News 08.2011
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police report
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Police are happy that the election on bougainville was trouble free.
PPC for Bougainville Police, Inspector Cletus Tsien made these remarks at the declaration ceremony on Monday.
He said that before the election tgere has been rumors that some people would disturb the election on Bougainville.
He said that despite these, police was able to cover all polling booths throughout the entire region
PPC TSIEN said that law and order was everybodys business and he thanked all Bougainvilleans for maintaining peace and good order during the election period.
Source: Pacific Island Report/ABC Radio Australia
Police faced with associated criminal activity
MELBOURNE, Australia (Radio Australia, Aug. 31, 2011) – Police in Solomon Islands and Bougainville have pledged to work together to stop guns being carried across the border.
Years of conflict in both countries has led to a ready supply of small arms. And police say they have received reports of people moving across the border freely when carrying weapons.
Solomon Islands Assistant Police Commissioner Edward Sikua told Pacific Beat both countries were looking to develop strategies to monitor the movement of arms across the border.
"Certainly because of the conflicts on both sides of the border, the issue of arms moving across this border is an issue for both police forces," he said.
Assistant Commissioner Sikua was in Bougainville earlier this year to hold meetings with his Bougainville counterpart.
He said the movement of guns was not the only issue troubling police.
"There's lots of criminal activity happening along the border and it's in the interests of both forces to work together to address these activities," he said.
"It is a big concern for us, for all police forces - there are plenty of criminal activities."
Source: Post-Courier
Travel Air touches down in Buka
CONTROVERSIAL local airliner Travel Air touched down in Buka last Thursday with an aim to be the first to operate the Aropa airport.
Eremas Wartoto was in the training run that saw him and his wife Louisa land in Buka for the first time since it landed in Port Moresby from the Netherlands.
Mr Wartoto and his team were met at the airport by Regional MP for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso.
Mr Wartoto said that he would start operating the Buka leg in September and appealed for the people of Bougainville, specifically central to re-open the Aropa airport and Buin airstrip so service can be delivered into the bulk of the population, which was in the Kieta and Buin areas.
Mr Semoso said he stood ready to help the airline - Mangi Lo Peles so that services could be restored.
Both leaders said a proposal was already presented to the Autonomous Bougainville Government to allow for the airline to operate and serve the people of Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Wartoto’s release irks top cops
A SENIOR police officer was suspended yesterday for approving the K5000 police bail that temporarily set free businessman Eremas Wartoto from the Boroko Police Cells in Port Moresby.
Mr Wartoto had earlier been arrested, charged with misappropriation and locked up by the National Government appointed special investigation team ‘Task Force Sweep’ looking into alleged fraudulent activities in the Department of National Planning and Monitoring.
NCD Central Commander Fred Sheekiot said a senior officer within his command has been suspended for granting the bail and he is considering whether to get their legal officers to apply for the revocation of the bail or some conditions to accompany the bail.
The release of Wartoto irked the NCD Central Police Command and the NEC appointed Investigation team who made the arrest on Monday.
NCD Metropolitan Commander Joseph Tondop said he was approached by lawyers acting for Mr Wartoto and he advised them that because Wartoto’s charges involved a substantial amount of money and the right channel would be to apply to the National Court.
Chairman of the Investigation Task Force Sweep Sam Koim, in a statement expressed concern over how Police had granted bail to Wartoto when he was put into the cell on Monday.
He said Mr Wartoto was arrested at around 1.30pm and was released at around 4.20pm on a Police Bail of K5000.
“The Prisoner was charged with misappropriation and a request was in place for refusal of police bail. The Prisoner was charged on an indictable offence and the National Court had the jurisdiction to deal with the issue of Bail.
“As a matter of protocol and procedure, when there is a request for a refusal of bail, the Police Officer who is exercising powers as a bail authority should have checked with the investigation and arresting officers as to reasons for the request for refusal.
“That is usually done to ensure that if bail can be granted, then there must be conditions set that accompany the grant of the bail. In this case, that was not done. For the Police Command to usurp the powers of the National Court and grant bail without consulting the investigating officers is highly irregular,” said Mr Koim. But he said that bail is available for the prisoner to apply as a matter of right for such offences, it must be applied to the proper forum and there are conditions that need to be considered.
Source: The National
Wartoto charged
KOKOPO businessman Eremas Wartoto has been arrested, questioned and charged by Port Moresby police.
He was locked up at the Boroko police station for three hours yesterday before being released on a
K5,000 police bail.
Wartoto has been charged with misappropriation of K7 million of rehabilitation of education sector implementation (RESI) funding for the Kerevat National High?School.
He confirmed with The National last night that his charges were in relation to the school RESI funds.
The school funds involved more than K7 million made in two separate payments.
Special task force on corruption chairman Sam Koim told The National that Wartoto was also being investigated for the K10 million development funds from National Planning and Monitoring which he used to start his airline company, Travel Air, and “a myriad of other companies he owns or controls”.
Wartoto, when contacted last night, said he would release a media statement today.
Koim said in a statement Wartoto was the first to be arrested by the task force appointed by the NEC on Aug 11 to investigate allegations of corruption at the department involving about K2 billion.
Yesterday’s arrest related to more than K7 million that Wartoto had allegedly received through two separate payments for Kerevat National High School.
Koim said he was charged with misappropriation under section 383(A)(91) of the Criminal Code Act.
“As a matter of law, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty. He must now go through the normal criminal process in court to prove his innocence of the charge laid against him.”
Wartoto is expected to appear in court this week.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Funding woes for Bougainville troupe’s tourism promotion
Attempts to send a 70 strong troupe of traditional musicians and cultural performers from the autonomous Papua New Guinea of Bougainville around the world could founder for lack of funding.
The Bougainville Tourism Office is planning to send the troupe first to a PNG anniversary event in Brisbane in two weeks, with the aim of promoting the province as a holiday destination and to provide opportunities for the musicians.
One of the organisers, Siwi Aipe, says they’re approaching politicians and leading businesses for the nearly 300 thousand US dollars needed for air fares and expenses, but haven’t raised any money yet.
He says Tourism Office hopes the troupe around the world will be the start of a big thing.
“We’ll provide an avenue for Bougainvillean musicians, especially, to travel to other parts of the world. Apart from providing marketing and promoting [for] Bougainville, they will providing music as an income.” (Bougainville Tourism official Siwi Aipe)
Source: Post-Courier
ABG awaits its ruling powers
IT is now six years since the establishment of the Autonomous Bougainville Government and no powers have been fully drawn down from the National Government to the ABG.
The National Government has also been accused of “ignoring” and dragging the whole issue and both governments are way behind with the Joint Supervisory Body meetings to address them.
ABG vice President Patrick Nisira briefly said the draw-down of powers to Bougainville was an issue that needed immediate attention, especially from the National Government. ABG President John Momis also indirectly, during the high-powered trilateral meeting between the United Nations, the Autnomous Bougainville Government and the National Government, mentioned the lack of National Government interest in fast-tracking the issue of the draw-down of powers to his government.
The ABG leadership was concerned that by now the immediate draw-down of powers for the Education, Health and Agriculture Departments together with the region’s own timing to Bougainville should have been given to them fully.
Mr Nisira said the draw-down on the mining powers was slow because of the 15-steps that had to be abided to by the two governments.
Mr Momis acknowledged that the issue of capacity was a problem for the ABG but asked what the National Government was doing to help the ABG to address the issue of its capacity building.
Members of the National Government team from Foreign Affairs in the meeting indicated that they could not comment on these issues because they were not the right people to give the response.
Source: Post-Courier
Leader: Support women’s bill
NORTH Bougainville women leader Elizabeth Burain has challenged the O’Neill-Namah Government to act on special temporary measures for women in PNG, specifically to have more women as members of the national parliament before the issue of writs for the 2012 National Elections.
Ms Burain was speaking as chairperson of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians, Pacific Region.
She said women of PNG have a strong conviction that they must be given a chance to have more voices in Parliament.
“The passing of the bill will be an important step for the Government of Papua New Guinea to recognise the importance of women in society. Gender equality has been talked about many, many times. Can this become a reality on the floor of the Parliament?
“Let the people decide their women representatives in Parliament. Unfortunately, in today’s competitive political arena, particularly during general elections, women candidates don’t stand a chance against a male dominated society. Ninety nine per cent of male candidates are elected into Parliament.
“I therefore strongly urge the Government to give PNG women a chance to be elected to Parliament under the 22 reserved seats for women. This dream will only come true for women if Parliament passes the bill. With the 2012 National General elections approaching, the Government must seriously consider this matter and accord it as a priority before the issue of writs,” Ms Burain said.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Ten years on Bougainville still waiting for peace dividends
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the Bougainville Peace Accords.
To mark the anniversary, a United Nations team have completed a walk across the island to encourage people to support peace. The group also visited young people and their families in villages along the way to talk to them about the challenges they face.
Presenter: Campbell Cooney
Speaker: David McLachlan-Karr, United Nations resident coordinator in Papua New Guinea
Listen here !
Source: The National
Chan firm on people’s land rights
MINING Minister Byron Chan said he stood by his policy statement that resource ownership rights must go back to the people provided there was wide consultation between the state, landowners and industry partners.
Speaking during a mine tour of Simberi Island last Thursday, Chan assured the business community, particularly mining sector participants, that the proposed changes to the Mining Act 1992, which has now become a heated debate in the media, would not affect their operations.
“Let me assure the business community and especially the mining industry in the country that there will be no immediate policy changes to the existing laws until a proper case study and wide consultation with the industry and relevant stakeholders is carried out,” he said.
“As government, we will try as much as possible to polish up the policy that I believe will be suitable for all Papua New Guineans.
“If it means for us to go out and study other countries whose mining activities and laws are similar to what we are proposing, then let it be.
“I believe this will enlighten us to see for ourselves how best we can fine-tune the policy that we will be implementing in the government to benefit our resource-owners, non-resource owners and industry partners in the country.
“I must stress that this is not a deliberate attempt to discredit any mining firm or developer in the country. In fact there’s nothing new.
“All I am saying is for developers to recognise resource owners as custodians of their own land in the proposed policy,” he said.
Chan said if the developers could not accept the policy, they should “pack and move to allow other investors who are keen and can respect resource owner rights and work closely with them to bring about meaningful development”.
Source: The National
Wartoto, airline crew land in Bougainville
EXCITEMENT rippled through the crowd of onlookers as they witnessed the arrival of the ‘Mangi lo peles’ aircraft at Buka Airport last Thursday.
The Fokker 50 aircraft, which belongs to controversial Rabaul businessman and owner of Travel Air Services Eremas Wartoto, landed on Bougainville soil for the first time much to the delight of Bougainville regional MP Fidelis Semoso.
Wartoto said the short visit to Buka was a trial run for his pilot crew of two expatriates and two nationals and that a formal launch of his company’s services to the autonomous region was planned for October.
He said he accompanied his crew to Bougainville to inform the region’s leaders of his intention to provide air services to the bulk of the rural population on Bougainville.
He said flight services would include landing at Aropa Airport, where the bulk of Bougainvilleans from Central and South Bougainville were in need of air services.
Wartoto urged the Bougainville government to open Aropa Airport as soon as possible so that flights could extend to mainland Bougainville.
Semoso said the leaders and people of Bougainville appreciated this initiative and looked forward to the airline’s services.
Semoso said he had put in a submission for K700 million to the national government for establishing airport facilities at Aropa Airport.
He said the reopening of Aropa Airport was in the best interests of the people of Bougainville.
Semoso thanked Wartoto for including Bougainville as one of the primary routes his company would provide air services to, saying the cost of flying Air Niugini was too expensive and the region needed competition so that airfares would be reduced.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Assurances for investors as PNG contemplates changing resource law
The Managing Director of Papua New Guinea’s Investment Promotion Authority has reassured foreign companies and developers that the country is a good place to invest in.
Ivan Pomaleu’s comment comes as the new government considers handing ownership of resources below the ground from the state to customary landowners.
Legislative changes proposed by the new Mining Minister last week prompted concern in the extractive industries.
The Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has since clarified that parliament is yet to fully discuss the changes.
Ivan Pomaleu says landowners are supportive of investment as long as benefits are clearly defined.
“The environment is vibrant, activities are blooming all over the place. One of the key impetus in the whole scheme of things obviously is the major LNG Project. It demonstrated to the investing community internationally that ’hey, this is one country that you can take a look at’.”
Source: ESBC
ESBC Calls on Interested People in China !
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) would welcome all contact and exchange with Chinese people who are interested in Bougainville and Bougainville Copper. "We found out that our homepage is visited by quite regularly by a lot of China based people," said ESBC President Axel G. Sturm on Monday in Andorra, "we would appreciate very much to get in touch with these persons to exchange ideas. Therefore I call on all Chinese who are either based in Beiing, Hongkong or elsewhere to contact us. We are keen to know more about Chinese ambitions in Bougainville Copper and we are sure that Chinese investors are also interested in our "European view" of things. The ESBC would be delighted to initiate up a regular in-depth discussion with China."
Please contact us here:
Source: Post-Courier
Mining Minister clears air on mining policy review
RESOURCE ownership rights must go back to the people provided there is wide consultation between the state, landowners and industry partners.
Minister for Mining, Byron Chan said this during a mine tour to Simberi Island in the New Ireland Province on Thursday, where he assured the business community that the proposed changes to the Mining Act 1992, will not affect their operations.
Mr Chan reaffirmed that the government will do all it can to “polish up the policy” and make it suitable for all Papua New Guineans.
“Let me assure the business community and especially the mining industry in the country that there will be no immediate policy changes to the existing laws until proper case study and wide consultation with the industry and relevant stakeholders is carried out,” Minister Chan said.
“I must stress also that this is not a deliberate attempt to discredit any mining firm or developer in the country. In fact there’s nothing new. All I’m saying is for developers to recognise resource owners as custodians of their own land in the proposed policy.”
He said that if the developers cannot live up to the policy, they should not waste their time in the country but to pack and move to allow for other investors who respect resource owner rights and work closely with them to bring about meaningful development.
“I’d like to clear the air on landownership rights, which is the bigger issue raised here and abroad by respective mining commentators and relative industries,” he said, adding that it would take time to properly assess ownership rights with existing policies.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Current Mining Act is illicit’
THE current Mining Act was an illicit law the moment it was adopted from the Australian Mining Laws and introduced into the country and it has collided with the customary laws, Morobe deputy Governor Morokoi Gaiwata has said.
Mr Gaiwata said even an ordinary person with plain common sense can tell that the legal effects of unwritten customary laws were never legally terminated to allow the State to own natural resources.
He said that the rules of law in accordance with PNG customs states that before the State can take ownership of any resources from a customary land, it must first legally alienate or compulsorily acquire a customary land to take ownership of wealth and capital generated from the exploitation of any natural resources.
This process he said should take place with the full consent of the principal landowners.
Mr Gaiwata reiterated that any customary land or marine sea bed were absolute in territorial possession.
He explained that for any customary land or resource owner to sacrifice their very means of livelihood by surrendering their very possession of life to the State was unimaginable.
“Wealth and capital empowerment in modern rich resource and wealthy PNG are the biggest key issues in the country’s nationhood and the current mining Act is threatening this,” he said.
Mr Gaiwata also mentioned that the current law makes the National Government richer at high costs of internal resource owners and their never ending disputes. He said that it constricts and marginalises resource rich owners’ rights of maximum gains to exercise their Melanesian belongingness to their neighbours, brethrens and the nation.
This act Mr Gaiwata stressed has been a foreign vehicle sent to destroy this country.
“Every mining and petroleum policy initiatives empower foreign interests with both capital wealth.
“These policy initiatives have no rationale for consolidation in the spirit of nationhood; in fact they are framed from foreign economic intelligence manipulating decision makers in the National Government and bureaucratic Waigani,” he said.
He called on the National Government to immediately repeal the Act and see to it that wealth and capital generation from any mining and petroleum project from the absolute capital base to seed resource owners and other Papua New Guineans.
He added that it must also translate landowner’s riches in a structure to transform PNG into a developed nation in a given time-frame.
It should be practical and realises PNG’s national consciousness amid the forces of the global community.
Mr Gaiwata has also called on the National Government to appoint a committee with specific tasks to come up with a new PNG Mining Act.
Source: Post-Courier
Islanders learn about climate change, drought
BOUGAINVILLE disaster coordinator, Franklyn Lacey said he has been carrying out awareness on issues of climate change and drought among people in the very disadvantaged areas of Bougainville like the Atolls islands.
Mr Lacey said this has been his ongoing program when delivering relief supplies or on patrol to the islands.
He said that with the help from the ABG Government, the people in these areas were made aware of the expected climate change events.
Mr Lacey believed with the knowledge the people have gained during the awareness, they would be prepared for the disasters to come.
He also said he was working closely with the National Member for North Bougainville, Lauta Atoi to secure a portion of land in the west coast area of Bougainville to plant food to help the people of the Atolls and Nissan islands.
He said the land, if secured, would be turned into an agriculture project to plant weather crops especifically to withstand the drought expected next year.
Mr Lacey said the negotiation on the land was good and the people of the area were willing to help the Government set up the program.
He also said the project will help supplement the relief supplies given to the Atolls and Nissan islands and not rice only.
Source: The National
Resource transfer not govt policy, says PM
TRANSFERING ownership of mineral and hydrocarbon wealth from the government to landowners is not a government policy yet, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said yesterday.
O’Neill made the comment to allay fears among industry participants following statements from two ministers that the new administration would change the fiscal regime governing the mining and petroleum sector.
The statements by Mining Minister Byron Chan and Planning Minister Sam Basil had jittered stocks of PNG mining companies and elicited strong protests from the industry.
O’Neill said yesterday: “This is not yet government policy. Cabinet and parliament are yet to discuss the matter.”
The prime minister assured stakeholders that they would be consulted fully before any policy or law was considered.
This was the second time in as many days the prime minister has had to correct the impetuous words and actions of his new ministers.
On Tuesday, he said cabinethad not made any decision to withdraw or suspend the powers of any provincial governments including East Sepik and Morobe.
The two second-tier governments had gone to court on the basis of “speculations” based on an internal memo from Minister for Finance and Treasury Don Polye.
The mineral and hydrocarbon ownership issue was sensitive and one industry watcher said any change by the current regime “will be the single biggest mistake” and would cripple the economy.
The Chamber of Mines and Petroleum was understood to have written to O’Neill expressing the concerns of its members.
The current push was to change section 5 of the Mining Act and section 6 of the Oil and Gas Act to transfer ownership of mineral and hydrocarbon wealth from the state to landowning groups.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Peace walk celebrates Bougainville accord anniversary
Today in Bougainville, a United Nations team will start a Walk for Peace across the island to mark the 10th anniversary of the Bougainville Peace Accords.
Ten years on, there are still problems in the south of the island where decision makers are trying to break a long standing impasse to bring about permanent peace.
Presenter: Geraldine Coutts
Speaker: David McLachlan-Karr, United Nations resident coordinator in Papua New Guinea
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Zealand International
UN marks Bougainville Peace Accords with highland trek
A team of walkers from the United Nations is hoping to boost ecotourism in Bougainville this week by trekking through the island’s mountainous central region.
From today, the team will walk for 60 kilometres along the historic Numa Numa trail to mark the tenth anniversary of the Bougainville Peace Accords.
Papua New Guinea’s UN representative David McLachlan-Karr says young people from the civil war’s so-called lost generation will act as guides and the team will overnight in villages to help the local economy.
“People who are looking for something different and to explore a territory that’s coming out of a civil war and trying to get back on its feet will find it a really rewarding experience and also knowing that their visit is also supporting the reconstruction of Bougainville by injecting a lifeline into those communities.”
David McLachlan-Karr says the trail’s not only beautiful but historic as remnants still remain from its use as a supply line for troops during the Second World War.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Ten years of Bougainville peace yield mixed results, says former NZ diplomat
One of the architects of the peace on the Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville says ten years after the formal end to the civil war, the results are mixed.
The Bougainville Peace Accords were signed in Arawa in 2001 - four years after a New Zealand initiative brought about a truce in the protracted conflict.
John Hayes, who was a New Zealand diplomat at the time, says there have been several achievements.
“People are not killing themselves, women are not dying in child birth, people are not being raped in a lawless community. I think our police have done a great job. It’s good that we’ve got economic activity slowly, slowly improving. Perhaps on the other side of the ledger it’s a bit disappointing that we haven’t created more jobs around utilising Bougainville’s undenied fish, timber and tourist potential.”
John Hayes
Source: PNG Industry News
Radical mining laws unlikely to pass cabinet
by Blair Price
PAPUA New Guinea Mining Minister Byron Chan is already starting to backtrack on his controversial mining law amendments, according to a government source who also expects a quick outcome to a Supreme Court challenge over the legitimacy of the new government.
Chan, who only officially received his ministerial post two weeks ago, has already caused considerable uncertainty to PNG-focused resource companies by outlining a plan to shift resources ownership from the government to landowner groups.
But after considerable media coverage in Australia, and possibly some opposition from colleagues in the fledgling coalition government, he might be forced to put these plans on ice.
A government source told he did not think Chan’s proposed changes would happen or get through cabinet.
Ex-treasurer Peter O’Neill won an overwhelming Parliament vote to succeed Sir Michael Somare as prime minister in early August.
While Somare has remained on medical leave since April, there are doubts over whether the leadership position was actually vacant in accordance with the Constitution.
Two court challenges have failed so far, but the challenge by the East Sepik provincial government has been backed by the independent Ombudsman Commission.
In a sign the O’Neill government is worried, newly appointed Treasurer Don Poyle cut national government funding to the East Sepik provincial government last week.
This type of court action is usually fast-tracked and the government source expects an outcome from the Supreme Court in mid-September, when the court could rule on whether the formation of the O’Neill government was constitutional or not.
Source: Post-Courier
UN stands ready to help ABG
THE United Nations stands ready to assist the Autonomous Bougainville Government with the containment and disposal of the weapons in Bougainville, UN head in PNG David McLachlan-Karr said in an interview yesterday in Buka.
But they will not undermine the ABG’s primary role as the legitimate government on the ground because they are supposed to own the process, which UN will only help if assistance is sought through the PNG Government, the due process to follow.
McLachlan-Karr said he admitted the process was slow but that was an issue that was at some stages uncontrollable, given the fact that guns always remain a controversy in every country, to which PNG and Bougainville are no exceptions.
He said the process of the weapons containment or disposal in Bougainville since the United Nations Observor Mission (UNOMB) days has slowed down and the UN could not directly get involved or carry out the program because of the procedures involved.
“The ABG is the legitimate body on the ground, who owns the process and we can’t directly come in to work on the issue.
“ABG will have to request through the PNG Government and then approval will have to come from our Headquarters,” he said.
But he said that the UN was ready to help, but in any case was already helping the ABG on their already established weapons disposal programs.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG landowners risk being swindled under proposed mining law
A senior academic says landowners will need proper legal representation and guidance if Papua New Guinea introduce proposed changes to the country's mining laws.
The PNG government is reviewing existing laws to revert ownership of resources under the land and seabed to the traditional owners. Professor Spike Boydell from Sydney University of Technology's Asia-Pacific Centre for complex real property rights welcomes the move to make compensation for landowners more equitable. But he says there's a risk they won't be properly advised when dealing with mining investors and could sign away their property rights for short term and inadequate financial gain.
Speaker: Professor Spike Boydell from Sydney University of Technology's Asia-Pacific Centre for complex real property rights
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Zealand International
UN optimistic symbolic reconciliation ceremonies will work in south Bougainville
The United Nations representative in Papua New Guinea is optimistic it can help mediate and reconcile factions in the troubled south of Bougainville.
The president of the autonomous province John Momis has said he hopes a traditional Melanesian approach will solve the impasse after earlier suggesting the need for UN peacekeepers to return.
The UN’s David McLachlan-Kerr says the deployment of such a force isn’t likely and the UN can assist by drawing on a decade of experience reconciling factions in other parts of Bougainville.
“It often involves the exchange of valuable items, pigs and shells and money but these things are necessary and they’re part of Melanesian culture. We hope to use the expertise that we’ve developed to bring similar types of exercises to the people of the south.”
The UN’s resident co-ordinator in Papua New Guinea David McLachlan-Kerr.
Source: Post-Courier
Guava begs for govt services
GUAVA village, the home of reclusive leader Francis Ona which is situated directly adjacent to the Panguna mine pit is one of the less fortunate villages now in Bougainville.
A historic and successful meeting took place at Guava village last week Thursday since the establishment of the Autonomous Bougainville Government in 2005.
The central Bougainville parliamentary committee chairman and member for Eivo Torau, Melchior Dare, together with the Minister for mining and member for Ioro Michael Oni and the minister for agriculture and member for north Nasioi Nicholas Daku held a meeting at Guava village.
The meeting was attended by Francis Ona’s family, women groups and the former leader’s presidential bodyguards.
Ona’s family and women’s representative, village chiefs and youth highly applauded and commended the meeting and the ABG ministers visit to Guava village.
They said it was timely and very important to unify Guava leadership to the Autonomous Bougainville Government in preparation for the referendum vote for independence in four to eight years time.
Guava village is a historic village which has a legacy left behind by Francis Ona.
The Guava village assembly of chiefs and women strongly called on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to support basic services, especially health and education and a village aid post to supply medical supplies to the sick population who spend money to go to the Arawa town clinic.
They further requested for support from the Government to help them with supplies for an elementary school in Guava.
The women also called on the ABG to consider Guava as a less fortunate place in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Source: Post Courier
Leader: Support women’s bill
NORTH Bougainville women leader Elizabeth Burain has challenged the O’Neill-Namah Government to act on special temporary measures for women in PNG, specifically to have more women as members of the national parliament before the issue of writs for the 2012 National Elections.
Ms Burain was speaking as chairperson of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians, Pacific Region.
She said women of PNG have a strong conviction that they must be given a chance to have more voices in Parliament.
“The passing of the bill will be an important step for the Government of Papua New Guinea to recognise the importance of women in society. Gender equality has been talked about many, many times. Can this become a reality on the floor of the Parliament?
“Let the people decide their women representatives in Parliament. Unfortunately, in today’s competitive political arena, particularly during general elections, women candidates don’t stand a chance against a male dominated society. Ninety nine per cent of male candidates are elected into Parliament.
“I therefore strongly urge the Government to give PNG women a chance to be elected to Parliament under the 22 reserved seats for women. This dream will only come true for women if Parliament passes the bill. With the 2012 National General elections approaching, the Government must seriously consider this matter and accord it as a priority before the issue of writs,” Ms Burain said.
Source: Standard & Poor's
New PNG Rating published by Standard & Poor's
on 22.08.2011
Check out here !
Source: The National
UN takes stock of peace agreement
A UNITED Nations delegation is in Bougainville to review the mission’s role in the Bougainville peace agreement, which was signed 10 years ago.
Resident coordinator of the UN mission in PNG David McLachlan-Karr is leading the week-long assessment team.
He said on arrival at Buka Airport yesterday that the UN and its development partners were proud of being part of the Bougainville peace process since 2001.
“After 10 years, it was a good time for the UN, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the state to take stock of what had been achieved,” McLachlan-Karr said.
“The mission is designed to be helpful, to position itself where it can provide substantial assistance and how we can support the aspect of the peace agreement.”
After talks with stakeholders on the peace agreement tomorrow, the UN mission comprising New York-based UN officers from the Department of Political Affairs would lead a three-day peace-walk through the Numa Numa track from Wakunai, in East Coast Bougainville, to Torokina on the West Coast.
McLachlan-Karr said the walk would focus on youths.
“The 10 years of the peace process provides an opportunity for reflection with the youths to recognise not only their vulnerabilities but, especially, their strengths and the opportunities available,” he said.
He said the peace-walk sought to draw attention to the resourcefulness of youths that should be maximised by the policy makers.
“It seeks to draw a special attention to the economic opportunities in Bougainville, especially tourism and employment potentials of the track.”
Bougainville President John Momis will launch the peace walk with youths from South, Central and North Bougainville accompanying the UN delegation on the track.
Source: The National
Kamma to assist Bougainville
MINISTER for Bougainville Affairs Steven Pirika Kamma will work closely with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) in achieving development goals for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Kamma made the assurance to a group of ABG ministers and former Bougainville Affairs minister and regional MP Fidelis Semoso at Buka Airport.
They were there with a Lontis traditional group called the Kubulow bamboo band to welcome Kamma.
Kamma said he would continue the implementation of projects initiated by Semoso, one of which was the NBC Radio Bougainville transmission expansion project of which a proposal for K4 million was presented to Kamma by ABG Communications Minister Joseph Nopei.
Semoso said the people of Bougainville were happy that the government had selected a competent and
capable minister to address the affairs of Bougainville.
“You have my full support and co-operation to complete all impact projects like the Kokopau to Siera road sealing project, Torokina oil palm project and ensure that Bougainville receives the first K100 million of the K500 million special intervention money committed by the state this year,” he said.
He urged the four national MPs including Information and Communications Minister and Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Mirintoro and North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi to work with the government.
“Without unity and co-operation between the Momis cabinet and us, we will struggle to achieve our goals for Bougainville.
“Working in unity and with strict compliance and adherence by all parties to the Bougainville Peace Agreement, we will go a long way,” Semoso said.
ABG Finance Minister Albert Punghau said the awarding of the ministerial portfolio to Kamma showed the government’s continued commitment to the ABG.
Source: SCOOP
UN marks 10th anniversary of Bougainville Peace Accords
UN marks 10th anniversary of Bougainville Peace Accords with ‘Empowering youth: village by village’ trek
Tuesday 30 August, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the Bougainville Peace Accords. The United Nations, which played an integral part in the peace process and peacebuilding efforts, will mark the occasion by conducting a cross-island trek entitled:
Bougainville Walk for Peace, Numa 2011 Empowering youth: village by village
On Thursday 25 August, a UN team, including the UN Resident Coordinator, David McLachlan-Karr, will launch the first Bougainville Walk for Peace at the Numa Numa track. The track runs east to west and starts just south of Wakunai, crosses over the Crown Prince Range and finishes at Torokina Beach. The team plans to return to Buka on Sunday 28 August.
On Thursday, before the team embarks on the trek near Wakunai, ABG officials, including ABG President Momis, will show their solidarity by joining with the UN team on a Bougainville Walk for Peace in Buka.
While many challenges still face Bougainville, one of its most immediate is that of its so-called ‘lost generation’ – those young people who have failed to receive the basic education and employment opportunities during the crisis years.
It is with this in mind, that thirty youths from the various villages along the track have been trained as guides. Each guide will lead the group from their village to the next, before passing over the lead to the next guide. Youth from each of the three regions of Bougainville will also join the trek. Along the way, the UN delegation hopes to engage with the youths and their families and learn about their hopes for the future and the challenges they are facing today.
The lessons learned will then be brought back to a Youth Forum to be held in Arawa from 29 August to 2 September.
The ‘Empowering youth: village by village’ trek aims to raise awareness around the ‘lost generation’ and encourage youth in PNG and around the world to support peace in the region. With celebrations around the world marking International Youth Day in UN House, Level 14, Deloitte Tower, Douglas Street, Port Moresby
2 August, this is an opportune time to look towards Bougainville’s future and the young people who will one day lead their people. The UN also hopes to raise the profile of ecotourism in Bougainville – a vital element to the reinvigoration of the region and a return to a thriving economy. We encourage all media to attend the launch of the track, where there will be opportunities for comment and photos. We welcome further interaction with the media around this initiative and ask you to contact the UN Resident Coordinator’s
Source: Post-Courier
Kauona works for peace
ONE of Bougainville’s women leaders, Josephine Kauona has been working tirelessly with the UN on Bougainville to preach peace and prosperity among fighting factions of south Bougainville, specifically the Konnou constituency in Buin.
The new UNDP approach to peace building and conflict resolution which seeks to strengthen and connect remote communities with the Government is making a great impact to previously unvisited areas.
In the central region, officials involved in the peace process undertook local consultations with villagers seeking local capacities to further address peace. The peace exercise also examined the current local government structures, and decision making including nature of representations by women, chiefs, ex-combatants and youth. The approach is to involve all those parties by strengthening these institutions and its leaders to map out local conflicts and design own methods of addressing.
Rebuilding confidence and integrating former combatants was part of the outreach, with Moses Pipiro as part of the peace group.
Source: Post-Courier
K4m proposal for Radio Bogenvil
By Daniel Tangia
BOUGAINVILLE Minister for Communication Joseph Nopei last week presented a long awaited proposal for the refurbishment of its Radio Bogenvil, the most important communication tool in the region.
Nopei presented the K4 million proposal which was initially submitted to the PNG Government through then Communication Minister Patrick Tammur when he last visited Buka last year.
Minister Kama vowed to follow up on the last K4 million proposal for the renovations of Radio Bogenvil with the current Government and assured that it will be pursued since the Communication Minister was also Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro.
Radio Bogenvil has been the only communication means for awareness programs for the people of Bougainville. It has been in a rundown state resulting from no major renovations done over the years.
Source: Bougainville Tourism

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Please send this to anyone know you can help us. The Bougainville Tourism, Culture and Music Troupe is prepared to travel to Brisbane to participate in the 36th PNG Anniversary but is financially handicapped. Please forward attached to potential corporate sponsors or individuals you think can help us.
Warm regards and greetings from Bougainville,
Yours in Tourism,
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Siwi Aipe: Mobile +675 73060516
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Source: Der Tagesspiegel
Die Enthüllung der Welt
Lesen Sie hier eine Würdigung von Matthias Glaubrecht zur 200. Wiederkehr des Todestages von Louis Antoine de Bougainville am 31. August 2011 !
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG mining industry should be worried about Mining Act changes.
A senior regional academic says the PNG mining and petroleum industry have reasons to worry about the proposed changes to the country's mining laws.
The PNG government is reviewing existing laws to revert ownership of resources on, as well as under the land and seabed to the traditional owners.
Greg Anderson, Executive Director of PNG's Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has already warned that this will scare off investors and it'll be disasterous for the country's economy.
Doctor Colin Filer, Convenor of the Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program at the Australian National University, says PNG is likely to end up with a messy piece of legislation and court challenges.
Dr Filer is speaking here about the move to hand ownership of resources in PNG back to traditional owners.
Presenter: Sam Seke
Speaker: Doctor Colin Filer, Convenor of the Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program at the ANU
Listen here!
FILER: Well it will make the industry very nervous indeed for reasons which Greg Anderson has already outlined to you. But bear in mind, that the proposals that are circulating are not only changing the mining act, but the oil and gas act as well, and other legislation, like the land act, for example. So there are knock on affects in various sort of parts of the economy potentially there.
SEKE: What do you see happening in PNG if the government went ahead with these legislative changes?
FILER: Well, I mean we're not far out from an election. I don't think that the kind of changes they're talking about could be sensibly made before the election is conducted, because all you would get is some appallingly messy piece of legislation, which would not make sense and everybody would all end up in court, and while the court case was going on, the election would be held and who knows what the new government would decide to do about it.
SEKE: Now the Executive Director of PNG's Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Mr Anderson has actually said that the industry would consider an advertising campaign against the bill, which he described to the Australian media anyway, as "driven by short term populism and regionalism". It's worked here in Australia where the mining industry had campaigned and toppled Kevin Rudd over the mining super tax plan, now in PNG, it's handing back ownership of resources to the people - now what level of confrontation do you see ahead of...I mean in PNG, between the miners maybe on the one hand and the government and resource owners on the other?
FILER: Well I don't know whether the industry up there is going to mount an advertising campaign, but it probably will if this is a serious proposal. People are always publishing full page adverts up there about all sorts of things and so in fact full page newspaper advertisements are used even more in Papua New Guinea as a sort of form of political dialogue than they are here in Australia.
SEKE: The people PNG and in fact I think all over the Pacific islands always believed that the land is theirs - all of it you know and the rivers and the reefs and the sea as far as the eyes can see - they've been living on them and using them for thousands of years. Now don't you think this is what maybe the proposed amendment is trying to recognise?
FILER: Well, the ownership of land, the ownership of customary land is well entrenched in legislation and in the constitution and everybody recognises that. The question about stuff under the ground, there are only two countries in the world at the moment where landowners can be the owners of sub surface mineral resources and that's in the United States and Canada to a certain degree. There is no country in the world that I know of which grants ownership of sub surface mineral resources to customary landowners whose rights must be said have not yet been established anyway. Because nobody knows who they are until such time as a process of landowner identification takes place.
SEKE: Now do you see maybe other Pacific Islands doing the same if the PNG government went ahead and actually legislate to recognise the ownership of resources, that it actually belongs landowners?
FILER: Mmm, that's an interesting point.
SEKE: I'm saying this especially when they're also talking about the sea bed, and a whole lot of other Pacific Island countries are now joining the queue to develop their underwater mineral resources.
FILER: Well again, sea bed is not in any jurisdiction normally regarded as kind of the property of customary landowners or any private landowners. It basically belongs to that state, OK, and there are even international agreements about that, like the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea. And in Papua New Guinea, the rights of customary owners to the sea have basically been limited to fishing rights under the Fisheries Management Act, which doesn't mean that customary owners own any sea bed. It just means that they own the customary right to fish within a certain distance of the shore.
SEKE: But the thing is that, they don't actually recognise that they don't own the land under the surface, six feet under the surface and also the sea bed.
FILER: Well as I say, I'm not aware of any country in the world which recognises the private ownership of sea bed, whether customary ownership or any other ownership.
SEKE: On that point as well, Simon Ekanda, a landowner representative from the PNG LNG gas project in the highlands, his view is that the Constitution recognises the customary law which recognises that landowners own what was underneath and on top and above the land. Now mining is taking place on their land and they will continue to be left out, well he's saying anyway, and be beggars in their own country now this is quite sentimental but that's how he put it anyway. Do you think he's got a point there?
FILER: Well, you've got to remember that Simon is talking about the gas project, it's not talking about mining per say. They're two different sectors. But in the legislation under both the Oil and Gas Act and under the Mining Act, there are provisions for landowners to receive a certain minimum share of the royalties, which the state collects in its capacity as the notional owner of those resources. So what's actually happened over the years is that the government has kind of conceded sort of partial ownership of sub surface resources by customary owners, by giving them a share of the royalties, which they collect as kind of the legal owners as it were and that share has actually been increasing over the years through different development forum agreements and the customary owners of the development licensed areas have actually received enormous cash payments as a result. So they're far wealthier than most rural people in Papua New Guinea, which is why a lot of rural people in Papua New Guinea would love to have a mining project or a gas project or an oil project on their land just so they can collect this nice big revenue stream from the royalties.
SEKE: Now the mining minister, he's saying that under the proposed legislative changes, the government will be a regulator, and not investor and regulator as it is now. Isn't that what the government should be doing, regulating rather than being directly involved as an investor?
FILER: In holding equity in projects, but that's a very different issue. I mean there's been a long debate about that and so people like the World Bank, for example, think that the government should not be a holder of equity in these extracted industry projects, but should simply regulate them. And at one stage the government did actually sell off its equity and basically adopted a policy that it would no longer invest in projects. But the last government decided that it was going to reverse that policy, so the Somare government said, no, no, the state should hold equity in all these big mining and oil and gas projects. OK but that's a different issue, that's nothing to do with ownership of the resource, that's about whether the government should be an investor and a regulator or just a regulator and not actually invest in these projects.
SEKE: Now what other options do you think there are for responding to concerns raised by the landowners on maybe ownership if not equitable sharing of benefits from the resources?
FILER: Well, as we've seen, in some cases, like the Ramu project for example, landowners ended up with I think 60 per cent of the royalties which the government was collecting, which was a pretty substantial share. I suppose now they're saying kind of a part of the point of this to say that landowners should receive 100 per cent of royalties as they do in the forestry sector, for example. But you could sort of then say well, the government has a right to tax that royalty stream, so the government could impose a tax on those royalties, say 40 per cent, 50 per cent, 60 per cent and the situation would be exactly the same as it is now, apart from the general confusion created by threats to change the legislation.
SEKE: Now Greg Anderson, the executive director of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum also expressed concerns about creating a dual system here. He's got a point there, do you think?
FILER: Well, his concern about that, the minister's undertaking that kind of changes to the legislation would not be retrospective, which is, of course, normally the case, because the government has made agreements to allow these projects to go ahead under the previous legislation. You can't retrospectively change everything without making the state liable to pay huge amounts of compensation to developers for breaking agreements. But what he's saying is that kind of you can't really insulate the previous agreements from new changes to the legislation, because the landowners under those agreements will start to claim the same rights as would be granted to landowners under new agreements, under new legislation, so it would destabilise the existing relationship between landowners, companies and the government under existing agreements.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG leaders welcome Minister
By Fabian Gatana
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government leaders turned out in numbers at the airport yesterday to welcome the new Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Steven Pirika Kama.
Minister Kama arrived for the first time in Buka since he was appointed Minister in the O’Neill-Nama Government recently.
Former Minister Fidelis Semoso was there to welcome him with a big traditional bamboo band playing at the tarmac.
A bamboo band, from Buka, played at the airport to welcome the minister.
Bougainville women performed the traditional tsutsu (washing of the feet), the Buka way.
The Buka people perform this ceremony to welcome people to the island, especially if it is the first time for the visitor.
ABG Treasurer Albert Punghau and ABG Speaker Andrew Miriki led the ABG team to the airport with other Cabinet MPs, ABG administration chief executive officers of all divisions, Administrator Lawrence Dising and his deputies Raymond Masono and Patrick Koles.
They were all at the airport to welcome their leaders.
Mr Kama paid a courtesy call on ABG President John Momis and later addressed business houses.
He also held a briefing with Secretary for Mining Nellie James and her high-level team from Port Moresby regarding the Panguna Mine and other issues.
Source: Post-Courier
Govt and ABG to meet in Sept
By Fabian Gatana
THE National Government may hold its National Executive Council (NEC) meeting in Bougainville come September, Bougainville Affairs Minister Steven Pirika Kama has announced in Buka yesterday.
And in September, during the National Government Supplementary Budget, it will also be the time when ABG should receive its K15 million Development Grant from the Government.
Further, the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting, the avenue for the National Government and ABG to discuss Bougainville forward, may also be held in September in Buka but after the Supplementary Budget.
Mr Kama said this at the Buka airport on arrival from Port Moresby.
He said the first JSB was held in Port Moresby and the next one should be held in Buka later this year.
JSB is the meeting where all the government departments relating to Bougainville issues and the ABG meet to discuss and iron out specific issues of development and the drawdown of powers for Bougainville. The meeting is normally chaired by the ABG president and the PNG Government Prime Minister.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG hopes for reconciliation
By Gorethy Kenneth
THE Bougainville Government peace team is hoping to meet with south Bougainville Me’ekamui rebel hardliner Damien Koike in Tonu next week.
The ABG Peace team told the Post-Courier on Wednesday that they have made a decision to bring traditional shell money and two pigs and food from the villages to Koike, to meet and reconcile with him specifically to find a lasting way for peace within the Konnou area.
Veterans Affairs Minister David Sisito will be leading his delegation to meet with Koike, who is seeking refuge in Tonu, south Bougainville, together with his peace mission team.
The two peace teams are stationed in Arawa and travel in between Buka, Arawa and Buin.
About K500,000 was allocated for the peace mission in Tonu and the operation to sort out the mess in Buin, Konnou in south Bougainville was scheduled for three weeks, it has now been extended to three months.
“We are trying our best to come up with a solution for the people of south Bougainville, specifically the Konnou area and we believe strongly that we will achieve our goals of bringing peace back into Konnou,” the peace team executives said.
“Yes, there are killings, there are guns still being used and innocent lives terrorised, women, children and youths affected and most importantly the service delivery mechanism is not effective in the area because of the infighting.”
Over the weekend, two people were killed, one WILMO, a government instituted organisation and one from the Me’ekamui.
On Monday, there was still gun battle among these factions and while this is happening, Koike is seeking refuge in Tonu, Siwai area of south Bougainville which is the home of U-Vistract conman Noah Musingku.
From the Konnou boys in Buin and Tonu, they could not comment on the whole issue but only said: “There is no way to peace … peace is the way,” they said.
The ABG is adamant the issue will be sorted out before three months is up by the end of this month on August 30.
Source: Post-Courier
Contractors crying foul in Bougainville
SERVICE providers on Bougainville are crying foul over the amount of money the Autonomous Bougainville Government, its administration and the National Government owe them.
It is estimated that the ABG and its administration owe service providers in Buka town including Arawa almost K3 million.
Local contractors, hoteliers, guest houses, shipping companies, hire cars, local fuel companies, shop owners and other companies said they sympathise with the ABG for struggling to pay their dues. Outside of Bougainville, several tertiary institutions and colleges have also advised the ABG that they still needed to pay their outstanding fees for Bougainville students under the school fee assistance scheme.
This week, the ABG Peace Ministry has admitted they were facing major financial constraints to sustain the peace building initiative within the region.
A wholesaler told the Post-Courier yesterday that the ABG still owes them more than K100,000 for food supplies purchased on credit during a disaster-stricken period two years ago, which had accumulated till now.
Another, a shipping company this week complained that they could not set sail to the Atolls to serve the people and provide their service there because the ABG still needs to pay them their dues – more than K150,000.
A hotel claims the ABG and its administration still owes them almost K300,000 for services dating back several years.
The ABG yesterday advised that it was still waiting for K15 million from the National Government.
It said it symphatised with the service providers and blamed the National Government for not honouring its commitment of releasing funds so it could pay its dues.
Source: The National
NZ firm to lure investors for Bougainville
THE Autonomous Bougainville government has appointed Tuia International, a New Zealand Maori firm, to assist it in attracting foreign investment.
Autonomous Region of Bougainville president John Momis said the project was jointly funded by New Zealand Aid and AusAID.
“This project with Tuia will assist the ABG to develop a better framework to assess foreign investment proposals that will make a strong positive contribution to Bougainville.
“We want to see our people meaningfully involved as investors and suppliers and as employees.
“We also want to be proactive in promoting Bougainville overseas as a good place to do business,” he said.
He said the ABG was well aware that a number of Bougainvilleans were uneasy about foreign investment given the lessons of the past but emphasised that not all foreign investment was bad.
“ABG has always been clear that it wishes to see only responsible investment in Bougainville. Responsible investment is investment that is aligned with the values and cultures of Bougainville. It must be ethical, responsible and fair,” Momis said.
He said attracting responsible investment would be an important part of growing economic empowerment for Bougainvilleans.
Weekly Commentary
Our system posted BUY-IF . The previous SELL recommendation that was confirmed was made on 05.08.2011 (13) days ago, when the stock price was 0.9800 . Since then BOC.AX has gained 2.04% .
A bullish pattern has developed and a BUY-IF alert is issued. You will see if we erred slightly in the previous SELL signal. Now, the task is to confirm the validity of this bullish pattern. A confirmation will mean that we have underestimated the bullish power of the market. We are posting daily the current confirmation status, but It is still your duty to do your homework. A good starting point would be to keep an eye on futures trading to get preliminary hints about the direction of the market. Related news, events, economic data, and the world stock markets should also be closely followed prior to and during the confirmation week.
There are three possible cases of confirmation. This week, you have to follow the sessions carefully to check if these cases will hold or not:
The week opens with an upward gap, signaling a bullish sentiment in the first case. Your benchmark will be the week's opening price. If the prices stay over the benchmark, go long. Any white candlestick with an upward gap is a valid confirmation criterion.
In the second case, the week opens at a level, equal to or below the previous week’s close. The benchmark is that previous close. If prices during the week stay over the benchmark, go long. Any white candlestick closing above the previous week’s close is the second confirmation criterion.
If, however, in both cases, the prices during the week start coming below the benchmark, avoid buying. Sell if you feel a definite tendency in prices to close the week below the benchmark.
The third case of confirmation is rarely observed. The week opens with a big downward gap suggesting a very bearish week, and the week ends with a long white candlestick, but still closing below the previous week’s close. However, such a week satisfies the third confirmation criterion and in this case the closing price of the long white candlestick is taken as the price of confirmation.
If one of the three confirmation criteria is not fulfilled, or in case of a black candlestick or a doji on the confirmation week, the BUY-IF alert remains valid, however without confirmation and the three confirmation criteria are then sought in the following week. The only exception is the long black candlestick. Any long black candlestick following a BUY-IF alert makes it (the signal) void and invalid.
We do not suggest any new short positions given the bullish alert. The short sellers should consider covering their positions if the market confirms the BUY-IF signal. Otherwise, existing short positions should be carried.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville wants restorative justice approach to settling violence in south
The autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville hopes to resolve a long standing impasse in the south of the main island by taking the traditional Melanesian approach of reconciliation.
Despite six years of autonomy, few government services are available around the district of Konnou because the security of workers can’t be guaranteed.
Former combatants, led by Damian Koike, have been blamed for the crime and violence, which has claimed an unknown number of lives.
President John Momis wants face to face talks with Mr Koike, who he says is concerned he could face arrest at such an event.
Mr Momis says to have a permanent peace they’ll need to take a traditional Melanesian restorative justice approach.
“To assist him to pay compensation, and vice versa, because there are people on the other side who have, in fact, dealt death blows to people on Koike’s side, so it’s a complicated situation and we are just trying to get to the bottom of it and work out a mutually acceptable peace arrangement.”
Source: The Australian
Confidence the first victim of PNG's resources play
by Robin Bromby
PAPUA New Guinea's plan to hand state ownership of mineral and energy resources to landowners may be great retail politics, but it will be a disaster for investor confidence -- both in PNG itself and in any company that has tied its future to the country.
The move comes at a time when it was all going so well.
Ten years ago PNG was a hard sell to Australians, typified by the flop of New Britain Palm Oil's float, even though the company had impressive credentials.
Investors would stick with the big players -- companies such as the former Lihir Gold -- that had the financial power to withstand the politics and landowner issues, but for junior explorers it was often just too hard, and many gave up and walked away.
The other factor is that the stakes are huge, the deposits enormous. For example, joint-venture partners Newcrest Mining and Harmony Gold have upped the resource at their Wafi-Golpu project to 26.6 million ounces of gold and 4.9 million tonnes of copper.
The extent to which the tide has turned is typified by the Mt Kare gold project. Contrast the difference over 20 years: back then, the CRA-owned mined was the subject of a huge goldrush by locals and attacks on its operations, leading the company to abandon the project. But this year junior Indochine Mining took control of Mt Kare, backed by the landowners.
Kula Gold's float in November was another sure sign that the tide of investor sentiment in Papua New Guinea had turned.
It raised $80 million through its initial public offering for a gold project on Woodlark Island, and that put it head and shoulders above the other debuting companies at the time. It still would.
There were other signs, too, that you could invest in a resources project with less political risk than had once been the case. Landowner disputes -- like the group that threatened in 2004 to close down Highlands Pacific's Kainantu gold mine -- were fading into memory. Subsequently, Highlands was able to find partners for two enormous projects that for years no one wanted to know about. A Chinese player signed up for the Ramu project, which will produce 31,500 tonnes of nickel a year -- and will go into production after landowners lost their court case against it -- and Xstrata took the lead at Frieda River, one of the world's largest copper-gold deposits with 11 million tonnes and 18 million ounces respectively.
And, most amazingly, in the past two weeks leaders on Bougainville were saying they were prepared to talk about reopening the Panguna copper mine, closed by protests in 1989.
The owner, Bougainville Copper, has high hopes of returning to the mine -- which would have been inconceivable a decade ago.
Regardless of the merits of the PNG government plan to hand resource ownership to landowners -- and you can see its point about the continuing poverty in the country -- the issue will be investor confidence.
Source: ESBC
Zwei dringende Bitten an alle Investoren in Bougainville Copper!
Zwecks besserer Überschaubarkeit der Gesamtsituation wäre ich allen, die Frau de la Motte vom Handelsblatt ( Informationen zukommen lassen, sehr dankbar, wenn sie eine Kopie ihrer Erfahrungen ebenfalls an die ESBC schicken würden. Unsere Email Adresse ist !
Wichtig ist es, in den Berichten an das Handelsblatt vor allem alle normalen Bankendienstleistungen wie etwa die Beschaffung von Eintritts-/Stimmkarten für die HV, den Eintrag ins Aktionärsregister etc., die NICHT von den Banken erbracht oder sogar ausdrücklich verweigert werden, detailliert zu beschreiben und so weit wie möglich zu dokumentieren. Vergessen Sie nicht: Diese Dienstleistungen sind durch Ihre Depotgebühren abgedeckt!
Dazu zählt natürlich auch die Verweigerung der Auskunft über die tatsächliche Lagerstelle Ihrer Aktien.
Ferner müssen die Banken Ihnen darüber Auskunft geben, ob die von Ihnen gehaltenen Aktien verliehen werden und - wenn ja - warum Sie als Aktienbesitzer dann keine Beteiligung an den Gewinnen, die aus der Vermietung erzielt werden, erhalten. Wichtig wäre es auch, zu überprüfen, ob sich in den Geschäftsbedingungen Ihres Brokers/Ihrer Bank möglicherweise im "Kleingedruckten" unterschobene Einverständniserklärungen befinden, die es den Banken oder Brokern erlauben, Ihre Aktien ohne weitere Zustimmung Ihrerseits als Eigentümer zu verleihen.
Bitte, vergessen Sie nicht, Frau de la Motte auch solche Erfahrungen zu berichten, die positiv waren. Nur ein Ganzes bietet einen umfassenden Überblick!
Eindämmung des Aktienverleihs zum Zweck von Leerverkäufen
Leerverkäufe (short selling) werden zumeist getätigt, wenn es den Akteuren darum geht, den Aktienkurs zu deckeln oder sogar nach "Süden" fallen zu lassen, um später die geliehenen Aktien preiswert zurück zu kaufen um damit Gewinne einzustreichen. Seriöse, speziell Langfrist-Investoren spekulieren auf steigende Kurse, mit denen sie ihre Gewinne erzielen wollen. Shortseller schädigen Sie und Ihre Interessen! Die bisherigen Erfahrungen haben gezeigt, dass der einfachste und sicherste Weg, um eine Aktie dem Verleih zu entziehen, der ist, sie zum Verkauf einzustellen. Aktien, die ins Orderbuch eingestellt worden sind, stehen automatisch nicht mehr zum Verleih zur Verfügung!
Langfrist-Investoren sind daher gut beraten, einen möglichst hohen Verkaufspreis zu fordern, damit ihre Aktien nicht bei einen kurzen Hype veräussert werden. Als Verkaufslimit empfehlen sich derzeit Preise ab 15 Euro (AUD 20) aufwärts. Sollten Ihre Aktien aber dennoch zufällig innerhalb eines Hypes (wie etwa bei VW) verkauft werden, ist Ihre Freude umso größer, denn Sie können sie später vermutlich um ein Vielfaches billiger zurückkaufen!
Deshalb empfehle ich, dass möglichst ALLE Langfrist-Investoren von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch machen. Sollten im besten Falle alle von den ESBC vertretenen 14 Millionen Aktien dem Verleih entzogen werden, könnte es für Shortseller eng, ja sogar sehr eng werden.
Sollte ein Broker oder eine Depot führende Bank die Einstellung des von Ihnen gewünschten Verkaufspreises verweigern, weil er "zu weit über dem aktuellen Kurs" liegt, sollte eigentlich ein Verweis auf das Orderbuch (derzeit höchste VK Orders bis AUD 35 in Sydney!!!) genügen , um eine Einstellung der Order zu erreichen. Ansonsten sollte das Killer Argument genügen, dass jeder Investor ganz allein daüber entscheidet, zu welchem Preis er seine Aktien veräussern möchte. Die Bank kann dem Verkäufer keineswegs den Verkaufspreis vorschreiben, allenfalls empfehlen.
Im Hinblick auf etwaige Gebühren sollten die Orders langfristig eingestellt werden. Eine Abänderung oder Stornierung der Verkaufsorder ist je nach Marktlage jederzeit möglich. Deshalb birgt ein solches Vorgehen Ihrerseits auch keinerlei Risiken für Sie als Investor!
Im Interesse aller, die an der Austrocknung der Marktmanipulationen bei Bougainville Copper Aktien interessiert sind, empfehle ich dringend, so wie oben beschrieben zu verfahren.
Nochmals: Diese Aufforderung richtet sich an ALLE Investoren und nicht ausschließlich an diejenigen, die in den ESBC organisiert sind!
Neues zu diesem Thema wird bei Bedarf auf veröffentlicht.
Axel G. Sturm
Escaldes-Engordany, 18. August 2011
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville gets aid on investment
By Daniel Tangia
AUSTRALIA and New Zealand Governments are funding a major project to assist Bougainville attract responsible foreign investment.
The ABG yesterday announced the appointment of a New Zealand Maori firm, Tuia International, to help the ABG on how Bougainville could attract responsible foreign investment.
The projects would be funded by the NZ and Australian governments through their NZAid and AusAID programs.
ABG president John Momis said the ABG has always been clear that it wished to see only responsible investment in Bougainville.
“Responsible investment is investment that is aligned with the values and cultures of Bougainville. It must be ethical, responsible and fair,” Mr Momis said.
Mr Momis said the ABG was aware that a number of Bougainvilleans were uneasy about foreign investment, given the lesson of the past.
He emphasised that not all foreign investment was bad.
Attracting responsible investment would be an important part of growing economic empowerment for all Bougainvilleans, as it is in many other regions and countries around the world.
“This project with Tuia will assist the ABG to develop a better framework to assess foreign investment proposals that will make a strong, positive contribution to Bougainville.
“We want to see our people meaningfully involved as investors and suppliers as well as employees,” he said
Tuia International is a New Zealand firm with wide experience in development and investment.
Tuia is widely engaged with Maori economic development in NZ.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG blamed over Konnou fight
REBEL hardliners, ex-combatants and an elite Bougainvillean have blamed the Autonomous Bougainville Government for commercialising factions on Bougainville and causing a rift in the Konnou issue in the south of the island.
Arawa and Buin based hardliners, who refused to be named in fear of retaliatory attacks, told the Post-Courier the ABG should never have “put money in a brief case” and given to rebel commanders because it has now being caused the problem to escalate, specifically in Buin, the Konnou area.
The elite South Bougainvillean said the ABG should also be blamed for prolonging and creating a vacuum in the Konnou area by neglecting any service to that part of the world since the establishment of the ABG in 2005.
“All these governments should be blamed for not having and giving priority to the people of Buin, specifically the Konnou area. They ignored and gave too much time for the boys to think, practice and act and the ABG created a vacuum for the boys that’s why they became smarter than what we have now,” he said.
Two ex-combatants from Central and North Bougainville said yesterday that the recent killings and problem in the Konnou area, which saw WIMLO commander Philip Pusua shot dead, was basically personal, which had affected the whole area.
But the ABG has denied having “put money in a brief case and given to rebel commanders”.
The ABG Peace team told the Post-Courier money being referred to are those for small projects for youths and that they have never commercialised any factions in the region specifically in south to create problems.
Source: Post-Courier
UN to mark 10 years peace anniversary
By Fabian Gatana
THE Bougainville Autonomous Government will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the signing of the peace agreement on August 30 this year.
To commemorate the occasion, a high level delegation from the United Nations is due in Bougainville this month to see how far the Autonomous Government has gone after the Peace Agreement was signed.
Also expected is a big media team from around the globe to cover this event.
The UN delegation will visit Bougainville again after their exit under the UN Observer Mission On Bougainville (UNOMB) in 2005. They were heavily involved in the Weapons Disposal program and other peace operations.
Anthony Agyenta, UN head in Bougainville, told the Post-Courier that the advance team is already in PNG but the rest of them should arrive in two weeks time.
He said the UN team will be coming back to engage with PNG, ABG and the civil society in furthering the peace mission on the island but specifically to see the progress and challenges Bougainville has endured and effectively addressed 10 years ago, since the BPA was signed on August 30, 2011.
“UN is hoping the whole of Bougainville and its leadership take August and September as the month of prayer and reflection, but it is not happening,” Mr Agyenta said.
“We are organising the civil society to progressively address this and make these months as we see it. When the UN team arrives in the region this month, we should also be talking about re-deploying a team to Bougainville to specifically help with the progress and challenges Bougainville is facing.”
A peace walk is also being organised to start on August 23 through to 27 and is aimed at involving members of the ABG and youths.
Source: Post-Courier
Konnou fight affects women and children
By Gorethy Kenneth
A SOUTH Bougainville woman leader wants the Autonomous Bougainville Government to seriously address the Konnou issue because every day women are living in fear of being intimidated, their sons killed or their children abused.
Konnou women leader Mary Mamatau told the Post-Courier from Buin yesterday that the situation in Konnou is still very tense.
She thanked the ABG peace team for their presence in the area but said they could have done more and addresse the issue earlier so that children can go to school, services can be delivered to their doorstep and women and youths can live a normal life, like everyone else in central and north Bougainville.
She said there is no peace in her area because guns still rule the place, men still carry guns and are fighting against each other. Factions are becoming enemies when they are supposed to be living as a family and while fighting and killings are going on in Konnou, there is no development in that area, schools and health centres are also being affected.
“It is a very big concern to us, especially the mothers of Konnou and specifically south Bougainville,” Ms Mamatau said. “We are concerned because every mother on Bougainville, Buka, Arawa, Wakunai and everywhere except Buin is way ahead with her development initiatives and programs.”
The women group want the ABG to sort out the issue once and for all.
Source: Post-Courier
Census a success in Bougainville
THE 2011 National Population and Housing Census coverage has been successful in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Every census unit or village was captured despite few hiccups with remoteness of locations and logistical problems.
In Bougainville, interviewers and supervisors were given clear passage into the “no zone” areas of Panguna, Siwai, Buin, Aropa and Kieta during the enumeration without any hindrance and questions.
These areas were not covered in the 1990 and 2000 National Population and Housing Censuses because of the Bougainville conflict.
National Statistician Joseph Aka, who was on the ground in Buka and Arawa over the weekend, is satisfied that the people of Bougainvile have embraced the census with open arms as the census data will be useful for the overall planning of Bougainville.
Census director Hajily Kele returned with the same news when she was in the region last month to assess the operations.
She was the Provincial Census coordinator for Bougainville in the 2000 National Population Census.
Source: The National
Movement leader shot dead
BOUGAINVILLE Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas Eluh has confirmed the fatal shooting of Wissai Liberation Movement commander Philip Pusua.
Pusua died after being shot at Siniminoi in South Bougainville last week.
The late Pusua had been instrumental in uniting former resistance factions in South Bougainville under the name Konnou combined factions to combat a rise in criminal activities, including the killing of civilians allegedly by former South Bougainville combatant Damien Koike and his gang.
Eluh said the death of Pusua should be the last in the Konnou conflict.
He made these remarks when sending his condolences to Pusua’s family.
Eluh said the conflict had been on-going since 2006 and could not be resolved overnight.
He said the government was trying its best to end the conflict through peaceful means as it did not want more deaths in the area.
Source: The National
Police in Buka destroy 20kg bags of marijuana
Police in Buka on Tuesday destroyed more than 20kg of marijuana uprooted in the Kunua area of Northwest Bougainville last week.
The marijuana package containing dried and uprooted plants was handed over to Bougainville police by community leaders from the area.
Two chiefs from the area came to Buka police station with the package and handed it over to Buka police station commander chief Sgt Alex Gunnan and acting commissioner of Bougainville police chief Insp Huitona Tohua.
In a short ceremony held at Buka police station, Gunnan apologised to the two chiefs for not attending the uprooting of the plants at Petspets village last week because of heavy rain.
He said marijuana on Bougainville was becoming a huge concern and the Kunua and Hahon people had shown a good example to everyone by promising to clamp down on drug traffickers in the area.
Tohua thanked the chiefs and Kunua rural police officer in charge Donald Boire for the initiative taken to make Kunua a marijuana-free zone.
Source: The National
NSO pleased with coverage
THE National census in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and in West Sepik have been successful despite minor hiccups, the National Statistical Office (NSO) team says.
The office and the census team reported that every census unit had been covered despite the remoteness of locations, hostile weather and logistical problems.
National Statistician Joseph Aka visited Buka and Arawa over the weekend and was satisfied with the positive response to data collection by Bougainvilleans.
NSO said officers had managed to cover all areas not included in the 1990 and 2000 national census.
These were no-go zones of Panguna, Siwai, Buin, Aropa and Kieta.
Census coordinator for West Sepik, Seth Yapriha highlighted a special case in the Amamab LLG of Vanimo-Green River district along the Indonesian border.
He said villages in the Bambom village were enumerated on the other side of Indonesia in temporary hamlets as they were there on their traditional land.
Yapriha said remote areas of Telefomin, Oksapmin and Yapsie on the PNG-Indonesian border were enumerated.
He said census forms had been completed and the provincial census co-ordinating control centre in Vanimo was now awaiting the census forms to be returned from the LLGs.
In a press statement yesterday the NSO said it anticipated that all census forms in provinces would arrive at headquarters in Waigani at the end of this month.
Source: The National
Feud rocks PNG Brussels embassy
THE Papua New Guinea embassy in Brussels is embroiled in a bitter feud involving a Belgian national working there and her employer, that threatens to spill into the courts of Belgium.
Belgian national Martine-Ghislaine Victoria Chaplin van Camp has complained of sexual harassment, of being locked out of her office and of not being paid for four months, among other things.
Brussels head of mission Ambassador Peter Maginde, in turn, had accused van Camp of blackmail, of removing sensitive documents and the embassy cheque book to her home.
Maginde had engaged a Belgian law firm to assist in recovering embassy property.
Whatever the truth of the matter, letters have been sent to the king of Belgium, the Queen of England as the head of state of PNG, the governor-general and the two governments repeating her accusations and making damaging remarks against not just Maginde but the work habits and character of the people of PNG.
According to van Camp, the king of Belgium had directed two of its ministers to attend to the matter.
Yesterday, a senior PNG Foreign Affairs Department officer confirmed that “several correspondence” had been received relating to the matter, adding the department had urged Maginde to resolve it.
In e-mail correspondence with The National, van Camp gave graphic accounts of the sexual harassment which she claimed took place within the embassy precincts.
It got to a stage, she claimed, where she had to stop wearing skirts and had to go into the ambassador’s office accompanied by minister Alois Tabereng or third secretary Aileen Boi.
Maginde described her allegations as “absolutely false, without basis of evidence and there is no truth in it”.
He said he had engaged a law firm to sue her for defamation and character assassination and to recover PNG government property.
In a letter to secretary Michael Maue on April 4, van Camp said: “Since Ambassador Peter Maginde seems unwilling to understand his obligations in respect of the legislation of his hosting country – despite the several reminders from the protocol of the ministry of foreign affairs to backpay my salaries and social security payments, as much as to provide local staff with legal contracts and their due social benefit payments – his Majesty Albert II, king of Belgium, has requested two of his state ministers to take this matter into their hands.”
Van Camp confirmed she had taken her administrative work home as her office door lock was changed and she could not access her office and she could not continue because of the harassment.
Maginde responded this week by accusing her of trying to blackmail the embassy.
He said between April and May last year, she was informed that her performance level was not to “our expectations and she was taking many days off so we warned her to improve and comply with all the required instructions”.
In the end, he said the situation was untenable and her employment was terminated.
Maginde said: “She is almost 60 years of age and she claims that, due to her age, the embassy is responsible to employ her.
“We have said that is not possible and, thus, have terminated her (employment) officially as of January but legally-effected as of April 2011 due to the three months’ notice under the Belgian laws.
“She has been paid all her entitlements and benefits due under law.
“She says that if we terminate her, she would destroy me so that is her intention for the emails to everywhere and everybody.”
He said the Belgian foreign affairs had been briefed and had asked her to return all government documents and financial accounts including cheque books.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG to legislate for landowners to own mineral resources
Papua New Guinea's mining industry has expressed grave concerns over plans by the PNG government to revert ownership of minerals and resources to traditional landowners.
The mining industry warns that such a move will scare off investors and will be disastrous for the country's economy.
PNG's Mining Minister Byron Chan, says the government is reviewing existing laws to give ownership of minerals on, as well as under the land and seabed to the traditional owners.
Presenter: Firmin Nanol
Speaker: Byron Chan, PNG's Mining Minister; Simon Ekanda, spokesperson for PNG landowners; Greg Anderson, Executive Director of PNG's Chamber of Mines and Petroleum
Listen here !
NANOL: Mr Chan says PNG is an island of gold floating on a sea of oil.
But the minister says it's sad to see that resource owners are living in very poor conditions despite the relatively small population and the world class mining projects in the country.
He says by restoring ownership of minerals to the landowners, the government hopes to allow them to participate in the exploitation of their resources and improve their livelihoods.
Minister Byron Chan says this will be a win-win situation for the landowners and potential investors in PNG's mining and petroleum sectors.
He says currently provincial governments, landowners and people from resource project areas are either left out of the negotiation and participation processes or lose out on long term benefits.
Minister Chan says under the proposed legislative changes the government will be a regulator, and not investor and regulator as is the case now.
CHAN: The law which states that the state owns everything six foot under, both on land and sea. We'd like to replace that possibly almost immediately to revert the ownership back to the landowners and relinquish the state from owning anything from six foot below land and sea, that's what we're looking into right now.
NANOL: That is a big legislative, that will throw things into chaos, isn't it?
CHAN: No, what we are proposing would not affect existing licences. We're proposing amendments that will look into future licences etc. The current agreement won't be affected. All of these things are currently being undertaken now by the department, so that there won't be chaos and the landowners will have more relationship with mining companies themselves, government stands as the regulator.
NANOL: Some groups of landowners are supportive of the proposed changes to give ownership of minerals and resources back to them.
Simon Ekanda is a spokesperson for landowners from villages surrounding PNG's multi-billion dollar PNG LNG gas project in the PNG highlands.
He says it's about time ownership of mineral resources is given back to landowners.
EKANDA: We own what was underneath and on top and above and Constitution recognises the customary law and the customary law, the landowners get rights to own what was underneath and on top and above. So we already own it and you see how this country can move the next five years when this law has been changed and people will have money in their pocket. Now the government has taken away that right. That is a beggars in this country.
NANOL: But PNG's Mining industry has expressed grave concerns about the proposed change of the mining laws and the ownership of minerals on and under the land.
The Chamber of Mines and Petroleum says it's a mistake for the government to give back ownership to the landowners, who have no capital and investment skills.
Executive Director, Greg Anderson says it will scare off investors and will not want to work in PNG.
ANDERSON: That is of great concern to us because you have to have central government control on issuing leases and an organised system. If we tried to deal with landowners on exploration titles, I think it's just going to be a nightmare. But there's many questions that arise with that. If the landowners own the resource and they're going to be shareholders in the project, whose going to pay for it? Where's the money going to come from? What's going to happen to royalty? How can you run a dual system and implementation will mean you've got to revise the whole mining act, which is a major task and will be of great disruption to industry in the meantime. So it is a serious issue.
NANOL: That changes of the ownership and the legal framework would only look at the new or ones that could be explored and mined later in the future, not existing ones?
ANDERSON: That means you're going to have a dual system in the country and I think it's extremely naive, because the government made a statement that they wanted to remove all the landowner problems and do you think the Engans and the Hulis and everybody else is going to be satisfied with one system for them and one system for all the new projects. I don't think it's going to work. And if you've got a policy that's completely ill defined, uncertain, nobody's going to invest on something that's uncertain and you'll scare off the explorers like you wouldn't believe. So I've got to talk it through with the government exactly what they mean, but we do not like the principle this issue of private ownership, because I don't think it's workable in Papua New Guinea.
NANOL: That was Greg Anderson, Executive Director of PNG's Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.
But the PNG Mining Minister Byron Chan, says the government plans to have the changes to the mineral ownership and mining laws ready and put to parliament to pass into law before the 2012 general elections.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville Copper Limited to involve landowners in its plans
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited is determined to involve landowners as part of its commitment to its long term vision for the Panguna Mine.
Company Secretary Paul Coleman reported in the company’s six months to June 30, 2011 report to the Australian Stock Exchange that the company’s priority would be the involvement of landowners so the company would develop an engagement program aimed at increasing awareness of the benefits of returning to mine production.
“Good progress is being made by the landowners in the establishment of companies that once completed will enable an umbrella company to be formed that will represent all landowners in the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement,” Mr Coleman said in his report.
“(Autonomous Bougainville Government) President Momis supports the vision of returning to mining at Panguna and has publicly stated he believes the majority of the Bougainville population also supports reopening the mine.”
BCL made a loss of K3.8 million for the six months to June this year compared to a profit of K2.8 million reported for the corresponding period of last year.
The Directors have not declared a dividend in respect of the six months ended 30 June this year.
The company reported that the high Australian currency has adversely affected costs and income has been reduced as a consequence of the monies paid in to court in relation to the tax dispute.
BCL Chairman Peter Taylor was elected President of the Australia-Papua New Guinea Business Council and in that capacity he led a high –profile business delegation to Bougainville in May.
The visit was hosted by Mr Momis and the delegation also met with a wide range of leaders from politics, business and administration.
“The delegation was impressed with the enthusiasm for investments in Papua New Guinea and support for the reopening of BCL’s Panguna Mine,” Mr Coleman said in the statement.
Source: Post-Courier
Chinese duo could have drowned
IT is speculated that the two Chinese that went missing in Torokina recently may have been sucked into a trench by strong currents.
The Post-Courier established this during an interview with the boat owner and some reliable sources from the company that sent the two to Bougainville.
According to the boat owner, the duo arrived on August 3 and took off from Buka to Torokina on the next day.
The boat owner instructed the passengers that they would not travel after 11 o’clock because that was the time when strong winds and rough seas were expected.
The boat owner, a local from Torokina, said that the two Chinese and their partner, who is a national from the Gulf Province, were not carrying K200, 000 to K300,000 in cash as speculated.
They were only carrying K2,000 for their transport, accommodation and meals.
He said that they were heading to Torokina to carry out an assessment on how many metals were available and take photographs which they would take back to their headquarters to organise funding for the first buy.
“They did not go there to buy brass straight away. And they were not going there to buy guns and ammunition like everybody is saying,” he said.
He said as soon as the boat arrived at Amun village, waves started swelling and the boat owner insisted that they return to Buka.
However, he said the duo saw another boat going past them and they insisted that they followed the boat.
He said that they came to the area where the biggest cave in the world is located at Korepovi when the engine encountered a problem. It stopped and it was also getting dark. As soon as the engine started again, the rough seas were getting worse. Realising this, the skipper and the boat owner removed their boots.
They kept going until the reached Laruma point when they ran out out of petrol again due to the battering of the engine by the rough seas.
With the engine off, they could not do much to control the boat. Another large wave came and turned the boat upside down.
One of the Chinese was fast asleep while the other was sitting with rest of the passengers. The Gulf man held onto the boat which was breaking into two parts.
The place was now completely dark and they could not see anything. The boat owner was also clinging onto the engine and as he was trying to come to surface, something was sucking him down very hard. He made three attempts to come up and was just about to give up and go all the way down when the gulf man pulled him up to the surface.
And as they were clinging onto the last piece of the boat, another big wave crashed down on them and they went their own ways.
The boat owner said he swam towards land and just as he was gasping for his last breath, he felt sand with his foot and he realised that he had made it to ashore. He called out but there was no reply from the others. He swam to the beach, fell down with his head on a log and fell unconscious.
About half an hour later, he was awoken up by the gulf man, and they both found a track leading to a village near the boat owner’s village. They reported the incident to police. Five were killed so far in this same area. Three people went missing earlier and it is suspected there might be a big trench in the Laruma point area.
Source: Post-Courier
Islanders claim: ABG owes us
CARTERETS Islanders have accused the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government of “sweeping their problems under the carpet to gather cobwebs”.
Andreas Kaholo, former council of elders chairman for Carterets, is a very angry man because the ABG still owes their shipping service - MV Kissomaru, more than K150,000 for services to the Atolls, specifically accrued from bringing relief supplies to Tasman and Mortlock and a government trip recently.
Kaholo told the Post-Courier yesterday that because the vessel is not in operation, teachers, people and students of Carterets primary school are still stranded in Buka.
“Food is running out for us in Buka. How can ABG expect us to live with people in Buka, especially when our people do not have a paid job here, gardens here or are not from here,” Mr Kaholo said. “And there are students and teachers still in town and for us the crew members of Kissomaru, we need to survive as well. As we speak, we only have four packets of rice left and we survive on raw fish that we catch ourselves.”
He said the Carterets islanders back in the Atolls were also affected because of the vessel not being in operation for the last two to three months because there is no money to pay for fuel and the ship crew had not been paid for the last three to four fortnights.
Source: The National
Kamma: Peace tops list for Bougainville
NEWLY-appointed Bougainville Affairs Minister and member for Bougainville Steven Pirika Kamma is determined to bring about a new Bougainville and fulfil peacekeeping plans in the region.
“While the new government has less than a year until the national elections, we are determined to make a real difference,” he said.
Kamma took over the Bougainville Affairs Office from Fidelis Semoso last week as a change of departmental heads took place in ministries.
On the top of his agenda the minister resolved to support peacekeeping plans that were signed 10 years ago.
“It is now almost 10 years when the Bougainville Peace Agreement was signed.
“The ABG is now in its second five-year term. The guaranteed referendum on Bougainville’s political future (which is to be held in 2015–20) could now be as close as four years away,” he said.
Kamma said his high-priority list included “the need to progress on a number of high impact projects”.
“These include road projects, bridges, oil palm project in Torokina, establishing a border post at Kangu and rehabilitation of plantations and agricultural developments in all parts of Bougainville”.
Providing employment opportunities for ex-combatants and self-help programmes for unemployed youths as well as addressing the plight of the atolls are also priorities.
Kamma will work closely with President John Momis and other leaders for the national priority of peacekeeping in Bougainville.
Source: The National
Government to review mining laws
THE new government has vowed to urgently review all the laws on or relating to mining in the country.
Mining Minister and Namatanai MP Byron Chan said an urgent review of all mine related laws was a priority over the next nine months.
Chan said mining laws did not favour national stakeholders, including the national and provincial governments and respective resource owners.
“There must be a provision of meaningful and substantive consultation process at every step of the mining process between the provincial and local level government in whose province an exploration or development licence is granted.
“All Open MPs whose electorate is undertaking any mining activity must be included,” he said.
In respect to provisions of requiring financial and technical capacity, Chan said if it was prohibitive, then it would be failing
to give effect to the national goals and directive
principles of PNG’s constitution which wants the bulk of economic enterprises to be controlled by Papua New Guineans.
“If opportunities are denied to build the necessary experience and build technical capacity from trial and error by entering the industry then when will they get the experience and how can they build up the expertise?” he asked.
He said the enforcement of mining laws “will be reviewed in order to provide clarity as to who has the authority to do it and how it must be enforced”.
“This will have to include raising penalty fines, which at present are believed to be only a maximum of K1000,” he said.
Chan said a critical review of the Mineral Resources Authority Act was to overhaul the MRA board “so that the conflict of interest inherent in the provision of the regulated to be present with regulators is dealt with and ironed out.
“The O’Neill-Namah government is a government by the people, of the people and for the people and we will ensure that their interest becomes our utmost interest,” he said.
Source: ESBC
Liebe Freunde,
heute erschien im Handelsblatt ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema Leerverkäufe (siehe unten). Soeben habe ich mit der Autorin, Frau Laura de la Motte, ein ausführliches Gespräch dazu führen können. Frau de la Motte zeigte sich sehr interessiert an den Hintergründen und Mechanismen der Leerverkäufe. Ich bot ihr an, unsere Mitglieder anzuschreiben und um Erfahrungsberichte mit ihren jeweiligen Depotbanken zu bitten. Offensichtlich, wie die Diskussionen in der Vergangenheit zeigten, ist die Praxis bei Banken und Brokern sehr unterschiedlich. Sie reicht vollkommen korrekten Angeboten, Aktien gegen Honorar verleihen zu können, bis hin zur Leugnung jedweder Verleihpraktiken. Letztere sind ja bekanntlich auch Gegenstand meiner Strafanzeige bei der Zentralstaatsanwaltschaft Mannheim. (siehe:News 07.2011)
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn möglichst viele von Euch ihre Erfahrungen in diesem Zusammenhang niederschreiben und direkt an Frau de la Motte schicken könntet. Dies würde ihre Recherchen zu dem Thema erheblich erleichtern und letztendlich auch unser aller Position als Investoren stärken können. Dies nun ist Frau de la Mottes Email-Adresse: .
Zu Euren Erfahrungen sollten folgende Dinge zählen, die in unmittelbarem Bezug zur Ausleihe von Aktien stehen:
- Verweigerung des Eintrags Eures Aktienbestandes ins Aktionärsregister
- Verweigerungen der Abstimmungsunterlagen für die Hauptversammlung
- Verweigerung des Blockierens Eurer Aktien für den Verleih
- Verweigerung der Auskunft über die Lagerstelle Eurer Aktien
- Verweigerung des Einstellens hoher Verkaufsorders ins Orderbuch mit dem Ziel, die Aktienausleihe unmöglich zu machen
- Sonstige Anomalitäten im Rahmen der Depotführung, die den Verdacht auf unauthorisierte Ausleihe nahelegen
Zwecks besserer Zuordnung bittet Frau de la Motte darum, in der Betreffzeile den Text „Leerverkäufe i.S. Bougainville Copper“ einzufügen.
In meinem Gespräch mit Frau de la Motte habe ich angeregt, zusammen mit ihren Kollegen eine Art „Sonderermittlungskommission“ zu bilden, da der Umfang der Recherchen im Hinblick auf die Fülle der Banken und der betroffenen Aktien auszuufern droht.
Ferner habe ich Frau de la Motte zugesagt, sie über die Fortschritte meiner Strafanzeige in Mannheim fortlaufend zu informieren.
Bitte, beteiligt Euch rege an meinem Aufruf. Je mehr detaillierte Informationen Frau de la Motte erhält, je besser für die Umsetzung der Story.
Zwecks höherer Resonanz meines Aufrufs werde ich ihn auch auf Ariva einstellen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Axel G. Sturm
Escaldes-Engordany, 16.08.2011
Source: Handelsblatt vom 16.08.2011, Seite 38
Bulle & Bär:
Privatanleger können selbst dazu beitragen, Leerverkäufe zu unterbinden
von Laura de la Motte , Frankfurt
Die jüngste Talfahrt an den Aktienmärkten und ganz besonders der Crash der Aktie der französischen Großbank Société Générale in der vergangenen Woche hat die Debatte um die Macht der Spekulanten an den Börsen wieder angeheizt. Während die Politik darüber diskutiert, ob der Handel mit geliehenen Wertpapieren – sogenannte Leerverkäufe – verboten werden sollte, können Privatanleger selbst aktiv werden und die Spekulation nicht mehr unterstützen, indem sie ihre eigenen Wertpapiere nicht mehr verleihen.
Es gibt zwei Arten von Leerverkäufen: gedeckte und ungedeckte. Beide Varianten eignen sich dazu, auf fallende Kurse zu wetten. Bei gedeckten Leerverkäufen borgt sich ein Investor Wertpapiere von jemand anderem und zahlt dafür eine Leihgebühr. Diese geborgten Papiere verkauft er dann am Markt und streicht dafür das Geld ein. Bis zum Ablauf der Leihzeit muss er die Papiere wieder zurückkaufen. Sind die Kurse inzwischen gefallen, kostet ihn das weniger, er macht Gewinn. Gerade wenn viele Investoren sich auf ein Wertpapier eingeschossen haben, können sie durch ihre zeitgleichen Verkäufe den Kurs nach unten drücken.
Bei ungedeckten Leerverkäufen kann dieser Effekt sogar noch verstärkt auftreten. Hier verkauft der Investor Wertpapiere, die er sich zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs noch gar nicht geborgt hat. Möglich wird das dadurch, dass die Scheine je nach Börsenplatz erst innerhalb von zwei bis fünf Tagen effektiv auf den Käufer übertragen werden müssen. Das heißt, diese Tage hat der Investor Zeit, sich die Papiere zu borgen. Und spätestens die letzten zwei Wochen haben gezeigt, was Tage an der Börse ausmachen können. Das Problem: In der ungedeckten Form können die Verkäufe fast beliebige Volumina erreichen und entsprechend stark den Kurs schwächen.
Privatanleger müssen Wertpapierleihe zustimmen
Besonders die ungedeckten Leerverkäufe haben Politiker daher als Kern des Übels identifiziert. Doch mit einer einheitlichen Regulierung tun sie sich noch schwer. Privatanleger können aber auch selbst aktiv werden: Jeder, der ein Depot besitzt, hat bei Eröffnung einen Wertpapierdarlehensvertrag („Securities Lending“) vorgelegt bekommen und ihm womöglich zugestimmt. Diese Zustimmung lässt sich schriftlich jederzeit ändern. Komplizierter wird es bei Fondsgesellschaften. Bei vielen gehört es zum Geschäftsmodell, dass sie Papiere aus dem Fondsvermögen verleihen, um durch die Gebühren ihre Performance aufzubessern. Anlegern bleibt hier nur der Wechsel der Fondsgesellschaft. Völlig eindämmen lässt sich das Geschäft nicht. Auch Banken und Versicherer verleihen ihre Bestände. Ein Zeichen setzen können wir trotzdem.
Source: The National
Uma wants Rio Tinto back
MOVES to reopen the Rio Tinto-owned Panguna copper mine in Bougainville
are a step closer after a rebel leader said he was willing to negotiate with the Australian government and Rio Tinto on it.
Original Mekamui leader Chris Uma said he was willing to talk to the Australian government and Rio Tinto about re-opening the mine.
His group has controlled access to the mine site over the past two decades since a civil war shut it down.
Uma said any negotiations must recognise the original Mekamui’s interests and respond to past conflict.
The statement comes after Uma allowed Australian diplomats access to the mine site for the first time since 1990.
Uma said he granted that access as a statement to show to the world that he was now talking with the Australian government.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG struggles to end conflict
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government is struggling to address the killings and the issue in south Bougainville, specifically the Konnou area.
ABG Peace Task force said the time frame set to address the issue has overlapped but the two peace teams established to address the fighting in the area have been working tirelessly to sort out the escalating issue.
Reports from Buin police detailed the death of two men over the weekend in Buin, as the Wisai Liberation Movement (WILMO), the freedom fighters and the Me’ekamui soldiers’ battle with their show of strength for the weapons they have.
Reports from Arawa detailed more than 10 men under the banner of the ABG peace task force were deployed to the south to help find a solution.
While this was happening, Me’ekamui commander Damien Koike, the frontliner of the Me’ekamui soldiers is in Tonu, seeking refuge with U-Vistract man Noah Musingku. Koike and his group have indicated their confidence and neutrality of the UN in Bougainville to mediate the tension and urged the ABG and police to disarm factions.
Source: Post-Courier
BDA boosts shipping services to Bougainville
THE BORDER Development Authority (BDA) has a largest barge in its fleet to provide shipping services in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB).
MV Bougainville Atolls, now on its way to Port Moresby from Samarinta city in Java Island, Indonesia, will be used in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The barge, which is expected to arrive sometimes this month, will mostly be used to provide shipping services to the isolated and scattered atolls of the Fead, Carterets, Mortlock and Tasman. It will also be used to service other areas of the AROB.
A delighted Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Education John Tabinaman recently thanked the National Government on behalf of the Atoll’s people and the ABG for establishing the BDA.
“We now can see that BDA can come and help us in remote coastal border areas like Autonomous Region of Bougainville within a short notice.
“Many times in the past no ships reached the Atolls people, making them suffer. Teachers, health and government officers did not arrive on time and mobility had been a problem. There was no help to ship cargos. Now people can see the Government’s hands through the BDA. The people will be relieved to see the barge,’’ he said
Mr Tabinaman said before the Autonomous Bougainville Government had to charter private ships which was expensive.
“Those ships had to meet up to their tight scheduled runs and we had to cut short some of our trips. It was hard to do awareness and get to know the people’s real conditions. Besides, the ships allocated were small and do not have facilities like a health room on the ship. But now with the MV Bougainville Atolls, we will have a medical bay with medical supplies on board,” he said.
Last month, Border Development Authority responded after the North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi appealed for help, saying that about 15,000 people on the Atolls with the islands of Nissan and Pinepel needed immediate relief supplies due to the prolonged drought.
BDA provided its barge, MV Andreas and donated K100,000 worth of relief supplies such as food (more than 500 bags of rice and garden food like kaukau, taro and bananas), water containers and medical and education supplies.’
Border Development Authority already had MV Muntai, MV Ulayut, MV Gloucester, MV Manus Atolls and MV Milne Bay Atolls in its fleet of barges.
Source: Post-Courier
Finance, a setback for peace ministry
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government’s Peace Ministry is facing major financial constraints to sustain the peace building initiative within the region, said Minister for Peace and Reconciliation Newton Kauva.
Mr Kauva said a submission requesting funding support from the National Government had been submitted to the Joint Supervisory Body committee.
He appealed to the new PNG Government to consider honouring its obligated commitment of K15 million development grant as stipulated in the Bougainville Peace Agreement to support the peace process.
“The Bougainville Peace Agreement is a joint creation of the people of Bougainville and the National Government of Papua New Guinea, thus I am appealing to the new Government to consider the obligated commitment of K15 million development grant.
“I am very grateful of Sam Abal and current Prime Minister Peter O’Neill who have vouched the commitment during the Joint Supervisory Body meeting in Port Moresby and I am appealing to the Government to include our request in the coming supplementary budget,” he said.
He said that if the Financial Management Act was holding up the immediate release of the development grant, then consideration should be given to show the National Government’s commitment towards honouring the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
Source: Post-Courier
Nisira congratulates new Government
By Fabian Gatana
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government vice president Patrick Nisira has congratulated the new PNG Government for the appointment of two Bougainvilleans to two important ministries in the new National Government cabinet.
He said the appointment of Steven Pirika as the Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Jimmy Mirintoro as the Minister for Communication reaffirmed the commitment of the National Government to involve Bougainville in the highest legislative body of PNG.
“The ABG looks forward for a correlated approach with you to lead the people of Bougainville.
“It is always a stiff challenge as leaders but the ABG has confidence that your appointments to the National Cabinet are a vital advantage to push Bougainville’s progress towards referendum,” he said.
He added that the two ministers should provide a strong and most important link between ABG and the National Government in negotiating Bougainville’s future.
“The people of Bougainville stand with unbending belief that you will propel Bougainville’s step forward,” he said.
The vice president also thanked the former Member for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso for his time as the Minister for Bougainville Affairs.
“You have brought a lot for the people of Bougainville during the time you served the region as the honourable Minister for Bougainville Affairs,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Safety’ now a reality in Atolls
SAFETY for Papua New Guinea’s most North-Eastern communities – the MV Bougainville Atolls - has finally become a reality.
And it is thanks to the Government’s speedy action through the Border Development Authority (BDA) who on Friday delivered their first ever sea craft the MV Bougainville Atolls in Port Moresby.
The barge was the seventh in a series bought under the BDA’s Maritime Sea Transport Program for the country six border provinces.
BDA chief executive officer and chairman, Pomat Manuai, said the vessel was the final one under the current roll-out program under the organisation’s 10-year development plan including implementation of the economic corridor policy of the Government.
In typical Bougainville fashion, there was dancing and celebration at the PNG Defence Force maritime base put on by a huge contingent from there, led by their leaders including President, John Momis.
Mr Momis was to later join new Communications Minister, Jimmy Miringtoro, in cutting the ribbon to launch the vessel and officially hand it over to the Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Steven Pirika, and the Member for North Bougainville, Lauta Atoi, representing the people of the autonomous region.
Atolls community representative, Telavika Faite, aptly articulated the sea craft was more than just a vessel, but a God-sent gift that would alleviate the pains and suffering in lives of a people whose survival and any chance of any transportation and social service delivery was dependent on fate alone.
Speaking from the heart, Mr Faite told of his people’s plight and feelings of hopelessness and called into question the folly and failure of past attempts in providing adequate shipping services to the scattered Atolls population which he said was increasing.
Minister Pirika warned and cautioned against mismanagement, reminding everyone it was very well, feeling good, happy and relieved but it could all go very wrong like it had in the past with poor and reckless management.
He said he was happy and proud as the Minister Bougainville Affairs and thanked the National Government and BDA for the vessel.
Minister Miringtoro said such a huge vessel needed careful management, maintenance and sustainable funding in order for the people to realise its worth in the long term. Mr Atoi was blunter in pointing out corruption and corrupt practices that riddled management of past Bougainville vessels in MV Sankamap 1 and MV Sankamap 2 which he urged must be avoided this time.
Mr Atoi, who directly hails from the Polynesian Atolls, was overjoyed and relieved because he can directly identify with the neglect of transport, communication and other services in the past.
Source: The National
Chinese pair missing at sea
TWO Chinese nationals are believed to be dead after the boat they were travelling in capsized in bad weather at Laruma point, off Torokina, in West Coast Bougainville.
The two Chinese were among seven passengers travelling in a banana boat from Buka to Torokina last Wednesday to buy scrap metal when the accident occurred.
Five of the passengers were PNG nationals — four were Bougainvilleans and the one from Gulf, believed to be an employee of one of the Chinese who operated a scrap metal buying business in Lae, Morobe.
The Bougainville Disaster and Emergency Office said a search party was immediately sent to look for the bodies of the two foreigners but after six days, the search was called off.
Arrangements are being made to inform the families of the two men.
In conveying his condolence to the families of the two foreigners, president of Autonomous Region of Bougainville John Momis warned foreign nationals visiting remote areas of Bougainville to be wary of the risks involved.
He warned of the lack of proper transportation when travelling to outlying districts.
Momis advised foreigners travelling to Bougainville to inform his government of their visit so that government assistance could be provided when needed.
Meanwhile, 16 days have passed since 11 locals, including two Western Highlanders, went missing while travelling from Karkar Island to Kubugum, on the North Coast of Madang.
The search for them enters its third week.
It is understood that the passengers had no water or food on the vessel they were travelling in.
Relative and spokesman Mamsen Atamen said the authorities had been incompetent and had failed to attend to their plea for help.
He said misleading reports by media in the province had been hard on the grieving relatives.
“Our hearts are truly broken and we have gone out of our way using whatever little we have to seek assistance,” he said in Tok Pisin.
He said they had heard that the 11 people had been found at Lokobou Seventh-Day Adventist High School on the south coast of Manus and been treated at the Lombrum naval base clinic.
But when they checked at the SDA headquarters in Madang to confirm the reports, they were told that it was not true.
Mamsen said since the vessel’s disappearance three weeks ago no effort had been made by the authorities to follow-up on the search.
“Upon our request for an aerial search, a fax was sent by provincial disaster office four days after the incident to the National Disaster and Emergency and National Maritime and Safety Authority in Port Moresby,” he said.
“Again no follow-up had been made and so we had to intervene ourselves, only to be told that the information supplied was insufficient to warrant an aerial search.
“We certainly know that the Madang provincial disaster and emergency unit does not have the funds to carry out search and rescue but there were other avenues such as the emergency funds from the provincial government,” he said.
The Madang provincial administrator could not be reached for comments.
The National Maritime and Safety office in the province, however, refused to comment on the matter.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG landowners invest in Australia
A Papua New Guinean landowner company has purchased a prime property at the heart of Brisbane's Central Business District area in the Queensland state of Australia.
Mineral Resources Lihir Capital, from PNG's New Ireland province purchased ''The Flight Centre House for 38 million dollars recently. Its owned by landowning villages from Lihir Island who are registered members of the Lihir Mining Area Landowners Accoaition. Business Development Manager Kible Bonga says it's a dream come true for the 14 000 landowners who will benefit after the Lihir Gold mine closes.
Presenter: Firmin Nanol
Speaker: Kible Bonga, Mineral Resources Lihir Capital's Business Development Manager
Listen here !
Source: The National
Anti-Asian sentiments rife in Bougainville
ON-GOING visits by Chinese investors to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has sparked anti-Asian sentiments among a few local business people who fear losing business to the foreigners.
Since last week, some members of the Bougainville business community aired their concerns on the National Broadcasting Corporation station Radio Bougainville over the government’s initiative to entertain foreigner interests over the welfare of its people.
This is despite the Bougainville government assuring the local business community that all foreign enterprises in the region would not operate individually but in joint-venture arrangements with the locals.
The concern was also directed at the few foreign nationals including Australians and Asians married to Bougainville women and operating retail shops in Buka town.
This led to two Asian-run shops being looted and others forced to temporarily close down because of threats of being looted.
But a public opinion poll conducted on the anti-Asian sentiments by the business community in Buka revealed that majority of locals did not support the comments by the local business people.
The Bougainville police said they were monitoring the situation and warned individuals against any unlawful conducts including the harassment of individuals.
ABG Minister for Peace and Reconciliation Newton Kauva urged Bougainvilleans to refrain from intimidating those operating businesses in the region.
“Certain foreigners who are currently operating and competing against our small business people are married to us and our Bougainville constitution allows them to do so.
“If the people of Bougainville are not happy, then it is up to all of us to review the Bougainville constitution,” Kauva said.
He said the people of Bougainville should not “press the panic button” when Chinese, Australians or Americans come to Bougainville through proper channels to look at investment opportunities.
“Foreign partnership is the way forward to achieve the economic recovery and fiscal self-reliance that we are all craving for,” Kauva said.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - 24H dans le PACIFIQUE
Bougainville: un début de réconciliation avec l’Australie
de Caroline Lafargue
Le chef de l’ancien groupe sécessionniste Me’ekamui accepte de discuter avec le gouvernement australien. Au centre de ces discussions: la possible réouverture de la mine de cuivre de Panguna, don’t les terres sont contrôlées par le Me’ekamui, qui représente les propriétaires traditionnels.
Or traditionnellement, le Me’ekamui est hostile au gouvernement australien et au géant minier australien Rio Tinto, l’exploitant de Panguna à travers sa filiale BCL.
La mine a fermé en 1989, c’est ce gisement qui a déclenché la guerre civile. Les propriétaires traditionnels s’estimaient lésés, alors que l’exploitation de Panguna apportait à l’Etat papou rien moins qu’un cinquième de ses ressources. Et les propriétaires traditionnels étaient aussi furieux de l’impact environnemental de la mine, l’un des plus grands gisements au monde.
Michael Somare, ancien Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères au début de la guerre civile, a signé un témoignage officiel révélé en juillet. Selon lui, Rio Tinto aurait lui-même fourni à la police et à l’armée papoue des hélicoptères de combat, des pilotes, de l’essence et des baraquements pour les soldats.
Quant au gouvernement australien, il est très mal vu parmi les sécessionnistes bougainvillais, car il est accusé d’avoir prêté main forte au gouvernement papou. Rabbie Namaliu, Premier ministre durant les quatre premières années du conflit, a déclaré que les hélicoptères Iroquois utilisés par l’armée papoue ont été fournis par l’Australie.
Dans ce contexte figé, Chris Uma, le général indépendantiste du Me’ekamui, a fait un geste fort il y a peu en autorisant l’ambassadeur australiene en Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée, Ian Kemish, à visiter la mine de Panguna. Une première en 20 ans.
«J’ai compris que je peux résoudre le problème de Bougainville, je sais pourquoi la crise a commencé, je sais qu’elle prendra fin. C’est pour cela que j’ai décidé de laisser passer l’ambassadeur australien à mon check-point, pour bien signifier au gouvernement australien et au monde que la discussion est ouverte. La mine de Panguna pourrait rouvrir sous mon nom, Chris Uma. Mais ce n’est pas encore négocié, c’est un long processus de négociations.»
D’après John Momis, le Président de la Province autonome de Bougainville, aujourd’hui 97% des Bougainvillais sont favorables à la reprise de l’exploitation de Panguna par BCL-Rio Tinto. Il faut dire que l’économie bougainvillaise est exsangue.
Un référendum d’auto-détermination est prévu entre 2015 et 2020 à Bougainville. Si la province autonome devient indépendante, il faudra quelque chose pour tirer l’économie. Mais selon James Tanis, ancien Président de Bougainville et originaire de la région de Panguna, la mine ne sera pas encore en activité:
«C’est déjà trop tard! Même si la décision de rouvrir la mine était prise aujourd’hui, la reprise de l’exploitation ne pourrait pas se faire avant trois ans, parce qu’il faudrait d’abord consacrer au moins trois ans à la reconstruction de la mine, au minimum.»
Autre obstacle que James Tanis demande au gouvernement papou de lever: le transfert de compétences en matière minière, qui n’a toujours pas été concrétisé. Et il demande aussi des fonds de développement pour sortir Bougainville de la pauvreté.
Source: The National
Chinese investors tour Bougainville
AN eight-member team of investors from Beijing and Hong Kong left the Autonomous Region of Bougainville satisfied after spending two days looking at areas of potential investment.
The visitors, who were guests of the Bougainville China co-operation committee, were welcomed by members of the Autonomous Bougainville government and children from the Hahela Primary School.
Team spokesman Fr Francis Zhang thanked the ABG, saying they were pleased to be visiting Bougainville for the first time.
“I do hope with our prayer and co-operation, we can do something for this special island, for your country and for your province, and we do hope God will give us such amazing grace that all the people here will recognise that God loves them,” Zhang said.
Zhou Jian, chairman of the visiting team, stressed the importance of co-operating with each other in the best interest of all parties.
Committee representatives said the visits by Chinese investors were expected to continue throughout the year as both parties work on creating joint ventures to boost the region’s economy and improve the livelihood of the people of Bougainville.
Talks have focused on investment viability in mining, hydro, the construction of a K2.4 billion proposed city, aviation, tourism, import and export of copra and cocoa, and the wholesale import of manufactured goods directly from China.
Source: Post-Courier
Inquiry on vessels
By Fabian Gatana
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has started an inquiry into defects of its ships – MV Sankamap I and II.
ABG leaders were grilled under the Public Accounts Committee inquiry on the two vessels, now sitting idle – one in East New Britain and the other in Buka, where it ran aground.
The Sankamap II, which was bought for more than K2 million, drifted from its berth and ran aground at Tung in the Tonsu constituency while Sankamap I was sold to a businessman in East New Britain and is reportedly sitting idle in the Simpson harbour.
The public hearing was attended by the committee members and Ms Rachel Callaghan, a committee director in the New South Wales Parliament, who is assisting the committee members and PAC staff.
Ms Callaghan is here under the twinning project between the New South Wales Government and Bougainville for a month.
The committee is now finalising their report to be presented to the house when it meets in September.
Source: Post-Courier
Four dead in Buin
FOUR people are dead in Buin, south Bougainville, among them was WILMO (Wisai Liberation Movement) commander Philip Pusua and three Me’ekamui soldiers.
Police confirmed that Mr Pusua, who has been heading the Government instituted WILMO faction, was shot dead on Tuesday morning.
The Post-Courier spoke to some members of Me’ekamui who said there was a fierce battle between the WILMOs and the Me’ekamuis at Siniminoi alluvial gold mine.
According to reports reaching the Post - Courier office in Buka, the WILMOs were on the offensive side as they were raiding the gold panning area which was occupied by the Me’ekamuis.
The WILMOs planned in advance to cordon the area in the early hours of Tuesday.
Three Mekamui soldiers were shot dead during the raid but the death of the WILMO commander is still uncertain as to whether he was shot in a Me’ekamui defensive or he was shot elsewhere during the fighting.
Source: ESBC
From Europe With Love!
European investors back to their senses!
After having flirted with EUR 0,70 (AUD 0.98) investors on Frankfurt Stock Exchange preferred to "wait and see". No further trades in Bougainville Copper shares had been seen after 3:39 p.m. . Bougainville Copper shares (BOU1) finished in Frankfurt at its previous day's price of EUR 0,64 - the equivalent of AUD 0.89 ! Turn-over was 60,782 shares.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Coordinator for the Bougainville Disaster Office, Franklin Lacey says that the National Government has in-acted the Small craft act that requires all small boat owners to register and make sure that they have all life saving instruments before leaving the shores.
He said that under the new act boat owners could be charged to any mishaps such as the Torokina incident.
MR. LACEY said that investigations are continuing and the boat owner and the operator could be the first people to answer to charges under this new act.
He said that Police, Disaster Office and other Government Divisions would be involved in implementing this new act.
The Disaster Coordinator also warned all boat owners to comply with this new act.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Police Service Assistant Commander, THOMAS ELUH says Bougainville could lose its image if actions of certain people are not stopped immediately.
He told New Dawn FM today that the recent organized lootings in Buka town is bad for Bougainville’s image.
MR. ELUH says there are ways of addressing issues and taking the law into one’s hand will only create more problems for Bougainville.
The ACP was also said that investigations into these activities are continuing and called on the people not to support illegal activities.
On the boat mishap in Torokina, MR. ELUH also called on the people of Bougainville to make sure that any deals with outsiders must be done with the ABG administration.
He said that incidents like the Torokina boat mishap is a classic example of people who try to deal directly with landowners and bypass the Authorities on the ground.
MR. ELUH said that investigations are continuing and persons could be charged once the investigations are completed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Meanwhile reports from Konnou reaching New Dawn FM office in Buka says that more death will occur unless the government intervenes.
A chief from the area called New Dawn FM and called on the Government to intervene as soon as possible as fighting in the area increases.
The chief who wants to remain anonymous said that something must be done as innocent civilians on both sides are caught in between.
He said that within the Konnou area there have been reports of fightings in many more areas which continue to put civilians at risk.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Police Commander ACP THOMAS ELUH says that the death of WILMO Commander, PHILIP PUSUA should be the last in the Konnou conflict.
Commander ELUH made these remarks when sending his condolence to the family of the late Commander.
He said that the conflict in Konnou has been going on for many years and cannot be solved overnight.
MR. ELUH said that the government was trying its best to end the conflict through peaceful means as it does not want more deaths to occur in the area.
He said that the latest was the move by former combatants to establish dialogue with the fighters in the area.
Commander ELUH is calling on all parties to stop the fighting and talk peace.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG Vice President PATRICK NISIRA today thanked the National Government for giving Bougainville two Ministries in his government.
MR. NISIRA made these remarks when congratulating the Ministers for Bougainville Affairs and member for South Bougainville, STEVEN KAMA PIRIKA and Minister for Communications and member for Central Bougainville, JIMMY MIRINGTORO.
He said that these appointments reaffirm the commitment of the Papua New Guinea National Government to involve Bougainville in the highest legislative body of Papua New Guinea.
MR. NISIRA said that the ABG is ready to work more closely with the National Government to move Bougainville forward.
The ABG Vice President also thanked the outgoing Bougainville Affairs Minister and Bougainville Regional member, FIDELIS SEMOSO for his contribution to Bougainville as the Bougainville Affairs Minister.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - News
Bougainville rebel considers mine reopening
Jemima Garrett
Moves to reopen the Rio Tinto-owned Panguna copper mine in Bougainville are a step closer, after a rebel leader said he was willing to negotiate.
Original Me'ekamui leader Chris Uma said he was willing to talk to the Australian government and Rio Tinto about re-opening the mine.
His group has controlled access to the mine site in the two decades since a civil war shut it down.
Mr Uma said any negotiations must recognise Original Me'ekamui's interests and respond to past conflict.
The statement comes after Mr Uma allowed Australian diplomats access to the mine site for the first time since 1990.
Mr Uma said he granted that access as a statement to the world that he is now talking with the Australian government.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Rebel leader wants to talk about reopening Bougainville copper mine
The leader of the Original Me'ekamui rebel group on Bougainville, Chris Uma says he wants to talk with the Australian government and with mining giant Rio Tinto, about the reopening Panguna copper mine.
The mine was the spark that ignited a decade long civil war on Bougainville, a war that left thousands dead and the economy of the island on its knees.
The comments by Me'ekamui General, Chris Uma, come after he allowed a delegation of senior Australian diplomats to visit the mine site, for the first time, in more than 2 decades.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett,
Speakers: Chris Uma, leader of the Bougainville rebel group the Original Me'ekamui; James Tanis, former President of Bougainville
GARRETT: The Original Me'ekamui is the rebel group that controls access to the Panguna mine site and for decades it has been hostile to Australia and to the mine-owner, Rio Tinto because of their part in the war on Bougainville .
The decision by Me'ekamui Leader, Chris Uma, to allow Ian Kemish, the Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, access to the mine is a significant breakthrough for the peace process.
The visit began with a traditional ceremony at the Me'ekamui checkpoint at Morgan Junction on the mine access road.
High Commissioner Kemish approached on foot with a live pig and a bale of rice as a reconciliation offering. There he met and shook hands with Me'ekamui leader, Chris Uma.
On a very poor phone line from Bougainville, Chris Uma, told Radio Australia that the ceremony was an important step forward.
UMA: I understand that I can solve the problem of Bougainville and I know what the Bougainville crisis started and how it will be ended. That's why I let the Australian High Commissioner through my checkpoint, to make a statement clear to the Australian government and the world that, today, we are talking.
GARRETT: As Chris Uma says he is a crucial force in solving the Bougainville crisis.
The Me'ekamui leader says his decision to let the Australian High Commissioner visit the Panguna mine site is a message to the world that he is now talking with Australia.
Former Bougainville President, James Tanis, is also a Panguna man.
He has been working for peace for 15 years.
Mr Tanis facilitated the Australian delegations' visit and he says, as Australia was part of the problem on Bougainville, it is very important that it be part of the solution.
TANIS: The problem started in Panguna, it is the birthplace of the conflict and the visit to Panguna by the representative of the Australian government is a major step forward in terms of building relationships so that together we can move forward in resolving those issues for which we have dispute over.
GARRETT: Just what did it take to make the visit possible?
TANIS: It took a lot of negotiation, a lot of patience but it was the result of everybody's effort, meaning the Australian High Commissioner's willingness to come into Panguna and Chris Uma's acceptance, because Chris Uma is the main person who manages the Morgan Junction checkpoint. That is there to enforce this view that no outsiders would come into Panguna. So it took Chris Uma a lot of understanding, a lot of change in him, to allow the Australian High Commission to go ahead and perform cultural rituals to allow him access into Panguna
GARRETT: Between 2015 and 2020 Bougainville is to hold a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea.
For that refendum to offer a real choice Bougainville needs economic self-reliance and for many people that means the re-opening of the Panguna copper mine.
The Me'ekamui have been at the heart of the independence movement.
Chris Uma says he is willing to talk about re-opening the mine, and even to give the go-ahead to mining, but there is a long way to go before that happens.
UMA: Me'ekamui government is looking forward to solve the problem of the Bougainville conflict, starting from that mine. Panguna mine can open under the name of Chris Uma.
GARRETT: So if you approve plans to re-open the mine, the mine can re-open?
UMA: It is not negotiated, yet. (It's a) very, very big job to talk about it and its not negotiated yet.
GARRETT: Former Bougainville President James Tanis agrees that there are many obstacles ahead.
But Mr Tanis and the Autonomous Bougainville Government are working hard to create a better future.
TANIS: The main thing is that we Bougainvilleans are continuing to talk amongst ourselves, talk with the ABG (Autonomous Government of Bougainville), talk with the national government and going as far as talking with the Australians, so that still gives me hope that peace will be sorted out.
GARRETT: And just how realistic do you think it is to eventually reopen the mine, and particularly in time for the timetable for the vote on independence?
TANIS: It is already running too late! And even if we made the mine reopening decision today I do not see the mine going into operation in the next 3 years. The next 3 years might be needed for rebuilding and not the commercial activity, so 3 years at the minimum.
GARRETT: James Tanis says it is urgent that the new PNG government start the much-delayed handover of mining powers to Bougainville and that it pay up on promised development funding.
At the moment Australia is Bougainville's biggest aid donor.
Mr Tanis says an additional special package of aid for Panguna would give the peace process a better chance.
Listen here !
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville to use boats Act
PNG National Small Craft Act has been endorsed and will soon be implemented in Bougainville, according to the Bougainville Disaster Coordinator, Franklyn Lacey.
He said a team from the Bougainville disaster office will travel to Wewak next month to get clear understandings on the roles of the Act before it will be used in Bougainville.
He said the major role of the Act is purposely to ensure the safety of boats travelling in Bougainville waters.
Mr Lacey said when the Act is enforced, all boat owners should abide by the Act, if they breached the law, they can be arrested by police.
He said when the disaster team returns from Wewak, a small craft board will be established with its own administration includes executives and inspectors that will carry out the work.
He said the policy will be responsible for the safety of small craft boats not more than 20 meters.
Mr Lacey said the Bougainville disaster office is devising the policy to be implemented in the region and appealed to boat owners to work along with it.
Mr Lacey appealed to boat owners to take extra precaution while travelling at sea at this time due to strong winds.
He is calling especially to people in the outer islands of Bougainville who seek government services to make sure they are not travelling unnecessarily.
Mr Lacey said if there are boats travelling, there must be necessities on board such as extra petrol, paddle, canvas plus many more that will help them in bad times.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis warning to foreigners
Bougainville President John Momis has sent his condolences to the families of two foreign nationals, believed to have drowned, in a boating mishap at Laruma Point off Torokina, Bougainville.
The two foreigners, believed to be Chinese, were among seven passengers travelling in a 40-ft banana boat from Buka to Torokina on Wednesday, August 2.
Five of the passengers were PNG nationals, four Bougainvilleans and one from the Gulf Province who is believed to be an employee of one of the two Chinese nationals who operates gold and scrap metal buying business in Lae and the two deceased. It is believed they were travelling to Torokina to buy scrap metal.
“It is an example of foreigners who are coming to Bougainville without the government’s knowledge so we do not know that they are here until accidents like this happen and there is nothing the government can do,” Mr Momis said.
A search party dispatched by the Bougainville Disaster office to locate the bodies of the two missing foreigners has been called off and arrangements are being made to inform the families of the missing persons.
President Momis issued a warning to foreign nationals visiting remote areas of Bougainville of the risks involved due to lack of proper transportation and the need to be aware of risks when travelling to outlying districts.
Source: Post-Courier
Parliament approves committees
PARLIAMENT yesterday approved new Permanent Parliamentary Committee Chairmans when announced by Leader of Government Business Moses Maladina in Parliament.
And the O’Neill-Namah Government among the lists, recognised the new Member for North Bougainville Louta Atoi, rewarded him with the Chairman of Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence.
* Member for Markham Open Koni Iguan - chairman on Legislation
* former Minister for Environment and Conservation in the Somare-Abal Government Benny Allan, chairman on Pensions and Retirements Benefit,
* MP for North Fly Open –Chairman on Plan and Estimates,
* MP for Gazelle Open Malakai Tabar, chairman on Public Accounts,
* MP for Wosera-Gawi Ronald Asik, chairman on Communications,
* MP for Hangenofi Open Ferao Orimyo on Industry and Industrial Relations, Chairman on Transport and Civil Aviation,
* MP for Kerema Open Pitom Bombom, chairman on Justice,
* MP for Daulo Open Kondo Patrick chairman on Asian Owned and Operated Business in PNG,
* MP for North Waghi Open Benjamin Mul, chairman on Ombudsman Commission, and
* For Minister for Community Development and MP for Moresby South Dame Carol Kidu as chairman on Community Development.
Dame Carol, sitting at the middle bench this time after the change of government, rose from her seat to dispute her appointment but the Speaker Jeffery Nape over-ruled her interjection advising her that Parliament had overwhelmingly approved her nomination as chairman on Community Development.
Dame Carol was out of the country when the Opposition backed by dissatisfied government back-benchers and six ministers ousted the Acting Prime Minister Sam Abal from office last Tuesday.
She however was present for the Parliamentary Sitting yesterday and unfortunately was at the receiving end of criticisms from the O’Neill- Namah led government.
Source: Post-Courier
Disaster preparedness vital
DISASTER preparedness is not the work of the government alone - so much of it is with the people themselves, according to Bougainville Disaster Coordinator, Franklyn Lacey when responding to questions raised on the preparedness towards the predicted drought in 2012.
‘’Disaster is a day to day situation for us and it is up to the people to plan well, come up with programs that will guide them to establish a good safer environment for their families,’’ said Mr Lacey.
Franklyn Lacey said preparing for disaster is not so much with the government but eighty percent of it is the responsibility of the people in the communities.
He said if the people take heed of their responsibility, the government can do a little in carrying out awareness on what to expect during these climate change activities just to make people aware and be prepared to face the situations, however most of it is still with the people.
“Disaster preparedness is purely common sense as we are looking for ways which we can take to help us in the expected situations so we must not be relaxing too much and expecting the government to feed us every time,’’ Mr Lacey said.
“We must not be addicted to receive only but we must work hard to sustain our own lives and the government can come in to help in whatever needs which are beyond control,” he said.
Mr Lacey believed with the established knowledge that will be given from the awareness teams throughout Bougainville, the people should be able to reactivate their traditional coping measures that were used in the past to help tackle the impacts of climate change.
He urged Bougainvilleans to practice good ways of give and take so that when others are in need, “we are able to help and in return, they will also help us”. He said these are some measures used in the past and he is appealing to community leaders to educate and advice the people on the measures.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG PM promises to deliver
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neil has promised to subsidise education from elementary up to grades 12, improve deteriorating health and education facilities and major ports in the country.
Mr O'Neil was elected by 70-24 votes in parliament on Tuesday last week, when they ousted the government of ailing Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare who is recovering in a Singapore hospital from heart surgery.
Presenter: Firmin Nanol
Speaker: Peter O'Neil, PNG Prime Minister; Dame Carol Kidu ,PNG's only female MP and former Community Development Minister
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG’s O’Neill outlines broad agenda but opposition fails to show up
Papua New Guinea’s prime minister, Peter O’Neill, has outlined a broad agenda for his week-old government.
In parliament, Mr O’Neill promised closer ties to Australia and the establishment of an independent commission against corruption.
In a wide-ranging speech, he also promised free education to students up to year 10 as part of the 2012 budget, and a reinvigoration of the nation’s police force ahead of the 2012 elections.
Mr O’Neill told parliament his government will strengthen PNG’s relationships particularly with neighbours Australia and Indonesia.
Since 2005, the former government of Sir Michael Somare had encouraged a "look North" policy, supporting closer ties to nations such as China, rather than Australia.
However, the opposition benches were empty, with MPs loyal to former acting prime minister Sam Abal refusing to attend the session.
The deputy prime minister, Belden Namah, later blasted opposition MPs for boycotting yesterday’s first sitting of parliament.
Mr Namah condemned former acting prime minister Sam Abal and his supporters for refusing to participate in parliament a week after MPs voted 70 to 24 to oust Mr Abal and his government.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Report refuted
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Peace and Reconciliation ,NEWTON KAUVA is another Bougainville leader to lass on the Post Courier for misreporting on Bougainville issues.
MR. KAUVA in a news release sent to New Dawn FM yesterday said that the Post courier report of August 2nd was totally malicious, provocative, sensational and must not be seriously taken.
He said that Bougainville and are intelligent and must not be manipulated by this unprofessional biased and hidden agenda kind of reporting.
MR.KAUVA said that the people must understand that Chinese investors are not here to invade Bougainville as the report seemed to imply.
He said that Chinese were here before colonial rule and have assisted us to prosper to this stage.
Chinese were here in Buka, Arawa and Buin as the name China towns still lives on.
We are all part of a global community and this sort of reporting will paint an adverse picture on us as discriminatory region.
At this stage when we do not have the necessary technology,capital and expertize foreign partnership is the way forward to achieve the economic recovery and fiscal self reliance that we are craving for.
He said that the Autonomous Bougainville Government had always said it all along that “There will be no stand alone Enterprise or Business” and we should not press the panic button when Chinese, Australians, Canadians etc come to our region through proper channel to look for partnership opportunities.
The Autonomous Bougainville government is well aware and is in a process of drawing up a policy to reserve certain Businesses for our people which may require less capital and our own local entrepreneurs have proven record to undertake.
The Minister further explained that certain foreigners who are currently operating and competing against our small business people are married to us and our Bougainville constitution allows them to do so.
He said if the people of Bougainville are not happy it is up to the people to decide and revisit the Bougainville constitution to make some changes to it.
Minister Kauva is further appealing to the people of Bougainville to refrain from unlawful intimidation.
Source: World Bank
Sharing Mining Benefits in Developing Countries
Extractive Industries for Development
Mining projects in developing countries are increasingly expected to deliver sustainable benefits to local, regional, and national stakeholders. Many governments and companies have been considering the use of foundations, trusts, and funds (FTFs) as vehicles for sharing the benefits of mining operations with the surrounding communities. To achieve sustainable benefits, however, mining FTFs need to be integrated into the local context.
With more than 60 mining FTFs operating in the developing world, there is a vast breadth of experience in using these structures to share the benefits of mining. This report has sought to expand the knowledge base around the use of FTFs in the mining sector given the clear demand for additional knowledge and expertise in this field.
From experiences with corporate philanthropy using FTFs in the United States in the 1930s to the modification of taxation arrangements through FTF structures in Peru in 2007, the mining industry has used FTFs to achieve various goals and to share benefits through royalty payments to governments, compensation payments to affected individuals and communities, and community investment programs.
Click here to download
the report download as PDF !

Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville leader hits back at media criticism of China deal
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, has hit back at criticism of his government’s links with China.
Bougainville has recently completed a joint venture arrangement to export its agricultural produce directly to China to ensure better returns.
Mr Momis says comments published last week in the Post Courier newspaper accused him and his ministers of signing the deals for their personal benefit - accusations the president roundly rejects.
He calls the claims irresponsible.
“It is done in a transparent way, we have no hidden agenda and this sort of allegation is coming I am sure definitely from people who have had failed and corrupt deals with foreigners before, which my government is determined to stop.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
THIRTEEN Candidates have nominated to contest the Tonsu By-election at the close of nominations yesterday.
By lunch time yesterday, only eleven candidates were still registered until the eleventh hour when two more nominated to close at 13 candidates.
Immediately after close of nominations, the electoral office the held the order of draw for the ballot papers at the BELL ISI PARK in Buka town.
The final names are, Joel K. Noga a former staff of Izikiel Massat the former member for Tonsu, Eddie Mohin former ex combatant, Former Town Clerk for Arawa Town, Uzaiah Toukes,KOUT KAVOP former Government liason officer, Buka businessmen and Philemon Tulo, former ABG staff MICHAEL TOREAS,JONATHAN RINGIN, ISRAEL KOUT, ISAAC HEKEN THOMPSON, former BCL recruitment officer, JOHN DUMIT, Methodist church Pastor, DUDLEY MATUAN, BEN TSIU CHACKCHUK, and former chairman of Leitana Council of Elders,JOEL BANAM.
Polling will begin on the tenth of September , 2011 and will end on September 15th.
Writs will then be returned to the ABG Speaker on September 28th 2011.
The Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, REITAMA TARAVARU said that he expects about FIVE THOUSAND eligible voters to cast their votes in the By-election.
MR. TARAVARU said that a total of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND KINA has been requested from the ABG for the Tonsu By-election.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Momis condolence
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President, Chief John Momis today sent his condolences to the families of the two foreign nationals(believed to Chinese) who are still missing confirmed to have drowned in a boat mishap at Laruma point off Torokina, West coast of Bougainville.
The two chinese were among seven passengers travelling in a 40HP 23 FT Banana boat from Buka to Torokina on Wednesday August 2nd,2011.
Five passengers were PNG Nationals (four Bougainvilleans and one from Gulf Province).
The passenger from Gulf Province is believed to be an employee of one of the Chinese Nationals, who operates a Gold and Scrap Metal buying business in Lae, Morobe Province and who was travelling to Torokina to buy scrap metal.
“This is an example of foreigners coming to Bougainville without the government’s knowledge, so we do not know that they are here until accidents like this happen, and there is nothing the government can do” said the President.
A search party of locals dispatched by the Bougainville disaster office failed to locate the bodies of the two foreigners and the search has been called off.
In the meantime arrangements are being made to inform the families of the two missing persons.
In conveying his condolences to the families of the two foreigners, ABG President JOHN MOMIS warned foreign nationals visiting remote areas of Bougainville of the risks involved due to lack of proper transportation and the need to be aware of such risks when travelling to outlying districts.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG minister refutes report
THE Minister for Peace and Autonomy in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Newton Kauba has been compelled to advice the people of Bougainville not to always believe in media reports.
Mr Kauba was responding to the report on the Post-Courier dated 02-08-2011 about Chinese on Bougainville as totally malicious, provocative, sensational and must not be taken seriously.
“We Bougainvilleans are very intelligent people and must not be seen to be manipulated by this unprofessionalism, biased and hidden agender reporting,” Mr Kauba said.
“We must understand that Chinese investors are not here to invade us as the reports seem to imply on us,” he said.
Mr Kauba further stated that Chinese were here before the colonial rule who have assisted Bougainvilleans to this stage.
“Chinese were in Buka, Buin and Kieta and in Buka old people referred to it as China town or “Tsinatong”. We all are global community and this sort of reporting will paint an adverse picture on us as discriminatory region. Genuine credible investors will be scared away when they see our region as a discriminatory region,” Mr Kauba said.
“At this stage when we do not have the necessary technology, capital and expertise, foreign partnership is the way forward to achieve the economic recovery and fiscal self reliance that we have been waiting for.”
Mr Kauba also stressed that the Autonomous Bougainville Government had always said that “there will be no standing alone business or enterprise”. And people should not press the panic button when Chinese, Australians Canadians etc. come to Bougainville through proper channels to gauge partnership and investment opportunities.
“Certain foreigners who are conducting business here on Bougainville are married here and the constitution permits them to do so. I challenge any reporter who is reporting on sensitive issues regarding Bougainville to investigate properly and come up with the real facts,” he said.
Source: The National
Confirmed cabinet ministries
Peter O’Neill – Prime Minister
Belden Namah – Deputy Prime Minister; Forestry and Climate Change
Don Polye – Treasury and Finance
Sam Basil – National Planning
Bart Philemon – Public Service
William Duma – Petroleum and Energy
Ken Fairweather – Housing and Urban Development
Moses Maladina – Implementation and Rural Development
Charles Abel – Trade, Commerce and Industry
David Arore – Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology
Dr Allan Marat – Attorney-General and Justice
John Boito – Internal Security
Guma Wau – Defence
Sai Sailon Beseo – Correctional Services
Job Pomat – Fisheries
Ano Pala – Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Sir Mekere Morauta – Public Enterprises
Theo Zurenuoc – Education
Sir Puka Temu – Agriculture and Livestock
Thompson Harokaqveh – Environment and Conservation
Sali Subam – Sports
Martin Aini – Labour and Industrial Relations
Byron Chan – Mining
Jim Miringtoro – Communication and Information Technology
Steven Kama Pirika – Bougainville Affairs
Andrew Mald – Community Development; Religion and Family Affairs
Mark Maipakai – Inter-Government Relations and District Development
Francis Awesa – Transport and Works
Puri Ruing – Civil Aviation
Lucas Dekena – Lands and Physical Planning
Jamie Maxtone-Graham – Health
Benjamin Philip – Tourism, Arts and Culture
Wake Goi – Assisting the Prime Minister on Constitutional Matters

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill (seated second left) and his team of ministers posing with Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio (seated third left). Also seated at left is Petroleum and Energy Minister William Duma, Treasurer and Finance Minister Don Polye (second right) and Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Ano Pala. Missing from the picture is Deputy Prime Minister and Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Australian official returns to PNG no-go zone
For the first time in 20 years an Australian government official has entered a remote part of Papua New Guinea that's long been considered a no-go zone.
Australia's High Commissioner to PNG Ian Kemish visited the defunct Panguna copper mine on the island of Bougainville last week.
Local resentment towards the mine sparked a decade long civil war that left several thousand people dead.
The last time an Australian official visited Panguna was in 1990.
Presenter: Liam Fox
Speaker: Ian Kemish, Australia's High Commissioner to PNG
Listen here !
Source: ESBC
ESBC press release 20110808
Completely irrational!
ESBC President confirms outlook.
The President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) calls the actual sell-off of Bougainville Copper shares as ‘completely irrational and misleading’. Axel G. Sturm confirms his previous positive rating of AUD 3.00 (EUR 2,19) per share as an absolute realistic price. ‘The re-opening of the Panguna mine on the island of Bougainville (Papua New Guinea)’, says Sturm, ‘will become reality within the next 3 to 5 years as BCL Chairman Peter Taylor stated earlier this year. In so far investments in Bougainville Copper shares have to be considered as much more reliable than any investment in gold certificates”. Bougainville Copper shares have a fair value von AUD 30 to 50 once the mine is operational again (Source: ESBC Research).
Völlig irrational!
ESBC Präsident bestätigt Kursziel.
Den aktuellen Kurseinbruch bei Bougainville Copper (BCL) Aktien bezeichnet der Präsident der europäischen Aktionäre (ESBC) des Unternehmens Axel G. Sturm als völlig irrational und irreführend.
Sturm bestätigte seine positive Bewertung von Anfang des Jahres (AUD 3.00/EUR 2,19) mit dem Hinweis auf die positiven Entwicklungen vor Ort, die eine Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine (Bougainville/Papua Neuguinea) binnen des von BCL Vorstand Peter Taylor avisierten Zeitraums von 3 bis 5 Jahren absolut realistisch erscheinen lassen: „Ein Investment in Bougainville Aktien“, so Sturm, „ist allemal seriöser als der Ankauf von Goldzertifikaten.“ Laut ESBC Recherchen hat Bougainville Copper Limited einen Fair Value von AUD 30 bis AUD 50 bei voller Produktionsleistung.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville China deal to eliminate middle men in international trade
The autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is establishing a joint venture with a Chinese company to eliminate middle men who it says pay low prices and make huge profits out of its agricultural exports.
The president John Momis says they want to empower the people and have collaborated with a Chinese business which’ll buy the province’s copra and cocoa and other goods.
He says the joint venture will ensure better returns and allow the province to access technology so it can properly prepare the foods for export.
And Mr Momis says they’ll also import a range of products direct from China.
“Prepared housing, household goods, clothing, radios, mobile phones, lap tops - all the things that we buy from Rabaul wholesale businesses, Lae and Port Moresby, which are astronomically high. We know for a fact - I was in China - and things were very cheap there. We can get them straight from the factories.”
Source: Post-Courier
Chinese duo die in Torokina
By Gorethy Kenneth
TWO Chinese tycoons are dead after a business trip to Torokina, south Bougainville turned into a nightmare last week.
The two men (named) were travelling with their Kerema business partner (named) and locals who invited them to Torokina on a dinghy powered by a 60 HP machine on Wednesday last week when the incident happened.
The boat suddenly capsized when big waves thumped the boat, breaking it and the machines into pieces.
The two Chinese men drowned with thousands of kina in hand.
According to the Bougainville police, the men are still missing but the Kerema partner is recovering in Torokina. It is not known how much money they were carrying and what business these men were after but according to locals from Torokina over the weekend, they had more than K200,000 in cash to buy scrap metals, specifically brash and some weapons and ammunition.
The incident has angered the local MP for Torokina so much that he has warned all other foreigners to take heed when travelling to Bougainville to make business.
Torokina Constituency MP Steven Suako expressed concerns over the mishap. He also expressed sympathy over the death of the two Chinese men in his constituency.
He said he was not aware of the travel by the Chinese to his constituency.
“I want to make it clear to my people and the public that I am not against foreigners being involved in doing business in Torokina and Bougainville. They must come through the ABG.
“The villagers from Torokina who invited the Chinese must therefore take full responsibility of what has happened. And on behalf of the people of Torokina, I wish to convey my words of condolences to the immediate family and relatives of the Chinese men who have died in the boat incident,” he said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Two Chinese nationals are said to be missing after the boat they were travelling in to check for Scrap Metals in the Torokina district of Bougainville capsized in rough seas on Wednesday this week.
According to reports reaching New Dawn FM office said that the boat left at around 2 PM for Torokina which is only accessed by boat and air.
There were seven passengers in the boat at the time of the accident.
They left Buka when strong winds were just starting and did not stop until morning.
The local disaster office has notified the Chinese Embassy regarding this incident.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Member frustrated
ABG Member for TOROKINA, STEVEN SUAKO today expressed concern and sympathy for the dead of two Chinese in his constituency.
Member SUAKO said he is concern because ABG was not aware of their business in TOROKINA but he believed they have gone to TOROKINA to buy scrap metals.
He said the incident must be seen as a lesson to foreigners who are so desperate to do business in the Region but do not go through relevant authorities.
MR SUAKO said he was not aware of the travel by the Chinese to his Constituency and was not informed by his people regarding their business activities in the areas.
He added he wants to make it clear to his people and the public that he is not against foreigners being involved in doing business in TOROKINA and Bougainville but they must come through the ABG.
The Member said the villagers from TOROKINA who invited the Chinese must therefore take full responsibility of what has happened.
On behalf of the people of TOROKINA, he conveyed his condolences to the immediate family and relatives of the Chinese who have died in the boat incident.
Source: The National
33 in cabinet
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has appointed 33 new ministers in a cabinet line-up of mostly unknowns which, he claims, “are simple and humble leaders for the people of Papua New Guinea”.
However, indications were that representation from the highlands was most powerful, securing key economic positions including that of the prime minister, finance and treasury plus petroleum and energy.
Political sources said this might backfire on O’Neill and his People’s National Congress party in the general election next year.
The southern region National Alliance group that defected to support the opposition was rewarded with five ministerial portfolios.
The United Resources Party, PNC and People’s Party factions were rewarded with four ministries.
O’Neill said the distribution of ministries was done in consultation with political parties and leaders. East Sepik and West New Britain missed out completely.
A couple of Sepik MPs, including Wosera-Gawi’s Ronald Asik and Telefomin’s Peter Iwei, were evidently unhappy with their exclusion and shouted expletives during the swearing-in ceremony.
“One or two have missed out largely because of numbers; many were not been present in government and parties’ decisions on who gets a ministry,” the prime minister said.
He said there was full consultation between the different coalition partners and he tried his best to cover all provinces in his cabinet.
“The distribution of ministries shows a humble government for the people of Papua New Guinea.”
O’Neill congratulated the new ministers sworn-in by Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio at Government House last Friday.
They included Ken Fairweather (Sumkar); Charles Abel (Alotau); David Arore (Ijivitari); Guma Wau (Kerowagi); Steven Kama (South Bougainville); Jim Miringtoro (Central Bougainville); Martin Aini (Kavieng); Jamie Maxtone-Graham (Anglimp-South Waghi); Thompson Harokaqveh (Goroka); Lucas Dekena (Gumine); Byron Chan (Namatanai); Puri Ruing (Dei); Benjamin Philip (Menyamya); Sali Subam (South Fly); Andrew Mald (Moresby Northeast); Mark Maipakai (Kikori); and Sai Beseo (Kainantu).
O’Neill also challenged the opposition members to re-join their political leaders in the new-look government.
Source: The National
Probable O’Neill-Namah cabinet
WHILE all who were named ministers were sworn in last week, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is yet to officially name their portfolios.
The following is the most probable cabinet
line-up based on unofficial information.
The full line-up would be announced today.
Peter O’Neill – Prime Minister
Belden Namah – Deputy Prime Minister; Forestry and Climate Change
Don Polye – Treasury and Finance
William Duma – Petroleum and Energy
Sam Basil – National Planning
Moses Maladina – Implementation and Rural Development
Francis Awesa – Works and Transport
Bart Philemon – Public Service
Sir Puka Temu – Agriculture
Sir Mekere Morauta – State Enterprises
Dr Allan Marat – Attorney-General and Justice
John Boito – Internal Security
Guma Wau – Defence
Sai Sailon Beseo – Correctional Services
Job Pomat – Fisheries
Ano Pala – Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Theo Zurenuoc – Education
Sali Subam – Sports
Martin Aini – Labour and Industrial Relations
Byron Chan – Mining
Charles Abel – Trade; Commerce and Industry
Jim Miringtoro – Communication and Information
Steven Kama – Bougainville Affairs
Andrew Mald – Community Development; Religion and Family Affairs
Mark Maipakai – Government Relations and District Development
David Arore – Higher Education
Thompson Harokaqveh – Environment and Conservation
Puri Ruing – Civil Aviation
Lucas Dekena – Lands and Physical Planning
Jamie Maxtone-Graham – Health and HIV/AIDS
Ken Fairweather – Housing and Urbanisation
Wake Goi – Minister assisting the Prime Minster on Constitutional Matters.
Benjamin Philip – Minister without portfolio
Source: Post-Courier
It’s time for economic development in Bougainville
FORMER Trade and Industry Secretary and Ambassador Peter Peipul says time for politics and mining in Bougainville is over and people should now be fully involved with economic development.
And it is an envy coming from Southern Highlands, a place that cannot match the very rich natural resources that Bougainville enjoys and have. The leader who says he has a very soft spot for Bougainville says it is now time for full speed economic development in that region and stressed that time for politics and mining should be set aside.
“This is my advice to Bougainvilleans. You have the largest plantations in the Southern Hemisphere, very rich natural resources, cocoa and copra and many more,” Ambassador Peipul said. Ambassador Peipul said that he was very proud to see at Boroko in Port Moresby, people selling Buka soap and Buka oil that is produced in that region and said that these are the sort of things that Bougainvilleans should be more involved in.
“It’s time for Bougainville to take off into economic development. You have a very rich country, mining and politics should be stopped first. You should look at downstream processing, making chocolate in the region, you have the potential. The rice mill in Bougainville is very good in South Bougainville. Economic development should be more than anything else. This copper and gold – it’s a troublemaker product. We have to move our beautiful province there. “I used to run trade and industry in 1987 to 1990 and wanted to initiate this industrialisation process and downstream processing. I say this because I have a soft spot for Bougainville.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG court refuses to grant injuction sought by former acting PM
The national court of Papua New Guinea has refused to grant an injunction sought by former acting prime minister Sam Abal to stop the government of Peter O’Neill.
Yesterday, Judge Gavara-Nanu found that granting the injunction - which called for Mr O’Neill and his government to cease all official activities - would cause PNG to grind a halt and spark a crisis in the 36-year-old nation.
Mr Abal lost his job as acting leader on Tuesday, after 48 government MPs joined 22 from the opposition to elect Mr O’Neill as prime minister by a vote of 70 to 24.
Mr Abal’s lawyer, Davis Steven, claimed there was no vacancy in the prime ministership, which rendered Tuesday’s vote on the floor of parliament invalid.
However, Judge Gavara-Nanu told the court in Port Moresby that the office was vacated when Governor-General Michael Oglio swore Mr O’Neill in on Tuesday.
The man who appointed Mr Abal as acting prime minister in April, former prime minister Sir Michael Somare, remains out of the public spotlight.
The 75-year-old self-titled "grand chief" of PNG has reportedly been in Raffles Hospital in Singapore since undergoing heart surgery.
He departed for Singapore at the end of a court-mandated two-week dismissal from office in mid-March, after being found guilty of financial misconduct dating back 20 years.
Source: Post-Courier
Australian High Commissioner Ian Kemish visits Panguna
Who would have beleived that a foreigner could pass through the barrier at the Morgan Junction and into the Panguna District of Bougainville.
Well it was true. On August 2, the Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, Ian Kemish, passed freely through the barrier at the Morgan Junction and into the Panguna District of Bougainville.
He was accompanied by the Head of AusAID in PNG, Stephanie Copus-Campbell and three other colleagues from the High Commission.
This was the first time that the Australian Government officials had entered the ‘no-go zone’ since the Bougainville crisis erupted in 1988. They did so without paying a fee.
This courtesy was extended to the Australian Government by General Chris Uma of the original government of Me’ekamui, the group that continues to man the checkpoint at the entrance to the zone.
The visit is an important sign of the gradual return to normalcy in Panguna District.
Since the signing of the Panguna Communiqué in 2007, the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has had free access into the zone to deliver essential services.
The Me’ekamui Government of Unity, as signatory to the Communiqué, led the way in this regard. AusAID has been delivering development projects in Panguna for some years but it has not been able to monitor their implementation or identify additional priority areas of need as the Australian officials may now come and go freely.
The visit allowed Ms Copus-Campbell to review the condition of the road in Panguna, which is maintained by AusAID.
“Roads are critically important to service delivery,” she said.
“I was heartened to see that the road was in good condition and that Bougainvillean youths were being employed to maintain it.”
AusAID has also funded construction of the district administration building and an attached aid post in the Panguna township.
In addition to the projects in Panguna, AusAID has helped to improve services in the nearby centre, Arawa.
“Through the Governance and Implementation Fund, we have improved water and sanitation standards in Arawa town and helped to fund the extension of 24 hour power to the centre,” Ms Copus-Campbell said.
Power is set to be activated in the coming months.
The High Commission team was accompanied by former president of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, James Tanis.
The ABG was represented by the Melchior Dare MHR, Member for the Eivo/Torau constituency in central Bougainville.
At the beginning of the year, the Autonomous Bougainville Government started the Panguna Peace Initiative, intended over time to reconcile long-standing differences and ensure all stakeholders in Panguna become partners to the peace process. It has broad support and is making impressive progress.
Australia has been proud to back the process through the provision of a range of diplomatic advice, financial and technical assistance. An open dialogue will be essential if an agreement to eventually reopen the mine at Panguna is to be reached.
“While many challenges lie ahead, they become surmountable when Bougainvilleans are being united and working together,” Mr Kemish said. Before the visit, Mr Kemish and his delegation worked with the Autonomous Bougainville Government and peace builders such as James Tanis to make the necessary preparations.
“It was important to us that the visit be conducted with respect. With help from our friends and partners in Bougainville, we were able to ensure proper courtesies were extended.
The people of the district feel this is important given the previous experience with outside visits,” Mr Kemish said.
These courtesies involved a ceremony at Morgan Junction with the High Commissioner walking formally through the check-point before offering tokens of respect to Chris Uma and his colleagues.
The High Commissioner also accepted local advice on where precisely he should go within the district, during what he hoped would be the first visit of the many.
“And by doing it this way,” the High Commissioner said, “we have managed to build a number of new bridges.”
The Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and other donors such as New Zealand, has been a committed friend to Bougainville. Since 1997, Australia has spent over K700 million on restoration and development assistance to the region.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso: ABG move fishy
BOUGAINVILLE woman advocate and leader Francesca Semoso has called on Autonomous Bougainville Government to explain why it allowed Asians to operate general merchandise shops in Buka when a notice to remain shut had been issued by the Bougainville Business Association.
The ABG Commerce, Trade and Industry office had issued a letter to the Buka Urban LLG on July 26, two weeks after the business meeting which agreed to have the shops remain shut until August 21.
An angry Semoso has demanded an explanation from the ABG whose interest they were serving – whether they were protecting the interest of ordinary Bougainvilleans who were struggling to make ends meet with their smallscale trade stores and shops in Buka town, or the Asian who suddenly pop up in Buka town with lots of money and goods to make business in Buka.
A letter circulated in Buka town, written to the Buka Urban LLG giving approval to a Happy Sound general merchandise shop in town, has sparked criticism against the ABG as it contradicts the words of President John Momis who has preached time and time again about protecting the interest of Bougainvilleans.
The letter read: “Please arrange to provide the above company the appropriate licence(s) to operate a general merchandise shop in Buka town.
“The above has satisfied the Bougainville Investment Policy and is therefore granted approval to operate.”
Ms Semoso said: “In light of the petition before the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry, a decision is yet to be made by the Bougainville executive council. Until then, the current investment policy is exercised until contradicted or amended by the BEC decision after its seating.
“I am very angry and I will not allow this to happen and as long as I live in Buka town, I am not going to allow these ***** to walk all over my people. I am not going to be a mere rubbish collector on my own land. Shame on you Bougainville leaders for allowing these things to happen.”
Ms Semoso was particularly angry because the BBA, of which she is an executive, made recommendations for these shops to remain shut until a deliberation on investment policies made by the BBA.
ABG Trade Commerce and Industry defied the BBA agreement and ordered the Urban Council to allow merchandise shop.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President Chief John Momis today congratulated PETER O'NEILL as the new Prime Minister for Papua New Guinea.
He told New Dawn FM in Buka this afternoon that he hopes to work in collaboration with the new Prime Minister and his yet to be appointed ministers.
MR. MOMIS said that although the last government made big commitments in assisting the ABG, practically the commitment was not displayed.
On the question of if he would work well with the new Prime Minister, the ABG President, said that Bougainville was given autonomy and should collaborate and work well with any Papua New Guinea Government.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville Police services is warning the people around West Coast of Bougainville island and Buka island to be wary of salt water crocodiles when they are going about their daily activities.
Police have reported that many salt water crocodiles have been sighted in these areas and are warning people to take extra care all the time.
A report from the Buka Police Station states that a five to six metres long crocodile has been sighted near Tukihing Primary School where it is believed to be nesting.
The crocodile was first sighted by a pastor from Tung Village, James Tavish who said he scared the crocodile away as it was silently swimming towards a group of school children fishing on a reef near the mouth of the Poka River.
And yesterday, a student from Tukihing Primary School , Mary Sisip had a lucky escape when she spotted the reptile in time and alerted her friends ,who were using the mangroves as a toilet, to escape the stalking reptile.
The nesting crocodile is believed to be hungry and searching for easy prey near Tukihing Primary School and Poka and Tung Villages.
Police have been notified of the crocodile sightings and Acting Bougainville Police Chief Huitona Tohua has directed his Buka Police Station Commander to deal with the issue.
Last month a woman from Queen Carola Harbour area, northwest Buka was carried of by a crocodile and several other attacks have also been reported to police over the last six months.
Reports from nearby Solomon Islands also indicate an increase in crocodile population ever since the crocodile skin trade was banned in the 1980s.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A Bougainville woman, SR LORAINE GARASU has been described as a remarkable woman who through her Rehabilitation Centre has helped the women and children of Bougainville escape domestic violence and regain their confidence.
The Australian High Commissioner to PNG, IAN KEMISH made these remarks yesterday when presenting the Order of Australia Medal in Buka.
High Commissioner Kemish, said that SR. LORAINE has been a voice for peace, reconciliation and forgiveness in Bougainville for many years.
He said domestic and family violence is, unfortunately a far too common issue in Papua New Guinea.
In Bougainville, the issue is compounded by the fact that many families and communities are still suffering from trauma resulting from the crisis.
Sister Loraine has been raising awareness on this issue and providing practical assistance to victims for many years.
Source: Post-Courier
Nisira refutes Semoso’s report
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government Vice President Patrick Nisira has refuted claims made by Regional MP Fidelis Semoso in the media last week.
“In my capacity as the ABG Vice President, I would like to tell the people of Bougainville that the former Bougainville Affairs Minister mustn’t attack ABG, claiming that his government ABG was responsible for bank cheques that have bounced back from the BSP Buka branch,” Mr Nisira said.
He said Mr Semoso’s claim was “totally misleading, baseless, biased and unsubstantiated, and is fabricated by people who have assorted revulsions for this legitimate Autonomous Government on Bougainville”.
“I would like to make it clear that the ABG does not control the financial matters for the Bougainville Affairs Minister and therefore has no involvement on such matters,” Mr Nisira said.
He said the ABG had nothing to do with the validity of cheques issued by Mr Semoso to various small groups for small projects on Bougainville, nor has any say over how and where his funds are transferred. These are solely Mr Semoso’s matters.
“The (former) Minister should not point fingers at the ABG for his own mishaps with the finance office. Bougainvilleans deserve unforged information that is equally a representation of reality,” Mr Nisira said.
He said it is unbecoming of Mr Semoso to openly lay blame on the ABG for matters he should feel responsible for.
“It’s unprofessional and degrad-ing for a leader of such status to attack the ABG in the media, the ABG’s financial affairs are not a concern of the ABG,” Mr Nisira said.
According to the financial treasurer in Buka Paul Amera, the media report was not true and of biased nature.
“Whoever reported the matter would have known the real facts had he consulted the finance office in Buka,” Mr Amera said.
“Reporters should have valid information on such matters before publishing them,” Mr Amera said.
Mr Amera said the issue was a minor internal matter with finance and the BSP Buka branch and it shouldn’t have been blown out of proportion in the media.
“The matter has already been settled and everything is back to normal. If you have a cheque, then you will get your money from the bank, no problem for now,” Mr Amera said.
Source: Post-Courier
Caretaker Cabinet
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill last night announced a 14-men caretaker cabinet which will be replaced in less than 48 hours to run Papua New Guinea when a full cabinet is finalised tomorrow (Friday).
Among those appointed were Don Pomb Polye and William Duma who were famously dumped by former Acting Prime Minister Sam Abal – an act that eventually led to disgruntled Abal foot soldiers defecting to join Mr Polye and Mr Duma to topple their former general.
Now back in the new O’Neill caretaker cabinet, they were named along with three former ministers in the former Somare Abal regime - Moses Maladina, Ano Pala and Job Pomat.
Mr Polye was appointed caretaker Finance and Treasury minister while Mr Duma was put in charge of Petroleum and Energy portfolio in the caretaker cabinet Mr O’Neill announced last night.
Apart from Polye and Duma, the others are: Belden Namah - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Forest and Climate Change; Bart Philemon - Public Service and Sports; Sir Puka Temu - Agriculture and Community Development; Sam Basil - Fisheries and Health HIV AIDS; Francis Awesa - Works, Transport and Civil Aviation; Sir Mekere Morauta - State Enterprises; Dr Allan Marat - Justice and Attorney General, Labour and Industrial Relations; John Boito - Internal Security and Correctional Services; Theo Zurecnuoc - Education, Higher Education, Mining; Job Pomat - Bougainville Affairs, Inter Government Relations, Commerce and Industry and Housing; Moses Maladina - National Planning and Rural Development, Defence, and Ano Pala - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Immigration.
Mr Polye will also look after the Lands and Pyhsical Planning portfolio while Mr Duma also looks after the Arts, Culture and Tourism portfolio.
Mr O’Neill said a full cabinet will be announced by tomorrow.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Villagers relocated by Bougainville Copper suffer most says peace advisor.
A leading academic and adviser to the Bougainville Autonomous government says the communities who have suffered most from the Rio Tinto owned Panguna copper mine are those that were relocated from villages at the mine site or from sites affected by mine tailings.
The mine was closed down in 1989 after it sparked a bloody civil war but, with Bougainville due to hold a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea within the next ten years, moves are afoot to re-open the mine.
Landowners from the 6 mine lease areas are now going through a process to set up representative organisations to negotiate with the Rio Tinto subsidiary, Bougainville Copper Limited.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: Anthony Regan, a Research Fellow at the Australian National University
Listen here !
GARRETT: When it shutdown, Rio Tinto's Bougainville copper mine was one of the biggest in the world and it had been operating for 17 years.
Anthony Regan, a Research Fellow at the Australian National University has been an adviser to the parties in the Bougainville Peace process since 1994.
He says the people who have been most adversely affected by the mine are those that had to be relocated.
REGAN: The ones in the mine site were relocated up onto hard rocky ledges created by the digging of the mine pit. The relocated houses built by BCL were burnt by the army and the police in 1989 and the people are living in squatter camp conditions in scrap metal constructed houses. The septic tanks sunk into the rock are completely full, to the brim, so when it rains, and it is very high rainfall up there, water rushes down over the top of the septic tanks and there is raw sewage running through the villages. The fact that people have avoided death by cholera and typhoid is amazing.
GARRETT: The mine operator, BCL was also forced to relocate people affected by the mine's tailings.
At the time, it was considered to be too expensive to send these people home so they were moved to relatives land, either along the coast or at Moratona, around 15 kilometres inland.
REGAN: On this land of relatives, it was OK at the time because there weren't so many people but, since then, populations of the relocated people and relatives have risen dramatically. There are now thousands of relocated villagers and they have no rights to timber, to the sak sak leafing used for roofing. They have no water supply, they can't grow cash crops and tensions are developing between them and the original owners whose land is running short for their own purposes.
GARRETT: As part of the peace process set up in the wake of the civil war, Bougainville will hold a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea sometime between 2015 and 2020.
Many people believe the only way they will get a real choice during in that referendum, is if their island has at least a measure of economic self-reliance.
It is that desire for development that is behind the push to re-open the mine.
Bougainville's President, John Momis, has made it clear Panguna will not re-open without the support of the people and his government is working with landowners to set up representative associations for each of the 6 mine lease areas.
Peace process adviser, Anthony Regan, says the people of the relocated villages will be a significant voice in those associations.
REGAN: One of the reasons the landowners wanted to have separate associations for each lease area was because there are special needs, quite distinct needs, in each area and this issue alone indicates how different the needs are in the villages in the special mining lease as opposed to those in the lower tailings lease. So it will be a matter for each association to carefully document the needs and the problems of the people within their lease area and bring those to the table through the umbrella association but, in the process of setting up the associations, the Autonomous Bougainvlle Government, of course, is getting a tremendous window, on the issues that are facing the people, because in these long and detailed consultations the administration is having with the people, their problems are being put right on the table. I was in the tailings lease the special mining lease, in a series of meetings and the people are very clear, they know what their problems are and they are identifying them with tremendous clarity and great emotion. They really feel they have suffered, they are aware that they are the real victims of mining, and they are not opposing mining, for the future for the most part, but they are saying if it is to happen again, then it has to be done very differently and they, amongst others, have to be looked after in very different ways.
GARRETT The Bougainville Autonomous government is keen to ease the suffering of the relocated villagers but it is relying on funding promised by Port Moresby.
Until now the PNG government has been slow to deliver. With the current turmoil in Waigani hopes of receiving that $40 million soon, are fading.
Source: The National
O’Neill names caretaker team
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill yesterday announced a 14-member caretaker cabinet while calling on the outgoing government to respect parliamentary democracy in his election to the top post.
But ousted acting prime minister Sam Abal hit back, saying he had been unseated by default and stealth (story on Page 3).
The caretaker ministers included Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah, Don Polye, William Duma, Francis Awesa, Sam Basil, Sir Puka Temu, Sir Mekere Morauta, Bart Philemon, Dr Allan Marat, John Boito and Theo Zurenuoc.
The old faces in the new line-up are Job Pomat, Moses Maladina and Ano Pala while O’Neill had advised the governor-general to decommission the rest of the Somare cabinet.
He said his full cabinet would be announced before parliament resumed next Tuesday.
O’Neill said that the interim cabinet was made up of experienced, talented and vibrant young leaders.
“The immediate task of the new government is to prepare the country for a decent and fair general election next year,” he said.
O’Neill was due to call his first cabinet meeting yesterday afternoon to set the course for the new government in the next 10 months.
He also received a call in the afternoon from his Australian counterpart Julia Gillard to congratulate him on his election as prime minister (see separate story).
“There are many challenges facing the country in health, education, transport infrastructure, land and justice and massive corruption in government and we are serious in addressing them.
“We will not be vindictive but to be accountable to our people,” O’Neill said.
“We will be working for the majority of the people, not for a few individuals but for accountability and transparency.
“There are some decent policies of the former government that we will maintain like the Vision 2050, district services improvement programme and the district treasury roll-out programme. Programmes that we have lost we will review and move them forward.”
O’Neill also called on the former government to respect parliamentary democracy.
“It is an indication of our people’s desire to have change.
“The number 70-24 is not a one-vote majority. I appeal to them to be responsible and respect the wishes of our people through the parliamentary process.”
He said any legal challenges would be defended fully.
Vanimo-Green MP and former opposition leader Namah thanked O’Neill for appointing him as deputy prime minister.
“There are many challenges ahead of us but we have a good team of experienced and talented leaders to address them.
“The people of Papua New Guinea, you have been calling for change and this government is for change,” Namah said.
Source: The Australian
PNG vote weakens link to Michael Somare era
by Rowan Callick, Asia Pacific editor
PAPUA New Guinea's parliamentarians yesterday swept aside Acting Prime Minister Sam Abal and replaced him, by 70 votes to 24, with another Highlander, Peter O'Neill.
This distances PNG further from the era of Prime Minister Michael Somare, who remains seriously ill after four months in a Singapore hospital.
It positions Mr O'Neill to become, within a few weeks, the prime minister, until the national election due next year. It also clears the decks for the passage of urgently needed legislation.
Mr O'Neill is likely to make it a priority to resolve the issue of Sir Michael's health -- dispatching three doctors as required by the constitution to learn whether the Prime Minister is incapable of returning to office, as the Somare family has indicated.
If the doctors make such an assessment, this will be conveyed via Governor-General Michael Ogio to the Speaker, who will convene parliament once more for a vote that would almost certainly formalise Mr O'Neill's new status.
He leads the People's National Congress, a minority party in the governing coalition dominated by Sir Michael's National Alliance.
Mr O'Neill is the son of an Australian magistrate and his wife from the Southern Highlands, where he represents the Ialibu-Pangia constituency.
He switched from being leader of the opposition in 2004-07, to joining the Somare government after the last election.
A successful businessman before entering parliament, he is strongly pro-development and a firm backer of the $16 billion gas project being built in the Southern Highlands, which is owned by ExxonMobil, Oil Search, Santos and PNG government interests.
He replaced Patrick Pruaitch as treasurer and finance minister early last year, after Mr Pruaitch had to step down over corruption charges.
A slight cloud also remains over Mr O'Neill, following a commission of inquiry into dealings of the National Provident Fund in 2002.
Five weeks ago, Mr Abal reshuffled his cabinet and gave the job back to Mr Pruaitch. Mr O'Neill was demoted to works and transport. This move pushed Mr O'Neill towards the opposition, and appeared to alienate him from the Somare "first family".

Peter O'Neill welcomed in Buka in April 2011
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville leader hopes Damien Koike will agree to talks under UN banner
The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, has invited a former militant leader, who’s blamed for widespread criminality, to meet for talks.
Damien Koike’s group’s been blamed for ongoing lawlessness around Konnou in the south of the main island, including a number of murders.
Mr Momis says they want him to lay down his arms and allow police and other government services into the area.
The president says that after an approach from the Koike camp, he’s now written to suggest they meet on neutral ground for talks facilitated by the local United Nations representative.
“And I think this is a very good opportunity which we ourselves, the government, and Koike’s mob should accept with both hands and have this meeting because it serves no-one any good when there is constant fighting.”
President Momis says he hopes the talks can happen within the next week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Australian Government has this afternoon awarded SR.LORAINE GARASU of the NAZARETH REHABILITATION CENTRE in Chabai ,Honor of Australia Award which is bestowed only to Australian citizens.
The special award was presented at the Bougainville Administration Conference room by the Australian High Commissioner to PNG, IAN KEMISH.
In presenting the award, High Commissioner Kemish said that the people of Australia do recognize the work of Sr. Loraine in promoting rehabilitation and reconciliation through her work throughout the years.
He said that SR. LORAINE has been talking in many parts of the world highlighting issues that must be addressed on Bougainville following the conflict on the island.
He said he first met SR. LORAINE in a small town in Germany some years back talking about Bougainville when he was the High Commissioner for Australia in Germany.
In response, Award recipient, SR. LORAINE said that she first did not want to accept the award but had to accept the award after talking to many people about the award.
She said that her work is to work with simplicity and not to ask for any reward as her reward for her work is awaiting her in heaven.
The ceremony was witnessed by family members and friends.
In March 2009, SR. LORAINE received the US State Department's international women of courage award.
The award was presented to Sr Garasu in Buka by the US Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Ms Leslie Rowe. The announcement also marked this year’s International Women’s Day.
The award was established to pay tribute to women around the world who courageously champion human rights in their communities, and whose personal sacrifice is an inspiration to all people who seek peaceful change.

Pictured is Australian High Commisoner to PNG Ian Kemish puting the medal on SR LORAINE this afternoon.
Picture by Aloysius Laukai
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Foreign Businesses welcome
Bougainville President Chief John Momis says Bougainville will allow Foreigners to do business on Bougainville on Bougainville’s terms that is no stand alone businesses.
He said this was why his government emphasized strongly on joint venture business and discourages stand alone business by foreigners.
Mr Momis said since crisis Bougainville businesses were buying goods from wholesalers in PNG and these companies have made a lot of money but they have never shared any equity to benefit the people.
He added that is why the ABG encouraged Bougainvilleans to go into joint venture businesses and benefit from these activities.
Chief Momis urged the people not to harshly chase foreign businesses operating in Bougainville but follow procedures already established to address these activities.
He appealed to Bougainvilleans to accept investors to invest on Bougainville so that Bougainville can be self reliant economically.
ABG President warned foreign businesses entering Bougainville to adhere to Bougainville’s policy on investment.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Tonsu by-election begins
By Aloysius Laukai
WRITS for the Tonsu By- Election was issued late Monday evening by the Autonomous Bougainville House of Representatives speaker Andrew Miriki .
This immediately effected the start of nominations for candidates contesting for the Tonsu constituency open seat in North Bougainville.
The by-election is being held to elect a new member to represent the people of Tonsu constituency in the Autonomous Bougainville House of Representatives after former member Ezekiel Masatt resigned from his post to contest in the North Bougainville national by-election in March this year.
The successful candidate declared will serve the people of Tonsu for a period of four years until the next ABG election in 2015.
Yesterday was a quiet affair at the Bougainville electoral office in Buka, with no nominations received by returning officer Gordon Semoso although locals anticipate more than 15 candidates registering their intentions to contest by end of this week.
Bougainville electoral commissioner Reitama Taravaru said yesterday that the by-election was proceeding despite the commission not yet receiving its K170,000 for election administration from the Autonomous Bougainville Administration.
“We have five weeks from close of nomination next week to polling, that is enough time for administration to release some money if not all of the money. Our biggest cost will be the printing of ballot papers, we will be printing about 6000 ballot papers,” said Taravaru.
He advised that based on the updated electoral roll prepared for the by-election, 4,500 eligible voters will be going to the polls next month.
As of this afternoon only three people have nominated.
They are a former public servant, JOEL NOGA, former combatant, EDDIE MOHIN and former Leitana Council of Elders leader, JOEL BANAM.
More people are expected to nominate before close of nomination this Friday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Momis encouraged Bougainvilleans
ABG President Chief John Momis is calling on Bougainvilleans to work together to take up steps that will empower them economically.
He said most times people criticized the government for not providing services like education, health and roads but the government has no money available to provide these services.
He added monies given by the National government to ABG it’s totally inadequate and cannot provide for the services needed.
Mr Momis said funds also given by the Australian government, European Union plus others including the Japanese government in building bridges in Bougainville are highly appreciated but also not enough.
Chief Momis urged Bougainvilleans to break the chain of dependency syndrome to be free and not to ask for money all the time.
He encouraged the people to unite, stand firm and work together for economic empowerment at all levels for the 270 thousand Bougainvilleans.
Mr Momis said people in Bougainville must work together for a common goal that is to develop Bougainville.
Source: The National
Bougainville, China sign business deal
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville and China will start a joint-venture import-export business in October.
ARB President John Momis said his government was working on first joint-venture company with China for the import and export of manufactured goods by October.
Momis said the joint venture arrangement would effectively cut down on high mark-up charges which middle-men placed on goods imported from China.
“We will cut down on the unnecessary costs that greedy businessmen place on goods that they buy cheaply from China. Our people throughout the region would benefit from affordable store goods imported directly from China,” Momis said.
In return, Bougainville will export agriculture commodities including cocoa, copra and fruits such as banana, pineapple and mangoes to generate revenue for the region.
“We are talking with NARI and CCI to establish training for our farmers.
“Through this arrangement, our farmers would be able to learn modern scientific skills to help grow good farm produce and learn ways of preserving produce for export,” he said.
He said mining was another alternative revenue-generating source for the region which his government was working closely with stakeholders including landowners and the national government on.
Momis said the process of drawing down mining powers to the autonomous region was too slow.
“I personally am not happy at how slow the process is going and those involved say it is because we have no capacity.
“We will find capacity, we will find sources to help develop capacity, we have to think outside the box for ways to generate revenue,” he said.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Mass defection installs new PNG PM
Papua New Guineans are waking up to a new political landscape after the shock appointment of a new Prime Minister.
A mass defection from the government's ranks paved the way for the appointment of Peter O'Neil as the country's new leader.
Many people will welcome the new government but it doesn't have much time to show it's any better than the one it replaced.
Presenter: Liam Fox
Speaker: Peter O'Neill, PNG Prime Minister; Susuve Laumea, political commentator
Listen here !
It's not called the land of the unexpected for nothing.
Nearly a decade of rare political stability under the leadership of Sir Michael Somare has come to an abrupt end.
He was replaced by Peter O'Neill during a dramatic sitting of Parliament.
Mr O'Neill was the Works Minister until he and several other government MPs defected to the opposition yesterday.
The opposition used its bolstered numbers to have the PM's office declared vacant and then elected Mr O'Neill as the country's new leader.
"Circumstances beyond our control have led to this situation at present," Mr O'Neill told parliament..
"It is not easy to replace a man of such stature, but Mr Speaker, we will do our best to work in the best interest of our country."
The circumstance Mr O'Neill is referring to is the lengthy absence of Sir Michael Somare.
The 75 year old has been in hospital in Singapore for nearly four months recovering from several heart operations.
Without his influence the government became paralysed by infighting and the competing ambitions of senior ministers tore it apart.
Sir Michael remains in intensive care and its unclear if he's been made aware of the new political reality.
Long time journalist and political commentator Susuve Laumea says the country is in unchartered waters.
"This has never happened before in the 36 years of PNG's independence, it's the first time a Prime Minister has been turfed out of office using a very obscure provision of parliamentary practice," he says.
Nevertheless Mr Laumea says many Papua New Guineans will be happy to see the end of the Somare government.
"There was popular disenchantment from the public for what was happening in government," he says.
"The amount of corruption that was allegedly taking place, the misappropriation of money and a few other unpopular decisions of government.
"And I think the nation was also looking for a change of government."
But the issue is far from settled.
The man who until yesterday was the acting Prime Minister says Mr O'Neill's election was illegal.
Sam Abal says there was no legal documentation to prove the PM's office was vacant and the speaker of parliament "committed an illegal act".
In a statement in which he still describes himself as the acting PM Mr Abal says he'll challenge the legality of yesterday's events in court.
Meanwhile Mr O'Neill says a caretaker government will be put in place today and a cabinet decided over the weekend.
It remains to be seen what if any benefit the change will have for the people of PNG.
With less than a year before national elections are due to be held, the new government doesn't have long to prove it's different to the one it replaced.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Political discontent inspires PNG defections
In Papua New Guinea a new Prime Minister has been sworn in following weeks of uncertainty.
Disgruntled government MPs joined forces with the Opposition to have the prime minister's office declared vacant.
Several government MPs this afternoon abandoned the now former acting Prime Minister Sam Abal, who was appointed by the-then incumbent, Sir Michael Somare, who suffered ill health.
Many political observers were not surprised by the latest turn of events.
Presenter: Sen Lam
Speaker: Paul Barker, director, Institute of National Affairs, Papua New Guinea
Listen here !
BARKER: There'd been a lot of discontent in the Opposition and some government members had been looking for a way for some time, to displace, or at least to show that they wanted change. And of course, many of them felt frustrated over the last few months, by various mechanisms that the Speaker and the sitting government, applied to restraint opportunities of having votes of no confidence, including by actions of the Speaker, but also by long intervals between parliamentary sessions. Parliamentarians were frustrated, among other things, by the very limited amount of time that they have had over the last year or so, actually in parliamentary sessions, and having a chance to ask questions, to debate, to go through normal parliamentary business.
LAM: So was due process followed in this latest episode, when government MPs effectively joined forces with the Opposition, to have the PM's office declared vacant?
BARKER: Yes, they were exploring what the mechanisms that were going to be allowed and for some time, there'd been discussion of the health of the former prime minister Somare, who'd not been attending parliament because of ill health, for many months. There'd been an acting prime minister, for that interval. In a way, they were exploring what the options were, and I think the Opposition looked at some alternatives, which included that if he hadn't been attending parliament for more than a certain period of time, his position was declared vacant. And for a long time, they'd not had an opportunity to get acquiescence from the Speaker to even consider the tabling of a vote. This time around, they obviously did get the ear of the Speaker and then for a vote for a new Prime Minister to be held.
LAM: And the new PM of course is Peter O'Neill, he's the former Works minister - what else do we know about him?
BARKER: Well, he was only for a very short time, the former Works minister. For a longer period of time of late, he was the Treasury and Finance minister, where he seemed to be doing a good job. I think the department staff found that he was responsive and good to work with, and he'd put together the 2011 budget, for a start. But going back, he's from the Southern Highlands province, his mother is from Southern Highlands, his father was 'Kiap' or an old District Officer from the er... from Australia. He's certainly an able, a determined, bright individual, and an astute politician, and certainly ambitious.
LAM: So secure is Mr O'Neill's tenure, given the fairly unconventional manner in which he was anointed?
BARKER: WEll, really, it's not that unconventional, from PNG standards. In the old days, we used to have vote of no-confidence sort of regularly and no one had ever served their full five-year term in office. And it was only really with the passing of the Integrity on Political Parties legislation in 2002, which gave the security of tenure to a sitting government for a full term because it made it just harder for members of parliament, not impossible, but it made it harder for members of parliament to go against the party and the selected Prime Minister that they'd committed themselves to at the beginning of the term.
LAM: In terms of governance, and good governance for Papua New Guinea, how useful is this Opposition initiative?
BARKER: Well, they're going to have office, really effectively, for only eight months and they've really got to demonstrate if they want to be able to secure office next year, they've got to demonstrate that they can run an effective government, hopefully, a transparent government that focuses on what the public really is crying out for. The public has been upset over the last period of time because they've been hearing the high growth rate, the good government revenue, and yet they're not seeing improvements in their lives, in terms of roads and services. So if this current government in their short term can demonstrate they can actually move a few things in the positive direction, they will get Brownie Points for that, and it'll probably help them during the next election. But if they are seen to be doing what some people in the public have perceived to be prevalent in recent months, which is, some members abusing the district or electoral funds, and particularly, the development budget, then that will probably undermine their prospects at the next election.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG’s ousted acting PM to challenge decision in court
The man ousted as Papua New Guinea’s acting prime minister says he will challenge the decision in court.
The country has a new prime minister after disgruntled government MPs joined forces with the Opposition to have the prime minister’s office declared vacant.
MPs then voted to make former treasurer, Peter O’Neill, the replacement for ailing leader Sir Michael Somare.
The vote ousted Sam Abal, whom Sir Michael had appointed acting prime minister in his absence.
Mr Abal has vowed to take up the battle in the nation’s courts and accused Speaker Jeffery Nape of hijacking parliamentary procedures to allow the vote.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The total troupe members is 70.YK bamboo band makes up to 40 of equal gender.
Corporate Dinner at Kuri Village Resort is Scheduled to be held on Saturday 11th August 2011. About K5000 is needed to meet all cost including food. Entertainment will be provided by the travelling troupe.
Port Moresby fundraising is Corporate Dinner scheduled to be held at Gateway Hotel up to 50 tables are target to be sold at K200 per head. The cost of food and drinks is expected to cost K60,000.
The group urgently needs sponsors to pay K5,000 to secure the venue. Salome Rihata is organizing Port Moresby fundraising.
The whole event is programmed by Esther Hamer from PNG Consul Office in Brisbane, Australia.
She is involved with Accommodation, air ticketing,other logistics. Brian Semoso is assisting her with seeking sponsorship on hire of music instruments and venue forfundraising performance by the travelling troupe.
Top Bougainville musicians on the list are led by Bernard Hanga,Emmanuel Muganaua,Marchellin Puso,Freddy Maneo to name a few.
Full information will be out on the Bougainville Tourism and New Dawn websites soon.
The total trip is expected to cost more than K300,000.
For urgent assistance please contact Lucian Taria or Siwi Aipe on email

Committee Members in Buka are as follows, From left to Right.
Benard Hanga, Marchelline Puso,Joachim Mas.Lucian Taria,Aloysius Laukai seated is the Chairman Patrick Koles and Siwi Aipe. Not pictured is Graham Kakarouts
Picture by Aloysius Laukai

Picture of the Group taken at YAPARU POINT on Pororan Island.
Picture by Aloysius Laukai
Source: The National
NA plans court bid to stop PM
NATIONAL Alliance party parliamentarians are expected to file an injunction today to stop the appointment and swearing-in of Peter O’Neill as prime minister.
While the National and Supreme Court registry in Waigani yesterday received only a faxed letter from National Alliance MPs on their intention to file an injunction, a registry source said the application was likely to be filed today.
It was reported late yesterday that a stay order had been issued on the appointment of Ialibu-Pangia MP O’Neill as the new prime minister.
Late yesterday evening, the Waigani National and Supreme Court yard had diplomatic vehicles from the Australian High Commission whose officers were reportedly trying to find out from the court registrar out about the legal situation.
A vehicle was turned away at the gates and the driver told by the guards to come back today.
Source: The National
‘No vacancy in PM’s post’
LEGAL opinion yesterday agreed that there was no vacancy in the position of prime minister.
Government lawyer Peter Donigi said: “This is just outright illegality. The section 142 process (as stipulated in the Constitution) has been initiated. It has not been concluded yet.
“What happened today (yesterday) amounts to a vote of no confidence in the prime minister.
“This would mean that section 105 (1) (b) of the constitution is invoked which states that if a vote of no confidence is successful within the 12 month period before elections then parliament is dissolved and fresh elections be called,” he said.
“I agree that there is no vacancy in the office of the PM.
“The Opposition leader has no right to declare the office vacant.
“That office can only become vacant if one of the events outlined in section 142(5) exists.”
Source: The National
O’Neill is PM
IALIBU-Pangia MP Peter O’Neill is the new prime minister, winning by an overwhelming 70-24 votes in a surprise election orchestrated by the opposition in parliament yesterday.
Disgruntled MPs of the National Alliance-led coalition government crossed the floor with O’Neill in what was a major political coup to dismantle the nine-year coalition of ailing Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare who had, in April, handed over the rein to Wabag MP Sam Abal.
The election yesterday saw a major split in the coalition with NA’s southern, islands and highlands blocs and partners United Resources, Pangu and People’s Action parties.
The only party that moved together across the floor was O’Neill’s People’s National Congress which was rewarded with the prime minister’s post. Up until yesterday, he was works minister.
Foreign Affairs Minister Ano Pala, Internal Security Minister Mark Maipakai, Tourism Minister Guma Wau, Lands Minister Lucas Dekena, Provincial Affairs Minister Job Pomat and Environment Minister Benny Allan broke ranks to side with the opposition and vote in the new prime minister.
While congratulatory messages poured in, the ousted Abal maintained that there was no vacancy in the post of prime minister, adding that he would challenge the election in court (see separate story).
Legal opinion from leading lawyers also agreed there was no vacancy but said the law was silent on whether or not parliament could declare a vacancy in circumstances such as what persists, where the incumbent prime minister has been absent from duty for three months.
When parliament started at 2pm, Speaker Jeffery Nape, who had been in camp with the opposition the previous night, invited Opposition leader Belden Namah who then suspended Standing Orders.
Namah, who mustered the numbers despite interjections from the government benches, declared the office of the prime minister vacant according to the Constitution.
He then moved for parliament to proceed to elect a new prime minister.
In what was apparently an orchestrated move, Nape then called for nominations for a new prime minister.
Namah then nominated O’Neill and was seconded by Hagen MP and URP leader William Duma.
Outspoken Bulolo MP Sam Basil moved to close nomination.
O’Neill accepted the nomination and Nape called for a vote.
He scored 70-24 votes to secure PNG’s top post.
Parliament was suspended after the election and O’Neill, accompanied by Kandep MP Don Polye, Duma, Sir Mekere Morauta, Sir Julius Chan and other MPs, left for Government House to be sworn in.
Although there was a slight delay due to lateness of the instruments, O’Neill was eventually sworn into office by Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio.
The new government then returned to parliament where the new prime minister made his statement, thanking those who elected him to the top post.
O’Neill thanked Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare for his leadership over the years and stated that “circumstances beyond our control led to this situation”. He also thanked Nape for the smooth proceedings of parliament.
He said that the government had enough experience in former prime ministers in Sir Julius and Sir Mekere, former deputy prime ministers Dr Allan Marat, Polye, Moses Maladina and Sir Puka combining with young leaders for a trustworthy government.
“We are a government that will be fair and accountable to the people. A government that is responsive to their needs,” O’Neill said.
“It will be a government for the majority and not a few as in the past.”
O’Neill said a caretaker team would be announced today and a full cabinet announced by the weekend before parliament resumes next Tuesday.
Source: The National
Sir Rabbie InterOil chairman
FORMER prime minister and senior statesman Sir Rabbie Namaliu has joined InterOil’s PNG advisory board as the chairman.
It is a management group being formed to assist InterOil in discussions with government departments in developing the Gulf LNG project.
Sir Rabbie: “I am pleased to chair InterOil’s PNG advisory board, and look forward to bringing the Gulf LNG project to fruition.
“The gas project might be the most significant source of revenue for the PNG government over the next 30 years.
“It would bring jobs and infrastructure to one of our least-developed provinces and generate benefits to all the people of Papua New Guinea for many years,” Sir Rabbie said.
Phil Mulacek, InterOil chief executive officer, yesterday said in a statement: “Sir Rabbie has been an inspiration and a dedicated servant to the country of Papua New Guinea for his entire career.
“We welcome him to our team and appreciate his support for our Gulf LNG project.
Sir Rabbie served as prime minister between 1988 and 1992.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG has new PM as position declared vacant and govt MPs defect
Papua New Guinea has a new Prime Minister after disgruntled government MPs joined forces with the Opposition to have the Prime Minister’s office declared vacant.
The newly-bolstered opposition successfully moved to have the vacancy declared because of veteran Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare’s prolonged absence from parliament.
Works and Transport Minister Peter O’Neill then won a vote on the floor of parliament and was elected prime minister.
Mr O’Neill, an MP from the Southern Highlands, was elected by 70 votes to 24.
He had recently been demoted from the role of Treasurer after outgoing acting Prime Minister Sam Abal took over from the ailing Sir Michael whose "retirement" was announced by his family in June on health grounds.
Sir Michael has been in Singapore since April receiving medical treatment on his heart condition.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG Parliament elect Peter O'Neill as new Prime Minister

New Prime Minister : Peter O'Neill
Papua New Guinea has a new Prime Minister.
He is the former works minister Peter O'Neill who won a vote on the floor of parliament this afternoon in a snap election by MPs.
Mr O'Neill was elected after disgruntled government M-Ps joined forces with the Opposition to have the prime minister's office declared vacant.
The newly bolstered opposition successfully moved to have the prime minister's office declared vacant because of Sir Michael Somare's ongoing absence due to poor health.
Mr O'Neill takes over from the acting prime minister Sam Abal.
Presenter: Bruce Hill
Speaker: PNG Correspondent, Liam Fox
Listen here !
Source: ESBC Research
A sudden end of a long career as politician!
After months of absence due to major heart problems, Sir Michael Somare, 75, has been outsted as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea today. Former Treasurer and Work Minister Peter O'Neil is supposed to become elected as new Prime Minister.
In the past, Somare repeatedly had been in focus amongst others for misconduct in office and allegations as corruption. Sir Michael is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Papua New Guinea. He is also supposed to be behind the so called California law suite accusing mining giant Rio Tinto, set up by his alleged friend US lawyer Paul Stocker, now 87.
In the past Somare also tried to install his son, Arthur Somare, as his successor as Prime Minister. Arthur Somare actually faces a trial for misconduct in office.
Since spring this year Sir Michael stays at the Singapore Raffles Medical Centre for treatment. He was replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Sam Abal.
Sir Michael Somare was supposed to entertain a good relationship to China while his relations to former colonial power Australia were moderate.

Ousted as Grand Chief : PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare
Source: Post-Courier
PNG urged to re-open Cairns consulate
Australia PNG Business Council president Peter Taylor has called for the PNG government to reopen the Cairns consulate to facilitate the flow of business between both countries.
“PNG is enjoying an almost unprecedented boom in business activity, and one of the side effects is the arrival congestion at Jackson’s International Airport. This congestion could be reduced if more people arrived on flights from Cairns, instead of mostly originating from Sydney and Brisbane, where their visas for travel to PNG have been issued,” Mr Taylor said.
“The Business Council encourages the PNG Government to move quickly to re-open the Cairns Consulate to facilitate issue of visas for the growing number of visitors seeking to enter PNG through Australia’s northern gateway, including the increasing number of business people from northern Queensland now doing business in PNG. This should be of benefit to the business communities of both neighbouring nations.”
Mr Taylor noted that there was a lot of scope for both governments to work together to streamline visa and travel arrangements for travel in each direction, and in particular for the reduction of arrival congestion at Jackson’s Airport.
Mr Taylor made the suggestion during a visit to PNG which included a meeting with acting Prime Minister Sam Abal.
He said the Business Council appreciated the support Mr Abal had provided for its inter-country work during his tenure as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and looked forward to further opportunities to work together.
“Mr Abal is a strong supporter of government engaging positively with business to advance economic and employment growth in PNG and the Council is committed to continuing its contribution to PNG’s economic development,” Mr Taylor said.
Peter Taylor, who was elected President of the Australia PNG Business Council in May, is continuing a round of introductory meetings with a range of other government senior officials and business leaders.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG leaders quizzed over boom in Chinese projects
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government leaders have been called on to explain to the people of Bougainville why the region is “infested with Chinese” and what has become of the Bougainville Resource Development Corporation/Invincible deal.
“Everywhere we go, it’s China here, China there, China mining, China mega city and China plantations, and China, China, China,” an angry former fighter cum businessman who requested anonymity said.
“Not long Bougainville will be tured into China! I say this because we are hearing about the Chinese mega city at Kokopau, Chinese having equity in all plantations, Chinese MOUs signed in China on tourism and hospitality, airlines industry, helicopter and not to mention mining - that’s all there is to their interest. We also hear there is so much million of US dollars parked in a foreign account belonging to some ABG leadership. This calls for an explanation.
“What has come about of the BRDC/Invincible deal? The last we heard of it was immediately after the inauguration in June 2010 when the ABG announced they were investigating it and since then, nothing has come about. Or is it because our ABG leadership has also fallen into the same trap that our sincere first ABG president, the late Joseph Kabui, got his hands burnt for it (BRDC/Invincible). The Kabui model may have been a stepping stone for ABG to follow but it looks like every time a new president comes in, he/she will also come in with his or her own model – like now we have the Chinese,” he said.
The one time rebel hardliner, who is now running his own small scale agricultural businesses in Buka, Arawa, Tinputs Wakunai and Buin said that he was speaking on behalf of the silent majority of Bougainvilleans.
“You know, we Bougainvilleans are soft hearted people and are too diplomatic. We don’t want to shame or question head on our leaders, but someone has to do it,” he said.
“I know my fellow Bougainvilleans will agree with me, that we are all in the dark about all these Chinese coming in, Chinese businesses and Chinese this and that. It is about time we speak up and the Autonoumous Bougaiville Governmet explain where we are heading. We need a public hearing.” Attempts to get an interview with ABG President John Momis and his Cabinet on the issue were unsuccessful.
Source: Post-Courier
No stability in ABG, says women reps
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has been accused of not having any stability in its leadership, a combined women group from all over the region have stated.
The women groups, consisting those from north, central and south, specifically church and leadership related, said that mothers were in the dark about what was happening in the ABG and at the National Government level.
They accused the ABG and the National Government leaders of not uniting to move Bougainville forward.
“Our women, youth and sports Minister Rose Pihei is doing well, she is working fantastically, but what we are referring to is what we are seeking explanation on – it seems the National Government Ministers are working by themselves and the ABG is working on its own,” spokeswomen Josephine Mirinu said recently.
“We are still seeing that our two instrumental leaders, those that are supposed to lead us into referendum and eventually independence, ABG President John Momis and our Governor and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso, are not working together, they are still working on different wavelengths, this is sad for us, especially when we are struggling to bring back Bougainville to its original status,” she said. “We have women’s groups who have approached the ABG with proposed community activities but they were told that the ABG was broke.”
Source: The National
Taylor: Reopen Cairns consulate
PAPUA New Guinea has been urged to re-open the Cairns consulate without delay to facilitate the flow of business with Australia’s northern municipalities.
Peter Taylor, president of the Australia PNG Business Council, said: “Papua New Guinea is enjoying an almost unprecedented boom in business activity and one of the side effects is the arrival congestion at Jackson’s International Airport.
“This congestion could be reduced if more people arrived on flights from Cairns, instead of mostly originating from Sydney and Brisbane, where their visas for travel to PNG have been issued.
“The Business Council encourages the PNG government to move quickly to re-open the Consulate in Cairns to facilitate to issue of visas for the growing number of visitors seeking to enter PNG through Australia’s northern gateway, including the increasing number of business people from northern Queensland now doing business in Papua New Guinea.
“This should be of benefit to the business communities of both nations,” Taylor said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A Bougainville Tourism and Contemporary troupe is to perform in Brisbane Australia to commemorate Papua New Guinea’s 36th Independence Anniversary.
The troupe will include about forty bamboo band members and members of Bougainville bands who will also take part in the contemporary Bougainville music performance in Brisbane.
The troupe is currently preparing for the trip and have already started practicing and carrying out fundraising activities.
They would be having their first CORPORATE DINNER at the KURI village resort next Saturday.
Chairman of the planning group is the deputy administrator, PATRICK KOLES with members LUCIAN TAREA and SIWI from the tourism office, Benard Hanga from Niu age band, Graeme Kakarouts from Planning, Marchellin Puso and Aloysius Laukai from New Dawn FM will be the publicity officer for the group.
Bougainville was invited by the PNG Consulate in Brisbane for a group to prepare and participate at this year’s independence celebrations.
Funding for this trip would be from sponsor's donations and fundraisings.
The group is appealing to Bougainvilleans within Bougainville and abroad to support as this would be the first Bougainville group to market Bougainville as a tourism destination.
The group will have fundraisings in Port Moresby before departing for Australia. Place and time will be confirmed later for Bougainvilleans in POM CITY.
For more information please go to the Bougainville Tourism website or talk to the Tourism people on Facebook registered as Bougainville Tourism. Also watch for a promotional vedio on Utube sometimes this week.
Committee Members in Buka are as follows, From left to Right.
Benard Hanga, Marchelline Puso,Joachim Mas.Lucian Taria,Aloysius Laukai seated is the Chairman Patrick Koles and Siwi Aipe. Not pictured is Graham Kakarouts
Picture by Aloysius Laukai
Picture of the Group taken at YAPARU POINT on Pororan Island.
Picture by Aloysius Laukai
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG Speaker, ANDREW MIRIKI today condemned the sexual harassment of a staff from the New South Wales Parliament in Buka town at the weekend.
And, he has commended Bougainville Police for quickly apprehending the suspect who is believed to be a youth from Ieta village.
The incident happened on Sunday morning while the NSW Parliament staff was out for an early morning walk from the Destiny Guest House towards Buka market.
The harassment of the female staff has raised concern on the staff from the New South Wales Parliament who travel to Bougainville under the New South Wales and Bougainville parliamentary partnership arrangement.
The committee director from New South Wales arrived on Saturday for her one month attachment with the Parliamentary Committee Secretariat and the Public Accounts Committee and for the incident to happen to her on the second day on Bougainville has disturbed all of us said MR. MIRIKI.
ABG Speaker MIRIKI returned yesterday after attending the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in London, will communicate an apology letter to the Speaker of the New South Wales Parliament for what has happened and trusts that the person responsible will answer for the crime committed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Autonomous Bougainville Government Vice President and Health Minister Patrick Nisira has urged the national government to review its health plan with a view to ensure that eye care is recognized as an important part of health care in PNG.
Mr. Nisira claimed during the opening of Bougainville’s first vision centre in Buka last Friday that over the years, governments at the national and provincial levels have given eye care very little attention.
He advised that the national government needs to ensure that there are adequate number of eye care personnel to perform reasonable quality refractions especially in remote rural areas.
Mr. Nisira also added that PNG and Bougainville need community level eye care personnel to be trained to promote awareness of eye health conditions, perform basic vision screening and referral and have proper spectacles readily available in community level.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville president John Momis says he is not happy with the current slow progress it is taking to draw down mining powers from the PNG government to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Mr. Momis said mining is a means to generating more revenue for the autonomous region and constant progress needs to be made to ensure his government is able to eventually tap into mining for alternative revenue opportunities.
He said the slow progress was attributed by authorities involved to lack of capacity that Bougainville had.
Mr. Momis assured that his government would find the sources to help develop the capacity needed and urged all stakeholders to think outside the box.
He added that his government is working closely with stakeholders including landowners and the national government to ensuring all issues with mining in Bougainville is resolved.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville set for Joint Venture with China
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville John Momis says his government will establish its first joint venture company for direct import and export of manufactured goods with China in three months time.
Speaking to the media on Saturday, Mr. Momis said the joint venture arrangement would effectively cut down on high mark up charges that middle man place on goods imported from China.
He said the establishment of the import and export business will cut down on the unnecessary costs that greedy businessman place on goods that they buy cheap from China.
In return, Bougainville will export agriculture commodities including cocoa, copra and fruits like banana, pineapple and mangoes to generate more revenue for the region.
He added that ABG is in talks with NARI and CCI to establish training for Bougainville farmers.
Mr. Momis said through this arrangement, farmers would be able to learn modern scientific knowledge and skills to help grow good produce and also learn ways of preserving produce for export.
$438,000 worth of empty checks
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (PNG Post-Courier, Aug. 1, 2011) – About 1 million kina [US$438,000] worth of cheques earmarked for special and small scale projects distributed to groups in Central Bougainville have bounced back.
And the Autonomous Bougainville Government has been blamed for the bouncing cheques.
Women groups, church, sports fraternities, youth groups and schools in Central Bougainville, Kieta and Arawa, Wakunai and rural parts of that region who have been presented cheques by Minister for Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso last month as funding for their proposals by groups advised the cheques have bounced back.
The K1 million project funds were sourced by Minister Semoso after he received numerous proposals from those in Central Bougainville for projects by the women, churches, youth, sports groups and schools specifically of Panguna areas.
Minister Semoso was on duty in Port Moresby all of last week and could not be reached but his office has advised the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) should answer up to the mishap because they may have diverted the Minister’s funds sourced specifically to develop central Bougainville from the National Government. They explained that the funds go to the ABG’s operating account and because it was released from Waigani, ABG should explain to the groups in central for the bouncing cheques. The ABG finance office and its administration was approached last week to comment but refused a word as they claimed it was an in house issue.
Minister Semoso arrived in Buka over the weekend and confirmed on the issue but told the Post-Courier that he was going to sort it out with the ABG this week because they were the ones that might have diverted the funds sourced specifically for projects in Central Bougainville.
Source: The National
Civilian shot as Konnou conflict continues
A CIVILIAN in the Konnou area of South Bougainville is recovering at the Buin health centre after he was allegedly shot by men claiming to be members of the former South Bougainville combatant leader Damien Koike.
Buin police station commander John Popui said the man was at home in Tabago when the men entered and shot him in the arm.
Popui said efforts to establish dialogue with Koike had been hampered by a group of thugs attacking unarmed villagers.
Last week, a party of five former combatants from the North and Central regions travelled to South Bougainville hoping to talk with the warring factions including Koike and the Wissai Liberation Movement.
But they had to abandon their mission and re-consider their next course of action after an ambush they suspected was intended for them was foiled by local police.
The team’s visit followed a recent decision by the 110 former combatants of Bougainville to resolve on going local conflicts in the Konnou area which had taken the lives of more than 60 people including women and children.
Source: The National
Vision Centre for Buka
THE people of Buka and Bougainville will not have to go to other centres for eye care.
The launch of the Buka Vision Centre last Friday was a milestone for the region and for PNG Eye Care adding to its established centres in Port Moresby, Mt Hagen and Lae.
The Vision Centre is an initiative of PNG Eye Care and the International Centre for Eyecare Education (ICEE) with funding from the Australian government’s Avoidable Blindness Initiative.
The Vision Centre is designed to provide quality, free eye examinations and affordable eye glasses.
The facilities will also provide a long term solution to eye care service availability.
The initiative aims to ultimately reduce avoidable blindness and vision impairment in Papua New Guinea.
The Vision Centre is supported by the Australian government’s avoidable blindness initiative through the Vision 2020 Australia Global Consortium.
The Global Consortium is a partnership of nine Australian eye health and vision care organisations working to eliminate avoidable blindness and vision loss in the Asia-Pacific region.
Bougainville Vice-President and Health Minister Patrick Nisira said: “Our sight is an equally important part of our body and yet is the most neglected in the country and in the region.
“I am very happy and grateful to PNG Eye Care and its partners for bringing a much needed service to Bougainville.”
Buka General Hospital chief executive officer Dr Cyril Imako also expressed his support for the new centre.
“The PNG Eye Care Centre could not have come to Bougainville at a better time.
“It has been a long time that the people of Bougainville have been in need of a local eye
care centre.
“On behalf of Buka General Hospital, we are proud to be working very closely with PNG Eye Care, and I would like to welcome this service to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.”
PNG Eye Care board president and National Prevention of Blindness Committee PNG chairperson Dr Jambi Garap welcomed the new Vision Centre expansion.
“This is an exciting time for PNG Eye Care. The opening of two more vision centres, Buka and Mendi later this month, we believe is going a long way to extending long term eye care services to more remote parts of the country.
“PNG Eye Care is offering a solution: it is a fact that without affordable, accessible eye care, communities suffer.
“Sustainable vision care delivery helps create opportunities for individuals, families and ultimately the community,” Garap said.
These is a desperate need for eye care services in PNG and a recent study suggested that 29.2% and 8.9% of people over the age of 50 are vision impaired and functionally blind respectively.
Uncorrected refractive error (or the need for a pair of glasses to see) and cataract are the leading causes of vision impairment.
PNG Eye Care will continue to work with ICEE to make a sustainable eye care service more accessible to people in Mendi and Buka.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Chinese businessmen look at investing in Bougainville
The Autonomous Bougainville government in PNG has so far signed seven Memorandum Of Understanding with Chinese investors for joint venture businesses with Bougainvilleans.
Bougainville's President John Momis says the MOUs are for Chinese investments in the areas of mining, fishing, agriculture and import-export.
Mr Momis says his government wants joint venture businesses rather than stand alone investments.
He says this is to avoid the practice of unscrupulous businessmen flying in to make a quick buck and then disappearing.
Presenter: Firmin Nanol
Speaker: John Momis, President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government
Listen here !
Source: Post-Courier
Cheques bounce back in Bougainville
ABOUT K1 million kina worth of cheques earmarked for special and small scale projects distributed to groups in Central Bougainville have bounced back.
And the Autonomous Bougainville Government has been blamed for the bouncing cheques.
Women groups, church, sports fraternities, youth groups and schools in Central Bougainville, Kieta and Arawa, Wakunai and rural parts of that region who have been presented cheques by Minister for Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso last month as funding for their proposals by groups advised the cheques have bounced back.
The K1 million project funds were sourced by Minister Semoso after he received numerous proposals from those in Central Bougainville for projects by the women, churches, youth, sports groups and schools specifically of Panguna areas.
Minister Semoso was on duty in Port Moresby all of last week and could not be reached but his office has advised the ABG should answer up to the mishap because they may have diverted the Minister’s funds sourced specifically to develop central Bougainville from the National Government. They explained that the funds go to the ABG’s operating account and because it was released from Waigani, ABG should explain to the groups in central for the bouncing cheques. The ABG finance office and its administration was approached last week to comment but refused a word as they claimed it was an in house issue.
Minister Semoso arrived in Buka over the weekend and confirmed on the issue but told the Post-Courier that he was going to sort it out with the ABG this week because they were the ones that might have diverted the funds sourced specifically for projects in Central Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
New vision centre for Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLEANS will now have an opportunity to have their eyes checked at their doorsteps, thanks to the setting up of a vision centre in Buka.
The PNG Eye Care was opened a Vision Centre in Buka officially on Friday.
ABG vice President Patrick Nisira was given the honour to cut the ribbon and open the centre which will serve the population of Bougainville.
Operations manager Eileen Tugum, in her brief to the media in Buka, said the centre will have two people who will provide eye screening and dispensing of spectacles.
“Buka General Hospital does not have an eye clinic and people needed glasses, and they depended on a non-government organisation Callan Services or travel long distances to Rabaul or Port Moresby and Lae for eye care services,” Ms Tugum said.
“PNG eye care is a local non-governmental organisation in PNG, established in early 2008 as a capacity building initiative of the international centre for Eye Care Education (ICEE). It aims to provide affordable, accessible and good quality eye care to the people of PNG, to help eliminate avoidable blindness in PNG through its improved opportunities in education, employment and quality life.”