Military Barracks and placed the head of the army, Brigadier General Francis Agwi, under house arrest.

Brigadier General Francis Agwi
“The ABC understands that a new commander has been sworn in. The raid on the barracks is believed to have been peaceful.”
Eyewitness accounts from readers can be sent here. Comments from readers are also welcome [below]
Weapons have been released and orders given for the O'Neill/Namah cabinet and police commissioner Kulunga to be arrested.
An unnamed sources is quoted as saying: “We are now under military edict. Anyone resisting arrest will be shot. Orders have been issued to that effect.”
Source: Reuters
PNG rebel soldiers demand return of former PM Somare
By Michael Perry
(Reuters) - Forces loyal to deposed Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare raided the country's main army barracks on Thursday, installing a new military commander and demanding Somare be reinstated as leader of the resource-rich nation.
Papua New Guinea has for months been gripped in a political deadlock, with incumbent Prime Minister Peter O'Neill taking office in August after Somare was ruled ineligible as a member of parliament due to illness and absence from the legislature.
In the early hours of Thursday, up to 20 soldiers raided the main army barracks, seized their chief commander and placed him under house arrest in an action dubbed Operation Protect the Constitution.
"I call on the disciplinary forces to ensure public safety by exercising restraint at all times," Somare said in a statement announcing he had appointed a new defense force chief and again declaring he was the legitimate prime minister.
Residents of Port Moresby said the dusty port capital was quiet although tense with roadblocks around the main army barracks.
PNG has a history of political and military unrest. An army mutiny in 1997 overthrew the government after it employed mercenaries to try to end a long-running secessionist rebellion on the island of Bougainville, home to a big copper mine.
The Supreme Court in December ordered Somare reinstated but O'Neill rejected the ruling, with parliament again voting him prime minister, leaving two competing leaders.
"Col Yaura Sasa has been appointed by the legitimate government as the New Commander of the Defence and it is the duty of discipline forces to protect the Constitution," Somare said in an email sent to Reuters by his daughter, Betha Somare.
"Should anyone be aggrieved they should go to the same court that has restored the Somare government."
Sasa called for Somare's reinstatement and set a seven-day deadline for lawmakers to resolve the constitutional crisis, warning he "may be forced to take necessary actions".
"I am calling on both Sir Michael Somare and Mr Peter O'Neill to recall the Parliament to sort out the current political situation," he said.
Sasa sat alone at a desk when he held his news conference, with no other soldiers present.
A few hours later, O'Neill's deputy prime minister, Belden Namah, said some 15 Sasa supporters had been arrested and called on the mutineers to surrender to police, warning that "treason carries a death penalty".
"For Somare to use rogue policemen and rogue soldiers to pursue his own greed and selfishness is really a sad situation for a person who claims to be the father of the nation ... you have lost sanity," Namah told a news conference in Port Moresby.
The crisis has jeopardized PNG's prospects as an investment destination just as U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil develops a $15.7 billion liquefied natural gas plant, the country's biggest-ever resource project.
Exxon spokeswoman Rebecca Arnold said the company had been monitoring developments.
"At this stage, it's business as usual," she said.
PNG, a country of 6.5 million people, has vast mineral wealth although 85 percent of its people live a subsistence village life. Port Moresby is plagued by lawless and often violent "raskal" gangs of youths.
The military is careful to draw its membership evenly from regions and clans, ensuring no single ethnic group can take control or command enough support for a coup.
Reporters said it was unclear how much support the rebels had inside the military, believing they may be only a small band, with most soldiers either backing O'Neill or dissatisfied with both O'Neill and Somare.
Neighboring Australia called for a restoration in the line of command in the defense forces.
"We urge that the situation be resolved as soon as possible, and that the Papua New Guinea Defence Force chain of command is restored," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Authorities cancelled flights from the capital to other towns in the mountainous South Pacific island.
"There is no place for the military in a PNG situation," Australia's Resources Minister Martin Ferguson, who is acting foreign minister, said on Australian TV.
"The sooner we return to the normal constitutional political process, the better for Papua New Guinea," Ferguson said, adding that Australia accepted Peter O'Neill as the prime minister under the country's constitution.
Last month, O'Neill declared victory in the standoff against Somare after the governor general named him the legitimate head of government. The country's civil service, police and army leaders also backed O'Neill.
For many Papua New Guineans, the crisis is a contest between the old political guard of Somare -- known as The Chief who led the country to independence -- and O'Neill's administration, which is seen offering a fresh, more open alternative.
Elections are due in June.
Source: Post-Courier
Pau: Be fair in reports
Recently appointed health secretary of the Catholic Diocese of Bougainville, Michaeline Pau, has challenged the media to report accurate, balanced and fair stories.
Her challenge was made, following a published article in The National newspaper headlined: “Bougainville nurses await salaries” which appeared last year on Tuesday November 29.
The young and energetic secretary did not deny the fact nurses of Teoruki Health Centre in Tinputz were not paid their salaries, for five fortnights and understood the cries and pleas of her staff.
She also accepted the fact that a letter was received from the staff, regarding the salary matter.
“I visited some of the health centres and explained why the payments were not paid on time. But some weeks later some staff insisted and reported the matter to The National newspaper.” she said.
She claims that such actions taken by staff is unprofessional and did not follow protocol.
She described such journalists as lazy and unethical in their journalism code of ethics for not getting both sides of the story “before putting ink to your papers”.
“I call on the journalist to make sure that they should always balance stories, and get information from the relevant authorities. Interview many sources so that the story is well balanced.” she said.
Ms Pau explained that there was a shortfall in the staff budget and added that the Treasury office in Port Moresby is responsible for the delay because it did not release the funds on time.
“The problem was not with the Church Medical Council of PNG, but Treasury because they are the monitors of the public funds.” Ms Pau said.
Meanwhile Ms Pau said that the government and the churches should work together to deliver effective health services, since churches now own and run many schools and most nursing colleges in the county.
She said that churches provided about 50 per cent of the health services in urban and almost 90 per cent in rural areas, but is still recieving less funding under the State-church partnership program initiated in 2008, that needs to be reivewed so the government releases funds in a timely fashion.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Mutiny at PNG military headquarters
A group of men has seized and replaced the head of the Papua New Guinea defence force in what is believed to be linked to the power struggle between two senior politicians.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation says 12 to 20 men raided the military headquarters at Murray Barracks in the early hours of the morning.
They put Brigadier General Francis Agwi under house arrest and replaced him with a new commander, Yaura Sasa.
The action comes a day after the veteran politician, Sir Michael Somare, reiterated that he is the legitimate prime minister despite key institutions siding with Peter O’Neill who took control last August.
Source: The National
Court: Kulunga is top cop for now
THE National Court has ruled that Tom Kulunga will continue in his role as police commissioner until the constitutional matters on the row over the position is properly determined.
Justice Catherine Davani however cautioned Kulunga not to usurp the powers of the police commissioner by issuing punitive orders against Fred Yakasa.
She urged all parties involved in the case to maintain civility until the Supreme Court decided on the matter.
Yakasa, who was appointed by the Somare-led group on Dec 12, took the matter to court after he was sidelined by the regime led by Peter O’Neill.
Davani yesterday referred the matter to the Supreme Court for a reserved hearing on Feb 16.
She said the matter had to be adjourned to give time to Yakasa’s lawyer to serve the amended originating summons to all the parties involved in the case, including recent interveners, on or before Feb 2.
Davani said the amendments sought, in her view, were relevant and necessary to provide a foundation for the court to move forward and issue orders.
“I give leave to amend in the form of the originating summons attached to the affidavit of Christopher Niken sworn and filed on Jan 11 by Dotaona Lawyers,” she said.
“I find that I was not misled by the plaintiff. Both parties have put before me all relevant facts.
“All parties who have just joined have followed suit by filing affidavits stating their position.”
In her view, Yakasa’s action had revealed that there were serious issues to be decided by the Supreme Court before the National Court could proceed.
Davani ordered that the interim injunctive orders of Dec 16, 2011, preventing Kulunga and his agents from arresting, harassing, intimidating, approaching, hindering or interfering with Yakasa, his servants, agents, subordinates and commanders be complied with. And this will be in effect until after the hearing of the reservation and decisions.
She however explained the extension of the interim order did not make Yakasa and his agents immune to criminal acts while performing their duties as “policemen”.
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
Military raid in PNG
The head of Papua New Guinea's army, Defence Force Chief, Brigadier General Francis Agwi, has been placed under house arrest.
A senior source in the PNG defence force said a group of between 12 and 20 soldiers overpowered guards at the Taurama barracks at around 3am this morning.
They took the commanding officer captive then moved to Murray barracks and placed the Brigadier General Agwi, under house arrest.
The source said the former defence attache to Indonesia, a Colonel Safa, has now declared himself commander.
At this stage it's not clear if the incident is related to the conflict between Peter O'Neill and Sir Michael Somare over the country's prime ministership, or if it is the work of disgruntled soldiers.
When the conflict erupted last month, Commander Agwi, recognsied Mr O'Neill as the country's legitimate prime minister.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Drunkard lady out of control
by Aloysius Laukai
A small white ute droven by a drunken woman driver and full of druken malecounterparts with cans in their hands missed the New dawn Fm main steel gates at 0730hrs this morning.
The car was on full throtle when it failed to negotiate the raised road near New Dawn FM office on Buka island.
The car then got stuck in the mud and stopped completly.
Noone was hurt in what could have been a nasty road accident.
Police were called in but the car had already left the scene of the incident.

Source: Post-Courier
Book Co queried
THE Bougainville Education Division is frustrated over the delay of school materials - books - from the Web Books Company.
Chief executive officer Bruno Babato said that the books were ordered in August 2010, at a total cost of K450,000, but they never arrived.
The school materials were purchased for the two new high schools in the autonomous region- Haku Day High School and Koromira Technical High School.
“The materials were purchased, for the students in the two grade nine classes of the two schools to be used last year. Since the books were not delivered, these schools borrowed books from other high and secondary school in Bougainville. Until today we still do not know the whereabouts of these materials,” he said.
Mr Babato said that the division tried numerous attempts to contact the company, but this has proved unsuccessful.
“Since 2010 when the materials were purchased, we have not received any positive response from the company.
“We made four trips to Port Moresby, sent emails and did phone calls, to check the cause of the delay and ... we still were not properly informed. And today we are still waiting in vain,” Mr Babato said.
This year the two school will have their second intakes, but Mr Babato is concerned that the delay of the materials will affect both the new and pioner students’ learning.
The Bougainville Education Division has sought legal action against Web Books, filing an application with the lawyers of the National Department of Education (NDoE) to investigate the matter.
Post-Courier also made attempts yesterday calling the Web Company on three different numbers, landline, Digicel and Be-Mobile provided, but all calls went unanswered.
Source: The National
Bougainville Hospital will still charge medical fees, says director
THE Buka General Hospital will continue to charge patients fees for medical care, acting director of medical services Dr Mathias Tovilu said.
He said the announcement by the government last week that all medical services by hospitals nationwide would be free to the public was not being implemented at Buka Hospital.
“We have followed up with the secretary for health in Port Moresby and what he has advised us is that all hospitals will function, will charge fees, as usual,” he said.
“There has been no direction given from the Health Department to provide free health services to the people.”
He said until then charges for hospital services would remain.
“Our position is that until we get clear directions from the department, we will not provide free services.
“Outpatient, X-ray and blood test charges of K2 will remain and all admissions in the
adult wards will pay a hospital fee of K10,” Tovilu said.
He said from a personal point of view, free health services at this stage would not solve the many problems, including understaffing, drug shortage and poor facilities that hospitals throughout the country, including Buka, faced.
Tovilu said if hospitals were to provide free health services, it would not be quality services because the hospitals would be regularly short on medicines and funds.
“These days we buy medicines regularly from other sources because the supply of medicine through the normal government medical stores is not adequate and many times it does not arrive on time and they are always running out of stock.
“The money we get from charging hospital fees, once it ceases, is going to cause us a lot of problems because it will dry out the source of funds that we use to buy medicines,” he said.
Source: The National
Atoi gives car to cops
BOUGAINVILLE police at Kunua district, North Bougainville, have received a 10-seater vehicle from North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi.
Atoi said the work of supporting local law and order agencies did not lie with any one person but with everyone.
He said without law and order, “development would not take place in the region”.
He urged all agencies and politicians to work together to attract investors to the region and to ensure that government services flowed efficiently to the people.
“We can talk about all the other things but without law and order, all our talk will be a waste.
“Yes, we cannot accommodate everything but we must try by working together.
“It is all about the people, it is not about our self. Leadership is about making changes for our people,” he said.
The recently purchased police vehicle worth close to K200,000 adds to the three ambulances, two high school trucks and more than five sawmills given to the people of North Bougainville since Atoi took office last June.
“I am doing the best I can. With only six months to work in, I have made some progress.
“People should not judge me too quickly,” Atoi said responding to those who criticised his leadership.
Source: ESBC
ESBC press release 20120125
ESBC President Lauds Landowners!
“This proposal sounds interesting”, said the President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), Axel G. Sturm, on Wednesday in Andorra. “I consider it as truly fair as it is not at a disadvantage of anybody. Herewith the Landowners have really done a great job. Hopefully they will finally install their umbrella body so that the negotiations will start soon! The ESBC welcome the Panguna landowners as future fellow shareholders in our company.”
Only the landowner’s claim to repeal the still existing BCA sounds a bit harsh, said Mr. Sturm: “The ESBC will not accept that the actual legal situation will be changed unless a new deal is signed. Our company is linked to Bougainville for more than four decades. Therefore we will not allow any intermediate nor legal non binding position. We also will not accept that Bougainville Copper (BCL) to be represented by only one representative in future negotiations while all other groups - National Government, ABG and landowners - have two representatives.”
Please find here the landowner’s proposal concerned as attached PDF file!
Source: PNG Mine Watch
Panguna landholders want Copper Agreement Act repealed
By Poreni Umau
LANDOWNERS of the Bougainville Copper Mine have called on the government for the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) Act 1969 to be repealed, reports the Post Courier.
Panguna Landowners Association (PLA) stated that if Panguna Mine is to be re-opened, this has to be negotiated under a totally new agreement.
The landowner executives have consulted with their lawyers and the legal opinion is that, the landowners cannot participate in the BCA review as they were never a party to that agreement. The same goes for the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG).
The matter has been discussed in length by the six Panguna mine Lease Executives with the President and his Bougainville Executive Council Ministers over the past year.
They said that if Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) and the National Government want to talk about re-opening the Panguna mine with them, then the whole BCA Act must be repealed.
However, both the government and BCL must first agree to re-open the mine, they said.
They have called on the Bougainvillean MPs to bring to the attention of parliament through the Prime Minister and the Mining Minister that BCL and the National Government must first agree to repeal the BCA Act if they want ABG and the Panguna Landowners to come to a negotiation table to discuss the re-opening of the mine .
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Kunua Police
By Aloysius Laukai
Kunua Police today officially recieved their new police car from the ABG member for Tewa constituency and Minister for LLG and communications, JOE NOPE at the Kunua district office.
The car was paid for by the member for North Bougainville,Lauta Atoi recently.
PPC Chief inspector Cletus Tsien in his official remarks thanked the member for donating the vehicle to the district.
And he called on the police officers to look after the vehicle in the cause of their duty.
He said this was the first time for the police from Kunua to have a vehicle.

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Bougainville President talks of visit to former Philippines insurgents
The President of Papua New Guinea's autonomous island of Bougainville, John Momis, has just returned from the Philippines where he has been looking at the re-integration of militants into the community after a conflict, and talking to investors.
During his visit, President Momis spent time in the Philippines capital Manilla, in the port city of Cebu and on the island of Mindanao.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government
Listen here !
GARRETT: Bougainville is set to hold a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea sometime between 2015 and 2020.
President Momis is determined that by that time, his civil-war shattered islands will have built a lasting peace and have enough economic self-reliance to be able to make a real choice.
His latest hunt for investors and for new ideas to sustain the peace process has taken him to the Philippines.
On Mindanao, he saw the results of a peace process that has been working to reduce the impact of a decades-old Muslim insurgency.
MOMIS: I met some of the former rebel leaders, who have became mayors and secretaries of the new government, and the general feeling is that you create rebels when you marginalise them. And the best way of re-integrating them is to bring them on-stream, involving them in decision-making, giving them a voice, empowering them through participation in socio-economic development.
GARRETT: And how do you plan to do that on Bougainville?
MOMIS: We've invited some businessmen to come and go into joint venture with us; banana plantation, pineapple plantation, chicken projects, and even fishing. This will be the first time ever in Bougainville. In all these years we couldn't get anyone interested in doing these kinds of things, so we are very happy if people are happy to come and work with us.
GARRETT: President Momis says a delegation of investors from the Philippines is due to arrive in Bougainville in 2 weeks time.
MOMIS: First of all, we've got to get the agreement to come and assess for themselves but we are quite confident that with the kind of technology and capital that they have, we being the resource owners, I think we can strike up a good deal.
GARRETT: Further steps with reconciliation and the peace process are also on President Momis' agenda.
The top priority, he says, is to create an environment conducive to weapons disposal.
MOMIS: You can't just tell them to hand in their guns unless they are gainfully employed in money-making activities, as well as in decision-making. And that is why our aim is to strengthen our COE's, Council of Elders, and set up places or centres where skills can be transferred and we can involve them in food growing rice and other vegetables, furniture-making.
GARRETT: The biggest trouble spot on Bougainville is in the south where 200-300 people are estimated to have died in the last 5 years. What sort of priority are you be putting on that area?
MOMIS: Just before Xmas we signed an amazingly successful cease-fire agreement with about ten thousand people. And we intend to involve them in social and economic development, involving them in these kinds of things, as well as in training them and perhaps even setting up some kind of vocational school. We've had Bougainville university students who spent their holidays going around talking to a lot of the people, explaining autonomy, explaining the timeline that we have, the need for reaching international standards, rule of law - all of these concepts that are talked about in the Bougainville peace agreement. These students spent their own free time to go and explain to the people and the feedback I am getting is that they've been very successful.
GARRETT: Some time has passed since that breakthrough was signed. How different is the feeling down there?
MOMIS: You now have former resistance fighters and BRAs (members of the Bougainville Revolutionary army) playing sports, attending meetings to discuss what they should do from now on, you know, in the terms of getting weapons disposal effectively carried out. So there is a lot of difference since the signing of the peace agreement. People are now moving around freely. It 'll take some time to actually get everybody to feel that way but at least leaders are committed to it and so far we have had good news from the area.
Source: PNG exposed
Arthur Somare, Peter Ipitas and David Dotaona named in Kulunga bribery case
Alice Kimbu, of Purua lawyers, has filed a sworn affidavit [see below] in the National court that alleges Mr Peter Iptas, the Enga Governor, MP Arthur Somare and lawyer David Dotaona conspired to offer her a bribe of K200,000 to swap sides in the legal proceedings over the contested Police Commissioners position.
Alice Kimbu is acting for Police Commission Tom Kulunga in legal proceedings brought by Fred Yakasa in which he claims he is the rightful police chief, having been appointed by Michael Somare after his Supreme Court case decision last month.
Ms Kimbu says the bribe was offered to her on Sunday January 8 while she was in a vehicle with David Dotaona, the lawyer for Fred Yakasa, who has already been arrested on charges of trying to pervert the course if justice by organizing the bribe.
Kimbu also alleges that after the bribe was offered by Ipitas she was taken to a breakfast meeting with MP Arhur Somare who was informed of Mr Ipitas’ offer to her and told her that if she wanted anything else she was to talk to Mr Dotaona.
Read here lawyer Alice Kimbu's affidavit !
Source: Post-Courier
PLA want BCA repealed
LANDOWNERS of the Bougainville Copper Mine have called on the government for the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) Act 1969 to be repealed.
Panguna Landowners Association (PLA) stated that if Panguna Mine is to be re-opened, this has to be negotiated under a totally new agreement (find out below!).
The landowner executives have consulted with their lawyers and the legal opinion is that, the landowners cannot participate in the BCA review as they were never a party to that agreement. The same goes for the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG).
The matter has been discussed in length by the six Panguna mine Lease Executives with the President and his Bougainville Executive Council Ministers over the past year.
They said that if Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) and the National Government want to talk about re-opening the Panguna mine with them, then the whole BCA Act must be repealed.
However, both the government and BCL must first agree to re-open the mine, they said.
They have called on the Bougainvillean MPs to bring to the attention of parliament through the Prime Minister and the Mining Minister that BCL and the National Government must first agree to repeal the BCA Act if they want ABG and the Panguna Landowners to come to a negotiation table to discuss the re-opening of the mine.
Click here and read what the Panguna landowners claim for !
Source: The National
Bougainville works on quality checks
QUALITY checks on the electoral rolls in the Autonomous Bougainville Government will be completed this month, electoral commissioner Raitama Taravaru says.
The exercise was behind schedule but Taravaru is confident it would be completed by the end of the month.
Quality check for South Bougainville had been completed with the updated data sent to Port Moresby last week.
The electoral office began updating the rolls for Central Bougainville last Saturday. It expects to dispatch the data to Port Moresby by Friday.
The PNG Electoral Commissioner had set the end of the month as the deadline for all quality check exercises to be completed.
This is to allow time for the objection period,” Taravaru said.
Source: The National
Somare accused of recklessly spending K76.6 billion
SIR Michael Somare’s regime has been accused of spending K76.6 billion in the past six years without the country seeing any tangible changes.
Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah, while launching his PNG Party’s first provincial electoral office at 14-Mile outside Lae last Saturday, said a few “selfish and corrupt ministers” in the Somare regime had benefited from the money.
He claimed they were the same people fighting to have Sir Michael back as prime minister so they could have access to state funds to benefit themselves and their families.
He called on voters to be careful who they gave their ticks to in the general election.
The Vanimo-Green MP said the government wanted to make sure that the people got what was owed to them.
He mentioned the free education policy and free medical services for the people.
He revealed initiatives by the government to push for 100% ownership of resources by landowners with the government receiving taxes and fees benefits.
A new ministry - ministry of religious affairs - would be created by the government with one tenth of the country’s budget to be used to further the work of recognised Christian churches in the country.
“The prime minister and I have a good working relationship and believe in the cause to change the nation,” Namah said.
The government was also committed to making sure work on the Lae port begins next week, he said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka town street roads are currently being upgraded.
These streets have been neglected for so many years however drainage system for these roads must also be included in these upgrades for the roads to last.

Pictured are workmen upgrading the stretch of road between BMF and Mark Murava building on the back street.
Source: PNG Attitude
A day in the life of an expat in Bougainville
I can hear the sound of sweeping; I can always hear it at this time of morning. The women do it every day, sweeping clean the sandy ground that surrounds our houses in the village. I can feel a dampness on my pillow. It rained heavily during the night, and there’s a small gap in the sago-palm roofing, just above my head.
Rising, I step outside and walk across our yard to the well, to haul water for my shower. Then I hear someone calling out to me. “Wara i stap, Alice!” It’s Sandy, my host mum, letting me know that today she has beat me to it.
Sandy is from a village about an hour north, and married to a man from the clan here. The two of them became good friends with my mom when she worked here with the recently-formed government of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville–a region which was part of Papua New Guinea, and gained its autonomous status after a civil war which lasted around a decade and ended in 2001.
Through connections I made when I once went to visit my mom, I’ve ended up back here, working as an intern with a development agency in the regional capital, and living in the village with Sandy, her husband, and their teenage son. Sandy tells me they consider me their daughter. I believe her: I’m twenty-three years old and they won’t let me go out past nine on a Friday night.
The water in the buckets which Sandy has filled is brackish, since the well is only a short distance from the sea, so I take a small bottle to our rainwater tank and fill that too, for rinsing my hair. Only a little though–our tank once ran dry after a long period without rain, leaving us with no source of drinkable water except the jerry cans which Sandy had filled in advance.
I shower on a raised platform outside, gazing at the sky overhead, my privacy ensured by three walls of tarpaulin and a shower curtain.
After a quick breakfast of fresh fruits and coffee, I take my umbrella and leave the house. It doesn’t often rain at this time of morning, but the sun is now intense and I need the umbrella for shade.
I bump into Margaret, a middle-aged woman who lives on the other side of the hibiscus hedge from us. I think she’s the cousin of Sandy’s husband, Frank, but I’m not sure–relationships are complex here, and I don’t know exactly how they all fit together.
Margaret’s also on her way to work, so together we turn onto the main road, a short strip of tar-seal which leads into town in one direction, and abruptly turns into a pot-holed dirt highway in the other. As we walk, we stori — one of my favourite Pidgin words (both to say and to do), and which more or less means “chat.”
The road’s busy at this time of morning, with ute-loads of workers heading into town from the outlying villages, uniformed school children waiting for the next bus, and women walking back from their daily swim in the sea, the wet sarongs in which they have washed still clinging to them.
Other women are heading to the gardens behind the palm trees on the side of the road furthest from the beach, carrying a machete and sometimes a small child, ready for the day’s work. We greet every passer-by, the response always accompanied by a smile stained red from chewing betelnut, and the path spattered blood-red with spittle.
Twenty minutes later, I reach my office, grateful that the air-conditioning is working today. The focus of my internship here is human rights, a challenging sector in a post-conflict region. Violence against women and children, for example, is perpetrated at alarmingly high rates.
Papua New Guinea is party to international human rights treaties designed to protect people from such violations, and my job here is ostensibly about making those treaties a reality at the grassroots, by providing support to those who are already working to defend human rights. This means working with everyone from government, to civil society organizations, to activist-nuns.
But I realise there is a limit to what I can achieve during a 10-week internship off the back of university, and my role here first and foremost is to learn as much as possible.
After a few hours standard office admin – email and the like – my boss suggests I accompany him to a youth workshop, and asks me to run a session on human rights. It’s not something I’m prepared for, but I’m getting used to the “expect the unexpected” approach to dealing with life here.
We jump in a ‘banana boat,’ a small, open boat with a 25-horsepower engine, and head to the other of the two main islands which comprise Bougainville. The passage between these two is fast-flowing and narrow, but since the weather’s fine today, our journey is smooth and takes only five minutes.
There, we are greeted by a large group of youth waiting inside an open-air hall. They come from a rural constituency and range in age from 18 to over 30. “Youth” is a broad term here, and refers to anyone who is no longer in school but is not yet married.
Someone takes a coconut husk and wipes the whiteboard clean, and I begin the session with a brainstorming exercise on the human rights issues faced by the local communities.
The participants come up with a long list of issues: violence against women and children, rape, forced marriage, child marriage, discrimination on the grounds of gender or HIV status, and on it goes. They next form into small groups, pick one issue, and together discuss what practical steps they could take to address this issue within their communities.
When the groups report back, the spokesperson for the first group is a young man with dreadlocks, a green t-shirt, and gums stained red by years of betelnut-chewing. He talks about the issue of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDs.
Half-way through, he introduces a second spokesperson, a young woman he explains was chosen “to show gender equity, you know.” Their group has come up with five practical activities to address the discrimination, ranging from running awareness events on HIV/AIDs, to supporting those who are directly affected by it.
When the workshop finishes, I boat back to the office and snack on ice-cream whilst typing up a report from some recent stakeholder consultations. Normally I have a more substantial lunch like saksak, a pudding-like dish made from sago palm cooked in coconut milk, wrapped inside banana leaves. But they’ve stopped selling the usual cooked food at the markets as part of the safety precautions in place to stem the recent cholera outbreak.
We live next to Tatok, a popular local band who make music by beating bamboo drums with the soles of old flip-flops.
Following a last-minute NGO meeting in the afternoon, I leave town in time to make it back to the village just before dinner. Dinner, like the dark, always comes early. Sandy has cooked tonight, over the open fire outside. Like most nights, it’s rice topped with instant noodles and a few vegetables, with a sweet potato (or savory banana) on the side, and a spinach-like green called ibika. Occasionally we have fish, if a friend’s had a good day out fishing.
Most of life is lived outside, and eating is no exception. Sitting under the overhang of our house, a fluorescent light is buzzing above us, forming a counterpoint to the rhythmic, popping beat coming from next door, behind Margaret’s house.
It’s Tatok, a popular local band who make music by beating bamboo drums with the soles of old flip-flops. It’s surprisingly harmonious, and I count us lucky to be neighbors, especially when it’s time for band practice.
There’s a smell of coconut in the air from the copra, or dried coconut kernel, which Sandy has been making to sell. It’s hard to see much beyond the flecks of orange from the charcoal fire, and the darkness is heavy–a new moon and cloudy skies. I think it’s going to rain.
With the falling of the dark has come a coolness, so we sit out there and we stori a while. Sometimes Sandy’s husband Francis will tell me stories from the war, about the various places he sought refuge.
But tonight the conversation is more lighthearted, as Sandy tells us of her previous life, long ago, when she was a flight attendant for an international airline. She regales us with the tale of the time she and her fellow stewardesses went clubbing in Singapore. “But we were silly back then,” she says, as though she needs to justify her youth.
* Living in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, Alice Banfield spent her time stori-ing with her adopted family, running post-conflict human rights workshops, and trying not to get rained on throughout the night

MOST DAYS I WAKE around six, and today is no different. It’s already light, but the sun is still low enough behind the coconut trees outside my room that I don’t have to face its full intensity for a little while yet. Later, it’ll start streaming in through the gaps in the bamboo weave which make up my walls.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis urged people to work for change
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chief John Momis has urged Bougainvilleans to work for change.
President Momis made this statement last Friday in Buka, after returning from Philippines, where he underwent medical treatment.
“As Bougainvilleans, we should work together for change, by contributing meaningfully to the developments of Bougainville.” he said.
He said independence for Bougainville is a “joint effort” mechanism, which every stakeholder has roles to play for the betterment of Bougainville.
“Full autonomy for Bougainville lies on our hands. We have to work and stand together, and strive for our future.” he said.
One social issue Momis highlighted, is the attitude problem. He said Bougainville will persevere, only if people have a listening heart.
“Our attitude needs to change. We should have a heart for everything we do. By developing such good attitudes, we should accomplish our dreams and not be spoon-fed all the time, but be being self reliant.” he said.
Momis also said the ABG government will work to implement education as a national priority. He said education is the vehicle of change that will drive developments in the autonomous region.
“Bougainville needs an educated society. By educating the people, they will have a deeper understanding of confronting issues.” Momis said.
Meantime Chief Momis said networking is vital which strengthens bilateral relationships.
“Building relationships with other countries is essential. Bougainville as an autonomous region will continue to strengthen its bilateral relationship with other countries” he said.
Momis added Bougainville has a bright future destined for independence.
Source: Post-Courier
Elections set for June - Trawen
PAPUA New Guinea’s 2012 June Elections is ready to go, Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen announced in Port Moresby yesterday.
And the Electoral Roll (formerly the Common Roll) will be ready in time for polling come June 23, 2012.
Further, a total of two million eligible voters have been registered on the roll out of approximately 4.3 million eligible voters for the 2012 elections.
Mr Trawen also defended the appointments of election managers and electoral officials throughout the country stressing that they have been done on merit and not by “choice and nepotism” as alleged by some Members of Parliament last Friday during Parliament Sitting.
Mr Trawen was responding to a series of questions raised in Parliament last Friday by Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah, Western Province Governor Dr Bob Danaya and several other MPs during Grievance debate and Question Time.
Mr Namah accused Mr Trawen of allegedly appointing his cronies in his electorate while Dr Danaya (backed by Namah) also accused him and the District Election officers of deliberately deleting his name from the Electoral Roll in his Western Province.
They both said that Mr Trawen has failed the Electoral Roll miserably and that action should be taken on him if he did not perform his duties on time to allow for the elections to proceed on time.
But Mr Trawen yesterday assured the people of Papua New Guinea that he was ready to roll the elections and that the Electoral Roll for the 2012 elections will be ready on time for polling which begins on June 23.
He blamed Treasury for not releasing the funds on time to carry out the electoral roll update on time in 2011.
“The Electoral Roll update work has not failed and I want to assure the people of Papua New Guinea that the Electoral Roll for the 2012 elections will be ready on time for polling which begins on June 23,” Mr Trawen said.
“We expect to deliver the 2012 preliminary electoral roll in early February for public display and objection nationwide before it is finalized for the June polls,” he said.
“Had funding for electoral roll update work in 2011 been released by the Treasury in a timely manner or even front-loaded instead of on a piecemeal basis all fieldwork in the provinces should have been completed and all elector data should have been completed by now.”
He said the electoral roll update work was progressing well on a 24-hour basis with recruitment of additional data processing officers, roll auditors and checkers plus the purchase of additional 30 computers to speed up the work.
He said so far rolls for six provinces have been completed and they include Central, Northern, Milne Bay, Gulf, National Capital District and West New Britain.
Data entry for six more provinces will be completed this week to bring the number of provinces to 12 and they include East New Britain, New Ireland, Manus, West Sepik and Morobe.
“Generally, Southern, New Guinea Islands and Momase are set to have their preliminary rolls ready before the end of this month (January) except for Bougainville and Western Province while the Family Order listing concept is taking a long time for fieldwork to be completed in the Highlands.
Eastern Highlands, Chimbu, Hela and Southern Highlands provinces have parts of their preliminary ward rolls printed and ready for objection while field work is still in progress for Jiwaka, Western highlands and Enga with data yet to be dispatched to Port Moresby for processing.
Source: The National
MPs urged not to use Sir Michael as puppet
POLITICIANS in the Somare camp should stop using Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare as a puppet to smear the commendable reputation he built during the past 40 years, a former National Alliance Party life member says.
Rasis Gorondowe, from Daulo district, Eastern Highlands, said in Goroka last Friday: “It is time Sir Michael is left alone to recover from his heart operation.
“MPs in his camp must stop using him as a puppet to pursue personal interests,” Gondorowe said.
He said it appeared Madang MP Sir Arnold Amet, suspended Angoram MP Arthur Somare, Pomio MP Paul Tiensten and Southern Highlands Governor Anderson Agiru were using Sir Michael as a tool to pursue their own interests.
“Sir Michael has achieved a lot for Papua New Guinea.
“But it is now time for young vibrant leaders of the likes of Peter O’Neill to take charge of the country.
“They must now leave him alone and provide a minority opposition for the remaining four months before the general election,” Gorondowe said.
Source: The National
Churches want O’Neill and Sir Michael to talk
THE Papua New Guinea Council of Churches has written to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and Sir Michael Somare expressing the people’s disappointment over the political impasse.
In a letter dated Jan 19 and signed by Catholic Archbishop of Port Moresby John Ribat and Anglican Bishop of Port Moresby Peter Ramsden, they said they were willing to arrange a peace meeting between the two leaders.
“We are unhappy about the situation we are in.
“The issue of prime minister and police commissioner are not resolved yet. The people of PNG watched helplessly, the MPs quarrelling in the floor of the parliament on Jan 18,” they said in the letter.
“We, the members of the PNG Council of Churches, under the chairmanship of moderator Samson Lowa, are ready to facilitate a forum for a dialogue of both the leaders to resolve the issues amicably.
“We are ready to arrange the place and the facilitators for this dialogue if both of you agree.”
Source: Post-Courier
BDA gives beds
THE Border Development Authority (BDA) through its social services program, has once again donated 13 hospital beds to Bougainville’s rural and remote health centres.
The beds were officially handed over to the Bougainville Health Chief Executive Officer Anthony Pumpara, on Wednesday, by BDA regional co-ordinator, John Rea.
Some of these beds will be distributed to some of the most remote areas of Bougainville especially the atolls islands of Mortlock, Tasman, Fead, and Caterets.
“On behalf of the Heath Department, I would like to thank BDA for their kind assistance. They have helped us in a lot of ways and are also funding the maintenance of our other health centres.” said Dr Pumpara.
These beds for the remote atoll health centres have already been loaded onto the BDA vessel MV Bougainville Atolls, and by this weekend they will arrive in Caterets Fead and Nissan islands in the oceanic outskirts of the region.
BDA co-ordinator on Bougainville John Rea said, BDA is funding a lot of small scale projects like, the maintenance of school classrooms, distribution of 34 water tanks t and also portable saw mills.
The BDA vessel itself has now got a fixed schedule between Buka and Rabaul and the atolls of Bougainville bringing a much needed service to the people.
Source: Resource Investing News
The Commodity Investor: China, Industrial Metals and the 2012 Base Metals Outlook
By Amine Bouchentouf
Columnist Amine Bouchentouf is a partner at Parador Capital LLC [2], an institutional advisory firm focused on commodities and emerging markets. He is the author of the bestselling Commodities For Dummies, published by Wiley. Amine is also the founder of Commodities Investors LLC [3], an advisory firm dedicated to providing insightful information on all things commodities.
While many casual market observers seem to know of China's growing importance in the commodities markets, very few people have a solid understanding of what that actually means. Over the last five years, China's growing importance in the global economy and commodities has been staggering and cannot be overstated.
China now accounts for over 40 percent of global copper [4] consumption; 50 percent of global iron [5] ore consumption; and 48 percent of global coal [6] consumption. Even more important is that China's consumption of key commodities is increasing year-over-year, both in relative and absolute terms.
China surpassed Japan to become the second-largest consumer of oil [7] globally, right behind the United States. In fact, China has catapulted past economic powerhouses such as Germany, Japan and the UK to become the second largest economy in the world—and growing at a staggering 8-10 percent per annum. Therefore, one of the biggest market drivers influencing commodities in 2012—and particularly base metal commodities—will be the strength or weakness of Chinese economic growth.
Can we expect a Chinese hard landing?
Over the last couple of years, many market observers predicted a “hard landing” in the Chinese economy. Investors such as hedge fund manager Jim Chanos went so far as calling China “the big short.” However, China's economy grew 9.6 percent in 2008, 9.2 percent in 2009 and 10.3 percent in 2010; even in 2011 it grew by a staggering 9.1 percent, proving many economists and investors wrong.
This growth is helping put a floor on commodities such as crude oil and iron ore. While we have seen prices for key industrial metals such as copper and aluminum decline in 2011, that decline would have been much steeper were it not for Chinese demand helping keep prices from succumbing to a total free fall.
At the same time, China is an export-driven economy and so is vulnerable to a global economic slowdown. Specifically, it is not immune to a European sovereign debt crisis which could have reverberations worldwide. Already we saw prices drop precipitously for base metals in 2011. Copper dropped 23 percent for the year, aluminum declined by 19 percent while other industrial metals such as lead [8], nickel [9] and zinc [10] were each down anywhere between 20 percent and 25 percent. Many of these price declines can be attributed directly to the fear of contagion from a European economic meltdown.
If Europe does implode, that will have a significant effect on China since the Eurozone is one of China's biggest export markets. In such a scenario, China's economy will cool down and that will decrease its appetite for commodities. On the flip side, if the European sovereign debt situation is contained you can expect China to remain strong which will be bullish for commodities in general and industrial metals in particular. Therefore, in the current macroeconomic environment China's economic strength will depend to a large extent on the health of the global economy.
Industrial metals are the best indicators for global economic health due to their ability to measure global industrial consumption and production trends. Given 2011, what strategies should investors be considering in 2012?
What's an investor to do?
The most prudent strategy at the moment is a monitoring strategy: closely monitor the economic data coming out of China, but also other key countries such as the United States and Europe. Equities still provide the most convenient exposure to industrial commodities, especially companies with exposure to both emerging market growth as well as OECD demand.
One company I recommend monitoring closely is VALE [11] (NYSE:VALE [12]), the Brazilian mining giant which is the world's leading producer of iron ore, the key material for steel. VALE exports a large amount of iron to China, and is thus a good indicator of Chinese industrial activity. The company's shares were down 35 percent in 2011, in line with the global demand slowdown for base metals. If there is a rebound in Chinese demand, expect VALE to be one of the main beneficiaries; this is a company I'll be watching carefully, especially if Chinese economic data shows signs of strength.
In Latin America, Brazil is by far the leading supplier and producer of iron ore; however, another up-and-comer in the Latin American iron industry is Peru. Peru has a rich mining tradition and is a leading global producer of copper and lead. Recently, the country is also diversifying into iron ore production. This is a play I like because of Peru's developed mining infrastructure which includes railways and advanced port infrastructure ready for export; what's more, Peru's geographic location gives it a natural edge over other Latin American competitors since it lies in the Pacific Ocean and faces directly the largest iron ore market: China.
One company that can offer you Peruvian iron exposure is Cuervo Resources [13] (CNSX:FE,FWB:CRR [14]). Cuervo has been operating in Peru for several years and has active prospecting and drilling activity on over 25,000 hectares in the country. The company has a resource estimate indicating 56 million tonnes of iron that's measured and indicated. While still not in production, investors looking to get exposure to Peru should take a look at this stock.
In the copper space, I recommend keeping a close eye on Freeport-McMoRan [15] (NYSE:FCX [16]). Freeport is the world's largest copper producer, and owns the largest copper mine in the world: Indonesia's Grasberg mine in the Papua province. It does a lot of business with China and other key countries, so it's a good company to track for a potential rebound in copper prices.
Another company in the copper space that I'm watching is CuOro Resources [17] (TSXV:CUA [18]), which gives you exposure to up-and-coming copper mines in Colombia. It's well known that Chile is an important and mature player in Latin American copper markets, but Colombia is becoming an increasingly important producer in the region. This is a company that can give you that kind of exposure.
The bottom line is that 2012 will provide very interesting opportunities for the discerning investor. Monitor the data very carefully, and keep an eye out for momentum trades with a focus on key base metals such as iron ore and copper.
Securities Disclosure: Amine Bouchentouf, hold no direct interest in the companies mentioned in this article.
Article printed from Resource Investing News:
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[1] Resource Investing News:
[2] Parador Capital LLC:
[3] Commodities Investors LLC:
[4] copper:
[5] iron:
[6] coal:
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[8] lead:
[9] nickel:
[10] zinc:
[11] VALE:
[12] VALE:
[13] Cuervo Resources:
[14] CRR:
[15] Freeport-McMoRan:
[16] FCX:
[17] CuOro Resources:
[18] CUA:
Source: Post-Courier
SPF gives K10 million for Bougainville women
WOMEN of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have received a New Year’s blessing of $US2,518 230 million (5,736,287) in grants from the State and Peace Building Fund (SPF).
The World Bank has funded the Inclusive Developers in Post Conflict Bougainville (IDIB) project that focuses in developing the capacity of women’s organisation.
According to project co-ordinator David Haputo, the project aims in providing an environment for women to actively participate in community development activities and decision making.
He said this will enable women in the 13 district of the autonomous region, to contribute to the building of post conflict, social capital at community levels.
Funds worth K20,000 he said, have been equally distributed to each district, which they are entitled to apply twice. “Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are the key project partners that will facilitate and implement the three year IDIB program.” he said.
He said the program comprises of three components which looks at strengthening and supporting women’s priorities in development activities.
Projects to be implemented include , building capacity for inclusive community developments;
n Small grants for inclusive community development and
n Project management, knowledge sharing and networking.
Haputo said the weakened capacity of women as agents of change with their communities and the low capacity of government departments working at the local level are widely viewed as significant challenges to development efforts. Meanwhile the Capacity Needs Assessment is being conducted in Tinputz and Arawa.
Haputo said the assessment will help to create recommendations for further training to proceed.
Source: Post-Courier
Telikom’s wireless phones sell like hot cakes in Buka
Going for the cheap call rates … customers lined up the Kieta wharf in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to purchase Telikom’s fixed wireless telephones. Telikom’s sales team recently conducted outdoor sales in Buka and Awara following the completion of two towers that are radiating the wireless voice and internet coverage with the Bougainvilleans welcoming Telikom’s low rates of 2 toea per minute for calls, 1 toea sms and 29 toea per Mb for internet connectivity.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Piano peace games a success’
THE Piano Peace and Reconciliation Games held at the Piano Parish station in the Makis constituency in Buin, South Bougainville, recently were hailed as a success.
The two-week tournament which was held from January 2-10 was funded by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma.
Kamma had chipped in with a timely K10,000 sponsorship, resulting in the successful staging of the games.
Akoa soccer team was crowned the champions after defeating Caltex, in the men’s soccer finals while Topi Rocks defeated Black United to claim the third spot.
In the women’s finals, Tigers claimed the major title defeating Brothers, while Caltex proved too strong for Akoa taking out the third place.
In the men’s volleyball, Lombas claimed the first placing after defeating K-Crew, while Rescuers and Akoa settled for third and fourth placings respectively.
Yama were crowned the champions after crushing Muka 2 in the womens division, while Caltex claimed the third position after coming out victors against Maluatu 2.
In the Konga area of Siwai, Rataiku 1 men’s soccer team were crowned the champions of the inaugural Jomik Cup after defeating Konga 1 on Monday.
The tournament which was held in Konga, Siwai district of South Bougainville, saw the boys from the mountains in the Ramu constituency area proving too strong for their Kopii constituency opponents defeating them 2-1 to claim the Jomik Cup and K3000 in cash prize.
Though both teams were evenly matched throughout the game, it was the Rataiku boys who had the last laugh, leaving Konga 1 going home with the runners-up title and a cash prize of K2000.
In the third and fourth playoffs, Ruhwaku 2 proved their critics wrong by defeating Wantoks 2-1.
Ruhwaku 2 also pocketed K1500, while Wantoks netted K800.
The weeklong tournament which had attracted a total of fourteen teams was sponsored by one of Bougainville’s leading business company, Jomik Limited.
The next tournament is expected to be held in 2015
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville gear up for PNG Games
THE Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation (ABSF) has assured that team Bougainville is ready to participate in this year’s PNG Games to be held in East New Britain.
ABSF secretary Robert Semoso said that plans and preparations are underway, which aims to build the athletes of team Bougainville.
“We have finalised selections however within the remaining months before the games, we will run tournaments in each district. This is to make sure, a competent team is send to defend the title team Bougainville has won,” he said.
He said Bougainville is expected to send a contingent of 4000 athletes and technical officials. Athletes will compete in 17 codes.
Semoso further said to make it work, ABSF will focus in developing individual codes, emphasising on training level.
“In the last PNG Games held at Port Moresby in 2009, team Bougainville finished fifth on the ladder with very high performance. This year we would like to move further up,” he said.
“Affiliation fee of K500 was approved and has to be paid by each code before April this year.”
He added ABSF will not tolerate any late payments.
In the meantime, Semoso said ABSF has budgeted K800,000 for the PNG Games.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has allocated K500,000 while there is still a shortfall of K300,000.
Semoso called on all business houses to support team Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Sir Michael demands PM seat
GRAND Chief Sir Michael Somare yesterday pulled a stunner when he made an unexpected entry onto the floor of Parliament and presented a petition demanding vacation of the Prime Minister’s seat.
Sir Michael, backed by the referrer of the Supreme Court Reference, Governor of East Sepik, Peter Wararu and a member of his constituency, Tony Aimo walked into the Chamber of Parliament while NCD Governor Powes Parkop was asking a question to the Agriculture minister Sir Puka Temu on the issue of the Indonesian rice monopoly in PNG.
Bulolo MP Sam Basil was the first MP to raise a point of order when Sir Michael walked in tailed by Kairuku Hiri MP Paru Aihi, Nipa Kutubu MP Philemon Embel, Pomio MP Paul Tiensten, Nawaeb MP Timothy Bonga and Middle Ramu Ben Semri. “Mr Speaker, there’s a point of order here, I think we have a stranger in the floor of Parliament here,” Mr Basil said.
“Take him out, there is a process to follow here and ….,” his voice buried amongst the screams from his fellow MPs yelling at Sir Michael to get out with his team.
Confusion reigned with everybody screaming from all corners of the Chambers for Sir Michael and his team to get out of the Parliament Chambers, some even alluding to some of the team members as “conmen”.
Deputy Speaker Francis Marus made several orders for silence but his voice was buried among the shouting politicians in the chamber.
He repeatedly announced the dismissal of Sir Michael as an MP but voices from the back benchers and MPs present took precedence. “I will stand by Speaker Nape, therefore I will ask the Grand Chief Sir Michael to leave the chambers,” he said eventually suspending the Parliament to 10 am today.
Sir Michael and his team stressed yesterday that they will continue to be in the chambers to petition the Speaker until the Supreme Court decision of December 12 is enforced.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill had a show of strength before responding to the saga by holding a press conference at the State function room.
He told the nation that Sir Michael, being the oldest MP in the history of politics in PNG “breached the code of ethics” as a leader and his actions were “acts of desperation”.
“This is a shameful act! He is no longer a member of Parliament…and Arthur Somare, cannot enter Parliament because he’s on suspension,” Mr O’Neill said.
The Grand Chief on Tuesday visited the Speaker of Parliament Jeffery Nape to urge him to comply with the Supreme Court Order of December 12, 2011.
Sir Michael called on Mr Nape to allocate seats in parliament so his members could take their rightful seats in compliance with Order number 3, 4 and 6 of the Supreme Court Order.
But late yesterday afternoon Prime Minister’s Media Unit sent out a statement to advise that a major announcement will be made on the floor of Parliament this morning.
“This is to inform all respective newsrooms that a major announcement regarding parliament and constitutional processes will be made on the floor of parliament from the office of the Speaker tomorrow morning,” the notice said.
Source: The National
Somare’s visit disrupts house
THE row over who the legitimate government is came to a head in parliament yesterday after Sir Michael Somare made an unannounced appearance.
It triggered off a heated exchange of words with MPs loyal to Peter O’Neill as Sir Michael walked up to the speaker’s chair to deliver a copy of the Supreme Court order of Dec 12.
The court order had restored Sir Michael as prime minister.
The confrontation forced Deputy Speaker Francis Marus to suspend the sitting after he ordered Sir Michael to leave the parliamentary chamber.
The heated exchanges included one in which Kerowagi MP Guma Wau called Nawaeb MP Timothy Bonga a criminal. Wau pointed a finger at Bonga and challenged him to a fight. But he was stopped by other MPs.
Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah shouted across the floor to remove the “stranger” (Sir Michael) who he claimed was no longer an MP.
The session started with the morning prayer and Question Time.
NCD Governor Powes Parkop was directing questions at Agriculture Minister Sir Puka Temu on the Trukai rice advertisement on another rice firm that wanted to take over a monopoly over rice production and supply.
It was then that Sir Michael and his group came into the chamber, stood at the back until Parkop completed his questions.
Sir Michael’s group of about 20 MPs then walked to the speaker’s chair where Sir Michael presented the court order.
Bulolo MP Sam Basil raised a point of order that there was a “stranger” on the floor. Sir Michael replied: “Who is the stranger?”
Sir Michael later told the media that the move was to petition the speaker to enforce the Supreme Court ruling in allocating his government members their rightful seats in parliament.
He said he was not a “stranger” after winning nine general elections and serving 44 uninterrupted years as the member for East Sepik.
On Tuesday afternoon, Sir Michael visited the Speaker of Parliament, Jeffery Nape, to urge him to comply with the Supreme Court order of Dec 12, 2011.
He said his group was making a point that they were MPs who should be allocated their rightful places in the house.
Sir Michael was accompanied by the referrer of the Supreme Court reference, East Sepik Governor Peter Wararu and a member of his constituency, Tony Aimo, into the parliamentary chamber.
He said his members merely followed parliamentary procedures by petitioning the acting speaker with the court order so that parliament could comply with.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill described the action of Sir Michael and his followers as “disgraceful and disrespectful”.
“There are a handful of MPs who stubbornly use the old man in that manner for their own political gain,” O’Neill said.
“You cannot serve court orders in parliament and it is disgraceful because parliament is a separate arm of government.”
Source: The National
O’Neill warns Somare of arrest
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has warned that leaders who bring shame to parliament will face contempt of parliament charges.
“If (Sir Michael Somare) continues to disrupt parliament, he will be arrested.
“Sir Michael is not above the law,” O’Neill said yesterday following a surprise visit to the chamber by Sir Michael and a group of MPs.
O’Neill indicated that Speaker Jeffery Nape would tighten up security in parliament to ensure such a “disgraceful and shameful act is not repeated again”.
He made the comment after the Somare group promised to interrupt parliament for the rest of this month until they were allocated their “rightful” seats by Nape.
“I call on (Sir Michael Somare) to stop this act of desperation. He must respect the fact that he led the government with a majority and a lot of members have left because they no longer have faith in him,” O’Neill said.
He said parliament’s business was disrupted by “this shameful act and the Grand Chief must realise that he is no longer a member of parliament”.
He said suspended MP Arthur Somare was in the chamber too which was illegal.
“This kind of behaviour goes to show that they think they own this parliament,” O’Neill said.
“The general election is three months away and I ask them to go back to the people to seek their mandate.”
O’Neill said many MPs on the Somare side did not condone the antics in parliament yesterday.
“They are trying to sabotage parliament.
“They will be dealt with through the parliamentary process. I urge them to think before involving in such acts.”
O’Neill urged the two factions to work together, including getting one of Somare’s MPs to move a motion to rescind the motion to disqualify the Grand Chief for him to return to parliament.
He said the Supreme Court decision of Dec 12 had been superseded by events in parliament and, if the Grand Chief wanted to challenge that, “he can go back to court”.
“The acts played out on the floor of parliament are to get attention at any cost, even to the country.
“I am sure the speaker will make necessary security arrangements.”
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
Somare ordered out of parliament
VIDEO from Australia Network News
Source: ABC Radio Australia News
Somare ejected from parliament
Liam Fox, Papua New Guinea
One of the men claiming to be Papua New Guinea's prime minister has been ejected from parliament amid chaotic scenes.
Sir Michael Somare and several of his supporters appeared in the chamber and called on the deputy speaker to give him a seat.
He was brandishing last month's order by the Supreme Court for his reinstatement both as the prime minister and as a member of parliament.
Somare lost his position in parliament after missing too many sessions while receiving medical treatment overseas.
He later went to the Supreme Court to challenge that decision.
But the deputy speaker said he stood by parliament's decision to eject Sir Michael and told him to leave the chamber.
Supporters of Sir Michael's opponent Peter O'Neill shouted "stranger" and "get out" before parliament was adjourned.
Despite the court order Mr O'Neill remains the effective Prime Minister with the support of the police, defence force, public service and most MPs.
Source: Panguna Landowners / ESBC Research
New Deal !
Referring to acting ABG president Patrick Nisira's statement in the Post-Courier on January 17th, 2012 (scroll down to find out!) the ESBC are proud to present the reviewed version of the latest landowner proposal.
The ESBC appreciate that the document called "New Deal" was published in time. It is supposed to be discussed soon after ABG President John Momis returns to Buka within the next days. This is in preparation of the Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) meeting in Buka and the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Arawa next month. The ESBC expect the paper to be crucial for the re-opening of the Panguna mine.
Please click here to read the original version as PDF file: 
Source: Copper Investing News
Copper Shrugs Off Europe Downgrades with Eyes on China
By Shihoko Goto
After an initial knee-jerk reaction to sell on Standard & Poor's [2] decision to downgrade the ratings of nine Eurozone countries last Friday, commodities traders appear subsequently to have taken the credit rating agency's pronouncements in stride. What's more, many investors expect the commodities markets to be resilient enough to any further European government bond downgrades by agencies they expect emerging economies to be the driving force to determine base metal demand.
Prior to January 13, there had been much speculation that S&P would downgrade a number of European countries, so Friday's announcement caught few completely off-guard. Still, the fact that both France and Austria lost their AAA rating by one level to AA plus, while Italy, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus were cut back by two steps and Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia were downgraded by one level increasing selling pressure on global markets. The price of copper, for instance, fell nearly 1 percent following the news.
Still, the fact that copper has gained over 2 percent even after S&P cut its rating of the European Financial Stability Facility [3] from AAA to AA plus on Monday January 16 speaks volumes about how market players have already factored in the persisting economic weakness across Europe, according to some investors. Instead, they are focused more on how developing countries will continue to drive up demand for commodities, especially China.
“Europe could implode… but that (scenario) has been discarded,” said Michael Cohn, founder and chief investment strategist at New York-based Global Arena Investment Management [4]. He added that while the global economy could face a “Lehman moment number two” that would depress growth worldwide, that appears to be unlikely for now, and the odds are that demand for raw materials in particular will be driven by China and other emerging markets, and there is “very little that would derail that” over the next decade.
Certainly, market eyes are on Beijing's next moves as commodities across the board are gaining ground on hopes that the government will lower interest rates in order to stimulate the economy. Tuesday, China's National Bureau of Statistics [5] reported that the country's economy grew at its slowest pace in over two years in 2011 as exports fell, the real estate market took a hard hit, and banks tightened credit. Speculation is therefore rising that the central bank could ease monetary policy as a means to jump-start the economy. That, in turn, would encourage greater industrial output and demand for copper as well as other materials in a country that accounts for about 40 percent of the world's total consumption of the red metal.
In fact, mining shares including Freeport-McMoRan [6] (NYSE:FCX [7]) and Southern Copper [8] (NYSE:SCCO [9]) are gaining ground even as European leaders continue to downplay the significance of S&P's downgrades. Moreover, S&P's rivals Moody's [10]and Fitch [11] have both kept their top rating for France, giving greater confidence to investors that Europe's financial woes can be overcome in the longer-term, even though the continent is likely to continue being mired with debt issues for the foreseeable future.
“Copper is going to stay relatively stable,” Cohn said, especially as China will need to keep its economy growing at a steady clip of around 8 percent in order to ensure economic security. Beijing simply “can't afford to stop that trajectory.”
Junior copper mining groups could therefore be heartened that any continued downturn in Europe's growth is likely to be offset by China's continued expansion.
Shihoko Goto, have no interests in the companies mentioned in this article.
Source: The Nation
Missing billions-State funds stolen through corruption
ALMOST K1 billion of public funds goes down the drain annually because of widespread corruption, it has been revealed.
During a debate in parliament on the first national anti-corruption strategy 2010-30, Public Service Minister Bart Philemon stressed that if nothing was done to address the problem now, the government would continue to lose that much money each year.

Government agencies have over the years conducted investigations and inquiries into the misappropriation of public funds but nothing had been done to effectively address corruption, Philemon said.
Because of this, he said, the national wealth had failed to trickle down to the people - despite the billions of surpus money in government.
He told parliament that there had been unequal and inefficient distribution of services although there had been a record budget of K60 billion in the past nine years.
He said corruption was worse than the killer disease HIV/AIDS because it affected everyone in society while the latter affected only individuals.
Philemon said the way to address corruption was at the top “and come down gradually to the bottom”.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill introduced in parliament the 20-year strategy which set out a clear pathway to address corruption in PNG.
“Yet there is common agreement that despite efforts to eradicate it, corruption continues to run unabated and is doing inexorable harm to the vary fabric of the PNG society,’’ he said.
“Influential reports from both the PNG government and independent sources show clearly that corruption is no longer sporadic, isolated to certain segments of the community and institutions. Rather corruption appears to be more systematic and endemic.”
For example in 2010, the Public Accounts Committee reported that it had made inquiry into 1,000 agencies, each examined from 2003 to 2008.
The findings showed that the management and accountability of public servants and the government had collapsed miserably.
Overall, there had been a rise both in terms of the number and frequency of corruption and bad governance practices as shown by the investigations of a range of inquiries by government and the public accounts committee, auditor general and Ombudsman Commission.
“This is both frightening and worrisome and should elicit the attention of both citizens and authorities at all levels,” he said.
He said corruption and bad governance tended to feature prominently in areas that included:
qQuestionable and dishonest conduct which undermines and questions the personal integrity of those who are in position of trust and authority;
qThe use of bribery to acquire preferential service or treatment;
qTheft of public money and illegal acquisition of assets by abusing one’s position of authority;
qDisregard and by-passing officially sanctioned process to acquire a service or select appointees;
qLack of compliance with the Public Finance Management Act including breaching of procurement process;
qConflict of interest in public decision making; and
qNepotism, resulting in recruitment and retention of unqualified staff.
He said corruption also existed in the private sector which had often been implicated in corrupt procurement processes.
“Companies will pay bribes or rely on contact to rig tenders,’’ he said.
“Additionally, with PNG’s wealth of natural resources, while of great potential benefits to citizens, at the same time have opened up huge opportunities for corruption.
“Corruption in how revenues from natural resource extraction activities are collected and distributed is a huge problem.’
O’Neill said PNG could not afford to pay for the cost of corruption and by extension, bad governance.
“Loss arising from thefts and siphoning off of financial resources, poor policy making and weak transparency and accountability have already placed heavy toll on the delivery of services to our people and the political and economic governance of the country at all levels.”
He said the anti-corruption strategy was not only about criminalising corrupt conduct but more importantly preventative measures in educating youths and children about the dangers of corruption
Source: The Nation
Somare is evil, says Polye
FINANCE Minister Don Polye (picture) has described Sir Michael Somare as an “evil” man.
Polye, the Kandep MP, told reporters in Mt Hagen that Somare was good in destroying young vibrant leaders and suppressing them.

He claimed that Sir Michael used highlands leaders as the “perfect football to play around with” without the leaders themselves knowing.
He gave as an example of Wabag MP Sam Abal who Sir Michael had appointed as deputy prime minister. Likewise, he used Governor Anderson Agiru to try to destroy Peter O’Neill, Polye said.
Polye accused Sir Michael of blocking the late Sir Tei Abal, father of Sam Abal, from becoming prime minister even though he had the numbers.
He did the same thing to Sir Imbakey Okuk and other leaders from the highlands, Polye said.
“Cutting and chopping young leaders for hidden motives is undemocratic and evil.”
Polye warned those in the Somare camp that Sir Michael would not groom or mould a young vibrant leader to lead the country.
Polye wanted to destroy the evil in the National Alliance by de-registering the party and forming a new one.
Source: Post-Courier
Fr Kiaku begins ‘Heaven’s Angels’
IN Australia and the United States they have what is known as “Hells Angels” they are bikey gangs who travel far and wide. You just don’t want to get near to or be involved with them because they are bad. But in Bougainville we have the answer “Heaven’s Angels”.
A Catholic priest stationed in the Siwai District of South Bougainville can now easily carry out his pastoral visits to the rural and isolated communities following the donation of a new motorbike by the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma.

Fr Dominic Kiaku, who is the parish priest of Monoitu parish, was given the motorbike after Mr Kamma saw that the priest was facing transport difficulties visiting the Monoitu parishioners who live many kilometres away from the Monoitu area. The motorbike, which was bought at a cost of about K16,000 was presented to Fr Kiaku by Mr Kamma early this year. Thanks to Mr Kamma, “Heaven’s Angels” will begin a new chapter in Bougainville with Fr Kiaku being the first and founding member while more will be called to join to spread His Good News.
Source: Post-Courier
Boat runs over man
AN elderly man was admitted to the Buka General Hospital after a boat ran over him last Saturday morning at sea near Bei village, Peit constituency on Buka Island.
James Mami aged 59yrs from Bei village was out fishing with other fishermen from the same village when he was involved in the accident.
The incident occurred between nine and ten o’clock in the morning when a Bougainville Police Service boat ran over him while travelling to Buka from Nissan Island, breaking his canoe into pieces and causing injury to several parts of his body.
The boat was on a Care International arranged run with members of the organisation and the skipper was a civilian who was hired by the police because of his local knowledge on the route and waters.
The victim was unable to answer any questions when we visited him late on Monday afternoon as he was still recovering from the incident.
Bougainville Police Service Sgt Emmart Tsimes when confirming the incident said full investigation will be carried out to determine the actual cause of it.
Meanwhile relatives of the victim turned up with three truck loads at the Buka Police station on Saturday afternoon to demand compensation but were told to come up with a dialogue peacefully before anything is done to settle the problem.
Source: Post-Courier
Council of Elders elections writs issued
THE long awaited Council of Elders elections on Bougainville will now be on, after the writs were officially issued on Monday.
The issue of writs were signed by Local level Governments ABG minister Joseph Nopei and returning officer Sione Nash and witnessed by LLG CEO Herbert Kimai and Electoral boss on Bougainville Reitama Taravaru.
Also there to witness the signing were members of the media and other staff from the LLG and electoral offices in Buka.
“It is now very much appreciated when the long awaited COE elections have arrived, a lot of people have been complaining to the government about it,” Minister Nopei said.
He said the elections would also cover the remote atolls mainland of Bougainville and also will include the Arawa and Buka town councils.
“The election manager Reitama Taravaru will be conducting the polls and the nominations are open now and will close next Tuesday.” he said.
Source: Bloomberg
Copper Rises to 16-Week High on Chinese Outlook, Rio Output Drop
Copper rose to a 16-week high on speculation that the government will seek to spur economic growth in China, the world’s biggest consumer, amid signs of tighter global supplies.
China’s economy expanded at the slowest pace in 10 quarters, signaling the government may ease lending curbs and increase spending, bolstering demand prospects. Output of mined copper slid 23 percent last year from 2010, Rio Tinto Group, the world’s third-largest mining company, said today.
“As long as there’s the threat of a slowdown, the pressure will be there for China to stimulate the economy,” Dennis Cajigas, a senior market strategist at Zaner Group in Chicago, said in a telephone interview. The Rio Tinto “figures are a factor as well,” he said.
Copper futures for March delivery gained 2.5 percent to settle at $3.7295 a pound at 1:19 p.m. on the Comex in New York, after reaching $3.759, the highest for a most-active contract since Sept. 21.
On the London Metal Exchange, copper for delivery in three months rose 1.4 percent to $8,200 a metric ton ($3.72 a pound).
The price may climb to $9,000 in the middle of the year, partly on rising Chinese demand, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said yesterday.
Copper inventories monitored by the LME declined for the 10th straight session to 353,425 tons, the lowest since Dec. 14, 2010.
Aluminum, zinc, lead, nickel and tin also advanced in London.
Editors: Steve Stroth, Patrick McKiernan
To contact the reporters on this story: Joe Richter in New York at; Agnieszka Troszkiewicz in London at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steve Stroth at
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
WORK on maintaining law and order at Kunua in North Bougainville has been made easier with the presentation of a vehicle by Member for North Bougainville Lauta Atoi.
In officially handing the key to the vehicle to ABG minister for Local Level Government, Traditional Authorities and Communications Joseph Nopei today, Atoi said he was pleased to be doing what little he can to boost the work of the Bougainville Police Service.
He said in order for any development to take place and for an efficient delivery of goods and services to the people, law and order must be upheld.
He added that having a vehicle would increase police mobility and flexibility into areas once inaccessible to rural based police personnel.
Atoi called on the politicians, business and community stakeholders to work together in supporting the work of the police in Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
New pact for Panguna mine
The re-entry into Panguna by any best bidder or Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) can be made possible by the end of 2012 according to ABG vice president and now acting president Patrick Nisira (picture below) .

The ABG by March this year wants to see positive progress for negotiations for a totally new agreement for Panguna mine which will replace the old Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA). The old agreement was done without genuine consent from landowners, Mr Nistra said.
The BCA is widely considered in Bougainville as foreign and counterproductive to the common interest and welfare of the people including the autonomy arrangements they have with the national government of PNG, he said.
Mr.Nisira made the remarks while addressing the executives of the Rorovana-Uruava land owners association on the future of the Panguna mine and the Loloho port facilities which comes directly under the care of the Rorovana- Uruava landowners.
“After one and a half years of consultations with various landowner groups in Panguna, Bana, and Rorovana including former combatants from all sides, and after listening to our people through their elected representatives in the Bougainville house of representatives, the council of elders throughout the Bougainville region on the mining issue, I want to see negotiations with the government of Papua New Guinea and maybe BCL commence in March this year, especially negotiations that will help kick start the mining activities in Panguna by a reputable mining company.” Mr Nisira said. The Panguna mine and mining on Bougainville has been an agenda between the ABG and the National government since 2005.
“We have been procrastinated for too long and that is not good for the region.” Mr.Nisira said. “We in the ABG have helped establish the respective mine lease associations in the mine affected areas, we have strengthened capacity in our mining division, we have established peace and good order in Panguna and the mine affected areas through continued dialogue with the Mekamui leaders, the MDF, the respective council of elders, we will soon complete these processes through the election of one umbrella association.” Mr.Nisira said. “The official position of the BCA review is that we do not want to review the Bougainville Copper agreement, it is old outdated agreement with no Bougainvillean input.” Mr Nisira said. “The mining industry has moved on and landowners have developed new ways of dealing with governments and mining companies things are no longer the same.” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
O’Neill to visit Bougainville
PAPUA New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his Cabinet Ministers are expected in Bougainville in February for two very important meetings.
Mr O’Neill announced yesterday that the National Government will hold its first ever Cabinet meeting in Arawa in February.
But before that, the Joint Supervisory Body meeting, the avenue that sees the National Government and Bougainville leaders iron out issues pertaining to Bougainville moving forward, will be held in Buka.
The Joint Supervisory Board meeting was scheduled for in Buka on December 5, (three days before the Supreme Court Decision was handed down on the validity of the O’Neill-Namah Government) last year, while the NEC was scheduled for Arawa in January this year.
O’Neill yesterday said that plans are now being undertaken and all parties have been instructed to have ABG in preparation for the scheduled meeting in Arawa next month.
He said that he was looking forward to meeting with the landowners of the Panguna mine in Arawa and the people of Bougainville.
“NEC will be held in Arawa in February and I am very much looking forward to meeting with the landowners,” Mr O’Neill said.
“You see, the people of Bougainville are now much happier because there is a government in place that is helping them.”
O’Neill said that the National Government was more committed to Bougainville especially having released the K100 million in this year’s National Budget and pumping money for the Kokopau-Arawa highway including the repair and maintenance of roads in Buka town .
Source: PNGexposed
Days of Public Satirical Reckoning ?
Read and watch here the embarrassing outcome when an elder stateman dismantles his own image and becomes a compliant tool of his greedy and unscrupulous family:
Treason, sedition and the attempted Coup-De-Tat conspiracy from the Chief Justice to the Somare Court
Submitted anonymously
Summarized below are my opinions regarding our recent political impasse.

Gathering from all letters published, I note with interest and disappointment that while Papua New Guineans focused on the constitutionality of O’Neil Government not one single writer learned or otherwise discussed the true story of the bigger picture, the web of conspiracy and treason from the Supreme Court’s Bench, to the legal team, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, the Somare Attorney General, the Somare Ministers and their high ranking officers.
The Supreme Court’s Decision on the unconstitutionality of the then O’Neil Government was correct, however the Supreme Court Decision regarding Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare as PM was wrong and not in the spirit of the constitution. In anticipation of the constitution impasse, the majority of MPs in parliament moved to appoint a new Prime Minister correctly.
Supreme Court in 1987 had set a Precedent declaring as unconstitutional Prime Minister Pius Wingti’s rushed appointment by parliament and duly noted that the Supreme Court had no powers to appoint a Prime Minister. The Chief Ombudsman Commissioner too stated quite clearly that the Constitution is clear on separation of powers between the 3 arms of government (the executive arm, the legislature and the judiciary) each having no power to interfere with each other’s processes. UPNG Family law specialist Dr luluaki’s poor attempt to discuss the constitutional issues published in three parts in the National Newspaper, deliberately omitted many important issues and previous decisions such as this to misguide the readers.

The handing down of the Supreme Court Decision was the first phase in the Coup-De-Tat Conspirators’ plan. The declaration of unconstitutionality of the O’Neil government was correct, but on the bench Chief Justice automatically created a Junta of three judges in an attempted judicial coup-de-tat by declaring Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare Prime Minister (ignoring the previous Supreme Court’s Wingti Precedent). In the next phase the Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his Attorney General Sir Arnold Amett sprung into action ordering the PNGDF to move in, while Somare Minister Aimo ordered the CIS special ops team at Bomana and certain Somare Ministers ordered RPNGC mobile units around the country to converge on Port Moresby to support Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare usurp power from the O’Neil majority government only to be refused permission by sane regional Assistant Police Commissioners, the CIS Commissioner and the PNGDF Chief. The conspiracy was well thought out and planned by quite highly educated Papua New Guineans.
The continued solidarity of the majority of MPs in parliament and the prevailing sanity amongst service chiefs and the majority of service rank and file to leave politics to the politicians saved the Papua New Guinea. We narrowly missed a military coup after the Judicial Junta’s Coup-de-tat.
This is indeed a very serious matter and a Commission of Inquiry must to be set up by the Ombudsman Commission now to investigate the extent of this web of treasonable and sedition actions from the Chief Justice and his Junta to the Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his ministers, lawyers and officers in this attempted coup-de-tat at the Judicial and political levels during a political impasse. Appropriate laws or constitutional changes to prevent this from happening again must be proposed, discussed by public and parliament and enacted.
The Supreme Court has lost serious credibility and must regain its lost standing through resignation of the Chief Justice and the other two Junta members and their arrest and charge for Treason and sedition

I congratulate all the officers and personnel of the RPNGC, the PNGDF and CIS on standing steadfast to their roles in their services and left politics to the politicians. And I congratulate the people of Papua New Guinea on our handling of our “monkey” politics with both tolerance and humor. We the people have set a precedent for our future.
I wish everybody a Happy New Year!
Source: Post-Courier
Aliens in PNG
PAPUA New Guinea does not have the capacity to monitor and clamp down on illegal immigrants entering the country.
Government authorities say the problem is huge and complex as the illegal immigrants are entering through sea ports in the provinces where there is very little or no processing facilities.
Immigration and Foreign Affairs office including Customs this week told the Post-Courier that the issue has gone out of hand because of the fact that duties have been compromised, no facilities and resources to tackle the problem and those involved have already widely established themselves and working with elite leaders and MPs in the country as partners.
The country’s spy office, the National Intelligence Organisation is the worst affected because there is very little or no resources and funding to handle the task of maintaining the illegal immigrants coming into PNG.
Documents obtained by the Post-Courier details that there were allegedly three Asian triads operating in the country with their heads already into major businesses throughout PNG. The obvious according to the papers obtained include the “snake head”, the “dragon” and the “scorpion” all of whom have established businesses in the field of real estate, hotels, restaurants, security companies, and the apparent, human trafficking across PNG since the 1990s.
The documents detail that an estimate of 11,000 Asians entered every five years and since the 1990 an estimate of more than 30,000 are “floating”, “squatting” and working illegally in places throughout Papua New Guinea. According to the papers, they have established businesses in Port Moresby, Oro, Mount Hagen, Lae, Gulf, Kimbe, East New Britain, Goroka, the Highlands Region, Milne Bay, New Ireland, Madang, Wewak, Vanimo, Bougainville and Manus Island.
“We have lost control of the issue of immigrants coming into the country as early as 10 years ago. It’s not because we cannot handle it, it’s because we do not have the resources and finance to tackle the issue very effectively,” immigration officials told the Post-Courier. You see, some of these people have already become naturalised citizens and some have become permanent residents overnight while others are full time citizens of PNG.”
“We have done our best in years, we have done our duties of recommending to the Government for responsible authorities to deport those heading these triads but it has become very hard because our PNG system has already crippled onto them…by this I mean they have PNG connections and these men and women are also dealing with elite leaders of these country,” Government’s spy office said yesterday.
“One big problem we have is the inability of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigrations to communicate with law enforcement agencies, and over the years this has posed a serious threat to Papua New Guinea’s national security. It’s one thing when we talking about the national security issues relating to visas, citizenship and migration matters where it is not communicated effectively.”
Source: Post-Courier
NIP man is K10,000 richer in Bougainville
A NEW Ireland man in Bouganville won the K10,000 Digicel’s New Year Santa SMS Promotion
Johnson Esau had been announced as the top cash prize winner of Digicel’s ‘New Year Santa SMS’ Promotion in Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Mr Esau, an account manager with Wilkins, sub-contracting to South Bougainville Engineering has taken out K10,000 after playing the game and was ranked number one in the SMS game.
He said that he was really overjoyed when he discovered that he had won K10,000 because he usually participates in Digicel’s promotional SMS games and this is my first time to win.
Mr Esau said that he was not too sure about his win at first until he received a call from Digicel confirming that he was the top prize winner and when asked what he plans to do with the money, he said he would buy some house building materials and also celebrate with his friends.
Digicel’s operations director-Lorna McPherson congratulated Johnson on his win and said that Digicel was delighted to continue its prize giveaways to reward another one of its wonderful customer and hope the money goes a long way in helping him and his family.
Meanwhile, the second ranked customer title was awarded to Leo Vali from Mendi in the Southern Highlands Province.
Leo was rewarded a cash prize of K5000 while minor prizes included instant K1 free credits.
The ‘New Year Santa SMS promotion’ was launched on the 28th of December, 2011 and ended on the midnight of January 8 this year.
The promotion allowed subscribers to search and collect Santa’s lost Christmas goodies from their mobile phone by sending the keyword “Santa” to short code 204
Source: Islands Business
Cover Report: Fragile islands economies in for a tough ride
by Dr Satish Chand
Forecasting the shape of the economies in 2012 is tough and particularly so given the volatile global markets.
Stock markets in the major markets have bounced around like a yoyo for the past several months. The Australian dollar, one of the anchors for several Pacific Islands currencies, has swayed like a coconut palm caught in a violent tropical cyclone. It has been above parity with the US dollar one day and down the other.
The volatility in the financial markets are likely to last for more than just one year given that the indigestion from the large debt problems faced by several rich nations will take a long time to work its way through the system.
Here, I look at how the developments in the international economy are likely to affect someone from the islands.

Pensioners beware!
It is time to be prepared and not to panic. If you are formally retired or likely to do so in the next few years, then some caution with your finances are warranted.
Pension funds have historically delivered dividends upwards of six percent. These returns are unlikely to be delivered in 2012. Consequently, the payouts from your pension fund could be trimmed back. Particularly worrying are the cases of pension funds already in financial strife.
The case of the Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) is instructive on this count. FNPF is slipping into insolvency (i.e. where the value of current liabilities exceeds the value of assets).
It needs an injection of around half a billion Fijian dollars to make it solvent. Finding this sum in the current uncertain environment will be costly.
FNPF is in the process of trimming down pension payments from the prevailing 15 percent of equity to 8.7 percent which is to take effect from March 1, 2012. This amounts to a drop in income of a retiree dependent on FNPF of 42 percent. It will hurt, particularly in a climate of high inflation and in a situation where there are no other sources of income.
The capacity to replenish income falls with age and when medical expenses are likely to rise. So pensioners, beware!
Watch PNG, politics, and public debt
Politics in PNG has been volatile the past month. Elections mid-year are likely to only make matters worse. Credit to several large resource projects, the economy remains buoyant and resilient. ExxonMobil is leading the way with an investment of $15.7 billion in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project which is due to commence production in 2014.
Rio Tinto has commenced discussions on the reopening of its mammoth (and mothballed) copper and gold Panguna mine on Bougainville.
Construction is planned to commence in 2016 and production to start three years later. Should these plans materialise, PNG will get a lot of wind in its sails to carry the nation through the rough waters of the global financial storm.
PNG will need a lot of workers in the construction phase of its many mines. As the largest Pacific islands economy, PNG is in a position to provide jobs for many Pacific Islanders.
Some fine-tuning of visa laws may be necessary to help ease the flow of workers from the region. The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) provides for visa-free entry into PNG from Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Why not extend this to other Pacific islanders and for their skilled people particularly?
PNG provides room for optimism but not the reason for complacency. Demand for exports from the region can slump due to problems in Europe and North America.
The Chinese economy continues to power ahead. This is a major reason for the healthy prices for commodities exported from both Australia and PNG.
What if China falters? The above is possible given that a significant proportion of the demand for Chinese manufactures originates from Europe and America.
A slowdown in the global economy will ripple through to the Pacific through dampened demand for commodities and a slowdown in the inflows of remittances and tourists.
Budget deficits and rising public debt in a number of the Pacific islands will force expenditure cuts. The case of Cook Islands is instructive on this count. Standard and Poor’s, an international ratings agency, downgraded Cook Islands’ bonds to B+ last month, placing it well below investment grade. Such downgrades will raise costs of borrowing.
The budgets of FSM, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshalls and Tuvalu will feel the pinch as dividends from their trust funds fall. The Asian Development Bank reports that: “Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga are targeting smaller budget deficits in 2012, stepping back from higher deficits incurred due to fiscal stimulus or disaster recovery efforts”. Others may have to tighten their fiscal belts too!
Final advice to rich world
The economic headwinds faced by much of the world originate from financial problems in the rich capitals. The best that the rich world can do is to sort out their financial mess. Doing it so quickly will help their own poor and the poor residing beyond their borders too.
In the meantime, the islanders would have to be prepared for the worst whilst hoping for the best.
Source: Bloomberg Business Week
Copper May Rise as Much as 25% in Second Half, Mizuho Says
By Jae Hur and Ichiro Suzuki
Copper prices may gain as much as 25 percent in the second half of this year on steady demand from China, the world’s top consumer, amid tight supplies, according to Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd.
Prices of the metal, used in pipes, tubes and wires, will climb to as high as $9,500 a metric ton from last year’s close of $7,600, said Yuka Kageyama, a commodity derivatives analyst at the bank, a unit of Mizuho Financial Group Inc., Japan’s second-largest bank by assets.
The London Metal Exchange LMEX Index of six primary metals including copper and aluminum, fell 22 percent last year, the first drop in three years, as Europe’s debt crisis widened. Yields on two-year Greek debt surged to 152 percent last month, compared with 0.29 percent for Treasuries of a similar maturity. China’s inflation cooled to a 15-month low and producer-price gains were the smallest in two years in December, leaving the government more room to support growth.
“The European debt-crisis issues will be the key for most commodities this year,” Kageyama said in an interview yesterday. “We expect that China may ease its monetary policies in the first half and Europe’s problems may recede later this year, paving the way for a rally among base metals as supplies will remain tight.”
LME Stockpiles
Dwindling stockpiles at LME warehouses will also provide support for copper, she said. Prices may decline as low as $6,500 a ton with an average price of $7,950 for 2012, the bank said in a January note to clients.
Orders to draw copper from LME warehouses, or canceled warrants, gained 24 percent to 50,000 tons on an increase in New Orleans. Inventories of the metal slipped 0.3 percent to 364,250 tons, the lowest level since Dec. 22, 2010, according to exchange data yesterday.
Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange rose 0.6 percent to $7,830 a ton at 3:43 p.m. Tokyo time. The metal declined 21 percent last year and averaged $8,164.50.
China’s central bank may reduce reserve ratios in the first half, Helen Zhu, a strategist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., said yesterday. China’s copper imports rose to a record last month as Lunar New Year stockpiling and financing needs spurred buying.
Copper will average $7,750 a ton in 2012 and $7,313 in 2013, Michael Widmer, head of metals research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a weekly note on Jan. 9. The metal will average $3.83 a pound ($8,444 a ton) in 2012 and $4.08 in 2013, Mark Pervan, head of commodity research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., said in a note yesterday.
China Smelters
For aluminum, output cutbacks, concern over China’s power supply and higher oil prices will lend support and may push the metal as much as 19 percent higher to $2,400 a ton this year from the end of last year. Production costs for aluminum are estimated at between $2,000 and $2,200 a ton, she said.
Chinese aluminum smelters may idle their annual capacity by one-third, the most in three years, as energy costs soar and prices slump. The country may produce almost 20 million tons and its capacity may be as much as 30 million tons by the end of this year, said Luo Rongjin, a Beijing-based analyst with Bocom International Holdings Co. Monthly output from China, the world’s biggest producer, fell 8.3 percent in November from a record 1.6 million tons in August.
Alcoa Inc., Rio Tinto Group and their global rivals are cutting production after prices dropped 19 percent last year, curbing profits. Alcoa, the largest U.S. producer that reported its first loss in two years this week, said China may use 70 percent of its capacity in 2012.
Source: Post-Courier
More to say yello!
More proud Papua New Guineans get to say yello to loved ones around the country and abroad with Telikom PNG extending its 3G wireless network coverage into Buin and Bakawari in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville last December.
Local communities in Buin and Bakawari on the Island of Pokpok are keen to switch on their Citifons to experience the affordable rates offered by Telikom with many welcoming the service that will be beneficial to their day to day way of life.
Telikom chief executive officer – Peter Loko, acknowledged the financial assistance from the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Member for South Bougainville, Hon Steven Kamma for the tower installed in Buin in mid December last year.
“I want to thank all these leaders and on this occasion Hon Steven Kamma that has assisted Telikom to rollout rural communication into remote areas where the people need to travel and costly distances into town to get services.
“We are now into 2012 and Telikom PNG is still driven with the vision and mission to have every Papua New Guinea have access to a phone by 2020,” Mr Loko added.
The 3G network installed in these two localities will offer fixed wireless telephony, Citifon mobile and data services at affordable with Telikom urging customers to take advantage of the rates and utilize the service in the best way possible to bring development to their communities.
Source: The National
Citifon launches 3G service in Bougainville
MORE Papua New Guineans have been able to say “yello” to loved ones since Telikom PNG extended its 3G wireless network coverage to Buin and Bakawari in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville last December.
Communities in Buin and Bakawari on the Island of Pokpok have been keen to switch on their Citifons for the affordable rates offered by Telikom.
Telikom chief executive officer Peter Loko thanked Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Member for South Bougainville Steven Kamma for installing a transmission tower in Buin last month.
“I want to thank all the leaders and on this occasion Kamma who has assisted Telikom to rollout rural communication into remote areas to bring services to the people.
“We are now into 2012 and Telikom PNG is still driven with the vision and mission to have every Papua New Guinea get access to a phone by 2020,” Loko added.
The 3G network installed in these two localities will offer fixed wireless telephony, Citifon mobile and data services at affordable rates.
Telikom had urged customers to take advantage of the rates and use the service to bring development to their communities.
Schools, public institutions, business houses and residents can look forward to hooking up to the internet that can help students access online libraries while small business entrepreneurs can extend their business network and find suppliers, Loko said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG departmentalization program progresses
PREPARATION is underway to implement phase one of the ABG process to departmentalize its administrative divisions this year.
ABG Finance and Treasury Albert Punghau says two million has been appropriated to fund phase one this year.
Phase one starts with the advertisement of fifteen senior executive positions in the new departmentalization structure.
Following the completion of phase one, phase two would be to draw up departmental structures and advertise priority departments and senior positions.
Chief Executive Officer of ABG Human Resource division Shem Satoriri said the departmentalizing of the Bougainville Administration into fourteen departments will form the basis to establish the foundation of the Bougainville Public Service.
Satoriri said the main reason for this is to align the administrative structure with Bougainville’s unique political arrangements under autonomy.
He added that the reason also is to enhance effective collaboration between ABG departments and the national government departments on the draw down of powers from the state to ABG.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Ketsimur calls on Japan assistance
ABG minister for Works, Transport and Civil Aviation Carolus Ketsimur is appealing to the government and people of Japan to further their assistance to Bougainville.
In thanking them for assisting to build fifteen bridges throughout the North and Central Bougainville, Ketsimur asked that Japan continue with a program to build bridges across all the rivers along Bougainville’s main trunk roads from North to South Bougainville.
Ketsimur said in the past the Japanese came to Bougainville in war that resulted in a lot of damage and destruction and loss of life.
He added that by providing K90 million to build the fifteen bridges, the government and people of Japan had proven their spirit of goodwill and cooperation.
He said Japan had contributed immensely to the autonomous region’s reconstruction and national development.
Ketsimur also thanked workers from Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia who were contracted under Japanese company Kitano Construction Limited to build the fifteen bridges.
These bridges will be officially launched next month.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Landowners thanked
WAKUNAI landowners at Central Bougainville have been thanked for allowing work to commence on the Iraka bridge which was officially opened on December 30 last year.
Speaking at the official ceremony ABG Minister for works, transport and civil aviation Carolus Ketsimur said the landowners agreed for a bridge to be built over Iraka river for the benefit of the people of Bougainville.
Ketsimur said the Wakunai landowners were able to put their differences aside and make sacrifices to allow work to commence without obstruction.
He also congratulated the landowners in the other fourteen project sites of which bridges are being built under a K90 million fund by the government and people of Japan for the people of Bougainville.
The total of fifteen bridges built by contractor company Kitano Construction Limited will be officially handed over to the ABG by the government of Japan next month.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Chief System review
ABG minister for Local Level Government (LLG), Traditional Authorities and Communication Joseph Nopei says the Autonomous Bougainville Government supports the village chief system.
He said this is evident in their decision to empower traditional leadership structure below the Council of Elders (COE) and village assembly level.
He said the ABG will empower the chiefs so that they will effectively deal with issues at the village level.
He said as the Autonomous Region of Bougainville moves towards autonomy and referendum in 2015, the ABG would like to ensure that the lower level of government are fully functional and operating effectively before 2015.
Nopei added that this was going to be very challenging but assured that work would start this year in conjunction with the review of the COE system.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
COE Review
BOUGAINVILLE Executive Council has approved a document that recommends strategic changes needed made to the current structure of the Council of Elders (COE).
The document called a “White paper on COE review” highlights issues on law, constitution, administrative and operational difficulties faced by the COEs since their establishment in 1996.
Some key recommendations were made based on feasibility study of the existing structure of the COEs conducted last year.
ABG Minister for Local Level Government (LLG), Traditional Authorities and Communication Joseph Nopei said he was excited about the changes that would happen at the COE level.
He said the changes would improve operations of the COEs and make the COEs work effectively to serve the people of Bougainville.
Nopei appealed to the people, the chairman and the members of the COEs to support the changes that would happen.
Source: Post-Courier
Kamma gives K1m for Bana roads
Bougainville Affairs Minister Steven Pirika Kamma has made a commitment to the people of Sipi, Osiage, Pagawabo and Bakoram 2 in the Bana district of South Bougainville that he will be funding K1 million towards the upgrading and maintenance of their road this year.
The South Bougainville MP made the commitment when he visited the area on New Year’s Day to present a cheque of K103, 610.80 to the youths of Sipi.
This payment was made to the youths for the pre-hand road construction work carried out on the 8km long Pope-Sipi road in 2009.
The Sipi youths, led by their chiefs and former combatants had decided to construct this new road using whatever tools they can lay their hands on after their numerous pleas for the construction of this new road had always been neglected by the past elected leaders of South Bougainville.
And because they were determined and eager to complete this road project, they decided to work day and night, starting at Pope primary school all the way up to Sikunansi village in the East Lamane area in the Bolave constituency.
During the cheque presentation ceremony Mr Kamma was deeply moved when he learnt that four people from the area had already died while shouldering goods from the main road up to Sipi.
As a result he made the commitment to fund K1m towards the construction and maintenance of the road.
Before presenting the cheque, Mr Kamma said he was happy to have travelled on this new road.
“I am happy to see this road. Though this road was not my initiative, I still allocated funding for the tremendous job you have done on this road.
“I will fund K1m this year to fix this road. As soon as I return to Port Moresby I will meet with the Minister for Finance Don Polye so we can source funding for this road,” Mr Kamma said, resulting in the people cheering and thanking him for his generous commitment.
To show their appreciation for the funding, the people presented Mr Kamma with a live pig.
Apart from this commitment, Mr Kamma has also allocated funding for other projects in the Bana district. These include; Pope primary school-K100, 000. 00, Sianeki sub-health centre-K99, 188. 86, Keriau health centre-K50, 000. 00, Sovele-Siandaru road-K61, 676. 93, Sirakatau-Panam road-K50, 000.

Mr Kamma (left) presenting the cheque to the chairman of the pre-hand road construction project Mark Utami. Beneath the cheque is the pig that was presented to Mr Kamma as a token of appreciation by the Sipi people.
Source: Bloomberg News
Copper Imports by China at Record on Re-Stocking, Trade Financing Demand
Copper imports by China surged to a record in December, narrowing the first annual drop since 2008, as pre-holiday stockpiling and financing needs spurred buying amid low domestic inventories in the world’s largest consumer.
Inbound shipments of the refined metal, copper alloy and products were 508,942 metric tons, gaining for the seventh straight month, according to data on the General Administration of Customs’ website today. That was the highest level ever, according to Qu Yi, a Beijing-based analyst at CRU International Ltd.
Tight credit conditions after China raised bank reserve ratios six times in 2011 spurred metal imports as a means to secure trade financing. Unprofitable arbitrage between London and Shanghai in the first half caused a 29 percent drop in inventories as users ran down local stocks. The benchmark copper price in London tumbled 21 percent last year.
“December imports far exceeded the market expectation,” Peng Qiang, an analyst at Cofco Futures Co., said by phone from Beijing. “The consensus was around level with November, or even slightly lower. This may be a combined result of actual demand and financing needs.”
Arrivals of unwrought copper fell 24 percent in the first six months from a year earlier as the arbitrage window closed, spurring a rebound in the second half, paring the annual decline to a 5.1 percent drop. Arbitrage traders attempt to profit from prices variations for the same asset traded on different exchanges.
Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange gained as much as 1.5 percent today to $7,609.50 a ton, before being traded at $7,595 per ton at 2:48 p.m. Shanghai time.
Financing Demand
“Expectations of loosening money supply this year encouraged financing deals, as traders would deem such deals safer when overall cash flow isn’t that tight,” Peng said.
Trading companies receive a letter of credit for copper imports and then get a window of a few months of cheap loans. They can sell the metal and use the proceeds for higher-yielding investments, or submit a warehouse receipt or a warrant to use it as collateral for a discounted loan.
China cut reserve requirements in December by 50 basis points, the first reduction since 2008. The People’s Bank of China may follow up last month’s reduction with another cut this week, JPMorgan Chase & Co. said yesterday.
Improving demand ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday may also have boosted shipments, Peng said. The weeklong vacation starts on Jan. 23.
More Imports
Low stockpiles and tight financing conditions may support imports this year, said CRU’s Qu. “If prices slide further, and if money supply loosens a tad, imports may pick up.”
China’s stocks rose, driving the benchmark index to its biggest three-day gain since October 2010, as slowing trade data boosted speculation the government may loosen monetary policy to spur economic growth.
China’s copper consumption growth will slow to 6.4 percent this year, or 7.85 million tons, according to Beijing Antaike Information Development Co. This compares with 8.5 percent growth in 2011 to 7.38 million tons, and 11.5 percent to 6.8 million tons in 2010, Antaike’s data show.
“For January, holidays and low utilization rates of producers will probably bring down imports from the record level in December,” said Wang Mingyi, an analyst at Galaxy Futures Co.
Scrap copper imports totaled 450,000 tons in December, lifting the annual arrivals to 4.69 million tons, up 7.4 percent from 2010, according to customs.
Source: Post-Courier
Trawen confident of electoral roll
PAPUA New Guinea’s 2012 preliminary Electoral Roll will be available for public scrutiny by the end of this month.
However, the latest will be February if unforseen circumstances disrupt the current processing of the roll.
This is the undertaking from a confident Electoral Commissioner, Andrew Trawen, who yesterday announced staff specialised in data entry and scrutiny were currently working full time to finalise the roll before conduct of the general elections in June this year.
“As of today (yesterday) we have a total of 1,557,239 voters registered on the electoral roll out of approximately 4.3 million eligible voters for the 2012 general elections,” Mr Trawen said.
Mr Trawen also revealed that electors with no status totalled 27,249 while those that were yet
to be determined stood at 1,784,168.
But on the electoral data base there were currently 3.8 million eligible voters that have yet to be identified.
“This is why we are working around the clock to ensure the 2012 electoral roll is ready on time for polling which will commence on July 23, 2012,” Mr Trawen said.
He said for Central and Northern Provinces in the Southern region, their preliminary rolls have been completed and were ready for public scrutiny and objection.
The rolls for the Gulf and Milne Bay provinces are yet to be printed.
In the New Guinea Islands the East and West New Britain plus New Ireland rolls are also ready to be publicly scrutinised and objected.
Manus was currently undergoing auditing while Bougainville was still in the data collecting process.
For the Momase region both the East and West Sepik province rolls were also ready for scrutiny and objection while data for Madang was yet to be sent to Port Moresby and data entry was in progress for the Morobe province.
In the Highlands field work results from Chimbu have been sent to Port Moresby for entry in the main data base while data entry was in progress for Eastern Highlands.
The same has been done also for Hela and Southern Highlands while final auditing results were yet to be received from Enga, Western Highlands and Jiwaka.
But Mr Trawen said he was confident of finalising all the necessary data well before the elections which will commence from the issuing of writs on Friday April 27, 2012 at 4pm.
Nominations will close on May 4, 2012 while polling will commence on Saturday June 23, 2012 and close on Friday July 6, 2012.
Return of writs will take place on Friday July 27, 2012.
The nominations period will take seven days (April 27 – May 4, 2012), campaign period eight weeks (May 4 – June 23, 2012) polling period 14 days (June 23 – July 6, 2012) and counting 21 days (July 6 – July 27, 2012).
Mr Trawen said all manner of transportation have been considered including helicopter, vehicle and PNG Defence Force patrol boat hires.
Source: PNG Attitude / EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade)
ESBC: Another shining example for the ongoing of spreading lies. A malicious attempt to cause local unrest by left wing eco-anarchists of the so called University of Peace!
A gruelling story of double standards & injustice
IN 1969, DURING THE AUSTRALIAN ADMINISTRATION of Bougainville, Conzinc Rio Tinto Australia (CRA) opened a large copper and gold mine with forced community evictions.
In 1971, with pollution caused by the mine spreading, the issue of compensation went to the High Court of Australia. It ruled that the compensation was inadequate under Australian law but that, as an external territory, Papua New Guinea was not guaranteed the same standards that applied to mainland Australia.
That was just the start of a gruelling story of double standards and injustice.
Forty years after the first verdict, court battles go on. On 25 October 2011, Rio Tinto Group lost a bid to throw out genocide and war crimes claims in a lawsuit filed by PNG landowners.
A federal appeals court in San Francisco said claims of genocide and war crimes fall within the issues that can be considered under the Alien Tort Statute, a law of 1789 allowing non- citizens to sue in the United States for violations of international law.
In 1989 indigenous outrage over 20 years of exploitation and pollution had escalated to the point where the Bougainville Revolutionary Army blew up the mine’s power pylons following the company’s refusal to pay local landowners US$5.4 billion compensation.
A 10-year war of secession followed between the PNG defence force and the BRA and other armed groups on the island. This resulted in the ruination of towns and villages and an estimated death toll of 20,000.
According to Michael Cornish, “Mismanagement of the relationship between the operation of the Panguna mine and the local people was a fundamental cause of the conflict in Bougainville.” Forty years later, nothing has been done to compensate for the huge damage.
Watch here an authentic documentary film produced by TOROtv in 2000:
Source: Post-Courier
K20,000 for mini cocoa mill

WHILE many cocoa farmers in the country are always complaining about the little earnings they receive from selling their cocoa beans, a clan in the Siwai district of South Bougainville has decided to try out another avenue which they believe will give them maximum returns from the harvest and sales of their cocoa beans.
The Akahu Family Cocoa Cluster of Kahuanka village has decided to start up a mini cocoa processing and crushing mill project. The idea behind this dream is for them to one day start producing cocoa-made products like biscuits and chocolates to sell. Since this idea came about in the early 2000s, the clan have been rehabilitating and replanting their cocoa plantations so as to prefer them for this cocoa processing project. The Akahu Family Cocoa needs K800, 000 to kick-start this project. Last week the clan received a timely New Year present of K20,000 from the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and South Bougainville MP, Steven Pirika Kamma. Before presenting the cheque Mr Kamma challenged the clan to use the money in its intended purpose, adding that they should also raise their own funds instead of relying too much on free hand-outs.
Source: Post-Courier
Roll update slow in Bougainville
THE Common Roll Improvement Program for updating common rolls in the three regions of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is well behind schedule with the National Elections program to start on April 27.
According to Bougainville Electoral Manger Reitama Taravaru, this part of the preparations was scheduled for July of last year.
He said the updating of the common rolls was late due to the Autonomous Bougainville Governments by-elections for the Tonsu constituency.
He said that currently updating in South and Central Bougainville are underway and instructions were given to electoral officials engaged to return with their collected data for quality checks before they are sent to Port Moresby for auditing and entry into the new rolls for the National Elections this year.
Also the training for enrolment agents in North Bougainville is expected to next week in which potential agents will be identified to assist Village Assembly clerks.
Mr Taravaru said that the updating of common roll for North Bougainville is expected to be completed by the end of January.
During this process, he said the only hold up would be the shortage of blank bank cheques to pay
vital service providers but, this is being taken care of by Moore Printing Limited and is expected to soon be available.
Source: Post-Courier
Tanis goes for studies in Australia
By Fabian Gatana
FOMER Bougainville president, James Tanis, is off to Australia to commence his studies in Canberra.
Mr Tanis was farewelled yesterday in Buka by representatives from the Bougainville Administration and AusAID officials.
In Canberra he will be studying for his Masters in International Relations at the Australian National University under an AusAID education scholarship awarded to him by the Australian High Commission.
Mr Tanis said that the Masters program was designed for people who had little or no knowledge of International relations and affairs and is one that he thought seriously about during his term as president of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
He said that Bougainville needs leaders who are educated up to the current level of education and leaders who can steer Bougainville in the right direction.
He said that leadership was not purely political but it is a profession, prompting him to chose to return to school.
He said that this opportunity will also give him time to unwind and to do something different.
He also reassured the people of Bougainville that he was not running away, but for him to go and complete his masters in order to come back and contribute positively to the region.
Source: Post-Courier
Eluh-Rebuild Bougainville
By Fabian Gatana
BOUGAINVILLE Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Thomas Eluh has thanked Bougainvilleans for a festive season that was trouble free and the most peaceful in many years.
The attitude shown, he said, is the right way forward for prosperity in Bougainville and is good news not only for PNG, but the world and for potential investors who have interests in investing in Bougainville.
“I as the head of security in Bougainville am very delighted in the manner people went about their celebrations with common sense and these signs are very commendable,” said Police Chief Eluh.
He said that Bougainville had so much at stake considering the fact that the Autonomous Region had only three years before the referendum so he urged the peace loving people of Bougainville to continue this peaceful trend throughout the year and years to come.
He urged the people to forget the past and work hard at rebuilding Bougainville and prove that Bougainvilleans are law abiding people.
Meanwhile, the ACP also took time to sincerely thank all members of the Bougainville Police Service who worked effortlessly throughout the festive season to ensure the rule of law prevailed.
“I must commend you, my officers, for continuing to prove that the Bougainville Police Service is a highly professional and disciplined organisation.”
“On behalf of my family and the Bougainville Police Service I wish all the people of Bougainville a be-lated and prosperous New Year.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
K200,000 cash lost at Iurun
AN increasing number of treasure hunters from all over Bougainville are camping along the Iurun river at Tinputz district, in the hope of finding a black sports bag that is believed to contain more than two hundred thousand kina in cash.
Reports received from Tinputz say the black bag was lost at the river last week when its owner, a copra buyer based at Arawa, was swept out of the passenger vehicle he was travelling in, on his way to Buka.
The East Coast transport he was in along with ten other passengers, was caught in strong tide and dragged about five meters downstream when the Iurun river flooded after a night of heavy rains last week.
No casualties was reported and passengers were able to retrieve most of their cargos except for the bag containing the cash which has not yet been found.
A ten thousand kina reward is being offered to the person who finds and safely return the cash to the owner.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
LOCALS selling river gravel have reason to celebrate this year as the autonomous government of Bougainville has approved new buying rates for riverine materials especially gravel and limestone.
ABG minister for Works, Transport and Civil Aviation Carrolus Ketsimur at a recent presentation to ABG members announced that this year, river gravel will be bought at three kina per cubic meter.
This is an increase of two kina from last year’s buying rate of one kina per cubic meter.
He also said limestone would now be bought at four kina per cubic meter compared to last year’s buying rate of one kina fifty toea per cubic meter.
Ketsimur said this was good money easily earned from the natural resources owned by the coastal communities of Bougainville and urged that the landowners invest their money well.
He also urged that companies and landowners do fair business to avoid conflict and misunderstanding.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
THE Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) has endorsed the merging of the Bougainville Restoration and Development Authority (BRADA) with the ABG division of Technical Services (TSD).
In its recent meeting, BEC acknowledged that the streamlining of the two agencies responsible for infrastructure development allows the ABG to enhance the capacity of only one entity instead of the two.
ABG minister for finance and treasury Albert Punghau said the decision was necessary to manage and coordinate high impact infrastructure projects irrespective of the funding sources.
He justified that the merging of BRADA into TSD would avoid duplication of roles, confusion, buck-passing and wastage of resources.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
FORMER president of the Autonomous Bougainville Government James Tanis will travel to Canberra, Australia tomorrow to undertake an eighteen-month Master’s course on International Affairs.

Tanis’ study is funded by the Australian Government under its AusAID Development scholarship of which 170 Papua New Guineans including five Bougainvilleans would benefit from this year.
He thanked the government and people of Australia for giving him the opportunity to study.
He added that compared to Bougainville presidents the late Joseph Kabui and John Momis, he had no formal education in international relations but had a vast experience in international affairs.
Tanis said leadership is a profession and urged that to be a leader one must be well versed on the latest level of education and technology.
Tanis assured the people of Bougainville that he would return to add value to the countless efforts of the people and government of the Autonomous Bougainville in rebuilding peace and prosperity.
He also urged the leaders of Bougainville to work hard to achieve a successful outcome on the weapons disposal program.
Tanis warned that Bougainville’s sovereign partners are watching and he urged that for a continued good relations with development partners like Australia and New Zealand, Bougainville leaders must support all local partners in delivering on the weapons disposal program.
Source: Post-Courier
Unique festive season in Bougainville
THE Acting Buka police station commander Sergeant Emmart Tsimes has praised and thanked Bougainvilleans for a quiet, peaceful and enjoyable festive season.
Mr Tsimes said unlike the past there has been no reports of car crashes, killings, no arrests and even no detainees during 2011 Christmas and New Year periods. The people really behaved well and enjoyed their celebrations responsibly.
While thanking the people he said he was very happy as the public became more responsible and observed the real meaning of Christmas.
He said police carried out its normal operations and it was very quiet and peaceful. Mr Tsimes said this is due to police and other agencies who contributed towards an open and general law and order awareness in the communities and on radio before the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
He said report from Tinputz was the same where there was no accidents or any form of violence . The road was free and quiet, describing it as very unique compared to the previous years. Mr Tsimes believes the situation was similar elsewhere throughout the Autonomous region of Bougainville except for maybe minor incidents which are common and settled immediately by those responsible.
He further urged the people to maintain law and order in their communities in order to pave way for prosperity in the coming 12 months of 2012.
Source: Post-Courier
Wakunai bridge opens
ONE of the 15 bridges constructed by Japanese construction company Kitano was officially commissioned for use by the travelling public last week in Wakunai, Central Bougainville.
The Iaraka Bridge was officially opened by the ABG’s minister for works Carolus Ketsimur and witnessed by fellow minister for Local Level Government Rev. Joseph Nopei, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and member for Terra constituency, Robin Wilson, the former member for Selau Joseph Watawi, Chief Administrator (Operations) Raymond Masono and Bougainville Administration staff.
Mr Ketsimur, speaking on behalf of the ABG President and Vice President, paid tribute to two of the former ABG Presidents the late Joseph Kabui and James Tanis for the opportunity given to Patrick Nisira who was then the works minister to negotiate funding for the construction of the 15 bridges.
He said that the construction of the bridges were the single most biggest impact project on Bougainville for the last 15 to 20 years worth K90 million involving a foreign contractor from Japan.
The Minister also thanked the Japanese Government through the construction company Kitano at the same time conveying his sympathy for the lives lost during the course of their duties on the construction of the bridges.
He said the people of Bougainville have great respect for Japan in this partnership program and look forward to a future cordial relations and friendship with the Government and its people who are very hardworking, respectable and sincere.
Source: The National
Basil: Leave Grand Chief alone
NATIONAL Planning Minister Sam Basil says members of parliament in the Somare faction should stop misleading Sir Michael Somare and allow him to rest.
Basil suggested that some MPs were using the Grand Chief for their personal gain and should stop to allow him to recover from his operations.
“Anderson Agiru, Sir Arnold Amet, Patrick Pruaitch and Arthur Somare have been forcing the old man,’’ he said.
“Leave him alone and allow him to rest so that he recovers well from his operation. It is about time we help him and not use him and put more pressure and stress on him.”
He said if the Grand Chief got more ill from the pressure, the MPs should be held responsible.
He said the country acknowledged the many contributions Sir Michael had made for the young nation and he should be left to rest.
He said Agiru and Sir Arnold needed to go back to their provinces and provide the leadership as their people needed them.
He said Madang and the Southern Highlands provinces needed good governors to provide leadership in their provinces and not stay in Port Moresby.
Source: The National
K3.7 million Singapore ‘allowances’ probed
AN investigation has been launched into the payment of K3.7 million in allowances to a group of people who visited Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in a Singapore hospital.
The group consists of public servants serving in the Prime Minister’s office, officers from other government departments plus those who were not public servants.
Chief Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc, when asked to comment yesterday, declined to say who was entitled to travelling allowances while accompanying the prime minister – who went on a medical leave.
But Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah said everyone who received the allowances would be investigated.
He pointed out that Sir Michael was on sick leave and not on official government business.
Namah also questioned why the entire Prime Minister’s Department had to make the trip to Singapore.
The government-appointed Task Force Sweep team had been directed to investigate why allowances were paid to non-public servants and officials from other government departments.
“Some of these people who benefited from the K3.7 million of public funds during the hospitalisation of Sir Michael will be arrested soon,” Namah said.
More than 30 people, including family members of the Grand Chief, received allowances on the pretext of visiting the sick leader. Namah termed it as “daylight robbery” and “corruption of the highest order”.
According to Namah, Sir Michael and Lady Veronica received almost K700,000 as allowances, daughter Betha Somare and son Sana’s wife each received almost K200,000 and Sir Michael’s brother Paul Somare received more than K76,000.
The others allegedly paid allowances were Paul Bengo K85,000, Seki Karingai K192,000, Rodney Kamus K105,000, police Const John Keai K108,000, Richard Gogo K143,000, police Snr Const Ekonia Puki K71,000, police Const Rodney Eminoni K88,000, Tambon Tara K77,000, Margaret Elias K23,000, Hudson Ramatlap K23,000, Insp Simon Dugumi K26,000, Ipai Edward K48,000, Michael Ikau K26,000, Nora Solien K45,000, police First Const Peter Wesley K22,000, police Const Simon Guvi K23,000, Joan Vanariu K19,000, Chris Haiveta K10,000, Anna Abal K4,000 – plus four others who received less than K3,000 each.
Betha Somare, daughter of Sir Michael, said as employees of the prime minister’s office at the time, the public servants were entitled to the travel allowances.
She declined to comment further and referred other queries to the secretary at the Prime Minister’s Department.
She called on leaders to stop politicising the allowance issue because some of the payments were genuine.
She did not say if non-public servants, who accompanied the Grand Chief, were entitled to allowances
Source: Copper Investing News
Copper Drives Papua New Guinea Island's Independence Movement
By Shihoko Goto - Exclusive to Copper Investing News [1]

Shihoko Goto
Shihoko Goto is a Washington DC-based journalist who has spent the past decade writing about the international political economy, with a focus on financial markets. She has written for a number of publications over the years including United Press International, the National Journal Group, Dow Jones News Service, and the Wall Street Journal. Shihoko holds a BA in Modern History from the University of Oxford and and an MA in Political Science from Tokyo's Waseda University. Having been raised in Brussels, she is fluent in French as well as Japanese, and wishes she had more opportunities to improve her German.
[2]The existence of natural resources can make or break the financial future of a nation, and in Papua New Guinea, copper may determine whether a region can gain independence or not after decades of conflict. At stake is the possibility of the island of Bougainville breaking away from the southwestern Pacific Ocean state, which may be possible should islanders access the financial gains from the Panguna mine.
Owned by Bougainville Copper [3] (ASX:BOC [4]), the Panguna mine has produced copper concentrate from 1972 until guerillas of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army forced the company to suspend operations in 1989. The rebel forces had forced the mine to close as they believed the island deserved a greater share of the wealth in addition to greater protection from environmental exploitation, but with the recent surge in prices and the race to secure supply of the red metal heating up across the globe, Bougainville's political activists are hopeful that the time is ripe to reinvest in its resources as a means to gain independence.
The owners of the Panguna mine is itself 54.58 percent owned by Rio Tinto [5] (LSE:RIO [6]), while the government of Papua New Guinea has a 19.06 percent shareholding, and public shareholders hold the remaining 27.36 percent. At its height, the mine had provided nearly 20 percent of its annual income according to some estimates.
A referendum on whether or not the island should cede from Papua New Guinea is slated to be held between 2015 and 2020, and the possibility of economic self-sufficiency will play a critical role in swaying public opinion. As for the distribution of wealth from the mine, Bougainville Copper's Chairman Peter Taylor said in an interview with Radio Australia [7] last February that the company would “encourage the landowners and the Bougainville government to set the agenda. I would expect that there will be shared ownership in the mine… I think they need to have equity in the project so the fortunes of the mines are also the fortunes for them.”
Yet trust in the company's goodwill may not come easily from some quarters, as the mine operators were accused by locals over two decades ago of siding with the government of Papua New Guinea against the rebels and supplying them with military equipment to keep the operation running.
Whatever the truth may be about the conflict between the Papua New Guinea government and rebels, what is clear is that getting the mine back in working condition will not be cheap. Taylor said at the company's latest annual general meeting in April that it would cost about $3 billion to re-open the mine and the first step to getting it back into operation would be to conduct a pre-feasibility study. The company will also need to assess the write-offs needed, and Bougainville Copper states on its web site that “as access to the mine site has not been possible, the extent of the necessary write-downs is not capable of reliable measurement of estimation.” The company adds that “it is clear that a major write-down of assets from their pre-closure levels will be required. To allow for this future write-down, the directors made a general provision in 1991 for deterioration, damage, and pilferage of 350 million kina,” or over $16 million.
Still, with copper reserves estimated to reach at least $50 billion, the rewards could be substantive.
Despite the costs and considerable political risks, Bougainville Copper is far from alone in vying to get a foothold on Papua New Guinea's mineral wealth beyond Bougainville's shores. Mineral productions account for about a quarter of the nation's gross domestic product, with major mining groups including BHP Billiton [8] (ASX:BHP [9]), Harmony Gold [10] (NYSE:HMY [11]), and Newcrest Mining [12] (ASX:NCM [13]) as well as Rio Tinto being heavily invested in mines across the nation. Moreover, their involvement is expected only to increase as the race for mineral resources intensifies, and they are expected to seek out junior mining companies to partner with them moving forward.
I, Shihoko Goto, have no direct interests in the companies mentioned in this article.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Somare challenges O'Neill to an early election
The battle of the two prime ministers continues in Papua New Guinea.
A leading member of the Somare camp says Sir Michael is prepared to face a vote of confidence in parliament if he is restored as Prime Minister.
That move would trigger an immediate early election, something that many politicians including the Peter O'Neill government would not want.
As a fall back position, the Attorney General in the Somare government, Sir Arnold Amet says they'll return to the Supreme Court to try to get a new ruling from the judiciary.
Presenter:Firmin Nanol
Speaker: Sir Arnold Amet, Somare camp Attorney General
Listen here !
NANOL: In PNG politics, it's the unofficial start to campaigning for the 2012 National elections which really kick off in April when the election writs are expected to be issued.
The political impasse and constitutional crisis which occurred in December when the supreme court declared that the election of Peter O'Neil on August 2nd 2011 was unconstitutuonal and restored Sir Michael Somare as PM continues.
Sir Arnold Amet, who is the Attorney General on Sir Michael Somare's side says Sir Michael is the rightful Prime Minister and he is the rightful Attorney General giving the proper legal advice.
He says the parliament-endorsed Peter O'Neil's regime is continuously breaking laws and disregarding the rule of law.
AMET: They have purported to reappoint him after the Supreme Court ruled and restore Grand Chief Sir Michael by ruling that the positions of the Constitutions that they preported to declare the vacancy under, purported to disqualify on the 6th. September under were all wrong and the court said Sir Michael was wrongly removed, Peter ONeil was wrongly appointed, Grand Chief is as prime minister. It couldn' t be anymore explicit. Its ambigious as Sir Michael is the legitimate prime minister and I am the legitimate attorney-general, giving the legal advice to the nation. So Peter ONeil what possible legitimacy does he have to continue to hold government.
NANOL: Sir Arnold says the Somare's side will attend the January the 17th Session of Parliament, if the Speaker allocates Sir Michael his rightful place.
He says once that happens, then the ONeil's side can move a no confidence against Sir Michael.
But Sir Arnold says a successful no confidence motion will automatically trigger early elections, as the law says it cannot be moved 12 months before a next election, which falls this year 2012.
AMET: Where would Sir Michael sit? He is the prime minister, court has restored him explicitly, and Peter ONeil and Geoffrey Nape need to recognise it. But we are saying to them and I say so now on television with the full authority of Sir Michael and our Caucus. We are willing to go on the floor and you can move a motion of no confidence, but you must exceed the ruling of the Supreme Court judgement that Sir Michael is the prime minister, we are the executive government, then you have the numerical ability that still remains the same, remove the motion of no confidence. Peter ONeil, do you have the guts to move that? I dare you. Thats the power you have, but we will agree with you, because if we are numerically outnumber, you have the ability to move it. But first you must move from Sir Michaels chair as prime minister. Now I think thats what the nation wants. We are on the eve of election. People want the house to dissolved and establish nonsense and go to the polls. We are ready, are you ready? That will happen when Peter ONeil vacates the prime ministerial seat, goes to the Opposition. We take our place which Sir Michael as the prime minister and if Peter ONeil has the numerical strength, move the Section 145 motion of no confidence. The result is the house is dissolved, Sir Michael remains in executive control and we go to the polls and we can try to bring that forward, thats an administrative process, resource the Electoral Commission, give it all the financing necessary. It can count for. People want to put the rivalry later.
NANOL: Sir Arnold says the Somare camp will go back to the courts to seek further declaratory orders to have the O'Neil team relegated to the Opposition benches.
Parliament resumes in under two weeks at 2pm on January 17th, 2012.
Firmin Nanol-Port Moresby.
Source: Post-Courier
Japanese-built bridge opens in Wakunai for use
ONE of the 15 bridges constructed by Japanese construction company Kitano was officially commissioned for use by the travelling public last week in Wakunai, Central Bougainville.
The Iaraka Bridge was officially opened by the ABG’s Minister for Works Carolus Ketsimur and witnessed by fellow minister for Local Level Government Reverend Joseph Nopei, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and member for Terra constituency, Robin Wilson, the former member for Selau Joseph Watawi, Chief Administrator (Operations) Raymond Masono and Bougainville Administration staff. Mr Ketsimur, speaking on behalf of the ABG President and Vice President, paid tribute to two of the former ABG presidents the late Joseph Kabui and James Tanis for the opportunity given to Patrick Nisira, who was then the Works minister to negotiate funding for the construction of the 15 bridges. He said that the construction of the 15 bridges were the single most and biggest impact project on Bougainville for the last 15 to 20 years worth K90 million involving a foreign contractor from Japan. The Minister also thanked the Japanese Government through the construction company Kitano at the same time conveying his sympathy for the lives lost during the course of their duties on the construction of the bridges.
He said the people of Bougainville had great respect for Japan in this partnership program and looked forward to a future cordial relations and friendship with the Government and its people who were very hardworking, respectable and sincere.
Mr Ketsimur also thanked the landowners and the villagers and urged the chiefs to take the responsibility of looking after the bridges as they would serve their purposes in linking businesses, markets and any other activities that would bring peace building as well as other developments in the region.
Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
Bougainville Copper a first class investment opportunity!
Dear Investor,
Like many other securities worldwide, the shares of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) suffered a lot in 2011.
But only a few securities in the world represent such a brilliant perspective like Bougainville Copper for the near future. Therefore you should have a look to our homepage and find out more on an investment in BCL.
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) are proud to provide the most complete in-depth information on one of the biggest assets worldwide of copper, gold, silver, molybdenum and other dearly needed industrial metals.
Our homepage reflects Bougainville’s problems in the past as it highlights future expectations as well. Unmasked!
You would be negligent if you would miss this unique possibility to inform yourself about one of the greatest 2012 investment opportunities.
Bougainville Copper’s share price might double, even triple its actual value within the next few months. Independent experts estimate BCL’s fair value between AUD30 to AUD50 per share! The ESBC are more modest: We expect the share price to soar from AUD0.70 to AUD3 only in a first step this year.
Please understand that we do not want to sell our shares to you, we only ask you to find out all facts on and to make up your mind. I believe you will be astonished to explore a sole homepage from investors for investors that provides a complete overview on an interesting investment.
I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year 2012 and a lot of investment decisions, full of wisdom!
Axel G. Sturm
Source: Post-Courier
Somare’s come under probe
Sir Michael Somare and Lady Veronica are among more than 30 public servants who are now under the Task Force Sweep Team investigations for money allegedly used in Singapore while the Grand Chief was undergoing medical treatment last year.
The investigation focuses on the use of almost K4 million when Grand Chief Sir Michael was bed ridden in a Singapore hospital for three months. Among them is Chris Haiveta, who is now an executive in the O’Neill-Namah Government.
National Planning Minister Sam Basil announced on the eve of the New Year that the Task Force sweep team has been handed the confidential list which details the millions of kina money used. He said those on the list will soon be called upon to be questioned in the New Year.
Details of the expenses, according to a report by the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council show that Grand Chief used about K400,000, Betha Somare, daughter of Sir Michael, incurred K192,583.14, while Ms Seke Ua Karingal, Sir Michael’s personal assistant, spent K191,224.81. Next on the list was Lady Veronica Somare who spent K171,825.34, followed by Richard Gogo who spent K143,200.09 and Constable John Keai spent K107,594.91. Rodney Kamus spent K104,733.79 followed by brother of Sir Michael, Paul Somare with K76,350.60. A Mr Tambon Tara spent K76,268.01 while Const. Rodney Eminoni spent K87,081.42 to name a few.
“The list has been given to the Task Force sweep team and arrests will soon be made,” Mr Basil said.
But the Somare-Agiru Government welcomed the investigations and said that those involved were ready to face the Task force Sweep team.
Ms Somare recently defended the allegations saying that Grand Chief Sir Michael was in a sick bed and had no input in all the funds used. She also said that the funds were entitlements as Sir Michael was the Prime Minister of the day at that time who was also entitled to allowances.
Timothy Bonga, the Internal Security Minister in the Somare-Agiru camp said that the Task Force Sweep Team should also look into all MPs that went as families including Don Polye, the Treasurer now in the O’Neill-Namah Government.
Rodney Kamus, personal aide to Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare yesterday said: “I have nothing to hide and I welcome any investigation by Mr Basil as all funds used for my travel during Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare’s hospitalisation was my entitlements as duty travel in serving the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and all records are kept. I personally was with the Prime Minister for three months along with two body guards and a protocol officer.
“Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare is the Prime Minister and like every world leader, is entitled to body guards, personal aides, protocol and the list goes on whether he is in the jungles of Bulolo, Sahara Desert, New York City or in the hospital as is the case. Officers who are with him or her are given an allowance to look after themselves whilst doing their duties of serving the Prime Minister.
“I personally challenge Mr Sam Basil to come out publicly and state his entitlements as Member of Parliament for Bulolo and purportedly Minister for National Planning,”Mr Kamus said.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville to get funds
BOUGAINVILLE’S first K100 million from the promised K500 million allocated in the 2012 National Budget, may be given quarterly to avoid misuse, the Government of the O’Neill-Namah announced.
Plans and measures are now underway to help Bougainville use the first K100million from the K500million allocated in the 2012 Budget in a reputable manner, according to the National Planning and Finance offices.
Last month Chief Secretary to the National Government Manasupe Zurenuoc expressed concerns over the funds adding that he wanted the best for the people of Bougainville and urged the leaders of Bougainville to use the money as earmarked.
Zurenuoc said that the funds were earmarked for major infrastructure and impact projects specifically the roads on Bougainville.
He said it was the Government’s responsibility to see that these funds were used in a way the bulk of Bougainville population benefited and that Government services rendered accordingly using these allocation. But last week, National Planning Minister Sam Basil sounded that the Government may firm up measures to disburse the first K25 million quarterly, and the next funds released upon acquittals.
The Government is aware of reports from Government auditors that records of multi-million kina funds earmarked for projects on Bougainville have not been used as per the requirements and that is why they wanted to make a change in the New Year to held Bougainville use that much money and develop the whole of Bougainville for the sake of the population and the children of the region.
Source: The National
Bougainville farmers urged to aid recovery work
COCOA and coconut smallholder farmers in Bougainville have been challenged to support the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) in its economic recovery by working hard to develop other small scale industries.
The challenge was issued by Bougainville Acting President Patrick Nisira in a statement released last week for the official opening of Iraka Bridge, in Central Bougainville, today.
Iraka Bridge is part of a K90 million government of Japan funded project to build 15 bridges between North and Central Bougainville.
The project began last year by contracted road construction company Kitano, which was commended for working within the project deadline of two years as evident by seven of the 15 bridges now being used.
Nisira said with these bridges open, there was no excuse for individuals to expect free government help.
He said the bridges would boost the Bougainville culture of doing business by giving access to markets and developing Bougainvilleans to actively take part in peace-building, reconciliation and living in harmony.
“Do not wait for handouts as there may not be any and there is a risk that you will miss your opportunity by waiting and you can wait forever for handout that will not come your way,” Nisira said.
He urged local communities to take the opportunity to start slowly and progress in time to build their own business to generate income for their families.
“I humbly ask the community near these bridges to please look after the bridges well as it is a vital link for all the people of Bougainville.
“It must unite us as one people and make us be part of our society,” he said.
He said the ABG intended to continue with the bridge programme to South Bougainville and negotiate the sealing of the highway from Kokopau to Central and South Bougainville.
Source: ESBC Research / ASX Sydney
ASX stockmarket is closed on January 2nd, 2012.
First trading in 2012: Tuesday January 3rd, 2012!
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Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Year Quiet
by Aloysius Laukai
Buka police have reported a trouble-free New Year in Buka town.
New Dawn fm visited on duty policemen at the police station and they said thst Buka town was quiet despite the small bangings of objects by town residents at 12midnight last night
New Dawn Fm noted that at 12midnight there was heavy downpour which dispersed possible outdoor parties last night.
The downpour was seen by some as showers of blessings for the new year.
Source: ESBC
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Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Dawn upgrade
By Aloysius Laukai
Workmen ready to work on New Dawn FM upgrading on New Year 2012.
Listeners can get the stereo signals again around Buka island and northern tip of mainland Bougainville.