News 12.2014.2
Source: Post-Courier
Couple made in Panguna

Theonila Roka and Nathan Matbob tied the knot just before Christmas in Bougainville marking the linking of two hearts from extremely different cultural backgrounds. The special event occurred at Ms Roka’s little village of Makosi along the Kovarong River, Panguna District of Central Bougainville. Theonila, the bride is a from mixed parentage of Bougainville and West New Britain and her partner Nathan hails from Milne Bay and Madang. Nathan is son to long time journalist Patrick Matbob who is now a lecturer at Divine Word University in Madang. The couple met at Divine Word University as students and became close friends. They both graduated from the university and are currently working in Arawa, Central Bougainville. It was on the 13th December 2014 that the couple tied the knot in the presence of relatives, friends and immediate family members as husband and wife. With beaming faces and excitement the couple recited their marriage vows as the priest led them on to declare them as husband and wife. Deumori Parish Priest Fr Simon Dumarinu, who officiated the marriage rituals, outlined that marriage is a covenant that man and woman make to become one and to become one means that all things the husband has belongs to the wife and vice versa. He explained that good communication among the couple is the foundation of a proper life. He stated that husband and wife have all the right to know each others secrets because now they are one and one cannot function well without their other part thus communication and openness to each other is what marriage couples must nurture and develop in their life for a happy life.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The ABG 2015 Budget session today saw the ABG finance and treasury minister Albert Punghau gave the members a rundown of the 2015 budget summary.
Before giving a rundown of the budget summary, the minister stressed to the ABG president chief Dr. John Momis and the members of the House of Representatives that the 2015 budget priorities as tabled in the house in September will be to improve service delivery through a strong focus at the district level, promote economic growth and sustainability, significantly increase revenue volumes and collection of revenues and to strengthen key interventions and functions of the government.
He added that the budget also seeks to increase transparency of all sources of funding available in Bougainville from all sources.
He then urged that the members of the House of Representatives to work together to get the best value out of every kina available to Bougainville.
Mr. Punghau then revealed that in summary, the total Recurrent Unconditional Grant stands at K127, 977, 000, the estimated sub-total of internal revenue stands at K19, 119, 000, while the restoration and development grants is estimated to be K160 million.
He also revealed that the K30 million RDG arrears has already been allocated to 17 programmes whilst the 2015 RDG payment of K15 million was allocated to a total of 10 region wide projects.
The minister said for the first time, a budget document records development partner contribution and those of our national member representatives.
He added that in total, the sum of K249, 015, 400 is appropriated from the Bougainville consulted revenue fund for expenditure in respect of the general public services for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015.
Members were allowed to debate this budget before they pass the 2015 appropriation bill tomorrow.
ABG House was adjoined to TEN AM Bougainville time tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Former education secretary and a chief from Selau Tony Tsora has applauded the decision by the Autonomous Bougainville Government in implementing the new time zone for Bougainville.
He told New Dawn Fm in an interview today that as a proud Bougainvillean, he is happy with the new time zone.
He said it is his proud moment to actually witness such a transition and would like to commend the ABG for making such a change when he is still alive.
He added that the new time zone will go down in the record of other countries that Bougainville is no longer a part of Papua New Guinea.
Chief Tsora stressed that Bougainville now has its own time zone which is one hour before PNG time and it is something that we Bougainvilleans must be proud of while we are still alive.
When responding to critics on the lack of awareness on the new time zone, Mr. Tsora pointed out that awareness on any policy can be done either before; during or after its implementation saying the ABG has therefore made a good decision in implementing the new time zone for Bougainville through the department of commerce and tourism.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The new time zone for Bougainville has created an opportunity for sports men and women in Bougainville.
According to the Bougainville Football Association secretary Christopher Nawa, the new time zone has enabled athletes more time in the afternoons to go for trainings and to lift their fitness level and skills level during their trainings.
He said this is an opportunity for Bougainville sports men and women to take on board use positively to build their skills in all sporting codes.
He added that we have come to a time in which we have witnessed Bougainville going into a transition in its time zoning and as Bougainvilleans; we must adjust to this new time zone.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Hahela Primary School head teacher Fabian Anisia is urging and encouraging all 2014 grade eight students to make use of the little knowledge that they have acquired to better their lives with.
He stressed that the certificates that they have attained shows that they have achieved another level of education in their lives saying this is not the end but is just the beginning of their lives towards their education and future life endeavors.
He said the eight years that they have spent at the primary level was not wasted because they have now attained the document that will open doors to other institutions.
When giving his Christmas message to the stakeholders of Hahela Primary School, Mr. Anisia urged the grade eights and the youths in the village to put to good use the basic education that they have acquired to better and improve their living standards.
He stressed that as youths, they must make use of what God has given them because they do have a mission and a purpose in life so they must change their mindsets and attitude and invest in the right place and they will improve their standard of living.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG PRESIDENT CHIEF DR. JOHN MOMIS this afternoon called for unity as Bougainville moves into the Referendum window in 2015.
He made these remarks when commenting on the ABG 2015 Budget this afternoon.
PRESIDENT MOMIS said that Bougainville although has more factions then before have one common goal that is self determination for Bougainville.
DR. MOMIS said that Bougainville must address two important issues before the referendum.
They are a massive awareness on the Peace Agreement and the activities of the government and the removal of all weapons before the referendum.
He said that because a lot of people invested funds on buying weapons the ABG will look at a program of buying back these weapons for some small amount of funds to be agreed at.
President Momis said that Bougainville must be united as the famous saying that United we stand or divided we fall which will be not in the best interest of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
More then one hundred people especially ex combatants fronted the ABG House this afternoon to protest on the appointment of the new Chief Secretary, MONOVI AMANI by the ABG Senior Appointments Committee.
The former combatants presented a petition to the ABG President, DR. CHIEF DR. JOHN MOMIS who promised to look into their grievances addressed in their petition.
PRESIDENT MOMIS told the protestors that the appointment was made by an Independent Committee as per the Bougainville Constitution.
He said that the Bougainville Costitution says that the Appointments must be made by a Idependent Committee that includes a representative of the Churches and in this case the Bishop of United Church TIM AUTHER, Women's rep, MRS HONA HOLAN,LAWYERS REP, HUBERT KIKIRA, JOHN KALI from the Department of Personal Management and President Momis as the Chairman.
Chief Momis said that if we continue to disturb the process that we have established then there is no use of setting up the mechnicism to move Bougainville forward.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner for Police, ACP PAUL KAMUAI this afternoon thanked the former combatants for presenting their petition quitely and receiving their answer from their leaders.
He said this was a sign that our people were matured and can present their grievance peacefully.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Members not happy with budget
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG members who spoke in the ABG Budget tabled today by the ABG Finance Minister, ALBERT PUNGHAU said that the budget did not reflect the wishes of the people as per the ABG Budget meeting held in Arawa recently.
The member for TSITALATO, COSMAS SOHIA told the house that the meeting in Arawa was just another waste of Government funds as their input were not reflected in the 2015 ABG Budget.
Other members who also spoke was the member for SOUTH NASIOI who questioned why his new AROPA HIGH SCHOOL was not in the Budget.
He said that AROPA which is under his constituency was able to get funds under the National Government’s HIGH IMPACT PROJECT and this AROPA HIGH SCHOOL must have been included as part of the ABG’s input to the development in the area.
The member for HAGOGOHE, PETER SOHIA was not happy as the Budget was pushed without providing the Minister’s Speech to all members.
The budget bill was read two times and the leaders will be given tonight to go through the budget before they can debate further tomorrow before passing the bill.
New Dawn FM understands that the law says that the ABG must pass the ABG Budget before the 31st of December and delay in passing the bill will mean not funds to do government work in the new year.
Source: Bougainville24
ABG and Meekamui strengthen ties with liaison officer
By Leonard Fong Roka
In a positive move for Bougainville the Meekamui leadership of Panguna and the Autonomous Bougainville Government have begun direct liaisons.
The change of heart came in October and the President’s Office now has pre-notification of every move done by the Meekamui group of Panguna.
The Meekamui group in Panguna, known as the Meekamui Government of Unity (MGU), now has their member Peter Kabarui as the liaison officer between the Bougainville president and the MGU.
It is hoped the establishment of direct communication to the leader of Bougainville will create understanding between the ABG and the people in Panguna.
“We had dinner recently with the President at his residence in Buka and he told us that Panguna is a special case and must be treated accordingly,” said Peter Kabarui, who hails from the recently resettled Dapera Village at the Panguna mine site.
“The President admitted that his leadership has a heart that Panguna and the ABG should be focussed on realignment.”
Both the MGU and the Panguna District Administration currently are pushing for a series of Pan-Panguna conferences, under the leadership of vice executive manager Robin Tekapu, where various leaders, people and government representatives can come together to voice their opinions and find a way forward.
“The Pan-Panguna conference that is backed by the Panguna District and the MGU is the only way forward,” Mr. Kabarui said.
“The ABG created Panguna Peace Building Strategy (PPBS) to unite factions in Panguna, however it is now dividing and confusing us all.”
“PPBS held a dangkinang in Panguna but it was designed to ‘pass the buck’, thus creating divisions when we should be pushing for collaboration and unity.”
According to Peter Kabarui, President Momis now has direct communication with the MGU.
After every activity the MGU undergoes in Panguna Kabarui travels to Buka to debrief the President. Last week he was also in Buka to present a resolution on the proposed Pan-Panguna conference to the President and ABG Chief Secretary, Chris Siriosi.
“In our last meeting with the President we had a positive gathering and all we talked about was unity for the referendum for independence,” he continued.
Kabarui admitted that Meekamui for so long had been ruled by personal interests and went against the legitimate government of Bougainville, the ABG.
They are recognizing the need to be united in the lead up to the referendum on independence and autonomy.
Source: Bougainville24
Kindles pique student interest in reading
By Leonard Fong Roka

Jubilation filled the unfinished Joseph Kabui Primary School in the Panguna District earlier this year after five kindles were presented by former Bougainville ABG President, James Tanis, who is also a member of the BookGainVille leadership group on Bougainville.
Senior teacher, Justin Roka, said that students were so carried away seeing all the books accessible with a touch of the fingers.
“The students were so interested and did not waste time fighting to get a feel of their new resources,” Roka said.
“We were all amazed to learn and see for ourselves that Bougainville is way behind in terms of technological changes in the education system.”
“The students were also surprised that changes outside Bougainville had gone well ahead of us.”
The school’s staff are working on getting the kindle sessions onto their schedule to get the students familiarise themselves with the new technology.
“But we won’t do it alone,” Roka admits, “there are BookGainVille project teams specialised in the technology and the management of the project to guide us and help our students catch up on the learning process through the reading of books with the kindles.”
BookGainVille project was educational project founded in Australia aimed at advocating education on Bougainville.
The project has support from donor groups like Niugini Islands Insurance Brokers, Port Moresby Bougainville Association Inc, Simon Pentanu Independent Consulting, Monika Karwan & Stephen Greaves-Geelong, TwoPlusYou Leadership (Australia) and The Global Love Movement (Australia).
The currently kindles cost about $99 each and can hold up to 1400 books.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville tournament erupts after sorcery accusations
A youth sports tournament in Papua New Guinea's Bougainville turned sour after an argument erupted over accusations of sorcery.
The commander of the Buin police station told New Dawn FM that police were alerted to the incident over the weekend after a losing team accused the other team of using sorcery to win the game.
Senior sergeant John Popui says some of the youths who took part in the fight were armed with knives but nobody was seriously injured.
Mr Popui says after attending the fight, police were then confronted with a road block and held at gunpoint by locals.
However, he says none of his officers were injured.
Bougainville's acting police commissioner, Paul Kamuai, says youth need to accept there will always be a winner and loser in any competitive game.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis calls for reflection
Autonomous Bougainville President John Momis has called on his people to reflect on their journey as a people as the new year approaches.
Addressing the people in a message, Mr Momis told the people to reflect on their mistakes, from which they will learn from, and from their truimphs that will determine their next move in the new year.
“This past year, Bougain-ville has been witness to a great many things, your government, the Autonomous Bougainville Government, in its continued approach to fostering tangible development, has passed important laws and created policies to safe guard our interests and brought about major infrastructural development,” Mr Momis said.
“Early this year we played host to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea the Rt. Hon. Peter O’Neill, which signified a definitive relationship between the ABG and the National Government.
“The cooperation between both governments shows how committed we are to find a meaningful and lasting solution to the question that is the political future of Bougainville.”
He said the ABG has passed some very important laws this year that will most definitely change its outlook as well its effectiveness in governing and service delivery to the Bougainvillean populace.
Included in those achievements is establishing the Bougainville public service and its new departments, introducing the Bougainville public finance system, revitalising the annual budget process for 2015 with greater community and district engagement, improved engagement with the National Government, over sighting the preparation of a high quality budget submission that resulted in a 50 percent increase in recurrent budget grants, contributing to the interim transition mining laws and overseeing the start of a series of the high impact projects including the opening of Aropa Airport, the sealing of Buka Town roads and contracting the first 20 kilometers of sealing for the Buka Ring Road.
He said the government passed the Bougainville Financial Management Act, the Bougainville Tenders Board Act and the Bougain-ville Public Service Act.
“Another important act that was passed was the Bougainville Mining Transitional Act amidst highly sensationalised views from people who have the audacity to scrutinise it without properly understanding its discourse. From the passing of the Bougainville Public Service Management Act came about the total restructure of the Bougainville Public Service,” the ABG President said.
“The ABG saw fit to see the overhaul of the public service to make it more lean and effective to carry out the directives of the government in a manner that will see minimal disruption to service delivery to the people in the future to come.”
Source: Post-Courier
Film maker urges girls to make a difference

Llane Munau
YOUNG girls and women of Bougainville have been challenged to make a difference in society. The challenge was issued yesterday by a young Bougainvillean film maker, Llane Munau.
Ms Munau is one of the film makers who have produced the Pawa Meri documentary. Ms Munau, of Buin/Kieta parentage, was in her hometown of Arawa to personally show the documentary to her wantoks at the Arawa market.
She is one six directors involved in the production of Pawa Meri, a documentary series which showcases six inspiring women and their leading roles in bringing about changes in their respective communities. Llane Munau grew up in Bougainville during the civil war which broke out in the late eighties.
The conflict over unequal distribution of wealth and over-ruling of locals by outsiders lasted for 10 years claiming about 20,000 lives. This crisis has left many people in the communities with deep scars.
Ms Munau’s film titled Voice of Change tells the story of a Sister Lorraine Garasu, a Catholic nun who played a leading role in the peace making process.
According to Ms Munau, she felt it was important to celebrate Sister Lorraine’s role and to document a very important chapter of Bougainville’s history.
“I wanted my film to capture history and the life of this amazing woman, Sr Lorraine Garasu,” Ms Munau said. She graduated from the Divine Word University with a degree in Journalism.
She said she wants the children of Bougainville to know what happened during the secessionist crisis so this crisis may never repeat. She challenged young girls not to underestimate themselves but strive for a better future for themselves and their families.
“If this great women of PNG can make it this far, why can’t you make it too?” she said at the packed Arawa market. She said if she can make it, they can make it too. “Stand tall, set your goals well and work towards it. Look at the future.”
Source: Post-Courier
Catechist calls for more workers
A retired Catholic catechist has called on young people to fill the current shortfall of pastoral workers in the Diocese of Bougainville.
The ten year civil crisis in Bougainville has seen the withdrawal of many pastoral workers including priests, nuns, brothers, deacons and catechists.
The called wasfrom retired catechist Joseph Barato, 72, of Kopani village in the Manetai area of Central Bougainville. Mr Barato walked to Manetai Parish to attend a week-long Catholic charismatic seminar.
The active Catholic, who carries a sever back ache, did not allow that to stop him from walking the long distance to attend the seminar at Manetai parish.
Mr Barato said a total 42 pastoral workers graduated from the Mabiri Ministry School of Catechist. Three of them came from Manetai but sadly two have passed away, leaving him the lone survivor from that class or religious workers.
The St. Xaviers Manetai parish also had some interesting stories during the 10 year Bougainville crisis. Manetai villagers told of how a lone PNGDF soldier miraculously defended a building that housed the statue of the Immaculate Mary, mother of Jesus.
It was revealed that during a shoot-out between the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) and the PNGDF troops, the PNGDF soldier did not retreat nor surrender when heavy gun fire hit the statue of the mother of Jesus.
But for some unexplained reason, all the BRA guns were jammed, allowing the the PNGDF soldier to secure the area and the church building.
Source: Post-Courier
Police report quiet Christmas
PEOPLE of Central and South Bougainville celebrated this Christmas in peace and harmony, as the bulk of the people attended church and sporting activities. Arawa police reported peaceful Christmas celebrations, likewise the police in Buin for the southern region.
In the remote areas of Bougainville – up in the mountains and coastal areas, villagers attended church activities on the eve of Christmas and on Christmas day as well.
In the southern end of the island, Buin police station commander Sgt John Popui reported well-behaved youths who celebrated the occasion in their own villages.
In Wisai, Buin district Fr Robert Taria who celebrated the Christmas mass at the St Peter & Paul Kulula parish encouraged the people of Buin to grasp the message of Christmas which is the birth of Jesus Christ.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG BUDGET session to appropriate 2015 budget is set for tomorrow December 30th, 2014.
According to a memo from the ABG Speaker, ANDREW MIRIKI all members have been requested to attend this very important session.
The meeting will commence at 9AM Bougainville time and would mainly deal with the Budget Presentation by the Finance, Treasury and Planning Minister, ALBERT PUNGHAU.
Normally the members will be given time to study the Budget before they approve for implementation the next day.
Meanwhile, the Air condition unit Contractor who installed the AIR CONDITIONS at the Parliament house, HENRY ONSA told New Dawn FM he will switch off power to the Air condition unit because he has outstanding invoice with the Parliament house.
He said although he was assured payment before the accounts closed last week, he never received his payment.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The acting police commissioner for Bougainville Paul Kamuai has strongly condemned the use of firearms in Bougainville following received reports of incidents that occurred in South Bougainville over the weekend.
He said most of the reports received involved the use of firearms which has lead to critical injuries, arson and eventually death.
When stressing on the use and possession of firearms on Bougainville in an interview today, Mr. Kamuai said as the ACP for Bougainville, he strongly condemns the use of firearms and the presence of firearms on Bougainville.
He pointed out that when firearms are present in the communities and in the wrong hands, firearms will be used in the wrong way and in criminal ways as well.
He revealed that the Bougainville Police Service continue to get reports of firearms being used to kill people and that is why we must be serious about the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the pillar on weapons disposal by removing all weapons.
Commissioner Kamuai stressed that the only person who can be in possession of a firearm is someone who is licensed and the police.
He said firearms were used during the crisis and now that the crisis is over, the firearms are now of no use to us.
He added that evidence is already there that the use of firearms will not help in the development of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A Christmas and New Year tournament turned sour for youths after an argument erupted between two teams from accusations of the use of sorcery in winning a game.
The incident happened at Tokaino mission in Buin South Bougainville over the weekend.
As revealed to New Dawn Fm by Buin Police Station commander senior sergeant John Popui, the argument erupted into a very big fight after the winning team was accused by the loosing team of using sorcery to win the game.
He said when the fight erupted; the police were called in to attend to the situation which has gotten worse as the youths were now using knives as their weapons of choice to fight with.
He added that there were no serious casualties and those who sustained injuries during the fight are being treated at the Buin health centre.
Mr. Popui revealed also that after they attended to the situation and were returning back to Buin Town, a road block was set up for the police by the locals.
He said while they were clearing the road for their vehicle to pass through, they were held at gunpoint by the locals.
He added that the gun was not used and none of his officers were injured.
Meanwhile, the Bougainville acting police commissioner Paul Kamuai is not happy with such happenings.
He said sports are a good thing for youths to be involved in but they must always bear in mind that there will always be a winner and a looser in every game.
And as a result of the fight, the grand final for the Christmas and New Year volley ball and soccer tournament at Tokaino will be held next week Sunday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A young man from Hire village in the Siwai area was shot dead over the weekend after he burnt the village assembly to the ground.
The deceased known as Eric, from Hire village in Siwai was held at the Buin Police Station cells over the charges of arson for burning the first village assembly.
But according to police reports, the deceased escaped from the Buin Police Station holding cells, went back home and again burnt the second village assembly to the ground for reasons which is still unknown to police.
The village assembly was rebuilt while the deceased was in the custody of the police in Buin.
Senior sergeant John Popui from Buin revealed that after the deceased burnt the second village assembly to the ground, a local businessman (name withheld) took a firearm and shot the escapee who died on the spot from nine bullet wounds.
In retaliation, relatives of the deceased burnt four stores belonging to the businessman and other houses at Monoitu village.
Relatives of the deceased are currently demanding K5, 000 as ‘Belkol’ before the body is buried.
Meanwhile, the Bougainville Police Service Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Kamuai has condemned the use of illegal and unlicensed firearms, especially in South Bougainville.
He said the people responsible for burning down the stores and buildings will be charged for arson while the businessman will be charged for the murder of the escapee and for being in possession of an unlicensed firearm.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG's Bougainville adopts new time zone
Papua New Guinea's autonomous region of Bougainville has moved its clocks forward by one hour to establish a new time zone.
The Bougainville House of Representatives agreed in September to adopt what it calls Bougainville Standard Time.
The new time zone is 11 hours ahead of Co-ordinated Universal Time, which means that Bougainville will be one hour ahead of the rest of Papua New Guinea.
PNG Loop reports that Bougainville's Minister for Commerce and Tourism told the House of Representatives in September that Bougainville was disadvantaged by being part of the National Time Zone.
The time zone changed over in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Bougainville will now be in the same time zone as Solomon Islands.
Source. Post-Courier
Kieta district office opens on Christmas

KIETA district manageress Lucy Travertz receives the model of the new office building from Atomo singsing group as Mr Miringtoro and others look on.
THE people of Kieta were presented the new Kieta district office building on Christmas eve. Central Bougainville MP and Communication Minister in the national Government, Jimmy Miringtoro, whose office helped fund the new office complex, was on hand last Wednesday to help open the facility at Toniva.
The district office was constructed using the minister’s the District Services Improvement Program funds. Kieta district manageress Lucy Travertz acknowledged and thanked Mr Miringtoro, landowners, local chiefs and other stakeholders for ensuring the completion of the new office.
She said theoffice will foster good governance, which is one of the pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement. She said it took many years and a lot of work involving a lot of people to finally deliver the vital development, and the fact that it was delivered last week was a timely Christmas gift for the locals.
She said the office will help fulfill the district administration’s vision of a “peaceful and secure middle income earning district by 2017″.
“It has finally happened since the singing of the memorandum of understanding with six major clans, Council of Elders and the administration in 2008,” said Ms Travertz. “More infrastructural developments plans are in place for Toniva.”
Other speakers at the opening urged the people to look after the infrastructure and work together with the leaders and see more developments happen in the Toniva area.
Other infrastructure ready to be opened include three staff houses and more buildings and infrastructures like aid posts and police station will be set up soon.
Mr Mirringtoro said he was happy to see the people of Central Bougainville working together and he commended them for that.
He also praised the national Government for the support it is giving to the people of Bougainville. “I can see the spirit of togetherness in Central Bougainville and that is good, we must continue to unite,” Mr Miringtoro said.
“I commend you leaders and the people as well and also thankful for the COE chairmen for giving your time to the people to bring needed services to the people.” The ceremony ended with the viewing of the new building.
Source: Bougainville24
Kieta opens a Christmas present from PNG Government
by Ishmael Palipal

Kieta District Office Manageress Ms Lucy Travertz and Minister Jimmy Miringtoro cut the ribbon to officially open the newly built Kieta District Office complex in Toniva, Kieta District Central Bougainville. Pictures by Jacob Ienu
The Government of Papua New Guinea gave a Christmas gift to the people of Kieta in Central Bougainville on Wednesday 24th December with the launch of the Kieta District Office complex.
Three quarters of the funds for the Kieta District Office Complex in Toniva were provided through the National Governments DSIP grant initiative.
The ribbon cutting ceremony was completed by National Parliament Member for Central Bougainville and Minister for Communication, the Hon. Jimmy Miringtoro MP, and Kieta District Manager, Ms Lucy Travertz.
Lucy Travertz acknowledged and thanked the member for the Central Bougainville, honoured guests, stakeholders, landowners and chiefs, who have helped to see this project through.
Kieta District Office Manageress Ms Lucy Travertz receiving the model of a house from the Atomo singsing group, which traditionally signifies that now she (and other leaders standing with her) now have the authority and responsibility to look after the house and serve the people well while living in the house. Picture by Jacob Ienu
Kieta District Office Manageress Ms Lucy Travertz receiving the model of a house from the Atomo singsing group, which traditionally signifies that now she (and other leaders standing with her) now have the authority and responsibility to look after the house and serve the people well while living in the house. Picture by Jacob Ienu
She stated that this office will foster good governance which will meet one of the pillars of Bougainville Peace Agreement.
She said that finally, after 12 years of struggle to build the office facility and the collective efforts of those who were involved, Central Bougainville can celebrate this Christmas season with tangible infrastructure.
The office will help fulfill the district administration’s vision to become the peaceful and secure middle income district by 2017.
“It has finally happened”, said Ms Lucy Travertz, “[we have waited] since the singing of the Memorandum of Understanding with six major Clans, COE’s and the administration in 2008 and more infrastructural developments plans are in place for Toniva.”
Other guest speakers at the opening urged the people to look after the infrastructure and work together with the leaders and see more developments happen in the Toniva area.
More infrastructure will soon be ready to be opened, including the three newly build staff houses, an aid post and a police station.

The newly opened Kieta District Office Complex at Toniva in Kieta District of Central Bougainville. Picture by Jacob Ienu
Mr Jimmy Mirringtoro stated that he was pleased to see the people of Central Bougainville together and he commended them for that. He also acknowledged the PNG government for the support that is giving to the people of Bougainville.
“I can see the spirit of togetherness in Central Bougainville and that is good, we must continue to unite,” Mr Miringtoro stated during the opening.
“I commend you leaders, the people as well and I am also thankful to the [Council of Elders] chairmen for giving your time to the people to bring needed services to the people.”
The ceremony ended with the viewing of the newly opened building, after the cutting of the ribbon by Jimmy Miringtoro and Lucy Travertz.
Present at the ceremony were many cultural groups from Central Bougainville, South and Nissan Island in North Bougainville with a large amount of food prepared for the people.
Source. Post-Courier
Police deliver Bibles to promote peace

MR Kamuai delivers the Tok Pisin Bibles to Mrs Pihei in Buka
BOUGAINVILLE Police Service has joined forces with ABG Health Minister Rose Pihei to stabilise law and order in the South Bougainville, especially the Konnou area.
Konnou’s internal conflict of 2006-2011 has promoted Mrs Pihei to find and eradicate the root of the conflict and bring peace to the people of Konnou.
The ABG Minister initiated the project of bringing Radio Light and distributing Bibles in the area to promote Christian values. The project was initiated in during the peak of the Konnou internal conflict.
Bougainville Acting Police Commissioner Paul Kamoi said during that time the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Bougainville Police service came up with the idea finding solutions to the lawlessness and maintain law and order.
He said it was through the Radio Light program that they were able to receive over a thousand Tok Pisin Bibles to help change the mindsets of the people. Mr Kamoi said those Bibles are part of the police pastoral work and will be given to Mrs Pihei for distribution.
Source. Post-Courier
Bougainville switches to new time zone
YESTERDAY Bougainville switched over to a new timezone. Known as Bougainville Standard Time, the new time is one hour ahead of the rest of Papua New Guinea time. For example, when it is 12 midday in the rest of Papua New Guinea, Bougainville will be 1pm. The new timezone took effect at 2am (PNG time) yesterday.
Whilst there has been limited public awareness of the change, social media has been running hot with the news, though it is unclear whether those in the rural areas are aware of the change. The time adjustment was adopted by the Bougainville House of Representatives at its September sitting.
Bougainville Department of Commerce and Tourism Minister Wilfred Komba said it had long been felt that Bougainville was disadvantaged by being part of the national time zone.
Bougainville is the first in PNG to see the sun, with day breaking often before 5am. “As a result, sunrise and sunset times in Bougainville are earlier than most people would like,” the Minister said in a statement.
He said the timing for the change was chosen “because the period between Christmas day and New Year’s Day is generally a quiet one for most of our people”. The new timezone brings the Autonomous region in line with neighbouring Shortland Island and other parts of the Solomon Islands.
Visitors approaching Bougainville are advised to put their watches forward by one hour to match with Bougainville time. The new Bougainville Standard Time is 11 hours ahead of Co-ordinated Universal Time.
Source: Post-Courier
Dead bodies found with frozen tuna
Three human bodies have been found packed amongst tuna in the freezer of a fishing vessel that ran aground on a remote island in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, ABC News Australia has reported.
The suspected illegal fishing vessel was found on December 10 at Paona Island, a 45-minute boat ride from Fead Island, which is 200km north of Bougainville.
Due to the remote location, authorities had only begun launching an investigation mission to the area.
"Local reports coming from the area are that there are three dead bodies in the ship’s fridge with some fish they have caught," said Franklin Lacey, Bougainville disaster relief coordinator, who is leading the investigation team, the radio news service said.
Mr Lacey said the deceased were of Asian appearance and may have been crew members.
The identities of the bodies or the ship had not yet been established.
"The occupants of the boat, when it ran aground, they tried to burn it but it did not get ablaze – it’s only the top part of the ship that’s been burnt," Mr Lacey said.
Mr Franklin said the freezer containing the corpses was still working.
"We’ve been giving warnings to the locals not to get the fish from the fridge, which they normally do with other ships that run aground," he said.
Illegal tuna fishing is common in the area and the crew was believed to have fled to a "mothership", acting as a hub for smaller vessels.
An assessment team was expected to leave Bougainville for the remote island on Monday and hand a report to the country’s National Maritime Safety Authority, which will lead the recovery of the bodies and the vessel.
"We’ll leave it to the NMSA to do the rest, because they could get the fish and dead people off and bury them somewhere," Mr Lacey said. – ABC
Source: PNG Attitude
Seeking closure, Bougainville confronts its civil war ghosts
by CATHERINE WILSON | Inter Press Service
THIRTEEN years after the peace agreement which ended a decade-long civil war in Bougainville, trauma and grief continue to affect families and communities where the fate of the many missing remains unresolved.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government, identifying this as a barrier to progressing post-conflict reconciliation and development, in September introduced a policy to begin helping families answer questions and find closure.
“This is very important for reconciliation,” Nick Peniai, head of the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Department of Peace and Reconciliation, told me.
“Most perpetrators will not admit to being responsible [for the fate of the missing] unless assured there is reconciliation after remains have been recovered and identified” and “reconstruction will become meaningful to families after they have reunited with their loved ones.”
Patricia Tapakau, a community leader in the vicinity of the Panguna mine, agreed, saying that the new policy received her full support.
There is no accurate data about the human loss which occurred during hostilities between the PNG military and indigenous militia groups involved in a local uprising in 1989 that succeeded in shutting down the Panguna copper mine, formerly operated by the Australian company, Bougainville Copper Ltd. But some estimates of the death toll run as high as 20,000.
The mine, a major revenue earner at the time for the PNG government, was at the centre of local grievances about loss of customary land, environmental devastation and increasing inequality. The conflict continued following a government blockade of the islands in 1990 until a permanent ceasefire in 1998.
Today many families on the islands continue to search for their missing loved ones, reports the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The endless uncertainty about their fate is keeping the memory and suffering of the war alive in communities and inhibiting people’s confidence in a better future.
“We need reconciliation from one end of the island to the other….we need to restore the relationship with the bodies that have rotted in the jungle by bringing them back to their villages and giving them dignity by doing a proper burial,” a community leader from Guava village near the mine was quoted in a report by Jubilee Australia.
But, according to Peniai, it has only recently become feasible to publicly address this sensitive issue.
“It could not have been possible to get information on missing persons soon after the brokering of peace 13 years ago due to fear for the lives of those with the information, and the same on the part of those who were responsible for the killings in the event of being exposed.
“The families of missing people were also not attempting to investigate for the same reason of fear,” he explained.
Conditions are more conducive to this occurring now, Peniai believes, with people willing to freely discuss the issue and some improvements to the law enforcement sector, which is supporting public confidence.
The United Nations Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance supports international human rights laws that place an obligation on warring parties, including governments, military forces and armed groups, to take all possible measures to search for and return missing persons, or their remains, to next of kin.
In Bougainville, the new policy will address the humanitarian needs of affected communities, but exclude bringing perpetrators to justice and claims for compensation.
Implementation will include seeking information about victims’ whereabouts, identifying burial sites, exhumation and forensic identification of remains before their return to relatives for burial.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will be on hand to assist the Bougainville Government and its partners with advice and expert support as the policy is rolled out.
Families of those who have disappeared “may have psycho-social needs which require medical attention, even years later, this is an important need in Bougainville,” Gauthier Lefèvre, Head of Mission for the ICRC in Papua New Guinea, told me.
“Many may also have difficulties making ends meet economically or be in a vulnerable position within society due to absence of their usual support networks.”
The Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency, a local non-governmental organisation, claims that unaddressed trauma has been a direct factor in high levels of alcohol and domestic abuse and violence against women, including rape, on the islands since the end of the ‘Bougainville crisis.’
During the three months of April, July and August 2010 alone, local police received reports of 84 sexual offences, 261 cases of domestic violence and 16 of child abuse.
Returning the remains of loved ones “is unfinished business on the road to healing, forgiveness, rehabilitation and reconstruction of whole communities” in the autonomous region, claims the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights .
It “will bring closure and even psychological healing to families of missing persons and in some cases resolve legal issues linked to landownership and inheritance,” Lefèvre said.
He added that such efforts “certainly have an impact on human and social development in post-conflict zones.”
Peniai believes there will be benefits for human development “in the sense of establishing national unity, as a truly reconciled society is likely to be more stable.”
The peace process in Bougainville since 2001 has been assisted by the United Nations and international aid donors, but the autonomous region still faces immense development challenges.
Life expectancy is 59 years and the under-five mortality rate is 74 per 1,000 live births, compared to the global average of 46, reports the National Research Institute.
In Central Bougainville, where the conflict originated, 56% of people do not have access to safe drinking water and 95% lack access to sanitation, according to World Vision.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buka
Bougainville started using its new Bougainville Standard Time just after midnight despite the announcement that was officially announced on New Dawn FM by the Secretary for Commerce and Tourism department, ALBERT KINANI at 2am PNG Time. He announced that all clocks on Bougainville should now be moved One hour ahead to GMT+11 as approved by the Bougainville House of Representatives at its September sitting. To make this happen, NEW DAWN FM which normally closes at 12Midnight at to continue broadcast to 2am PNG Time for this to be witnessed the people of Buka town and nearby villages. The special announcement was nearly spoiled by a sudden thunderstorm that started just after midnight. Despite the thunderstorm, the Secretary for Commerce and tourism, ALBERT KINANI had to make it to the New Dawn FM studio to make the announcement and to make sure this important occasion is recorded as another historic occasion for bougainville. MR KINANI had to make the announcement on behalf of his minister, MR WILFRED KOMBA who was the mover of this act in the ABG parliament and also the one who proposed the date this change should take place. He said that the change will take some time for the people to adjust to this change but like all changes the important is making the first step to start. MR KINANI said radio stations announce the time,day and season and the people will adjust by listening to these announcements. Meanwhile, AIR NIUGINI has already announced that it will be announcing time changes if they are flying over Bougainville's air space. Ends
newdawnpic of duty officer Maria Laukai at the controls and Mr.Albert Kinani making the announcement. Pic by Aloysius Laukai 20141228_015504.JPG
Posted at 10:26 AM in ABG News | Permalink | Comments (0)
27 December 2014
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
New Dawn FM will broadcast till 2am tomorrow morning to allow the ABG Minister for Comerce and Tourism, WILFRED KOMBA to announce the Change of time at 2am SUNDAY Morning.
Acording to the CEO for the ministry of Commerce and Tourism, ALBERT KINANI this is a very small activity but will be significant in the progress of Peace and normalcy on Bougainville.
He told New Dawn FM today that the changes to take effect tonight will pave the way for the people to have time afterwork to do some other activity.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Jomik Enterprises will be hosting a Jomik Cup Tournament in 2015 under the theme ‘Promoting Peace and Harmony in our Communities’.
According to a released statement, the Jomik Cup Tournament will be held at the Hutjena Oval from January 18 to January 24, next year.
The codes to be played are men’s soccer and women’s volleyball.
The entry fee for soccer, including team participation fee and player registration fee stands at K615 while the entry fee for volleyball is K370, inclusive of team participation fee and player registration fee.
The winner of the soccer tournament will walk away with the Jomik Cup plus the first place prize cash of K10, 000, followed by K6, 000 for second place and K4, 000 for third place.
For volleyball, the first place cash prize money stands at K5, 000, K3, 000 for second and K2, 000 for third place.
Maximum number of teams expected to participate is twenty for both codes so first come, first served as registration will close on Wednesday, January 14, 2015.
Entry forms are available at Jomik Supermarket and you will also pay your entry fees at the Jomik Supermarket.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Senior sergeant Emart Tsimes is once again reminding the citizens of Bougainville to abide by the rule of law and to stay out of trouble during this festive season.
He said Christmas has its own special meaning to every individual but as individuals, we must enjoy Christmas without the involvement of alcohol.
He is therefore calling on the citizens of Bougainville to respect the rights and freedom of movement of women and children during this festive season.
He added that as citizens of Bougainville, we must respect government property and promote a trouble free Christmas and new year.
Mr. Tsimes is also asking the citizens of Bougainville to continue to employ common sense and not to drink and drive.
He is also reminding liquor shop owners that the restriction on the sale of alcohol still stands until tomorrow when they will re-open for normal business saying problems are caused because people do not have the right attitudes.
In conclusion, SSgt Emart Tsimes wished all citizens of Bougainville a merry Christmas and a happy coming new year 2015.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The member for Tonsu constituency Joel Banam has stressed strongly that Bougainville is sure to face destruction if the people of Bougainville continue to remain divided.
The member made this statement during the reconciliation ceremony between the ABG president chief Dr. John Momis and his three captors, Eddie Mohin, Tukan and Toby at Kahule village in the Tonsu constituency last week.
He said he is very happy and proud of the reconciliation taking between the leader of Bougainville and the people of Tonsu.
He stressed that this reconciliation shows that the people of Tonsu have made up their minds and have agreed to let go of things that happened in the past.
He added that in this way, we can become one people and be united with other Bougainvilleans so that the vote for total referendum will work out well.
Mr. Banam then thanked the three men, Mohin, Tukan and Toby for taking the opportunity to call upon the president so they can reconcile and their reconciliation be witnessed by everyone.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The work of mothers to bring peace during the crisis from 1989 until today will continue as mothers will not stop to fight for peace, unity and harmony in Bougainville.
This statement was made by Anna Habitien, who represented the women of Tonsu at the reconciliation ceremony between the ABG president Chief Dr. John Momis and the people of Tonsu last week.
As woman representing the mothers during this reconciliation ceremony, Mrs. Habitien called on the young men to work together with the leaders of the ABG so that our walk towards independence will become a reality.
She said for 25 years we have been living with this pain and heartaches and it is now time to lay down these weapons, put an end to all our ill-feelings and the fights so we can work together to prepare Bougainville for referendum and independence.
She stressed that crisis brought so much destruction and death but this reconciliation that day brings back peace, unity, love and harmony between the people.
Mrs. Habitien revealed that the mothers of Tonsu are happy to see that their young men are taking part and leading this reconciliation ceremony saying the true meaning of reconciliation is forgiving one another, forgetting wrongs being done, changing our attitudes, behaviors and our life so we can walk with a new life.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Special Intervention Funding for the Bougainville government as revealed by the outgoing ABG acting chief secretary Chris Siriosi was made possible when he took office in September last year.
He explained in his final update on the Bougainville administration yesterday that no such funding was coming into Bougainville so he made it his specific agenda to make sure that the Bougainville government must have access to the funding in order for developments to take place in the region.
He said after extensive consultations with the National Government’s chief secretary, national planning officers, officials from other agencies in the national government, especially the office of the national finance secretary and the secretary for national planning a conclusion was reached.
Mr. Siriosi added that discussions on that matter concluded this year in February with an agreement which saw the release of K200 million to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
He stressed that the discussions and consultations have been extremely successful in enabling the release of the K200 million, K100 million for 2013 and the other K100 million for this year 2014.
He said as a result of the release of this Special Intervention Funding of K200 million, Bougainville has seen so many developments work within the region, such as the Buka Ring Road sealing, the coming and launching of the MV Chebu, infrastructure development in various sectors, the counter funding of the sealing of the Arawa town roads to Aropa Airport and Toimanapu, the realigning of the roads in South West Bougainville from Piano and directly to Konga with many projects now taking place.
The outgoing acting chief secretary stressed further that this year has been a very rewarding year for Bougainville in terms of the development of high impact projects.
Source: EM-TV
More Passengers on flights to Kieta
By Fabian Hakalits – EMTV Port Moresby
National Flag Carrier Air Niugini has recorded an increase, in the number of passengers traveling to the newly-opened Aropa Airport in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Air Niugini General Manager Commercial, Dominic Kaumu, told EMTV News that so far 122 passengers have travelled to Aropa, since the National Flag Carrier resumed commercial flights last Saturday.
The airport was opened on December 12 by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and Bougainville President Chief Dr John Momis after 25 years of closure.
Air Niugini has announced three weekly services from Port Moresby to Aropa on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
PX 4354 departs Port Moresby on Tuesday at 7am and arrives in Kieta (Aropa airport) at 10am. It leaves Kieta (Aropa airport) at 10:30am and returns to Port Moresby (Jacksons airport) via Rabaul (Tokua airport).
PX 4352 on Thursday departs Port Moresby via Rabaul and continues to Kieta. It leaves POM at 7am to Rabaul and later Kieta, arriving at 1105am. The return flight leaves Kieta at 1135am and arrives back in POM at 1235pm.
PX 4354 on Saturday departs Port Moresby at 7am and arrives in Kieta at 10am. It leaves Kieta at 1030am to Rabaul and returns to Kieta and later Port Moresby.
Mr Kaumu said the commencement of air services opens business opportunities for the people of Central and South Bougainville.
Source: PNG Attitude
Identity loss and recovery: A tale from the Bougainville war
Lost in His Land

Lost in His Land by Winterford Toreas. Pukpuk Publications: Amazon/Kindle. 2014. 126pp. ISBN10:1503051846; ISBN 13:978-1503051843. Available from Amazon: USD 3.04 (Kindle); USD 5.70 (paperback)
IT’S now nearly 20 years since formal hostilities ceased on Bougainville.
While Leonard Fong Roka and others have provided valuable accounts of, and insights into the events and consequences of those times via books, essays and other means, their endeavours have been targeted primarily at adult readers.
No-one has written of the conflict and its effects specifically for younger, adolescent readers. Until now.
In Lost in His Land, Winterford Toreas provides a timely and somewhat conventional tale of loss, recovery and reconciliation that illuminates, for younger readers, the trauma that war and conflict inflict on everyone, combatants and innocents alike, regardless of age or gender.
It is a timely and welcome addition to the Bougainville canon because the majority of intended readers had not been born when hostilities were taking place and many (if not most) of them, Bougainvilleans excepted, know little about the tragedy that occurred on Bougainville during the dying days of the last century.
Mr Toreas has ensured that this and succeeding generations of teenagers will have some understanding of that tragedy.
Concerned with universal themes of conflict, parental loss and the search for identity and a sense of belonging, Lost in His Land is, in many respects, such a conventional narrative that it could be set in any war or any conflict, at any time in history.
That said, and especially in his early chapters, Mr Toreas localises and personalises these themes particularly well. He paints a vivid picture of how the people of a South Bougainville Hokoruts village, unconnected with, and having no cultural, social or economic interest in the conflict are drawn into it, unwillingly and unwittingly, and are forced to abandon their homes and their comfortable lives and flee into the mountains.
At this juncture, our protagonist, Kangku, is a much-loved babe, safe in his mother’s arms.
That is, until he is orphaned, under vengeful circumstances, when his parents suffer the ultimate consequence of defying the village Chief’s instructions to remain on the mountain.
In a strange twist of fate, he is then adopted by Thomas Tagin, the fearsome commander of a detachment of the Bougainville Resistance Forces – the very people who sought to destroy Kangku’s village.
Tagin takes Kangku back to his home village on Buka Island, renames him Haroman (‘unlucky one’) and raises him as his own son.
Unaware that Tagin is not his real father, Haroman grows up as a ‘quiet, handsome and obedient’ boy and an outstanding and successful student. Even when very young he senses, without knowing why, that he is somehow different from other children in the village and keeps himself apart from them.
As he enters adolescence, he becomes even more aware of these differences and his detachment intensifies. He knows that something is missing in his life, but does not know what, or why.
Tagin, meanwhile, knows that he will have to tell Haroman about the fate of his real parents and that, one day, he will have to take him back to his real home.
Fate intervenes to assist Tagin in this mission when Haroman, having graduated from teachers college, is posted to a school near his birthplace. Revelation and reconciliation follow as Haroman discovers his real identity and connections.
Lost in His Land is a worthy, well-written, easy-to-read tale well-suited to adolescent and adult readers alike and Winterford Toreas is a skilled wordsmith and story-teller.
However, his decidedly formal writing style means that, in the end, the reader is left with a Haroman-like sense of ‘detachment’.
The reader will become more engaged and empathetic with the story and its characters if, in his next edition, Mr Toreas allows his characters to speak more informally and if he injects more tokples terms throughout the book.
That said, there is no doubt that Winterford Toreas is a gifted writer who, with further mentoring, will become a bright star in PNG’s literary firmament.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President and Chairman of the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee, CHIEF DR.JOHN MOMIS last night announced the new Chief Secretary for Bougainville as MONOVI AMANI 52 years from Mortlock Island.
In making the announcement, President MOMIS said that this was done after an extensive recruitment and selection process that the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee had to go through to come with the final selection.
Mr MONOVI AMANI has been notified to take up the position of Chief Secretary and Head of the
Bougainville Public Service.
He is currently the Provincial Administrator for New Ireland Province a position he has held for the last two years.
Prior to that he was CEO Planning and Finance in that Administration.
The new Chief Secretary has previously been a business and taxation consultant, a
lecturer in finance and accounting, a senior officer in the National Housing
Corporation and a tax assessor with IRC.
Mr Monovi Amani has degrees in Commerce, Accounting and Business Administration. He also has certificates and diplomas in financial management and tertiary teaching.
Since 1992 Mr Amani has been a member of the Australian Society for Chartered Practising
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The outgoing acting chief secretary of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chris Siriosi has appreciated and shown gratitude to the people of Bougainville and the public servants who have served under his leadership during his term as the acting chief secretary.
He said for this year, he has been very happy to work with the people of Bougainville, especially public servants who served under his leadership.
He added that with such a working relationship, they have seen the implementation of so many development projects and many high impact projects within Bougainville.
When giving the final administration update for this year 2014, Mr. Siriosi revealed that Bougainville is now looking forward to developments that will take place next year as the preparations were done this year.
He explained that the foundations being laid out this year will continue to be implemented in the years to come, especially in the year 2015.
He said 2015 will be a year of immense development in Bougainville and more importantly on the agenda of the public service sector reforms, the improvement of our community government and generally other aspects of the government and development agendas of the ABG within the region.
Mr. Siriosi therefore would like to wish all citizens and public servants of Bougainville a merry Christmas as we look forward to a prosperous new year 2015 in Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS says that the Senior Appointments Committee in which he is the chairman recognised that Mr MONOVI AMANI had served at the very top of both government and the private sector in different executive management capacities within and outside of PNG.
When making the announcement for his appointment, DR. MOMIS said that MR. MONOVI
In his role as Chief Executive Officer of Planning and Finance for the New Ireland Provincial Administration had developed a performance financial management framework that enabled the province to develop its annual budget with clear linkages to performance indicators.
And as the Provincial Administrator Monovi Amani has been able to develop a new Public Service approach targeted at improving service delivery whilst streamlining the processes and mindful of the cost of services.
He said that the Secretary’s organisation skills are of a very high standard and he has been able to
work very well in turning New Ireland Government’s vision and political goals to improve services in the rural communities.
President Momis said this is what Bougainville needs today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Public Employees Association(PEA) has welcomed the announcement by the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government and chairman of the Bougainville Senior Appointments Committee, Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS on the appointment of the new Head of the Bougainville Public Service, Chief Secretary MONOVI AMANI.
This announcement was broadcasted by Radio Bougainville on the evening of Tuesday 24th December,2014 and by New Dawn FM this evening.
President of the PEA, PATRICK HEROMATE whilst responding to the appointment said that the PEA trusts the appointment of the Bougainville chief secretary is in line with the new process of appointments by the BSAC.
The intended aim of the procedure of appointments by the BSAC is to give effect to transparency in the appointments.
Whether or not this has been achieved is yet to be realized and as far as PEA is concerned, we want to ensure that no stones are left unturned.
"We want to see that all due diligence checks have been made into questions of wether or not any of the candidates have pending investigations by relevant authorities have been declared by the shortlisted candidates and appointed officer" said MR. HEROMATE.
As far as PEA is concerned, there are rumours of pending investigations by the Ombudsman Commission on the appointed officer.
In order to give effect to transparency in the appointment process and also to gain confidence of the people of Bougainville, this rumour has to be dispelled.
We congratulate the new head of the Bougainville Public Service Chief Secretary, MONOVI AMANI and wish him best in his new role.
On behalf of the members of the PEA and their families, the President wishes the people of Bougainville and the Government a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2015.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Despite the appointment of a new Chief Secretary for Bougainville, the ABG President, Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS last night acknowledged the work of the former acting Chief Secretary, CHRIS SIRIOSI.
MR. SIRIOSI who never left Bougainville for greener pastures has done very well in the last fifteen months as the Acting Chief Secretary for Bougainville.
President Momis mentioned work that Included the establishing of the Bougainville Public Service and its new departments.
Introducing the Bougainville public finance system, revitalising the annual
Budget process for 2015 with greater community and district engagement.
Improved engagement with the National Government, oversighting the
preparation of a high quality budget submission that resulted in a 50% increase in recurrent budget grants, contributing to the interim transition mining laws and overseeing the start of a series of the high impact projects including the opening of the Aropa Airport.
The sealing of Buka Town roads and contracting the first 20 kilometres of sealing for the Buka Ring Road.
President Momis said that MR.SIRIOSI has a valuable contribution to make to Bougainville will remain engaged serving the ABG and the people of Bougainville.
New Dawn FM understands that there are 13 departmental heads that the Senior Appointments Committee will select from more than 150 applicants when they resume duties in February 2015.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The North Bougainville Regional Commanders office of the Bougainville Police Service has once again placed liquor restrictions on this Christmas and New Year periods.
According to a statement from the commander himself, inspector Spencer Aili revealed that for this Christmas period all liquor outlets and liquor stores will close for business as of 7pm tonight December 24 and will remain closed until Friday December 26 when they will re-open for normal business on Saturday, December 27.
He said all clubs, canteens and taverns will close trading at their normal hours at 10:30pm tonight and will close for business from Thursday till Friday and will re-open for normal business on Saturday.
All dealer licensed premises will cease trading at 4pm today and will re-open for normal business on Saturday December 27.
As for the New Year period, all liquor outlets, liquor stores, clubs, canteens, taverns will close trading on December 31 and will resume their normal businesses on Friday January 2, 2015.
Inspector Aili explained that because of past experiences with concrete grounds relating to alcohol, they had to place restrictions on alcohol during this festive period.
He added that Bougainville, according to police statistics, is known for its heavy distillations of illicit spirits consumption and related alcoholism issues.
The police service is therefore taking the concern on board that no one is harassed, threatened, injured or killed in relation to alcoholism.
Mr. Aili said they want to see that every individual families, communities and societies celebrate this festive season in peace and merriment saying the ban on alcohol in the region will also assist the Bougainville Police Service in managing and controlling law and order situations effectively with the limited resources they have in terms of manpower and vehicles.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bishop Bernard Unabali of the Bougainville Catholic Diocese has wished all the catholic believers of the diocese a merry Christmas.
In his Christmas message to the catholic believers, the bishop urged and encouraged believers to grow in their faith so that their faith will become the real driving force that would steer their lives.
He said in this way, our lives as believers will be enjoyed according to the Lord’s plan.
Bishop Unabali also revealed in his Christmas message that the pastoral plan called the “Renewal of the Balance of Life’ is a Christmas present and also a framework for schools to follow to strengthen the Catholic faith.
He added that big changes are happening in Bougainville especially in terms of infrastructure developments but as Christians and believers we must stand firm in our faith.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Coordinator for Civil Protection, formerly known as the Bougainville Disaster office Franklin Lacey has led an enquiry team to the Feed Islands today.
Mr. Lacey revealed to New Dawn Fm today that his office received word from Feed Islanders this morning of a ship that went aground and got stuck on the reefs off the shores of the island.
He said according to reports received from the locals on the island, the ship’s freezers are filled to the brim with fish while one of the freezers contains three frozen dead bodies.
The coordinator added that they will be travelling to Feed Island to enquire more into that matter on the new speed boat which was recently given to the sea weed project.
The team led by Mr. Lacey is made up of Civil Protection officers, some police officers and media personnel.
The team left Buka Island for Feed Island at noon today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The people of Tonsu constituency on Buka Island were saluted by the chief executive officer for veterans affairs Aron Pita for making the reconciliation between the ABG president and his captors become a reality.
He thanked them and also apologized to them for making them wait for a whole year for this reconciliation.
He also acknowledged the chiefs and leaders of Tonsu for taking part in the preparations of the reconciliation ceremony.
When giving his address at the ceremony last week, Mr. Pita explained that the veteran affairs directorate helped in staging the reconciliation ceremony following the request of the ex-combatants executives from North, Central and South Bougainville during the ex-combatants meeting on may 30 last year.
He said during this meeting, the ex-combatants strongly urged the veteran affairs directorate to help and stage all reconciliations for all ex-combatants.
He then stressed that this stance taken by the ex-combatants is in line with the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Bougainville Police Service has come up with an initiative which is the imposement of police bail to help them with their Christmas and New Year operations.
Senior sergeant Emart Tsimes revealed in an interview last week that all police bail will now stand at K500 and not K100 anymore.
He said if citizens are caught brewing, drinking and selling homebrew during this festive season, they will be looking at a police bail of K500.
He added that liquor owners will also be faced with a police bail of K500 if they do not comply with the Liquor Licensing Commission rules or the Christmas and New Year restrictions.
Mr. Tsimes revealed also that if an individual is found to be in possession of a firearm during this festive period, the police bail will be at K1000.
As for minor offences, the police bail still stands at K100 and for marijuana consumption and others there will be no bail.
SSgt Tsimes is therefore appealing to the general public to abide by the rule of law and to stay out of trouble as they conduct their businesses during this festive period.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

Seventeen years after he was captured and held hostage for over a month by his own people, the ABG president Chief Dr. John Momis has finally reconciled publicly with his captors.
The public reconciliation ceremony took place last week Friday at Kahule village, in the Tonsu constituency on Buka Island.
A rather emotional Eddie Mohin, who was responsible for capturing Dr. Momis when he was the commander of the North Bougainville revolutionary army, told chief Momis and the public, especially the people of Tonsu that the capture of the president in 1997 was carried out upon orders from their supreme commander at that time.
He said their orders at that time were to capture the leaders of the secessionist party on Bougainville which became a reality with the capture of Dr. Momis.
He revealed that their intention at that time was not to murder Dr. Momis, but to capture him and take him to their leader Francis Ona at Guava village in Panguna, Central Bougainville so that an agreement could be reached for the course of peace in the region.
Representing the ex-combatants, Mr. Mohin apologized to the president for his actions and made a promise to never again carry out such an action.
Speaking in response to Mr. Mohin’s speech, the president expressed his gratitude for the public reconciliation between him and his three captors.
He said nothing must stop us from continuing our journey and therefore, without reconciliations, there will be no togetherness and unity.
He added that with reconciliation, he believes that we will win as nothing will stop us from achieving our goal as we walk in unity.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Senior sergeant Emart Tsimes of the Bougainville Police Service has revealed that the capacity of the holding cells at the Buka police station is very low.
He told New Dawn Fm in an interview last week Friday that the number of arrests that they have made has increased to over one hundred and the problem that they are faced with now is their holding cell capacity.
He said the holding cell capacity is not enough to cater for the continuous arrests or even accommodate the number of arrests being made.
He added that this has put them in a position which is not so good.
SSgt Tsimes explained that the capacity of their holding cell is very low because the holding cells were built in a way so that it could not cater for a larger number of arrests of more than one hundred.
He said arrests made have reached one hundred, which is beyond the capacity of the holding cells and therefore appealed to the general public to stay out of trouble during this festive season.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The rule of law as stressed by the ABG president chief Dr. John Momis is an essential part of good governance and is also an essential part of autonomy.
He explained further that autonomy means that we accept full responsibility for determining policies for administration and for restoration work that the government and the people of Bougainville must carry out in the near future.
When giving his address during the opening of the new police training facility last week, the president stressed again that while we are in the final analysis, the people must accept the consequences of their decisions.
He said it is also important that the people of Bougainville must also appreciate the need for them to learn from other people’s experience and for the people of Bougainville and their government to collaborate with other governments saying if we don’t, then the outcome might be problematic for us.
Chief Momis stressed again that the rule of law is very important because we want to maintain a system of government and we want to have policies that are compatible with the requirements of international best practices.
He said this can only happen when we have the rule of law to address law and order problems by creating an atmosphere that is conducive for participatory development that will enable people to take ownership of the development work that is taking place in Bougainville today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Bougainville Police Service is committed to recruiting more women into the Bougainville police force.
As revealed by the ABG vice president and the minister for Police Patrick Nisira, the benefits of the pre-recruitment training education programme for women is substantially consistent with the Bougainville Police Service commitment to recruit thirty per cent of women.
Speaking during the opening of the new police training facility in Buka last week, the minister revealed that the pre-recruitment education training programme has sixty positions for women.
He went on to say that it is well researched that girls and women who achieve higher levels of education are greater contributors to the overall economic development and to the children’s welfare within the communities.
He added that research also suggest that public institutions with a higher representation of women have a lower level of corruption.
Mr. Nisira then commended the police officers who have worked so hard to build the Bougainville Police Service to where it is today saying law and order is high on the ABG’s agenda so we must work with our developing partners to provide a conducive climate for political and socio-economic activities to flourish freely.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Bougainville Police Service has recently farewelled the New Zealand contingent team leader chief superintendent Steve Caldwell.
When addressing the small gathering at the Hutjena Training cell last week, the Bougainville Police chief Paul Kamuai talked highly on the ongoing assistance being provided by the New Zealand Police in the region.
He described Superintendant Caldwell as a humble officer with a vast amount of experience who was very supportive in furthering training for Bougainville Police Service officers either abroad in New Zealand or other pacific countries.
In response, Mr. Caldwell has called on all Bougainville Policing officers to continue the good team work with the New Zealand Police team.
He urged them to cooperate with the two very experienced police detectives who were sent in to advice the Criminal Investigation department and the office of the Northern Police Regional commander.
Chief Superintendent Caldwell left the Autonomous Region of Bougainville last week for a short break in New Zealand before taking up his new post as the Police Commissioner in the Pacific Island kingdom of Tonga.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The pre-recruitment training education programme being funded by the Australian government through the law and justice sector according to the ABG vice president is the first in Bougainville and will be the first academic programme which will fully utilize the new renovated training facility.
Speaking during the official opening of the new Bougainville Police Service training facility last week, Patrick Nisira explained that the objective of the programme is to raise the education level of 40 Bougainvilleans, 16 females and 24 males.
He said the training will then enable them to progress and train young police officers who will then return to join the Bougainville Police Service and commence the police policing profession.
He added that this programme provides the opportunity for Bougainvilleans to provide Bougainvillean police officers who are educated and equipped to undertake their roles in the community and to serve the community.
Mr. Nisira stressed that with this training the officers will be able to preserve peace and good order, maintain and enforce necessary laws that apply in Bougainville in an objective manner, have respect of human rights in the discharge of their duties, will develop rehabilitatory and reconciliatory concepts of policing, will work in harmony and partnership with communities, will encourage community participation and will support and work with traditional chiefs and leaders in resolving disputes while maintaining the rule of law in the communities.
He revealed that the expectations of the ABG is for the trainees to acquire increased self-confidence, increased communication skills and fit resolution skills which will enable them to contribute in shaping a more cohesive society as they engage in community policing activities.
He added that the opening of the new police training facility has opened yet again an important chapter in the Bougainville Police service history thus paving the way for the pre-recruitment training education programme.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Senior sergeant Emart Tsimes of the Bougainville Police Service has made a general appeal to the citizens of Bougainville to celebrate Christmas in a sensible manner.
He told New Dawn Fm in an interview today that Christmas is a time for everyone as individuals to decide and make positive changes in their lives.
He added that Christmas is a time where everything offensive to God is and must be put aside which also gives us the opportunity to decide to make some changes in our lives.
Mr. Tsimes is urging the people of Bougainville to celebrate Christmas with the true spirit of Christmas saying Christmas celebrations with alcohol always result in trouble and problems as alcohol is not healthy.
He revealed also that during this festive period, policing service is being carried out by his men in Buka town and the villages on Buka Island.
He said currently, the Bougainville Police Service is operating according to the capacity that they have and with the small man power that they have on the ground.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The people of Rotokas, in Wakunai district, Central Bougainville have been challenged by the representative of the Strongim Pipol Strongim Neisen Agency John Konou to take good care of the rice mill project and especially the milling machine.
Speaking at the launching of the rice mill project on Tuesday, he told the people of Rotokas that they are privileged to be among the nine recipients of the project in the region.
He added that such an income earning project is not usually funded by donor agencies but SPSN is lucky that these sorts of projects are being funded by the Australian people to sustain the livelihood of Bougainvilleans.
Mr. Konou stressed that through this project; the people can grow rice and earn money which will in turn help to improve the standard of living for people in the villages.
He added that the project is opening up a pathway for Bougainville and therefore urged and challenged the people of Rotokas to take good care of the project and the milling machine.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
At the start of this year and in the past months, Bougainville has witnessed many favourable accomplishments which were positive in influencing of our future as an autonomous region within the framework of the national constitution.
As revealed by the ABG vice president Patrick Nisira during the opening of the Bougainville Police Service training centre on Wednesday, prominent of these accomplishments is the creation of our own public service, the public finance management Act, Transitional Mining Bill, the arrival and launching of MV Chebu, the successful conclusion of the Torokina Render Safe and most recently the opening of the Aropa airport last week.
He said we also have the Bougainville Building Peace Initiative, the Buka ring road sealing, the upgrading and sealing of the Buka town roads and the arrival of the MV Rapois Chief in February next year.
Added to that list was the two day ministerial visit of the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop to Bougainville.
Mr. Nisira said these are significant achievements that the ABG and the people of Bougainville must celebrate and be proud of as it demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that Bougainville is indeed moving forward.
He stressed that exciting times are ahead of us and the vice president believes that we will see more and welcome more tangible changes ahead with conviction.
He added that fundamental to the successes enjoyed so far is the working partnership between the ABG and the National Government of Papua New Guinea; the development partners especially Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the United Nations, churches and non-governmental organizations.
The vice president said the people of Bougainville and the ABG recognize and acknowledge all development partners with gratitude and sincere appreciation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville and its government will be entering into the window of referendum in 2015 as revealed by the ABG president Chief Dr. John Momis.
Speaking during the opening of the new Bougainville Police Service Training Centre at Hutjena in Buka on Wednesday, the president said everyone is aware that next year, Bougainville will be entering an opening which will allow the people of Bougainville to have a free and fair referendum which everyone hope will deliver a good outcome.
But for that to happen, chief Momis added that it is important that we must embark on a good process.
He said if the process is not good, then a good outcome cannot be guaranteed.
The president pointed out that it is also very important that our partners from Australia, especially in particular the Australian Government is involved with Bougainville in this long process of self determination.
On behalf of the people of Bougainville and the ABG, the president expressed our gratitude to the Australian Government and the people of Australia for the help that Bougainville receives from them and for the support that they have shown us over the years.
He said the people of Bougainville are very grateful to the Australian Government and of course the Papua New Guinea Government for the collaborative effort which they have shown in addressing the problems that face Bougainville.
The new Bougainville Police Service Training Centre was officially opened by the Australian Foreign Affairs minister Julie Bishop during her second visit to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville this week.
Source: Post-Courier
Local MP urges leaders to back Bougainville projects
By Ishmael Palipal
A Small presentation held at the Bougainville Experience Tours office in Arawa has set a challenge to other Autonomous Bougainville Government leaders and National Parliament MPs in terms of supporting and assisting tourism projects in the region.
ABG Minister for Primary Industries and Member for North Nasioi Constituency Nicholas Darku on Monday presented about K10,000 to fulfill his commitment in supporting the Topinang Eco-tourism project which is located in Kieta District of Central Bougainville.
He presented a cheque to Mr Zhon Bosco Miriona, the manager for Bougainville Experience Tours, who is also the adviser behind the Topinang Eco-tourism managed by his wife Clotilda Miriona with assistance from Alex Simpina.
The minister issued a challenge to other government leaders to support projects like tourism which will generate money quickly in the communities instead of just wasting time making promises.
"I present this money so that it will improve the tourism project in Topinang so that the local people from other areas can learn from how this project is setup and do their own tourism projects," Mr Darku said.
According to Mr Miriona the money received from the minister will go towards the improvement of the Topinang Eco-tourism project on improvements like building proper toilets, improving water supply and building a training or conference centre where they can host and run tourism courses and training for the local people to help them venture into such projects to promote the tourism industry in the province.
However, he said more funding is needed to build such centres as it can be very useful for the people of Bougainville because tourism is one of those industries that provides sustainable income generation rather than mining, logging and fishing.
Mr Bosco challenged leaders to develop the tourism industry.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis comments ‘off track’
THE Bougainville administration yesterday described as "off the track" comments by president John Momis alleging high level corruption within the autonomous region’s bureaucracy.
The autonomous region’s acting Chief Secretary Chris Siriosi said measures have been put in place to improve management of public finances. Some of these include the termination of staff that were suspected of misusing public funds.
"There have been preliminary audit reports of both 2012 and 2013 and those audit reports highlight that there are significant improvements in the management of public monies in Bougainville so such remarks made in some heated discussions taking place somewhere in Bougainville and not in an official setting cannot be taken as a professional assessment of performance in terms of management of financial resources here is uncalled for," Mr Siriosi said.
"As far as I am concerned the statement is way of the track. Far too many times, some people continue to blame the administration when there is a political issue or view that has to be settled so the administration continues to be a scapegoat of political differences here in Bougainville. This is completely unacceptable to taint a very bad picture of the administration."
Mr Momis, speaking during the launching of the autonomous Bougainville government’s mobile radio station Radio Ples Lain in South Bougainville recently, alleged that the administration was more corrupt than PNG.
But Mr Siriosi said the administration has done well this year and the "rumour mill" was unacceptable.
"We can’t have people complaining out there on the streets with nobody game enough to come and table written reports, giving accounts of or hard evidence about instances of corrupt practices," he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis reconciles with former combatants

President Momis reconciles with North Bougainville former BRA combatants
Peace and reconciliation among Bougainvilleans from issues stemming from the Bougainville Conflict remains an integral part of the region’s development.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President John Momis exemplified the gesture by reconciling with former combatants from the Solos area in North Bougainville last Friday at Kahule Primary School.
During the height of the Bougainville Crisis in 1997, President Momis was captured by the northern element of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA)at Tinputz District.
What followed was a grueling march through some of Bougainville’s roughest terrain that saw President Momis, who was then Governor of Bougainville, being led by his captors all the way up to Panguna – the stronghold of the leader of the BRA Late Francis Ona.
After a month in captivity up in Ona’s Guava village, Momis was released in good faith by Ona and this sudden move also paved way for the peace process in Bougainville.
Former BRA veteran Eddie Mohin made an emotional speech as he asked for the president’s forgiveness for his actions but he explained that he was simply following orders from the BRA high command and that was to capture a prominent Bougainvillean leader which eventually would mean both sides suing for peace.
Mr Mohin said although he had personally reconciled with President Momis, this public reconciliation was to show the people of his Tonsu constituency and Bougainville the true meaning of peace within Bougainvilleans.
“I have no quarrel or ill will towards the men who took me from Tinputz and held me in captivitiy, I have forgiven them so I stand here today to say that I have nothing to forgive these young me,” President Momis said.
“I was well looked after by the gentlemen who were my captors and I understood their grievances so I must say that I had to overlook their actions and work together for respect,” President Momis said.
The President revealed that his time in captivity was fruitful as he had time to sit with the Late Francis Ona and discuss and explain various issues that had been misunderstood over the years due to the crisis.
The reconciliation between the North Bougainville former combatants and the President was facilitated by the Bureau of Peace and Reconciliation and the Bureau of Veteran Affairs.
The two bureaus have undertaken the serious need for reconciliation between factions and have embarked on a mass campaign throughout Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Police to step up operations
Police in north Bougainville will step up their operations during the festive season to ensure that celebrations are safe. Northern regional police commander Spencer Aili said there would be a lot of petty crimes during the festive season and police should be around to ensure that these crimes are controlled.
He assured the public that police will be on full alert to ensure people in the region celebrate this festive season safely. He said the public must work with the police to minimise petty crime and ensure everyone celebrates Christmas and New Year peacefully and quietly. Police throughout PNG have also geared up for the festive season.
Source: Post-Courier
Training centre opens
By Jacob Ienu

Ms Ope presenting a year planner to a guest at the centre’s launching.
Arawa in Kieta District of Central Bougainville now has third training centre with the lauchng of Target Training and Consultative Service program to help the people of the region to get further education.
The other two training centres are Ostana Training Centre and Arawa Women’s Training Centre. Target training and Consultative Service officially opened its doors to interested public servants especially teaches when they launched the program last week.
The program is headed by Dinah Ope, from Kongara in Central Bougainville. She has a doctorate in education psychology from the University of South Queenslands, Towoomba in Australia. The program is to assist any interested public to obtain and secure jobs through programs.
Some of the courses provided by the program are certificate courses early childhood education, tourism and hospitalityand other technical courses such as heavy equipment operator training, welding and fabrication and fitting and maintenance programs, which will be effective as of 2015.
Those who want to know more are welcome to visit the newly opened office in Arawa located at the Arevei Green House upstairs. Ope can be contacted on mobile phone on 7188 9344.
Source: Post-Courier
Token of appreciation

YOUTHS of Sipatako who were involved in the construction of the swing bridge gave a pig and garden produces to Bougainville Regional Member Joseph Lera when he came to Sipatako, Central Bougainville to officially open the foot swing bridge at the weekend. Picture: JACOB IENU.
Source: Post-Courier
New radio airs debate
The Bougainville administration is very corrupt, maybe more corrupt than PNG, says ABG President Momis.
He said this in an open debate between with a well-known ex-combatant (name withheld) of the then Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) during the launching of the Radio Ples Lain – ABG’s mobile radio station last week in Buin, South Bougainville.
The debate was broadcast by the new radio station, enabling listeners all over Buin to assess the nature of the verbal exchange. President Momis was furious when he was openly accused of having business interests in an oil palm project in Madang.
Other accusations were also thrown at the former Catholic priest. The former BRA man accused the president after one of his project submissions was not approved by the president’s office.
President Momis plainly told the ex-combatant that there were complaints from other project recipients in an earlier project, which was approved but they never benefited except the ex-combatant. “I am the custodian of the people’s money and will only allow its release to facilitate economic and social development,” the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government said.
“Another ex-combatant from Buin secretly told me one evening at a Catholic seminar in Central Bougainville that such corrupt practice by ex-combatant commanders does not make the walk towards referendum firm.”
The ex-combatant said in Tok Pisin: “We all agreed and signed for the ceasefire and the peace agreement but we now realise that only our commanders are benefiting from government funds and not us.
“That is why we do not believe in the referendum and we will keep our guns and are ready to fight if things go wrong. We hear of big funds approved for major projects in our area but we never get to benefit.”
Meanwhile, Mr Momis has announced that the Bougainville administration will see a complete overhaul to its manpower. “By January 2015 we will have a new chief administrator and 30 new divisional secretaries. The Bougainville Administration is very corrupt maybe more corrupt than PNG,” Mr Momis said.
One pillar of the Bougainville Peace Agreement is complete disarmament of all guns and ammunition, he said. Once this and a few others are achieved, Bougainville can vote for referendum, he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Tupukas primary celebrates 13th graduation

Tupukas Primary School in Arawa, Central Bougainville had their 13th Grade 8 graduation on Tuesday, December 9.
Beginning in 2011, the school was in the top five in the region and this year again topped the region with the highest score of 138/150.
This puts Kieta District in the top among 13 other districts in Bougainville. And it is also a challenge to other schools to improve their students to score at a higher level so that consistency can be nurture throughout the region.
This year, of the Grade 8 class in Tupukas primary, only 5 per cent will not make it to secondary schools but were encouraged to further their education through other means. The district’s education rep Lillian Sarea told the graduating students, especially those who will not find space at high schools that education does not stop here.
Source: Post-Courier
Catholic seminar attracts thousands
STUDENTS surprised the management of the Catholic charismatic renewal (CCR) seminar in the diocese of Bougainville, when they turned up in numbers as participants of the annual “Life in the Spirit” seminar currently staged at the St Xaviers Manetai Parish in Central Bougainville.
More than 2000 Catholics from the North, Central and South Bougainville turned up for the faith-renewing seminar.
“We are surprised that most participants in this seminar are new. It is a testimony that the Holy Spirit is moving people to attend. It is all about having a balanced life,” Central denary co-ordinator Dominic Devata said.
During the CCR awareness two weeks ago, participants were briefed that the CCR movement was a faith-based Catholic spiritual renewal approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference (CBC) in 1993.
The host organising committee at Manetai Parish was placed under immense pressure to accept participants as truckloads of Catholics flocked in to Manetai over the weekend.
A church elder from Siwai in South Bougainville said he was so blessed to see students from the entire region attend the spiritual seminar.
“It will strengthen their faith and keep them from unwanted activities as they await their selections for further studies,” the elder said. The seminar is an annual event for the Catholic Church nationwide.
Source: Post-Courier
Migration management training underway
A COMMUNITY-based planning and training for transformation to build development capacities in migration management was held in Buka last week.
The training, which began last Monday was an approach to atolls project to empower communities to achieve durable solutions on the effects caused by climate change in Bougainville.
The project funded by IOM Development Fund is supported by the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Government of Papua New Guinea to build the capacity of the PNG government to respond to climate change and engage grassroots communities in development planning for the atolls.
Community-based training is a participatory planning, conflict mitigation and reintegration program methodology implemented in partnership with local government.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Papua New Guinea's autonomous region of Bougainville has new police barracks.

A statement says the Australian Government-supported barracks will assist the Bougainville police service to reach its goal of 100 more police officers on patrol by 2016.
It also adds that the male and female barracks will provide accommodation for 40 Bougainvilleans to undertake pre-recruit training at the police training centre in Buka next year.

Australia's foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, who opened the new quarters, says a growing and well-trained Bougainville police service is critical for providing the security and order that underpins peace, democracy and development for Bougainville.
Ms Bishop says she is also pleased that 16 women have been selected by their communities to undertake pre-recruit training next year.
She adds if successful in their course, these trainees will be eligible to join the police as recruits.
Source: Post-Courier
Police review bail limits
NORTH Bougainville regional police commander Spenser Aili has evaluated police charges and bails on offences for the new year and beyond.
Commander Aili said marijuana, homebrew, alcohol, trading liquor beyond trading hours, drunkardness in public places, traffic control and offences, conveying and in possession of offensive weapons, executive court outstanding orders and warrant, arrest of escapees and all indictable offences were some of the more popular offences.
The bail limits for these offences will be reviewed, he said. He said an evaluation will be done on bails, especially with offences that are more serious, to minor ones. He said some offence cases like certain indictable offences and marijuana will not be given bail.
“Homebrew alcohol brewers, trading in liquor during liquor bans and beyond trading hours, offenders will be charged with a K500 bail while other minor offences will be have a fair charged on K200 bail when caught by the law,” said commander Aili. Mr Aili said if the law finds an offender in possession of fire arms and ammunitions, the offender will have to pay a sum of K1000 bail.
Meanwhile, changes will still be imposed to the bails depending on the nature of offence and then decision will be made if whether the offences will be settled in court or bails will be offered. He warned the general public that it is coming towards the festive seasons and it is a must people have to take extra care and stay out of trouble.
Source: Post-Courier
Youths call on Bougainville government to help them

Youth Policy Review attendants posing for a group photo before going for lunch break. Picture: Ishmael Palipal
YOUTHS of Bougainville are appealing to the Autonomous Bougainville Government to fund their programs. This was the undertaking reached during the Bougainville Youth Foundation (BYF) policy review workshop in Arawa.
The aim of the three day workshop which ended yesterday was to find out why the policy which was drafted and approved in 2012 was not working for the last two years. The three day workshop in Arawa, Central Bougainville which was funded by the Bougainville Peace Building Strategy at a cost of K70, 000.
BYF president Angellious Anugu said the main reason why the Bougainville youth policy was not working because of lack of funding from the government of the day. Mr Anugu said the BYF has received K400, 000 in 2012 and that was the only funding given by ABG.
“There was no funding forthcoming in 2013 and this year also. We don’t know why ABG hasn’t honor its commitment and given us annual funding,” Mr Anugu said.
He said the government must realize that youths of Bougainville are the future leaders of this island region as all the Members in the Parliament are old and are going down adding that the next leadership will be determined by these youths.
“As the youth president, I am appealing to the ABG to fund us youths as youths make up 70 percent of the region’s 350, 000 population of Bougainville. We are being left in the open for far too long, our programs have not been funded, we’re crippled.” Out of the 350,000 population of Bougainville, 200,000 are youths with 40 percent illiteracy rate and a 76.6% dependency rate.
Source: Post-Courier
Police ready for festive season
Police in north Bougainville will beef up their operations during this festive season to ensure that Christmas and New Year celebration are safe, says regional police commander Spencer Aili.
He said during the Christmas and New Year period there would be a lot of petty crimes and police presence should be around to ensure that those crimes are controlled. He warned the public that police in the region will be on full beats to ensure people in the region celebrate this festive season in a safe environment.
He appealed to the public to work together with the police to help avoid criminal activities during this time of the year. “As the regional commander the message to my men is to beef up and tighten security with the community’s assistance to ensure a safe, secured and peaceful Christmas and New Year celebrations,” the police commander said.
Source: PNG Attitude
I remember Bougainville well. Back then I was a redskin
I flew out of Aropa on Air Niugini sometime in December 1988. I was a third year metallurgy student doing my practical training in beautiful Panguna.
The mine was huge - the second biggest in the world at the time.
I was leaving in a hurry.
A power pylon had been blown up, then a helicopter. And the "Pink Palace" headquarters got burned down and a policeman was shot.
And I knew who I was, a redskin. Gotta be outa here quick!
And I got out with my red skin intact. A few days later all hell broke loose.
I cannot sit well with Leonard Fong Roka’s continuous ranting of the expression ‘redskin’.
There are so many ‘blackskins’ here in Kundiawa that I hardly ever notice them.
After LFR’s article, do I take another glance and remind myself they are of very black colour?
No, I will not do that.
And I hope LFR and others on Bougainville will stop reminding us, the rest of the people of this nation, of the bad days just past.
Source: Bougainville24
Australia and Bougainville strengthen bonds
By Ishmael Palipal
At the relaunch of the Bougainville Peace Building Strategy (BPBS) the Hon. Julie Bishop MP, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that her country will assist the autonomous region as it strives to achieve the goals of the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
As soon as the Australian delegation arrived they were taken to the display room by one of the guides from the BPBS to see their timeline and how far the organization has come in seeing that peace is established in the region.
She was happy to finally come in person and see all the achievements documented by BPBS, which is funded by Australia through the Stongim Pipol Strongim Nesen program.
“I come as a friend and what to assure you that Australia will continue to work with Bougainville to see that peace is firmly built in Bougainville,” Ms Julie Bishop said during her speech.
“We will continue to help Bougainville in any way that we can to ensure that peace is strengthened.”438-julie-bishop-ceremony
The program ended with the presentation of traditional gifts to the delegates by staff at the BPBS.
Earlier in the day Ms Bishop, speaking at the Independence Oval in Arawa, announced to the gathered crowd that Australia will continue to support Bougainville with over K120 million worth of funding.
She said the Australian Government, the Australian people and New Zealand would remain as true friends and partners of PNG and Bougainville and would do whatever to make sure the people of Bougainville can continue to rebuild their lives.
She stated that the Australian Government will give more than K120 million to Bougainville next year in order to continue the funding to education, health, road infrastructure, safety and security and women and youth activities.
“We come as your friends and I want to assure you that Australian Government remains supportive and committed to serve the people of Bougainville who have come out of a long decade war that has devastated their lives and are rebuilding for a better future,” Ms. Bishop said.
“The government of Australia will always be a partner and will support everything that is done for the good of Bougainville and its people.”
“I’m also impressed by the warm welcome given by the traditional singsing,” she said while addressing the crowd gathered at the Arawa Independence Park.
One purpose of Ms. Bishop’s visit to Bougainville was to launch Radio Ples Lain, a community mobile radio network operated by the media and communication unit within the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
After the launch she took some time to go on air through the newly launched radio station and then spent a few minutes seeing and listening to a traditional bamboo band from Buin.
The occasion also marked the launch of the Bougainville peace process road show and referendum prayer campaign.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buka

The Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, JULIE BISHOP and her delagation which included the High Commissioner, DEBORAH STOKES left Buka this afternoon after a tireless two-days in the region.
Since their arrival in Buka on Tuesday Morning, they drove all the way to Arawa for a full day of activities until yesterday evening with a dinner hosted by the ABG at the Arawa women's Centre.
The trip from Arawa to Buka had only one stop at the Tinputz Law and Justice Conference facility also funded by DFAT under its Law and Justice Sector.
In Buka they met the Women leaders especially young women of Bougainville at the LEMANKOA Conference Room and after lunch the visited the Bougainville Police Training Centre which is a centre that will train all Police personnels throughout the region which includes IT Equipments and Dormitories.
The Foreign Affairs went back satisfied at her trip to the region saying Bougainville is in the neighbourhood and it was up to countries in the region like Australia and New Zealand to make sure there is Peace and stability in our part of the world.
She also made commitments for Australia to continue to assist Bougainville in the future especially on peace building, road infrastructure and Education.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buka
The Assistant Commissioner for the Bougainville Police Service,SUPERINTENDENT PAUL KAMUAI this afternoon thanked the Australia and New Zealand governments for helping the Bougainville Police Service with its capacity Building Program.
Speaking during the Opening of the Bougainville Police Training Facility in Hutjena, COMMISSIONER KAMUAI said that the Bougainville Police Service still needs more support in areas like Accommodation of staff in Districts and training in different areas of Policing.
He thanked the New Zealand Police for boosting Police manpower with the establishment of the Community Auxiliary Policing program.
Superintendent KAMUAI said that their target to increase Police manpower before the referendum is very slow and they may not meet it on time.
He however announced that they were discussing with authorithies to engage Australian Federal Police in areas that policing is lacking to increase the capability of the Bougainville Police Service to meet its required duties.

Pictured are the leaders at the Opening this afternoon.

Open air Radio Interview with Hon Julie Bishop

The Minister with the Tobanis cultural dancers this afternoon
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Air Niugini Press
Air Niugini will operate its first commercial flight to the recently opened Aropa airport in Kieta, Autonomous Region of Bougainville on Saturday 20th December, 2014.
There will be three weekly services from Port Moresby to Aropa via Rabaul every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
PX 4354 departs Port Moresby on Tuesday at 07:00am and arrives in Kieta at 10:00am. It leaves Kieta at 10:30am and returns to Port Moresby via Rabaul.
PX 4352 on Thursday departs Port Moresby via Rabaul and continues to Kieta. It leaves POM at 07:00am to Rabaul and later Kieta, arriving at 11:05am. The return flight leaves Kieta at 11:35am and arrives back in POM at 12:35pm.
PX 4354 on Saturday departs Port Moresby at 07:00am and arrives in Kieta at 10:00am. It leaves Kieta at 10:30am to Rabaul and returns to Kieta and later Port Moresby.
Aropa airport was re-opened on Friday 12th December 2014 by the Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’Neill after it was closed for 24 years.
Air Niugini also wishes to advise our customers that commencing Sunday 28th December 2014, the Bougainville Time Zone comes into effect. That means Bougainville will be 01 hour ahead of the rest of Papua New Guinea hence, all flight timings for Buka and Aropa from this date onward will be readjusted to reflect the change.

ABG Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA and Julie Bishop officially cut the ribbon to the Police Training Centre funded by DFAT under its Law and Justice Sector Program

Julie Bishop making her speech at Hutjena

ACP Bougainville Police PAUL KAMUAI welcomes the delegation to the Hutjena Police Training Centre

Julie Bishop with Commander Paul Kamuai ready for the Inspection

ACP Police Commander lead the Australian Foreign Minister to the Police Guard of Honour

Police guard of honour
Source: Post-Courier
Bishop: Australian government committed to Bougainville

THE Australian Government will give more than K120 million to Bougainville next year, says Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.
Ms Bishop, who visited Bougainville for the second time, made the announcement in Arawa yesterday in front of the people of Central and South Bougainville.
She said the Australian Government remained supportive and would continue to fund education, health, road infrastructure, safety and security and women and youth activities through this K120 million funding.
She said the Australian Government, the Australian people and New Zealand would remain as true friends and partners of PNG and Bougainville and would do whatever to make sure the people of Bougainville rebuild their lives after the long decade war.
Ms Bishop’s trip to Bougainville was to launch the GIF-funded Radio Ples Lain, a community mobile radio network operated by the media and communication unit of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
She also launched the change of name from the Panguna Peace Building Strategy to Bougainville Peace Building Strategy.
"Australia comes as your friend. I’m so impressed by the commitment and energy shown by the people of Bougainville to peace building," she said.
"The Australian Government remains supportive and committed to serve the people of Bougainville who have come out of a long decade war that has devastated their lives and are rebuilding for a better future.
"The government of Australia will always be a partner and will support everything that is done for the good of Bougainville and its people."
She thanked the singsing groups that welcomed her and promised to come back again to visit Bougainville.
The occasion also marked the launching of the Bougainville peace process roadshow and referendum prayer campaign.

Source: Bougainville24
Australia commits K120 million to Bougainville for 2015

Hon. Julie Bishop MP launches Radio Ples Lain. Photo by Ishmael Palipal
Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Julie Bishop MP, has pledged that her government will provide more than K120 million to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in 2015.
It is expected the funds will be used for projects related to health, education, road infrastructure and social issues.
Bishop made the announcement in Arawa on Tuesday 16 December as part of her two day tour of Bougainville.
“Australia comes as your friend,” Ms Bishop said, “I’m so impressed by the commitment and energy shown by the people of Bougainville to peace building.”
“The government of Australia will always be a partner and will support everything that is done for the good of Bougainville and its people.”
Bishop also participated in the final stage of the launch of Radio Ples Lain, the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s new mobile radio station, which will provide local news and information from throughout the region.
Radio Ples Lain is funded through the Government Implementation Fund, a joint effort by the Governments of Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, New Zealand and Australia. The fund was established to support autonomy under the conditions set out by the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

Julie Bishop enjoys a tour of the Bougainville Peace Building Strategy office.
Photo by Ishmael Palipal.
Later in the day Ms Bishop visited the office of the Panguna Peace Building Strategy, where she had the honour of announcing the change of name to the Bougainville Peace Building Strategy. The new name better reflects the objectives and outcomes achieved by the organisation, which are not limited to the Panguna district.
Today will be the final day of the Bougainville leg of Ms Bishop’s Papua New Guinea trip.
Before her departure she is due to participate in a forum conducted by the Bougainville Women’s Federation, attend a lunch with Members of Bougainville’s Parliament and launch the barracks at the Bougainville Police Training Centre.
Source Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai in Arawa
The Australian Foreign Affairs Minister and her delagation which included three ABG Ministers arrived in Arawa to a big welcome.
After the long ride from Kokopau there was no stopping as the activities had already started and that the delegation had to attend to three presentations that was the Launching of the DFAT Funded Suitcase Radio Radio Ples Lain and the Announcement of the DFAT Funded Panguna Peace Building Strategy's Change of Name and the visit to the only successful Micro Finance Scheme that is the Arawa Women's Micro Finance Scheme.
The program was tight so the Foreign Minister officialy launced the Radio and was interviewed live on air and the delegation had to move on to the next program as the people there have been waiting whole day.
This was the 3rd and final launch of the Radio Project before it will move now into action throughout the region.
The first launch was made by the ABG President, Chief DR. JOHN MOMIS in Buka in November, Second launch was also made by the ABG President Chief DR.JOHN MOMIS on 5th of December in Buin and this final launch was done by the Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop in Arawa.
The Minister was happy that Australia was part of the Bougainville Peace Building Process from day one and said that funds totaling 120 Million Kina will be used on Bougainville next year.
Here the visitors were given presents after visiting the program inside the office and they had to move to the next location.
At the Arawa Women's Micro Bank, the women made a small powerpoint presentation before the team went to prepare for the dinner hosted by the ABG for the visiting delegation at the Arawa Women's Training Centre.

ABG Community Development Minister Melchior Dare, Minister for Mining, MICHAEL ONI, ALBERT PUNGHAU and Foreign Minister for Australia, JULIE BISHOP and High Commissioner, Deborah Stokes pose with Stella Tunim and her women team in Arawa

Source Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai in Arawa.
The Arawa Women's Micro Finance Scheme could be supported in 2015 after the presentation by its founder and team leader,Stella Tunim won the heart of the leaders who attended her presentation yesterday afternoon.
The Arawa Women's Micro Finance was established some years back to support women of Central Bougainville to save money and also make small loans to do small businesses in their communities.
This... is the only Micro Finance Scheme that has survived since many have collapsed in the past throughout Bougainville.
The visiting Australian Foreign affairs Minister, Julie Bishop commended the women for their work and said that they have proven to be supported in the future.
And also after the presentation ,the ABG Minister for Finance, Planning and Treasury, Albert Punghau commented that some budget figures will be adjusted to accommodate this.
New Dawn FM understands that the ABG's 2015 Budget will be tabled in the ABG House for approval on December, 31st,2014
Source: Post-Courier
Miringtoro praises airport reopening

Bougainvilleans gathering an aircraft to to get the feel of a plane at Aropa airport.
CENTRAL Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro was the happiest Bougainvillean on Friday when the Aropa Airport was opened. The airport was re-opened last Friday – 23 years after the last flight took off when the Bougainville crisis erupted. Mr Miringtoro said this was his biggest wish come true.
He said the road to the re-opening of Aropa was not easy. But he thanked the landowners and the ex-combatants who saw the economic benefits of re-opening of the former international airport. Bougainville will now have two national airports, one at Buka and the Aropa one.
“The opening of Aropa Airport marks another milestone for Central Bougainville and the autonomous region of Bougainville. The reopening of Aropa Airport makes those of us who have to travel long distances to Buka to travel out, breathe a sigh of relief,” Mr Miringtoro said. “Projects like Aropa Airport are a uniting force for the people of Bougainville. They bring people together as one people.
“Aropa Airport opens a new chapter in our lives. It opens Bougainville to the outside world and the outside world to Bougainville. Through this airport opportunities and doors will be opened for tourism and other business and investment in the region. This airport will support and complement other services and infrastructure already established.
“Aropa Airport adds to the number of services currently available in Central Bougainville. These services include Banking, Police Service, Postal Service, mobile phone networks and Shipping and Port Services,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Youths converge in Arawa to review Bougainville youth policy
By Ishmael Palipal
MORE than 70 youths and community development officers have attended the Bougainville youth policy review workshop in Central Bougainville. Bougainville has about 13 sub-districts under the three main districts of North, Central and South Bougainville.
Each district youth representatives with their youth presidents came for the review. The review was hosted at the Arawa Youth Centre starting on Sunday evening with a presentation on the Bougainville Peace Agreement by Anthony Kungkei.
The aim of the review was to see what was done or achieved since the launching of the Bougainville youth policy in 2012 and how improvements and new priorities can be set.
According to the ABG youth coordinator Karaho Siwa, the review is not only about reviewing the Bougainville youth policy booklet but to review and raise awareness about the youths main priorities and opportunities that in their districts to help develop themselves.
He said the whole thing will not be only about the review but also to re-prioritise the implementation part. “So with this we can be more specific on things are we can implement at our level,” he said.
The new ideas will lead to changes and implementation in the districts, he said. “With this review, we have engage the youths from this 13 districts including Buka and Arawa Urban to identity different priority areas in their districts.”
Source: Post-Courier
Students urged to be ambassadors
MORE than a hundred grade eight students of Hahela Primary School were challenged to be the school’s ambassadors after passing out from the school.
Head teacher Fabian Anisia stressed that they have just completed another chapter of education and will move on to the next level. “There is no short cut in any where you go. You have to face challenges in order to achieve your dreams,” Mr Anisia said.
He said it is the right and responsibility of teachers to invest in the children’s education for a better Bougainville. Mr Anisia said school closings is a time of evaluation where teachers will see how much they have invested in students when the students were with them.
“I expect students to be more creative when they pass out from this school because they are the ambassadors of Hahela Primary.” He congratulated the 112 students passing out and also thanked them for their time and patience despite the school facing infrastructure problem other minor disturbance during the year.
“Some of you continuing and others, who might not, do not just sit as wait for what Bougainville will do for you but challenge yourself on what you could do for Bougainville and you will find yourself following your dreams, Mr Anisia challenged his grade eight students during this week’s school closing.
Source: Post Courier
New Bougainville Time Zone

The Autonomous Region of Bougainville will move its clocks forward by one hour on 28 December 2014. A new time zone, to be known as Bougainville Standard Time (BST) , has been adopted by the Bougainville House of Representatives. The new time zone is 11 hours ahead of co-ordinated Universal Time, which means Bougainville will be one hour ahead of the rest of Papua New Guinea. The change will happen at 0200am on 28th December 2014, when all clocks in the Bougainville region will move forward to 0300am. From this date onwards, when it is noon in Bougainville, it will be 1100am in the rest of Papua New Guinea. All persons travelling to Bougainville will need to forward their watches by one hour, to align with Bougainville time. Similarly when leaving Bougainville and travelling to the rest of Papua New Guinea, travellers will need to move their watches back by one hour. Air Niugini is also in the process of updating its booking systems and timetable information to reflect the above, for all flights to/from Buka and Kieta operating from 28th December onwards.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis: Leaders must have trust
Autonomous Bougainville Government President John Momis says trust must be built among leaders in Bougainville and the national Government.
His call also echoes those of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, who said his government will concentrate on delivering services to the people of Bougainville and leave politics and other issues to the ABG and local leaders.
Mr Momis’ call comes after media reports that he was not happy with efforts by the Government trying to play a part in decisions regarding the possible reopening of the Panguna mine in Central Bougainville.
At the airport’s reopening on Friday, all these were put aside as more than 3000 people came from great distances in the central and other parts of the province to witness the reopening of the airport.
Mr Momis acknowledged the national Government for its commitment to give this significant service to the people of Bougainville after 23 years. However, he stated that ABG and PNG government leaders must build trust among themselves for the good of the people of Bougainville.
He said he believes if there is no trust among these two governments there will be distrust among the people.
He wants good collaboration among the leaders also so that development can be brought to the people.
He called for everyone to work in the perimeters of Bougainville Peace Agreement.
“We must stick with the Bougainville Peace Agreement for that binds us together.”
Source: Post-Courier
Remote villagers build own road
Hailing from the remotest part of Siwai District, the Siikomone people of Ramu constituency built a road using their own local labour and without external government support, to serve five villages which did not have a road connection since the colonial times.
The road, which will link with a feeder road in Morokaimoro, will soon be completed to serve about a thousand people who were for long been neglected by the government.
David Kings Rusa, who led the villagers, said about 5km of the road has already been dug and levelled up. That part stretches from the jungles to Morokaimoro village.
He said the people from this area were given the contract to build this road but the funding was diverted by their leaders.
Instead of waiting for help that would never come, Mr Rusa said the people decided to help themselves.
“It actually started with few people under my leadership but soon many people started to voluntarily came with their tools and help with the work,” he said. He said the people told him they were tired of waiting and wanted to build a road themselves.
Source: PNG Attitude
Aropa airport: Leaders’ voice joy; participants’ voice caution
A handful of village leaders from the Aropa area left Bougainville on Thursday last week to travel to Port Moresby for the official inaugural Air Niugini flight to Aropa.
Also aboard was the Papua New Guinea government delegation led by Peter O’Neill.
Aropa International Airport shut in mid-1990 as the result of the Bougainvillean crisis. Nearly 25 years later, the planes are back. But the dissonance remains.
Many ordinary Bougainvilleans in rural areas speak with a different voice from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), the troubled Meekamui factions, the ex-combatants and the PNG government.
When the inaugural flight landed at Aropa, the very important people sat high on a decorated stage with waitresses bringing them varieties of cold drinks and snacks.
The ordinary people sat in the heat of the glaring sun and danced and clapped to the words of the big men.
Ordinary people especially in the Kieta area, in which Aropa is located, are haunted by history in their daily striving while with their fat purses the politicians speak of progress for Bougainville.
There is still a conflict of interest between the Bougainville leadership and ordinary Bougainvilleans - a majority with no voice.
ABG is still to get down to the people and activate a paradigm shift to enable Bougainville to progress without impediment.
Amongst the many issues surrounding the airport re-opening celebrations one was that Bougainville needs a vagrancy law as a tap to control the flow of Papua New Guineans into the province. We Bougainvilleans have been known to refer to them as redskins.
As the celebrations continued, many people uttered words of caution that if the ABG does not take control of developments, history might repeat itself.
Simon Jaintong, an officer in the ABG mining department, posted on his Facebook page:
The excitement leading up to tomorrows Aropa Airport reopening is almost palpable as last minute preparations are being finalized in Arawa.
Tomorrow when the Bird of Paradise flag carrier touches down, I suspect emotions will run high as people will see it for what it is : a huge step forward in the restoration of services to this part of Bougainville.
Some however, look on with trepidation.
14 odd years ago the last flight out of Aropa bore with it scores of settlers fleeing with only the clothes on their back, leaving behind the prime lands they forcefully took over. Who can forget the images documented by 4 Corners of people scurrying across the tarmac rodent like, throwing furtive glances behind their back?
With the affordable airfares on offer, problems of accessibility will be a thing of the past. In fact, Bougainville will be more open than before. Add to that the pull factors that made (and will continue to make) Bougainville the opportunistic fortune seekers wet dream and a mass influx is a certainty.
Lest we forget: Our uprising was more of a social struggle to reassert our authority and remove aliens over our land as it was a fight for independence.
If no proper restrictions and checkpoints are put in place at once, the reopening of Aropa may in truth be the reopening of another Pandora’s Box of the 1980s. Time to think strategically, people.
Mr Jaintong’s reflections are the general feeling amongst ordinary Bougainvilleans and ex-combatants around Kieta.
Bougainvilleans are not as stupid as they were thought to be in pre-1990 days.
Since the peace process, the number of non-Bougainvilleans has steadily increased, tripling since 2010. To many people at the Aropa airport re-commissioning, the story was that the re-opened airport will see the number of redskins skyrocket.
Many redskins now roam the streets of Buka Town and Arawa Town selling second-hand clothes, newspapers and home-produced medicines.
Others preach the Bible on the streets, an activity not popular in Bougainville.
And there are those that come to be employed in government and private sectors.
Donald Domangtoro, a former BRA fighter and now a primary school teacher from Aropa, told me:
This is our home and if the redskins keep populating our towns and villages we will shut the airport down till the ABG puts a stop to this influx. The K1 million they spent for this celebration will be wasted.
A member of an Apiatei singsing group and primary school teacher, Gloria Oritanung, said:
It’s really good for Central and South Bougainville’s economic recovery but I do not feel well seeing these few redskins standing hopelessly around us here at Aropa.
We suffered for a decade fighting each other because redskins were taking over our lands and towns but now they are coming back with our leaders doing nothing over this repeating of history.
Such conflict amongst the ordinary people will burst open if the ABG and PNG government do not take appropriate measures to listen to the cry for vagrancy laws.
Source: Bougainville24
Australian Foreign Minister begins two day AROB tour

Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Julie Bishop MP (above), will arrive in Buka today as part of a four day tour of Papua New Guinea.
Bishop will spend Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 December in the autonomous region, making visits to a variety of people, projects and locations.
She is expected to arrive in Buka tomorrow at 0830, where she will be greeted at the airport by the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Chief Dr. John Momis.
Ms Bishop will then make her way to Central Bougainville, participating in the launch of Radio Ples Lain, visit the Panguna Peacebuilding Strategy Office and the Arawa Micro-bank.
On Wednesday Bishop will meet with women in Tinputz who are part of a local road maintenance team and then return to Buka to participate in a Bougainville Women’s Federation Forum at the school in Hutjena.
Ministers and representatives from Bougainville Parliament will meet the Foreign Minister for a lunch at Parliament House in Buka.
Ms Bishop will wrap up the Bougainville leg of her trip by attending the official opening of the barracks at the Bougainville Police Training Centre before departing the island.
Please click here and read all news published
between December 1st, and December 15th, 2014!