The rambunctious Leonard Roka is now in print
FOR ALL THOSE FANS OF CAPTAIN BOUGAINVILLE, the immutable champion of island verisimilitude and the sudden nightmare of the pusillanimous, Pukpuk Publications is proud to announce the publication of Leonard Fong Roka’s first volume of poetry.

The Pomong U’tau of Dreams: A Bougainvillean Collection of Poetry is vintage Roka. Every page promises a new way to subvert the English language and jar the sensibilities of the mind.
This is what Roka is famous for and his collection of poetry delivers from the first page right through to the end.
This stuff is awe-inspiring and remains wholly unleavened.
It is raw, brutal, gut-wrenching, gentle, emotional and funny poetry which has a mesmerising pulchritude that will leave you wondering about the unlimited and unrestrained power of the written word.
The poetry smells and sweats of Bougainville. It encapsulates the terror and the heart-wrenching tragedy that has driven the unquenchable spirit of these blacker than black islanders.
Understand Roka and you understand Bougainville.
This is literature in the making and the beginning of a new grand tradition in Melanesian writing.
Buy a copy now and you will own a part of history.
Four sections: Poems for the Beauty of Our Land; Poems on the Bougainville Crisis; Poems on Love and Life; and Poems on Bougainville Politics.
$US10 for 132 delicious pages on Amazon now!